Old Ones (Palladium Fantasy RPG) - PDF Free Download (2024)

Warning! Violence and the Supernatural The fantasy World of the Palladium Role-Playing Game® is violent, deadly and filled with magic and monsters. Other dimensional beings, demons, and sorcerers torment, stalk and enslave humans. Monsters, gods, magic, insanity, cannibalism, war and heroic adventure are all elements of this book. Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements inappropriate for young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion. Please note that none of us at Palladium Books condone or encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

An adventure and sourcebook for the Palladium Fantasy RPG®. Compatible with the entire Palladium Books® Megaverse®!

Still dedicated to the old ones who helped a runny nosed kid in his career, the Kuch, Orz, Wesson, Arv and Al. — Kevin Siembieda, 1996

Second Printing of the Second Edition — January, 2000

Original Printing —1984

Copyright © 1996 & 1984 Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, World Wide. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form

or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental. Palladium Books®, Rifts® and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. The Old Ones, Timiro, Credia, The Place of Magic, Mind Mage, Diabolist, Summoner, Tristine Chronicles, Dragonwright, Wolfen, Baalgor Wastelands, Yin-Sloth Jungles, Adventures on the High Seas, Monsters & Animals, Palladium Fantasy RPG, and other names and titles are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Owner of Trademarks Palladium Books®, Rifts®, Megaverse®, Old Ones™: Kevin Siembieda. Licensed User: Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Fantasy RPG™ Book II: Old Ones, 2nd Edition is published by Palladium Books Inc., 12455 Universal Drive, Taylor, MI 48180. Printed in the USA. 2

Palladium Boob® Presold:

-Palladium Fantasy RPG® Book II: Second Edition Written By: Kevin Siembieda Senior Editor: Alex Marciniszyn Editors: James A. Osten Julius Rosenstein Cover Painting: Martin McKenna Interior Artists: Scott Johnson Dave Carson Martin McKenna Ramon Perez Michael Kucharski Kevin Siembieda Maps: Kevin Siembieda with assistance from Maryann Siembieda Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda Keylining: Maryann Siembieda Kevin Siembieda Typography: Maryann Siembieda Special Thanks to Scott Johnson, Dave Carson, and Ramon Perez for breathing new life into this book with their powerful artwork. Martin Mckenna for a truly evocative cover and some interior art as well. Maryann for her incredible contributions behind the scene to get this book out on time. And to Julius, Jim, Alex and all the Palladium wizards for their hard work and efforts. —Kevin Siembieda 3

Contents Old Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Minotaur; Optional Player Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Minotaur R.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Disciple of the Old Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Minotaur Chaos Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Monk Scholar; An Optional O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Minotaurs & The Old Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Evasive Combat of the Monk Scholar . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Illusionist P.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Power of Illusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Travel Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Cities Timero Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A c o r o c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 A r a c h o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Credia: The Capital C i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The Hidden Demon Lords of Credia . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Main Plaza Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Dock A r e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Old T i m i r o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 R a n k i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 S m i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Tanis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Tomoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Alphabetical List of Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 A r i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 A r i a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 B a c a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Barbera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 B a s s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Beeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Bith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Calra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Erat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 G e d r o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Hanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Kwia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 M a r m a n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Nibis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 N i r a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Nisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Partha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 P a r p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 S i m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 S i n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 S y a n d a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Tanith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Y r i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Forts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Where to B e g i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Adventure of the Mystic P a r c e l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 The Journey to Arian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 The Giant Fire Brand & His Raiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 The R a i d e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Ogre Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 The Four Ogre L e a d e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Ogre Caravan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 The Adventure of the Hidden Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 The Legend of the Death-Song Tome . . . . . . . . . . . 151 The Two Northern Travelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 The Hidden Temple S c e n a r i o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 The Skeleton-Thing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 The Northern Corridor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Forest of Enchantment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Tyrod the Pixie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 The Haunted F o r e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Uncle Basil's Traveling M a r k e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 The Secret Compalex of the Old O n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Winged Serpent Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 The Eternity S w o r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 The Place of M a g i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 The Town of W i n d t h r o p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Latimur K a l y e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 The Mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Raven Darkhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 In the Heart of the R u i n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 The C o n t a g i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Pseudo-Demon S o c i e t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 The Canals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Secret Complex of the Canals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 The Tunnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Kingdom of the Walking D e a d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Minotaur P o p u l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Armory P r e - L e v e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 The A r m o r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 "K" S e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Medallion of T h o t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Place of M a g i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Dwarven Complex of Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 The Old One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Dehlmark's C i r c l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 The Lair of the Old One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Minions of Syth, the Old O n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 /

Maps The Timiro Kingdom Kingdom............................................25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Timiro Kingdom O v e r v i e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

City Maps A c o r o c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Aracho Map A, B & C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Aracho Map D & E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Aracho Map F, G & H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Central C r e d i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Credia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Credia: Main Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Credia: Dock A r e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Credia: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Old T i m i r o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Old Timiro: Park S i d e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 R a n k i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 S m i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tanis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Tomoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Forts Fort Type O n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Fort Type T w o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Fort Type T h r e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Town Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Aria . . . . . . . . Arian . . . . . . . .....;....................... 77 B a c a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Barbera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Basst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Beeg. 87 Bith . 88 Calra 90 Erat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 G e d r o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

H a n n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Kwia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 M a r m a n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 M e d i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Nibis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Nira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Nisi P e n i n s u l a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Nisi ( T o w n ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 P a r t h a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Partha: O v e r v i e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 P a r p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 S i m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 S i n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 S y a n d a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 T a n i t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Tax. 125 127 Yria

Adventure Maps Forest of Enchantment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 The Hidden T e m p l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Place of Magic, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Place of Magic: Armory, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Place of Magic: Armory P r e - L e v e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Place of Magic: The Canals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Place of Magic: The C a r n i v a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Place of Magic: Dwarven Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Place of Magic: Old One C o m p l e x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Place of Magic: Old One Complex (South End) . . . . . 222 Place of Magic: The Tunnels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Secret Complex of the Old Ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 The V a l l e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

The Old Ones The Old Ones are said to have existed long before the dawn of man. They ruled the Palladium World (and some suggest dozens of others) for untold millenniums. An unrecorded period of history that has become known as the Time of Chaos. Powerful beyond human imagination, the Old Ones are credited as the

originators of all magic and numerous life forms, including the elf, changeling, titan and dragon. Many modern scholars and sorcerers disagree, arguing that such claims are likely to be nothing more than old myths with only a few crumbs of truth to them. Unfortunately, most of the world's knowledge about the dreaded Old Ones is based entirely on myths and the cryptic writings of the Tristine Chronicles. As myth and legend, these stories have been told, embellished and altered as they were passed down from generation to generation for over 100,000 years. Undoubtedly, over the centuries, many of the stories have been created by one person or another, for one reason or another — a moral, an explanation for the unknown, a frightening tale, etc. — without regard to fact or truth. Consequently, fact and fiction have become indistinguishable. What is known is that the Old Ones dominated the planet, and possibly other worlds or dimensions for thousands, perhaps millions of years. They were alien intelligences of incredible power, inhuman emotions and minds. A power they used to create sorrow and despair for all of those under their thrall. It is described in the Tristine Chronicles how the dragons, titans, elves, and other archaic races (most perished in the battle) joined forces to destroy the Old Ones in a battle that would reshape the face of the planet. In the end, the Old Ones proved to be invincible, but fell to a powerful magic slumber created by the angel Lokum, the dragon Kym-nark-mar and the elf Lictalon (and perhaps others). Concerned that destroying the monsters might create a backlash of cosmic energy of cataclysmic proportions, the champions of light left the Old Ones to sleep, imprisoned in the very bowels of the planet where they could not (theoretically) be discovered or disturbed.

More Myth Many clergy, particularly those who worship the gods of Light, insist that it is the Old Ones' aura of evil that reaches out even while they sleep and infects humanoids with their evil. Envy, betrayal, pestilence and all the sins and misfortunes of mankind are said to be caused by their essences, even though they sleep. Some clergy go as far as to suggest that changelings, ogres, ores, goblins and the other nonhuman races hostile to man are the manifestations of the Old Ones' evil. But here, we slip

back into the realm of myth. It is said that the Old Ones are maleficent forces of evil that enjoy pain, sorrow, and misery. Some legends have even suggested that they fed on the dark emotions of the beings they enslaved, just as humans eat meats and vegetables for their sustenance. Although they are believed to be creatures of flesh, it is said that the energy known as magic courses through every vein of their massive, hideous, tentacled bodies; the ultimate creatures of magic, but creatures without conscience or love of any other lifeform.

Alien to this world, they found the inhabitants to be a wonderful source to satisfy their hunger. Thus, elf, titan, and a host of others became the playthings and food source of monsters. Other beings were (according to legend) created by the Old Ones or brought from other worlds to serve and entertain them. All the lesser beings, rich with emotions, were bled of their emotions for nourishment as well as pleasure. The Old Ones are said to derive an ecstasy incomprehensible to mortals by absorbing the emotions of others. Pain, anguish, sorrow, hate, fear and similar emotions are the strongest, most intense, and thus the most tangible and delectable emotions to these creatures. Thus, the Old Ones cultivated and nurtured that which was evil and caused chaos and suffering. For this reason, they have become known as creatures of ultimate evil, as indeed they are. The Old Ones respect no other life forms, looking upon all life as theirs to do with as they please. Pawns to be manipulated to feed their unholy hunger. Decadent, twisted beasts, they enjoyed transforming themselves into completely different life forms so that they could experience first-hand the pains and pleasures of the mortal body. They devised many ways to do this (one of which is shown in the adventure of the Old Ones Secret Complex). Another is a forgotten power circle that can transform any creature into any other life form, complete with that creature's abilities. However, the Old Ones were not omnipotent or omniscient, consequently the circle is flawed, making the transformation is so complete that all memory of one's previous existence (even as an Old One) is forever wiped clean from the mind, and never to be regained. According to some myths, the famous god of light, magic and knowledge, Thoth, who is said to have played an instrumental roll in the defeat of the Old Ones, was himself one of the very creatures he sought to destroy. As the story goes, Thoth is said to have been an Old One of great power (unnamed in the legends) who fell victim to the aforementioned power circle (of which he may very well have been the creator). The transformation forever (?) changed him into Thoth and erased the memory of his past existence as an Old One. Since then, Thoth has carved himself a new place of power among the gods in the pantheon of Isis. Thoth dismisses these tales as rubbish, unsubstantiated myth or pure madness. He is known to have little humor regarding these allegations and can become enraged if pressured about them. Thoth has proven a thousand times that he stands on the side of light, but still his enemies circulate the rumors and suspicions. They point out that Thoth is an anomaly even among the greatest and most powerful of gods. They claim that in his reincarnated state he is one of the most powerful beings in the megaverse, although a dim reflection of the power he once commanded as the Greatest of the Old Ones. They warn that he should not — cannot — be trusted, and that Thoth may deny his loathsome past, but when the god rests, he has frightening dreams of his former existence as Xy, the Great Old One. Fact or fantasy? Nobody knows. Its probably best we never find out.

Hierarchy of the Old Ones The most powerful of the Old Ones each chose a particular force or aspect of evil/suffering that would become its symbol and its jurisdiction to inflict, extracting the pleasures of that particular pain. The following are some of the myths and legends concerning these beings.

Xy, the Great Old One Symbol of Power Incarnate Deceived by Ya-blik (Betrayal) and Al-vil (Envy), Xy is said to have fallen victim to some dark magic of his own design and vanished. Whether he live in another dimension, was destroyed, or really was transformed into Thorn, is a mystery that is likely to never be revealed. It was Xy's disappearance that weakened

the Old Ones and sparked the rebellion that would eventually see them defeated. The Tristine Chronicles reports the following: "And so that it was the treachery woven by Betrayal and Envy gave light its chance to shine. For when Xy, the Greatest of the Evil Ones, was made to fall victim to magic of his own making and vanish from this world, the darkness did tremble. In the absence of the Great Old One, the forces of chaos warred amongst itself. So it was that the first sparks of light found hope

in the darkness and grew to a blaze that surprised the retreating void. Thus, Light was born and rose up to smite the rumbling darkness. But the black of evil was strong. The battle twixt light and dark would rage for an eon. A multitude would perish, and many a time did the darkness seem about to smother the light. So it was, during one such time that he, known as Thoth, did appear to work his magic and force the darkness to retreat before him.

The respite created by Thoth gave the light time to restore its fire and bring others such as Osiris, Isis, Set and the others of their family to join the fray and hold the darkness at bay. From the shadows born from the clash of light and dark, did the three heroes, Lokum, Kym-nark-mar and Lictalon, work their magic and put the evil to rest. And so, as the Old Ones slumbered, the New Ones took their place and brought a new order to the world. The three heroes would rise to shine as gods. Thoth would be embraced by the denizens of Taut and given the honored position as god of wisdom and knowledge. The Age of Chaos broken, the New Age was born." — The Tristine Chronicles

Netosa, The Eternal Darkness Netosa was a sadistic monster who derived pure ecstacy from the pain and sorrow of others. The horrid thing represented eternal suffering and did its best to bring prolonged, lingering pain, suffering and despair upon all lesser beings. Its cruelty knew no limit. As one might expect, whenever Netosa lead its minions into battle against the forces of light it was an absolute bloodbath. It didn't matter whether it was the enemy or its own forces that suffered, Netosa revelled in the carnage. One passage from the Tristine Chronicles tells: "Behold, when Netosa the Eternal Darkness came to do battle, blood fell like rain from the heavens. Bloated on the blood and agony of the multitude, the monster would fall on its back in

ecstacy. Crawling on the earth like an insect, the Eternal Darkness would giggle and gibber, beckoning for more bloodshed. As the forces broke battle and retreated, the Eternal Darkness, devoured its own retreating army in anger and mindless ecstacy. And the light quaked in fear, but resolved that the reign of darkness must come to an end." — The Tristine Chronicles

Alignment: Diabolic Symbol of eternal suffering, despair, and the undead. Netosa


Alignment: Diabolic

Agu chose life, birth and rebirth as its symbol because it found the cycle of life to be an endless straggle in a beautiful pattern of chaos. It marveled at the perpetuality of the endless straggle and found every facet of the pain, joy and battle that came with it interesting. Birth, was an explosive, jarring and often pain wrenching experience that brought with it a tidal wave of emotions. Thus, unlike most of the Old Ones, Agu was not a destroyer. Instead, it relished in (and sometimes contributed to) the straggles and passion of life. This attitude often put Agu at odds with others Old Ones. Alignment: Anarchist Symbol of life, birth, and rebirth: A deviant Old One that enjoyed the emotions and excitement of life, birth, and spiritual rebirth.

Symbol of hatred, treachery, and vengeance.

Al-vil Al-vil was one of the foulest and most chaotic of the Old Ones. The vindictive creature was constantly burning with hatred, frustration and desire to possess what it did not have. When it couldn't get its way, the beast would lash out, torment and kill those who held its desire or any who happened to get in its way. Being what it was, Al-vil never realized that such deeds seldom gave it the object of desire, and when it did, the victory was never sweet for long; there was always something else to be coveted. Alignment: Diabolic Symbol of Envy and Jealousy: A hideous creature like the festering desire that can eat at a person's soul and destroy him from within. It is a creature of turbulent, changing emotions and desires that give birth to unreasoning hatred of those who possess what it desires and leads to treachery, cruelty, a misguided sense of revenge and murder.

Erva In many regards, Erva was the epitome of darkness. A self perpetuating void that reveled in its emptiness and delighted in its ignorance. Alignment: Diabolic Symbol of darkness and death. The darkness of ignorance and the bone chilling fear of the unknown that makes one destroy what he doesn't understand. Death of knowledge and reason.

Ya-ahk-met This Old One was a force of unbridled power and anarchy. The creature cared only about itself and its goals. Those who fell, suffered or perished in its pursuit of those goals, large and small, were insignificant casualties, stepping stones that were crashed under Ya-ahk-met's heels. Alignment: Miscreant Symbol of power and light. The light of ambition greed and a lust for power that blinds one to everybody and everything but one's own desires and needs. The dark emotions that destroys the conscience and encourages one to indiscriminately hurt any who happen to get in the way.

Tarm-kin-toe A dark force fueled by a lust for vengeance, hate and treachery.

Ya-blik Ya-blik was one of the great terrors; second only to Xy in raw power and cunning. It was a tentacled mass of evil that engaged in the more subtle arts of inflicting pain and destruction. Its two favorite tools were betrayal and pestilence (disease, illness, mutation, insect and rodent infestation, etc.). Ya-blik relished in manipulating and enticing others into acts of treachery. The monster was an expert of preying upon and fanning the fires of dark emotion. It was one of the great corraptors and an harbinger of evil, sorrow and pestilence, for Ya-blik was itself a pestilence —a thing that thrived on pain and death. A thing devoid of compassion. It was Ya-blik who easily enticed Al-vil to join the plot to destroy Xy and set to boil the pot of chaos among its own kind. The ensuing destruction and bloodshed were the delectable result of its best efforts — and one's best efforts is its own reward. Betrayal was Ya-blik's favorite pastime, for nothing in life brought more lasting and far reaching pain and irony than betrayal. A betrayal of love, trust, values, honor, friendship, kingdom, race ... the list was wonderfully long and varied. Ya-blik explored each and every one, and never tired of them. First there was the pain, always the pain. The shock and hurt of betrayal cut deeper than any blade. It cut to the very soul and could turn a heart to stone or destroy one's desire for life. The result of betrayal was always varied and Ya-blik would have fun trying to predict the reaction of its victims and delight in itself when correct. The victim might become hardened and bitter — his world becoming a cold and crueler place; each subsequent deception and betrayal eating away at him until he was a lifeless shell. Betrayal could cause paranoia, loneliness, despair, alcoholism, brutality, violence, suicide, murder, war and innumerable acts of vengeance — each one causing more pain and suffering. Ya-blik loved it. It's ironic and fitting that one of the monster's own schemes would lead to its own incarceration and loss of power. Alignment: Diabolic Symbol of pestilence, betrayal and pain.

Old Ones & Magic While the Old Ones are not likely to have created all forms of magic, they were, without question, creatures of magic and masters of the mystic arts. If the myths and legends can be believed, the Old Ones created and developed many of the types of magic known today, and many long since abandoned or forgotten. They were not limited to one or two different categories of magic, but could learn and use several. Some of the magic said to be created by the Old Ones includes the spell magic of wizardry, power words (the force behind both ward and circle magic, but taken to a level far beyond anything known today), circle magic, summoning, rune magic, necromancy, magical manipulation of space and time, and many more. Note: All Old Ones could read and use runes, knew all magic symbols and all power words. Many created variations on existing magic and constantly experimented with new magicks.

In addition, these alien intelligences were as much creatures of pure magic energy as they were flesh and bones. They could divide their life essences into fragments that could be sent throughout the Megaverse to reap havoc and sorrow. The veils of space and time had little meaning to them and could be torn asunder with a simple spell to open a dimensional portal to thousands of different worlds. The Old Ones were also innately psychic and possessed a number of psionic powers. Some, like Xy and Netosa, possessed all known psionic powers and possibly others. It is important to note that despite the Old Ones' mystical nature, incredible genius and use of magic, that the scholars and priests who suggest that magic and any who use it are innately evil (potentially as evil as the Old Ones) are wrong. Magic (in the fictional context of the Palladium Megaverse) is a source of energy like any other. It is neither good or evil, it simply is. How an intelligent creature uses that energy and the knowledge to manipulate and control it is up to that being. The Old Ones were foul creatures who used their incredible powers for selfish and evil purposes. A millennium later, the elves and dwarves would also use magic to hurt and destroy, rather than build and nurture. Unfortunately, as the old saying goes, "absolute power, corrupts absolutely." Old sayings don't become such unless there is a reoccurring truth to them. While magic is not an "absolute" means to power, in the magic-rich world and societies of the Palladium World, it is a force to be reckoned with and a means to power. Humans, elves, dwarves, Wolfen, ogres, and all manner of intelligent creatures use it as a means to an end. Sometimes it is used as a weapon, other times it as a method of manipulation or enslavement. More often than not, it is used to help others, heal, build and protect against the dark forces that always seem to plague the world. Thus, it is a tool used by heroes and villains alike. In the fantasy setting of the Palladium world, magic replaces automatic weapons, nuclear bombs, and biological warfare. It is the great equalizer that can make the poor or the weak as powerful as a king or a dragon. Like any resource, and like the duality of human nature, magic can be used for good or evil. The Palladium Fantasy world is one bom from the chaos and evil of the Old Ones. Whether humankind, the Wolfen and/or any of the races learn to use magic and any resource for the betterment of their world is yet to be seen.




ing them to shun the world around them. What this disaster may have been or who may have been responsible is unknown — forgotten. Most Minotaurs believe they have always been a subterranean race who, co-

Optional Player Character

incidentally, can adapt quickly and easily to life in the sun. However,

most scholars and historians agree that the Minotaur is a surface dweller that has, for whatever reason, chosen to go against its nature and live underground. Not even the wisest and oldest men of learning have been able to determine how, why or when Minotaurs appeared on the planet. There is the occasional bit of ancient text that suggests the giants once held sway

The Minotaur of the Palladium World is an ancient race of beast-

men who have faded into obscurity. With most scholars estimating the remaining population to be fewer than 8,000 throughout the known world, Minotaurs are said to teeter on the brink of extinction. However,

some scholars argue that any population estimate is pure conjecture and unrealistic, because nobody has any inkling of how many of these beings really exist. Minotaurs shun contact with the dominant races of humans, elves, dwarves, and even Wolfen. They live underground and are

over the land currently known as the Baalgor Wastelands, but none

know what tragedy befell them that they have been so completely lost to obscurity. The Tristine Chronicles mentions the Minotaur race in passing nine times, but only two passages are noteworthy. The first is one of the earliest entries in the Tristine Chronicles, which means it was recorded before the emergence of humankind or the rise of the great Elven and Dwarven Empires. This places the text around 50,000 years ago, although many scholars believe it refers to an even more distant period that may have occurred sometime during the Time of a Thousand Magicks or even before. This could mean that the Minotaur race may be 50,000 to 90,000 years old. It is also interesting to note that some expurgated versions of the Tristine Chronicles have deleted all mention of the Minotaur people; most modern editions, copied within the last 9,000 years from one of the ultra rare, complete (or mostly complete) and unedited Chronicles, contain the following passage. And from the carnage that forced them from their homeland, the giants with the head, strength and courage of the bull did scatter to the four corners of the world. Never again would the mighty warriors build a kingdom under the heavens. Never again would they walk with their heads held high. For so great was their betrayal that they would choose to hide their sad visage under the earth in shame so that all creatures might forget them, if not forgive. So it was that the greatest and noblest of the beast-men lost the valley paradise near the Scarlet Waters. Only the Changeling would know greater hatred and persecution across the ages. — The Tristine Chronicles Elves who would later inhabit the Baalgor Wastelands, a beautiful paradise before the carnage of the Elf-Dwarf war, reported discovering the ruins of an ancient and unknown (to them) city of Minotaurs. Elven documents tell of excavating statues of Minotaurs that appeared to be deliberately beheaded or smashed, with basreliefs and carvings marred to erase the features of king and peasant alike. The bits of uncovered architecture showed a city with great archways, towers and citadels. Other evidence of seemed to suggest the city fell during a devastating war. The elven records also report the frightening discovery of a mass grave

believed to inhabit the most remote and hostile regions in the world. Minotaurs are known to exist in the Old Kingdom Mountains, the Great Northern Mountains and possibly the Baalgor Mountains, but no one knows how extensive these tribes and communities may be. Only 343 years ago, the Wolfen claim to have obliterated a tribe of evil Minotaur cultists who practiced necromancy and witchcraft. According to the ancient tale, the Wolfen legion that entered the underground complex were amazed at the size of what they called a subterranean city and

were nearly overwhelmed by the "seemingly endless tide of warriors." According to all accounts, over 1000 Minotaurs were slain in that campaign, three times as many as were anticipated. The Algor Minotaur lair is now used by the Wolfen as an underground military complex and no Minotaur has ever been reported in the Algors since, yet the skeptical ask, "How can we be so certain that one or more tribes, or even a sprawling city, does not exist someplace deep within the mountains?" The scholars who take this position suggest that it is impossible to guess

at the Minotaur population and that real numbers could be two to twenty times greater than generally accepted. Whatever the size of their population, these powerful and noble giants are so forgotten that most people, even when describing the giant or monster races, frequently exclude the Minotaur entirely. Most people in the civilized kingdoms of the world have never seen a Minotaur except in pictures, and some have never heard of them! Whether there are 8,000 or 800,000, Minotaurs are a secretive people who, as a whole, avoid contact with the outside world. Minotaurs will attack the members of any race, including kobolds, goblins, ogres and trolls whenever

they venture into an underground region held by the giants. They are extremely territorial and will attack all intruders on sight and without mercy. It doesn't matter that the interloper may be friendly, or merely

lost, and accidentally stumbled onto a Minotaur community; the poor soul is attacked, enslaved or slain (and sometimes eaten). This extremely aggressive and defensive demeanor is another reason the other people of the Palladium World know so little about these subterranean giants.

described as holding the remains of "Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of Minotaurs; more than the world has ever known." The grave

Minotaurs seem especially hostile to humans, elves and dwarves, occasionally rising from their lairs beneath the earth to cause trouble for these races. Despite their anti-social behavior, there are exceptions. Minotaurs who worship dark gods (usually Lords of Death, Destruction, and Chaos) may associate or co-habitate with members of other races

site was left alone out of respect for those who had perished there so long ago and a giant statue of a Minotaur warrior was raised in homage to the spirits who might still linger there. Scholars have long looked to this discovery as mute testimony to a concerted effort to annihilate the giants. It is not known who was responsible for their near extermination; not even the minotaurs seem to

who worship the same god. This is particularly true of Death cults and cults that worship the dreaded Old Ones. Some Minotaurs, good and evil, take to a life of adventure, forsaking their underground brethren, and live on the surface. These fellows are comparatively rare and encountered most often in the Eastern Territory, Old Kingdom, Baalgor

know, and most know nothing about the place, the grave, or ruins of the

city. (Note: The location of these places are lost again, somewhere under the parched earth of the Wastelands.) Speculation by non-Minotaurs is that the perpetrators were elves or dwarves, possibly humans, because most Minotaurs hate these races and will attack them with little or no provocation. On the other hand, they are known to attack virtually any humanoids who invade their territory.

Wastelands and Yin-Sloth Jungles. It is also believed that a large number of tribes and perhaps even a Minotaur city exists in the forbid-

den Land of the Damned, but nobody knows whether this is true or simply another legend about this mysterious region. Oddly enough, even the friendliest and most outspoken Minotaur knows little about his own people or their history. Most come from small tribes of 50 to 300 members. Few know about any other Minotaur communities in the world except for their closest neighbors (typically 1D4 other small tribes). Generally, all they know about their history is that some great disaster befell their people thousands of years ago, caus-

The second most notable passage from the Tristine Chronicles is just

as cryptic but considerably more ominous. The passing of the Ages has helped to expunge the great betrayal from the memory of the world, but the evil persists. From their resting place do they whisper; beckoning, pleading, promising rewards of 11

power. And so it is, from their place of slumber, the darkness reaches out to comfort and embrace the fallen horned giants who live beneath

the earth. In so doing, it breeds a pestilence that eats at their very souls and beckons for the return of The Darkness and the rebirth of the Age of Chaos. — The Tristine Chronicles Many scholars and priests of light (and dark) fear this cryptic passage refers to the dreaded Old Ones and a dangerous connection to the Minotaur. Whether it speaks about a future danger or simply the Minotaurs' dark nature remains a matter of debate. Some have suggested that the Minotaurs may have been one of the Old Ones' minions and thus a forgotten eldrich race, like the elf and titan. However, this is unlikely as all of the Archaic races insist the bull-headed beastmen were not members of these ancient people. A more likely theory, held by many, is that the "great betrayal" may have been an attempt by the Minotaurs to awaken one or more of the slumbering Old Ones. This theory is circumstantially substantiated by the fact that Minotaurs have been known to establish death cults that worship the Old Ones and other dark gods. Over the millennium, at least a half dozen such cults have been discovered and destroyed by one race or another. Ancient Minotaurs were also known to practice necromancy and, according to legends, Minotaur witches are said to draw their powers from the Old Ones. Some legends about the Time of a Thousand Magicks also suggest that the Minotaur sorcerers engaged in dark magic. Several tribes and cults of Minotaurs were destroyed by elves and dwarves during the Millennium of Purification because they would not forsake forbidden and dangerous magic.

The Minotaur R.C.C. The Palladium Minotaurs have taken to living in underground complexes in remote parts of the world. Although they have become fairly adept at digging tunnels and underground construction, most seem to prefer taking over abandoned dwarven or kobold tunnel and city complexes as well as other types of subterranean habitats, including natural caves and man-made dungeons. Many are quite skilled at constructing traps and pits in the tunnels of their subterranean homes. occasionally, Gigantes. They are giants with the head of a bull and the body of a human. Their skin color ranges from a light blue-grey to near black (always with a hint of blue). They are usually encountered alone, in pairs, or small bands of 2D4+1. Tribes tend to be small, with about 2D6xlO members. Minotaurs were probably wandering vegetarians at one point and still tend to be a bit nomadic. Fifty percent are vegetarians but even those who have resorted to eating meat still prefer grass, grain, vegetables or fruit. They can sometimes be caught raiding grain storehouses, plucking fruit from orchards, or seen grazing on grass late at night or

just before sunrise (and before they vanish back to their subterranean domains). Minotaurs are famous for being warriors with incredible strength,

endurance, agility and fighting prowess. Alignments: Any, but most are evil or selfish. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as designated: I.Q. 2D6+1, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B.

3D6, Spd 3D6 Hit Points: Standard (P.E. +1D6 per level) S.D.C. Bonus: 2D4xlO plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills (2D6xlOO on Rifts® Earth, making the giant an equivalent mega-damage creature with limited M.D.; every 100 S.D.C. equals one M.D.C.). Natural Armor Rating: 12; Minotaurs may also wear body armor for additional protection. Average P.P.E.: 2D6 Horror Factor: 14 O.C.C.s available to Minotaurs: Any men of arms and special R.C.C.s exclusive to their race: Disciple of the Old Ones and Chaos Priest, as well as the occasional necromancer, wizard and other men of magic.


Skill Note: All Minotaurs speak Troll/Giantese, Gobblely and Elven; most (94%) are illiterate. Physical appearance: Muscular, humanoid giants with light to dark

spirited creatures who frequently go into the world to make trouble. At least 50% of all Minotaur witches establish a lair and minions to cause mayhem for surface dwellers. These foul creatures will often join other

bluish grey to black skin, black hair, yellow eyes and the head of a bull.

creatures of darkness to better serve their masters, who dream of sor-

row, despair, murder, war and chaos. Others serve as advisors, leaders and protectors of their people. In either case, they make great NPC villains. R.C.C. Note: The creation of a Disciple of the Old Ones is fundamentally the same as the witch O.C.C. described in the Second Edition Palladium RPG, except the pact is with the fragmented dream essence of a slumbering Old One. The Minotaur must make a major pact, and gets the "mark of evil," which is a third nipple with 1D4+3 tiny tentacles extending from it, but the bonus powers of the major pact maker is different. The bonus power of major pact makers. The Disciple of the Old Ones is a major pact maker who is given incredible power. The character can select any one of the three "gifts" described in the RPG and two of the following bonus powers. Note: Once the selections have been made they cannot be changed; all effects are permanent. Other races can pledge themselves to the Old Ones, but still get the standard witch O.C.C. abilities. Only the Minotaur can bond with the Old Ones in such a ways as to receive incredible powers. This has led some people to wonder if Minotaurs could have been ancient minions of the Old Ones. The truth of the matter is they are becoming the modern minions of the Dreaded Ones, even though

Height: 8 to 11 feet tall (2.4 to 3.3 m); 7 feet +1D4 additional feet. Weight: 500 to 800 pounds (225 to 360 kg) Average Life Span: 400 years, few live past 500. Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, nightvision 60 ft (18.3 m; can see in total darkness), good over-all vision and hearing, superior sense of smell, recognize scent 22%, track by blood scent 54%, and fire and cold resistant (does half damage). Bonuses: +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +3 to save vs horror factor; all are in addition to attribute and skill bonuses. Damage Notes: Claws/punch do 2D6 damage plus P.S. bonus, kick does 3D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus, head butt does 3D6 damage, charge with horns inflicts 5D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus and has a 60% chance of knocking the victim of the charge down (victim loses one melee attack and initiative). Magic: Only by O.C.C.; very limited, 93% of all Minotaurs are fighters

of one kind or another. Psionics: Standard; same as humans Value: Some alchemists will pay up to 1500 gold for a minotaur horn. However, since it closely resembles a normal bull's horn, they are wary of fakes. Habitat: Minotaurs are known to live in the southern half of the known world, most notably in and around the Old Kingdom Mountains, Baalgor Wastelands and parts of the Yin-Sloth Jungles. According

the ancient monsters are locked in a magic slumber. 1. Supernatural Healing (self). Bio-regenerates 4D6 hit points at

will, as often as once per melee round! 2. Summon lesser Demons, Deevils or lesser supernatural beings. The character can summon 1D4 lesser demons, deevils or other supernatural beings, but this is possible only through a link with a greater familiar. Can be attempted only once every 12 hours with a 40% +2% chance of success per level of experience. Five minutes (minimum) of meditation and prayer are required. 3. Command the dead: Animate & control 4D6 dead, also able to turn the dead (4D6). Functions like the magic spell of the same name. 4. Command creatures of pestilence: The ability to summon and control !D4xlO rats or mice, or a swarm of 100 flies, fleas, ticks or mosquitoes per level of the witch. In both cases, the swarm of animals or insects has a horror factor of 12. The creatures understand only simple commands like "attack," "stay," or "stop them." Those attacked by 10 or more rats or mice suffer 2D6 points of damage per melee round, lose initiative and two attacks/actions per melee (the penalties come from being distracted by the attacking rodents and having to brush them away/off). The character can spend all of his attacks/actions per melee round and suffer only 1D4 damage, but can do nothing but knock the creature off him. Characters clad in full body armor with a tight fitting helmet and no or few openings in the armor are virtually invulnerable

to legend, several tribes also inhabit the Land of the Damned. Enemies: Palladium minotaurs are wary of all humanoids. Allies: None Favorite Weapons: Minotaurs have a liking for large swords and axes as well as magic weapons.

Minotaur R.C.C./O.C.C. Notes Minotaur Warrior O.C.C.s The average Minotaur is a warrior born. Starting at an early age, the young are trained as warriors. At least 40% of all Minotaurs are mercenary warriors and 20% assassins, but any of the men of arms O.C.C.s can be selected (33%). Palladins and heroic champions of light are deviations from the norm and considered outcasts and traitors to their race. Sadly, even the most noble and courageous Minotaur warrior or

adventurer is likely to be feared, not trusted and mistreated by most other races. Less than 7% of all Minotaurs become priests or practitioners of magic. However, these mages, priests and cultists frequently hold positions as leaders and advisors within the community. Note: Minotaur men at arms use the O.C.C. for that warrior class.

but will still suffer from the initial horror factor. Note that many suits of

Minotaurs & Magic O.C.C.s

chain mail and other armor may leave the face, neck, hands or underarms exposed or have openings which the creatures can crawl into and get inside the armor.

Chaos Priest (special): 2% of the Minotaur population are black priests who worship the Old Ones. Disciples of the Old Ones (special): 1.5% are witches who have

Insects can get inside and affect all types of armor except completely sealed, environmental armor and magical protection like force fields and the Armor of Ithan. Characters caught in a swarm of these biting insects suffer minimal damage (1D4 per melee rouni!) but cannot talk

sworn their mortal lives or very soul to the Old Ones.

Necromancer: The black art of necromancy is the favorite mystic art among the Minotaurs (1.5%). Other Practitioners of Magic: Most Minotaurs have little or no formal education, so the practice of Summoning and Diabolism are extremely rare; wizardry (0.3%) and Earth warlocks (0.5%) are the most common (0.3% others). Also see Disciple of the Old Ones (witch) and

A witch allied to the Old Ones is another, comparatively common,

without swallowing bugs (and may choke; 50% chance; loses 1D4 melee actions per choking episode and is -3 to strike, parry or dodge), suffers from stinging bites, impaired vision (reduce by half), and constant discomfort and distraction. Consequently, all combat bonuses are negated (unmodified dice rolls only) and victims lose one melee action. 5. Psychic Vampire: The witch no longer needs food and water to survive, instead, he or she feeds on the emotions of those around him. Sorrow, despair, anger and hate are the sweetest, but fear, envy and lust

magic user among Minotaurs (1.5%). These characters are evil, mean-

are adequate substitutes. Feelings of love, happiness, peace/serenity and

Chaos Priest.

Disciple of the Old Ones (Minotaur Witch) 13

other positive, joyous emotions are disgusting and make the character want to vomit. Consequently, the Disciple of the Old Ones will try to

Minotaur: Chaos Priest 1 0,000-2,050 2 2,051-4,100 3 4,101-8,200 4 8,201-15,200 5 15,201-23,300 6 23,301 - 33,400

diminish the positive and uplifting emotions and stimulate dark, turbulent feelings. 6. Invulnerable to poison: No type of poison/toxin can hurt or af-

fect the witch, except magic, but even then the character is +2 to save. 7. Psi-Sword: Same as the super psionic power.

7 33,401 - 48,500

Minotaur Chaos Priest

8 48,501-68,600 9 68,601-93,700 10 93,701 -133,800 11 133,801-175,900 12 175,901-223,100 13 223,101-273,200 14 273,201 - 325,400 15 325,401 - 385,500

The Chaos Priest is a priest of darkness who worships one or more Old Ones. The priest is able to draw upon the powers of these nightmar-

ish creatures even while they languish in their subconscious state. The character is fundamentally the same as the Priest of Darkness O.C.C. with the following changes.

Powers of Darkness: Exorcism is replaced by the power of Soul Searching; remove curse is replaced by Touch of Evil. Soul Searching: This name describes the priest's power to see or "sense" the dark and hostile emotions and desires of the person(s) before him. The use of this power counts as a psionic attack equal to a master psionic (15 or higher is needed to save). P.P.E.: Each use of the Soul Searching power costs three P.P.E. points and can only be directed at one person at a time. Duration: Five minutes of sensing the changing dark emotions and desires of that one person per level of experience. To sense the feelings of a second, third, etc., character, the priest must use the power and

Disciple of the Old Ones 1 0,000-1750 2 1751-3500 3 3501 - 7560 4 7561 -17,000 5 17,001-25,000 6 25,001-38,800 7 38,801-56,700

8 56,701-77,600 9 77,601-110,500 10 110,501-150,400

11 150,401-200,300 12 200,301-260,200 13 260,201-310,100 14 310,101 - 390,200 15 390,201-460,300

spend the P.P.E. on each and every person with whom he desires to peer

into their soul. Limitations: The character whose emotions are being revealed must be within the line of sight; ideally within 20 feet (6 m). The Chaos Priest does not read the character's mind per se, nor does he feel the full range of the character's emotions, he can only see/sense dark emotions like feelings of insecurity, fear, hate, anger, depression, lust, and similar — feelings of love, contentment, joy, etc., cannot be detected. The Chaos Priest will know (like a psychic flash) who or what is the cause of the dark emotions or thoughts. For example: The dark priest can sense that the character might hate a particular member of the group (or the priest himself), or that he covets the fame and respect of the Palladin in the group, or anguishes for the love of a particular character, or feels responsible for the death of a loved one, and so on. The priest uses this knowledge to tempt, anger and manipulate the character. The duration of the power enables the villain to sense mounting hostility, frustration and whether or not he is "getting to the person." Touch of Evil: A power that enables the evil priest to bring a character's dark, inner feelings and thoughts to the surface —hate, anger, envy, lust for vengeance, murder, prejudice, etc. The victim must make a roll to save vs psionic attack, 16 or higher, to save. Otherwise, he or

The Monk Scholar An Optional O.C.C. Monk Scholars are very unique characters, though difficult to play. They are men (women are not allowed) of learning who have dedicated their lives to the acquisition of mystic and spiritual knowledge. Their

she will be temporarily overwhelmed by the emotion (1D4 minutes per

level of the priest). The intensity of the emotion is very similar to being so angry that one feels like he's ready to explode. It is the type of boiling emotion that causes one to lash out verbally or physically in a hostile manner — to deliberately hurt another person. Whether the character acts on the emotions is left up to the player and the particular situation (time for some role-playing). We've all had hostile, cruel and

goal is said to be the accumulation of knowledge that can unlock the mysteries of the universe for the benefit of mankind. However, while the good of mankind may be a consideration, the monks are very secretive and careful to conceal the fruits of this research until they feel the world is ready for it. This unilateral discretion means that fabulous information in their hands could be released next week or thousands of years from now. As a result, their monasteries are frequently hidden in

devious thoughts from time to time, but usually (I would hope) fight these dark emotions and elect to do what we know is right; i.e. not to

punch somebody, call names, steal, cheat, etc. P.P.E. Cost: 8 points. Limitation: The Chaos Priest must physically touch a person to draw forth the thoughts and feelings that the character holds within himself; the power radiates through clothes and armor. Prayer of Havoc: The Chaos Priest also gets the prayer of havoc,

remote regions or under the protection of a royal family or kingdom, who is often advised by the monks in matters of magic and the supernatural. Their magnificent monastery libraries, as well as personal knowledge and journals, are jealously guarded and always kept in a secret place. This means the rarest and most valuable writings are hidden

fundamentally the same as the wizard spell of the same name, and is

in a secret place in the monastery and not in the general library. All monk scholars have taken a vow of silence and secrecy regard-

equal in potency to the level of the priest. Success Ratio: 10% +4% per level of experience. All other abilities are unchanged.

ing their knowledge, speaking only when the leaders at the monastery have deemed it "time to speak." It is said that a monk will suffer a thousand torments and die before sharing the slightest bit of information to


someone he deems unworthy or not ready. Should a monk ever break his vow of pacifism, his brothers ceremoniously burn his pens and parchments, and weep for him as he is considered dead. He can never be a monastic monk again and must choose a new O.C.C. A defrocked monastic monk loses his bonuses to save vs magic and poisons. The monk scholar is seldom a physical coward, although some people misinterpret his pacifism as such. Monk scholars are devout pacifists who will not fight or strike another person, even in self defense!

united movement is yet undetermined. Presently, these cults seem to be most active in and around the Yin-Sloth Jungles, Baalgor Wastelands and the Western Empire, however, the monks have little knowledge of Minotaur activity in the Old Kingdom and Great Northern Mountains.

The most disturbing rumor is that a Minotaur tribe has found the sleeping place of an Old One somewhere below the Old Kingdom Mountains! As the story goes, the tribe protects the monster's sleeping place and worships it as a living monolith. If the stories are true, a

dozen Chaos Priests ranging in levels from 3rd to 10th and a coven of Disciples (13 witches; levels 3-8) have gathered at the site and conspire

This is another one of their vows, born from the moral conviction that

fighting/physical violence is wrong. When attacked, a monk scholar will attempt to dodge out of harm's way and hide, run away, talk things

to awaken the beast. Whether the enchantment can be broken, nobody

out, or avoid the confrontation in some other way. So convinced are they that fighting is a social disease, that they will frequently step between combatants and try to talk them out of fighting. Another equally

knows. Meanwhile, these servants of evil use the creature as a magic battery, drawing on its mystic energy the same way wizards draw upon the ambient energy of a ley line nexus. If this is true, the monks fear that the Minotaurs could use the Old One as a means to open dimensional portals and summon supernatural horrors to serve them. Unfortunately, Monk Scholars don't have a clue as to the precise location of the alleged Old One. The Old Kingdom Mountains stretch for over a thousand miles, so it could be anywhere.

annoying habit is standing on the sidelines, lecturing the combatants about the futility of such reprehensible behavior and the virtues of debate.

Convinced that it is their duty to cure the world of aggression, war, the misuse of magic, and other social plights, it is not uncommon to see a madly dodging monk, breathlessly trying to convince a band of brigands that they should lay down their weapons and have a nice cup of tea. Such sights have brought tears of laughter to the eyes of many a

They'd like to believe the rumors are unfounded. Tales about the

sleeping places of the Old Ones and conspiracies to awaken them circulate every few generations. These tales are given credence by the fact that few other people have heard the stories (it's all very hush, hush), and that several human, elven and dwarven communities have noticed increased activity among Minotaurs and death cults. At least two caravans of 100+ Minotaurs have been seen heading in the direction of the

staunch man at arms. However, the monk's pacifism and secrecy may make the character an unpopular traveling companion, especially on adventures. The monk will not engage in combat and may withhold information that he feels his companions don't need to know (You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!). Furthermore, the monk scholar will

Old Kingdom Mountains, and one of the few known Minotaur tribes in the northeastern tip of the mountain chain has recently pulled up stakes

lecture those around him about the social ills of civilization and engage in philosophical discussions; another thing that may annoy the characters. Still, this character is insightful, intelligent, a good negotiator/trader and generally a pleasant fellow in search of a happier,

and vanished from a place they have inhabited for over 400 years! One rumor whispered among their kind and members of death cults is that

all 670 Minotaurs have gone to live in the shadow of their slumbering god. The monks are watching for other tribes and groups migrating to the mountains in the hope of following them to the location of the Old One. They hope to confirm or deny the rumors before they announce their fears and suspicions. Likewise, they have been careful not to reveal their suspicions that the Minotaurs can draw upon the power of the Old Ones or that they may be planning again to attempt to break the enchantment that holds the monsters in stasis. To do otherwise would cause a panic and most likely, the slaughter of Minotaurs wherever they are found.

peaceful path in life. Many groups find the skills and knowledge of the

monk scholar to be so valuable that they will tolerate his eccentricities and secretive ways.

Dark Secrets & Forbidden Knowledge Minotaurs & The Old Ones The monks have made it a part of their research to study everything

they can about the practices, culture and domains of the Minotaur. In

Other Secrets

fact, it is the Monk Scholars who have tried to warn the world that the

Monk Scholars NEVER USE MAGIC for any reason, no matter how dire the situation, because they firmly believe that all magic taps into the mystic energies of the slumbering Old Ones, and is therefore,

Minotaur population is easily three times greater than generally accepted, and possibly ten or twenty times greater. They are also one of a handful of groups in the world who have access to rare, ancient texts and data that confirms some of the legends, rumors and speculations about Minotaurs and their association with the dreaded Old Ones. For example, the monks know that the "great betrayal" involved the necromantic king of a great Minotaur city-state. The king unsuccessfully tried

rooted in evil. They point to the Tristine Chronicles, which credits the Old Ones for the creation of magic, as concrete evidence that magic was spun from evil and chaos. They also believe that the use of magic could eventually awaken the

hideous monsters, dooming the entire world. This is one of the secrets they do not share with the world. Even a defrocked monk isn't likely to choose a magic O.C.C. (less than a 10% chance), with the possible exception of Mind Mage or Illusionist (major or master psionic abilities

to evoke magic that would awaken the Old Ones! The plot was discovered before it could be completed. The Minotaurs' kingdom was laid to waste, the monks speculate at the hands of Titans and elves, but they don't know this for a fact. An estimated 38,500 Minotaurs, all swom to the Old Ones, were slaughtered. The rest fled underground and the city was demolished and abandoned as a reminder to all who would dare to restore the Old Ones to power. The monks suspect these events took place during the Time of A Thousand Magicks, but even they don't

are required). Nor will monks instruct anyone in the ways of magic, sell spells, scrolls or magic items. Ironically, their eternal quest for knowl-

edge often leads them to associate with and even work side by side with practitioners of magic. They don't consider practitioners of magic to be evil themselves, because they don't realize that magic is evil or dangerous. Besides, Monk Scholars try not to be judgmental. At least one of the monasteries is reputed to own one of the ultrarare, totally complete and unedited volumes of the Tristine Chronicles (less than six copies are believed to exist in the world). Generally speaking, they also have knowledge about Changelings, the Western Empire, history, science, magic and theories not generally known outside their monasteries. The monks also have some peripheral contact

know for certain. The Monk Scholars appear to be the only ones to realize that Minotaurs are one of the few beings in the world who can draw on the power of the Old Ones by witchcraft and priestly servitude (see the Minotaur R.C.C. for details). They know that an increasing number of religious cults dedicated to the Old Ones and composed entirely of Minotaurs, along with others led by Minotaur Chaos Priests or Disciples of the Old Ones, have appeared in recent years. Whether this indicates any sort of


with Undead Hunters, Witch Hunters, Rahu-Men, Titans, warrior

undead cannot enter a circle drawn in holy water. Blessed water retains the blessing indefinitely. Blessing of a person: A blessed person is +1 to save vs disease and supernatural possession. Blessing of food: The food is +1 to save vs spoiling magic and disease/decay. Plus, the food will stay fresh for one extra day.

monks, champions of light, and people of learning.

Monk Scholars, Armor & Combat The monk scholar never uses armor because it is a tool of aggression and war. They cannot be swayed to do otherwise. Monks never use any

weapons, although staves and walking sticks may be used for just that,

2. Exorcism: A successful exorcism will drive out/banish any entity or demon from a possessed person, animal, dwelling or area. The exorcised creatures cannot return to the place or person for at least 6 months

walking. Likewise, knives, hammers, clubs, etc., are tools — not weap-

ons to be used against nature's children.

and are likely to NEVER return (86% likelihood of never returning). A

Allegiances to a God & Others

successful exorcism performed in an area such as a graveyard, tomb, etc., will destroy all animated skeletons, corpses, and mummies which

Monk scholars are generally worshipers of the gods of Light or pantheons of Light and Dark. However, they are only loosely associated with any actual churches or organized religions. Their monasteries and

inhabit the area of exorcism. Ghouls and zombies will be banished for 10 months, while the greater supernatural creatures, including lesser deevils and demons, vampires, ghosts, wraiths and specters, are banished for 6 months.

activities are independent of any formal church, king or State. Unlike priests, the Monk Scholars do not possess many special powers. In general, the Monk Scholars swear allegiance to their ideals, vows, the pursuit of knowledge, and all branches and fellow members of Scholastic Monasteries. Even then, some monasteries are reluctant to

The Rite of Exorcism requires 1D6 hours of prayer and meditation to perform, depending on the strength of the possessing/inhabiting force. The holy symbols of the priest's religion are necessary and it is wise to have assistants and bodyguards should fighting be necessary. Success ratio: 7% per level of experience. An exorcism can be attempted as many times as the priest wants to try.

share or trade all of their secret books and knowledge with other monasteries, and may hold certain key items and information in reserve, exclusively for the monks of their specific monastery. Furthermore, while the Monk Scholar respects the formal churches and shows their priests and leaders all the respect, courtesy, reverence, and honor due their station, they do not share their knowledge or libraries with them, nor do priests or any religious leader have authority over the monks or their monasteries. The same is true of most kings and other authority figures. The monks consider the monastery and its grounds to be a sanctuary, and their activities to be autonomous; completely outside the jurisdiction or interference of any authorities outside their order. Any community that allows the Monk Scholars to operate within their borders knows of this and agrees. Just in case, each monastery is constructed with scores of secret passage ways, sliding doors, concealed chambers, secret libraries, hiding places and catacombs. A Monk Scholar who gives up the secrets of his order or who betrays them is forever ostracized. No monk will ever speak a solitary word to him and he will never be allowed to enter any of their facilities. However, in 1200 years, not a single monk has given up a secret or betrayed the order. Of course, even today there are fewer than 600 Monk Scholars — their total commitment and unorthodox philosophies makes them unappealing to most people.

3. Penance and Sacrifice: The techniques used for self-denial and the exploration of one's self and environment include meditation, fasting, and vows of abstinence and silence. As a result, monk can resist thirst for two days per level of experience, and resist hunger for three days per level of experience. Although the monk is able to ignore the

pain and discomfort, and function at close to normal, the physical body does suffer damage from dehydration, starvation, etc. 4. Magic Knowledge: The Monk Scholar knows a great deal about magic and the supernatural, to the point that he can read most magic symbols and understands the basic principles of spell casting and circle making. However, the Monk Scholar never uses magic for any reason. To actually wield or use magic is seen as becoming too involved and threatens the objectivity of the monk. Thus, they will never cast a spell, use a circle, read a scroll, or engage in any magic ceremony — although they will watch, study and try to understand such things. Even the use of magic items and magic potions is done with great reservation and concern. Only the use of the most innocuous and benign types of magic will be considered, and even then, the monk is likely to use something like a healing potion on someone else rather than himself. Recognize enchantment: Just as a doctor can recognize flu symptoms and disease, the Monk Scholar can recognize the influence of magic that charms, hypnotizes, or otherwise causes mind control (including trances, domination, compulsion, quest, etc.). This ability also includes identifying magic sickness, curses, the effects of faerie food and faerie magic, and supernatural or magic possession. Illusions, metamorphosis, and psionic powers do not count as enchantment. Only the Wizard O.C.C. is more skilled in this area. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience Recognize magic: The Monk Scholar has a certain percentage chance to recognize a magic item by shape, inscriptions on it, magic symbols, or descriptions from ancient books or tales of legend. While the monk may be able to identify something as being magical, he may not know everything about it, its exact powers or how it works, or what dangers it may represent. Just because he may remember or recognize it from his studies, doesn't mean that he can remember everything. Furthermore, book text, lore and legends are not always accurate. Base Skill: 15% +5% per level of experience. Power Words: The Monk Scholar knows the four simple words as well as the names of the Old Ones but not in the context of their symbolism or exact use in Diabolism or Summoning magic. This knowledge is never shared. Magic Symbols: The Monk Scholar knows the 12 basic mystic symbols, the four elemental symbols and symbolic colors. This knowledge

The Ways of the Monk Scholar Special Knowledge, Abilities and Bonuses Monk Scholars are not priests, but through meditation, mental and physical disciplines and their near fanatical convictions, passion and pacifism enables them to perform a few simple blessings and exorcism. Other prayers, magic and powers are not available to them. Their power

is knowledge. 1. Blessings: All prayers of blessings are intended to show a god's favor on those who believe in and/or worship him. Such short prayers usually take only one melee round (15 seconds) but should be performed on only one person or item per each prayer. To try to bless a crowd of people or numerous items diminishes the effectiveness of the

prayer (no bonuses). Each prayer of blessing provides some small measure of protection to the faithful for a period of 2D4 weeks, unless

indicated otherwise. Note: A blessing will not work if the person receiving it does not respect and acknowledge (not necessarily worship) the deity in whose name the prayer is invoked. Blessing of Water: Transforms ordinary water into "holy" water. Blessed water has no obvious effects on most people and can be used to

wash or drink without difficulty. However, to vampires, ghouls, and the occasional other supernatural menace, holy water is like acid! A single vial (6 ounces) will inflict 3D6 damage! Furthermore, a vampire or any


Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills from the previous list at level one, and one additional skill at levels two, four, eight and twelve. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

is never shared. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience at reading/interpreting text written in magic symbols. Recognize True Wards & Runic Symbols: The character can identify rune writing and many of the symbols used in making wards, but cannot actually read the rune alphabet or decipher wards. Nor can the monk tell whether or not a ward is energized. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience. Recognize Magic Circles: The Monk Scholar knows enough about magic symbols and the use of magic to identify magic circles as being genuine and even have a good idea of what the circle is used for and whether it is activated. This knowledge is never shared. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 2D6 plus P.E. attribute number and 1D4 per level of experience. However, this mystic energy is a result of the character's spiritualism and pursuit to understand magic. A Monk Scholar is not a practitioner of magic and shuns the use of it. 5. O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to save vs horror factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, and 14. +1 to save vs possession and mind control at levels 1, 3, 6,9, and 12; +2 to save vs poison and disease, +1 to save vs magic. 6. Monk Scholars are always vegetarians. Their regard for life is so great that they will not harm or eat animals.

Starting Equipment: A set of traveling clothes, a traveling robe or cloak with a hood, boots, belt, bedroll, backpack, a medium-sized to large satchel, two medium sacks, four small sacks, a water skin, a large silver cross, a small mallet, 30 feet (9 m) of rope, 2D6 empty vials, small mirror, !D4xlO sheets of parchment, 100 page notebook/diary, 1D4 pieces of charcoal, 1D4 pieces of chalk, two bottles of ink, six crow quill pens, a tinderbox, and food rations of 2D4 weeks. Armor: None. Weapons: None. Money: The character starts with 200 in gold. Additional money will come from payment for services rendered. A Monk Scholar can often get a hot meal, a place to sleep or extra money for telling stories, advising people, diplomatic intercession, offering blessings, warning people about magic and monsters, healing the sick (if medical skills are known), clerical work, accounting, translating or copying documents, and so on. The character tends to spend a great deal of money on books, art and the acquisition of knowledge. Most also spend 25% of their income on the poor and needy.

Monk Scholar O.C.C. Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 14 and M.E. 12 or higher. A high M.A. and P.P. can also be helpful but are not necessary. Alignment: Any, but typically principled, scrupulous or aberrant.

Evasive Combat (Monk Scholars Only)

Race: This order of monks was founded by humans 1200 years ago. Since its inception, only elves have been allowed into this secretive religious order; approximately 92% are humans. O.C.C. Skills: Note: In addition to their scholastic pursuits, Monk Scholars may also train in such arts as prowl, and sleight of hand skills such as palming, pick pockets, pick locks, and forgery. They often specialize in languages, writing, history/lore, medicine, and preserving foods. Cryptography (+20%) Languages: Native tongue at 98% and three languages of choice (+20% each). Literacy: Elf and one of choice (+20% for both). Writing (+20%) Public Speaking (+15%) Basic Math (+20%) History (+15%) Lore: Demons & Monsters (+20%) Lore: Magic (+20%) Lore: Religion (+20%) Land Navigation (+10%) Locate Secret Compartments/Doors (+10%) Hand to Hand: Special Evasive Combat Hand to hand cannot be changed! O.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of ten other skills. Plus two additional skills at levels three, seven, and eleven. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+15%) Domestic: Any (+5%) Espionage: Forgery and Intelligence only. Horsemanship: General or Exotic only. Medical: Any (+10%) Military: Any (+10% to heraldry and surveillance only) Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing & Wrestling. Rogue: Any (+5% to Streetwise and Use/Recognize Poison only) Science: Any (+10%) Scholar/Technical: Any (+15%) Weapon Proficiencies: None Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Note: Dodge bonuses count only toward the normal dodge. Back flip dodge bonuses apply only to the back flip maneuver. Level 1 Starts with two actions (not attacks) per melee round. Instead of parrying, the character gets to automatically try to dodge each attack he sees coming without using up a melee action. Roll for each; defender wins ties. Excellent sense of balance — 40% +5% per level of experience. Walk a tight rope, narrow ledge, etc., 26% +3% per level of experience. 2 +2 to dodge and +1 on initiative. 3 +2 to roll with a punch, fall, or impact. 4 One additional melee action per round. 5 Back flip; +2 back flip dodge bonus. 6 +1 to dodge and +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact. 7 Leap 2 feet (0.6 m) long and one foot (3 m) high per level of experience. 8 Disarm on a roll of a natural 17-20: In this case, a hold, grappling move, or strike at the weapon that does no damage to one's opponent but makes him drop his weapon (see Palladium RPG page 45). 9 +1 to dodge and +1 on initiative. 10 One additional melee action per round. 11 +1 to roll with impact and +2 on back flip dodge bonus. 12 +1 to dodge 13 +2 on initiative 14 One additional melee action per round. 15 Lands on his feet (no damage!) from falls or impacts that hurl him less than 30 feet (96 m). From a greater distance or height, the roll with impact rule is as normal with an additional +2 to roll with the

impact successfully. The Monk Scholar O.C.C. 1 0,000-1,900 2 1,901 - 3,800 3 3,801-7,600 4 7,601 - 12,000 5 12,001-20,000 6 20,001 - 30,000 730,001-45,000


g 45,001-55,000 9 55,001-75,000 10 75,001 -110,000 11 110,001-140,000 12 140,001 -180,000 13180,001-240,000 14 240,001 - 300,000 15300,001-350,000

Illusionist P.C.C. Seeing Through an Illusion

The Illusionist is another psychic character class (P.C.C.) like the Mind Mage. The character is empowered with natural psionics abilities which he can use to manipulate the senses of his victims to create realistic illusions. The power of psionic illusion in its most basic form, can be thought of as a form of hypnosis (and at higher levels, mass hypnosis). Through a type of telepathic influence and mental stimulation, the illusionist is able to implant convincing sounds, images, and sensations in a person's mind. To the victim they are very real, while those around him see and experience nothing out of the ordinary.

Individuals who save against the psionic attack of an illusionist are totally unaffected and do not see, hear, or experience the illusion in any way. The illusionist can, of course, try again by expending more I.S.P.

on a new attack; the intended victim must again roll to save vs a psionic/illusionary attack. Seeing through a psionic illusion after falling victim to it is another story entirely. If a save vs psionic attack is unsuccessful, the person is

inexorably caught in the web of the illusion. The brain and senses are being directly affected so the person has no reason to disbelieve it — a simple matter of seeing is believing, only sights, sounds and sensations are implanted in his mind. Despite what any of his friends and allies may insist to the contrary, he will believe what he sees and hears. He

Psionic Requirements, I.S.P. & Limitations

may even believe that the others must be bewitched or mistaken. A mental illusion can seem so real to a person that nothing can break its

hold. Furthermore, the illusionist can manipulate things in such a way as to transform a friend(s) into a monster before the poor fellow's very eyes and manipulate the senses in such a way that the illusion responds just as the character imagines it would. Matters are compounded in that

To be an illusionist, the character must possess either major or master psionic powers. The only difference is the level of raw power available to the character in the form of I.S.P. In this case, skip the random

determination of psionics as described in Step 3 of character creation in

those not under the illusion's influence have little or no idea of what the

the Palladium Fantasy RPG and select this optional O.C.C. (with the

afflicted adventurer is experiencing. To breakout of a mental illusion is extremely difficult, for the per-

G.M.'s approval). Roll percentile dice to determine the level of psionics and I.S.P. available to the psi-illusionist.

son must be completely sure that it is not real. The shadow of a doubt at the last minute could have terrible consequences. Depending on the cir-

01-60 Major psionic: The character is limited to illusionist abilities from levels 1-6, but I.S.P., duration, range, and other considerations continue to increase as the illusionist progresses in experience beyond

cumstances, (G.M.'s be careful), the victim of an illusion may attempt to fight it by convincing himself that it is not real. One way is if the other characters in the group present a convincing

sixth level. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus rolling 2D4xlO and adding it to the base number. The character gets an additional 10 I.S.P. points for each level of experience, starting at level one.

argument or evidence to show the illusion for what it really is (or isn't, as the case may be). This "reality check" gives the character a chance to make a new roll to save vs psionic attack with a bonus of +2 to save. A successful save means the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +2 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next 6 hours.

61-00 Master psionic: All levels of psionic illusionary powers are

available to the master psionic as he increases in experience. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus a roll of 3D6xlO added to the base number. The character gets an additional 12 I.S.P. points for each level of experience.

Another is for other psychic characters to use empathy or telepathy

to help communicate with the victim and to show that the sights and


sounds are an illusion. In this case, the character gets to make a new roll to save vs psionics with a bonus of +3 to save. A successful save means

Note that it is possible for the living victim of an illusion to defeat his illusionary opponent. An extremely confident, positive or driven

the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +3 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next 12 hours. A sharp blow to the head that stuns or knocks the character out for at

character may actually defeat his illusionary foe (play out like normal combat). When this happens, the illusionary enemy is killed and the il-

lusion instantly ends. A character with an extremely high M.E. (20+) may also be able to defeat his imaginary adversary in the course of (perceived) normal combat.

least one minute, will temporarily break mental contact with the illusionist and give the character another chance to save vs psionic attack when he regains consciousness (no bonuses applicable). If knocked out for more than 20 minutes, the illusion is broken without needing to roll

Illusionist P.C.C. Powers & Abilities

a saving throw. Another way to fight the effects of an illusion is by noticing incon-

ter possesses a handful of psychic sensitive abilities. These include te-

sistencies or flaws in reality such as no heat from a flame, or a massive creature walking out of a small room, and so on. If these things are noticed, the player can roll to see if his character is convinced that it's an illusion. This "reality check" gives the character a chance to make a new roll to save vs psionic attack as often as once every melee round

to use this ability.

1. Psionic Powers: In addition to the powers of illusion, the characlepathy, empathy, mind block, and two of choice. 2. Meditation (self): This is a simple, self hypnotic trance that allows the psionic to completely relax. The relaxed state enables the character to regain six I.S.P. per hour of meditation. No I.S.P. are expended 3. P.P.E.: Most of the character's P.P.E. has been expended in the development of psychic abilities. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 2D6.

with a bonus of +2 to save. A successful save means the illusion instantly vanishes. Furthermore, the character is +1 to save vs all subsequent illusionary attacks and hypnosis for the next hour. In a similar vein, the use of magic or psionic detection spells can be

4. Bonuses: +2 to save vs illusions of any kind at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12. +1 to save vs mind control/hypnosis, possession, and mind altering drugs at levels 1,4,8 and 12. +2 to save vs horror factor.

of great advantage in combating illusions. A sense magic, sense evil, see the invisible, and x-ray vision, can all be useful in the realizing that

The Illusionist, Weapons & Armor

the sights and sounds are illusions. Also, psionic probes such as see aura, detect psionics, sense magic, sense good or evil, telepathy and

Any weapon can be used, but not being very familiar with the ways

presence sense are extremely helpful, providing the psionic individual with a bonus of +3 to save vs illusions (can be tried once per melee round). Here's why. Illusions have NO physical substance and the illusionist has no way of knowing what mystic or psionic probe will be

of combat, they are most likely to use a small range of common weapons such as swords, knives, blunt, or staves. Most illusionists tend to wear light armor, with a preference for hard leather, studded leather or chain mail. They never wear heavy armors

used so he can't compensate to fake out the probes. Consequently, nothing will register, because it is not real. An illusion is not evil, magic, or psionic in itself (the illusionist is psionic or evil, but not the illusion),

such as plate or splint unless it is magically made to be lightweight. Magic weapons, armor and items are usually seen as desirable.

Psychic Illusionist P.C.C.

nor does it have an aura, or thoughts to be picked up from a telepathic scan. Most convincing of all, it has no presence. Remember, the illusion is the direct result of psionic manipulation and stimulation of the parts

Alignments: Any Attribute Requirements: Psionic powers and a minimum I.Q. of 9. A high M.E. (12+) is also strongly recommended. Multiple O.C.C.S are not possible. O.C.C. Skills: Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+15% each) Lore: One of choice (+10%) Camouflage (+10%)

of the brain that control sensory perception. Note: All the character's bonuses to save vs psionics apply to save vs illusions because it too is a psionic attack.

Death By Illusion An illusion can appear to be so realistic that the person under its in-

Disguise (+10%)

fluence can be made to believe that he is being beaten, slashed, mashed,

Imitate Voices & Impersonation (+12%)

burned, etc. Depending on the level of the illusionist and the number of senses affected by his illusion, the victim of this psionic attack can be

Palming (+10%)

Surveillance (+10%) Ventriloquism (+10%) W.P.: Two of choice

made to feel the slice of a blade or the heat of fire. Because he is directly linked to the illusion, he is a part of its actions and imagines suffering damage from its attack, bleeding, burning, etc. Even though all of this is imaginary, the player must roll damage for his character as if it

Hand to hand: basic can be selected as one "other" skill, hand to hand: expert at the cost of two "other" skills, or martial arts (or assassin if an evil alignment) for the cost of three "other" skills.

were real.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills at level one, plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, nine and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Any (+10%)

Combat can be short or drawn out depending on the victim's perception of his enemy (overwhelming, an equal, a wimp, etc.) and the inten-

tions of the illusionist. When the living character believes his hit points have been reduced to zero or below, he will believe he has died and will collapse. In reality, his body is whole and healthy, but the illusion has created such a flood of sensations that it shocks his system, temporarily knocking him out for 2D4 melee rounds. If the death is particularly gruesome, the character may remain unconscious for twice as long and/or suffer permanent mental side effects

Domestic: Any Espionage: Any, except Sniper and Track Humanoids. Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.

(G.M.'s, use your discretion but a roll on the phobia table or even the random insanity table may not be out of line). If the illusion of death is extremely sudden, horrendous or devastatingly real, like being atomized

Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Wrestling. Rogue: Any (+5%) Science: Any (+10% on Mathematics skills only).

by a lightning bolt or being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves, there is a 01-50% chance of the character lapsing into a coma and actually dying unless he receives medical treatment (+20% to survive). See recovery from a coma in the Palladium RPG. However, death and serious trauma are rarities.

Scholar/Technical: Any (+10% on Lore, Language and Literacy only)

Medical: Biology, Brewing, and First Aid only. Military: None

Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Dowsing, Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.


has an idea of where the person is hiding, visible or not. Of course invisibility is a futile defense if the illusionist uses some means to see the invisible. Note: At sixth level, the range of the effect changes from a

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four secondary skills from the previous list at level one, and one additional skills at level two, four, seven, ten and thirteen. These are additional areas of

strictly 120 foot (36.5 m) line of sight ability to a 120 foot (36.5 m) radius, meaning characters within a 240 foot ( 73 m) diameter, can be af-

knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the

parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a pair of boots, hat, belt,

fected, without direct line of sight contact, provided the illusionist is aware of their presence (a quick glance will suffice). The number of victims: The illusionist can instill a mental illusion

blanket, bedroll, backpack, one large sack, four small sacks, a water

as often as once per melee round and affect one victim for every level of his experience. At higher levels, the psychic can create illusions that

skin, dried meats and fruit equal to food rations for 1D4+1 weeks, a small silver cross, a pocket mirror, and a tinderbox.

can affect everyone in his radius of influence. Multiple victims can experience the same illusion or their own individual one, tailor-made for them. The psionic illusionist typically draws on strong emotions and

Armor: Starts with a suit of studded leather (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38).

Weapons: Starts with a silver-coated dagger, and two other weapons of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of fair to good quality. Magic weapons and other equipment must be acquired later. Money: The character starts with 130 in gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will come from payment for work and/or booty. Illusionist P.C.C. 1 0,000-2220

thoughts of hated and feared enemies, or phobias, goals, and so on, from which to spin his hypnotic attack.

Note (penalties for victims of illusions): While entranced by the illusion, victims are not likely to notice what the illusionist is doing or what is transpiring around them unless they are directly involved/attacked; -3 to parry or dodge the first attack directed at them; -1 on all subsequent parry and dodge moves and all other combat actions, plus -6 on initiative and -1 melee attack/action for the duration of the illusion because victims are distracted by the illusion.

2 2,221-4,440

3 4 5 6 7

4,441-8,920 8,921 -17,900 17,901-25,920 25,921-35,940 35,941-50,920

Greater Power by advancement of experience: The illusionist develops greater control and range of power as he or she advances in experience. Consequently, powers are listed by level. Mind Block: Whenever the illusionist has a mind block in place to protect himself, he cannot use his powers of illusion.

8 50,921-70,940 9 70,941 - 95,920 10 95,921 -135,940

Level One: Simple Sound

11 135,941-185,920 12 185,921-225,940 13 225,941-275,920 14 275,921 - 335,940 15 335,941 - 375,920

The power of illusion is a gradual and practiced art requiring concentration, focus, and meditation. It begins with the creation of illusionary sounds, progressing to visual images and eventually influencing all the senses.

Range: 120 feet (36.5 m) and within line of vision. Duration: One minute per level of experience. I.S.P.: 2 Limitations: At first level only one character can be affected. One sound can be created for each melee action/attack of the illusionist. Each such illusionary sound counts as one melee action. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion. The illusion of sound enables the illusionist to make a person hear just about any type of single sound/noise he desires: the wheeze of a horse, footsteps, a thud, heavy breathing, the rustle of leaves, a door opening or closing, laughter, a spoken word, and so on. The type of sound and language are limited by the knowledge and

Unless otherwise stated, the illusionist can create an illusion of only one thing at a time (complete with sound, image, odor, etc.) per each

experience of the illusionist creating it. For example, the psychic could not create the voice of an ogre whispering in Gobblely if he himself

psionic attack. That one thing can be an inanimate object or a moving figure as large as a dragon to as small as a spider. To manipulate the il-

cannot speak the language. Similarly, he cannot imitate a voice or unusual sound without several hours of study and practice. When the spe-

lusion and to maintain control over his victim(s), the illusionist must be

cific voice of a real person is imitated, the illusionist must roll under his imitate voices impersonation skill. However, he can easily make an unspecific voice or sound without any special skill considerations. Furthermore, the voice can appear to be coming from around the corner,

The Powers of Illusion

able to see his victim(s) and be within range. Duration: Continued input and manipulation by the illusionist means the illusion will last its full duration unless outside forces convince the victim that what he's experiencing is only in his mind. Otherwise, the illusion is implanted, but without his continued input, the victim should be able to realize the images and sensations are not real

down the street, from inside a trunk, floating above one's head, or anywhere the illusionist desires. Likewise, the volume can be manipulated from a normal spoken range to a thundering roar or a gentle whisper.

within 1D4 melee rounds, at which time the illusion vanishes. This also happens when the psionic attacker loses sight of his victim or the character steps beyond his range of influence.

Level Two: Advanced Sound

The illusionist may use his other psionic powers or take some other action while he has victims enthralled by his illusions, but if he becomes too distracted (G.M.'s judgement call based on what's happening), his illusion will slip (it vanishes). Line of Sight: The victim of an illusion must be within the illusion-

Duration: Four minutes. knowledge and skills still apply. I.S.P.: Four per every four minutes. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusions.

ist's line of vision for proper manipulation and long lasting effect. If he should run out of the line of sight or range of the illusion maker, the

At level two, the illusionist's control over his ability is increased dramatically to include multiple and simultaneous sounds. This means

psychic influence over him and the illusion will vanish within the next 1D4 melee rounds. Turning invisible or hiding is a potentially good ploy but the illusionist can maintain a convincing illusion as long as he

he can now create what seems to be a series of footsteps and heavy breathing from two or more beings, as many as two voices engaged in

Range: 120 foot (36.5 m) radius and within line of vision. Limitations: The same restrictions regarding the illusionist's range of

lengthy conversation with birds chirping in the background and so on.


Level Three: Visual Images

I.S.P.: Five points per every five minutes, per person affected. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion. At this point the illusion maker has sufficiently mastered both sound and visual imagery to successfully combine the two. This is the beginning of the true mastery of illusion. Now the illusion of the snarling dog is combined with a menacing growl, the angry giant grumbles and snorts, his lips spread wide, with a smack revealing his ocher teeth; a low, growling laugh rumbles up from his belly as he lunges at the person caught in the illusion. Note: The illusionist may still limit himself to using only sound or

Range: 120 feet (36.5 m) and line of vision. Duration: Five minutes. I.S.P.: Three per victim, per every five minutes. Limitations: The illusion has no sound; the illusionist can't yet combine audio with visual and must use one or the other. Up to three characters can be made to see the illusion. Saying Throw: Standard save vs psionic attack. At this level, the psychic can create a single illusionary image in the minds of his victims. The image can be of fruit or a sword to a snarling dog or an angry giant. Like all illusions, these images are controlled and manipulated by the illusion maker. He implants the creature's behavior and reactions. As with the sound illusions, the image is limited to the illusionist's personal knowledge and experience. Creating the image of a specific or exotic creature based upon descriptions or entirely by memory is likely to result in a flawed illusion. Likewise, the illusionist will have trouble

only image depending on which one best fits the circumstances.

Level Five: Smells & Odors Range: 120 feet (36.5 m) and line of vision. Duration: Five minutes. I.S.P.: Five points per every five minutes, per person affected. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion.

creating a convincing illusion of a specific person unless he is ex-

The ability to create the illusion of odor/smell now comes into play.

tremely familiar with that person or has total recall. Use the following table when the illusionist attempts to create the illusion of a particular person. The image illusion can also be used to disguise one's own features. If the features are those of a specific person use the tables below to determine the level of perfection or flaws. Remember, only a character

It cannot yet be integrated into the visual or sound illusions but is still very effective by itself. Through psionic manipulation of the senses, the illusion maker can make someone believe that he smells smoke, decay, mustiness, food, flowers, etc.

Level Six: Image, Sound & Odor Combo

who doesn't save vs psionic attack will see the illusion.

Success ratio based on the degree of knowledge & familiarity: Roll percentile dice to determine the quality and perfection of the illusion whenever a visual image is used. A failed roll means a flawed illusion; roll on the following table to determine just how flawed. • Subject is extremely well known: 01-96% that the illusion is perfect. • Subject studied extensively: 01-86% that the illusion is perfect. • Subject studied only a few times: 01-76% that the illusion is perfect. • Subject seen only a few times: 01-40% for a perfect illusion. • Subject seen once or twice: 01-26% for a perfect illusion. • Subject seen very briefly/a passing glance: 01-14% chance of a passable illusion. Very flawed unless the roll was within the narrow margin of 1-14%. • Subject unknown, based on an elaborate description: 01-10% chance of a passable illusion. Unmistakably flawed unless the roll was

Range: 120 foot (36.5 m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: 10 per every five minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; every individual gets a saving throw. The illusionist is now able to combine all three elements into one

frighteningly realistic illusion. The grumbling giant cocks his head and spits forth a blast of fire, the smell of smoke and flame fills the air.

Level Seven: Taste, Image, Sound, & Odor Range: 120 foot (36. m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: 10 per every five minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; every individual gets a saving throw.

within the narrow margin of 1-10%.

• Subject unknown, based on vague description: 01-03% chance of a passable illusion. Unmistakably flawed unless the roll was within the narrow margin of 1-3%. Determining the degree of a flawed illusion/image: An unsuccess-

The illusionist can now use his powers to make a person experience

ful illusion means that it is flawed in some noticeable way: the wrong

a false taste. Water tastes like wine, milk or mud, an apple like a lemon, dry bread like a carrot, and so on. The sense of taste can be combined with the other illusionary features without any additional I.S.P. cost.

hair color, no mustache, too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, wrong race, etc. Roll on the following table at the very first moment the illusion is created to see just how flawed it is. 01-20 Unmistakably flawed: 01-90% likelihood that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and instantly break free of the illusion. 21-40 Very flawed: 01-65% likelihood that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 1D4 me-

Level Eight: Mass Hypnotic Illusion Range: 120 foot (36.5 m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: An additional 10 I.S.P. (plus the normal I.S.P. cost of the illusion) will make the illusion appear to everybody within the 120 foot (36.5 m) radius of influence. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics/illusion; everyone in the radius of effect gets to make a save. This means some will be affected by

lee rounds.

41-70 Somewhat flawed: 01-40% chance that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 1D4 melee rounds.

71-00 Slightly flawed: 01-20% chance that the victim of the illusion will notice the flaws and break free of the illusion within 2D4 melee rounds.

the illusion while others may not. The illusion can affect one, two, three or all four senses of every-

Level Four: Sound & Image

body within the 120 foot (36.5 m) radius of influence. Only those who

Range: 120 feet (36.5 m) and line of sight. Duration: 5 minutes.

save are not affected. Note: The illusion of touch cannot be included in the mass illusion regardless of the psychic's level.


Level Nine: Touch

Note: A magnification boost is applicable, doubling everything. The final step in the mastery of illusion is the creation of an entire panoramic environment. This could be a building, a forest, etc. All five senses are affected, but while birds, insects, and nonthreatening wildlife/animals may be heard or seen in the distance, there are no menacing monsters or attackers. This illusion is limited to the panoramic setting of an environment. However, the illusionist working in concert with another illusionist, can introduce/add an attacker(s) as per any of the other types of illusions described previously.

Range: 120 foot (36.5 m) radius. Duration: 3 minutes. I.S.P.: Six per every five minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics. The sensation of touch and physical solidity are possible with this ability. The sensation of soft fur, hard rock, heat, cold, wet, and so on, are now possible. However, it cannot yet be combined with the other elements.

Level Ten: Multiple Images with Sound Level Fifteen: Magnified Illusion This is the ability to punch up the illusion, single or multiple, increasing the range of effect and duration. This psionic boost doubles the range (280 foot/85.3 m radius), doubles the duration (20 minutes), makes all those caught in the range of the illusion -1 to save, and doubles the number of images. I.S.P.: An additional 20 points, plus the usual amount of I.S.P. needed to create the illusion in the first place. The magnification boost can be used on any type of illusion, whether it is a simple sound or sound and image, to a multiple image with all five sensations.

Range: 120 foot (36.5 m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: 15 per five minutes, per character affected. Limitations: The images have sound but no sensation of smell, taste or touch. The maximum number of individual figures are 12 Saving Throw: Standard save vs psionics.

For the first time the illusionist can coordinate the actions of several large illusionary images simultaneously. Prior to level ten, the illusionist could create only one major image and manipulate it convincingly; one giant, one dragon, one doorway, one object, etc. As he grows with each level he is able to add new elements to the illusion, making it more and more life-like and real. Now he can create several images: a sack filled with gold coins, three giants, two dragons, a herd of animals moving in concert with each other to create a much larger illusion with several independent figures or objects.

Travel Notes The following are some basic rules of thumb, considerations and suggested rules for travel by the commonest modes of transportation.

Level Eleven: All Five Elements

A few comments about running speed and terrain

Range: 140 foot (42.6 m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: 16 per five minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusion.

The role-playing characters and animals all have a speed attribute. This attribute can be the equivalent of running at a speed of several miles per hour. However, in most cases, this is a maximum speed that can only be maintained for short sprints of a few minutes at a time and quickly tires the character out to the point of exhaustion (even marathon runners require constant practice and pacing to make their runs). The type of terrain which the character must traverse will have a profound effect on his rate of travel. In many instances, the terrain can completely eliminate one's ability to run at full tilt. For example, running through a field of tall grass, flowers, and shrubs on uneven earth offers a certain amount of resistance, may tangle and trip the feet, snag articles of clothing or equipment, and so on. Likewise, one just cannot get the same traction running on sand (coastline or sand deserts). These two examples are relatively flat, open terrains but still offer considerable resistance and slows one's speed considerably. A rain forest, jungle or dense forest of any composition (not to mention swamps, mud flats, etc.) can slow travel down to a crawl. This is why traveling down a cleared path or road, free of obstacles is so important for ease of travel and maximum speed.

The illusion maker can combine sound, image, odor/smell, taste and touch into his illusion. This applies to one illusion not the multiple illusion.

Level Twelve: Multiple Images with Sound, and Odor Range: 140 foot (42.6 m) radius. Duration: 5 minutes. I.S.P.: 20 per five minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusion. All three elements can be maintained for each of the individual images of the illusion.

Level Thirteen: Multiple Illusions with All Five Elements

Traveling on Foot

Range: 140 foot (42.6 m) radius. Duration: 10 minutes I.S.P.: 30 per ten minutes, per character affected. Saving Throw: Standard vs psionics/illusions. At last, the illusion maker can combine all five sensations in a multiple image illusion without restriction.

Grasslands/lowlands/plains/farmland: Approximately seven miles (11 km) an hour at a brisk pace and one short rest period, or three miles (4.8 km) at a leisurely pace and/or with many rest stops. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 10% for most humanoids, 20% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and zero for giants over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall. Heavy vegetation (i.e. tall grass, weeds, vines and shrubs with scattered trees) or sand or snow: Approximately 3-5 miles (4.8 km) an hour at a brisk pace and only the occasional minute or two of rest, or two miles (3.2 km) at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 25% for most humanoids, 50% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and 10% for giants over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall.

Level Fourteen: The Panorama Range: 280 foot (85.3 m) radius Duration: One hour! I.S.P.: 60 Saving Throw: Standard vs. psionics/illusions


Thin forest or light jungle: Approximately four miles (6.4 km) an hour at a brisk pace, or one and a half miles (2.4 km) at a leisurely pace.

chance of the horse getting stuck in the deep mud or collapsing from exhaustion (roll once every 20 minutes). If stuck, it will take 6 to 36

Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 25-30% for most humanoids, 50% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and 15% for giants over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall.

(roll 6D6) minutes to pull or push the horse free. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 70-90% for most horses and riding ani-

mals. Note: Some swamplands and mud flats are too treacherous for riding animals. Some notes concerning horses: The kind of food fed to a horse also makes a difference in the rate of travel. Contrary to what many gamers may think, a horse is not a lawn mower with legs. Oh, a horse can eat grass, weeds and other vegetation, but it takes a much longer time to digest and therefore, the horse can't function at full capacity. A horse on a varied diet of oats, grass and hay will move 10% slower. A horse on a steady diet of grass and/or hay will run a full 25% slower; it's just not as nutritional or filling. It's as if you were living on a diet of bread and

Dense forest/rain forest or jungle: Approximately two miles (3.2 km) an hour (maximum) at a brisk pace, or one mile (1.6 km) at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 50-75%

for most humanoids, 70-90% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and 30% for giants over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall.

Rocky terrain: Approximately three, possibly four miles (4.8 to 6.4 km) per hour at a brisk pace, or one or two miles (1.6 to 3.2 miles) at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 20-30%

for most humanoids, 40-50% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and 10-20% for giants over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall. Swamp or marsh: In addition to the dangers of predators, quick-

water; you would be able to function but not at peak efficiency. On the

other hand, a diet of oats, barley, and other grains, though more expensive, will help keep the animal healthy and at top efficiency. Grooming and proper watering are also important for the horse or pony's well be-

sand, bogs, and just the ordinary mud, muck, and reeds, the rate of travel is very slow. Approximately one or two miles (1.6 to 3.2 mph) an hour, briskly, and a mile or less at a slow, leisurely pace. Speed Modifi-

ing. For the record, the term pony refers to an appaloosa type pony, not a child's mount.

ers: Maximum speed is reduced by 40-70% for most humanoids, 6080% for humanoids under four feet (1.2 m) tall, and 30-50% for giants

TVavel by Horse and Wagon

over 15 feet (4.6 m) tall.

Using a wagon or coach is usually limited to smooth terrains such as grasslands, lowlands, trails and roads. The speed will also be limited by

Note: Extreme weather conditions of heat, cold, humidity, snow, or heavy rain will slow the rate of travel by an additional 10-20%.

the weight and number of horses drawing it. As a rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that a single animal pulling a wagon will travel 25-60% slower than when carrying a single rider on its back. A team of horses pulling the same wagon share the weight and can move faster, but will

TVaveling on Horseback Grassland/lowlands/plains/farmland or road: Approximately 30 miles (48.2 km) an hour at full and constant gallop, but this is cruel

still be 10-30% slower than traveling by horseback. Furthermore, the other members of the team can only go as fast as the slowest horse on the team, as well as being restrained by the weight of their load. Pulling a wagon at full speed may also cause the wagon to tip over and break

punishment for the horse and will fatigue, hurt, and even kill the animal

if that pace is maintained for more than an hour. 20 miles (32 km) an hour is a brisk but reasonable pace; 12 miles (19.3 km) an hour at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: None. Heavy vegetation (i.e. tall grass, weeds, vines and shrubs with


Note: Certain environments are completely inhospitable for the use of wagons or coaches, including travelling through mud, swamps, dense

scattered trees) or sand or snow: Approximately 24 miles (38.4 km) an hour at full gallop but there's a 15% chance of the horse stumbling, falling or injuring itself. 18 miles (28.8 km) an hour at a brisk but reasonable pace; 10 miles (6 km) an hour at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 10% for most horses and riding

forests, jungles, and deep snow. Likewise, trying to cross a stream or

river can be dangerous depending on the depth of the water and the speed of the current. A river current or flash flood can sweep a coach or wagon, the horses and passengers away to oblivion.

animals. Thin forest or light jungle: Approximately 20 miles (32 km) an hour at full gallop but there is a 1 -30% chance of stumbling, throwing a shoe, or other injury. 15 miles (24 km) an hour at a brisk pace or 10

Travel by water The speed of travel on water depends on the type of water (river, stream, lake, sea, ocean, etc.), the roughness of the water, its current, tide, the type of boat, etc. The following are some average speeds, stats and costs for some common water vessels (see Adventures on the High Seas; 2nd Edition for complete details about different types of

miles (16 km) an hour at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 25% for most horses and riding animals. Dense forest/rain forest or jungle: Approximately 12 miles (19.3 km) an hour at a brisk pace or 4-8 miles (6.4-12.8 km) an hour at a leisurely pace. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 50-70% for most horses and riding animals. Note: Some jungles are too thick for a horse to travel at any speed! A full gallop is impossible in a dense forest or jungle without knocking the rider off, being slammed and im-


Canoe (standard): Length: 10 to 12 feet (3 to 3.6 m), Speed: 1-4 mph (1.6 to 6.4 km) paddling, Passengers: 2-4, S.D.C.: 50; wood. Cost: 100 to 300 gold. Pacific Twin Canoe: Length: 18 to 20 feet (5.4 to 6 m), Max. Speed: 6 mph (9.6 km) team rowing or 1 to 6 mph with sail, Passengers/Crew: 6 to 10, S.D.C.: 150; wood. Cost: 500 to 800 gold. Pacific War Canoe: Length: 40 to 60 feet (12 to 18.3 m), Max.

paled by tree branches, or the horse stumbling or killing itself. Rocky terrain: Steep inclines, narrow cliff passages, and loose rocks and earth are extremely dangerous for horses and most other riding animals. Approximately 12 miles (19.3 km) per hour is possible at a brisk, reckless pace; 1-70% chance of the animal stumbling and getting hurt or killed, or throwing the rider. Six (9.6 km) miles an hour is a safe pace. A full gallop is extremely difficult to maintain and almost certain

Speed: 8 mph (12.8 km) team rowing, Passengers/Crew: 10 to 40, S.D.C.: 340; wood. Cost: 900 to 2000 gold.

Row Boat (standard): Length: 8 to 12 feet (2.4 to 3.6 m), Speed: 12 mph (1.6 to 3.2 km) paddling. Passengers/Crew: 2-6, S.D.C.: 110; wood. Cost: 200 to 600 gold. Sail/Fishing Boat (small): Length: 16 to 30 feet (4.9 to 9 m), Max. Speed: 6 mph (9.6 km), Passengers/Crew: two to six sailors

disaster. Speed Modifiers: Maximum speed is reduced by 50-70% for most horses and riding animals. Swamp or marsh: The riding animal will want to avoid swamplands and bogs, preferring to go around them rather than through them. The pace is slow and exhausting, taking a terrible toll on the longlegged animal. 5-7 miles (8-11.2 km) per hour is an astounding pace, but 1-3 miles (1.6-4.8 km) an hour is much more realistic. These are dangerous places for an animal so large and heavy, with a 1-50%

S.D.C.: 250; wood. Cost: 2,000 to 6,000 gold.

Sail/Fishing Boat/Yacht (large): Length: 60 to 90 feet (18.3 to 27.4 m), Max. Speed: 12 mph (19.3 km), Passengers/Crew: 10 to 20 (four minimum), S.D.C.: 600 to 900 wood; Cost: 9,000 to 16,000 gold.


Sailing Corsair: Length: 70 to 90 feet (21.3 to 27.4 m), Max. Speed: 16 mph (25.7 km), Passengers/Crew: 6 to 8 officers, 20 to 26 sailors and 30 to 40 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 1800 to 2200; wood. Cost: 35,000 to 50,000 gold. Sailing Schooner: Length: 100 to 120 feet (30.5 to 36.5 m), Max. Speed: 12 mph (19.3 km), Passengers/Crew: 8 officers, 20 to 40 sailors and 30 to 40 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 2100 to 2600; wood. Cost: 60,000 to 80,00 credits. Sailing Brigantine: Length: 100 to 140 feet (30.5 to 42.6 m), Max. Speed: 20 mph (32 km), Passengers/Crew: 12 officers, 30 to 40 sailors and 50 to 70 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 3000 to 3400; wood. Cost: 95,000 to 150,000 gold. Sailing Frigate: Length: 150 to 200 feet (39.6 to 48.7 m), Max. Speed: 16 mph (25.7 km), Passengers/Crew: 12 officers, 40 to 60 sailors and 100 to 144 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 3400 to 4000; wood. Cost: 200,000 to 500,000 gold. Small Sail & Oar War Galley/Wolfen Longboat: Length: 45 to 80 feet (13.7 to 24.4 m), Max. Speed: 5 mph (8 km) with half oars, 10 mph (16 km) all oars/team rowing, or 12 mph (19.3) with sails, Passengers/Crew: 12-20 oarsmen, 4-10 sailors and 20-40 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 2400 to 3000; wood. Cost: 85,000-160,000 gold. Large Sail & Oar War Galley: Length: 140 to 190 feet (42.7 to 58 m), Max. Speed: 5 mph (8 km) with half oars, 10 mph (16 km) all oars/team rowing, or 12 mph (19.3) with sails, Passengers/Crew: 120180 oarsmen, 20-40 sailors and 4-80 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 2400 to 3000; wood. Cost: 350,000 to 700,000 gold. Sailing Cutter: Length: 180 to 240 feet (54.8 to 73 m), Max. Speed: 20 mph (32 km) sail; Crew: 12 officers and 50 enlisted men and up to 150 passengers or soldiers, S.D.C.: 3500 to 4000; wood. Cost: 500,000 to 800,000 gold.

TIMIRO The Timiro Kingdom is the second oldest of the human dominated lands. It is a medieval society of kings, dukes and knights sworn to allegiance by their common heritage and goals. Timiro was carved out of a hostile land brimming with non-human races dedicated to the destruction of humankind. Through courage, valor, high ideals and evenhanded justice a kingdom rose from the graves of the dreamers. A kingdom where the code of chivalry, a man's honor and his sword are recognized and acknowledged as strength and dignity. However, the ways of the noble warrior have given way to a relaxed, pedestrian attitude toward life. The beast-men (ores and goblins) and the ogres have been pushed deep into the mountains, the eastern territory is occupied by a new line of settlers and adventurers, the Old Kingdom too large and hostile an undertaking; . . . so without new challenges the warrior kingdom looks to affairs of state and of the heart. Merchants, fishing colonies, artisans, minstrels, cattle and horse raisers flourish. The wealthy languish in spices, scents, silks and alcohol of the Western Empire. Great farms and plantations sprawl across the land. Prosperity has made many, perhaps too many, overly content and complacent. The idle young nobles duel over a trifle, and the ways of the knight and chivalry crumble with each passing generation. Timiro's fleets are the strongest, swiftest and most famous in the world; even her covetous neighbor, The Land of the South-Winds, dare not trifle with the Kingdom in their mutually shared waters. The Westem Empire rumbles with the talk of a campaign of global conquest and dark magic. To conquer the Timiro Kingdom their shabby fleet must confront the sea-serpent slaying aramada of Timiro and foot soldiers must first vanquish the hordes of non-humans that inhabit the Old Kindom. So it is that the Timiro Kingdom is experiencing its golden age, but as with all things of mortal conception, it must die. We who can see an overview see what the Kingdom cannot, its inevitable fall to ruin. The complacency, self absorption, the encroaching decadence and the decay of chivalry and old values all harken to the beginning of the end. The greatest of the kingdom's follies is the careless use and increasing number of non-human slaves. The eastern section of the Timiro Kingdom is new and fat with farms and plantations. Production centers swell with a slave population that comprises 40% of the total population. Aracho, Partha, Tanis and many of the others have dangerously large slave populations of ore, goblin, and ogre. A population that, perhaps supplemented by the free tribes that abound in this region, will break free of their bonds and sweep each successive town in a rampage of vengeance. The Western region of Timiro has a smaller slave population but even here they account for 25% of the population. Ultimately Timiro will fall at the hands of its slaves, but while the seeds of destruction have been sown, it is still decades away.

Methods of Magic Travel Of course, in a world of magic there are always alternatives to conventional means of travel. Magic spells such as fly, magic portal, teleport and others, enables practitioners of magic to travel from one place to another via magic spells, circles, scrolls or magic items. These modes of transportation are comparatively uncommon and not typically available to the average person.

Flying Riding on top of a flying animal, like a gryphon, pegasus or dragon, or flying via spell magic or other enchantment, can equal or surpass the speed of a horse traveling at maximum speed without consideration for encumbrance or fatigue. Just remember, reckless flying can cause a mid-air collision or slamming into a tree that can injure or kill the flier. The flier is also more likely to be noticed, especially in open plains or at sea, unless obscured by trees, clouds, or weather conditions. Land navigation may also be difficult from a bird's-eye view (-10% skill penalty).

Communication & Travel News, royal proclamations, warnings, messages, etc., are sent by special couriers on foot (runners for short distances) or horsemen (pony express type, or coach) for long distances. Town criers are commonly used for public dissemination of news to the masses, as are festivals, parades and town meetings. Written proclamations are limited to the scholarly, nobles, clergy and practitioners of magic. Wood and paper signs, posters and fliers are also used, especially in the larger towns and cities, but the common person, from soldier to baker, usually can't read, write or even sign his name, so such notices are usually read to him. Word of mouth is the most common method of communication in the low-tech world of Palladium. Extraordinary means of communication include the use of the crystal ball, air elementals, entities, psionics (telepathy, empathy, etc.); or by magic (illusions, ley line transmission, magic pigeon, tongues, etc.), many of which can be used to transmit messages over great distances quickly.

MILITARY The Elite Cavalry: The Sentinels; the most prestigious branch of the military, is restricted to humans and elves of indisputable noble lineage. They are a crack troop of fighting men without peer. Assigned to border patrols in hostile territory. Equipment: Lance or military fork, saber, horseman's hammer, small iron shield, studded leather armor, uniform, and riding horse (never a pony unless times are difficult).


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Note: Map Indicates location not land area of cities,

The Light Cavalry is also a distinguished branch of the military where the sons of the wealthy and questionable nobility can be found. Unlike the Sentinels, its enlistment is not limited to nobility or humans and elves, although it is dominated by humans. They are a well trained, generally well disciplined soldiers of superior quality. Standard issue of equipment: Long spear, short sword, mace, small iron shield, hard leather armor, uniform, and riding horse. Foot Soldiers are the common branch of the army and the backbone of the military. They are generally well trained and disciplined though many have never seen combat. Standard issue of equipment: Short spear, short sword, dagger, small wood shield, soft leather armor and uniform. Mercenaries are not an official segment of the Royal Army but many are employed by the Kingdom. Mercenaries are commonly given the worst assignments such as manning the Northern border forts. A mercenary can bring in any type of arms and armor they desire. No arms are issued. NOTE: During specific conditions and military campaigns, the armor of the Royal Army may be upgraded to studded leather or chain mail, with officers wearing double mail, splint and even plate. Knights are no longer an official branch of the military but are still respected and honored as superior warriors. The title of Knight is bestowed to distinguished champions/warriors of the Kingdom and to nobles and lords who have proven themselves in combat. G.M.'s, the attribute requirements must also be met by any character. See the Palladium RPG pgs. 85-87. It is more difficult for a common man to earn the official title of Knight than it is for a noble.

Laws The following is a rudimentary list of common crimes and their penalty. Murder Penalty

Royalty Nobility/Wealthy Common Man Peasant Non-human Non-human Slave Non-human Slave (self defense) Non-royalty (self-defense) Royalty (self-defense)

Public execution after torture Public execution Imprisonment 6-36 years Imprisonment (short, possibly a few months, max. 12 years; may simply be banishde from that area). Same as peasant Must replace the slave and pay a fine of 300 (with malice)gold. No penalty No penalty if found innocent. Banishment from that city or town, possibly from the Kingdom

Attempted Murder

The Royal Navy The Royal Navy is the pride of the Kingdom and heralded as the best in the world. (Note: The tiny island kingdom of Bizantium is actually superior in skill but much fewer in number.) The vessels range from small scouting schooners to normal warships and the giant armoured dragon slayers (an elite segment of the fleet that have been known to capture and slay sea-serpents.). Unfortunately the specifics of the navy and its marvelous sea vessels are the subject of another book.

Royalty Nobility/Wealthy Common man Military

Public execution Execution or imprisonment. Imprisonment (short) or fine

Peasant Slave

Imprisonment (very short) or fine Fine Fine for brawling

Non-Human Brawls/Street Fights

Night in jail and fine 20-80 gold; if fine can't be paid can be held or put to work indefinitely.

Horse Theft Royalty Execution or lengthy imprisonment Nobility /Wealthy Execution or imprisonment for 10-80 years. Military Execution or imprisonment. Common Man Execution or more likely imprisonment, 10-80 yrs. Peasant or Non-Human Execution or more likely imprisonment 10-40 years or large fine 1000- 4000 gold, plus the replacement of the animal.

Magic Magic is fairly commonplace in the Timiro Kingdom, as it is throughout the Palladium World. However, this doesn't mean that there's a magic shop on every comer or a wizard in every town. On the contrary, many towns have no magic or alchemist shop or guild at all. This is especially true of the smaller and outback towns. Furthermore, magic is often viewed with fear and suspicion. The summoner and diabolist in particular, are viewed with fear and contempt, due in part to the Kingdom's reign of terror at the hands of Yisterwald the Summoner.

Warlocks Warlocks play an integral role in both the Royal Navy and commercial shipping practices. Any good merchant fleet will employ at least one air and water warlock for every four ships. Usually both will accompany any voyage of two or more ships. A fleet or a particularly valuable cargo may require more or higher level warlocks. Warlocks under sixth level are rarely considered and never any below third level. Likewise, earth warlocks are of little value, although high level fire warlocks can find employment as part of the fleets' defenses (a fire at sea is a treacherous weapon). Consequently, there are many air, water and fire warlocks in the major sea ports. These lucrative commissions usually make them wealthy men and respected throughout the Kingdom. Warlocks enjoy such favorable popularity that they are often revered above the clergy and other men of magic. Without doubt, they are the least feared and most accepted of all the men of magic.

Theft of Magic


Royalty Nobility/Wealthy Merchant Clergy Common man/ non-human

Execution or imprisonment Imprisonment Imprisonment Imprisonment

Short imprisonment or fine.

NOTE: The vengeance of the owner is usually worse than the penalty. Misuse of magic may result in imprisonment as well. Common Theft (merchant or individual): Replacement of the stolen article and/or imprisonment 2-12 years. Damage of property will result in effecting the repairs, a fine and/or imprisonment. Elves and Dwarves are the only non-human races that are given the same rights as humans. All other races are considered to be less than human. Circumstances will vary and alter some of the conditions and penalties.


MAPS USING THE TOWN AND CITY MAPS In the pages that follow you will find an entire kingdom with its forts, towns, and cities mapped and defined. Each is unique from the

others, containing a host of interesting shops, residences and histories. While they are all specifically designed as part of the Palladium RPG world, each has been crafted so that it can be easily adapted to other game systems. The amount of descriptive definition of these communities is purposely kept to a minimum so that the game master has enough elbow room to adjust the town or city to fit the needs and desires of his game.

However, none are so sparse as to be useless and some, like Hanna and Baca, have fairly in depth descriptions. The varying degrees of detail are to promote creativity and provide G.M.s with a solid idea of how one can add character and flavor to his own creations.

The Scale The scale for each individual town or city varies and is NOT intended to be an exact means of measurement. Instead, the scale will provide an approximate idea of distance and size of the community. This is particularly true in regards to the buildings themselves. In order to provide more than tiny little dots and dashes and unable to add the volume of extra pages to provide a consistent largish scale, I opted for a slightly

warped scale. The blocks indicating building size are proportional to each other, but slightly out-of-sync. with the distance scale. Thus, small or tiny dwellings are indicated by the smallest blocks, medium size by the some what larger blocks and large buildings by the largest blocks. Small buildings are generally the shops and residences of the poor or common folk (laborers, farmers, etc., while the medium and large usually indicate wealth, merchants, mansions, larger shops and temples.

Adjustments Game masters should feel free to make any changes or adjustments necessary to make this material fit into his campaign world. This may mean physically altering the town design, layout, and non-playing characters. If one of the non-player characters I've suggested in a community or scenario doesn't work within the restrictions of "your" game, change it. This does not mean you should run through the book punch-

ing up puny characters and toning down powerful characters. G.M.s should use careful thought to make logical adjustments. Remember, conflict and irony always add to any game. Likewise, a direct confrontation/battle is not always as fun or challenging as being forced to work around or avoid a particular conflict.


Alphabetical List of Cities

Population: Dwarves 24,000 Humans 6,000

Ore Slaves 1,000 Acoroc is unique to the Timiro Kingdom for it is an independent Acoroc

sovereignty governed by dwarves. The underground city and the rich iron deposits were discovered about two hundred years ago. King Acorok the Fourth realized the importance of the precious ore and the potential for a great ally in the dwarves. To take the land by force would

Aracho Credia (the Capital City) Old Timiro Rankin Smia Tanis Tomoro

be a lesson in futility, for few have ever successfully routed dwarves

from their domain. The trick would be to secure them as friends and subjects of the Kingdom. Thus, a historic agreement was struck between men and dwarves. 27

The dwarves would mine the ore, process the iron and manufacture arms and armor for the Timiro Kingdom. In exchange, King Acorok agreed that the dwarves would continue to rule their city by their own laws and leaders without royal intervention. They would have full control over the mining operations, smelting, forging of iron and the production of arms and armor. The quantity, quality, price and distribution were also left under dwarven control. King Acorok pledged that as long as the Timiro Kingdom stood, the City of Iron would remain a free dwarven state free of persecution by man or any other creature. To prove his sincerity he proclaimed that the city would henceforth be known to men as Acoroc so that none would forget his pledge. A pledge that has been upheld to the letter ever since. This has delighted the dwarves to no end, allowing them to retain their self-respect and has ensured their lasting loyalty to the Throne of Timiro.

human population of equal size also occupies Acoroc. Those who are not farmers, cattlemen or merchants are travelers and mercenaries pausing here to enjoy the array of shops and oddities the city has to offer. Most races are tolerated by the dwarves, even elve, though the latter are likely to meet with relentless harassment. A warning to the bold and arrogant; any elf that raises his weapon to a dwarf within city limits will find himself a awaiting a swift execution, if not slain on the spot. (G.M. NOTE: Fisticuffs is allowed without serious repercussion). Much to the Timiro Kingdom's concern, kobolds are extremely common to Acoroc. What is even more perplexing is that no one has ever seen the kobolds arrive. They just seem to pop up in city limits. (G.M. NOTE: These two ancient allies have jointly constructed a tunnel that connects the kobolds' mountain city to the dwarves' City of Iron 350 miles away. The friendship between these two cities is so strong that if one was laid under siege the other would send an army thousands strong to help smite the oppressors. The humans of the Timiro Kingdom know nothing of this alliance and only know that the dwarves regard them with great respect and hospitality. The kobolds in Acoroc can get away with almost as many shenanigans as the dwarves themselves). The surface city of Acoroc is very new with orderly streets and avenues. A multitude of merchants and clergy have been attracted here, creating some unusual shops and areas in the city. One such area is the Avenue of the Gods, which houses nearly twenty temples or shrines. Another is the Avenue of Lords, and its many shops and services. The main attraction for most who visit the city is the availability of quality dwarven or kobold crafted weapons and armor. The city's defense is left in the capable, though befuddled hands of the soldiers at Fort Seb. These unfortunate men are charged with patrolling the surrounding forest and farms as well as maintaining order in a town where they have no legal jurisdiction. The fort is the idea of the Timiro Kingdom to insure the city's safety. The dwarves look upon this as a kind but senseless gesture of friendship. The soldiers are required to make regular weekly visits to the city and are the brunt of endless puns, teasing and practical jokes by the hands of their charges. Dwarvish humor is very robust, slapstick, and always without warning. It's sort of like riding into a city of cheerful, friendly bullies. The soldiers must, of course, maintain absolute decorum and courtesy at all times no matter how personally embarrassing. Assignment to Fort Seb is a loathsome post. In all practicality the dwarves don't need the forces of Fort Seb, though they do provide a certain amount of entertainment. The only entrance to the subterranean City of Iron known to the humans is found behind the walls of the mining complex. However, the dwarves have many secret entrances and exits around the outskirts of the surface city, in the forest and even in some of the dwarven owned shops. Dwarves are famous for constructing elaborate defenses of mazes, traps and false chambers, honeycombed with secret passages; The City of Iron is no exception. Thus, it is veritably impenetrable by conventional means. As one might expect, the dwarves display a great degree of intolerance and exasperation toward the weaknesses, foibles, and laws of men and most non-dwarven races. They are often grumpy, impatient and rude, grumbling about the stupidity of men, Timiro's rulers, laws, politics and life in general. However, this is usually a ruse to conceal their fondness of humans and fierce loyalty to the throne of Timiro.

The Sale of Weapons and Armor

Acoroc — the surface Acoroc represents the largest population of dwarves in the Kingdom, an estimated 24,000, though some believe their true numbers could be twice as many. Accurate assessments are impossible because few humans have ever been allowed into the vast underground mining complex and City of Iron. The small city on the surface that men know as Acoroc is tiny by comparison and belies the dwarves true numbers. Fewer than 6,000 dwarves live or conduct business on the surface. A


As the manufacturers of the finest arms and armor in the kingdom, the royal production center of such items, strict trade restrictions are enforced. Foreign Kingdoms must make bulk purchases through the proper channels in Credia. No bulk sales are made to any non-humans, or humans from the Western Empire or the Land of the South Winds. Ores, ogres, goblins, and westerners are watched with great suspicion. Individual sales to members of the non-human races are restricted to a maximum of four weapons.





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20. Temple of Light and Dark, popular among humans. 21. Temple of Ra and the Pantheon of Light. 22. Shrine of Osiris.

Bulk sales are made only to merchants native to Timiro and who bear the writ of an arms merchant, signed and sealed by the royal allotment agent from Credia, Old Timiro, Syanda or Aracho. NOTE: All foreign-sales are handled by a Timiro government agent. A 15% trade

23. Abrahl's Apothecary, stocks a wide selection of common and exotic herbs, drugs and poison. NO magic! A fanatic follower (dwarf)

tax must be added or included to the price of all arms and armor sold in the city.

of the gods of Light and Dark, half of all his profits go to the neighbor-

G.M. NOTE: ALL superior weapons, and armor, that is items with bonuses or additional S.D.C., are very expensive and should sell at the higher rates listed in the Palladium RPG, pages 271-272, if not more. Dwarves do not take kindly to any dickering of price that may suggest

ing temple. He is an authority on religious doctrine and demon & monster lore 90%. He is jovial and loves to talk about religious philosophy.

24. The Temple of Kalba, few priests or followers, part of Rurga's pantheon. 25. Loretta's Linen Shop, has a variety of linen, and miscellaneous

his product is not of the highest quality. Such tactics will result in the

price suddenly doubling and/or the person being bounced out on his ear. Furthermore, dwarves rarely lower their prices, especially for superior

fabrics from wool to western silks. High prices; all quality.

(bonus) items. They can get the price and know it.

26. Bonnies Pawn Shop; 3rd level thief, hob-goblin. Prices are usually low, pays out only 15% of the pawned items' true value. 27. Temple of the Southern Religion of Sloth; includes the entire pantheon of the Yin-Sloth jungle gods. 28. The Hearth and Anvil; a dwarven operated weapon smith, spe-

Other Unique or Unusual Items Liquor Dwarven Mead, very sweet, higher alcohol content than usual.

Dwarven Beer is a tasty heavy brew that packs twice as much punch as

cializing in the repair of weapons overnight (24 hour service) as well as custom made arms (takes 3-12 days depending on complexity; costs an

conventional beer. Secret recipe.

Mushroom Tonic is a clear, slightly yellow liquid with only a light taste of mushroom. Tends to make humans, elves, ores, goblins and pleasant. Characters are minus one to strike, parry and dodge for every three ounces of tonic they drink, but have no hangover.

extra 300% for custom made weapons). 29. Johnathan's Bath House; costs two gold cold, 5 gold hot, 10 gold hot and clean water, 20 gold to have a servant bathe you. 30. Micheals Barber Parlor; 5 to 15 gold gets you a haircut or

Changelings will hallucinate while dwarves and the other races are not significantly affected. Costs five gold an ounce, that's 80 gold a pint.

shave with a complimentary mug of dwarven beer. Three human barbers, two dwarven. 31. Tobacco Shop, smoking and chewing.

A variety of moonshine and homemade wines are also available for standard prices. Goblin Moonshine is a particularly disgusting looking brew that tastes even worse. High alcohol content, extremely cheap prices.

32. Benards Shop of Fine Arts, includes paintings and painted tapestries. Human artist/owner. 33. The Book Worm, dwarven shop that sells paper, parchment, bound notebooks, slate boards, inks, pigments and writing utensils. He also has a fair selection of books; fiction, histories, and religious books. Most are written in elven (a common worldwide tongue) and southern, but all languages are available. No browsing. 34. The Library of Dwarven History, offers an extensive library of

hob-goblins extremely silly and giddy. Everything is funny and

CODE KEY The city of Acoroc 1. Temple of the Elements, a retreat for visiting warlocks. 2. Temple of Anubis and Amon. 3. Magnolin's Tool Store, sells mining, camping, trapping and domestic tools and utensils. 4. The Wild Oak Inn, three story building, 90 rooms, fair prices, good dining. Blacksmith is attached. Directs people to stable their horses at the Cartwright stables down the Avenue (#11). 5. Gingerton's Spice Shop, good variety, fair prices, nothing exotic

dwarven history, particularly the dwarf/elf wars. Most books are written

in dwarven or elven. None may be taken from the premises. Browsing privileges cost five gold per person. 35. Carla's House of Fortunes; an attractive and convincing charlatan who utilizes her major psionic abilities to their full potential.

36. The Travelers Haven, inexpensive inn, 48 rooms. 37. The Blackhawk Stables. 38. The Artisans Abode; is divided into several shops specializing in the crafts and arts. Includes: silversmith, goldsmith, potter, glass

or imported.

6. Shrine of Rurga (warrior goddess). 7. Shrine of Cirga the Bowman. 8. Small Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut. 9. Small Temple to Kirgi the Rat god. 10. Temple of the Sect of Rurga, devoted to the entire pantheon; popular with the dwarves. 11. Cartwright's Stables, a large stable operated by a family of humans. The father and his four sons are respected, even by the dwarves.

blower, porcelain maker, and ring maker.

39. Lantuu's Barber Shop; lowest prices in town. 40. Lances Tobacco Shop. 41. The Watering Hole (tavern), beer, ale, wine. 42. The Blackhawk Inn, is the largest, fanciest Inn in town. It's four stories tall and has 136 rooms as well as a dining hall, saloon, barber shop, and bath house. 43. Dairy Market, fair prices, fresh items.

Fair prices. 12. The Cartwright Stables grain and supply house.

44. Meat Market, specializes in preserved meats.

13. Blacksmith and Wheelwright. 14. The Cartwright Mansion and General Store. 15. Shrine of Belimar the dwarf god. 16. Temple of Heim the Huntress. 17. Shrine of Hoknar god of Thunder 18. Temple of the jinn. 19. Temple of Panath, 1-4, 3rd level priests present at any given time. Will serve as a connection to the black market and illegal activities such as theft and assassination. A 5th level assassin named Bratuss

45. Sebastian the Furrier, buys and sells. 46. The Acoroc Porter Service. 47. Forest Brew Tavern, specializes in ale, fruit wines, juices and ciders, all delicious and fairly priced. 48. Carl's Used Arms and Armor, human owned, lowest prices in town but nothing special, all common human made items.

49. Zigbren's Pawn Shop, operated by a cunning family of kobolds. Pays 25% of the items' value, but places it on sale within 24 hours.

poses as the high priest.


86. Lucresia's Palace of Pleasure. 87. South-side Stables. 88. Weaver and Spinners of Cloth. 89. Seamstress. 90. Tavern of Light, house specialties are mushroom tonic and a variety of local moonshine. 91. Temple of Rurga. 92. Pawn Shop. 93. Carpenter. 94. Wheelwright. 95. Annabella's, high class brothel with an incredible selection. 96. The 4-Finger Elf Tavern, a favorite place among the dwarves, serving only dwarven alcohol and rum. 97. The Rune Sword Tavern, serves only dwarven beer and mead; popular with dwarves and kobolds. 98. Tinoth's Metal Works; in addition to bricks, rods and sheets of metal, Tinoth sells a huge variety of metal products from spikes and tools, to kettles and wagons. Will create items to spec or custom design them for the customer. Has a large staff of dwarves and kobolds. 99. The Iron Mines Complex, including forge, smith, stables, wagons for hauling metal to the warehouse and so on. NOTE: the real mining and processing facilities are underground.

50. Zigbren's Residence; the scene of many raucous parties and shady deals. Will not sell weapons on the black market. 51. The Armory of Lord Pichald, a giant armory that offers a vast variety of arms and armor. High prices but the best in the city. Dwarven owned and operated.

52. Winthrop's Brewery, a saloon that specializes in dwarven drinks, including dwarven beer, mushroom tonic and moonshine. A fa-

vorite among many travelers. 53. Jewelry Store, buys and sells precious stones. 54. Grot's Porter Service, a partnership between a troll and dwarf. They and their men also provide a bodyguard service. 55. The Waxworks; a unique dwarven candle shop whose specialty is colored candles molded and carved into warriors, dragons, rearing horses, and all types of figures. Conventional candles, wicks, and lan-

terns are also available. Reasonable prices. 56. Spice Shop. 57. Coppersmith., 10-40 ogre employees. 58. Slave Market, human owned, 2-12 ores, 4-24 goblins. 59. Ogre Pen. 60. Ore Pen. 61. Ore and Goblin Pens. 62. Game Hall; billiards, darts, cards and all types of gambling. 63. Liquor Store, including dwarven beer, mead, mushroom tonic and goblin moonshine. No imported liquor. 64. Barefoot Inn, small, inexpensive and friendly, 34 rooms. 65. Sir Krilmock's Armor Repair; a 5th level dwarf knight owns


and manages the shop which is renowned for superb weapon and armor restoration. Surprisingly reasonable prices. 66. Meldenthral's Paper Weapons; this is a scroll shop operated

The City of Aracho Population: 53,000 Non-Human Slaves: 10,000 The largest city in the eastern part of Timiro, as well as one of the newer. Aracho is the creation of a consortium of merchants and a group of young heirs of nobility. The merchants' plan was simple but, for the most part, not apparent to the young, idealistic and very rich sons and daughters of "the old times." The young nobles yearned for advancement and growth in the cultural life of the kingdom. The merchants agreed to establish buildings and actively assemble talent; in return the consortium would decide on what kinds of shops and businesses it would establish there. Since most of the businesses desired would sell items that only middle to upper level incomes could afford, their young partners were agreeable. The merchants never visibly showed that their only concern was personal gain. They would not only obtain much needed financing, they would also profit in a more significant way. The young nobles would encourage as many of their generation as they could to live in Aracho. To be a part of a dream; a vision. The merchants privately viewed themselves as more important to the development of Aracho. Their thinking, and it was true, was that youthful idealism is lacking in any business sense. Only practical, pragmatic businessmen could deal with the problems to be solved. However, the final assessment is that both groups received what they asked for and much more. That was long ago; today the cultural life of Aracho is rich and diverse. There is an opera house, a museum, library, as well as booksellers and artisans of all types. There is a mint, hospital and most of the major religions are represented here as well. Many of the residents are middle to upper class and there is a smaller group of the poor who are really rather well off. Aracho is surrounded by cultivated land that is worked by the peasants who supply much of the food for the city.

by an ancient kobold wizard. All spells from level one and two are available with a smattering of level three spell scrolls. Scrolls cost at least 50% more than standard.

67. Music Shop, sells all types of musical instruments as well as a repair service. 68. Acoroc Music Hall, the site of public and private recitals and dance. 69. The Royal Theater, dramas, comedy, animal acts and other performances. 70. Livestock Corrals and Pens. 71. Corral.

72. Horse Corrals. 73. Livestock Market and Stables. 74. Stable Hands. 75. Stable Hands. 76. Horse Stables. 77. Owner's Residence, a dwarf named Kreelt Orl. 78. Supply House near private granary. 79. The City Granary. 80. Castle Acorok, the castle of the Royal patriarch, Duke Fredric Acorok. The castle functions as an embassy for humans and royal representatives of the Timiro Royalty. The post has been held by the Acorok family since King Acorok's agreement with the dwarves. It is used for

foreign or royal dignitaries, balls and parties. The Duke is a happy, gregarious young man, pleased with his position. 81. Public Bath House.

82. Soap and Perfume Merchant. 83. The Kobold Cavern Inn, owned and operated by kobolds, 50

The City of Aracho MAP A

rooms, reasonable prices, dining hall, barber shop and Kald's armory. The armory is small but well stocked with kobold quality weapons.

84. Temple of Light and Dark. 85. Temple of Tark the Spider Goddess.

A. Palace: The king's cousin, the Duke of Aracho, lives here and rules the city and region. Only the king can overrule him. A huge struc-


ture that has been added to several times, and the Duke has gone into debt to make it gorgeous. B. Nostalgia Tavern: A hangout for attorneys, merchants and investors. C. Masseur: The place has a staff of professionally trained masseurs. D. Financial Counselor: Louis Budd, a phenomenally successful investor. Many people distrust him because of his "luck." E. Investment House: Where securities, stocks, bonds and chattels are handled. F. The Aracho Look: Clothier for men. Popular with high-profile people. G. Hombeur-Arcane: Mystic who is more than a bit eccentric. Some say that his house servants (many) aren't alive. He reads cards, senses auras. H. Attorney's Guild: Due to the archaic estate laws, attorneys have flourished. I. Charles Bosworth, Tailor: The man to see for custom fitting. J. Laws, Loss, and Lauss, Attorneys at Law: Infuriatingly slippery characters, but very successful. K. W. Wonka, Confectioner: A young gnome who has inherited the business from his former master. L. Ambrose Biers, Alchemist: and thoroughly soaked alcoholic. Any practical work is done by his three apprentices. Sometimes he cuts loose with a large burst of creative energy. M. Aracho Credit Union: Cooperative money holding institution, money lending. N. The Hill Stables: High-priced stables for high-priced animals. 0. Aracho City Hall, Jail, and Courthouse: Very busy house. P. Money Changer: Changes coins of the Eastern, Northern, and Western Kingdom. Q. Princess Daisy: Daring clothes for daring women. R. The Platinum Sword Inn: Believed to be the largest inn in the kingdom. Has accommodations for 250 wealthy people. S. Temple of Light: Visited by His Royal Person regularly. The High Priest enjoys the radiance of Seker. T. Royal Offices: For tasks of the Kingdom, i.e. taxes, monitoring the army, etc. U. Coiffure: Some absolutely unbelievable hairstyles are cooked up here for the ladies. V. Opera House of Aracho: Opera is fairly new, and so is the building. A growing following ardently attends every performance. W. Opera House Inn: Renamed when the opera became fashionable. Puts up opera members in royal splendor, and visiting patrons of the arts frequently stay here. X. Hiazhon, jeweler: Man from the Land of the South Winds. He has a pipeline that gets uncut stones from there. Y. Hanna Klina, Furrier: Some animals bred on premises. Z. Mark Well, Attorney: Famous for criminal trials. AA. Royal Chas Inn: Prince Charles founded this opulent inn several decades ago. Meant for hedonists. BB. Marvel Grape, Goldsmith: A dwarf (under assumed name) who is paranoid beyond belief. Makes excellent quality goldware. CC. Aracho Royal Theater: College repertory troupe plays socially acceptable plays. DD. Society of Nobility: More like a meeting of the House of Lords, the group meetings held here are tantamount to ritual and stuffiness. They sponsor promising students. EE. Museum of the New Land: Established twenty years ago, the curators brought together as many oddities of the newly settled land as they could. Truly fascinating.

FF. Library of Aracho: Literature, history, fiction, reference works. GG. Gallery of Fine Art: Very important artists' works on display. HH. The Soft Touch: Specializing in lingerie and evening wear for women. II. Magic Guild: Cosponsors of the college, pillars of the community. JJ. Royal College of Aracho: For the rich and the gifted. KK. Samuel Snead, Lord-Attorney: Retired High Judge handles difficult cases. LL. Hill Park: Lovely sculptured gardens. MM. Parade Ground: No longer used as such, but kept up.

MapB A. Aracho Mint: Casts brass and silver coins for the Old Kingdom. B. Auxiliary Armory: Warehouse of arms and armor and repair shop as well. C. Lundgren Textile House: Work-oriented and leisure clothing made here. D. Steel Forge: Non-stop steel forge makes building components. E. Stables At Hand: One of the branches. F. Mason's Guild: They run the burgeoning building industry. G. Weaponsmith: Kobold weaponsmiths who guard their secrets jealously. H. Steel Goods: Roll steel, sheet steel, steel rods, hooks, etc. I. Die Casting: Custom die casting for any purpose. J. Hank's Steel: Cutlery, cookware, and items not usually made of steel. K. Bird of Paradise Tavern: For the Forge crowd. L. Public Water House: Well house for acquisition of surplus water. M. Lim's Laundry: Cashing in on proximity of well. N. Weaponsmith: Repair, sale, and buying of any weapons. 0. Industrial Painter: These people paint factories and places of business. P. Aracho Messenger Service Q. Harvey Klane, Blacksmith: Repairs of cast iron and such. R. Industrial Park: Swing sets for the kids. S. Tooler: Makes and repairs industrial and hand tools. T. Stovemaker: Makes pot-bellied stoves. U. Brick Forge: Where clay and other materials are hardened into brick. V. Perfume Factory: Imported fragrances are bottled here. W. Murch Textile House: Work clothes and uniforms. X. Sack and Basket Factory: Supplies the packaging needs of businesses. Y. Edel Churnbach, Bookbinder: Repairs and works for publishing booksellers. Z. Knock Inn: Quaint, smelly, but clean and cheap. AA. Eastgate Park: Trees, fountain (forbidden to touch), flowers. BB. Beefy Fist Tavern: God help whoever enters this ore bar. CC. Temple of Light Hostel: Local rooming house for members and non-members. DD. Potter: Modest sized pottery shop of useful crockery.

EE. Orphanage: Specializing in abandoned elves. FF. Stovemaker: Another, quicker, maker of pot-bellieds.

MapC 1. Swelling Purse Inn: Favorite for visiting merchants. 2. Liona's Linen Shop: Fine sheets and whole cloth.




Based on Designs by Peter Schermerhorn


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Aracho Map C

3. Bob's Office Supply: Paper, ink, chairs, blotters, etc. 4. Bakery: Wholesale cookies of the Tastie brand. 5. Janet's Jewelry: Janet makes everything herself, and not too well. 6. Chiromancer: Reads palms and heads. 7. School: For the very young or the disabled. 8. Books for Kids: Like the name says ... 9. Kids 'R' Us: Clothes for youngsters. 10. Sajak's Complete Store: General Store 11. Mel's Soaps and Laundry: Mel says he makes his own soap — and sells it with his name on it. 12. Opportunity Knocks: Primarily for domestic service at this office. 13. King's Pawn: Word of mouth has brought King's the strangest clients and items for pawn. 14. Ophter, Silversmith: Ophter is from the Western Empire, and more recently from the Old Kingdom Mountains. He knows a few tricks that most humans don't. 15. Merchant's Guild: They control import, export, and most retail business in the city. 16. Import House: Where the exotic and unusual appear. 17. Saffron Veil Inn: Where merchants put up rich clients. 18. Dudley's Barber Emporium: Specializes in kid's hair. 19. Hospital Architects: The hospital being modular in nature, the need for architects for constant replacing is essential. 20. Hospital Supplies: Some made here, others imported.

21. Bill's Coins: Small dealer. 22. Golden Ear: Exclusively song birds. 23. Mark Engels, Assessor: For insurance purposes. 24. Blue Moon Tavern: A homey place to take the family to. 25. Aracho Hospital: Architectural wonder, as it is completely modular. Everything can be changed around as needed. 26. Police Headquarters: Not a good place to be if you are a threat to city security. 27. Notary Public: Run part-time by a full-time nurse. 28. Sylvan Glade Tavern: Favorite retreat of rangers. 29. Bore D. Twotears: Financial counselor. 30. Harry Jamiot, Veterinarian: New at the job, but learning quickly. 31. Souvenir Shop: To remind you of that wonderful stay in the hospital. 32. Credit Union: Mainly for police and hospital people, but anyone can join. 33. Herb's Art Supply: Run by a magnificent elvish lady. 34. Link Waters, Surgeon: A junior administrator at the hospital. 35. Greater Aracho Taxi Service: Will take you anywhere within 20 miles of the city.

36. House of Meat: Wholesale to markets only. 37. Jewels of Opar: Rare gems and metals, uniquely combined. 38. Fandroth, Masseur: Therapist for the hospital, gets referrals. 39. Aracho Slave House: Auction twice weekly. Any number or manner of slaves, although most are ores. 40. Gugenheim Funeral Home: Bodies (with consent) given to hospital for study. 41. Ray Burr, Dentist: Don't cross this man while under the probe. 42. Dot's Fresh Produce: Mostly vegetables. 43. Wilsonian Dairy Mart: Dairy products. 44. Krantz Meat Market: Very fresh, from across the street. 45. Temple of the Dragonwright Hostel: Attempting to prove that their benevolence is equal to that of Light.


86. William's Wines: Nobody knows where he gets it, but Night Trane Wine is so cheap and so alcoholic (and so bad). 87. Blind Efreet Brass Shop: Mascot is a brass efreet with gems removed from eye holes. More statuary is in the same vein. 88. Marlene, Tailor: The only woman who works in men's' clothes. 89. Toys Galore: Soldiers, dolls, etc. 90. Herschel Bernard, Plumber: Works freelance, biggest customer is the city. 91. Forbin Bernard: Herschel's son. Plasterer: Also freelance. Herschel calls him in to help fix sewers. 92. Wardon Textile House: The one that makes all the chic clothing. 93. Bellmore's Fish Market: Imported fish, quite expensive. 94. Harold's Hardware: Supplies for professionals. 95. Urbgen's Upholstery: Custom house and large volume maker of beds, chairs, sofas, etc. 96. Industrial Paint Shop: Retail for those who need paint. 97. Lilliana, Silversmith: Cautious, reclusive. Displays wares in other stores, thereby losing money through commission.

46. Care Rita, Bell Maker: From 1 inch to 3 feet, most good qual-

ity. 47. Quimby's Rent-All: Coaches, servants, furniture, ornaments, etc. (the party people). 48. Nusbaum's Slave House: Fine quality domestic ore slaves. 49. Game Hall: Billiards, cards, gambling, etc. 50. Fashid's Apothecary: Stocks many items of questionable healing nature. Rumor has it that he supplies witches. 51. Strait Arms: Tavern, hangout of textile workers and spouses. 52. Stables at Hand 53. Arthur's Barber Shop: They do lamb chop sideburns. 54. Demon's Pawn: Pawn shop for users of magic. 55. Lipsky, Tailor: Unimpressive man who never likes what he sees. 56. MacCall's Office Supply: Everything including dirty calendars. 57. Little Dye Shop: Patronized by many for the unique color combinations achieved here. 58. Benton Barley, Bookbinder: Dwarven bear of a creature, binds difficult or old books or manuscripts. 59. Wexell Haskler, Bee Keeper: Honey and wax at reasonable prices. 60. Lady Maria Fontall's Seamstress Shop: The lady is quite proficient, and has a good staff. 61. Darian Blye, Cabinet Maker: Makes bed frames, tables, cabinets, drawers, dressers, chairs, and a lot of money. 62. Zola, Astrologer: Complete fraud. 63. Eastern Liqueurs: The only place to get good Chartreuse. 64. Sleepaway: Bedding and accessories. 65. Kim's Laundry: Specializes in delicate material. 66. Aracho Puppet Maker: Low prices, mostly for children. 67. Weekend Flea Market: Regular dealers show up every weekend. 68. Upholsterer: Private service for Darian Blye and others. 69. Luxom's Textile House: The cheapest of cheap. 70. Luxom's Factory Outlet: A way to make it even cheaper. 71. Fine Linen: Specializes in monogramming any linen. 72. The New Man: The Old Man missing three inches in the waist and gaining an inch in the shoulders. A sham. Trendy clothing store for the rich. 73. Hurley's Tobacco Shop: Good tobacco and good conversation. 74. Adolph Menjoe, Glover: Expensive and worth it. Leather or lace. 75. Stables for Newman's Textile House 76. Newman's Service Center and Outlet: Good quality, bad prices. 77. Newman's Textile House: Burdened with huge overhead. 78. Beds and Sofas: Just that. Side industry of Newman's. 79. Credit Union: Textile workers only. 80. Clothiers' Guild: Controls the textile, bedding, furniture, laundry and clothing industries. 81. Almay Rentar, Alchemist: Acclimated elf who works until it's perfect, which takes a long time. 82. Carl Obar, Cabinet Maker: Specializes in folding tables, small cabinets, and spice racks.

MapD 1. Temple of Dragonwright: A growing temple; one that threatens Light for supremacy. 2. Temple of Chantico: Popular with political and religious protesters. 3. Temple of Taut: This temple is dedicated to Anubis and his function as conveyer of souls. 4. Temple of Rurga: Popular with some mercenaries and nobles. 5. Temple Park: Powerful energies are at work here. Strange things happen, people disappear... 6. Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut: Popular with lovers and those who love the land. 7. Temple of the North: Not popular, but those who follow are severely loyal. 8. The Inn of Light: Those of Light not being represented by a temple in Temple Park, chose to do things this way. 9. High School: For those able to stay out of the Army or trade. 10. Athletic Field: For all sports. Open to the public most of the time. 11. Sports Equipment: Socks, pads, helmets, etc. 12. Public Bath House: For those who wish a hot bath or sauna. 13. Baskin's Gymnasium: Private gym. 14. Library of Music and Drama: Run by the Entertainers' Guild. 15. Entertainers' Guild: Actors, dancers, etc. 16. Vehond Theater: Where more daring plays are performed. 17. Barlan's Chariot Inn: Named for the play that opened the theater. 18. Mosaic Maker: An art student of the upper class. 19. Arcane: Skilled in the art of Tarot. 20. Stained Glassmaker: Mostly made for school and church. 21. Porcelain Maker: Most promising rich student. 22. Gertie's Exotic Girls 23. Aracho Asylum for the Insane 24. Lacquerer: Excellent distribution of stains. 25. Goldsmith: A group effort of upper classmen. 26. Brass Worker: Does trim work and objects for furniture. 27. Sculptor: Works in stone, metal, wood, etc. 28. Art Gallery: For finished student products. 29. Aracho College of Fine Arts: All of the above as well as theater, voice, dance, painting, etc.

83. Engelis, Engraver: Disturbed person who doesn't even try to sell what he creates. 84. Molly, Ringmaker: She's so ancient, no one remembers her other name. She makes wedding rings, and rings that are to be enchanted. Very popular. 85. Walleye Pickerel, Surgeon: Myopic mentally as well as physically. Chief of Staff in surgery at the hospital.



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Old Kingdom

Seldom Travelled Trails Many Ogre Tribes


Map of the Timiro Kingdom


30. Books of the World: Heavily weighted towards the arts.

1. Maria's Paradise: A better than average brothel.

31. Art's Supply: Artists supply shop.

2. Spice Shop: Imported spices from all over the kingdom. 3. Blacksmith 4. The Clothes Works: Makes copies of more expensive designs. 5. Stables 6. Grinik, Upholsterer: Will put cloth or animal skin coverings on anything and everything. 7. Temple of Light Hostel: A reasonably priced rooming house offered as a service to members of the Temple of Light. It is also open to others since the Temple is always looking for converts. 8. Cronin Metal Cookware: Steel pots and pans, as well as eating utensils. 9. Sid's Market: A larger market that sells fresh meat, vegetables, and baked goods. 10. Best Butcher Shop: Greeny the elf (always wears green) runs a well stocked shop. 11. Artillerist: Produces bolts and archery equipment but the bulk of their business is in the making of catapults and siege equipment for the army. 12. Jon Tranch, Well Digger: Because of his dowsing abilities (unreliable at best, but no one else knows), he does a good business. 13. Wood Carvings: These are real works of art. 14. Elegant Glass by Mark: A young elfin glass blower; he is more concerned about form than function. Men hate his work, but women buy it up. 15. Red Cobra Saloon 16. The Not Pub: Actually a meeting place for a strange group of people. Otherwise harmless, they all claim to receive messages from a spirit that calls itself "not." 17. Gendehl's Armory: A very large scale armorer. They supply weapons and equipment to all branches of the military. 18. Rope Supply: Makes and sells rope wholesale and retail. 19. Wolfe, Perfumer: Fine scents for men and women. 20. Bart and Son, Rug Makers: Weaving, dyeing, and repairing. These two insist on creating their own designs and do not import rugs. 21. Pantheon Mosaics: Artisan Gidro Mirr and his young assistants produce mosaics for temples, public buildings and the homes of nobility. 22. Brick Layers: 12 fast, efficient humans that used to work in the trade but decided to go into business for themselves. Very reasonable

32. Eli Zabeth, Tailor: Handles costuming for the college as well as

private clientele. 33. Urlongh, Astrologer: She is very precise, but sometimes slow. 34. James Cannon, Surgeon: Runs a partial practice from his home. He is an administrator of the hospital. 35. Will Dunn, Attorney; handles lawsuits. 36. School for Vocational Studies: Cosponsored by Opportunity Knocks (25%) and the Merchants' Guild (75%), this school trains for

business and labor. 37. A Man's World: Clothes for today's man. 38. A Woman's World: Clothes for a woman of style. 39. Golden Lion Inn: Specializes in imported furniture, food, atmosphere, etc. 40. The Sultry Unicorn Tavern: Favorite of the college crowd. 41. Lum's Laundry: Biggest in town, and best too. 42. Kid's Corral: Clothes for juniors. 43. Gallery of Current Art: Showcase for visiting artists. 44. Silver Dragon Inn: Dragon motifs abound. 45. Sue's Souvenir Shop: Cheap reproductions of some artwork, and sketches of the city and people. 46. Stables at Hand: Doing a thriving business. 47. Clarence Williams IV, Attorney: Knowledgeable in matters of national and royal law. 48. Mondale's Money for Change: Deals in all coinage even Old

Kingdom. 49. Mary Malone, Masseuse Extraordinaire 50. Fine Liqueurs: Totally unique. 51. Archimedes, Alchemist 52. Astrological Love Signs 53. Glassmaker: Wholesale for taverns and inns. 54. Karl Wunderlich: Violinist supreme. 55. Johnson's jewelry: Some cheap, some fine, all gaudy. 56. Lady Rumpula's Creations: Coiffures with a flair. 57. Architects' Society: Loosely connected with the college, they teach mathematics. 58. Octagon Society: Inn, with exceptionally weird architecture, easy to get lost in. 59. Ydrisiol Martin, Cartographer: Freelance drafting and map making. 60. Hashy Dalode, Apothecary: Is quite free with illicit drugs among the college students and clergy. Has a fine art collection. 61. Exotic Creatures: Captured animals and other weird creatures

rates. 23. On Time Cobbler Shop: Specializes in rush repair jobs. 24. Guide and Escort Service: Preferred by the wealthy who are new to town. 25. Golden Shaft Tavern: Quiet atmosphere, good food, and drinks. 26. Barian's Laundry: For those who can afford it; your clothes are washed and, depending on the extent of any damage, they will repair torn clothes. 27. Eric, Barber: Haircuts and shaves for men. 28. Sewer Workers: A small group of ogres and their gruff human master, Black Jaw, are a busy lot. The sewers need frequent unclogging and repair. 29. Corman, Coins: The entire building is essentially a vault. Gorman specializes in portrait coinage of Old Timiro's early rulers. 30. The Old Market: Meat, fish, and vegetables. 31. Mey's Weaving: Produces fine linen and more common cloth. Dyes cloth to order. 32. Souvenirs: More expensive items produced by local artisans.

of possible Faerie extraction, for sale and show. 62. The Fallible Feline: Former campus haunt, now strictly for the Army. 63. Bolero Flower Shop: Exotic flowers and ferns. 64. Lucius, Tailor: Effeminate creature "saves" those who enter his shop in bad taste. 65. Panels, Limited: Fine teak, mahogany, cedar, etc., paneling for walls and floors. 66. Credit Union: Founded by the Army, but useable by anyone. 67. Perfect Confections: A graduate of the college who molds

chocolate and hard candy into works of art. 68. Lina's Souvenirs: Take home a memento of your favorite sporting event. 69. Military Garrison: Main garrison, but confined to the city. These men are somewhat soft. 70. Stables at Hand: Main offices of a large chain. 37




Aracho Map G

Based on Designs by Peter Schermerhorn


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An Over-view of Aracho



33. G, Clothier: G offers the finest clothes in town. The shop is well

12. Ross Candle Shop: Supplies for residential lighting and specialty candles for temples. Simple candles are 1 gold for 10 and temple candles are 2 gold each. 13. Glowing Wick Tavern: An all night eatery that features tall drinks and exotic dancers. 4 gold cover charge. 14. Able, Porter: Provides people for the Glowing Wick and picks up what business they can during the day. High rates. 15. Giant Market: Fresh fruit, vegetables and meat. 16. The Little Pawn Shop: Nothing special here for the average

guarded and open by appointment only. 34. Tok, Men's' Outfitters: Tailoring, fine clothes and accessories for men. 35. Opportunity Knocks: An employment agency. 36. Flaming Pond Pub 37. Steel's Market: Fruit and vegetables. 38. Bakery: Bread and rolls 39. Wholesale Market: Sells to the smaller markets around town.

buyer. Marken, the shop owner, acts as a fence for stolen goods which

40. Jan, Tinker: Jan always wanted to fix things since she was a kid. Now she mends pots and pans, carriage wheels, and just about anything else. 41. First, Weaponsmith: Average armor and weapons are produced here. They always try to undercut the prices of the armory a few doors away 42. Blood 'N' Steel: A saloon that caters to mercenaries. 43. Mercenaries' Guild: Meeting place and offices. 44. Stables 45. Public Storage: A warehouse that rents space for local dry goods businesses, well guarded. 46. Crossed Swords Tavern and Dance Hall: Definitely a party palace for the young and well to do. 47. S.D. Apothecary: Many herbs are available here, including a few of the rarer varieties. Average to high prices. 48. S.D. Spice Shop: A small shop owned by the son of the owner of the apothecary. Specializes in dried ground pepper (8 varieties). 49. Cartographer: An old human, with clear eyes, copies old maps and also will draw finished floor plans from rough drawings. High prices. 50. General Labor Slaves: An on demand, slave supply business. Should a slave be killed or turn up missing, the renter must pay the fair market value for a replacement. 51. Life of the Past Museum: A heavily guarded stone building, housing artifacts from Timiro's history. Some items include: ancient wall paintings (fragments/sections), pagan statues, replicas of ancient magic items, and carved stone depiction's of mythical creatures. 52. Quick Porter: A dozen humans haunt the better local shops to help the wealthy or travelers with their purchases during the day. At night the second shift works at the various taverns and inns. 53. Hurra's Stables: A young businessman, Hurm has put together a large, general rental stable. Prices are low.

are made available only to his select clientele. 17. Brushes Unlimited: Personal hair brushes and horse hair brushes. Wholesale and retail. 18. Chests and Container: Makes wooden and metal chests of all sizes. Also produces wooden crates and boxes for businesses. 19. Locksmith and Door 20. Art Colony: Eight artists and craftsmen live and work in this two story building and share the rent. Patrons can come view and buy their work from their one room gallery on the first floor. 21. Archess, Flowers: Cut seasonal blooms and whole plants are sold here. Prices are higher but special arrangements are only one gold extra. 22. Unique Tattoo: Mythical creatures, especially dragons, are the house specialty. The complexity of the designs usually requires more than one visit (unless you want to sit for eight hours straight). Rates are by the hour. 23. Earl's Barber Shop: One of the local barbers that will take on children. Perhaps the fact that Earl has no kids of his own helps. 2 gold a head. 24. All Chimney: Chimney sweep who also does limited repairs. 25. Jewelry and Pawn: Part pawn shop and part jewelry store. 26. Not Pub: A simple pub, nothing more. 27. Lady Anna, Matchmaker: Lady Anna is a pleasantly plump, graying woman who guarantees a suitable companion for only 20 gold. She can locate the man or woman of your dreams within 30 days. Your money back if not satisfied. 28. Ink Supply: Black and colored inks are available here. Also, gold and silver inks can be special ordered but must be paid for in advance. 29. Leather Bottle Wine Shop: Only moderately priced wines are sold. Less discriminating wine drinkers are often seen sleeping on the ground nearby. 30. Adam, Tinker: Will repair any small metal object. Also deals in metal shields at standard prices. 31. General Stables: 12 riding horses available; room to stable six more. 32. Pilgrim Inn: A low priced inn, comfortable rooms. 33. Laborers' Union: Promotes higher wages for dues paying members. Also receives reports of worker abuse and refers them to the authorities. They've been very successful in the latter. The building

MapF 1. Sal's Rug Shop: Sal doesn't make any of his own rugs but deals strictly in high priced imports. 2. Vanessa's Home for Traveling Women: Supposedly a hostel for women travelers passing through town. It's really a brothel.

3. Lubran, Locksmith: Makes and sells only basic locks for local residents. 4. J.B., Pickler: Sells pickled and preserved food year round. Often extends his hours during the winter.

contains a meeting hall and offices. 34. Tobacco Shop: Imported smoking tobacco exclusively. 35. Paper Merchants: Expensive, hand made papers for scribes and artists. 36. City Nights: A social club for fashionable women only. The lat-

5. Taxidermist: Hunters bring their animals here to have them turned into trophies. High prices.

6. Poultry House: This establishment sells dressed birds and eggs. 7. Back Alley Saloon: Caters to the shadier elements in town. A lot of thugs for hire pick up work here. Drinks are good but the food isn't. 8. Thieves' Guild: Meeting place and offices. 9. Porter Service.

est gossip and lots of backbiting. 37. Trophy Design: An elf artisan and his human associate make silver and gold trophies for sporting events. Very high priced. 38. Market: Fruits and vegetables. 39. Cobbler: Simple repairs only. 40. Apothecary

10. Will's Pawn: Depending on the quality of the item, Will pays up

to 25% of the true value. He does not handle any precious gems. 11. Quality Potter: Earthenware pots and dishes at reasonable prices.


41. Original Scents: The shop owner combines common perfume oils from flowers and oils from other plants into one of a kind perfumes.

11. Chests 'N' Boxes: Some with magic wards intact. 12. Spice of Life: Spices for everyday cooking. 13. Larwhon's Slave Market: Debt slaves only. 14. Norman, Tooler: Hand tools sold and repaired. 15. Henry Graham, Lantern Maker: For coaches. 16. Cobra Ropes: Motto "Our ropes are a charm." 17. Spectrum Dyes: Almost every color combination. 18. Splendid Weave: Rumors of gossamer strands in with wool and cotton to make magical cloth. 19. Temple of Light Hostel: This is primarily a soup kitchen.

Premium prices. 42. Coin Collector: Old, out of circulation coins and special issue

medallions are available here. Stone building, under 24 hour guard. 43. Town Bakery: Breads and rolls. Also sells cakes and pastries. 44. Flea Market: One of the largest flea markets in the area. Vendors set up tents on the grounds and sell their wares. Clothes and shoes are the most common items available. Other things one might find are books, dishes, furniture, cheap jewelry, cups and small containers, cloth

material, old, inexpensive carvings, etc. Tents can also be rented from the flea market owners. 45. Arron, Detective Agency: For 100 gold per day plus expenses, Mr. Arron will locate missing persons, investigate crimes, etc. The local authorities know he is a scrupulous man, but still watch him with suspicion. He prefers to work alone and has few friends. 46. Ed's Pawn: A scrupulous elf who operates one of the larger shops in town. Passes leads to Alton's Agency. 47. Wooden Toy Shop 48. Karn the Dentist: Extracts teeth for 3 gold each. Available to do blood letting - 2 gold. 49. Tax Record Service: Keeps books for some of the area merchants. 50. Market Stables: A large stable that services the flea market

20. Prophet's Pawn: Old man from Byzantium prattles on.

21. Luger Funeral Home: And crematorium. The beloved's' ashes are given to the mourners. 22. Meg Kenny, Baker: Dwarven baker specializes in meat pies

and cakes. 23. Snow White, Chitterlings: A specialty of the shop. Mostly deal in pork. 24. Opportunity Knocks: A branch.

25. Street Cleaners: A long hard day awaits those fellows desperate for work. 26. Stables at Hand: Geared to the everyday customer. 27. Lome Greene, Wheelwright: Repairs coaches, exports some

work. 28. Ice Maker: Makes ice chemically. 29. Lynn's Brothel 30. Chimney Sweeps: Young boys just this side of slavery. 31. Larry Lawrence, Pickler: Pickles anything you've got. 32. Animals A-Plenty - Taxidermist who does people, too. 33. Sid Poulet, Cooper: Barrels for the pickler and others. 34. The Guiding Light: Religious and incense candles. 35. Goblin Cobbler: Just that, an ornery little cuss. 36. Etta's Market: Fresh produce. 37. Elston's Clothes: For everybody, even non-humans. 38. Corey's Hardware: Everything for building, maintenance, etc.

vendors and customers. 51. Musicians For Hire: Four minstrels play parties and special

events. They sometimes tutor aspiring youngsters. Rates vary, but are usually on the low side. 52. Youth Hostel: Available to young men and women from out of town. Many of them are here looking for work and stay at the hostel because it is one of the least expensive places available. 53. Rug Shop: Sells work by locals only. Very low prices. Lower quality. 54. Brother's Wagon Rental: Smaller wagons rented by the hour (24 hour rental maximum). Average rates. 55. Jerik's Pawn: Jerik's is just your run of the mill pawn shop. His real money comes from taking bets on sporting events and other, important local events. 56. Al's Saloon: Al only serves beer and ale. Also has a small game

39. Paper Goods: From scroll and book paper to toilet paper. 40. Horn O' Plenty Market: Nuts, processed foods. 41. Family Fun Flea Market: Knickknacks, second hand items, and buried treasures. 42. Jack's Meat Mart: Red meats of all kinds. 43. Bob's Lumber Mart: and wood products. 44. Sam's Vegetables: More fruits and vegetables. 45. Lincoln Clothier: For everyone's casual taste. 46. Nale's Beds: Down filled and wool-stuffed. 47. Cadger Slave Market: Deals exclusively in ores. 48. Wagon Wheel Wine Shop: Decent domestic wines. 49. Elementary School: Where discipline is a problem. 50. Lyndon's Barber School: Apprentice barbers do the cutting. 51. Assessor: Of taxes, properties, estates, etc. 52. Woedeo Laundry: Great place to pick up gossip. 53. Mark Dill, Locksmith: Has a cousin in "the business." 54. Wall Repairs: Just that, and original wall building as well. 55. Robert Culligan: Can fix or replace any faulty pipework. 56. Dainty Linen Shop: Handkerchiefs, towels, and raw material.


57. G, Clothier: This is their warehouse and sewing shop. 58. General Stables: A dozen stalls available. Fair prices.

MapG 1. Sign of the Times Inn: A "hip" place that caters to the latest fad and makes a big deal out of the smallest of changes in the status quo. 2. Dewey's Porters: Good old boys (and ores) that take anything where it needs to be - for a price. 3. Splash Tavern: Features a large pool of water (a sign of its opulence?) with several varieties of nasty critters inside. Best not get too drunk here . . . 4. Steiger's Pawn: High turnover, quick profit. 5. Eddie's Rental Equipment: Anything that's essential to everyday living and non-consumable is rented here. 6. Notary Public: Little old lady with a stamp clamped in her hand. She stamps anything, angrily, and without looking at it. 7. Zane's Barber Shop: Makes their own shaving cream and sells it. 8. Souvenir Shop: For those wishing to buy items to remember Aracho by. 9. Lamplighter Inn: Dining area lit by lamps. Great salads. 10. Wilmar's Books: Books of a religious and instructional nature.

57. The Gilded Moustache: Bjom, the proprietor of this dubiously respectable tavern, has a yellow moustache but dark hair. 58. Hank Williams, Butcher: Local cut-to-order meat counter. 59. Mortar and Pestle Apothecary: Popular and effective drugs. 60. The Amorous Armadillo: Place has a laid-back atmosphere. 40

61. Coachmen's Union: Taxi drivers and private hacks both belong.

Eastern Credia is a sprawling section of the city with rich orchards, residences, shops and huge cattle ranches. It is near the orchards and ranches that the majority of non-human slaves are put to work.

62. Stables at Hand: This one has an awning. 63. Travelers' Inn: Always attracts a lot of transients. 64. Morton, Brushes and Combs: Wholesale only. 65. Millions of Millinery: Ladies' hats to choke a demon. 66. Seamstress' Shop: A crew of five run their own textile house. 67. Taxi Service: 7 hacks. Only for the city. 68. Fair Times Inn 69. Guides For Hire: A set price gets a guided tour. A little extra

Up-Bay is the fishermen's community of the city, with hundreds of

small fishing vessels and residences dotting the coastline. Farther north, Up-Bay Credia turns into a thinly populated rural region of grazing and cropland. Southern Credia, actually southwest, is a vast grassland populated by sheep herders. Along the coast is the center of wool and fabric production. A variety of silks and other fabrics are imported from the Western Empire and the Land of the South Winds for greater variety in

gets out-of-the-way places.

70. RolPs Outfitter: To prepare for long, arduous journeys. 71. Stables at Hand: Manure sold to farmers.

their products. A fairly large number of non-human slaves, about one-

eighth, are also forced to work in the mills and weaving shops. The Royal Army of Timiro is found to the north, with at least 10,000 soldiers present at any given time and facilities to maintain a force four times that number. Foot soldiers, the light cavalry and the elite cavalry (the Sentinels) all have major bases and training camps here.

MapH 1. Larsen's Inn: Run by old Nurl Larsen and his three sons. Cheap but clean. 2. Nochman, Tinker: Copperware is his specialty. 3. Sign maker: Signs on anything that can be carved or painted.


4. Hattie's Market: General grocery for the area. 5. Military Garrison: Backup garrison for the main. This group routinely patrols the Aracho area.

There is a Guild Council that "suggests" a candidate for the King to appoint as Mayor of Credia. The Merchant Guilds are extremely powerful. They include: The Physicians' Guild

6. Temple of Light Hostel: This one has a band. 7. John Green, Lantern Maker: Bull's eye and ornamental lanterns. 8. Max Mitch, Cobbler: Work shoes and utility belts. 9. Rich Sherman, Potter: Clay flower pots and other cheap earthenware. 10. Harbord's Stables: Miserable nags and poor equipment. 11. Nick's Lounge: A truly sleazy place. Nothing especially wrong, but a light spell wouldn't hurt while eating. 12. Merle Jaques, Cooper: Barrels and crates for industrial use. 13. Harvey Pectin, Candle maker: Straight candles that drip, no

The Alchemists' Guild The Guild of Scribes

The Seamans' Guild The Shipbuilders' Guild The Mapmakers' Guild The Guild of Artisans The Glassmakers' Guild The Tailors' Guild The Goldsmiths' Guild The Silversmiths' Guild The Gem Cutters' Guild The Tinsmiths'Guild The Guild of Blacksmiths' The Inn Keepers' Guild The Peddlers' Guild The Leathersmiths' Guild The Potters' Guild The Butchers' Guild The Bakers' Guild The Brewers' Guild


14. Sam's Bakery: Bread and doughnuts. 15. Millie's Millinery. Women's and men's hats of all ranges.

16. Rope maker: Specializing in extra-large coils. 17. Pots of Puck: Glazed pottery of supposed artistic value. 18. Flag maker: Banners, heralds, the national flag, etc. Made to or-



The Spice Guild The Dyers' Guild

The Weavers' Guild The Bootsmiths' Guild

The Barbers' Guild The Bathhouse Guild The Locksmiths' Guild The Armorers' Guild

Population: Central Credia: 118,000 Rural Credia: 30,000 Military: 10,000 Non-human Slaves: 12,000 TOTAL: 170,000

The Coppersmiths' Guild

The Clockmakers' Guild The Grinders' Guild The Stonemasons' Guild The Carpenters' Guild The Plumbers' Guild The Wagonwrights' Guild The Coopers' Guild

Credia is the jewel of the Timiro Kingdom, being the largest and most cosmopolitan of all her cities. Two thirds of the population is clus-

tered in Central Credia, a cramped, bustling section approximately a mile and a half wide by 3 miles long. Within its walls are the Timiro Kingdom's rulers, political movers, nobility, merchants, rich and impoverished alike. Countless guild halls, shops, temples, inns, residences

and tenements all rise from the earth four and five stories tall; alive with the multitude that live and work here. A modern city, it is adorned with many fountains and wells nurtured by the aqueducts and kept unsoiled

The Fishermens' Guild

via the sewage canal system.

The Performers' Guild

The Oil Guild The Vintners' Guild


Merchant Area (See Central Credia Map)

Slave Market: There are two kinds of slaves. Ores are used for farm and mine labor. Prisoners and debtors are sold as "contract" slaves, to be imprisoned for anywhere from one to thirty years. Non-ores can end

Stockyards: This is where all livestock to be bought or sold in Credia are brought. Because of taxes on the sale of all live animals, it is a crime'to sell ANY four-legged animal anywhere else. Therefore, this area contains all the exotic animal dealers as well as dealers in conventional transport and meat animals. There are two auction areas. The main auction place is a huge theater where all horse, cattle and sheep public sales are held. Another, smaller, area handles matters of less interest and any overflow. Sellers may have to wait up to a week to get an animal to the auction block. Auction is where the best prices are available but private dealers will purchase almost anything at a discount. Farmers' Market: A circular area with hundreds of stalls filled with farmers and merchants selling produce, meat, live poultry, etc. Here is where everyone comes for bargains and volume purchases of food. Auction Hall: A public building operated by the Guild Council of Credia. Auctions range from private sales to royal sales (usually property seized for taxes). There is a single large auditorium with continuous bidding from sunrise to sunset. Merchandise is brought in the west door and leaves with purchasers by the east door.

up as servants, guild laborers or galley slaves, depending on their

strength and skills. Merchant College: This serves as a school for all children of Guild members. Very young children are taught the basic skills of reading and writing. There are special buildings dedicated to education in metal

craft, geography and trade, economics and money exchange, etc. Eventually the students will be apprenticed out to guild masters, although they will continue taking occasional classes at the college. Most other

children are taught (if they're taught at all!) by scribes or private tutors. Aqueduct and Waterworks: Credia's fresh water comes into the city on a series of aqueducts. It is then pumped into underground pipes through to several public and private fountains throughout the city. Fresh water carriers have a regular business of transporting the water from fountains to the holding tanks that all large buildings have. The wagons of these water carriers are a constant source of congestion in the city streets.

Sewage lines also run under the city. They are kept in motion by sea water that's pumped in at the harbor. This system is a real labyrinth and

To the Easternerhes^rfd Slaves Residences

Residential Area of the Middle Class Tenements

Residences of the Wealthy




is only partly mapped by the city engineers. They are continually digging up some part of the city to unblock clogs in the system. These

The Cult of Yin-Sloth the Terrible has a strong following among the escaped slaves. It's rumored that their temple's location is magically hidden in the vile south end. Ixtembloth the Alchemist: Outlawed by the Alchemical Guild, this maverick persists in selling vile poisons and potions in hidden places in the tenements. Voluana the Witch (11th level) has her own personal deevil and will do business with anyone rich enough to afford her or desperate enough to submit to her "bargains." Traskelin the Summoner (12th level) is always looking for apprentices. You see, he's always willing to teach powerful, experimental circles. That's because his apprentices get to use the circles before anyone else. About 95% of his students die, the rest become extremely powerful. There is a price of 15,000 gold on his head for anyone foolish enough to want to kill him. Credia City Walls: No longer the boundaries of the city (there are lots of houses and shops outside the walls); they still control the traffic moving into and out of the city. Both gates are heavily guarded with

clogs happen continuously due to either obstructions or a falling away of the walls from age and decay. Because of the sewage smell and the

prevailing winds, most people prefer living west in the city.

Tenement Area This is a mass of crowded tenement buildings. The buildings are

mostly broken-down. The entire area is a haven for criminals, escaped slaves or prisoners, outlawed cults etc. Finding people or places in the tenements is a job for a professional.

Not only is the entire area a maze but people often change their residence. The buildings are often taken down and assembled elsewhere just to keep confusing the rent collectors. Because the main sewage line goes right through this section and the

prevailing winds keep the smells here, it's not exactly a desirable area for living. The most prosperous or powerful denizens live near one of

the two fountains. The further south, the worse the smell and the longer the walk for drinkable water.

sentries on the ground as well as patrolling the wall tops. ALL armed

parties, merchants' parties and otherwise noticeable people will be stopped, questioned, sometimes searched, and detained if deemed suspicious. Obvious peasants, unarmed (dagger or staff only) men and women on foot, and children will be ignored. The Ruins: Far to the southeast, at the main sewage outlet, there are a number of old ruins. Ancient temples and cemeteries, all falling in

Random Inhabitants of the Buildings (Roll Percentile dice) 01-15 Residence of a poor worker and his family. (Roll again to determine exact occupation) 01-20 Guild Employee 21-30 Dock Worker 31-40 Sailor's Family 41-50 Restaurant or Grocery Worker 51-60 Tavern Worker

with disuse and lack of repair, dominate the scene. Because it was the

burning place for the plague victims it is still avoided by all but the most desperate criminals.

61-70 City Street Sweeper 71-80 Poor Apprentice

Hidden Treasures Throughout the city of Credia, in ancient crypts, under crumbling stone statues, behind secret passages or sometimes even right out in plain view, there are treasures from other times. To be sure there are also a few perils. But what's the small chance of catching the Red Death compared to a life of wealth and leisure? And maybe that rusty old urn is really holding...

81-90 Seasonal Farm Laborer 91-00 Unemployed 16-25 Shop of outlawed Guild member (roll again to determine

specific guild) 01-05 Physician 06-10 Tailor 11-15 Scribe

The Hidden Demon Lords of Credia

16-20 Weaver


21-25 Blacksmith 26-30 Barber 31-35 Potter

Alignment: Aberrant Size: 6 ft. tall A.R.:12S.D.C.: 100 Hit Points: 210 Number of Attacks: 3 claws doing 2D6 damage each. Bonuses: +8 to damage, +4 to strike, +8 on all saving throws. Psionics: Major psionic abilities, I.S.P. 155, 7th level proficiency. Magic Abilities: 12th level Warlock, all Fire Elemental Spells. Natural Abilities: Night vision, invisibility, flight 40mph, impervious to fire and cold (no damage), dimensional teleport (85%). Clerical Abilities: None Description: Rebob is a leathery winged demon. Always dresses in black formal wear with white ruffled shirt.

36-40 Locksmith 41-45 Coppersmith 46-50 Brewer or Distiller 51-65 Alchemist 66-70 Glassmaker 71-75 Cobbler 76-80 Butcher 81-85 Artisan

86-90 Baker 91-95 Fletcher 96-00 Armorer 26-50 Grocery and Water Shop 51-65 Gang or Outlaw Clubhouse 66-71 Escaped Ore Hideout 72-00 Slums with wall-to-wall people

Grombeer Alignment: Diabolic Size: 30 ft. tall A.R.: 12 S.D.C.: 175 Hit Points: 340 Number of Attacks: 4 grabs doing 6D6 damage. Psionics: None Magic Abilities: All Earth Elemental Spells, 10th level Warlock. Natural Abilities: Invulnerable to Magic. Clerical Abilities: None Description: Looks like a malformed earth elemental.

Notable Citizens of the Tenements: Walrue the Assassin: Walrue is the single most wanted criminal and feared assassin in Timiro. He or she (nobody knows) is reputed to have a thousand faces and is considered by the court to be a hated changeling. It will cost 500 gold just to be seen by Walrue (you'll never see Walrue, Walrue sees you). 43

A. R.: 8 S.D.C.: 400 Hit Points: 780 Number of Attacks: Out of water he only gets two attacks doing 3D6; in the water he can attack anyone within 30ft, having 4 attacks per melee, doing per melee, 4D6 damage each. Complete control of Water Spells and Water Elementals Full Regeneration. Description: Wsitrab is an enormous squid-like creature with a single eye and a single tentacle. Will always try to get to deep water. Somewhere in Credia a Vampire is awaiting rescue . . .

Drusila A.R.: 12 S.D.C.: 50 Hit Points: 96 4th level Mind Mage with 85 I.S.P., 4th level Warlock, 4th level Summoner, 5th level Assassin, other abilities standard for Vampires. Drusila, buried with a wooden stake through his heart, has been hidden a long, long, time. So long that the wood of the stake has dissolved and Drusila lies waiting for anyone who will open his tomb. Since the tomb must be opened from the outside, he waits before pushing open the stone block that seals his crypt. It will take him 8 rounds to open it when he starts. Once freed, he will attack the first young, healthy person he sees. Ripping open their coverings and skin of the chest, he will drink deep (3-18 damage) and then flee! Drusila's tomb is a small room with 12 crypts along the north wall. Other than Drusila's own coffin there is also a coffin containing a suit of magical armor.

The Crypt of Rodonal A coffin encrusted with 23 pounds of gems! Rodonal's burial site was a secret ages ago. It also contains the corpse of Rodonal along with his armor, sword and dagger (no magic but very valuable antiques).

Who knows where the Horde of Vemsder is in Credia Vemsder was a miserly merchant with a penchant for evicting elderly tenants. He and his entire family were burned in their house by an angry mob after a particularly heartless eviction of an old blind woman and her crippled son. His treasure (estimated at from 500,000 to 8,000,000 gold) was never found.


Antipator's Chapel

Alignment: Diabolic Size: 65 ft. tall A.R.: 14 S.D.C.: 200 Hit Points: 380 Number of Attacks: 3 attacks per melee. "Shout" does 1D6 on everyone within 500 ft. 5D6 damage from stomping, 3D6 damage from striking. Bonuses: +5 to damage, +1 to strike, +6 on all saving throws. No Magic or Psionics Description: A huge hairy subhuman figure with low intelligence.

This hidden underground room has three beautiful stained glass windows with light magically streaming through them. The center one shows Antipator as a heavenly figure, the right is a bishop of Antipator, and the left is a palladin of Antipator. There is an altar designed for human sacrifice and laying over it are the white robes and cap of a bishop of Antipator; touching this robe will summon Antipator. Before the fall of the old dynasty, before the worship of the gods of light, there was a powerful sect based on the worship of Antipator. Antipator, once a deity and Deevil Lord, has fallen among the Beasts (Greater Deevils). He has retained several powers and artifacts and awaits someone who will revive his sect. He will anoint either a bishop or palladin provided that a human sacrifice is provided. If the players refuse to comply he will banish them from his chapel, placing a curse of ill luck upon the apparent leader and any clergy. If the characters do not leave or return without agreeing to be one of his chosen, he will place a pox curse on that person(s). If they persist he will destroy them all. NOTE: Demon & Monster lore as well as ancient Credia history speak of this foul deevil and his sect. Antipator is trapped in his chapel until a

Lemerhop Alignment: Miscreant Size: 30 ft. in diameter A.R.:18S.D.C.:130 Hit Points: 260 Number of Attacks: 2 attacks per melee, plus 2D6 damage on anyone engulfed in his foggy essence. Maximum Range: 30ft. diameter. Magical Abilities: Control of ALL Undead Creatures.

bishop is found and sufficient worshipers reestablish his sect.

Natural Abilities: Invulnerable to any physical attacks. Description: Lemerhop looks like a greenish fog with tiny flickering



Alignment: Aberrant (evil)


Size: 7ft tall

Alignment: Diabolic Size: 25 ft. tall

A.R.: 14 S.D.C.: 175 Hit Points: 343 44

Number of Attacks: 4 claws doing 3D6 each, or by weapon, by magic or by psionics. Psionics: all levels, I.S.P. 130, 10th level proficiency. Magic Abilities: All spell magic, levels 1-5 at 6th level proficiency. Natural Abilities: Night vision 120 feet, fire and cold resistant, teleport 98%, bio-regeneration (3-18), knows all languages, I.Q. 22, M.E. 24.

Sometime during the next two days, small, bloody sores will appear on the face and hands. This will be followed in 2-12 days by open wounds in the throat and lungs. The victim will have trouble breathing and will have a 30% chance of dying. No 100% reliable cure is known.

However, a circle of healing may prevent death and has a meager 8% chance of curing the disease. A circle of wonder has a 56% chance of curing the disease. If the circle is unsuccessful it can be repeated but is 6% less likely to be successful for each successive try.

Clerical Abilities: Turn 100-200 dead 80%, exorcism 60%, curse 50%, remove curse 80%, healing touch (3-18), resurrection 40%, dimensional teleport 85%, summon minions (1-3 Beasts) 98%, First Beasts summoned will always be his attendants Altophena, Milenda, and Wolendia who will appear as gorgeous blond women, lightly armored and armed with two-handed, double-sided axes (+3 to hit/318 damage/4 attacks per melee. Description: Handsome, blond, blue-eyed, elf with sharp, pointed teeth and horns, tail, cloven hooves and innocent look. Antipator's Staff of Power Does 4-24 damage, +3 to hit, 10% chance of paralyzation. Automatically intimidates any evil creature with less than 120 hit points. Eye of Antipator When opened, it can be commanded to do any one Earth Elemental Magic Spell a day. Holy Armor of Antipator Anyone wearing this armor will perform with the skills of a first level Palladin of Antipator. In addition, the armor is self-regenerating (3-18 S.D.C./round), has an A.R. of 18 and an S.D.C. of 343.

CREDIA Palace Area The Palace Area is one of the newer and more respectable areas of Credia. It is devoted largely to the needs of the Royal Government along with the various military units. A. Parade Grounds: Fenced off and guarded. B. Main Armory & Royal Swordsmith. C. Old Castle Walls: Also houses the Imperial Guard. D. The Royal Docking Area: Whenever the King is in residence there will always be a major warship and the King's yacht. E. Observation Tower: Overlooks the entire city, manned by guards and firewatchers. F. Royal Palace

Infantry Park

Plague of Manaqua

G. Statue of Queen Steffay the Great H. Fountain with Sleeping Dragon and Mermaids I. Barracks of the King's First Archers J. Archer's Armory and Stonehouse. K. Barracks of the King's First Imperial Guards L. Royal School of Mind Mages. M. Statue of Belgerphon the Great (on horseback) N. Royal Temple of Ra O. Office of the Royal Tax Collector P. Barracks of the King's Royal Elite Guard Q. Barracks of the King's Royal Pike Infantry R. Royal Guest Palace S. Parade Park: Statue of Unknown Pikeman fighting two armed Ores.

Although diseases of normal origin can be quite devastating, it is fortunate that nearly all of them can be cured with the help of a competent healer. Another matter altogether are diseases created by sorcery. Most feared among the magical diseases is the Curse of Manaqua (also called the Mad Plague or the Red Death). Starting in 1289 YL, whole nations of the Palladium world were

stricken by this hideous blight, said to have been created by a powerful summoner named Manaqua. He is also said to be the creator of the Cattle Crust, a deadly disease that affects horses, cows and other barnyard animals. In his day, this animal disease may have saved the Empire from being overrun by an Ophid Horde.

Initial exposure to the disease comes from touching another victim, a contaminated object, or by the intake of food or water that has been touched by other victims. After exposure, the victim shows no signs for up to three days. Unfortunately, the disease can be spread after the first

Battery Park

three hours. The first outward sign of infection is the beginning of erratic behav-

T. Ancient Statue of Gregory the Just U. Duck Fountain V. Statue of King Jephon the First 1. Allan's Swords and Blades: A skilled dwarven smith who charges 3 times the going rate. Makes only full bladed weapons (swords, knives, daggers). 2. Guild Hall of the Silversmiths' 3. Imarcus the Wizard 4. Luminius the Spell Storer: This is a specialist in the creation of magical items that can store spells. He caters to wizards only. The Wizard casts the spells and Luminius will store the spell in a scroll, book, wand, ring or other object. The spell is permanent but must be recharged after every use. Prices range from 600-8,000 gold. A Guild Alchemist. 5. Haventhal's Golden Arms: Haventhal is a Guild Alchemist who specializes in the construction of magical weapons. He works with his next door neighbor, Ignatius. 6. Ignatius the Guild Armorer: Specializes in bladed weapons and prefers to work only with fine swords.

ior. This starts with a compulsive nervousness where the victim feels the urge to start walking or running somewhere else. Full mental breakdown will consist of one of the following conditions: 01-20 Acute Paranoia: Victim will attempt to avoid anyone; everyone and everything becomes a threat. Even the victim's best friend must be kept out of weapon reach. The victim will try to find a good hiding place. 21-50 Semi-functional Aggression: At any provocation, insults, frustration, or denial, the victim will go berserk and attack anyone

around. Takes 3-18 melees to regain composure. 51-60 Mindless Aggression: Simply attacks and kills anything moving. 61-80 Hidden Aggression: The disease at its most dangerous. This victim appears normal, but is intent on killing all enemies (everyone!)

by secret means. Will wait until alone or will attempt to arrange for poison or "accidents." 81-00 Directly moves into the next phase of the disease, catatonia.


Based on Designs by .''; • ErickWujcik

of the Dock Area Start Here

The Various Shops and Offices 120


a DQD n a


7. Vaspacian's Guild Leathersmith Shop

59. Coria: Consultant on Mining and Excavation 60. Lym's Restaurant 61. Loch-Nan-Til's Academy and Library: A series of four medium sized rooms filled with books and strange artifacts related to Diabolists. 62. Nestor, a Guild Fletcher 63. Epellian, a Guild Armorer who specializes in leather armor. 64. Ham is, a Guild Armorer mostly dealing in used armor of all kinds. 65. Gambar, a Guild Armorer specializing in custom made scale armor.

8. Office of the Water Carriers' Union 9. Yist's Tavern and Accommodations 10. Officers' Club of the Royal Archers 11. Ciskero's Dental Office 12. Phillips Saddlery Shop 13. Gaius Kraken's Private Residence 14. Gaius Kraken's Potions of Renown: A Guild Alchemist who specializes in high priced and rare potions. 15. Private Residence 16. Mazili, a Guild Sculptor 17. lor's Tavern 18. Guild Hall of the Bootsmiths' and Cobblers 19. Prother the Money Lender 20. Empty Shop 21. Birun's Tavern 22. Agastis the Diabolist 23. Actin the Guild Coppersmith 24. Private Residence 25. Guild Hall of the Coopers' (barrel makers) 26. Istanbu's Visionary Volumes: A Guild Alchemist who specializes in magical books. Will examine magically bound books at a discount. 27. Arola the Chimney Sweep 28. Private Club of the Royal Mind Mages 29. Otto the Guild Barber 30. Honorius the Guild Cooper 31. Guild Hall of the Potters 32. Solamius the Physician 33. Urtran the Guild Goldsmith 34. Luthendal the Cobbler 35. Kring's Used Tool Shop 36. Archer's Enlisted Men's Club 37. Public Fountain with nymph statue 38. Barding and Horse Armor 39. Myser's Armament Factory: This sweat shop is staffed with a variety of slaves; four kobolds and many ores. Myser sells only to Royal Unit Commanders. 40. Empty

66. Vorgan's Tavern

67. Empty 68. Ahrway, a Guild Scribe 69. Nesvan's Guild Tailor Shop, specializing in dress uniforms. 70. Quol's Grocery

71. Private Residence 72. Empty 73. Uorm's Bathhouse 74. Shelbina the Witch 75. Birken, a Guild Tinsmith

76. Genseor's Restaurant 77. Private Residence 78. Choballas the Fortune Teller 79. Aggripionas the Diabolist 80. Carsin, a Guild Armorer specializing in crossbows. 81. Zan's Tavern 82. Boragan, a Guild Armorer specializing in polearms and long spears. 83. Faszim, a Guild Artisan. Credia's foremost tattoo artist. 84. Guild Hall of the Physicians and Healers 85. Residence Hall for traveling physicians and healers. 86. Colonel Staffen's Mercenary Company Barracks 87. Engineers' Hall for the City Water and Sewage Works 88. Stable for the City Water Works.

Main Plaza Area The Main Plaza Area, centered around Star Plaza, is the real commercial, theological and political center of Credia. It is here that most entertainment, business, serious prayer and Credian governmental affairs actually take place. A. Star Plaza: This is an ancient Pentangle, and under the scars and graffiti of generations can still be seen elaborate magical runes. Researchers in arcane magic from all over the world (and some would say, from other worlds) can be seen bending over the stones and laboriously copying the ancient symbols. Ancient legend has it that five major Demon Lords are bound into the fabric of the city. B. Credia Council Hall: This is the public hall where the council-

41. Private Residence 42. Ruck's Groceries 43. Private Library of Lisanthinias: A retired cavalry officer who buys and sells exotic books. 44. Krell's Dyes: A dyer of cloth. 45. Peddler's Residence 46. Bostle's Restaurant: Specializes in Western Empire cuisine. 47. Palace Hotel 48. Private Residence 49. Guild Hall of the Glass Makers and Glaziers 50. Tor's Liquor Tavern 51. Guild Alchemist Alixi 52. Riltam's Tavern 53. Private Residence 54. Royal Square Grocery

men of Credia meet every third day to discuss affairs of the city. It is

said that they can call on the city "Voice," an unbreakable command that will summon any entity within the city limits. The upper floors are the mayor's offices. C. Greater Guild Hall: This is the meeting place for the great guild

leaders of Credia. Every new moon, the guild leaders meet to discuss the city tariff. The hall is also used as courtrooms when guilds bring suit against one another. D. Credia's Public Arena: Three of the most popular Credian

55. Calle's Tavern 56. Empty

events take place in this arena. The gladiatorial combats, the animal

57. Union Horse Feed Store 58. Wolgor the Veterinary

spectacles, and the chariot races. Visitors to the city will see posters everywhere announcing the upcoming events. 47

Based on Designs by Erick Wujcik





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Gladiatorial contests and animal spectacles can be either professionally staged events or judgments on convicted criminals. Occasionally, there will be well attended trials-by-combat, usually between two nobles. Unquestionably the most popular forms of entertainment (and betting) in the city are the chariot races. In these contests, from four to twelve four-horse chariots take 20 laps of the quarter mile track. The armed (leather armor, short swords and daggers) riding teams, two men per chariot, whether high or low bom, are stars in Credia. At the plaza end of the arena are the horse stables. At the opposite end are the dungeons and animal pits. In between are the equipment rooms and the gladiator baths, locker and practice rooms. All the doors inside the arena and animal pits are controlled from a single room with counterbalanced ropes. The Tiger Pit. Holds from 2-12 tigers, usually kept starved for a

19. Guild Hall of the Alchemists 20. Guild Hall of the Mapmakers 21. Cingero the Warlock

22. Old Guild Hall of the Brewers 23. Rimwellon, Guild Blacksmith 24. Statue of Captain Ultrak (mounted on a horse) leading a charge against the rebellious ore slaves. 25. Guild Hall of the Slave Dealers 26. Quexa, Guild Physician and Dentist 27. Oakster's Restaurant 28. Bornoarg, Guild Scribe 29. Herman and Sons, Guild Shipbuilders 30. Orman's Bathhouse and Massage Parlors 31. Main Entry Area, Lounge and Changing Salons 32. Main Baths with servants in attendance. There are a series of four baths. One starts with a scrub rinse bath. Then a lukewarm soak, then a cold dip and finally, a steamy HOT bath. 33. Temple of the Pantheon of Taut 34. Vorla, a Guild Mapmaker and Merchant 35. Ureal, a Guild Artisan and Mosaic Tile Artist 36. Empty 37. Sorble, a Guild Glassmaker who specializes in fine wine glasses. 38. Durmgles, a Guild Tailor 39. Guild Hall of the Grinders and Sharpeners 40. Guild Hall of the Goldsmiths 41. Trobalis, a Guild Goldsmith 42. Cydris the Wizard 43. Credian Delights, a deluxe tavern with dancing and singing entertainment. 44. Guild Hall of the Potters 45. Behanu, a Guild Alchemist 46. Temple of a Sect Dedicated to Ammit the Beast 47. Goranthal, a dealer in religious articles (candles, offerings, sacrifices, etc., for all followers of darkness). 48. Empty 49. Guild Hall of the Tinsmiths 50. Serendi's Tavern 51. Guild Hall of the Innkeepers 52. The Golden Dragon Restaurant, specializing in Y'odan cuisine. 53. Private Residence 54. Pomerok's Restaurant 55. Embassy of Bizantium 56. Embassy of the Eastern Territories 57. Wesgam's Private Fire Brigade (offices throughout the city) 58. Kella's Tavern 59. Isreb, Guild Physician and Surgical Specialist 60. Clergy Courthouse. Used for all trials in clerical crimes. 61. Reamster, Reamster and Pior, Accountants and Auditors 62. Office of the City Gardener 63. Headquarters of the Credian City Guard 64. Embassy of the Western Empire

good show.

The Wolf Pit. Containing a dozen or more wild wolves and one wolfen, Aral Beastslayer. Originally a principled knight of the great Northern Wilderness, but being treated like an animal in the arena has changed him to anarchist (selfish). He takes bribes (wine and food) from the bookies and thugs but hates them more than anyone. Arat Beastslayer (real name, Flavius Draconius) is a captured Wolfen who has been surviving in the arena for nine years. I.Q. 12, M.E. 14, M.A. 9, P.S. 25, P.P. 24, P.E. 19, P.B. 9, Spd 17. Psionics: None. Hit Points: 82; S.D.C.: 26. 10th level Knight, 7th level Assassin. +12 to damage, 4 attacks per melee, Stuns on 17-20, Kick Attack 2D4, critical strike 18-20, +8 to parry/dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/im-

pact, +7 to hit. He has 9th level Weapon Proficiency in ALL weapons except Pole Arms (15th level) and Bows (6th level). The Dragon Pits have Tansaburon the Fire Dragon. Over 6500 years old, this dragon has chosen Credia as a retirement spot. He's been losing teeth and is mostly blind. Every month or so he's scheduled to eat a few bound convicts or oxen. Tansaburon has been a valued member of the Arena "family" for more than three hundred years. He mostly sleeps on the small hoard of gold, silver and copper collected from the crowd over the years. Scarlet winged and 78 foot long with 68 hit points

and 1000 S.D.C. E. Public Bank of Credia: This institution houses the charter monies. It also stores valuables, lends money and currency. F. The Great Temple of Light: Center of Credia's official religion. G. Ominon's Park H. The Theatre of Drama I. City Court and Dungeon 1. Guild Hall of the Bakers 2. Guild Hall of the Performers 3. Guild Hall of the Ironsmiths 4. Guild Hall of the Spice Traders 5. Guild Hall of the Oil Merchants 6. Guild Hall of the Coppersmiths 7. Statue of Acorok the First 8. Guild Hall of the Locksmiths 9. Guild Hall of the Barbers 10. Forgran, Guild Armorer dealing in leathers 11. Buxkran, Guild Glassmaker 12. Wuz, Guild Tailor 13. Guild Hall of the Weavers 14. Guild Hall of the Physicians 15. Credia Public Lecture Hall and Auditorium 16. Statue of King Jonquil the Third 17. Statue of General Phazork, hero of the northern border wars 18. Guild Hall of the Scribes

65. Credia's Museum of History: Supported by the Guild and small admission charges. It contains a vast collection of artwork and antiques. The second and third floors are filled with the old city records. 66. Royal Timiro Theatre. The showplace for all royal perform-

ances and the home of the royal theatre and dance troupe of Timiro.


67. Statue of Unknown Fighter standing over dead ore and defeating another. 68. Statue of Spatenrok the First as a young boy killing a tiger. 69. Statue of Bennu the Phoenix depicted as a great, black winged bird. 70. Statue of Mayor Ellustrom 71. Statue of Naurek the Third 72. Shrine of St. Fergim, Prophet of Thoth. Reputed to be a place of miracles and healing. 73. Statue of Cambrian the First 74. Statue of Thoth in protective pose. 75. Statue of Zapharan the First

111. Statue of Belgerphon the Second, mounted and in war armor. 112. Statue of Horus 113. Statue of Cardinal Wilda 114. Orthell, Guild Tailor and specialist in women's party and dress finery. 115. Hal Thornagan, Guild Tailor and specialist in women's hats and accessories. 116. Quorian's Restaurant and Tavern. Very exclusive. 117. Azig's Imported Jewelry 118. Reltiv, Guild Scribe and Bookdealer 119. Jemcutters' Collective Hall. This contains from 12 to 18 different goldsmiths, gemcutters, silversmiths, and merchants specializing in jewelry. 120. Johnkor, Guild Shoemaker and dealer in imported sandals. 121. Remgert's Hair Dying and Dressing 122. Guild Hall of the Tailors 123. Tromortor, Public Accountant and Auditor 124. Guild Hall of the Peddlers

76. Statue of Princess Wilamenna the Third 77. Monument to the dead of the Northern Border Wars. Pantheon of Ra motif. 78. Royal Custom's Office of Credia, Master Customs Officer Istal ar'Uwel 79. Embassy of the Western Empire 80. Eweldim, Guild Artisan and specialist in painting signs. 81. Dominister's Tavern 82. Filgredian, Guild Alchemist 83. Makeran's Chemicals, paints and artisan supplies. 84. Qui, Guild Physician and Surgeon 85. Embassy of Phi and Lopan 86. Statue of Gedro the Second 87. Guild Hall of the Blacksmiths 88. Library

125. Monument to the Guild Founders of Credia 126. Tumber's Gambling Hall

127. Zektern's Moneychanging and Lending 128. Private Residence of Mordecal Ulganth, Credia's official torturer/executioner. 129. Torturers' Hall. A residence hall for traveling torturers' apprentices and students. 130. Office of Horganth and Raltham, Attornies at Law 131. Amthec, Guild Ironsmitb and Wodparu, Guild Silversmith, partners in the production of fine cutlery and ceremonial daggers. 132. Gorwalla, the Guild Artisan specializing in candles and candelabras. 133. Guild Hall of the Leathersmiths 134. Temple of Druidism 135. Gorly's Grocery

89. Korwall's Athletic Parlor 90. Rebjohn, Guild Physician and Herbalist 91. Guild Hall of the Armorers 92. Ysvas, Attorney at Law

93. Guild Hall of the Fletchers 94. Guild Hall of the Brewers

136. Ahghust, Tobacco and Snuff Dealer

95. Guild Hall of the Gem Cutters 96. Cizter, Guild Physician and Acupuncturist

137. Forrusgi, Guild Oil Dealer and Wholesaler 138. Master Quemta's Guild Artisan Workshop and School of

97. Grimsto, Guild Alchemist and Potion Dealer 98. Theatre of the Performing Arts: This is supported by the Guilds and showcases local and foreign acts and performers of wide interest. 99. Belgerphon's Ampitheater: Used for bullfights, major wrestling matches and the circus of Credia. 100. Opelia, Guild Physician and Midwife 101. Royal Mint of Credia 102. Cordell, Guild Artisan specializing in portraits. 103. Guild Hall of the Artisans "Execution Park" This is the area usually used for public floggings, torture and execution of prisoners. Whether the victim is convicted by City, Guild, Royal, Clerical or Civil Court he is publicly punished here. Only with royal intervention (powerful nobles, for example) can the punishment be shifted to the Palace Courtyard. 104. Statue of Anhur (Undergoing reconstruction after major defacement) 105. Statue of Feydra the First

Sculpture 139. Tabtel's Vegetarian Restaurant 140. Brewsmeir's Public Bath 141. Public Fountan with a pile of stone frogs spouting water from their mouths.

Dock Area This is the main center for the lucrative sea trade that passes through Credia. There are at least three ships arriving or departing each day.

College of the Elements (A-H) This is a closed and guarded campus dedicated to the training of Warlocks. A. Student Dormitory B. The Library and Bell Tower C. Hall of Air

D. Hall of Fire E. Faculty Dormitory F. Hall of Earth

106. Statue of Unknown Titan 107. Gallows of Redia. Used for announcing all sentences as well

G. Hall of Water H. College Chapel: Consecrated to the Sect of Elementalism. I. Navy Dock: This dock and the flanking slips are reserved for the exclusive use of the Timiro Royal Navy. J. College Dock: Exclusive property of the College of the Elements.

as the platform for the City Torturer/Executioner. 108. Statue of Jonquil the First 109. Statue of Isis the All Mother 110. Statue of Queen Wilamenna the First


Based on Designs by Erick Wujcik




44. Sombra's Tavern

K. Guild Dock #1: Reserved for the Merchant Guilds. L. Guild Dock #2: Reserved for the Merchant Guilds. M. Guild Slip: Used for only the heaviest or most dangerous cargo. N. Dock #3 0. Dock #4 P. Dock #5 Q. Dock #6: All private pleasure boats/ships. R. Dock #7 S. Dock #8 T. Statue of King Narraphon the Third: Builder of Timiro's Naval Power. U. Public Fountain V. Naval Victory Statue W. Mariners' Park X. Thieves' Market 1. Warlo's Restaurant 2. Lakto's Spice and Fragrance Shop 3. Mimtor's Grinding and Sharpening 4. Ultan's Tailor Shop 5. Dormir's Clocks and Measuring Instruments 6. Bakery of Seldan 7. Statue of Fortishno the First 8. Zorg's Pottery 9. Guild Hall of the Mapmakers 10. Royal Navy Officers' Club and Residence 11. Omerk, the Plumber 12. Corstall, Guild Cooper 13. Guild Hall of the Fishermen 14. Vimtel the Gem Cutter 15. Grendag's Grocery 16. Amrald's Healing and Massage 17. Kroll, Alchemist and Merchant Financier 18. Mollary's, Scribing and Tutorial College 19. Dworthom's Maps and Logs of the Sea 20. Plen's Woodcarving Shop 21. Itkliln's Fine Glassware and Windows 22. Bollax's Women's Clothes 23. Private Residence of Narraphon Elgens, the Royal Warlock 24. Fish Market and Auction 25. Wimtor's Gold Jewelry 26. Quotalo, Tattoo Artist 27. Ukvan's Silver Filigree 28. Eristo, Guild Blacksmith 29. Ottaram, Tinsmith and Tinker 30. Jeffrey, Leather Work 31. Condal's Inn 32. Abrakam's Pottery 33. Zudlow's Grocery 34. Umdak's Western Restaurant 35. Liteli's Baked Goods 36. Xavino's Weaver 37. Frang, Bathhouse 38. Vorlag, the Swordsmitb 39. Runger, Mind Mage and Healer 40. Nintal's Underwater Construction and Engineering 41. Teg's Fletchery, Bows and Crossbows, Arrows and Bolts 42. Yngthalla's Ironsmithery 43. Grimtek the Juggler and Mime

45. The Fine Wine Shop 46. Anthok's Oil, Torches and Lanterns 47. Krem's Fish and Chips 48. Morago the Barrel Maker 49. Dreskem, Locksmith and Trap Maker 50. Portos the Diabolist 51. Ittib the Hat Maker 52. Brem's Paper and Parchment 53. Foldemak, Tobacco Imports 54. Wrentol, Tarot Card Reader 55. Proxitab, Restaurant of Southern Cuisine

56. Ebtek, Florist 57. An entrance to the thieves' market. 58. Lo Viath, Guild Silversmith

59. Archan, Guild Leathersmith 60. Ullan's Tavern: A secret entrance to the thieves' market. 61. Preterior's Naval Repairs

62. Omtec's Sailcloth and Rigging 63. Ilqueb's Oars and Paddles

64. Uuzeb, Guild Carpenter 65. Yorweb's Tavern: An entrance to the thieves' market. 66. Telbeg, a Guild Mapmaker specializing in navigational tools and compasses. 67. Ruzfos Antiques: An entrance to the thieves' market. 68. Ethallan's Guild Ironworker specializing in anchors. 69. Statue of Master Navigator Joli ar'Remtah, credited with making the first map of the world and inventing methods of position finding with astronomy. 70. Monument to Ippotomi the Water Goddess.

71. Welberan's Small Boats 72. Quopse's Winches and Rope Fixings 73. Lynnferr's Rope and Cordage 74. Statue of St. Ulkor, Bringer of Light 75. Kalthalg's Tavern 76. Todcrest's Grocery 77. Jearess, Guild Carpenter specializing in rare woodwork and furniture. 78. Private Club for Warlock College Faculty

79. Euban's Tavern 80. Treble, a Healer 81. Seaside Oil, a Guild Shop 82. Aldo's Grocery 83. Private Residence 84. Prok-Tam the Warlock 85. Junit's Tavern 86. Luxtan's Grocery 87. Private Residence 88. Baragator's Restaurant 89. The Church of the Seven Waters' 90. Alchemical Guild's Warehouse 91. Guild Hall of Sea-Going Merchants 92. Empty 93. Phor's Guild Pottery Shop 94. Mermaid's Lust, a bawdy tavern. 95. Eusebus, a Guild Armorer specializing in cutlasses. 96. Monument to the Defeat of the Western Empire in 174. The eagle statue is called "Victory." 97. Empty


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the appointed magistrate, Duke Maximillion Spatenrok, a puppet on his strings. These sentiments have only served to fuel the hostility between the Cardinal and the Duke, for Spatenrok is a competent, honorable

98. Victory Restaurant 99. Falthus, a Naval Architect who designs military vessels. 100. Osward, Guild Armorer specializing in leather armor for sail-

leader and no man's puppet. The clash between these two powers over


city policies and management are constant and loud. Unfortunately,

101. Private Residence 102. Old Statue of Zandragal the Red (Dragonwright God) 103. Statue of Hecleonus the Mind Mage 104. Statue of a Mighty Wooly Dragon, dedicated to the people of Credia. 105. Much defaced Statue of Utu, Lord of the Dead. Work is beginning on its demolition; it is to be replaced with a statue of Gedro the First. 106. Statue of Queen Steffay the First 107. Warehouse of the Bakers' Guild 108. Warehouse of the Artisans' Guild 109. Warehouse of the Tailors' Guild 110. Warehouse of the Blacksmiths' Guild 111. Warehouse of the Inn Keepers' Guild 112. Warehouse of the Brewers' Guild 113. Warehouse of the Potters' Guild 114. Warehouse of the Armorers' Guild 115. Warehouse of the Stonemasons' Guild 116. Warehouse of the Carpenters' Guild 117. Warehouse of the Coopers' Guild 118. Statue of King Gambrian the Second 119. Statue of Joaw, founder of the Sea Merchants' Guild 120. Statue of the god, Horus 121. Ernan's Dockside Hotel 122. Wallview Tavern 123. Zou's Tavern 124. Trig's Restaurant 125. Yvon's Boarding House 126. Statue of Ix-Ario, a sea monster of good luck. All unmarked buildings are private residences. Most are occupied by

Cardinal Medoan, with his many bought officials, wins far too often

and seems to support the idea that Duke Spatenrok is little more than a figurehead magistrate. Cardinal Medoan is a viciously ambitious man who will tolerate no obstacles in his mad quest for power. He is a cruel man not to be trusted, and has been known to use any means to achieve his goals, including back stabbing allies and assassination. The complete opposite of Duke Spatenrok, a major conflict is inevitable. Both men despise the other.

The one gem which has not lost any of its radiance in Old Timiro's decline is the college. The Timiro College is one of the best in the world, attracting students from the Land of the South Winds and as far as the Eastern Territory. Also in the city's favor is that it has very few non-human slaves, less than 10%.


The City of Old Timiro Palace Area 1. Royal Army of Timiro; the first four rows of barracks are the Royal Guard. The next five rows are the light cavalry and the last five rows of large barracks are foot soldiers. Total military population: 272 Royal Guard (foot soldiers); 348 light cavalry, 1028 foot soldiers.

2. Stables; approximately 90 riding horses or ponies. 3. Stables; approximately 90 riding horses or ponies. 4. Stables 5. Granary 6. Parade Field with Reviewing Stand 7. The Statues of the Avenue of Kings; Spatenrok the First, Belgerphon the Great, Jonquil the First, Belgerphon the Third, Trophon the First, Acorok the First, Gedro the Second, Acorok the Third, Jonquil the Third, Nerrak the First, Acorok the Fifth, Spatenrok the Fourth. 8. Palace Gate Towers 9. Gate House with drawbridge. 10. Second, Fortified Gate House with drawbridge. 11. Courtyard 12. The Royal Palace, with giant ballroom, dining hall, king's hall, king's chamber, 24 guest rooms, game hall, kitchen, servants' quarters, guards' quarters, royal family chambers, library, studies and three chapels. The palace is looking terribly run down, its days of splendor forever lost. Much of the castle is closed off due to lack of funds and is understaffed. It is currently occupied by the royal magistrate of Old Timiro, Duke Maximillion Spatenrok, his wife Dutchess Rita Spatenrok, and the Earls, Madlock and Winchester Docro and their families. 13. Offices of Petition for the Royal Church of Light and Dark. 14. Offices of Petition for the Royal Church of Light and Dark. 15. Offices of Administration for the Royal Church. 16. Church Assembly Building 17. The Cardinal's Palace; The Cardinal, Palance Medean, is one of the most influential and powerful men in the kingdom. He is an arrogant, brilliant political tactician who has used his position for his personal ambitions; the ends always justifies the means. (NOTE: 13th level Priest, anarchist alignment, megalomaniac, clever and cunning). 18. Shrine of Thoth, the Cardinal's patron god. 19. Statue of Isis 20. Priests' Rectory 21. Guest House and Storage 22. The Church of Light and Dark

the families of ships' officers and merchants.

OLD TIMIRO Population: 92,000 The city of Timiro is a piece of history. Originally it was the first stronghold of the human pilgrims that dared to brave the hostile land. It served as the heart of the kingdom, its capital and premier city, while around it a kingdom blossomed. However, those were the days of past glory for Credia is the new capital, the place of Kings and glory. The old families have moved to the new capital or Tomoro and the new cities to the east, and with them, the merchants and artisans which once filled the streets of Timiro. Today the streets of Timiro are cracked and dirty, and while they still overflow with people, all too many are poor and hungry.

Despite the poverty and having lost one third of its population over the last several decades, it is still a vibrant city with hundreds of merchants and craftsmen. Other than Credia, it has the greatest number of old, noble families who refuse to leave their grand mansions and estates. While Old Timiro is no longer the heart of political power, it is still the pulse of the Church of Light and Dark. The Cardinal, Palance Medoan, is without dispute, second in power only to the King and the men of his court. The Cardinal's influence can be felt throughout the Kingdom and many will insist that it is the Cardinal who rules Old Timiro;





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23. Grounds Caretaker 24. Shrine to Osiris the Great One 25. The Cathedral of Light and Dark

62. Sir Larnod's Magic Weapons, a specialty store that sells unusual weapons with magic properties. Hottest items are lightning shafts, arrows and javelins made by the giant cyclops. Arrows sell for 50 and 80 gold each, javelins sell for 50-70-100-150 gold each in order of the

26. Phoenix Park

amount of damage done. See Palladium R.P.G. pg. 249-250. All weapons cost 40% to 100% more than usual, none are guaranteed. 63. Temple of Set 64. Locksmith 65. Coppersmith 66. Temple of the Elements 67. Furniture Store 68. Butcher, meats and poultry. 69. Tavern, cheap beer, ale and women. 70. Temple of Dragonwright 71. Temple of Anubis 72. Winchester Stables, fair quality and prices. 73. General Store, common goods. 74. Blue Goose Saloon, beer and wine.

27. Statue of the Phoenix 28. Statue of King Gregory the Just 29. The King's Park 30. Large Fountain with many mermaids. 31. Slyvester's House of Good Will, a pawn shop that will pay 25% of real market value. 32. Temple of Rurga; entire pantheon represented. 33. House of Nobles; an elegant inn with 64 rooms, western and southern delicacies, the best imported wine and liquor. High prices, rooms start at 75 gold. 34. Jewelry Store, good quality, fair prices, buys precious stones at 1/3 market value. 35. Temple of Taut; entire pantheon represented. 36. The Silver Stallion Inn, has 98 rooms costing 30 to 120 gold per night, barber shop, dining room and bath house. 37. Pub for Princes, serves domestic wines and imported rum at standard prices. 38. The Paper Lion, a large store that sells paper, parchment, blank books, inks, paints, chalks, wax, etching plates, and a full selection of writing and painting paraphernalia. Also has a large selection of written books, specializing in Timiro history and monster lore. NO magic books. Prices are high, but the quality good. Will also buy books at a very good price, especially ancient elven and dwarven texts. 39. Clock maker; water and sand types. 40. The Old Palace Inn. 240 rooms ranging from 30 to 300 gold per night. 41. Goldsmith 42. Candle Maker, stocks candles and lanterns. 43. The Potter's Wheel; high quality, standard prices. 44. The Mermaid's Retreat; a bath house, 5 gold per tub drawn. 45. Tailor and Weaver, fine quality garments, all fabrics available, high prices. 46. Seamstress 47. Boot Maker and Leather Goods; standard prices. 48. Johnathan's Stables, the largest stables in the city, fair prices. 49. Rahhkin's Metal Works, dwarven operated, good to high quality, also sells a small selection of swords, spears, and knives. 50. Wagonsmith and Wheelwright 51. The Grinder's Guild 52. Statue of Amrad-Hal the Protector 53. Map Maker, sells fairly accurate maps of the entire kingdom, average cost is about 60 gold. 54. The Grimtooth Inn, many rooms, low quality, low prices. 55. Spice and Tobacco Shop 56. The Artisans' Guild; glass works, ceramics, jewelry, gold, silver and copper works. Standard prices. 57. The Timiro Armory sells a good variety of arms and armor at standard prices. 58. The Glass Works, glassware, bottles, jugs, windows, etc. 59. The Crystal Shop, local and imported crystal wares, very expensive. 60. Liquor Store, sells everything from imported wine to home brews. 61. The Wizard Retreat, an alchemist shop of high quality. 60% likelihood of having any item requested. NO crystal balls, rune or holy weapons. All prices 50% higher than standard.

Park-Side Timiro 1. The Blue Coach; horse and coach rides through the park as well as a taxi service throughout the city limits are provided. 2. Blacksmith 3. Statue of Anubis 4. The Bear Fountain 5. Statue of King Acorok the Fifth 6. Statue of Ippotomi (sea goddess) 7. Statue of Queen Wilamenna the Second 8. Fountain of the Dancing Pegasus 9. The Pegasus Tavern, good food and drink at reasonable prices. Frequented by college students. 10. Macenbee the Clothes Maker, good quality, low prices; also a

dyer of cloth. 11. Leather and Cobbler Shop 12. Cooper's (barrel maker) 13. Fruit and Fresh Produce 14. Tabacco and Snuff Shop 15. Barber 16. Snerd's Pawn Shop, pays 20% of value. 17. Saddle Maker and Leather Goods 18. Goldsmiths' Guild Hall 19. Narok the Goldsmith; guild leader. 20. The Mansion of Lady Quinla 21. The Mansion of the Earl M. Balent 22. Lady Lindsay's Finishing School 23. Fine Ladies Fashion, expensive women's clothing store and

dress maker. 24. Carpenter and Wagonsmith 25. Wheelwright 26. Wagonwright Guild Hall 27. Fencing School; one full year program adds a bonus of +1 to strike. The two year program adds +1 to parry and dodge in addition to the first year's strike bonus.

28. Carpenters' Guild 29. Stone Masons' Guild 30. The Gryphon Inn, 72 rooms, fairly good food and drink, 25 to 75 gold per room.

31. The Arena, once the sight of numerous gladiatorial contests, it is now used for less brutal and less frequent spectacles and games.


Park Side








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51. Warehouse

Horse races and chariot competitions are favorites held once a month. Weapon contests, tests of strength, and circuses are also held here from

52. Warehouse 53. Warehouse 54. Warehouse 55. Warehouse

time to time.

56. Warehouse 57. Warehouse 58. Warehouse 59. Warehouse

The College 60. The Four Offices of the Atlas Porter Company, always has 80 men available for any job. Specialize in warehouse/heavy transport. 61. The Wagons and Storage of the Atlas Porter Company. 62. The Timiro Theatre, numerous weekly shows are performed by the college students and visiting acting troupes. Presents the full range of entertainment from comic to dramatic plays to vocal and instrumental recitals. 63. Theatre Caretakers 64. Open-Air Theatre, presenting daily entertainment by mimes, musicians, singers, jugglers, slap-stick, and so on, performed by the students. 65. Mimes and Juggling 66. Music 67. Dance 68. Orchestra Hall 69. Playwrights and Actors 70. Singing 71. Music Composing 72. Racial Studies 73. Herbology

74. Food Preservation 75. Plant/Farm Lore and Techniques 76. Medicine 77. Animal Studies 78. Human Anatomy 79. Non-Human Anatomy and Surgery 80. Demon and Deevil Lore 81. Faerie Lore and Legend 82. World and Kingdom History

32. The Warriors Hammer, saloon, serves beer and ale at standard prices.

33. Weapon and Tool Sharpener

83. Religious Studies

34. Jeweler 35. Clock Makers' Guild 36. Oil Merchant, buys and sells. 37. Shrine of Rurga 38. Clock Maker, water and sand types.

84. Political Science 85. Philosophy 86. School of Alchemy studies chemical and physical reactions; the chemistry of alchemy. Also learn all magic symbols (not wards or circles). 87. Supply Store, paper, inks, paints, etc., low prices. 88. Book Binder 89. Scrivener, master of all languages spoken and written, a 15th level elf scholar and twelve 6th level assistants manage the facility, will translate, counsel and tutor. 90. Drawing 91. Painting (canvas) 92. Fresco Painting 93. Weaving 94. Pottery 95. Sculpture 96. Cartography (map making) 97. Metal Works; tin, lead, copper, silver and gold.

39. Guild Potter 40. White Swan Saloon, cheap beer, ale, rum, and moonshine. 41. Bakers' Guild 42. Fish Market, specialty smoked and pickled delicacies, reasonable prices. 43. Peddlers' Guild 44. Weavers' Guild

45. Tailors' Guild 46. Foreman's Residence for the Atlas Porter Co. 47. Atlas Porter Company Bunk House 48. Lumber Yard 49. Granary 50. Granary Guards, 18 guards; also a part of the Atlas Company.



98. Wood Working 99. Ceramics 100. Carpentry 101. Fabric Works, clothing, sewing patterns. 102. Language, all written and spoken languages taught. 103. Student Lounge with Inn, fair prices, tasty food.

Population: 22,500 Rankin is a city of many contrasts. At one time it was a port city of considerable significance but over the last hundred years, its fortunes have steadily decreased. When the city was first founded in the year 374 Y.L. it was an important trading port. Ships, fearful of crossing the open water between the Timiro Kingdom and the Land of the South Winds, would go to one of the northern cities of the South Winds and sail in convoy directly across the bay mouth to Rankin; this area being heavily patrolled by warships from both Timiro and the South Winds. As the centuries passed and more people came to these human controlled lands, each kingdom gathered a firmer grip on its coastal waters and began the eradication of pirates, sea-raiders and, in a few instances, sea serpents. As the seas grew safer, there also sprung up the Guild of Navigators who plumbed the reaches of these new but unknown waters. As new sea lanes opened up, fewer and fewer ships came to Rankin. Why should they when they could sail directly to Credia or one of the other major seaports closer to the caravan trails, especially when the lands to the west of Rankin formed the border between Timiro and the Old Kingdom. Rankin has only one main caravan trail leading to Credia and the same passage could be made faster and easier by boat. Rankin was left financially a gutted city. Those merchants who still remained were bringing goods into the city, not sending them out. Much of the local population turned to farming and fishing in the hopes of making a bare living. The only real going concern was the military. Because of its position, Rankin was the supply base for three of the border forts, Fort Garr, Kafi and Mirr. It would also be the first major city encountered if an invasion from the Old Kingdom took place. This meant there would have to be a large military contingent present in the area and Rankin was the obvious location of choice.

104. Administration Building 105. The Pantry; restaurant and saloon popular with the students, serves beer, ale, mead and rum. Standard prices. NOTE: A full year of study at any of the college facilities will provide a bonus of +4% to that skill area. A subject can be studied for a

maximum of four years with the 44% bonus for each year (total +16%). 106. Temple of Thoth 107. Clothing Store 108. Perfume Shop 109. General Store 110. College Stables 111. Grain Storage of the Atlas Porter Company. 112. Carpenter, works with Atlas Company. 113. Blacksmith 114. Stables of the Atlas Porter Company's work horses and mules. 115. Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut 116. Tavern, cheap prices and cheap women.

117. The Equestrian Knight, a quality saddle and tack store. Standard prices. 118. Riding School; one year program provides horsemanship skill: general, three year program provides horsemanship skill: knight. Costs 3200 to 15,000 respectively. 119. Supply Houses 120. Two Bunk Houses for stable hands. 121. Bunk House and Mess Hall

Within Rankin itself there sprung up a whole new series of businesses to serve the needs of the military, both in an official and non-official capacity. But this in itself was not enough to bring prosperity back to the whole city. Many inhabitants started turning to crime to make a living; smuggling, thieving, and the like. The appointment of the King's

122. Barn for pigs and poultry.

123. Private Granary

124. Stables 125. Stables 126. Public Stables 127. Dance Hall and Saloon, beer and wine served. 128. Main Office of Clynn's Stables

nephew, Ancorat Maramana, a lying, womanizing, gambling drunk,

marked the start of semi-anarchy within Rankin. Since then, thieving, murder, muggings, smuggling and slavery are common things in Rankin, with Ancorat controlling a little of everything.

129. Foreman's Residence

A. The Forts and the Sea Wall: A 15 foot high wall which com-

130. Tools and Equipment 131. Sectioned Corral for horses and cattle. 132. Blacksmith 133. Stables for Race and Chariot Horses, Clynn occasionally sells these horses but top quality means top prices. 12,000 for a pair of chariot horses; 60,000 to 80,000 gold for a trained, though unproven, race horse.

pletely encloses two small fortlike areas, then goes on down the coastlines to the west and east for about half a mile, after which they curve northwards for a few hundred feet; this is the sea wall. Al. These are Small Winch Buildings. Strung across the entrance to the harbor is a heavy steel chain. Normally it rests on the bottom of the channel, but can be raised to prevent a ship from entering or leaving. A ship striking the chain will take 100-400 points in damage. A2. These are Small Towers with Catapults on Top. Each catapult can fire a stone about 1000 feet, easily reaching all parts of the harbor. If needed they can also throw burning balls of pitch. A3. These Towers Serve as Lighthouses. Each tower is 40 feet tall and has a permanent 30 foot Circle of Flame burning on top.

134. The Red Beard Tavern, serves beer, dwarven beer (twice as potent), rum and imported hard liquor. Standard prices. 135. Hospital 136. Temple of Isis 137. Gambling Casino, numerous saloons; all types of games of

Bl. 100 Foot High Statue of the Sea Goddess Ippotomi B2.100 Foot Tall Statue of the Water Goddess Lista C. Warlock's Bay: The bay itself is unnaturally circular. Legends have it that a Warlock ordered an earth elemental to dig this harbor as a

chance and skill. 138. The Grand Inn, 234 rooms from 20 to 200 gold per night, has saloons, barber shop, clothing shop, tobacco shop, snuff shop, and a restaurant on the first floor.

service to the Kings of Timiro. But the legend continues in saying that

139. Warehouse 140. Warehouse

Rankin's doom is buried somewhere beneath the mud of the bay.

141. Physicians' Guild 142. Temple of Taut







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The Warship Docks

assassins' guilds. If ever a character wished to contact a smuggler, this would be the place to do it. 9. Public Docks: Open for use by all, a fee of 2 gold must be paid per foot of length of the hull.

Along the northern wall there are heavy timber gates which lead to the twelve docks. Up to 24 war gallies can dock, though nowadays only 5 share the docks with a number of smaller vessels. A Timiro war galley has a crew of 25 men, a captain, four officers and 20 deck hands, plus 40 slaves chained to the oars, normally ores. Each war galley can also carry 80 men-at-arms plus their equipment. Ancorat's Palace: Here the King's nephew lives in splendid disgrace. As governor, Ancorat acts as judge for the town. While he has a number of legal advisors, some of the best in Timiro, he gives whatever verdict he wishes, which is likely to go in favor of whomever gives him the largest bribe. Those who incur his displeasure are in deep trouble for the only way to get a sentence overturned is to appeal directly to the King. Ancorat also keeps a harem in the style of the Western Empire, along with a variety or unusual drugs.

Down-Side West 10. The Harborview Inn: Catering mostly to passengers of ships, rooms cost 20 gold per night. No food or drink is allowed inside. 11. Sign of the Winged Falcon: This is a courier service, specializing in the fast communication of messages anywhere in Rankin or Credia. Costs 30 gold plus 4 gold per mile outside of the city limits. 12. The Soft Wave Inn: With rooms for up to 35 guests, this is a very popular inn with seafarers of all types. Both food and drink can be had here for average prices. 13. The Morning Fog Saloon: Drinks of all types and excellent quality, this bar is very popular with ordinary seamen. 14. Tackle Shop: Fishing nets, harpoons, hooks, line and tackle of all types can be bought at fair prices. 15. Sweetloaf Bakery: Deals mainly in sweetbreads and candies of all types. 16. Dominana's: Appears to be a fine jewelry shop, but only offers low quality and high prices. Dominana is a major psionic/psuedo mindmage who applies her mind power to cheat and deceive her customers. She is miscreant and has 381.S.P. 17. Sign of the Gold Palm: This is a pawn shop which is a sister business to Dominana's next door. The owner cheats all customers terribly, giving only 10% of the value of the item pawned. 18. Nomtan's Tailor Shop: A seedy little place that makes clothes of poor quality. 19. Timiro's Best Tavern: Much belying its name, this may be the scummiest tavern in the Down-side area. Hard liquor at low prices. 20. Magda's Charm Emporium: Magda, a female elf merchant, sells worthless charms against everything from spells to bad luck. While she has no magic abiliy, she does have her nose in everyone elses' business. She will sell accurate information to anyone, though the more dangerous the information, the more she will charge. Fees range from 500 gold to 10,000 if it involves Ancorat. 21. The Buttery: This shop sells food supplies to small vessels and local fishermen. 22. The Red Light House: A fine small house, the only way to rent a room for the night is to rent the girl that comes with it. 23. Karowyn's Merchant House: Another outpost of the far flung Karowyn Merchant empire, this particular house does a lot of trading with the cities of the South Winds. They are always looking for men to man their vessels or to work as mercenary guards. 24. Rankin Merchant Co-op: It combines the resources of its members to purchase items put up for bids on foreigns markets which no lone merchant company could afford. The Co-op is often on the lookout for sailors or others to go and search out rare and unusual items

The Palace Guard Foot and Horsemen Barracks: This is the main garrison for the town, consisting of 500 men-at-arms and longbowmen, plus 50 knights or palladins and their horses. From a warehouse here, supply wagons bring fresh food, weapons and men to Forts Kafi, Garr and Mirr. The area around Rankin is heavily patrolled. Ancorat has managed to get some of his henchmen commands here, so there are times when some soldiers can literally get away with murder. Bribery is a common thing here. A bribe would have to be between 100 to 500 gold to satisfy a patrol, though one of Ancorat's henchmen might try to extort even more than that if travelling with a patrol. 1. The Naval Depot: This area holds 2 large warehouses for timber, food, sailcloth and other provisions. There are barracks capable of holding 600 men, though the normal complement is only 300. Cookhouses for the men and several armories, always heavily guarded, are also here. 2. Arena Warehouse and Docks: This is a private warehouse for the use of the manager of the Arena plus any performers. It is run by the Arena manager, Loff Balanz. Space can be rented for 5 gold per square foot of room needed.

Down-Side East 3. The Arena: Built only 10 years ago at the insistence of Ancorat, it required the demolition of a tenement area without provisions for the homeless. The Arena itself can seat up to 3,000 people, with a gate fee of 1 gold each. The Arena is managed by Loff Balanz, a cruel, evil man; a native of the Western Empire and a good friend of Ancorat. All sorts of entertainment take place here, from circuses and races to gladiatorial combat. The special attraction is a mechanisim which allows the floor of the Arena to be flooded so both land and sea battles can be performed. 4. Slave Market and Gladiator School: Another Loff Balanz enterprise, there are ore, ogre, goblin and human slaves sold here. A slave will cost 6,000 to 56,000 gold. Specially selected slaves are trained to fight as gladiators for the Arena. 5. The Broken Dagger Tavern: This bar caters to the poorer fighting and traveling types. Often the boredom of the evening is broken up by numerous fights. Meals will cost 8 gold. Drinks are 4 gold per mug. 6. Arvenough's Brewery: Ale can be bought here for 20 gold per gallon; sold in 5 gallon barrels. The brewery supplies most of the taverns in Down-side. 7. The Sunrise Inn: This is one of the few good quality inns in Down-side. Alcoholic beverages of all types are sold here at average prices. Unfortunately, thieves and pickpockets also find this a very attractive place. 8. The Backdoor Tavern: Cheap booze and prices; there's a secret tunnel which runs from the barrel room of the tavern to a small cove just outside the sea wall which is used by members of the thieves' and

for sale. 25. Ancorat's Dockyards: Extremely profitable, the dockyard often takes care of the local fishing vessels, but also repairs independently owned (pirate) ships at a 100% mark-up. 26. Carpenter and Lumberyard: One of Rankin's finest carpenters makes his home here. 27. Karowyn's Merchant Offices 28. Wool Importers Warehouse: A very important commodity that has to be shipped in. 29. The Silver Coin Inn: Much frequented by members of Rankin's merchant classes; quality domestic and imported wines and brandy are available at fair prices. 30. Goldsmith: In a heavily guarded building, Quam Pashar works his wonders with the precious metals. There is always 50,000 gold worth of bar stock or finished art in his vaults.


31. Jeweler's Shop: The shop of Vatrac Limestone, a dwarf, is always busy. 32. Porters' Guild Headquarters: Transports goods for others, anywhere in the city. This guild also serves as the headquarters of the thieves' guild. 33. The Day's End Tavern: Serving relatively simple food. A meal will cost 6 gold, with ale and beer available at the normal prices. 34. Church of the Seven Waters: One of the oldest and most important churches in Rankin, this magnificent building is dedicated to the

48. The Guild of Bountyhunters: This organization, legalized in Rankin by order of Ancorat, is made up solely of assassins. Most of the time they are used as tracers or spies by Ancorat and his friends or some are hired by the army. Only with the express permission of Ancorat can they assassinate someone within the city limits, though they are free to

do as they please outside it. Newcomers are not welcome. 49. Wagonwright: Permon Alfon, an elf, is known as a maker of good carriages, covered wagons and wheelbarrows. 50. Fletcher Shop: Another business which has the commission of the King of Timiro, it is run by a 12th level a elf longbowman named

men of the Royal Timiro Navy.

Alononum Magister. He may be the foremost authority on longbows

35. Animal Trainer: Varg Staglig, a wolfen druid, with his special abilities he can easily train the most difficult of animals in a short period of time. His dogs cost 150 to 500 gold and are among the best in

and their construction in the kingdom. He knows his craft well and can, for a price, produce both bows and arrows which have bonuses to strike and damage. Arrows can be produced with a +1 to strike for 50 gold

the kingdom.

each. 51. Arenaside Tavern: Huge quantities of beer, wine, ale and spirits are stocked here, all of average quality. Many of the middle-class work-

36. Stone Mason: An expert in both the carving of stone and building of walls. 37. Redhead Tavern: A rather dingy tavern with watered drinks and poor food at average prices. 38. Livery Stable: A small place used mainly by the area workmen who need somewhere to stable their animals while they conduct business or have lunch. 39. Wine Merchant: The family Gravo has for years been the chosen importers of fine wines for Ancorat, from whom they hold a special

ers of the town come here to quench their thirsts, along with a large number of soldiers from the garrison. All drinks are sold for normal prices.

52. The Wizards' Guild: A large but rather downtrodden building, there are rooms for more than 60 mages here, but rarely are there ever

more than 15 in attendence; most are second rate. The once great library was destroyed by fire. 53. Ropemakers: Another shop with the commission of the Royal

commission. All are highly priced.

40. The Shrine of Tark: It has few worshipers at present, but is

Navy; this family supplies rope for all of Rankin's warships and courier vessels as well as the local fishing boats. All sizes and types are avail-

steadily building in numbers.

41. Alchemist: In a most unusual situation, an ogre serves as alchemist in this shop. By his own request, the only name he goes by is "Ugly." He keeps most items in stock though anything which costs more than 80,000 gold will only have a 10% chance of being available. No rune weapons, crystal balls, holy weapons or dragon's teeth are available.

able at standard prices, including nets, rope ladders and the like. 54. Armorer: A small shop, run by an old human mercenary named Tov. Weapons and armor are made only on commission, though he does keep a few small pieces such as daggers, short swords, small shields and the like as examples of his work. 55. Sailmaker: This shop makes sails for both local and military use. 56. Day's End Tavern: This bar is mostly frequented by rural

42. Wagonwright: A famous human named Lyles Zavin runs this shop, which has been the hereditary coachmakers to two branches of the royal family for 3 generations. This business specializes in gilt covered and jeweled coaches of all sizes. Prices run from 100,000 to 2,000,000 gold each. 43. The Grand Inn: Used by visiting dignitaries and officers who

workers and others of the lowlier occupations. Average quality ale, beer

and hard spirits are sold at average prices. 57. Wood Worker: A specialist in cabinet making and woodcarving, all jobs are taken on order and will require two to four weeks before completion. 58. Metalsmith: A worker in the softer metals; copper, bronze and tin. This fellow does work for many of the local housewives, mending pots and pans and such. There may be one or two husbands who would like to get their hands on the owner as well. 59. The Temple of Light and Dark: This temple has a very small

do not wish to stay in the barracks, this inn has rooms for over 75

guests, each exquisitely decorated in silks, with tapestries hanging from all walls and paintings in each room. Excellent food and drink of all kinds are served here, along with other pleasures such as gambling or a selection of drugs smuggled in from the Yin-Sloth Jungles. Rooms cost 75 to 200 gold per night, while meals cost between 20 to 50 gold. Drinks cost double the normal amount. 44. Tobermori's Hospital: Arc Tobermori, a 7th level healer, is the personal physician of Ancorat, though some people suggest she may be more than just his doctor. Normally she sells her healing touch for 200 gold per use, with the greater abilities costing up to 2,000 gold per use. 45. Sign of the Split Helm: This large establishment is an arms manufacturing plant which has the royal commission to supply both the

following in Rankin.

60. Armorer: This shop has everything anyone could ever desire, even a 10% chance of giant sized weapons. The owner, Manst Qualor is a shrewd bargainer and will do all he can to stop buyers from getting a fair deal.


navy and army bases. All are made to standard shape and size for use by the average human and are a little under average quality. Each item has

the royal Timiro seal etched into the metal. While private orders for weapons cannot be accepted, he sometimes sells off extra stock illegally. As a friend of Ancorat, the owner, Torbat, can conduct such activities with impunity as long as Ancorat gets his share (30%). The thieve's guild and pirates are among their largest customers. 46. Temple of the Pantheon of Rurga 47. Noot's Livery Stable: Here horses can be rented, bought, sold or stabled. Any animal bought will cost 150% the normal price, but will be of the highest quality. A horse can be stabled here for 10 gold per

Population: 17,400 The city's origin lies along the south banks where it prospered as a mining town. Rich veins of silver and gold enabled the town to rise almost overnight. Unfortunately, after two short decades the mines were nearly depleted; the main vein was large but isolated. A decade later, newly discovered iron deposits kept Smia alive, but floundering. New

deposits became increasingly scarce and treacherously deep. The town that blossomed overnight withered with poverty and despair. The dusty lowlands proving largely uncultivatable, the fate of Smia seemed sealed.



21. Veterinary stables operated by a 5th level druid, a 3rd level healer and a half dozen assistants. 22. Warehouse. 23. Cattle corral. 24. Supply house. 25. Slaughter house. 26. Bunk house for cattle hands. 27. Granary. 28. Cattle corral. 29. Cattle stables. 30. Cattle foreman's home. 31. Round-up foreman's ranch. 32. Stables. 33. Veterinarian and stables. 34. Stables. 35. Bunk houses. 36. Carpenter. 37. Wagon smith. 38. Warehouse. 39. Warehouse. 40. Stable hand bunk house (2-8 men). NOTE: Additional pasture lands and smaller ranches lay to the

It was Duke Cardinal Jonquil of the royal family who grasped prosperity from the jaws of defeat. Before him stretched the grassy plains of the lowlands. An inhospitable land which seemed fit only for the rabbit and wild ponies. Ah, ponies. Spending every last coin of his

personal fortune, Duke Jonquil constructed a series of ranches and fenced the empty lowland. Then with imported equestrian masters and

breeds from the West, he filled those ranches with wild ponies, broke them, trained them and sold them. His men trained by the western experts, he has established a thriving business in the gathering and breeding of horses and ponies. Today, Smia produces the finest mounts in the South and second only to the Western Empire. The city, only one hundred years old, is a concentrated metropolis with tall buildings (two to five stories tall), and satisfied people. The city is clearly new, clean and well designed, and while there is the poor and the very rich, there are no slums or indigents. The city is clearly divided into six distinct districts: 1. In the heart is Castle Jonquil, one of the oldest structures, tall and majestic, originally built as a refuge against onslaughts from ores and ogres. 2. Along the south banks curling around Castle Jonquil is the older and poorer part of town. This was originally the mining town. These are crowded, apartment style, three to four story buildings with several families and small shops under one roof. 3. Off to the southwest are the delicate farmlands of Smia. Crops are largely grain types, wheat, barley, oats, hay, and a smidgen of vegetables which makes them fairly self sufficient. 4. Along the north bank is the residences of the wealthy merchants, traders, craftsmen and cattle men (middle class). 5. To the east is the market district with its many shops and mansions of the rich. 6. The ranches and pasture land stretches far to the north.

North. 41. Bunk house for the Cattle Market's stable hands.

42. The Cattle Market: Cows, bulls, and some lesser quality ponies and work horses. Standard to low prices. 43. The Horse Market: Auction hall and stables, empty except during the weekly or special auctions. 44. Cattle market owner's mansion. 45. The Butchers Market and Dairy. 46. The Poultry Market. 47. Farmers' Market: fresh produce. 48. Stone Masons Guild. 49. Temple of Apis the Sacred Cow. 50. Bakery. 51. The Richman's Tavern; high prices, high quality beer, ale, wine and rum. 52. The Equestrian, a small but ritzy inn catering to wealthy out of

CODE KEY The City of Smia 1. Isolation Stables for sick and injured animals. Includes veterinary facilities. 2. Fenced in pastureland for riding horses only. Contains 40-120 horses. 3. Stables with supplies, smith and live-in workhands. 4. Bunk houses, two stories tall, holds 40 workhands. 5. Mess hall 6. Supply and tool storage. 7. Tavern and game hall. 8. Large sectioned corral for trained horses ready for market. Always contains 10-80 riding horses, 20-80 ponies, 2-12 war horses, 4-16 race horses. 9. Stables attached to the corral. 10. Blacksmith and supply house. 11. Workhands' horse stables, can maintain up to 72 animals, includes an indoor courtyard, supply room with blankets and grooming equipment, and two small, do-it-yourself blacksmith facilities at either end. 12. Granary 13. Blacksmith and wheel wright. 14. Wagon storage. 15. Large training track.

town buyers. Plush rooms range from 40 to 120 gold per night, dinners

of fine quality average 20 gold, high quality liquor about five gold per glass. 53. Franklin's Saddle Shop. 54. Leather Works. 55. Tobias' Liquor and Tobacco Shop, average quality, fair prices. Excellent selections. 56. Cranston's House of Shadows, a dark, mysterious lounge spe-

cializing in expensive hard liquor, drugs, and women. All types of drugs, poisons and fumes can be bought here, but at three times the standard price. Operated by a western merchant of miscreant alignment,

a 3rd level diabolist. 57. Potter. 58. Tailor. 59. Weaver and fabric shop. 60. Tihndahl's Fabulous Armory, operated by a 6th level dwarven knight and six fellow dwarves (3rd level meres). ALL types of weap-

16. Corral. 17. Granary.

ons, armor and barding. New and used are available, as well as tailor

18. Small training track. 19. Ranch house of the head foreman and his family. 20. Private stables with smith facilities, 1-4 race horses, 4-12 riding horses and 2-8 ponies.

made or special dwarven armor and weapons. Prices tend to be high, especially for dwarven quality. Used equipment is fairly priced and the cheapest available. Armor repair is another service offered. 61. The House of Healers, a three story edifice which is the home


Scale in Feet






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and office of four 4th level healers and a half dozen assistant physicians. Reasonable prices. 62. The City Fire House with attached stables. 63. Temple of Light. 64. Carpenter and wagon smith; owner and family live on the

96. Red Dragon Tavern. 97. General Store. 98. The Wormwood Tavern (secret thieves' guild headquarters). 99. Fresh Fish and Bait Shop: Also sell fishing tackle and accessories.

third floor.


65. The Lowland's Inn; rooms, food, and drink of average quality. 66. Samantha's Jewelry Store: Varying quality and value, buys and sells, always in the market for precious stones. 67. The Black Stallion Hotel is the largest building in town, seven stories tall with 186 rooms, two dining halls and saloons. Rooms range from 20 to 80 gold per night. The quality of food, drinks and rooms are better than average. 68. The Black Stallion Stables (elite), high prices, exceptional quality. 69. The Black Stallion Bargain Stables, low prices, average quality. 70. River Inn, fair prices, only a handful of rooms. 71. General Store. 72. Gold Smith. 73. Blue Goose Tavern. 74. Leather Goods. 75. Church of Dragonwright (the evil version), 1-6 3rd level priests present at any given time. 76. The Alchemist Shop: 40% chance of having a particular potion, fume, poison or drug; 30% chance of having a specific scroll, 15% chance of having a particular magic item or other articles of magic. Prices are high. 77. Temple of Light and Dark, 4-12 3rd level priests at any given time. A 9th level high priest runs the neighboring hospital and veterinary clinic. 78. Veterinary Clinic, employs two 4th level druids and several assistants. Owned and operated by the priests of Light and Dark. 79. The hospital, a five story building with 68 private rooms and twelve wards. Employs three, 4th level healers, several physicians, assistants and a handful of priests. Hospital headed by 6th level priest. All fees go to maintaining operations and the church of Light and Dark. 80. Broken-hearts Tavern, an old gentlemen's pub. 81. The Beer Barrel Saloon, serves only beer and ale at reasonable prices. 82. Tanda's Magic Emporium: Tanda is a miscreant witch who specializes in potions (50% chance of having a particlar potion). She also stocks poisons and miscellaneous magic items that she procures from adventurers (12% chance of having a particular item). Tanda is pretty, P.B. 15, seemingly friendly and kind. In reality she's quite treacherous and cunning, tricking and cheating (even killing) to get an item she covets. Tanda is a 4th level witch, has a cat/incubus familiar, and is pledged to the demon lord Succor-Benoth. 83. Temple of Ra 84. The South Bank Jail. 85. Silver smith. 86. Temple of Kirgi the Rat God. 87. Stone mason. 88. Black smith. 89. Forge and metal workers, fair quality, low prices. 90. The mines, still active but low yield; gold, silver and iron. 91. Granary guards. 92. Warehouse. 93. Granary. 94. Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut, 2-4 priests. 95. Temple of Set.

The Castle Jonquil is ruled by Duke Matthew Jonquil, age 35, 5th level knight, youngest son of the late Philip Jonquil. He is a fair and honorable man of scrupulous alignment like his father before him. 100. Castle Barbican/Gate Towers with double portcullis manned by a dozen archers. 101. West guard tower. 102. Court yard. 103. The Castle Keep: Contains royal dining hall, kitchen, 20 guest rooms, the Duke's tower, hall of justice, ball room, lounge, storage rooms, temple of light, servants' quarters and dungeon. 104. Stables. 105. Stable hands and laborers' residence. 106. Black smith. 107. Carpenters and wheelwright. 108. Granary. 109. The militia: 172 foot soldiers. 110. The Light Cavalry, 48 soldiers and horses. 111. Tax office. 112. Theatre. 113. Court Wizard and scrivener service; 7th level elf wizard. 114. Jail. 115. Temple of Isis and Osiris. 116. Jonquil tower, a defensive five story tower and neighboring barracks. 48, 1 st to 3rd level archers (short bow) and 48 foot soldiers, all mercenaries. Led by a 5th level water warlock.



Weapons: Starts with an axe, and one other weapon of choice. All are basic S.D.C. weapons of fair to good quality. Magic weapons and other equipment must be acquired later.

Tanis, the Lumber Capital

Money: The character starts with 100 in gold, which can be used immediately to purchase more equipment or saved. Additional money will

Population: 27,000 Human 11,600 Other 7,000 Non-human Slaves 8,400 Tanis is the newest and one of the richest cities in the Timiro Kingdom. Since the depletion of the western forests nearly 100 years ago, Tanis has become the new capital of lumber production. In addition to furniture production and finished lumber, they provide two thirds of the lumber for the neighboring ship builders in Media. Generally, the city is well organized and well managed by the Warlocks' Guild. The people are happy, successful, and generally well to do. The lucrative work in the mills and as lumberjacks has made Tanis a friendly, robust little city of blue collar workers with high spirits and a great sense of pride in their city.

wrist and ankle. Assaults on human life are not tolerated, punishable by severe beatings, the stocks or death by hanging. The latter is used on multiple offenders, sex crimes, and murderers.

The Lumberjacks

The Warlock Community

come from payment for jobs and/or booty. Levels of Experience: Are the same as the ranger.

The Slaves A large number of ores and ogres are used to work in the saw mills (large hand saws) and as heavy laborers. The ores are generally subservient and fearful of the warlocks who run Tanis. Unfortunately the ogres are extremely hostile, aggressive and dangerous, requiring most

to be chained at the ankles and the most dangerous are manacled at both

A large guild of warlocks manage the city and act as the magistrate. They have disseminated the work and responsibilities of city operation

The typical lumberjack plans on working in Tanis for ten or twelve years and then retiring with a sweet little nest egg not available to most

among themselves so that no one person has too great a load. They are extremely efficient and fair, showing no preference for wealthy or poor,

laborers. Most, however, end up living and working their entire lives in the city. They are a tough, hardy breed of people who enjoy the hard

clergy or noble. The presence of the warlocks makes a militia unnecessary as they can more than handle any crisis.

life they lead. Recreation tends to be drinking, dancing, games of skill and strength, gambling and hunting.

Warlock Population

Lumberjack (Optional O.C.C.)

Earth: 50 level one-third; 30 level four-tenth. Air: 20 level one-third; 20 level four-tenth Water: 10 level one-third; 25 level four-tenth. Fire: 10 level two-fourth; 12 level five-tenth.

Alignments: Any Attribute Requirements: P.S. 12, P.E. 12. O.C.C. Skills: Identify plants/fruits (+25%) Climb trees/scale walls (+20%) W.P. Battle Axe. Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to hand to hand: expert for the cost of one "other" skill, or to martial arts or assassin (if evil) for the cost of two "other" skills.

Druid Problems The forest surrounding Tanis was populated by a large community of about 300 druids who did not accept its demise as lumber. A bloody, guerrilla style war lasting 20 years impeded the city's growth until the

druids were at last defeated. However, a small band of approximately 40 druids still plague the city by freeing slaves, causing fires, vandalism, and mischief in general. A reward of 25,000 gold is offered for information that will lead to their hide-out and destruction.

Elective Skills: O.C.C. Related SkiHs: Select 5 at level one, 2 at level three, 2 at level eight and 2 at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. Communications: Sign language only Domestic: Any Espionage: Track humanoids only Horsemanship: General or exotic only Medical: Brewing or First aid only (+5%) Military: None Physical: Any Rogue: Prowl only (+5%) Science: Mathematics: Basic only Scholar/Technical: General repair, Language, Literacy, or Sclupitng/whitiling only. Weapon Proficiencies: Any Wilderness: Any (+10%) Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select 7 secondary skills from the previous list at level one, and two additional skills at levels three, six, and ten. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list. Starting Equipment: One set of clothing, boots, a pair of gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, a large sack, a small sack, a water skin, and a tinder box. Armor: Starts with a suit of soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).

CODE KEY The City of Tanis The Lumberjack Encampment This is a rough and rowdy part of the city where the non-resident lumberjacks work and live. Most of the buildings are sub-divided two and three story buildings housing four to eight families each and as many as sixteen in the larger ones. Many of these apartments are shared by several friends or room-mates rather than families. The camp is 75% male and 50% human. Of course many lumberjacks reside in the actual city. 1. Wildwood Gaming Parlor: Gambling and games of all kind oc-

cur at this favorite retreat. Good quality beer and ale are served at fair prices. 2. Barge and Small Boat Repair 3. Large Storage House: This is for unused or damaged flatbed barges. It faces the Tanis River with a man-made channel and tapered

shore for the flatbed barges, which are used to transport finished wood planks, slabs and boards. 4. General Store: Sells household items, fabric, grains and miscellaneous common goods. Standard prices. 5. Tobacco and Liquor Store: Both smoking and chewing tobacco

are sold along with a variety of beer, ale, and moonshine. 6. The Fallen Tree Brothel: Cheap booze and women. 7. The Temple of Light and Dark: Full pantheon displayed.


Main Lumberjack Camp 39.

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8. The Foreman/Supervisor's Residence 9. Log Corral 10. Log Corral

54. Kindahl's Residence; a fiesty dwarf and family of two sons, three daughters and uncle Fhard; all are expert metal workers and horse handlers. 55. Granary 56. Wheelwright 57. Kindahl's Blacksmith 58. Wagonsmith, makes and repairs. 59. Lumber Warehouse 60. Wagon Storage 61. Ferry to the other side, no charge. 62. Unprocessed Lumber 63. Tool Repair Shop, from mill saws to hand-held tools, the best grinder in the city. 64. Furniture Maker 65. Furniture Maker 66. Alexander's Saw Mill

Industrial Section 11. Sander's Saw Mill 12. Wagon Storehouse 13. Lumber Yard; usually 50% are raw product. 14. Blacksmith and Wheelwright 15. Wagonsmith, builds and repairs wagons. 16. Stables for work horses, can house up to 80 animals.

17. Stables for work horses. 18. Horse Corral 19. Foreman's Residence 20. Equipment and Storage 21. Three Bunk Houses 22. Slave Guard Post; stone construction, 24 2nd level meres. 23. The West-side Slave Compound; houses up to 2200 slaves; 80% ore, 15% ogre, 5% others. 24. Slave Guard Post, stone construction, 16 3rd level meres. 25. Slave Guard Post, stone construction, 16 3rd level meres. 26. Huge Scrap Pile of saw dust and wood chips. The residents are encouraged to take what they might need free of charge.

67. Scrap Pile, large pile of saw dust and wood chips.

68. Scrap Pile, huge pile of saw dust and wood chips. The residents are encouraged to take what they need free of charge from both scrap piles. 69. Kentomtold's Saw Mill, employs many slaves. 70. Lumber Yard shared by the Kentomtold mill and neighboring furniture makers. 71. NozlaPs Furniture, high quality. 72. Steve's Drier, dries and treats wood.

27. Loen's Saw Mill, uses many slaves.

28. Turpentine and Oil Production 29. Loen's Paper Mill 30. Tool and Saw Shop; makes, repairs, and sells mill saws, axes, and hand-held tools and chains. 31. Paint and Varnish Shop 32. Barge Repair and dock workers; load and ship. 33. Flatbed Barge Storage 34. Six Shipping and Business Offices of the Loen saw mill and furniture production house. 35. Warehouse 36. Warehouse

73. Steve's Residence 74. Kentomtold's Residence 75. Varnisher, stains and varnishes wood 76. Wood Finisher, treats and stains wood 77. Franklin Saw Mill, the largest of all the mills, employs a great number of ore and ogre slaves. 78. Scrap Pile of the usual dust and lumber chips. 79. The Franklin Lumber Yard

80. Wagonsmith 81. Blacksmith 82. Wheelwright 83. The Fire Barge Tavern, sells dwarven beer and wood grain moonshine (some would claim turpentine); high prices but extremely popular hang-out. 84. The Flat Bed Bar and Grill, specializes in roasted chicken, ale and beer. Standard prices. 85. Temple of Rurga, entire pantheon. 86. Weaver and Tailor 87. General Store 88. Church of Light and Dark 89. Cobbler

37. Warehouse 38. Warehouse 39. East-side Slave Compound, houses up to 2800 slaves; 80% ore, 10% ogre, 10% goblin. 40. Stone Guard Tower, two stories tall, 24 guards. 41. Stone Guard Post, 16 2nd level meres. 42. Stone Guard Post, 16 2nd level meres. 43. The Slave Honor Camp, this is a wall-less slave camp composed of several large and small barrack style buildings for slaves that have proven themselves loyal to their work and masters. Living in this town-like encampment is as high an honor a slave can get. It even includes places of worship and taverns. However, it can be a dangerous place for free men.

90. Leather Shop 91. Shrine of Isis 92. Carpenter 93. Wolverton Lumber Yard, finished wood covered with canvas. 94. Wolverton's Wood Finishing, stains and varnishes. 95. Franklin Warehouse

44. Stone Guard Tower, two stories tall, 12 2nd level mercenary

guards. 45. Temple of Taut (god of dark) 46. Game Hall and Saloon, serves only watered down beer and ale. 47. Temple of Tark and Panath 48. Stone Guard Tower, three stories tall with 28 2nd level mercenary guards. Tower includes a bunk area and lounge with beer or wine. 49. Kindahl's Stables for work horses, can house up to 80 animals. 50. Kindahl's Stables for work horses, can house up to 80 animals. 51. Kindahl's Horse Corral 52. Bunk House for stable hands. 53. Equipment and Supplies

96. Franklin Warehouse 97. Warehouse 98. Warehouse 99. Kentomtold Warehouse 100. Kentomtold Warehouse 101. Saloon, beer, wine, moonshine. 102. Shrine of the Phoenix


103. Artisan Shop, glass and pottery. 104. Temple of Set 105. Carlsorz Stable, riding horses and ponies for sale.


106. Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut 107. Carlsorz Stable, for travelers; blacksmith facility too. 108. East Wind Inn, 64 rooms, 20 to 80 gold per night per person. 109. Horse Corrals 110. Marigold Tavern, beer and ale, cheap prices.

Population: 68,000 Tomoro is a wealthy, quiet, popular resort city, famous for its hospitals and healers. The town is especially proud of its many mineral springs and bath houses. It is said that just drinking the water of Tomoro will add years to your life. Many elderly nobles and merchants maintain a home here. It is an unusually beautiful city, and enjoys a mild climate. The townspeople have a very social life, with parties, balls and visiting. Duels are popular among the younger set. This is a class conscious society, and the various O.C.C.'s seldom mix except in public areas. Rowdy behavior is tolerated only in the poorer areas of town. Even the assassins of Tomoro will murmur an apology as they dispose of their victims. The priests of Tomoro are the fattest of the land. Many are related to the noble families of the town. The merchants offer every luxurious item imaginable and their prices are steep. An attempt to bargain will most often be greeted with a patronizing chuckle, as the bargainer is informed that if he cannot pay the price, perhaps he should do without. The mayor epitomizes the snobbish dandy. His Honor, Lord Popeet is a renowned duelist, and loves to hear about one on one battles. Any petitioner must tell him a good story if he wants any help. The mayor's card will serve as a passsport to any house in town. Nobility and very rich merchants send their children to Miss Rissy's for a year or two of "finishing" before the young ones enter society. Attendance of this school is considered a great advantage at court. The children come from all over, and form friendships here which affect the workings of governments. Magic users are not popular in Tomoro, as they do not fit well into the class system here. They will be treated correctly, but kept at a distance, unless of course, he or she is of noble background. The thieves in Tomoro specialize in picking pockets. Tomoro is also famous in certain circles for its fences and pawn shops which will buy at good prices.

Market Area 111. Stationary Store, sells paper, bound books, parchment, inks, paints, dyes and writing utensils.

112. Metal Works, sells and repairs pots, pans, kettles and various iron utensils and knives, standard prices. 113. General Store, fabric, grains, household items, dry goods. 114. Silversmith, high prices. 115. Farmers Market, fresh produce. 116. Dairy 117. Butcher, standard prices. 118. Spice and Herb Shop, common and imported, high prices. 119. Seamstress, standard prices. 120. The Lone Oak Tavern, quality food and wine, high prices. 121. The Pirate's Cove, a saloon that specializes in rum and western alcohol. Very high prices. 122. Clothing Store, expensive imported silks and furs. 123. Talon's Armory, new and used arms and armor. Fair selection, including some kobold and dwarven weapons, tend to be expensive. 124. Jewelry Store, good variety, highish prices, elf owned. 125. House of Light, candle and lantern shop. 126. Basket Weaver 127. Potter and Ceramic Shop, nice quality, fair prices. 128. Clock Maker, water and sand clocks, expensive.

129. The Scrivener, will write letters from dictation for five gold per page, read letters at one gold a page, authenticate books for 10-40 gold, authenticate scrolls at 100-400 gold; also sells paper goods and inks at standard prices. Is operated by an elderly human, defrocked 9th


level monk, 6th level scholar; reads and speaks all languages, magic

symbols and runes at 100% proficiency. 130. Magic Powder and Fume Shop; stocks all magic powders and fumes, but at twice the normal prices. House specialty, is pink goblin dust, 51b. sack, 15 gold. 131. Sect of Kirgi the Rat god 132. Saddle Shop and other riding gear, standard prices. 133. Private Bath House, 5 gold per bath, 10 gold for bath in clean water, 25 gold to be bathed and perfumed. 134. Ragnarok Inn, 36 rooms, small, dirty, 10-40 gold per room, per night, no limit to the number of people, watered booze. 135. Cindy's Place, a brothel of questionable quality. 136. The Rum-Pot; a saloon that specializes in common quality

The City of Tomoro

Hospital Complex 1. College of Healers 2. Teaching Hospital; no one is turned away. 3. Psychiatric Hospital 4. Convalescent Home 5. Veterinary Hospital & College

Wealthy/Noble District 6. Well to do Merchants • homes

7. Well to do Merchants - homes 8. Well to do Healers 9. Nobility - homes 10. Residential Hotel; usually apartments that are rented by rich folks here for a series of treatments at one of the hospitals. 11. Residential Hotel

rum and hard liquor. Available by the glass or by the bottle. Standard prices. 137. Tackle and Bait Shop

138. The Preservatory, sells preserved meats and fruits for wilderness adventuring. 139. Temple of the Elemental, the main warlock place of worship

12. Residential Hotel 13. Miss Rissy's School of Etiquette 14. Well to do Healers & Psychiatrists 15. Well to do Healers & Psychiatrists 16. Temple of Light and Dark 17. Classy Hotel 18. Tea House, Snooty Tavern

and magistrate offices. A handsome four story edifice. 140. The Kings Auditor, a.k.a. the tax collector. 141. Town Hall 142. Town Jail NOTE: The warlocks run the city


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Based on Concepts by Paula Leasure

19. Bathouse - Upper Class 20. Pond 21. Botanical Gardens: Tended by a druid and several acolytes. 22. Wooded Park: Horse riding. 23. Play Park: Bowling greens; children's areas, tournament field. 24. Alfred's Inn: Good food, rooms, average prices. 25. Tagor's Tavern 26. Public Bathhouse 27. Shopping Area: Mostly clothes, some weapons. 28. Cold Nights Inn: Low prices, fair rooms. 29. Red Light District: Cheap booze and women.

30. Cunegunda Tavern 31. Tinker's Inn: They cater to dwarfs, cheap prices. 32. Alchemist

33. Petunia's Florist Shop

34. Pawn Shop 35. Grandpa's Green House 36. Temple of Locknar 37. Thieves' Guild 38. Tomika's Tavern 39. Paved Open Area, with a large fountain in the center. 40. Tiny's Tea Room; run by an ore, ex-mercenary.

41. Weaponsmith and Second Hand Shop 42. Mineral Springs Spa & Health Club 43. Kato's Tavern 44. Retired Soldiers' Aid Society; home for indigent but respectable soldiers. 45. Saddles & Horse Tack Shop

46. Temple of Pantheon of Rurga 47. Roz-Lee's Inn 48. General Store 49. Closed Fresh Food Market 50. Nisha's Tea Room 51. Public Library

52. Private Hospital 53. Horse Stable 54. Grandma's Private Horse Stables 55. Blacksmith 56. Carriage and Buggy Shop 57. Government Buildings; Mayor's Residence

58. Tea Room and Porcelain Shop 59. Theater 60. School of Music 61. Temple of Taut 62. The Black Hole Tavern 63. Temple of Dragonwright

64. Temple of the Northern Gods 65. Magic Shop 66. Tukie's Inn 67. Tailor 68. Silk Shop



4. Bob and Doug's Pawn Shop: Very poor shop. Don't do very much business, however, they can easily be cheated due to lack of intelligence. 5. The Fools Rush Inn: This is little more than a dive. Frequented mostly by cattlemen and horse traders. It is well known that the soldiers from the fort are not welcome here. Prices are fair. 6. Gazella's Hospitality House: This is a hostel for tired travelers. For a moderate price (5 gold per night) a traveler gets a bed and small, but filling breakfast. 7. Lupe's Boot Shop: This shop is run by a 2nd level elf, merchant. He not only runs this shop but has a leather goods shop next door. He will custom make almost any item, for a price. His prices are high, unless he decides he likes the person he is dealing with, which is not often. 8. Lupe's Leather Shop: Lupe has a deal with the cattle ranch for most of their hides, in return he gives the ranch hands a discount. 9. Clyde's Tannery: Lupe's brother-in-law does all of Lupe's tanning at a discount. Prices average. 10. Town Jail 11. Town Healer: A human named Gloria Calandra, age: 35, alignment: scrupulous. Very generous; many times she will render her services to the poor for no fee at all. Cannot stand to see people suffer. 12. Temple to Dragonwright: (good sect) 6 priests can be found here at any time. 13. Tamara's General Store: She carries just about everything any-

Alphabetical List of Towns Aria Arian

Baca Barbera Basst

Beeg Bith Calra Erat

Gedro Hanna Kwia

Marmana Niedia Nibis Nira Nisi Partha Parp

one could need. She is willing to special order items for the right price.


Most of her usual prices are average. 14. Tarnow Bakery: Quality baked goods, average prices. 15. Adam's Spice Shop: Spices and herbs from all over the Timiro Kingdom and surrounding areas. Prices are average on the high side. 16. Monica's Linen Shop: Fair quality linen and cloth. Basic material, cannot make special orders. Prices are low. 17. Rodney's Tavern: Good beer and ales. Fair prices. 18. Bob's Bunk House: Cheap beds, 10 or 15 cots to a room. 2 gold


per night. 19. Warehouse for the armory. 20. Gideon's Armory: Run by a 4th level, ex-fighter elf, merce-

Sims Sino Syanda Tanitn Tax

nary, who has a bad attitude; he'd rather fight than haggle. Prices are fair to good. Deals in contraband on the side. 21. Warehouse; owner unregistered. 22. Sylvia's Pawn Shop: Will accept anything in trade. Is very

Aria is a military complex that houses both the light cavalry and foot

soldiers. It serves as both a training camp and as a permanent base to defend the city of Tomoro and the Credia Peninsula.

A small community of peasant farmers, laborers and merchants sit Northwest of the military base. Most of the merchants, particularly the

picky about who she deals with. Prices are average. Will cheat anyone she can. 23. Temple of Darkness: 2 priests of darkness are always there.

livestock merchants, cater to the military. To the east stretches miles of farmland and peasant farmers under the direct protection of the army. Population of Aria: Cavalry 4530

24. Temple of Light: 4 priests of light actively try to convert anyone and everyone. 25. The Aria Women's Suffrage League: These are towns women who are determined to outlaw the town's saloons and taverns. Only

Foot Soldiers 5140 Civilians (predominately farmers) 1100 Ore Slaves (predominately farm hands) 600

problem they have is no one is willing to listen. 26. Damian's Blacksmith Shop: Prices are fairly high due to the fact that he is the only blacksmith catering to the common folk. Rumored to have connections with the Temple of Darkness.


The Town of Aria

27. The Gate Way Inn: Everyone is welcome at this inn. Good food and drink for fair prices. 28. Capital Pawn Shop: The only honest pawn broker in town. Will give fair prices for fair trades. This may be due to the fact that it is right across the street from the Town Council. 29. Town Council Building 30. The Millwright's Residence 31. The Ingles Residence & Office: Owner of the town's largest business, a livestock ranch. 32. Stables

1. The Alchemist Shop: This shop is run by Alise Mystic, human, 40 years old, anarchist, thief. She really isn't an alchemist at all but will fake it when necessary. There is only a 20% chance she will ever have anything you need. However, she will keep you in the shop long enough for her gnome slave, which she imported from the North, to pick your pockets clean. 2. Long Days Inn: One of the smaller inns in town, food and drink are fair to good. Prices are moderate. 3. Amanda's Market: Caters to the middle class townspeople. Does her best to keep her store well stocked; prices are moderate. 73



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Regular Army/Foot Soldier Barracks


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Cavalry Barracks



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an an an an an Parade Field

33. Ranch Hands Residence: Houses up to 20 hands. 34. Corral for Horses: Fair to good quality. Standard prices to everyone but the military, to whom he gives discounts. 35. Corral for Ponies 36. Main Cattle Corral 37. Storage 38. Stables 39. Storage 40. Residence for Ranch Hands 41. Goat Pens 42. Pig Pens 43. Branding Pens 44. Slaughter House: Run by a 4th level merchant named Carl Lowly, for Charles Ingles. 45. Storage Building 46. Smoke House for the Slaughter House 47. Storage 48. Noah the Horse Trader: Noah sells used horses. No one knows where he gets his stock and no one really cares. Noah is a tenth level diabolist; needless to say, his brands have to be watched. Prices are low and the horses are poor to good quality. 49. Temple of Aco and the Juggernaut: 6 priests present at one time or another. 50. Storage for the Mill

W. Fort Tailor: Run by Alistar Columbine, superb tailoring of uniforms and other garments. Average prices. X. Fort Barber Shop: Two elven barbers specialize in military cuts. Will only cut hair according to regulations. Unless of course, they are bribed. Y. Fort General Store: This shop, run by Judas Crandel, supplies the fort's inhabitants with all of their needs. He carries everything, including the kitchen sink. Z. The Snack Bar: A small shop with quick snacks and drinks, no alcohol is sold here. 1. Fort Jeweler: Fair prices, specializes in custom jobs for the soldiers. 2. Temple of Light: The only religion the prince will allow in the fort. 3. The Hurry Inn: This inn caters to visiting relatives of the soldiers. Clean rooms, good food, for 5-15 gold a night. 4. Fort Armorer: Harold Wilkes owns the exclusive contract with the fort for all armor making and repair. Good, fast work, fair prices. 5. Fort Blacksmith: Harold's brother Bart is the blacksmith. He also has an exclusive contract with the army. Fair prices. 6. Fort Weaver: Sally Rand can weave any design into material if given enough time and money. 7. Public Stables: Boarding for the horses of the fort's visitors and merchants. 8. Guard House: The sergeant of the guard (foot soldier) occupies this shack while on duty. 9. Fort Office: Everyone entering the fort from the East gate must sign in here first.

51. The Mill: Run by Amor Offit, a human, age: 50, 6th level exmercenary. Retired because of a sudden fear of horses and riding. Doesn't go out much, very quiet and reserved.

Aria: The Fort Section

The Castle

A. Storage for the horse trainers. B. Guard Shack: The sergeant of the guard (cavalry) stays here while on duty. C. Fort Office: Everyone entering the fort from the west gates must first sign in here. D. Barracks for the stable hands. E. Storage F. Stables for the cavalry horses.

The castle is inhabited by the eighteen year old son of King Gedro. Bartholmew Gedro is the third in line to the throne of Timiro. He was sent to Aria mainly as a means of appeasing his thirst for power. Bart is a very selfish and demanding young man and has been referred to as a brat on more than one occasion. Bart is not the ruler of the town of Aria; in the buildings surrounding the castle reside his advisors. These men are actually the true rulers and were sent here by Bart's father to make up for his shortcomings. These men make sure Bart does not interfere with military activities. This is perfectly fine by him because he enjoys being a figurehead for the visiting foreign dignitaries. NOTE: Foot soldiers are 1st & 2nd level. Light Cavalry soldiers are lst-3rd level. Sergeants are 3rd & 4th level. Officers are 5th level and higher. The cavalry's horsemanship is general. Its high ranking officers and nobles horsemanship is knight. The elite cavalry (the Sentinels) are located in Syanda.

G. Stables for the war horses.

H. Storage I . Stable for the ponies. J. Stables for regular horses. K. Stables for regular horses. L. Storage for saddles and tack. M. Officers' Quarters - Cavalry N. Officers' Mess Hall and Tavern - Cavalry

0. Colonel Bull Whip's Residence: Human, 10th level knight, anarchist alignment. He detests the foot soldiers and thinks more of his horses than them. P. Lt. Colonel Haig P. Alexander's Residence: Colonel Al, as his men fondly call him, detests "those smelly horses" as much as they dislike him. The Colonel feels he has the best unit in all of the Timiro Royal Army and to prove it he has a parade every Sunday for Prince Gedro. His men are top notch, spit and polish troops. Q. Officers' Quarters - foot soldiers R. Officers' Mess Hall and Tavern - foot soldiers. S. Mess Hall - Enlisted foot soldiers

ARIAN Population: 284 Arian is a small border town that's part of the Timiro Kingdom expansion program into the Old Kingdom. It is found approximately 80 miles from the true Timiro border along the shoulder of the Old Kingdom River. It is basically a small farm community which serves as a haven for the trappers and huntsmen of the surrounding wilderness. The houses are modest wood homes and the shops' wares reflect their service as a trading and supply outpost. Travelers are uncommon, though 10-40 trappers, rangers and freebooters can always be found at her inns. Other than Fort Hilde across the river, Arian is the last human way station in the Old Kingdom.

T. Game Room and Tavern for the enlisted foot soldiers.

U. Auxiliary Mess Hall: This facility is used only in case of visiting troops from other forts. V. Uncle Toms Tavern: This tavern is owned and operated by a distant relative (or so he claims) of the prince.


The surrounding woodlands are inhospitable, with wandering bands of ore, goblin and human vermin. The town council governs the little

Animals: Brother Bear is rarely seen without an animal (usually one of his dogs or a bear). Silver Fox familiar: Tag; 19 hit points, bite does 1D4 damage, +2 to

community, led by Tabor Samila (warlock), Brother Bear (druid), and Capt. Estaban, a western soldier in hiding.

damage, +5 to dodge, Spd. 23, nightvision 15ft, prowl 50%, track

60%, swim 40%, he is telepathically linked to the druid. Tag is rarely seen but always present. He is principally used for spying. Big Brother: Giant brown bear; 62 hit points, bite does IDS damage, claws 2D6, +2 to strike, +6 to damage, two attacks per melee. See brown bear in the Palladium Book of Monsters and Animals.

Little Brother: Mountain brown bear; 50 hit points, bite does 1D6 damage, claws 2D4, +2 to strike, +6 to damage, two attacks per me-

lee. See the Palladium Book of Monsters and Animals for details. Also has several retrievers, setters, and a wolf in his kennel. Skills of Note: Horsemanship: general, holistic medicine 75/65%, prowl 55%, botany 70/75%, aninmal husbandry 85%, wilderness survival 80%, history 80%; speaks southern, western, gobblely and elven 98%, Hand to Hand: Basic. Druid Abilities: Oghrune 80%, regional knowledge 70%, sacred site knowledge 65%, versification 55%, astronomy 40%, weather iden-

tifcation 40%, prophecy 35%, plus other druidic abilities. See Palladium RPG, pages 75-77, for details. Magic Abilities: Standard Druid spells (as listed on pages 75-77 of the Palladium RPG), recognize animal enchantment 65%, spell control 35%, +2 spell strength. P.P.E.: 65 Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 8, M.A. 9, P.S. 9, P.P. 10, P.E. 14, P.B. 9, Spd. 11. Personality: Very clever, cunning and tricky; enjoys exerting his power over others and likes the idea that most people fear him. Brother

Bear is a strange and mysterious person frequently seen naked, running through the woods with the coyotes and bears. Has dark skin and dark, haunting eyes. He is a man of few words. It is he who is the real power in this town. What are his plans, his goals? Unknown. Rumors from the trappers say that he enjoys metamorphosizing into a wolf or coyote and hunts both animal and human prey, partaking in the eating of his victims. Some say he is also the leader of the large coyote pack that roams the woods near Arian. Tabor Samila Human 5th level Air Warlock Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 39 S.D.C.: 2 Armor: Chain mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44. Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses: +1 spell strength, +1 save vs. magic and possession, +2 vs. horror factor (+6 vs. elemental beings). Weapons: 2 knives doing 1D6 damage each, morning star 2D6 damage, flail 2D6 damage, and cross bow 1D6 damage. Magic Abilities: Spells - Cloud of Steam, Create Light, Stop Wind, Change Wind Direction, Mesmerism, Silence (15ft), Call Lightning, Darkness, Float in Air, Calm Storms, Invisibility, Protection from Lightning, Circle of Rain, Detect the Invisible, Breath of Life; 25% chance of summoning a lesser air elemental. P.P.E.: 81 Additional Equipment: Personal items, a flute, snuff, scroll of reduce

Brother Bear: (true name: Klii Tang) Human 7th level Druid, Totem animal is canine

Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 40 S.D.C.: 5 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic/druidic abilities Bonuses: +2 to damage, +1 to strike, +2 to parry or dodge, +2 to roll

object, 1400 in gold coins, a diamond ring (worth 2200 gold), 3

small sapphires worth 200 gold each. Skills of Note: Play Wind Instrument 66%, Speaks gobblely, dwarven, southern 98%, swim 80%, Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Archery. Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 11, M.A. 12, P.S. 13, P.P. 9, P.E. 9, P.B. 13, Spd. 10. Personality: Friendly though a little arrogant, he dresses richly in light blue, green and white. If armor is worn it will be under the clothing. Tabor is the official head of the town council and although he is no wimp, he tends to be dominated by Brother Bear who he fears.

with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, kick attack, critical strike on 19-20, +2 vs. magic, +2 vs. disease, +4 vs. horror factor. Weapons: Staff 2D4 damage, short bow 1D6 damage, and a stone axe 2D6 damage. Additional Equipment: Clothing of soft leather and animal skins, simple furnishings, smoking tobacco and pipe, various herbs, 4 doses of hemlock poison, half a pound of dried hallucinogenic mushrooms, one dozen unscented candies, one lantern, personal items, an emerald ring (worth 1000 gold), and 450 in gold coins, and 180 in silver. 76


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Captain Estaban El-Carlo 8th level Soldier Alignment: Scrupulous

18. The Wild Boar Stables 19. The Wild Boar Inn, 36 rooms, high prices, lousy food. 20. Tobacco Shop, stocks both chewing and smoking varieties.

Hit Points: 56 S.D.C.: 10 Armor: Plate and chain, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 100 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, kick attack, critical strike on 1820, paired weapons, body throw/flip and disarm, plus W.P. bonuses. Weapons: Military fork 2D4+2 damage, saber 2D4 damage, halberd 3D6 damage, broadsword 2D4+1,2 knives 1D6 damage each. Additional Equipment: Extra chain mail armor, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 55, goupillon flail, small shield, western silks, clothes, pint of western brandy, 200 gold and 50 silver coins. Skills of Note: Horsemanship: general, Read/write western 70%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Pole Arm, W.P. Knives, W.P. Shield, Speaks western, southern, eastern and elven 98%, military etiquette 90%, climb/scale walls 80/75%, Hand to Hand: Expert. A War Horse named Nightshade is his greatest single possession and was the only item of value he had when he rode into town five years ago. Hit Points: 51, Barding, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 70; a beautiful animal worth about 45,000 gold. Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 6, M.A. 6, P.S. 13, P.P. 12, P.E. 8, P.B. 9, Spd. 7. Personality: Gracious, gentle, friendly; but nervous and jumpy around strangers. Rumor has it that he is a wanted man back in the Western Empire and is on the run.

21. The Whiskey Jug, a liquor store operated by an ogre and two ores. Specialize in home brews (moonshine) and dandelion wine. All are surprisingly tasty and pack a wallop. Standard prices. 22. Town Warehouse 23. Seamstress 24. Finigan's Rainbow, a quiet tavern frequented by the peasant farmers and old men of Arian. Serves ale and moonshine at low prices. 25. The Jail House is the only stone building in Arian. It also houses the town militia, a motley band of twenty four mercenaries (1st to 3rd level), hired by Tabor Samila to combat the bandits that stalk the

woods. All are generally reliable and loyal to the town council. 26. The Rum House, this is a popular den of iniquity with high priced rum, women and gambling. 27. Wheelwright 28. Wagon maker and Carpenter 29. Town Warehouse for grains. 30. The Town Council Building 31. Tabor Samila's Residence, head of the town council. 32. Temple of Wind, an elementalists' temple. 33. The Residence of Brother Bear 34. Brother Bear's private Kennels 35. Livestock, 6D4 cows, 6D4 goats, 4D4 sheep, 6D4 pigs, 2D6 ponies, 4D6 hunting dogs. Operated by a human of scrupulous alignment. Fair prices. 36. The Hunters' Lodge, good food and drink at reasonable prices, 40 rooms. 37. Temple of Cirga the Bowman 38. Shrine of Bennu the Phoenix

CODE KEY The Town of Arian 1. Samuel Teasmot's Travelers Retreat; a shabby log cabin with nine guest rooms. Costs three gold per person, no limit to the number of people in the room. Sam also operates his side of the ferry, which costs one gold per person or two gold for each animal or extra package. Sam is a 4th level ranger/retired trapper of unprincipled alignment. His wife, two sons and two hired hands help operate the little place. 2. The ferry dock has one large pole barge, a rowboat and three canoes. 3. Ralu, the boat man; operates the Arian ferry, sells repaired canoes. Although corrupt and selfish, Ralu's prices are fair. 4. River Bank Saloon; a popular respite for trappers; sells ale and homemade tonic at one gold a mug. 5. General Store, sells grains, flour, tools, snares and goods a wilderness town might need. 6. Temple of Light and Dark 7. Carpenter 8. Captain Estaban's Residence, a western noble on the run. 9. Krindahl's Weaponary, a shop run by an old dwarf, with many used weapons at reasonable prices. Specializes in the construction of all types of bow weapons, arrows and spears. All are quality items at fair to low prices. No armor. 10. Rastruun's Herbs, a shop that sells all types of herbs and roots

BACA Population: Approx. 600

Baca is an independent town with little association with other towns or forts. Although a farming community, it has a surprisingly nice inn and a smattering of merchant shops. Consequently, it is a frequent overnight haven for travelers in that region. An additional attraction is that the town has never been plagued by ogre or ore marauders that harass the other border towns. Baca also has an unusually large number of

small merchant residents for an out-back community. Many are associates of merchant caravans who have established Baca as a rest stop to or from Timiro. This way they can examine their merchandise personally, reducing the degree of larceny by unscrupulous caravan drivers. Others own small businesses in town. Baca is governed by a town council headed by Father Tarka, a priest of the Spider Goddess, Tark, and five council members: Craig Topenda, Arvell Mundune, Bernard Tyro, Samual Calder, and Bru-

common to this region. Rastruun is a 3rd level healer as well.

11. Cobbler, a human who makes and repairs shoes and boots. Specialty is moccasins. 12. The Iron Pot, a large selection of iron pots, pans, traps, knives, tools and utensils are sold at standard prices. 13. Baked goods; low prices 14. Potter 15. The Beavers' Lodge Saloon, sells ale, beer and moonshine. 16. Blacksmith 17. Tanner's Furs, buys and sells furs; also sews a nice variety of buckskin clothes, fur jackets, gloves, coats and hats. Special orders will take 1-6 weeks.

tus Leetee. Although predominately merchants, they appear to be concerned about the needs of the townspeople and have turned Baca into a prosperous little community. All six individuals are generally well liked and respected by the community.

GAME MASTER'S NOTE In reality, the town councilmen are selfish and corrupt, with the "beloved" Father Tarka the worst of the lot. They have struck a pact with the ogres to buy and sell them contraband supplies of grains, preserved foods, and tools. This agreement is an act of treason punishable by death.


Approximately every five months, a large caravan of 30 ores with pack animals and 4D3 ogres (2nd to 3rd level meres) come to trade loot

Armor: Soft leather, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses: +1 spell strength Magical Abilities: Spells — Domination, Compulsion, Paralysis: lesser, Sickness ... plus clerical abilities. P.P.E.: 60 Weapons: Iron staff does 2D6+2 damage, short sword does 2D4 dam-

and furs for grains, flour, honey, spices, jerked/smoked meats, cattle, tools and weapons (the latter are usually of low quality). Once a year a

larger caravan with covered wagons also makes the sojourn from the mountains to Baca. Yes, these are the same ogres who are responsible for the massacre at Fort Calda and the ensuing invasion. Tarka and his

age, and knives do 1D6 damage.

allies are so blinded by greed that they don't care to even think of the consequences of their actions. The pact between the ogres is a closely guarded secret, shared with no one. Only Father Tarka, the five councilmen and their private militia are privy to that information, and only Tarka knows the caravans'

Additional Equipment: Personal items, clothes, 4 blank books, 48 sheets of parchment, inks, pens, charcoal, incense, 36 scented candles, 240 gold in his room, ruby ring (approx. value 2200 gold),

4600 gold hidden in the torture chamber, scroll of remove curse. Skills of Note: Read/write southern 98%, Speak southern, gobblely, elven 98%, W.P. Staves, W.P. Knives, Hand to Hand: Basic, lore:

schedule and route. Snoopers quickly vanish, never missed because of the great many transients passing through the town. The townspeople

demons/monsters 65%, lore: religion 70%.

know nothing of the ogres and would be horrified to learn the truth. To

Attributes: I.Q. 11, all others average. Personality: Paranoid, trusts no one, a clever liar, cunning and tricky.

convince them of the council's evil will require a mountain of evidence. Any adventurers who uncover the truth will be framed, imprisoned and

He will destroy anyone who he even suspects may threaten him and


his operation. Originally from the Yin-Sloth Jungles.

Rumors Despite the council's precautions there is the occasional rumor of

BRUTUS LEETEE Human, age: 28 5th level Noble Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 3 Armor: Double mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C.: 55. Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand.

ogre caravans and their dealings with Baca in the dead of night. Most likely these are whispered tales from trappers who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend, who actually stumbled across the caravan at

Baca by accident. To support the rumor is the discovery by the mercenaries of Fort Bext of an ogre caravan laden with fabrics, foods, tools and cheap weapons. This occurred only a year ago and while where the caravan was coming from could not be determined, it definitely was from the northeast. Officials presumed from beyond the Timiro border. NOTE: SEE The Ogre Caravan Scenario

Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with

punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, kick attack. Weapons: Bastard sword 2D6+2 damage, short sword 2D4 damage, and knife 1D6 damage. Additional Equipment: Attractive furnishings, expensive clothes, extra bastard sword and knife, misc. personal items, 750 gold hidden in

the house, wears a silver pendant of a serpent (worth 100 gold), and an emerald ring (worth 600 gold). Skills of Note: W.P. Sword, W.P. Knife, Horsemanship: general, Hand to Hand: Expert, dance 65%, heraldry 50/55%, military etiquette

70%, Read/write southern 98%, Speaks southern and gobblely 98%. Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.E. 12, P.B. 12, all others average. Personality: Friendly and talkative, but secretly driven by ambition and a need to prove himself. To mock him is folly. He is unmarried.

BERNARD TYRO Elf from the East

Age: 50 8th level Scholar Alignment: Miscreant

Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 3 Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.A. 4, P.P. 14, P.B. 20, all others average. Personality: Aloof, Enjoys fine alcohol and parties, arrogant, absorbed in his own affairs. SAMUAL CALDER

Human, age: 57 8th level Merchant Alignment: Diabolic Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 5 Attributes: I.Q. 11, P.E. 12, all others average.

Personality: Schemer, loves to gamble, takes chances, cheerful and friendly. Father Tarka (true name: Kra Guerla)

Human, age: 34 6th level Priest of Tark, the Spider Goddess Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 39 S.D.C.: 4

CRAIG TOPENDA Human, age: 37 5th level Merchant


Livestock Corral and Animal Pens



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13. The Butcher Shop specializes in smoked and jerked meats for travelers as well as fresh meats and pickled sausage. Prices are 20% higher than standard. 14. The Bakery Shop offers a selection of breads, rolls and cookies. 15. The Farmers Market sells a variety of common produce at 40% less than standard, while fruits and spices rare to these parts cost 25% more than standard. 16. Town Carpenter, fair prices for quality work. 17. Wheelwright and Blacksmith. 18. Wagonsmith owned by councilman Samual Calder. 19. The Town Council Building is a handsome two story building where all official judiciary and municipal business is conducted. Town meetings and harvest festivals take place inside and in the town square just outside. 20. The Town Militia building is the headquarters for the council's

Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 3 Attributes: I.Q. 10, all others average. Personality: Mean, suspicious, vengeful, enjoys gambling. ARVELL MUNDUNE Human, age: 34 4th level Ranger 3rd level Merchant Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 14 Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 12, P.E. 14, all others average. Personality: Talkative, rough and tough, ex-trapper, suspicious and vengeful.


private mercenary force. The mercenaries are 1st to 2nd level, highly


paid thugs who are a part of the ogre conspiracy. They regularly patrol the granary and warehouses, ejecting any travelers or townsfolk who inadvertently wander into the area.

1. Craig's Slaughterhouse: Livestock available includes 10D4 large pigs, two bulls, 6D8 cows, 4D3 goats, and 2D6 ponies (only partially trained); standard prices. It is owned by councilman Craig Topenda. 2. The Poultry Market is owned by Grimble Biltrough, retired mer-

The mercenaries are all of evil or selfish alignments, loyal to the

town council and its leader, Father Tarka, as long as they are paid well. Their services include policing the town with fairness and discretion,

securing the granary, warehouses, and merchant residences; loading contraband, and keeping a tight lip. Any mercenary who slips information about the ogre caravans meets with a sudden accident. It is Father

cenary (6th level) dwarf of foul temper and sharp tongue, scrupulous alignment. His prices to the townspeople are 25% less than standard, but he jacks-up the prices 50% above standard to all non-dwarven travelers. Livestock includes 100 laying hens, 2D4 roosters, 30 geese, 10D4 wild turkeys, 10D4 ducks, and his dog Sam. 3. Furrier and Tailor: Quality articles of clothing made from bea-

Tarka who is the true leader of the men, although they obey the other council members as per Tarka's command. Total number: 36 mercenary foot soldiers armed with short sword, spear, small shield and leather armor. 21. Private Saloon for the militia, NO outsiders or townspeople are

ver, rabbit and deer are available at 30% less than standard prices. Tailor made clothes require 4 to 6 days and cost 50% more. 4. The Traveler's Shelter is a fine, large inn. The food is of excep-

allowed. Beer, ale and wine is plentiful, as is food, at no cost to the men. 22. The Granary silos. 23. Guard outpost: 2D4 men guard the area. 24. Warehouse of various town goods. 25. Warehouse for contraband. 26. Warehouse for contraband. 27. The Temple of Tark, the Spider Goddess is renowned for its

tional quality for a border town and fairly priced, at an average cost of six gold per dinner. Rooms cost 10 to 60 gold per night with no limit to

the number of people in a room. However, extra bed rolls cost five gold each.

5. The Stables are specifically for the use of wayfarers. Two gold per day rents an empty stall, eight gold includes food and water, twelve gold provides grooming as well. 6. Tihm Ramhorn's House of Medicine is the home and office of

library of local maps, Timiro history, religious doctrine, and racial histories. Sorry, NO magic books. Travelers may use the library only dur-

the town's healer. Ramhorn is a 6th level healer, and is the only gnome

within 800 miles and enjoys celebrity status. He and his loyal protector,

ing the day for a donation of 20 gold (per day) regardless of the time spent there. No books or maps are allowed to leave the premises. Theft will result in imprisonment or worse. The library, main temple, three guest rooms, and priests' living quarters are all located on the first floor. Six second level priests live here.

Gak the Ore, wine and dine free of charge at inns, taverns and residences throughout the town. He is quite wealthy, but remains in the

poor section of town where he can be of most service. 7. The Hangman's Tavern is a fairly large tavern that caters to travelers. The beer, ale, and wine are fairly good, at prices slightly higher than the norm. 8. The Temple of Light and Dark includes little shrines for the entire pantheon of gods. 1-6 second level priest(s) are present at any given

They are all of evil alignment, loyal to Father Tarka, but know nothing of the ogres.

time, along with high priestess Lily Klayvan (5th level) . Father Tarka tolerates the temple's existence to appease the townspeople who worship there. 9. The Wild Turkey Tavern is a small, dirty establishment with

room is another, large, guest room and down the hall, there is a large meeting room where the council plots its treasonous activities. A small shrine to Tark is attached to a fully equipped torture chamber. 28. The residence of Anna Delori, a retired merchant who still dab-

cheap prices and watered drinks. 10. The Town Jail-house: 2D4 of the town's private militia are present at any given time. The private police are a seamy looking lot of

bles in the buying and selling of magic. She has an anarchist alignment, so she will always try to get the best deal for herself while cheating oth-

low level mercenaries (1st & 2nd level) loyal to Father Tarka and the town council. 11. The Trappers Snare buys and sells all types of fur pelts as well

having a particular potion), all magic potions, drugs and poisons. One

Father Tarka lives in a plush suite on the second floor of the temple, where he spends long hours scheming and meditating. Adjacent to his

ers. Items in her possession include various potions (22% chance of of a kind items include: one small hydra's tooth, cloak of shadows, a thunder hammer and a suit of leather armor that's impervious to fire. ALL the items, both common and rare, sell for twice the standard price,

as trapping equipment such as snares, snare wire, traps, skinning knives and so on. ALL prices are 25% less than standard. The shop is owned and operated by councilman Arvell Mundune.

while she buys at half the standard price. 29. The residence of Brutus Leetee.

30. The residence of Samual Calder. 31. The residence of Bernard Tyro.

12. The General Store sells fabric, tools, kitchen utensils, spices, tobacco, and other common items. Prices are 10% higher than standard.







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Scale in Feet

Based on Designs by Alex Marciniszyn






17. General Warehouse #1: Owned by Meiken Spurr, it is available both to the public and businesses. Very well guarded. 18. The Isle of Ale: A favorite of many fishermen; this large saloon

BARBERA Population: 3580 Human: 2880 Non-human Slaves: 700 This is one of the older towns in Timiro. The early settlers established this port town to receive goods from the south and east. Most of these imports were sent on to the city of Old Timiro. In fact, a small group of very wealthy merchants and traders practically ran the town in the old days. As more towns sprung up further north along the coastline, their fortunes declined. A wise few however, invested in boats and fishermen, building up a fishing fleet that now provides about half of the town's income. The kingdom mansion is the largest building in town. Appointed representatives of the king lived there in the past when the building served as a haven for nobles and dignitaries traveling to old Timiro. An army outside of town once provided armed escorts for these travelers; all as a courtesy of the king. The old camp area is now cultivated land. The mansion now shares its quarters with the mayor and the council of air and water warlocks who act as advisors and assistant town administrators. 1. Orbis Boat and Net: Sells fishing boats and canoes. Fishing nets are available and you can bring in old damaged nets for repair. Average prices.

is the place to quench your thirst. Ale is most in demand, but wines are

also available. Average prices. 19. Hall of the Water Warlocks: A small hall that serves as a meeting place and also for meditation. 20. Hall of the Air Warlocks: Built close by, it serves the same

purpose as the one for water, because they wish to show their mutual respect. 21. Arabel's Clothing Shop: Mostly work clothing for men. Arabel will also do some repair work on torn clothes. Low prices. 22. General Labor Slaves: Run by a miscreant human named Morden; he rents slaves by the hour. These are not the better slaves available and most businesses in town don't use them. However, there are

enough unscrupulous businesses around that do. The low prices charged for these abused creatures is the reason. 23. The Barbera Hotel: A rest stop for any who enter town, but often sought out by sailors. The beds are very comfortable and a hot

bath is only 2 gold. Rooms are 25 gold a night. 24. The Tucket Inn: No fish, is one reason why this inn is so popular. Travelers get a taste of western style food prepared by native immigrants. High prices. Rooms are available. 25. Jaw Buster's: Sweat and smoke and brawny men fill this saloon. Hard liquor. Fair prices. 26. Barbera Export Authority: Warehouses and administrative of-

2. Temporary Dock Help: A service that provides strong non-human slaves (guards must be provided by purchaser). Mostly for unloading cargo and bringing in fish catches.

fices to manage and encourage trade with other cities and towns. Chief administrator, Veyan Regg reports directly to the mayor when, for example, fish catches fall below or above expectations. He has authority to adjust prices, within set limits, of goods for export to insure that Barbera remains competitive. 27. Barbera Main Market: This is where independent fisherman, butchers, clothiers, tinkers, shoe salesmen, and the like set up shop. Roofed stalls are available for 30 gold per day. The market is open four days a week. 28. Granary: Much of the cultivated land just outside of town is used for growing grain. Most of it is sold to the townspeople. 29. Sylvester's Provisions and Market: jerked beef and other preserved foods are available. Many travelers stop here to resupply. Fresh fruits and vegetables can also be found for the standard prices. 30. The Kingdom Mansion: The mayor, Lamar Dendron resides here along with his servants. The building has attached stables. 31. General Warehouse #2: Another Meiken Spurr owned build-

3. J & D Fish Market: A family business that cleans and prepares fish for market. Wholesale only. 4. Kraal Den Boat Repair: A dry dock that repairs fishing boats, ferries and small sailing craft. 5. Barbera Wood Supply: Obtains wood from Media that is brought in by barges. Treats and finishes the wood and sells it to small boat builders and repair shops. Some of it is also sold in town as building material. Expensive. 6. Barlok's: A small market that sells fish and for one gold extra, will cook them to order. No eating on the premises. 7. Meiken Spurr Transport: Meiken and crew will haul your fish, grain, pots and pans, etc., overland. Available only to businesses. Their horses and wagons are rented by the day. Guards cost extra. 8. Galop Zig's Ferry: Those wishing to travel to Aracho and other

points east can take this ferry. 5 gold will take you across. Trips north and south are a bit more expensive depending on the distance. Horses are 10 gold each if you want to take them along.

ing. This one is for use by merchants only.

9. Meirson's Stable: A large stable that will put up your horse and also has horses available for rent. Often used by Meiken Spurr.


10. Omdahl's Smoke House: Smokes fish in the back of the store and sells it out front. Prices vary on the high side. 11. Office of the Harbormaster: Dien Motter sees to it that all

Population: 9000 Originally Basst was a disorganized farming community producing grain for exportation. Its crops were never plentiful; the poor, arid soil proving insufficient to the demands of the peasant farmers. However, much has changed over the last 150 years. The titan, Instaror, was granted the land of Basst as a fief for outstanding service to the throne. Utilizing much of his personal fortune, Instaror founded an "Academy of Philosophers." It has grown from a simple school of basic education into an institution of higher learning. Nearly half of the population of Basst are students and teachers, while the remainder are merchants, indigent farmers and laborers. No race is forbidden access to the facilities or town, but wolfen, ores and ogres are watched with great suspicion and are likely to be the butt of prejudice.

docks and shore services for marine vessels are in good repair and are operated under the law. Has two elf assistants. 12. Karl's Dry Goods: This is a warehouse and distributor for nonperishable goods brought in by ship. They have a group of sales agents

that solicit orders from shops in town and in some nearby towns. 13. Fishermen's Guild Hall: Meeting place for fishermen to discuss problems and resolve differences. The hall is also available for celebrations. 14. Headquarters, Harbor Patrol: A detachment of the Royal Navy patrols the docks, checking for contraband and stolen goods. 15. Blacksmith 16. Billik's Guard Service: Provides temporary or permanent

guards mainly for the dock area.


and sell horses as well as stabling them. Prices are average. 12. Wallside Tavern: This is a fine little place which makes most of

A. Instaror's Palace: A magnificent place built with surrounding walls to separate it from the students and visitors. Here Instaror teaches the best students of the Academy and conducts private studies and research. He is a 10th level palladin, and a 6th level wizard of scrupulous alignment.

its money from supplying food and drink to the many businessmen of the area. Desired meals can also be delivered anywhere within Basst.

Prices are average and the food is superior. 13. The Hunter's Inn: This inn is used by the many hunting parties

B. The Ampitheater: Here plays and speeches are held. The Amphitheater can hold up to 5,000 people and is free to all. Students often practice their craft here. C. Servants' Quarters: All the servants who keep the Academy running smoothly live here. There are rooms and kitchens for over 1,000 people. D. Livery Stables: Over 200 horses, with trappings and wagons, are kept here for the use of instructors, though students can use them with special permission of the Master of Horses. E. College of Medicine: All kinds of medicine are studied, including the use of herbs, drugs and wards. The building has a number of completely equipped laboratories. F. College of Magic: Men of Magic of all kinds come here to do research. All magic professions are taught here, except witch. Even summoning is studied, though under carefully controlled conditions. G. The Lower Schools teach the rudimentary arts of reading, speaking, additional languages, math, preserving foods, and so on. H. General Schools: These include the schools of history, theater, literature, math, science, philosophy, law and languages. There are fairly complete libraries for each subject. Usually written in southern, elven, dwarven and western. Many of the books were donated by the monks of Gedro. I. Student Dormitories: Rooms and eating areas for over 3,000 students of all races. 1. City Warehouses and Granary: Used by farmers for grain storage before having it shipped to Credia for sale. 2. Warehouse: Also used by farmers for the storage of grain, this building is kept carefully sealed in case of famine or drought. There is enough grain here to feed the town for 2 months. 3. Basst Merchant House: This business is run by several merchants of the town and deals almost totally with the trade of grain and

arranged by rich vacationers who come from Credia. High-class dandies

are often seen and snobbery is a practiced art. Excellent food and drink are offered at twice normal prices. Rooms are available at 45 gold per night. 14. Miller: The miller grinds corn for the local farmers. 15. Miller: This miller also grinds corn and grain for the local farmers. 16. Star Jewelry: A fine craftsman, Starimon Swis is a human who learned much of his trade from dwarves at the Academy. He also works in precious metals such as gold, silver, etc. His work is in great demand

in Credia and sells for between 25,000 to 1,000,000 gold. 17. Blacksmith: An ordinary blacksmith who does simple metalwork in wrought iron and light steel.

18. Metalworker: An artist in the softer metals, he often works with copper, tin, and bronze. 19. Tailor: A rather high-class craftsman, his materials are silks, felts, and satins and he has an arrangement with the jeweler to get gold and silver buckles. He charges 3 times the standard amount for clothes. 20. The Temple of Light: This is the dominating temple in town. Members of any other religions are ostracized by many in the community. 21. Rusty's Armory: All weapons are carried in this shop, but the

owner, a human of miscreant alignment, will attempt to cheat all who buy his items. He is a minor psionic who will use hypnotic suggestion in an attempt to get double the actual price of each item. 22. Home of the Town Magistrate: Bors Junken, a fair, just man, trained in law at the Academy, he will not accept bribes. 23. House of Justice: This is a courthouse only, with room for 150 people in the galleries. 24. Tollbooth: This is the local nickname for the jail. Always guarded by 5 men-at-arms, convicted criminals are often put to work improving the city, cleaning sewers, digging trenches and the like.

animals. 4. Karowyn's Merchant House: Another part of the Karowyn Merchant empire. The offices of the house are inside the warehouse. This business deals mainly in the trading of art and other valuable commodities. 5. The Student Inn: This cheerful little place specializes in letting students who are given passes outside the academy to blow off a little steam. Rooms are cheap at 8 gold per night, but of good quality. Average food and drinks are available for normal prices. 6. Armorer: A fairly well stocked place, there is a 40% chance the shop will have anything a person is looking for. If not in stock it can be made, though there will be a 5 to 12 day waiting period. Prices are standard. Rune weapons and dwarven weapons are never available. 7. Tailor: This shop caters mainly to the students. Simple garb is the rule here, well-made clothes which will last a long time. Prices are standard. 8. Livery Stable: Horses can be stabled here for 10 gold per day. This stable does not buy or sell horses. 9. Butcher: Selling fresh and preserved meats, this shop does a fine business, dealing mainly with the merchant caravans which pass through. 10. Pawn Shop: This is a flourishing business, run by a kindly, world-wise gnome named Signum. Most of this shop's customers are well-to-do students of the Academy who have run a little short of cash. A pawned item will not be sold without the owner's permission. The owner will receive 40% of the value of the item in pawn. 11. Tobba's Stables: The largest stable in town, this place will buy

25. Military Warehouse: All sorts of equipment, grain and wagons

are stored in here for the use of the men of the garrison. 26. Military Barracks: Houses 200 foot soldiers (1st and 2nd level). 27. Military Barracks: Housing for 200 mercenaries (1st through 3rd level). 28. Military Stable: Over 100 horses are stabled here, of which 20 are superior quality riding horses. 29. Fortview Tavern: Many of this bar's patrons are mercenaries

from the nearby post. Most of the poorer people refuse to enter the tavern for fear of the mercenaries. Decent food is served but the bulk of the tavern's business comes from the sale of ale and wine. 30. Student Hostel Network: A series of apartments available to students at reasonable prices. 31. Jon's Ale House: Frequented mostly by the poor of Basst, this tavern serves no food and has only ale to drink, at a cost of 3 gold per pint. It is rumored that Instaror helps to keep this tavern open. 32. Rambone's Quill: Shop that specializes in papers, writing and painting equipment. 33. Back Row Inn: This is where most of the poorer folk stay when visiting Basst. It is dirty, smelly and has bedbugs. The only good thing which can be said about this inn is that it is cheap, at 3 gold per night to

share a room with three other people. Breakfast is the only meal served, at 5 gold each, and only cheap beer is available, costing 4 gold per pint.




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12. Martin's All Night Saloon: Good drinks, fair prices. Does not close till the crack of dawn. 13. Beeg Rooming House: Like the other rooming house, but has more courteous help. 14. General Warehouse 15. Salek Jeweler: Nothing over 100 gold. Jay Salek likes custom-

Population: 1200 Human: 700 Ore Slaves: 500 Herbs and spices grow here. The spices are primarily for export to

ers who haggle over prices. Silver and gold items for men and women. 16. Blacksmith

other lands. Since most are commonly grown throughout Timiro, the few that are not common are sold in town as well as being exported and

17. Second Chance Saloon: A run-down place that has become a second home for some. Drinks are good, but the crowd here does not like strangers. 18. Clothing and Canvas: Clothes at reasonable prices for men and women. Canvas and sailcloth for boatmen. 19. Farmers' Market: Herbs and spices, but mostly fresh vegetables and fruits. Importers often rent stalls here. A covered stall is 80 gold per day. 20. Town Meat Market: Fresh local meat and poultry. Standard prices. 21. Bank and Trade Exchange: This one story, stone building handles all cash transactions between importers and exporters. Fenced. 22. Foot Soldiers' Barracks: A detachment of Royal Timiro Army regulars have their barracks right behind the exchange and share a common fence. Stables attached.

are always in dried form. Many of the common herbs are also grown for

export. Medicinal herbs represent the bulk of those planted. In some cases, trained herb gatherers travel the kingdom in search of rare me-

dicinal herbs, which more than repay the cost of outfitting each man. This is necessary due to the fact that some varieties of herbs only grow in the mountains, near rivers, in dry areas and so on. In the Place of

Magic grow two varieties of herbs rumored unavailable anywhere in the known world. However, cultivation of those herbs is forbidden by royal

decree. The "land use laws" limit the amount of land the herb growers of

Beeg can specifically use for the growing of herbs and spices. The rulers have not, however, ignored the fact that many generations of the

herb growers have served them and their ancestors in times of illness. This special favor has resulted in Beeg being the largest single source of herbs and spices in the kingdom.

23. Dock Help: A business that supplies human workers to the dock

They are as skilled in identifying symptoms of illnesses as they are in the plants that can treat them. They are doctors of a sort. The types of herbs used is a family secret passed from father to son. Most are quite


effective in curing all illnesses (80% chance), or at least speeding up the


recovery and healing.

No violent acts are tolerated inside Beeg. The town itself is generally quiet, because of a garrison of 20 soldiers that guard the bank and trade exchange. The bank handles cash transactions between the trade ships.

Population: 443 The salt mine just outside of town provides employment for many of the residents. Bith is a modest, self sufficient town with just enough shops to provide needed items for the people. It is also a rest stop for travelers going to or from the nearby towns (especially Aracho)

There is also reason for soldiers due to the large number of foreigners

that pass through town. The "master herbalist" is the name of the book that founded the empire of the herb growers in Beeg. Best accounts indicate that the book itself is five to six hundred years old and was collectively written by a small forgotten, religious order. How they obtained the book itself is unknown. 1. Estate of Thuja Purslane: He, his wife Sally, his two sons and one daughter live here. 2. The Estate of Rhamnus Purslane: He, his wife and two sons reside here. 3. The Estate of Laver Avens: He, his wife Aura, and his son reside here. 4. Estate of Morus Datura: He, his wife Vera, and their two children live here. 5. Beeg Cemetary 6. The House of Armand: A supposedly blind beggar, Armand is the head of a large band of mercenaries and smugglers who operate in Beeg. He often sends strangers he doesn't like on "quests" for money and has them ambushed on the way. 7. Ore Slave Pens: This is the main slave compound. The slaves live in wooden shacks. They are watched by a small group of soldiers who reside in the guard house. There are attached stables with horses, wagons, and tools. 8. Beeg Rooming House: An inexpensive place to stay for travelers and merchant visitors. 15 gold per night. 9. Stable. 10. Town Carpenter: A group of elves provide building materials and treated wood for boat repair. Average prices. 11. General Supply: Preserved meats and vegetables are sold here. Grain, soap, seeds, and jars are also available.

CODE KEY The Town of Bith 1. Dyer tidings: Dye shop for linens. The owner has a tendency to make fun of the mortician across the street. 2. The Spider's Weave Shop: Two women who weave wool and cotton, and share in the expense of dyeing it. 3. Stables: for the Crossroads. 4. Bith Merchant House: Two story clearing-house for wholesale items. 5. The Crossroads Inn: Accommodations for seventeen, with a large tavern downstairs. 6. Salt Storage: in preparation for processing. 7. Salt Processing: Refining, crating. 8. Cemetery: For those who want to be buried (the eccentric). 9. Big John: Wainwright. Builds fine and serviceable wagons. 10. Six-Twelve General Store: Branch store of Aracho, has all the modern conveniences and daily staples one could ask for.

11. Samuel Barber Shop: Features three men and a dwarf, for the only barber barbershop quartet in the kingdom. 12. Cooper Carl: Fastest barrelmaker on this side of the bay. He also makes wheels for Big John's wagons. 13. Temple of Light: Mildly neglected, mostly shunned. The priest who runs this temple is foppish and incompetent. 14. Robert, Tailor: A dashingly handsome fellow who seems to resent his work, but does it exceptionally well. He is a closet mercenary. 15. The New Timiro Inn: Fairly recent addition, this place is in hot










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11. Wagon Storage

competition with the popular but provincial Crossroads. Features live entertainment (from song and dance to ritual battle) and a fairly good

12. Metal Workers 13. Wagonsmith 14. Saw Mill

restaurant. Accommodations for sixty-five.

16: Stables: For the New Timiro. Has stalls for unusual creatures.

15. Tool Maker and Repair 16. Peg Maker 17. Ship Hangar 18. Docks and Dry Dock 19. Main Boat Slip 20. Ship Hangar, builders and supplies. 21. Work Shop 22. Work Shop 23. Carpenter 24. Lumber Yard 25. Work Shop 26. Carpenter: small parts. 27. Warehouse 28. Warehouse 29. Blacksmith 30. Rope Maker

17. Bond's Ropes: Made from the grasses of the area as well as imported material. 18. A. Cherry Cobbler: Makes shoes, hats, vests, saddles and tool

cases. Married to Moxon's sister. 19. Rodin the Tinker: Can fix any pot or pan you can produce. Also sells utensils and does metal plating of objects. 20. Gunther's Clock Shop: Specializes in water clocks. Gunther is

a harmless kobold, but exceptionally secretive. 21. Paolo's Potions and Powders: Paolo bit the dust when an angry customer vented his spleen. Paolo's daughter, Pauline, tries to make do as the town apothecary as well as being an amateur alchemist. 22. Moxon, Jeweler: Moxon is a self-important man, and wears half his creations himself. He has a gnome apprentice that everyone but Moxon knows is stealing from him. The jewelry isn't half bad. 23. Surrall Tobacco Shop: Sells imported tobacco as well as the

popular local stuff and knickknacks for men. 24. Stuffed Stuff: Taxidermist, who does a modest trade in stuffing fresh and salt water fish, and local hawks and owls. Sometimes helps

31. Paint Shop 32. Warehouse 33. Warehouse

out the mortician with embalming and such. 25. Carradine, Mortician: Gaunt man, sepulchral voice, halfdrunk, mostly blind (some say he imbibes his embalming fluid). Brother-in-law left him the business. He was so unhappy about it he had

34. Work Shop 35. Work Shop 36. Boat Slip 37. Boat Slip 38. Boat Slip 39. Workers Tavern, simple soup, sandwiches, and beer for one gold piece. Open only to dock workers. 40. Work Shop 41. Main Dry Dock 42. Carpenters 43. Five Work Shops working in factory style. 44. Lacquerer 45. Paint Shop 46. Docks 47. Warehouse 48. Warehouse 49. Dolphin Saloon, beer, ale and rum at good prices. 50. Temple of Light and Dark 51. Red Dog Inn, serves famous home brew "Red Dog," very potent, and has a handful of rooms cheap. 52. Temple of the Seven Waters 53. Weaver and Spinner of Wool 54. Dye Maker 55. Temple of Rurga 56. The Barnacle Inn, 49 rooms, 20 to 60 gold per night, serves beer, ale and moonshine. 57. The Green Lobster Restaurant, specialty is lobster and other seafood. 58. Tailor 59. Fish Market 60. Bakery 61. Herbs and Spices 62. Snuff and Tobacco Shop 63. Stables and Blacksmith 64. Cotha Luxury Inn

his brother-in-law stuffed and mounted in the parlor. Carradine makes a lot of mistakes in body preparation. 26. Pete the Peater: Does a thriving business collecting the peat moss from the lake, letting it dry and packaging it as powerful fertilizer. 27. Ives, Courier: One of the licensed courier shops of the Guild.

Mainly does business traveling between Bith and Aracho.

CALRA Population: 9300 Civilians: 3300 Military: 4800 Non-human Slaves: 1200 The civilian portion of Calra are a hard working people of ship builders, laborers and sheep herders. Unlike many of the towns and cities of the Timiro Kingdom, there is nothing particularly unique or exotic about Calra and it is rarely visited by travelers. It is a bustling industrial town, lost in the shadow of Credia and Syanda. The bulk of the population is found at the naval base. It is here that the famous Timiro Navy builds and repairs its fleet, supplemented by the civilian ship builders. NOTE: The main naval installation of Timiro is located on the island of Nibis across from Calra. It is at Nibis that the actual Royal Navy is found, Calra and its base supplements and services Nibis. 1. Sheep Herders and Grazing Land (hills) 2. Three Bunk Houses for Stablehands 3. Foreman's Home 4. Blacksmith 5. Supply House 6. Stables for Work Horses 7. Stables Manager and Offices 8. Corral 9. Large Stable, can accommodate 72 horses. 10. Lumber Storage






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65. Meat and Poultry Market 66. Fat Dwarf Saloon, poor quality drinks with high alcohol con-

6. Granary. 7. Cattle merchant's residence, Clive Reston. 8. Cattle Market; standard prices, quality stock.

tent, low prices; a favorite of the navy sailors.

9. Mess hall. 10. Supply house. 11. Sheep Market: Standard prices, quality stock. 12. Sheep pen; includes 40-160 sheep, 20-80 goats. 13. Wool spinner. 14. Bunk house. 15. Owners' residence, Micheal Tenara and family. 16. Bunk house.

67. The Sailor's Place, saloon of questionable reputation. A hot spot with sailors. 68. Moonlight Inn, a popular inn with travelers and visiting merchants, high quality rooms, food and imported wine, rum and brandy.

Rooms cost 40 to 200 gold per night. 69. Sail Maker 70. Bait Shop 71. Rope and Net Shop 72. Boat Repair 73. Town Council Building

17. Black smith. 18. Mess hall.

The Royal Navy Stockyard

19. Supply house. 20. Horse Market, owned by Clive Reston. 21. Sectional corral; contains 30-120 work horses, 10-40 ponies,

74. Guard Post 75. Guard Post 76. Officers' Club

4D6 donkeys, 2D4 riding horses. All are broken and trained.

22. Stable with blacksmith. 23. Foreman's residence. 24. Six small stables belonging to Randolf s. 25. RandolPs stables; Randolf Calrissian is a retired cavalry soldier

77. Officers' Residence 78. Officers' Residence

79. Officers, Residence 80. Officers' Residence

turned merchant; he specializes in second-rate animals, many Smia re-

81. Commander's Residence 82. Wagon Storage

jects. The animals are not bad, just old or of poor stock. Prices are 20% to 40% below standard, prompting a high turnover. 10-40 work horses or pack animals, 10-40 ponies, 3D6 riding horses.

83. Stables 84. Work Shop 85. Work Shop 86. Carpenter

26. Randolf Calrissian's residence. 27. Tack shop, sells saddles, bridles, harnesses and other equipment for horses. Owned by Randolf Calrissian. 28. Caravan corrals, also owned by Calrissian, costs 5 gold per day, per animal. 29. Prunhindahl's Mule-team. "Pru" as he is commonly called, is a 7th level dwarven mercenary who will export goods anywhere in Timiro. He specializes in travels to the northern border towns and boasts of a 90% success ratio; the best in the kingdom. His mule drivers are a robust team of mercenary dwarves and kobolds, 2nd to 4th level, who are more partners than employees. Total of 14 dwarves, 11 kobolds, plus 8 ore slaves.

87. Sail and Rope Makers 88. Metal Works

89. Warehouse 90. Warehouse 91. Warehouse 92. Warehouse

93. Lumber Yard and Guard House 94. Docks 95. Boat Slip 96. Dock

30. Mule stables. 31. Ranch and residence of the dwarves and kobolds. 32. Bunk house of the ore slaves; guard shack outside.

33. Stables for the Siren's Inn. 34. Wheelwright. 35. The Siren's Inn, fair prices. 36. The Little Mermaid Tavern, serves beer, ale and wine; fair prices.

ERAT Population: 2100 Slave-population: 400 Erat is a quiet little town at the tip of the Timiro Bay. 40% of its income is fishing, the remaining is as an importer and exporter of goods. Most of the businesses and merchandise are more practical than exotic, for they supply the forts and border towns of northern Timiro. It is ruled by a royal magistrate and six town councilmen. In its 580 years it has never been attacked. However, it is plagued by ore and ogre bandits that plunder the granaries and steal livestock.

37. Slaughter house. 38. Butcher shop, specializes in preserved meats. 39. Dairy, includes cheeses, eggs, and poultry. 40. Bennardi's Exotic Spices; this is a large, three story structure that serves as shop, warehouse and residence. All types of spices and herbs can be found here. Most of which are exported to the border towns via Prunhindahl's mule-team. 41. The Adventurer's Emporium sells a huge selection of field equipment, hardware and food rations, clothing, hunting tools and weapons, and so on. Standard prices. 42. Fabric warehouse. 43. Wool spinners and weavers. 44. Sir Crandal's Armory; Sir Crandal is of questionable knighthood but does sell an excellent selection of armor, barding and weapons at reasonable prices. Will also buy or trade used items if in fairly sound condition.


The City of Erat 1. Bunk house. 2. Bunk house. 3. Stables for the work horses. 4. Smith facilities. 5. Sectioned Corral for Cattle Market: Always has 40-160 cows, 10-40 steers, 10-40 oxen.


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ERAT Scale in Feet 80





45. Sir Crandal's Blacksmith. Repairs weapons and armor.

87. The Wharf Saloon; beer, ale, rum and moonshine; cheap prices to match the quality. 88. Giant Warehouse. 89. Granary. 90. The Potion Palace, operated by a western merchant, can provide a potion to cure every ill. Stocks a vast variety of herbs, toxins, salves, balms, poisons and drugs, including opium from the west. All

46. Lady Crandal's Saddle Shop, good selection of saddles and riding equipment.

47. Uncle Bob's Leather Goods. 48. The Trappers Lodge; buys, sells, furs for export; shop contains all types of trapping equipment, from snares and fishing tackle to iron traps and cages. Huge stock. 49. Pete's Pots and Pans, sells all types of sturdy kitchen ware,

potions cost 50% above standard while magic healing potions, always in stock, cost double standard rates.

utensils and other metal works. 50. Goldsmith.

91. Benny's Salad Bowl markets fresh produce and preserved fruits

and vegetables, many imported. Costs 20% above standard. 92. Tapestry Shop. 93. Warehouse. 94. Warehouse. 95. Dry-dock; ship builders and repair. 96. Captain Herlock's used boats. 97. The Sailors Inn, 3 story building, cheap rooms. 98. Harbor Light Saloon. 99. Temple of Ippotomi. 100. Ore laborers for the dry-dock, always guarded, two story building, 60 ores. 101. Warehouse.

51. The Bay Inn, three stories, many rooms, good food, fair prices. 52. Goblin slave pen, guarded. 53. Ogre slave pen, guarded. 54. Reinforced Ore slave pen, guarded. 55. The Slave Market. Operated by a pompous fat man named Cornelius Tambard. Treats his slaves cruelly, exports them as laborers and farm hands to Media, Tanis and Partha. Always has 4D6 goblins, 3D4 ogres, 20-80 ores. Low prices on all except ogres or trolls. 56. Tambard's slave bands barracks; mostly mercenaries (1st to 3rd level) who maintain and guard the slaves. Rumor has it that they often capture ores in lowlands to sell as slaves. Approximately 40 men, all very rough and mean. 57. Tambard's private stables (his men's ponies and riding horses); 12 ponies, 6 riding horses. 58. Blow Fish Tavern, rum is the house specialty. 59. The Firefly Lamp Shop, sells lamps, lanterns, wicks, candles,

102. Town doctor, one physician and two 3rd level healers.

holders, oils, etc. Warehouse is attached, residence on the second floor, exports to border towns via the mule-team. 60. Silversmith. 61. Red Light Brothel. 62. Warehouse. 63. The Sail Shop. 64. Tackle and bait shop (commercial). 65. The Golden Pawn Shop. 66. Red Beard's Saloon; beer, ale, and rum. 67. Temple of Ippotomi the water goddess. 68. Shrimp Market.

69. The Lobster Inn, specializes in a variety of lobster dishes. 70. Jail house. 71. The magistrates building. 72. Fish market. 73. Bluto's Boat Builders and Repair, build and repair rowboats, fishing boats and small sailing schooners up to 15ft long. 74. The Nettery; makes and repairs fishing nets and cages. 75. Ye Olde Salt Inn; large, three story building, many rooms, low

prices, lousy food and watered drinks. 76. Carpenter. 77. Temple of Dark and Light. 78. General Store. 79. Cobbler; makes and repairs shoes; old elf; extremely skilled, low prices. 80. Temple of Algor the Giant (seamen's god). 81. Glass Blower, makes bottles, mirrors, dining glasses and win-

dows. 82. Warehouse. 83. Warehouse. 84. Tobacco Shop; smoking and chewing. 85. Warehouse. 86. Holding pen for livestock to be exported by boat.


GEDRO Scale in Feet 80



OOOQ Surrounded with well kept vinyards and farms.



The Wall of Trees are so closely grown

together that it is an impenetrable fortress. Based on Designs By Paula Leasure

The monks are only interested in their vineyards and studies. Many of the monks are on the best of terms with the remaining druid population who still live and worship here. Would-be invaders will find that every bush, tree and weed will react to any assailants with slashing


thorns and thrashing limbs. 1. Gate into town and market square; flanked by two guard (druids)

Population: 1100 Monks: 320 Gedro was originally established by a small community of druids who adored the Great Oak which the town is built around. Centuries later, monks came to inhabit the little town, converting it into a monastery and vineyards. Today the monks wine enjoys a worldwide reputation for excellence and is said to equal the best of the Western wines. The town has prospered, attracting a number of peace loving farmers to work in their fields and vineyards. The townspeople are mainly merchants and trades people involved in the selling and exportation of the wine and operating the shops that cater to the needs of the monastery.

stations. Annual wine festivals are centered here. 2. Winery and Storehouses 3. Open Market, many shops and artisans. 4. The Mighty Oak Inn 5. The Country Diner, quality food. 6. The Monk's Retreat, quality food, Gedro wine, expensive prices. 7. Inn of the Mighty Acorn 8. Temple of Light and Dark 9. General Store


able to suggest changes themselves. They can run for any office, (e.g., Mayor, Chief of the Guard, Treasurer, etc., each of whom have 5 year terms) and most importantly, their ships are exempt from paying port tax. There are very few voting members of Hanna, no more than 300. It is not surprising that most of these are merchants and fishermen. The population of Hanna is almost entirely human, with a sizable population of ore slaves and a smattering of other races. Only the normal human allies will be accepted easily here; elves, dwarves and gnomes. As there is almost constant warfare on Timiro's northern border adjoining the Old Kingdom, goblins, hob-goblins, ogres, kobolds and trolls are looked upon with much disdain and will be refused service in most places. Women and children will run from them in the streets and one or two of the city guards may follow them just to be sure they're not getting into trouble. As there are many ore and ogre slaves in the Timiro Kingdom, it would be best for the above mentioned races to have papers from a town judge to show they are freemen; or a few friends to swear to the fact, or else they might end up being "captured" as runaway slaves. The town itself is divided into three sections; North, South and Fishscale Isle. Northside is the classier part of town, with most of the merchants' houses, the public docks, temples and homes of the wealthy. Southside is a little dirtier and has a bit of a foul odor, with most of the manual trades established there. The poor of Hanna live in an area known as "the Pit" in the same area. Northside and Southside are separated by the Invers Stream, a small river about 30 feet across whose waters are polluted by the tannery, the paper makers and the refuse dumped in it by the townspeople. Fishscale Isle is the home of most of the town's poor, independent fishermen. The island itself sits some 100 feet off the edge of the mainland, joined to the rest of the town by a wooden bridge which often requires repairs after bad storms. Fishscale Isle is crowded, with over 500 inhabitants and boats pulled up everywhere. The air is tainted with the smell of ripe fish offal and other garbage. Both the Pit and Fishscale Isle are good places for non-locals to avoid if at all possible. In both places poverty and frustration have taken their toll, making the streets a dangerous place to be.

10. Wheelwright and Carpenter 11. Wagonsmith 12. Spice and Tobacco Shop 13. Bakery 14. Poultry and Dairy Market 15. Stables 16. Woodland Inn 17. Museum of Wine History, curator Sir Federo; a retired palladin, 10th level. 18. Library: Treasure house of knowledge. Librarian: Brother Moss, 7th level Monk. 19. Kitchen and Dining Hall 20. Green Houses 21. Monks' Sleeping Quarters 22. Stable and Blacksmith; animal hospital 23. Novices' Quarters and School 24. Artisans: Weavers, potters, scroll copiers, glass blowers, etc. 25. Abbot's House: Brother Rosebud, 12th level Monk. 26. Tree Lined Avenue 27. Infirmary 28. Grove of Meditation 29. Stadium: Used for formal discussion and debate by monks and the druids. Sometimes used for entertainment by roving musicians or actors. In the center is "The Great One," an ancient tree especially venerated, around which the monastery and town was built.

HANNA Population: 2000 The town of Hanna sits on the coast in the middle of a large area of lowlands in the heart of the oldest and most civilized part of the Timiro Kingdom. Surrounded by larger and important towns, Barbera to the west, Old Timiro to the northwest and Nira to the north, Hanna's only possible claims to fame are its fishing fleet and small port facilities. Half of the town's income comes from the fishing fleet which is made up of over 300 small independent vessels plus several larger commercial fishing operations. About three quarters of the townspeople work either in the fleet or in businesses connected with the preserving or transporting of fish. Several of the larger vessels in the fleet are capable of tackling creatures the size of whales, while one was specifically designed for the job of hunting and killing sea serpents. Hanna's position on the coast, almost directly across from Yira and Partha, makes it ideal for transporting travelers who do not have enough money for a longer passage; or by merchants whose cargo, be it people, animals or other goods, does not take sea voyages well. As for the town's port facilities, there is one small dockyard capable of building or repairing large ships, though mainly it services and repairs the local ships. Several merchant houses keep private docks and warehouses which are not open to public use. Most small fishermen simply pull up their small craft on the beach in front of their homes. For the use of non-locals, there are public docks, but anyone who is not also a resident of the town is charged a port tax of 5% of the value of their cargo. To become a voting member of the town a person must live there, or at least maintain a base of operations there, for at least one year, though the time limit can be increased. In addition, the person must own at least 5000 gold pieces' worth of property in town. Lastly, when the first two conditions have been fulfilled, the person must pay the town a tithe of 4% of the value of all their possessions. Once a person becomes a voting member of the town, they have the right to vote on any changes in the laws of the town, as well as being

The City of Hanna 1. The Red Lantern inn: This is the only inn in Hanna which is exclusively a bordello. 2. Wheelwright: A maker of wheels for the wagonsmith and others. 3. Wagonsmith: Here coaches and wagons can be custom made including (at additional expense) detailed carvings on the interior and exterior. 4. The Hunting Horn Inn: This is a very prosperous looking establishment with a stable built onto it. The inn is largely patronized by middle class travelers and also by rangers, druids and hunting enthusiasts of all types. Rooms can be rented for 15 gold per night, accommodating up to 60 people comfortably. A kennel of hounds is also kept on the premises and a trained hunting hound can be bought for standard prices. For ten times the normal price, a dog can be trained to respond to any ten single word orders the owner wishes (e.g.. kill, sword, fetch, guard, etc.. 5. The Weaver: Whole bolts of cloth can be bought here with a 20% chance of fine linen or silk being available. Bolts of cloth will sell for 90% of list price. 6. The Sailmaker: Julo Tarv is the preeminent sailmaker of Hanna. 7. The Temple of Light: This temple is run by a 5th level elf Priest of Light called Imorncilus Westerling, who is scrupulous by alignment. 8. The Tailor: This is a small but prosperous shop which weaves cloth and is the most popular tailoring shop in town. Prices are average, except when the buyer wishes to have some unusual work done, such as having hidden pockets or light leather armor sewn into the cloths, or if someone needs a rush job.


9. The Weaver: A small shop, dealing in second rate goods, raw linen and cheesecloth. 10. The Churgery: This is a fine local version of a hospital run by a

secret trade routes, ocean currents, and expeditions even to the Sea of Despair. Only those members of the guild who have attained the rank of Master have access to these charts and these have some sort of protection against both magical and psionic probing. The strange thing is that no magic is ever detected on them, nor are most of them psionic.

freed ogre healer who has found a niche in town due to his talent. Most

of the town treats him as an accepted local but occasionally travelers become rather excited when they spot him. He is used to this and will use

24. Furth's Merchant House and Residence: A magnificently decorated, well guarded building, it boasts no less than 10 servants. Furth will rarely be found anywhere but here or his warehouse. There is

no more force than needed to stop an attack, then heal their wounds at a

minimal charge. The only person in town he does not get along with is Imorncilus Westerling, who continually attempts to break into the hospital and heal his patients for free. Thush Borg'n: Alignment: Anarchist,

a secret passage which leads from his bedroom on the second floor to the temple beneath his warehouse. 25. The Warehouse of Furth Nordskom: This is the warehouse of

43 hit points, P.S. 24, P.E. 22,1.Q. 9.

11. Herbalist: The owner of this shop is Zandra Tua, a dealer in exotic spices and herbs. 12. The Sage: This is the only name the personage within this shop will answer to. He at least pretends, if he is not actually, an expert on the history of the Old Kingdom. Most of the town considers him to be

Furth Nordskom, who, to most people of the town, appears as an elven merchant. He is a voting member of the town and a pillar of the community. In actuality he is a 10th level priest of Panath (darkness) . Beneath the warehouse is a hidden temple to Panath, additionally serving as the headquarters of the local Thieves and Assassins Guilds, all members of which are worshipers of Panath. A variety of traps are set for unwanted guests who may try to find out what is inside the warehouse. 26. The Public Docks: There is space here for up to 50 small vessels, providing that each ship owner pays the port tax of 5% of the value of the cargo. A detachment of the town guard, usually 15 strong, well

insane or at least a little eccentric. 13. The Three Silver Apples Tavern: This tavern tends to be fre-

quented by local professionals of various levels. Away from the bustle of the business and commerce sections of town, discussions go on far into the night dealing with art, law, the poetry of various races and legends. With a fine kitchen and bar, the meals here cost about 50% more

than most taverns in Hanna. 14. The Bakery: Ordinary breads and cakes are made here. 15. The Temple of the Elements: This temple is dedicated to the

armed and armored, is stationed here to collect the tax by one means or another. 27. Ye Old Tavern: This is the lowest class tavern on the Northside. Catering to the many seamen and laborers from the public docks and warehouses.

worship of Water, for obvious reasons, though all other elements can be

worshiped here as well. 16. The Alchemist: While the Alchemist on the southside serves the

28. The Seven Waters Inn: This is a sailor's dive, with very cheap, very dangerous rooms, women and ale. 29. The Bridge House Tavern: This fine old establishment, rich in decoration and atmosphere, is one of the few bars in Hanna frequented by all classes of the city without distinction. 30. The Miller: The only building in town which has a water wheel, the mill is owned by Remen Corisar, a human. 31. Paper Makers: Run by an elf family, paper of all types and grades can be bought here. It is made right on the premises in a small pulping facility. Speciality paper can also be bought, such as paper which has silver or gold mixed into the pulp. 32. The Saddle Maker: Saddles can be made to order by the owner

needs of the men-of-magic from the Mages Guild, Gulnom Gulson, a

human, serves the needs of the local inhabitants. To this purpose he keeps little large or expensive magic on hand, but instead deals in the sale of wards, potions, magically enhanced armor, fumes and magic powders. 17. The Great Market: Both the Great Market and the Little Market are owned by a corpulent human merchant known as S'taf. A stall can be rented in the Great Market for 125 gold per day. There is room for up to 75 vendors under the sturdy wooden roof of the Great Market. 18. The Temple of Light and Dark: This is a finely wrought temple with carved teak walls and fine gold and silver statuettes of the gods of the Pantheon. All statues are protected by powerful wards of agony,

of this shop, including saddles with secret compartments or concealed

confusion and despair. The temple is run by Timorn Ostrac, an 8th level Priest of Light (unprincipled) . Normally a peaceful man, his complacency is being disturbed by Imorncilus, the priest of the Temple of Light, who is trying to convert both Timorn and his congregation to the worship of Light alone. 19. Green Grocer: This is where the well-to-do people of the town come to buy the finest vegetables and fruits. 20. The Angel Wing Tavern: The owner of this tavern is a scrupulous human named Tequ Covmarin. Average food and drink can be bought for the normal prices. 21. The Snagged Anchor Inn: This is a high class inn, patronized by ships officers and captains. It is recognized as having one of the best

weapons built into them, though the latter can cost up to 800 gold, depending on the size and type of weapon or object to be concealed. 33. The Shoe Maker: Run by a human merchant, selling the normal shoes and boots everyone uses, though special orders can be made. 34. The Tannery: The smells which come from this area of town are greatly aided by the odor which comes from here. There are always 2-40 untanned hides in stock in the tannery's storehouse. Whole tanned hides are available for 500 gold. 35. The Slaughterhouse: Roving plains cattle and the ordinary domestic variety are brought here to be slaughtered. A freshly slaughtered, otherwise untouched carcass can be bought here for 4 gold per pound. The hides are sold to the tannery across the street, while the meat is bought by the butcher shop. 36. The Butcher Shop: Run by a human, 8th level merchant named Valor Thumb; miscreant alignment. All sorts of fish and meat, fresh, dried, salted, smoked and otherwise preserved can be bought. Prices are standard, though Valor sometimes tries to cheat on the weight. 37. The Ore Pens: Much of the hard, dirty work in the Timiro Kingdom is done by captured ore and ogre slaves. Often grand houses will have their own slave pens, but for those without such resources, a dwarf merchant runs this nice little slave pen and market. For those people with slaves who have no room to keep them, the owner of the slave pen, Owellon Cavern, will charge 5 gold per night to keep them penned, you supply the food or not.

kitchens in Hanna, and while it usually only serves food to guests, a large enough bribe will get anyone a table. Rooms are normally rented

per person and will cost between 45 and 100 gold per night, though there are one or two cheaper, 25 gold per night, rooms available. 22. The Sailor's Dream Tavern: A favorite drinking spot for sailors from both commercial and private vessels. It is also frequented by pilgrims seeking passage, attempting to hire a ship, or by seamen looking for a berth. Food and drink of all types are available, though at a slightly higher than normal cost. 23. The Guild of Navigators: This is a small branch of a world

wide organization of seafarers, and some of the finest navigators and seamen ever. The secret maps of this organization are supposed to cover


A healthy, untrained ore will sell for 400-1600 gold. A tame, skilled ore goes for 10,000 to 100,000 gold, depending on the skill it has. Only a tame warlock ore will bring more than 40,000 gold. Application to the local Mage Guild and the paying of a fee will get your ore "conditioned" by one of the more enterprising but less ethical members of the guild. 38. The House of Justice: This is the equivalent of a courthouse.

50. The Barber: Outside this dingy looking building hangs the easily recognized symbol of the barbering profession, a red and white striped pole. 51. The Broken Stirrup Inn: Run by a human, Yosh Emporal, this is a place where the poorer travelers can find a room and some food. Rooms run 5 gold per night, with each room being shared by four people. To rent a private room costs 20 gold per night. Food and drink cost the normal prices. 52. The Great Western Armory: This shop deals only in custom made armor and has a reputation for merchandise of the highest quality at only a 50% mark up. NOTE: Custom made armor cannot be worn by anyone other than the person it was designed for. 53. The Alchemist's Shop: This business is run by a human alchemist called Kartus Poltrum. This store is fairly complete, though any item which costs over 40,000 gold will probably not be found (10% chance); for everything under that price there is a 60% chance that Kartus will have it in stock, at normal prices. He will not sell poisons, as he can be held responsible for their use. 54. The Mage House: This is a tavern and eatery whose kitchen also serves the Mage Guild next door. Excellent food and drink are available at a fair price, but entry can only be gained by uttering one of

Prisoners are brought to trial here, via an underground tunnel, normally

kept locked and heavily guarded. A law library, holding the complete laws of the Timiro Kingdom and its neighbors can also be found on the premises. 39. Town Guard House: The 200 man town guard is quartered here

in a two story stone building. No person less than a 3rd level man of arms will be hired to the guard. Of the 200, only 75 are on duty at any time, taking 48 hour shifts and sleeping at the guardhouse; the other 125

go about their normal business the other 5 days a week, most guards are local townspeople. 40. Captain Wilnoor's Residence: This is the home of the Captain of the City Guard, Wilnor Fen. 41. The Mayor's Residence: Giles Onsen, the mayor of Hanna,

makes his home here. He is a 9th level merchant and is principled by alignment. He is an honest man who seeks only the best for his town. 42. Judge Telmarian's Residence: This is the well guarded home

the Words of Power or by demonstrating a spell.

55. This deceptively innocent looking building houses Hanna's Guild of Mages. The first hint a newcomer receives that this is no ordinary place comes only when they knock on the door. The doorkeeper is a Minotaur, bound to the local guild head, Rentura Zormin (7th level diabolist), principled alignment, by a love charm whose effect became permanent. There are 20 rooms available to any guild member, not only local members at a cost of 10 gold per week. Membership to the Mage Guild in Timiro costs 20 gold per week in addition to the donation of some magic item such as a scroll, potion or medallion. The one thing this place is famous for is a large collection of books dealing with the ancient history and legends of the Timiro Kingdom. 56. The Little Market: The Little Market is a series of ramshackle, but apparently permanent buildings surrounding a small square. A building can be rented by merchants at a cost of 50 gold per day. They are under the care of a dwarf who lives in the southeast corner building. The wares for sale and the person selling these items will change from day to day, but the following will give a good idea of what can be found; fish, vegetables, rope sellers, fishmongers, fortune tellers, pot and pan repairmen and the like. 57. The Scrivener: Here, beneath the sign of the Pen and Hand, you will find Aras Dwelve, a human scribe who makes his living by reading and writing letters for the many illiterate inhabitants of the Pit. His rates are cheap (1 gold per page to read, 2 per page to write) and he seems a kindly, generous being. This impression, however, is false. Unknown to all but a few, Aras is the leader of the outlawed cult of Aco and the juggernaut. He is a 4th level Priest of Darkness and is of aberrant alignment. Hidden in his work room, beneath the writing table is a trap door which leads down to a secret underground cave which contains the altar to Aco. Included here is a small prison cell (bars A.R. 19, S.D.C. 200) to hold fallen members of the cult or victims for sacrifice, both of which amount to the same thing. From this cavern, two underground passages lead to a hidden door in the well of the Little Market, while the other exits on the banks of Invers Stream just below the tannery. The cult operates mainly in the Pit and other poor sections of town, though members of the cult will haunt the Dismal Mermaid, Serpents Lair, Broken Stirrup and the Sword and Buckler, looking for victims to use in the human sacrifices the cult performs. Aras Dwelve - 4th level Priest of Darkness Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 5 Normally wears no armor, though does own a suit of hard leather, (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 30) Weapons: Battle axe 2D6 damage, 2 knives 1D6 damage. Magic Abilities: Spells - Escape, Domination P.P.E.: 33

of the sober and wise Judge of the Court of Hanna, Elmarian Anavin. He appears to be an elven scholar, 15th level, but, he is actually an ancient changeling, some 700 years old. He is also a 10th level diabolist and a 10th level mind mage. He was one of the original founders of

Hanna, and has been elected Judge every term for the last 200 years. Scrupulous in alignment, he has taken up residence here as a form of retirement. 43. Owen's Dockyard: Owen Creneimon is a 5th level elf scholar, the town's local expert in shipbuilding. His dockworkers can clean the weeds and barnacles from a small boat, or build the largest warship. 44. The Dismal Mermaid Tavern: Usually only the hard-drinking local fishermen are found here as this establishment has no rooms for rent. 45. The Sword and Buckler Inn: A very large and busy two-story

wooden building, with rooms for up to 150 people. It is run by a now retired 85 year old human palladin (7th level) named Kestor Ygrin, scrupulous by alignment. There is a private arena where guests of the inn can practice their skills or settle any differences which might arise between them. A healer (3rd level) is kept on the premises in case of

any serious accidents. He will not allow any fights to the death, though he cannot prevent accidents. A small armory, kept under the watchful eyes of three guards (3rd level meres wearing studded leather armor, hit points: 22/27/33, S.D.C.: 33/39/35), is also on the premises. Weapons and armor of all types, including giant size armor, can be rented here for 5 gold per ten minutes of use in the arena. NO armor can be removed from the inn.

Rooms can be rented here for between 15 to 50 gold per night. Food is excellent, each meal costing 5 to 20 gold. 46. Carpenter's Shop: The players can get any woodworking done, up to and including the construction of a small rowboat. 47. The Armorer: The sound of the anvil and hammer can be heard here day and night. There is a 40% chance that anything the player

wants, including giant size weapons, can be purchased here. 48. Smithy: Run by Barl Harmer, a very brawny human who is unprincipled. He is part owner of the stable next door and will tell any travelers who ask that it is much better to stable their horse next door rather than "risk" having their horse stolen from an inn's stable. 49. Livery Stables: The stable is run by Jom, an unprincipled human. Horses can be stabled here for 10 gold per night, or 50 per week. Horses can be rented with a 1000 gold deposit and a charge of 25 gold per day, but only if the rentor agrees that if the horse dies, or is lost, he is responsible for buying a new one.




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Based on Designs by Randy McCall






20. Better Guard: Guard service for business and private citizens. Available as guards for goods and persons traveling out of town. 21. Alin's Caravan: A store that sells pots, pans, cutlery, shoes, and even a few pieces of furniture. 22. The Wharf: A small drinking establishment known for its quiet atmosphere. Quel-Mar, the ore bouncer, is actually a very nice guy if you don't cause trouble. 23. Central Slave Supply: A large business that provides general labor slaves to whoever can afford them. A signed contract and security deposit are required. Volume customers receive a 10% discount. 24. Al's Meat Market: Domestic and imported (often salted) meats are sold here. Fair prices. 25. Kriddle Ferry: Office for a small ferry company that takes up the slack when transport is scarce during the day. Below average prices. Most any animal also transported. 26. Guild Hall of Fishermen: Meeting place that is also used for parties. 27. Dock Worker's Guild: A small guild composed of dock hands. 28. Kwia Tool Supply: For farmers, boatmen, builders etc.. chain and rope is also available at standard prices. 29. Fur Exchange: A stone building that houses a family owned business that makes clothing from fine furs. Almost all their business is export. Guarded. 30. Main Granary: Where locally produced grain is kept. 31. Millwright: Produces flour from grain.

Population: 3600 Human: 3000 Non-human Slaves: 600 In days long past, Kwia was regarded as a suburb of Old Timiro. Some of the wealthy built second houses along the coastline. Merchants established themselves here as did smugglers. Not too few of those wealthy home owners profited by selling smuggled goods to Old Timiro. With the decline of that city, illegal activities slowed tremendously. In recent years Kwia has developed a diverse economy. The townspeople make their living from fishing, farming, ferry service and restaurants and lodgings for travelers. Plans are also underway to provide tax credits to fine artisans and craftsmen who establish businesses here. A high council of six prominent merchants act as the government. An appointed Credian official, who lives in Kwia, acts as overseer of their activities. 1. Oslog's Fishery: Kirt Oslog operates a larger fishing fleet that takes in fish, primarily for export. 2. Dock Trade Exchange manages the loading, transporting, and payments for goods coming into or going out of port. Lon Dersin, chief administrator. 3. Kwia Horse and Wagon: A thriving business that provides a way to move your goods that's ready when you are. Fine horses and well kept equipment. High prices. Guard service not available. 4. Meyerson Hotel: Converted from its previous use as the home of a wealthy land owner. The architecture is beautiful but the bedding is only so-so. 15 gold a night. Baths are 3 gold extra. 5. Hern's Market: Specializing in imported fruits and vegetables. Higher prices. 6. K.L.E. Poultry: Sells live birds and eggs. Good prices. Already cleaned and dressed birds are a little more. 7. Kern's Bakery: Sells bread only. Prices vary slightly depending on whether the grain is local (in season) or imported (out of season). 8. Sisters Stables: Run by three wealthy widows who offer the best care for your horse. Guards on premises. Average prices. 9. Able Saloon: A wide range of native and imported beverages to satisfy the various seamen and travelers that pass through town. Expensive. 10. Eastern jewels: A jewelry shop that offers imported gems in rings, earrings and necklaces. Tyn Arbak charges slightly above average prices. However, at times bargains can be struck. 11. Moxin's Glass: A glassblower who sells bottles, jars and decorative glass. Average prices. 12. Merchants' Warehouse: Only available to businesses. A large wood building with reinforced doors and walls. Heavily guarded. 13. Warlocks' Guild Hall: Used by air and water warlocks. 14. Clothing and Cloth Supply: Sells sail cloth and nets as well as clothes for men and women. Undyed bolts of cloth are also available. No silks or fine linens. 15. Blacksmith. 16. High Council Building: Offices and meeting rooms for use by the councilmen. Also houses the office of the harbor master. 17. Merchant's inn: For traveling merchants and sales agents who are in town on brief business calls. Fair food, good rooms and average prices. 18. Kwia Ferry Service: The main ferry running between Kwia and points east. North and south trips are a bit more expensive than average: 5 gold per person, 8 gold per horse. No other animals allowed. 19. Morris Boat Repair: Morris and his assistants will come to you to patch your craft. Charges by the hour. Expensive.

MARMANA The Fishing Village of Marmana Population: 1078 Human: 936 Ore Slaves: 142 Marmana, one of the first communities established in the Kingdom, is virtually unchanged by the passing centuries and still clings to the old ways. It is the last of the major communities that is dominated by clans. It is the clans' rule that has prevented Marmana's growth, for only clan members can be sailors or fishermen, leaving the less desirable occupations for the "out-siders", non-clan men.

The Clans Hoovra Clan: Mostly miscreant, worships Ippotomi publicly and privately worships Pith in closed family meetings. Parall Clan: Mostly principled. Worship the pantheon of Ra at the Church of Light and Dark. Sami Clan and Fat Far! Clan: Mostly scrupulous. The Samis are

elven, and the Fat Fari's are human. The clans are closely allied through inter-marriage and share their dock area peaceably. Worship Ra pantheon. Wayituyos Clan: Mostly aberrant. Worships Ippotomi. Will try to cheat/rob travelers. The adults frequent Bosco's and the youngsters hang about the visitor's dock, hoping for a chance to steal small items.

The Wayituyos are rumored to be pirates. Count Fistito: Aberrant, 7th level knight. Worships rarely, will attend any big church function where there is plenty of music, drinking, and dancing girls. His steward, Hiram, is always at the palace; is like his master only more clever. Hiram must be bribed in order to get an interview with the count. Hiram is head of the Wayituyos Clan, and is the unofficial mayor of Marmana. Hiram is a 9th level thief and the local

fence. 1. Hoovra Clan Dock 2. Pakali Clan Dock



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Ore Slaves


3. Sami & Fat Far! Clan Dock 4. Visitors Dock 5. Wayituyos Clan Dock 6. Wayituyos Clan Enclave 7. Count Fistito's Summer Place: Large stable and servants quarters in the rear. 8. Inn/Stable/Tavern: Bosco's Dew-Drop Inn 9. Sami Clan Enclave 10. Fat Far! Clan Enclave 11. Tavern Marmana Ale House 12. Bazaar/Market 13. Peg-leg Joack's Marine Supply: Merchant-anarchist 14. Shayaam Discount Alchemist Shop: 35% chance of them having any item. 15. Pakali Clan Enclave 16. Temple - Church of Light & Dark: Head priest 5th level, 2 2nd level acolytes. 17. Dr. Darekill: 9th level healer, principled, very old. 18. Hoovra Clan Enclave 19. Tavern - Merc's Sailor's Rest 20. Ore Town: Laborers, servants, dock hands, mainly ore slaves, some human low lives. 21. Temple - Church of the Seven Waters (Ippotomi) 22. Court of the Four Sisters: Water warlocks, born into the Fat Fari Clan.

8. General Store; items sold on an honor, credit point system. Well behaved and good workers get many points which can be converted to

merchandise. Sort of like green stamps. 9. Storage 10. Jail House manned by four 3rd level mercenaries. 11. Fortified Guard Tower: 16 bowmen; 4th level wizard is the tower captain. He is tough, enjoys his post but is often cruel and is

known as the Demon. 12. The Main Gate, with two guard towers on either side. Houses 12, 2nd to 3rd level mercenary foot soldiers each, all in chain mail and armed with shields and mace. This is the ONLY exit way. 13. The Gate House: All slaves must enter and exit through the gate house, a barbican like structure with portcullis. Six 4th level mercenaries and a 5th level earth warlock man the gate house. 14. Warehouse 15. Warehouse 16. Warehouse 17. Wagon Storage and Wheelwright 18. Stables for Work Horses 19. Stables for Work Horses 20. Blacksmith and Storage 21. Supply House 22. Sectioned Corral 23. Supply House 24. Four Bunk Houses 25. Foreman's Residence 26. Lumber Yard


27. Storage 28. Wood Drier 29. Saw Mill 30. Scrap Pile of sawdust and lumber chips. 31. Wood Finisher and Stainer 32. Tool and Saw Shop; makes, repairs and sells mill saws, tools and chains.

Population: 18,000 Humans: 12,000 Non-human Slaves: 6000 Media prospers as the newest, biggest and best shipbuilder in the Kingdom. Since its inception, it has grown at a phenomenal rate, literally wiping out the competition (three other shipbuilders have gone out of business in the last two decades). It is one of the largest and richest of the industrial towns and will, without doubt, blossom into a thriving city within the next few years. Its people are happy, enthusiastic and ambitious. A predominately working community; merchants and exotic imports are just being established as Media has grown too large to ignore. The current shops mostly deal with day to day needs. Future plans include a large merchant plaza, theater, and educational facility. Media is a rising star in the Timiro Kingdom. Warlocks play a key role in the production and management of both shipbuilding and the town. Most are well-to-do and pillars of the community. They are crucial in the manipulation of weather, water and environment as well as production. 1. The Slave Town: This is a large, walled and fortified community of work slaves for the docks and mills. Surprisingly, there has been little trouble with the slaves despite the fact that it is an alarmingly large community of the more powerful non-humans; 70% ore, 15% ogre, 15% goblin. 2. Fortified Guard Tower: 16 bowmen (short bow, 2nd level), monitor the west wall of the slave town. A third level fire warlock is the tower captain. 3. Temple of Light and Dark (with an emphasis on dark).

33. Peg Maker 34. Barrel Maker 35. Paint Shop 36. Work Shop 37. Carpenter 38. Varnisher and Wood Finishing 39. Metal Works 40. Warehouse 41. Warehouse 42. Warehouse 43. Work Shop 44. Work Shop 45. Work Shop 46. Carpenter 47. Sail Maker 48. Work Shop 49. Boat Repair 50. Sail Repair 51. Paint Shop

52. Rope and Net Shop

4. The Dead Elf Saloon: only beer and ale available free on a limited and carefully monitored basis. 5. Mess Hall 6. Game Hall 7. Fortified Guard Tower: 16 bowmen; 2nd level knight is tower captain.

53. Work Shop 54. Work Shop 55. Dock House Office 56. Barnacles Scraping and Heavy Repair 57. Main Administrative Office


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The North-Side

58. Assessor and Claims

112. Temple of Light and Dark 113. Bart's Rum House 114. Temple of Rurga 115. Granary

59. Scheduling and Supply Office 60. Ship Hangar 61. Carpentry and Work Shop 62. Ship Hanger 63. Ship Hanger 64. Warehouse 65. Warehouse 66. Three Work Shops 67. Dock 68. Boat Slip 69. Boat Slip 70. Docks 71. Docks 72. Boat Slip 73. L-Dock

116. Temple of Osiris

117. Tailor 118. General Store 119. Butcher

120. Hospital NOTE: This tends to be a somewhat more wealthy district with many warlocks.

NIBIS The Fortified Island of Nibis

Down River Media 74. Millers Inn; 20-60 gold per night, good food, 48 rooms. 75. Fishing Docks 76. Bait Shop 77. Benny's Nets and Cages 78. Sail Maker

Population: Sailors; 18,000 Foot Soldiers: 1200 Warlocks: 280 Civilians: 600 No Slaves Nibis is the heart of the Timiro Kingdom Royal Navy and protector of her waters. Usually half of the fleet can be found at her docks or patrolling the coastline of Credia and the Timiro bay area.

79. Granary

80. Boat Repair 81. The Captain's Saloon; beer and rum, low prices. 82. Temple of Light and Dark 83. Lobster Market 84. The Water Spout Inn: 72 rooms, low prices. 85. Basket Weaver 86. Tackle and Bait Shop; specializes in lobster cages. 87. Temple of the Seven Waters 88. Fishermen' Guild Hall

1. The Royal Fleet Docks; 20-80 vessels of various types can be

found here at all times. 2. Light House and Watch Tower; houses eight guards, tower captain is a 10th level water warlock. 3. The Warlock Estates; these are large residences of the navy's warlocks. Warlocks play a large role in the Royal Timiro Navy, performing a wide variety of functions especially as defensive and offensive weapons (magic). They rate special officer status. 4. Park of the Four Elements 5. The Warlock's Dock 6. East Point Watch Tower; manned by eight soldiers and two 6th level warlocks, one air and one fire. 7. Warehouse 8. Warehouse 9. Granary 10. Royal Navy Barracks 11. Officers Residences

89. Tavern; beer and rum.

90. Tobacco and Snuff Shop 91. Cobbler and Leather Works 92. Greenwood Stables 93. Blacksmith 94. General Store 95. The Magic Shop; 50% chance of having any item in stock except rune swords and exotic items, like dragon bones. Prices are about 50% higher than standard. 96. Butcher; meats and poultry. 97. Rhap's Armory; very good selection; standard prices. 98. Farmers' Market 99. Scrivener 100. Gold and Silversmith 101. Jewelry Store 102. Warehouse 103. Warehouse 104. Paper Mill

12. Parade Field 13. The Admiral of the Fleets Residence 14. Ship Hanger 15. Boat Slip 16. Dry Dock 17. Carpenter 18. Work Shops

19. Rope and Rigging 20. Sail Maker and Repairs 21. Warehouses 22. Barnacle Scrapers 23. Work Shop 24. Work Shop 25. Paint Shop 26. Lumber Yard 27. Work Shop

105. Stationary Store; 20% less than standard prices. 106. Warehouse

107. Warehouse 108. Lumber Yard 109. Saw Mill 110. Scrap Pile 111. Flat Bed Barge Storage


The Royal Fleet

Scale in Feet 160




28. The Ferry to Calra: This is a large ferry boat that makes daily runs to the town of Calra. A handful of additional small vessels are also docked here for the use of officers and supply runs. 29. Boat Repair Shop 30. Several Warehouses line this end of the island. 31. Merchant and Supply Dock; 1D4 warships always present. 32. Wagonsmith and Storage 33. Wheelwright 34. South Watch Tower; occupied by 32, 2nd level soldiers, a 10th level water warlock and an 8th level air warlock. 35. South-Point Watch Tower; occupied by 32, 2nd level foot soldiers, a 10th level water warlock, a 10th level water warlock and a 6th level fire warlock. 36. Stables for Work Horses 37. Stables for Work Horses 38. Blacksmith 39. Storage Buildings 40. Cattle Ranch and Corral 41. Bunk Houses for Stable Hands 42. Granary 43. Mid-island Watch Tower, occupied by 32, 2nd level soldiers, two 10th level water warlocks, an 8th level air warlock, an 8th level fire warlock and an 8th level earth warlock.

While these races would not be denied access to the town, any number of elves would be more than willing to start fights or get them into enough trouble to get them thrown out of Nira. 1. The Green Dragon Inn: So named for a large, stuffed, green

dragon head adorning one wall of the common room. The inn has rooms available at a cost of 10, 20, or 40 gold per night. Simple but good food is served here; drinks of all sorts are available, including some special liquors given to Dworkin, the owner, by visiting friends.

The Merchant Town 44. Game Hall and Saloon 45. Saloon; beer, ale, and rum at low prices 46. Uniform Shop and Tailor

47. General Store 48. Tobacco and Snuff Shop 49. Small Theater for special shows and competitions. 50. Goldsmith 51. Jewelry Store 52. Armor; large selection of small arms at fair prices, including some kobold quality weapons.

53. The Flying Goose Tavern; booze, food and women galore. 54. The Liquor Store; has it all; standard prices. 55. Silversmith 56. Parchment Store; paper goods. 57. Authorized Gambling House; open two days a week. 58. Nina's Tavern 59. The Dignitary; a fine hotel for visitors 60. The Artists Alley; houses several shops that sell a variety of crafts, pottery, jewelry, glass items, foods, clothing and trinkets. 61. The Church of Light and Dark 62. The Temple of the Seven Waters

2. Andrama's Pleasure Palace: There are 24 rooms here, all extremely comfortable, and a variety of girls who are available to share those rooms at a cost of 100 gold for the entire evening. 3. Golden Arts: Earrings, wrist bracelets, necklaces, and other smaller jewelry items. Each is designed by a female elf named Anna


Hoober. High prices. 4. Oberon Furnishings: Quality furniture for the wealthier and dis-

Population: 3,200 Nira is a town of some 3,200 souls located just east of Old Timiro. Originally a town of some importance in its own right, Nira has fallen to the status of a suburb of Old Timiro. The whole area around Nira is

criminating person. Some of it is of dwarven craftsmanship. 5. Blue Moon Ballroom: A dance hall that caters to the middle and upper classes. There is a large illegal gambling establishment in the basement. 6. Everet Moving Service: Tarn Everet (human) and his large stable of ores can take almost any load from here to there within the town.

surrounded by magnificent plantations and mansions; although fanning is still a major occupation for the poorer classes and much farm produce is shipped to Old Timiro. Nira has very much become a rich man's town. The only unusual thing about this town is its large elf population. Almost a quarter of the town is made up of elves, thus the races to

Will also move items to locations outside of town at twice their usual

rates. Very far moves are subject to the approval of Everet. 7. The Kingdom Estate Club: The older plantation owners often meet to relax and, on occasion, meet with local nobles.

which elves have any antipathy are not welcome within the town limits.


NIRA Scale in Feet




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8. The Wine and Glass: A wide price range so that everyone is able to purchase better wines here. Glasses as well. 9. Weaponsmith: A very famous human named Horon is the master

ward. Has approx. 100,000 to 400,000 gold in custody. 26. City Warehouse: The city's grain storage facility. 27. Military Warehouse: Stores weapons, oil, armor and the like; all together worth about 150,000 gold. 28. Merchant Warehouse: Storing gold, silks, spices, art, etc. There is always 250,000 gold worth of items in here. NOTE: All warehouses are guarded by men from the garrison, as well as having magical protection. 29. Training Ground: This is where on duty soldiers practice with

of this establishment. He has somehow learned the kobold art of making

weapons with bonuses to parry, strike and damage. All weapons cost double the normal amount. Within some of the upper classes it is a status symbol to own one of his weapons. 10. Fencing Academy: This academy teaches the art of weapons to some of the younger sons of the greatest families in Timiro. A four month course in one weapon, costing 50,000 gold, will give a student a

weapons and horse to keep their skills up in times of peace. 30. Military Barracks: Rooms for 400 men, in very cramped quar-

+1 to parry or +1 to damage with the chosen weapon only.

11. Hospital: Run by an elf healer called Charmain, she charges only 1 to 10 gold per use of her healing touch, plus five gold for every day a person stays in her hospital. She is known to be so kind-hearted that she even heals ores, ogres and trolls. 12. Apothecary: A human who wishes some day to be an alchemist,

ters. 31. Military Stables: Normally 100 horses will be found here, including some 10 or so war horses. 32. The Church of Light: The most popular church in town, there is a large and supportive congregation. 33. The Church of Light and Dark: Slightly smaller than the

Corman now knows a variety of folklore and home remedies, most of

which are herbs and teas. 13. Tailor: Manin Tills, a human, deals mostly with the members of the farming community and as such is known for making long wearing clothes, not for being a fancy tailor. 14. Rope Maker: Selling good strong rope at the normal prices. 15. Alchemist: This is an excellent shop with a complete stock of everything, selling at twice the normal prices. This shop caters to the

Church of Light, the priest here is on very good terms with the priests of the Church of Light. 34. Temple of the Holy Oak: Specifically built for the use of druids, there is a large oak growing in the middle of the temple, which is in

one, large enclosed room. Druids staying in town sleep on the ground beneath the oak. 35. The House of the Elements: This house is, of course, for use by Warlocks. There are 50 rooms at fair prices. 36. Town Guard Headquarters: Here all registered shop and home

needs of the richer classes. 50% chance of having any magic item except rune weapons (none).

16. Shoemaker: All kinds of shoes and boots are made here. 17. Actor's Guild: Here singers, dancers and entertainers of all kinds can be hired for a night's performance or for more extended periods. This also serves as the local headquarters of the Guild of Assassins. All members of this branch of the Assassin's Guild must know how to sing, dance, or play a musical instrument. 18. Wine Merchant: Fine wines from across Timiro are bought by this company. Prices for bottles of wine will range from normal to 5,000 gold. 19. Cartographer: A mildly insane human who goes by the name Fenrindalin owns this shop. He believes he has the commission of the King to produce maps, each of which bear marks with a replica of the seal of the King of Timiro. 20. Jeweler: Denar Fermen, a human jeweler, buys and sells jewels and jewelry of all types. A fair man, it is known he has his vaults under heavy magical protection. 21. Butcher: Selling good meat at normal prices. 22. Baker: Good cakes, bread and other pastries are made here, selling at normal prices. Specialty cakes can be made for double the normal price. 23. Wizard's Guild: An imposing place, it is one of the oldest guild buildings in Timiro. There is room in its three stories for 30 men-ofmagic. This building has full facilities, including an excellent library, as well as having some small magical items for sale. Only wizards are allowed inside, a fee of 100 gold per hour is charged to use the library. Membership to the guild is reserved to nobles of human of elven descent or fellow townsmen. 24. Public Baths: Done in the style of the Western Empire, there are both hot and cold water baths, as well as hot and cold mud baths. 25. The Safekeep: With the large amount of valuable items, jewels and the like, kept by some of the richer families in Nira, there has sprung up the need for someplace safe to store them. Ignus Malun, diabolist, a transplanted native of the Land of the South Winds, runs this business. Anything can be stored here, the cost varying with the size of the item, from 1 to 100 gold per day. Armed guards can be provided to guard something for 1000 gold per day. Ignus will often hire men, both of magic and arms, after having them checked by one of the local mind mages. The Safekeep is heavily guarded by lock and bar, spell and

owners must take a turn patrolling the streets at night in an attempt to

cut down on crime. 37. Colborn, Silversmith: Jewelry and Silver figurines. 38. Bookstore: The books sell for between 5 to 100,000 gold, and deal with all subjects; history, medicine, religion, legends, travelogues and the like. 39. Home of the Witch: This is the home of Fini, a merchant clerk, at least that is what he appears to be. He is actually a 4th level witch, with a greater familiar, a nightmare in the shape of a black cat. He is waiting for new commands from his demon lord. 40. Mayor's Residence: This is the home of Andorin Horth, a human merchant who is the Mayor of Nira. This is mostly a title without power, though he is very interested in keeping Nira's name bright and

attracting even bigger and better trade to the town. 41. Magistrate's Home: Always guarded by 4 soldiers from the barracks, Ciemin Toe, an elf, lives here with two concubines. He is a member of the Thieves Guild and will try to help any of their members who get caught, but will never break his cover to do so. 42. Courthouse 43. Shrine to Kirgi the Rat God: Hidden in the basement of one of the scummier houses in Timiro, Kirgi is worshiped by most of the

Thieves Guild. 44. Livery and Slave Stable: In the interests of getting the best of two worlds, a human started a business wherein he buys, sells, rents and cares for both horses and slaves. All prices are fair.

NISI Population: 3250 Human: 2350 Non-human Slaves: 900

Manufacturing Center: Chief Products: Meat & Leather Goods



Scale in Miles

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Based on Designs by Matt Balent



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The Golden Triangle

16. The City Camp: This large concentration camp is where all of the ore slaves who work in Nisi live. The entire complex is surrounded by a 10 foot tall wire fence. The camp itself contains ore barracks and an ore hospital, a mess hall and a few shops selling a variety of minor ore conveniences. The large building in the northwest corner of the complex houses the guards. Thirty, 5th level soldiers are stationed here. Approx. 700 ores live here. 17. Nisi Foot-Soldiers Regiment: This complex is the living quarters and training grounds of the Nisi foot soldiers regiment. The regimental leader is Sir Chrisagon-de-la-Croix, a 10th level knight. The regiment provides guards for the ore camps and patrols the city. 18. The Outland's Camp: This camp houses approximately 200 ore slaves who work in the fields of the many surrounding farms. It is surrounded with a 10 foot tall wire fence like the city camp. Besides the mess hall and general store, an ore brothel is located in this camp. 19. The Market Square: This is where the bi-weekly market is held, and various items can be purchased here. Spaces are allotted to merchants on a first come, first serve basis. 20. Land's End Institute - Nisi Branch: The Lands End Institute is a school of spell magic. This school will accept students who wish to learn spells at the standard rate of payment. Master Anton (12th level), runs the school and is assisted by ten other wizards from 5th to 10th level of experience. The institute also is interested in obtaining unique magic items. 21. Half Globe Theater: This is the home of the Nisi Players, a theatrical group, which puts on a variety of dramas, musicals and morality plays throughout the year. Seats 100, admission 1 gold. 22. Nisi Public School: This school provides a five year basic education program for all resident children. Headmaster: Irving Hall.

The Golden Triangle represents the oldest portion of Nisi. It is the religious and administrative center of the city. Over the course of the years, the original buildings which were on the site have been destroyed and built over. As a result of this periodic rebuilding, the level of the Golden Triangle is about three feet higher than the surrounding land. The triangle in surrounded by a 6 foot hedge which has openings in various places to allow access. At the three corners of the triangle are 20 foot tall obelisks which have been erected by the priests of Osiris. They tell the tale of how the god Osiris came to this site and founded the town. 1. The Temple of Osiris: This building houses the golden image of Osiris, and is the place of worship of the gods of Light. 2. Priest's Quarters: In this building, the priests of Osiris live and work. There are 19 in all and they are led by the High Priest Nestor. 3. The Stone of Souls: This large limestone block stands twenty feet tall and is thirty feet wide on each side. It is believed that this massive block was brought here by the builders of the Pyramid of Osiris many centuries before. The stone itself is on a small hill and is honeycombed by thousands of small (3x6") niches which contain small human statues. These statues are made, in part, from the cremated remains of the deceased inhabitants of the city. It is believed that this will insure the deceased person's soul eternal life in the other world. 4. The Obelisk of Osiris: This 50 foot tall monument is inscribed with tales of the life of the god. 5. City Hall: In this building the city council meets weekly to take care of administrative matters. It also contains the city treasury, armory, and the Nisi branch of the Timiro Mint. 6. Granary: In these two buildings, grain is stored for use in times of famine. 7. The Soulcrafter's House: In this house lives Hector LaPoint, an extremely ancient man who creates the statues of the deceased which are placed in the stone. This is also where the bodies are cremated. Hector lives here with his helpers and apprentices. 8. Uncle Leroy's House: In this house lives the oldest resident of Nisi, known to everyone as Uncle Leroy. He has resided in this house for at least 100 years; much of his free time is spent in his small garden next to his home. 9. The Nisi Hotel: This three story building is perhaps the best hotel in town. It is run by Palmer Johnson and his family, which consists of Palmer's wife, Anna, their three sons, and daughter. Nightly fees average 5 gold, which includes a hot bath. 10. The Best Restaurant: This is the best restaurant in Nisi, at least in name. Good meals average 3 gold in cost. 11. The Leather Works: This group of buildings is where various leather items are manufactured and stored. Although the majority of items are exported, there is a small manufacturer's outlet which sells leather goods at 25-50% below list prices. 12. The Tannery: This is were the hides obtained from Victor's Slaughterhouse are cured and tanned. A seventh level air warlock is employed here to keep the air around this complex constantly blowing east. He normally has a major elemental helping him. 13. Victor's Slaughterhouse: This complex of buildings houses the main industry of Nisi; the meat processing plant. The actual processing takes place in the large building between the south and Victor's bridges. The warehouses to the north of the main complex are individually cooled by air elementals, summoned by the six air warlocks Victor has hired. 14. The Stockyards: This is where the cattle waiting for processing are held. The pens are full throughout the summer and fall as the ranchers drive their herds here to be sold. 15. These are the various administrative buildings where the business of buying and selling of cattle takes place.

23. Patricia's Clothes: This store specializes in ready-made clothes but specially made garments can be ordered. 24. Fred's Key Shop: This is a store specializing in locks. 25. Time Master Shop: This is a store specializing in sand clocks and other time keeping devices. 26. Dr. Smith's: Dr. Smith is a 7th level healer who operates a small hospital. Reasonable fees are charged. 27. The General Store: This large store carries most items of a nonmagical nature. 28. The Collector's Place: A rather eccentric alchemist named Pete runs this shop/museum of "Natural History." Known to the town as "The Collector," Pete is interested in any unusual plant or animal specimens. He has most (85%) of all alchemist powders, potions, etc. and will sell them at the standard rate. 29. Wagon Shop 30. Nisi Tavern: This eating and sleeping establishment is operated by Miss Caroline and her five female "helpers". All manner of accommodations and companions are available here. 31. Ascot Hotel: This somewhat shabby hotel is operated by Jimmy Ascot, a small-time crook and pawnbroker. The place is notorious for its rude staff and dirty linen. Rooms are very cheap. 32. Ascot's Articles: This is the pawnshop owned by Jimmy Ascot. Ascot employs a 5th level ogre fighter as his "assistant" in the establishment. Ascot will buy most anything for no more than 20% of its current value. 33. The Grasping Hand: This innocent tenement is the headquarters of the local thieve's guild, the Grasping Hand. This guild tolerates no nonmembers practicing in Nisi and will see that anyone who refuses to join the organization is strangled. The organization is very secret and will never openly contact an individual unless it is to rob them.



26. Larry's Barber Shop: Good old fashioned haircuts for good old-fashioned men. 27. The Singing String: Tavern, where longbowmen (and only they

Population: 4690 Human: 2912 Non-Human Slaves: 1778 Partha is a rich town with many specialty shops. Farmers and fishermen sell their wares here. Such high class items as fine silverware and perfume are available. Its peoples' primary source of income is provided by the grain mills/processing and shipping, as well as steel and glass production. Like most of the towns in Eastern Timiro, there is a dangerously high population of non-human slaves (ogres, ores, goblins).

if you know whats good for you) hang out. These fellows go out beyond the mill for spontaneous archery contests, on which ridiculous wagers are made. 28. Ship Repairs: Any boat that needs repair is beached and worked on outside. The large ships quite often need repair, as there are large

creatures up river that ram them. 29. Terri's Boutique: hottest fashions from Aracho. 30. Morganna, Coiffeur: An established hair artist will do up men's and women's hair for a lavish price. 31. Partha Wine Shop: Silson wines, Credia wines, and Eastern

wines and beers are sold. 32. Fine Silverware: The proprietor sometimes fixes or creates in the back of the shop. He works in gold, silver, pewter, brass and other metals. 33. Fine Dinnerware: Owned by a friend of the proprietor of Fine

CODE KEY The Town of Partha 1. Partha Community Stables: An overseer and six ores run the stable. The taxi service across the street boards its horses here.

Silverware; the shop has pots, pans, and china as well as other kitchenware. 34. Retail Glass Shop: Glass, crystal and other creations from the

2. Chiromancer: An honest palm reader who tells you when she can't tell something about you. She's very respected and competent. 3. Morion's Taxi Service: Nine coaches, any six of which are out at one time. One of the coaches is extra-large. 4. Aracho Way Inn: Specializes in Aracho cuisine and styles. 5. Six-Twelve Convenience Store: Branch of Six-Twelve Ltd. of Aracho. 6. Morentian Clothier: A clothing shop that also has women's lingerie. 7. Aracho Road Barber Shop: Specialty is Aracho styles. High priced. 8. Opportunity Knocks: Employment agency based in Aracho. 9. Bobson's Cobbler: Leather goods and shoes, cut rate. 10. Partha Meat and Fish Market: Live fish, fowl, and pork. 11. Partha Market: Poultry, meat, and supplies. Most popular market. 12. Grain and Seed Market: Farmer's market. 13. Lost Treasure - Pawn Shop: Proprietor's son robs the store regularly.

Glass Works. 35. Figurines: Small porcelain, metal, and wood statues.

36. Partha Inn: Modest but homey accommodations for thirty five. 37. Rollie Hands, Perfumer: Imported perfumes and scented material. 38. Partha General School: One school for all grades. People advance through material mastered, not just by aging. 39. Marlowe's Apothecary: Anything for the medical community or the public. 40. Royal Charms: Jewelry shop that specializes in charms and

lockets. 41. Up in Smoke: Tobacco Shop. Books are also sold. 42. Partha Infirmary: Temporary hospitalization for the injured and sick. 43. Marvia Butler, Dentist: Pulls teeth for a modest price. 44. Den of Iniquity Tavern: Mostly thieves hang out here. 45. Partha Street Repairs: A gang of laborers work on paved and

14. Partha Armorer: Specialty is custom plate for various parts of

unpaved streets in the city. 46. Parley Grand - Clothes Shop: for the casual set. 47. Henry Marks - Surgeon: He is trained in delicate surgery, but

the body and reinforcements of boxes, chests, wagons, etc. 15. Hortense Thundercloud, Weaponsmith: Hortense and his brother Alpbonse are half-ores, and middling weaponsmiths. 16. Mason's Guild: They control all building and repairs in the area. 17. The Midas Inn: Boasts one employee for each guest. Accommodations for twenty-five very rich people. 18. Stables for Midas Inn: The horses are treated better here than

is quite often drunk as a skunk. 48. Sanitary Supplies: Soaps, brushes, sanitary instruments and clothing. 49. Laundry: Professional laundry for those who don't trust their servants to do it. 50. Law's Neighborhood Market: Produce and fresh goods for the

the guests at other inns. 19. Partha Credit Union: For employees and families of the glass

local neighborhood. 51. Manor Woods Inn: Rustic and earthy accommodations for 30. 52. Stables for the Manor Woods.

works, steel forge, mill and city. The pension funds are held here. 20. Ratson's Curio Shop: Antiques and knickknacks. Most in fair

53. Kendry Axxon - Alchemist: He deals in potions, powders, circles and wards. 54. The Church of Yin-Sloth: A neglected church composed of

condition. 21. Mark's Bakery: Mostly giant loaves and pastries. 22. Canva Ice House: Ice is made here through a chemical process.

what are considered by the community to be maniacs. 55. Library of Partha: The library holds most of the historical records for the area. The assistant librarian is a very eager lawyer. 56. Merchants' Guild: The Partha post of the Aracho Merchants' Guild, which regulates imports from the East and West, and encourages

It is poor quality for consumption, but does stay cold. 23. Magic Guild: These wizards and so forth help in local industry

and commerce. Every harvest they help to make festivals more festive, and occasionally they help local law enforcement agents.

24. Sweet Shop: Local hangout for kids. Also another good place to pick up rumors. 25. Habboa Larsen, Money lender: Lends money privately at a 20% rate, commercially at a 14% rate. Fair but strict.

more exports. Also serves as the Chamber of Commerce. 57. Partha Refuse Collection: A private agency that handles the re-

fuse collection contract for the City of Partha.



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PARTHA Scale in Feet 140


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58. Mercenaries' Guild: Where prices of service are fixed, and where all commissioning of mercenaries is to be made. 59. Stables for the Horn Tavern: Any fights that begin in the tav-


ern are. finished in the stables. 60. The Horn Tavern: Named for the drinking horn shape and the

Population: 700 Human: 500 Ore Slaves: 200

actual horn of the last drinking champion, a local lord. 61. Ralph's Signs: Ralph's sign design is among the best. Premium prices. 62. Winn's Toy Shop: Variety and quality at reasonable prices. 63. Nude Furniture: A blithe elderly woman, and her blithering son

Small Farming Community 1. The Keep: This four story keep is manned by twenty men-ofarms and led by Sir Thomas of Parpenheimer, a 6th level knight. Sir Thomas' great grandfather founded this town about 70 years ago. The keep is surrounded by a moat and a drawbridge allows access. 2. The Parpenheimer Estate: This farm is run by Louis Parpenheimer and his two sons, Vincent and Wilhelm. A number of laborers are

make fine unfinished furniture. 64. Words to Ponder: A gnome bookbinder.

65. Vorandin Fur's: Fine imported furs for the social elite. High priced. 66. Maggie Nobinsky, Potter: Makes cheap clay pots by the doz-

employed here also. 3. Stone Bridge Inn: This quaint inn provides room and board for

ens, and also makes large containers for the Glass Works.

very reasonable rates. Elves not allowed. Owned by Albert Stonecutter, a dwarf. 4. The Farm Bureau: This bureau helps to keep the local fanners

67. City Dump: Run by two old men who treat their five ores miserably.

68. Glass Works: Parma is renowned for its copious production of medium-grade glassware. The nearby dunes provide plenty of material for the glass. It is also one of the two largest businesses in town. 69. Steel Forge: Makes high grade steel and good cast iron. Wizards help here and in the Glass Works with spells of immobilization and shrinkage.

informed on the going rates of produce in the rest of the Kingdom. It also serves as an employment agency for the farms and ranches. 5. Freddy Tower, Outfitter: This business specializes in farmer and worker clothing and accessories. 6. Textile Works: This business specializes in producing wool and linen cloth. 7. Pindar's Mill: This water powered flour mill is run by Pindar, a 60 year old part-time philosopher. The two round buildings near the

70. Park: Where innocent young people and assassins hang out. 71. Temple of Light: A young priest of exceptional renown heads this temple. 72. Town Hall and Jail: Offices of the town administration. Jail has twelve cells.

mill are for grain storage. 8. Joachim Kurt, Blacksmith: The maker of many fine iron products, Joachim used to be an adventurer and traveled extensively in the Yin-Sloth Jungles. 9. Land's End Institute, Parp Branch: This small branch of the

73. Theater: Repertory theater troupe of eight perform scripts of famous Aracho poets and playwrights. 74. Mill House: The other major industry is the grain mill and storage facilities for many grains. 75. Army Camp: Encampment for 350 troops and their officers.

Lands End Institute is run by Vinne Johnson, a 10th level wizard. Vinne

opened the magic school here because he was tired of the big city ratrace of Credia. He only teaches three students at a time.

An Overview

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Fenced Farms and Grazing Land

PARP Scale in Feet_____ 200



Based on Designs by Matthew Balent


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SIMS Scale in Feet 200



10. Howard's Bar and Grill: This eating establishment also rents

16. Market Hall: This building and the area in front of it are used

out rooms. The entire place smells of fried bacon; rooms are cheap. 11. Knives, Saws and Scissors: This is a knife sharpening business. Ardwin Hayes, the proprietor, moonlights as an alchemist. He doesn't have much (only 40% chance), but his rates are very reasonable.

for the monthly town market. A number of "outback" prospectors peddle unusual stones, gems, nuggets and information at the market. 17. Sims Dance Hall: This establishment is one of the most popular in town. The girls employed here do a lot more than dance. The place is run by Morgana, a 6th level witch and leader of a local coven. 18. Hardware Store: This store sells a number of small items, weapons, linens, dried foods, and other things suitable for prospectors. 19. Chapel: This rather recent addition to Sims is a multi-denominational place of worship. All except the most evil religious are allowed.

SIMS Population: 2200 Human: 1600 Ore Slaves: 600


Mining Town; Chief Products: Iron & Copper 1. Grumble's Mines: This group of buildings houses the offices and above ground work areas of Grumble's Mines. Grumble's is owned and operated by Craggy Grumble, a 10th level dwarf merchant. The main ore types which are mined here are iron and copper. A push-cart rail system connects the mines and the foundry. 2. Pedro's Burro Stable: This building and the adjoining corral is owned and operated by Pedro Sanchez, a 7th level peasant. He has twenty burros for sale at standard prices. 3. Land Office: This is where prospectors file their mining claims. A 50 gold fee is required for registration. The office is run by Chester Arnold, a 5th level noble who was appointed to this job. Deeds, mine claims, and land grants can be obtained "under the table" for the right price (100-600 gold). 4. Sims Copper Plate Company: This is a copper plating manufacturing company. Copper roofing material is the mainstay of their business. 5. Sims Foundry: This group of buildings houses the Sims Foundry; the metal ore which is mined in the hills is smelted here. The owner of the foundry is Robinson, a 6th level fire warlock. Robinson spends little time now practicing his art, aside from summoning elementals to heat the furnaces. He is rumored to have interests in many of the businesses in town. 6. The Foreman's House: In this building lives Lester Johnson, a 7th level mercenary fighter whose job it is to see that the ore laborers stay in line. 7. Samantha's Broken Nose: This is a dance hall, gambling joint, and drinking establishment for the amusement of ores. 8. Ore Tenements: These buildings house the ore laborers. 9. Elaine's: This inn offers a number of carnal pleasures, varying in severity depending on the amount spent. Elaine herself is an elf. 10. George's Wine and Billiard Shop: This building houses a wine distribution center and a small gambling hall. George himself is a lush and is always semi-drunk. His wine prices are average. A number of non-humans hang out here. 11. Melted Metal: This very rough and tumble drinking establishment is frequented by many miners and prospectors. Fights are numerous. 12. The Barber Shop: The Barber Shop is run by Sam Quentin, a 9th level thief. The barber aspect is a cover for a thieves' guild. Close shaves are a specialty of this establishment. 13. Tinker Shop: This small shop specializes in metal odds and ends such as pots, cups, containers, and utensils. It is run by Leonard Rich, who is also an unending source of trivial information. 14. Spades: Spades is a shop which specializes in shovels, picks, axes and other tools of interest to miners. 15. Bronson's: This rather large hotel and gambling establishment is run by Vandeberg, a 10th level mercenary. This is Robinson's favorite establishment in Sims.

Population: 640 Sino is a small, partially walled, border town. Although its primary occupation is farming, it is right along several main trails and is often used by travelers as a rest stop. Consequently it has a handful of shops and inns. 1. Sino Brews; a shabby saloon that sells cheap beer, ale and moonshine. Low prices. 2. Tobacco and Snuff Shop 3. Tool Shop; sells and repairs tools 4. Butcher; specializes in preserved meats 5. Basket Weaver

6. Cobbler and Leather Works 7. Spice Shop 8. Blacksmith 9. Timberland Inn 10. Wheelwright 11. Shrine of Rurga 12. Temple of Light and Dark 13. Carpenter 14. Butcher; fresh produce as well. 15. Weaver 16. Tailor 17. White Fox Saloon 18. Bakery 19. Barber Shop and Perfumes 20. Trailway Inn 21. General Store 22. Grain Storage 23. Jail 24. Temple of Apis the Sacred Cow 25. Temple of Set 26. Town Council Building 27. Storage 28. Community Square.

J 117


Enclosure Walls 15ft High

SfiSO Scale in Feet 210





3. Kingdom Smelting Works: Located very close to the mines' themselves, this building houses the furnaces that extract metal from ore. The ore is loaded onto ox carts from the mines and brought into the smelter. Coal is used for fuel. The melted refined metal is poured into

Population: 13,000 Ore Slaves: 6000 This town mines, smelts and makes items from metal. It has a hard working population that enjoys a simple life without a lot of luxuries and amenities. Workers and their families enjoy their work and play, but their kind of entertainment would turn up noses in Credia. Simple fun does not mix well with sophistication. The people of Credia do not look down on their neighbors; they simply find the idea of Syanda as a separate town "as it should be." In reality, the town in its present location is built right next to the mines to save time and money. Hauling ore to Credia would be expensive and impractical so Syanda was created. The government here is composed of three appointed officials from Credia and three local businessmen. All of these council members serve three year terms. The Credian officials are appointed by the King and the three businessmen are elected by the people. Aside from the area around the mines themselves; the most heavily guarded part of Syanda is the Royal Mint. The elite cavalry (The Sentinels) patrol this area and the Royal Guard (foot soldiers) have a barracks here. Residents and travelers must carry a pass and show it on demand when going through these parts of town. No exceptions. Weapons are also made in Syanda, primarily for the military, but only in small quantities and on an "as needed" basis. Stockpiling is discouraged by Royal decree; unless an official crisis has been declared by the King. Armor, however, is produced without restriction. A. The Mines Complex: The iron mine area is mainly composed of tents above ground for soldiers and workers during the day. More permanent dwellings were deemed too expensive. Mine work is dangerous and risky. Shafts do collapse, flood, fill with toxic underground gases and run out of ore. Competing companies have explorers constantly looking in the area for new veins of ore. B. Ore Slave Pens: A fenced-in area composed of simple, square shacks that hold the many ore slaves. There is a guard house here manned by Timiro Army regulars that act as guards. C. Silver Mines: A distance away from the iron mines are the silver mines. The soldier guards and human workers here have nice wood buildings available to eat and rest in. The area is fenced. D. Ore Slave Pens: Much fewer and proven, more manageable slaves. The guard house is a stone building manned by the Royal Guard, but has twice as many men as the iron mine slave pens. E. Gold Mine: Actually the area's second gold mine, discovered shortly before the old one was worked out. The Royal Guard has reinforced wood buildings and the workers have separate, simple wood buildings nearby. The Royal Guard and the workers are not allowed to eat together or talk. There are no slave pens since the mining operations are handled by humans. An inspector is sent on an irregular basis from Credia to insure that all is running smoothly. He always travels with members of the Elite Cavalry. The Elite Cavalry also patrols the perimeter around this mine. A tall wooden fence surrounds the area. F. Ore Slave Pens: A small group of slaves that work at the smelter. Guarded and fenced.

molds or ingots. It is these bars or rods that are then sold (gold, silver or iron bars). 4. Military Base: Barracks for the soldiers, royal guard and elite

cavalry that patrol the mine area and smelting annex. Also has stables and extra, special wagons for transporting silver and gold ingots.

5. Weaponsmith: Marc Genlo is the preeminent town weaponsmith. He and his assistants make bladed weapons and armor. This is a one story building that covers over 3000 square feet. Several similar, vacant buildings are nearby. These are owned by the

crown and can be equipped in a few days to turn out equipment during an emergency. Many guards. 6. M & B Tannery and Leather Supply: Produces leather for clothing and for armor. 7. Byron's General Market: Meat and vegetables are sold here.

Prices are average. 8. Town Grain and Flour Supply 9. Syanda Hotel: Mainly used by traveling businessmen. Comfortable rooms for 25 gold a night. A hot bath is 5 gold. 10. Zimmer Kitchen Goods: Metal pots, pans, cups and cutlery. Average prices. 11. Blacksmith 12. Bera's Stables 13. Town Dance Hall: The whole family can come for a good time. No alcoholic drinks are served, local musicians often get their start here. 14. Temple of Light and Dark: Three priests are present at any time. Very well attended. 15. Forces Hammer Drop: A weekend drinking establishment that

attracts illegal gambling. Three tall, well muscled helpers are on hand in case of any disagreements among the patrons. Drinks are high quality,

average prices. 16. Town Market Square: Among the 12 shops found here are: butcher, candle maker, fruit market, fish market, bakery, shoes and shoe repair, work clothes, toys and furniture. There is also an area of covered stalls available to merchants by the day. 50 gold per day for a small one; 150 gold per day for a large. 17. Barracks of the Royal Guard: A contingent of the royal guard patrols the market square, but mainly patrols the royal mint area. The

barracks and the mint are surrounded by the same fence. 18. The Royal Timiro Kingdom Mint: Under royal decree, all coinage is minted here. Resident artisans produce the designs for the stamping machines that press the images into the coin blanks. Royal stamps and seals are also produced here. Heavily guarded. H. Mint Vaults: Beneath the floor of the two story mint building are the two floors of vaults. The first floor is for silver coins and ingots,

and is also storage for the coin design stamping forms for silver. The second floor is for gold coin and ingots and storage for the coin design stamping forms. This includes storage for the designs and stamping forms for royal stamps and seals. In all, one million in coin and bullion resides here. 19. Syanda Town Council Building: Offices and meeting hall. 20. Granary 21. Temple of Rurga 22. Church of the Seven Waters 23. Stables 24. Warehouse 25. Kamaran's Special Training Academy: A private training camp run by the retired and renowned warrior Sean Kamaran. Admis-

G. Kingdom Smelting Works Annex: A separate furnace building for smelting silver and gold. Very heavily guarded and only humans are allowed near it. The building has a stone wall around it. The royal guard

and elite cavalry patrol here. 1. Axlon and Grinit, Healers: One is a 2nd level elf and the latter is a 3rd level human. Healers don't often have close friends, but these two are like brothers. Costs for services are based on what the healed person can afford. This small building is their office and home. 2. Public Bathhouse: For two gold you get soap and a warm (not hot) shower.


Low Hills


E. Gold Mine

i Iron Mines



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A. The Mines Complex









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DDDD Scale in Feet

nn Based on Designs by Alex Marciniszyn





sion to the academy is very selective. However, the primary criteria are strong determination and intelligence. Kamaran is a recognized military

Tanith is an agricultural community involved in the growing and harvesting of grain both for the Timiro Kingdom and for exportation to

genius not interested in training idiots to kill. The sons (and on occasion daughters) of nobility are often sent here. Officers in the Royal Timiro Army (and associate services) are also sent here for "final polishing". The average tenure for a young student is four years. Further, if the student does not enter the service after 4 years, he/she is equal to a 2nd level soldier, and must return once every 4 years for review. The older

the East and South. The town, its buildings and silos are all relatively new. In days not long past, Tanith was a small prison town known for its cruelty and vast number of non-human prisoners. In a raid by marauders from the Old Kingdom, the entire town was leveled. Even the

infamous stone dungeon prison was reduced to rubble. All that remained were the four stone watchtowers. Shortly after that time, a man named Ann Gatik was knighted and granted the land of Tanith as his fief for his valiant 35 years of service on the borders. At first shunned by the simple townspeople, he is now regarded as a wise and tolerant man. Some regard Sir Arin as a mystic for it was only he who was able to make peace with the spirits of those who died in the old dungeon. This has not taken away the fear the people have for any evil spirits that may still lurk there, but are now believed to be controlled by Sir Arin. Thus, the old ruins are avoided by the townspeople, especially at night. Sir Arin has no fear of the dungeons and built his home 300 ft. away from the ruins to assure the townsfolk of its safety. Sir Arin Gatik is in excellent physical condition for a man of seventy-two years of age. Though slow moving and lame, his throwing arm and eye are almost as keen as in youth. Pleasant and friendly to everyone, those few who can peer below the surface of this man's thoughts might see more than a wealthy land owner. During his youth Arin Gatik was famed as a peerless warrior who led a group of fighting men second to none. He and his raiders would wreak havoc along the Old Kingdom border in their endeavors to route villainous non-humans from invading Timiro. Few would connect this aged man with the merciless masked warrior known only as the Viper. Indeed, most people believe the Viper to be dead (few men alive have ever seen his true face). His three sons and most of his men have since moved on to new adventures in the East. Sir Arin's choice of Tanith for his, alleged, retirement home is not without purpose. He now heads a successful smuggling operation. At irregular intervals, raiding and smuggling ships come to shore at night, avoiding the dock area used by commercial grain carrier ships. Using the beach and the lighthouse as their reference; they weigh anchor and unload contraband and booty, storing it in the dungeons below the old prison ruins. After a period of time, the goods are removed by sea or by land and sold. Sir Arin's cut is 30 percent for use of his secret facilities, transportation and consultation. (NOTE: The goods are always guarded, usually by both Sir Arin's men and a handful of smugglers responsible for the goods). Should any townspeople hear or see anything unusual, they will always attribute it to the evil spirits of the dungeon ruins and give the area a wide berth. One of Arin Gatik's most note worthy accomplishments is the establishing of a large community entertainment theater. This is for the enjoyment of both the townspeople and himself. Some of the talent is local but most are solicited from outside the town. Aspiring playwrights, minstrels, singers, mimes, clowns and others come to present themselves to Sir Arin for a chance to perform. All entertainers are provided with free room and board and a modest fee which varies depending on Sir Arin's enjoyment of their act.

students are let go when Kamaran decides they are ready. The net result is a highly disciplined individual. 26. Offices of Urgen Mining: Karl Urgen is one of the largest mining concerns. 27. Miners' Guild: Fights to make sure that independent miners' will not have their legal claims challenged by any, larger group of miners. Every now and then an individual or family still strikes it rich. Just as often, similar concerns disappear overnight when a mine dries up. 28. Claims' Office: A Credian official appointed by the king issues claim certificates. A small staff of surveyors and miners goes out to confirm the location and type of claim. 29. Miners' Supply: Tools, shovels, rope, chain, etc. and other needed items. Small shop - good prices. 30. Iron Wholesale House: Stores, and supplies iron for export. 24 hour guard. 31. Gwelik's Transport: Horses and wagons provided to businesses for moving. Guard services are available. 32. Warehouse: Dry goods, mostly pots and pans for export. 33. Johnathan, Silversmith: Most of his business is with merchants passing through town. He specializes in small, easily affordable items. 34. Tinker 35. Stables 36. Fine Metal Images: Makes silver mirror frames, snuff boxes, candle holders, buttons, and other functional silver products. No jewelry. Most of their products are destined for export. This is a heavily guarded stone building. Their growth is limited due to laws about how much silver a business can buy at a time. 37. Golden Memories: A family owned business that sells gold

jewelry and specialty items. Among the latter are small statuettes of strange creatures and famous historical figures. They have an arrangement with a jeweler in Credia to have some of them fitted with gems. 38. Syanda Export Agency: Run by an aging, well traveled former metals merchant. He and his trained assistants will represent your products throughout the kingdom. He charges 10% of sales plus expenses. 39. Gold Dust Saloon: A worker's meeting place, especially for miners. Rumor has it that the janitor picks up a little gold dust himself. No hard liquor; mostly beer and ale. Average prices. 40. The Crescent Moon: A pub frequented by local thieves and hoodlums. Their numbers are small and some are just passing through to pick up "work" in Credia. Watered drinks, gambling. Low prices. 41. Town Barber

42. Stables 43. Scotten Cartographer: A map maker that supplies maps to as-


piring new miners. Maps of neighboring Credia also sell well. Average prices.

• Most Mercenaries under Sir Arin's employ are completely loyal to him. None are less than second level. • Sir Arin is respected and loved by most townspeople.


• The townspeople know nothing of Sir Arin's past or smuggling activities. • Strangers (travelers, meres etc. are viewed with suspicion and

Population: 390 plus approx. 60 non-human slaves

treated coolly by both townspeople and mercenary law enforcers. Sir Arin rarely sees travelers personally, but is always friendly and fair.

87% Human 5% Other 8% Slaves Farm Community, specialize in the cultivation and exportation of grains.

• The elf, Old Melthan, is an old and loyal sidekick from Sir Arin's days as the Viper. They are good friends, a fact well known by the townspeople. If some ill should befall Melthan, no mercy will be



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shown to the perpetrators; they will be tracked down and tortured to death. • Approximate number of mercenaries. 46-Second level meres. 24 Third to forth level meres

6 Third level rangers 2 Second level fire Warlocks (both elves). • Trees line the west coastline to break the wind. • No commercial armor or magic/magic shops or major God/church. • Gods: majority follow the Pantheon of Light and Dark. • Livestock are limited to cattle, goats, pigs, chickens etc. for town

and personal use rather than commercial. SIR ARIN GATIK (a.k.a. The Viper) Human 12th level mercenary Age: 72, but in superb physical condition Alignment: Abberant Hit Points: 77S.D.C.: 14 Armor: Magic lightweight Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 200, but is commonly dressed in a leather vest, A.R. 6, S.D.C. 10 and fine clothing. Attacks Per Melee: 4 hand to hand. Bonuses:+4 to damage, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge (all include P.P. bonus, but do not include all hand to hand nor W.P. Bonuses). Weapons: Flamberge does 3D6 damage, Military fork 2D4+2 damage, Morning Star 2D6 damage, Knives 1D6 damage, Large Magic Dagger returns to the thrower, does IDS damage, indestructible, gold plated handle.

CODE KEY The business and import/export part of town. It is here that the shipping docks are located. 1. Tavern that caters to sailors. 2. Boarding house; highish rates. 3. General supplies and tobacco shop. 4. Boarding house; fair rates. 5. Largest boarding house/inn; low prices, many small rooms. 6. The Sea-gulls Roost; a popular tavern attached to the boarding house; serves fair to good food, hard liquor and even has a tattoo parlor on the second floor. 7. Maria's; a small inn and spice shop (including a variety of candy imported from the West). High prices matched by high quality. 8. Guard house/prison; always contains eight to twelve 4th level mercenaries, loyal to their employer, Sir Arin. They keep the peace and

The wealthy part of town; merchants, traders, craftsmen (and smugglers). 19. The White Dwarf Tavern; fine wines a specialty. 20. Tailor and fabric shop.

guard the trade exchange. 9. The trade exchange handles all import and exportation matters as

21. Black smith and silver works. 22. Stables: 2D6 horses of varying quality.

well as money-changing and contracts. Old Melthan (elf) 6th level air warlock, runs the exchange. 2,000 to 12,000 gold in various coinage is present at any given time; always guarded and locked away. 10. The Skipper's Tavern.

23. General supplies store.

The Slave Camp 24. Stables and storage for wagons and tools. 4D3 work horses always present. Guarded around the clock by four meres. 25. Guard barracks: houses 6D4 guard/slave masters. 26. The slaver's home.

11. The granary. Always guarded by 2D4 mercenaries. 12.100 ft. tall stone tower, manned by two meres. 13. 100 ft. tall stone tower; this particular one is also used as a lighthouse. At night it is manned by two meres and a 3rd level fire warlock; by day, two meres. The night shift is involved in Sir Arin's smuggling activities. 14. The ruins of the old prison (secret smugglers' hideaway). 15.100 ft. tall stone tower, manned by two meres. 16.100 ft. tall stone tower, manned by two meres. 17. Sir Arin's home; two stories, total of 24 rooms, made of stone. A six foot tall stone wall surrounds the estate. 1D4 loyal guards (meres) patrol the grounds. 18. Sir Arin's private stables; contains 2D4 fine riding horses worth approximately 2400 gold each. Stable hand lives there.

27. Slave compound that contains four slave barracks; mostly ore, occasionally ogres, and goblins. 20% chance of rare/or exotic races such as troll, wolfen or giant. The latter races are usually sold on the

slave market. A minimum of 40 slaves at all times (maximum 100). 28. Guard barracks: 4-8 guards at all times.

The Residential Section 29. Stables; 6D4 work horses. 30. Wheelwright; wagon and wheel construction and repair. 31. Blacksmith. 32. General supplies.


33. Tavern.

for a moderately high fee. He also sells books and paper, but neither of

34. Leather Shop. 35. Community entertainment hall/theater. 36. Boarding house. 37. Tavern. NOTE: Unmarked squares indicate residences; in the case of Tanith, they are the homes of farmers and laborers. Unmarked circles are grain storage.

exceptional quality.

20. Al's Lounge: Al Hraboski makes his money by lending to those who can't pay their taxes. His interest rates are quite high. He also accepts materials for pawn. 21. Zephyr Trade and Pawn Shop: Many interesting and unusual items can be found here. The shop has a reputation for trading anything, anytime. The proprietor is a hob-goblin. 22. Opportunity Knocks: Employment agency, a branch of a system based in Aracho. This service recruits humans and non-humans alike, mainly for domestic and labor jobs. However, this organization


has been known to handle Army contracts, too. 23. Storehouse and Wine Cellar: Where prize and inferior wines

Population: 560 A small town with two major industries - brewing and wine making. Hops, grapes, and grain are cultivated just outside of town. It is also a travelers rest stop. The Temple of Light and Dark runs the town. 1. Silson Winery: Produces a medium grade red wine that is very popular in Aracho taverns and inns. Wine master Edarl Silson practically created the town of Tax by placing his winery here. 2. Carlson Brewery: Makes a fine beer that is for the more discriminating taste. Brewmaster Reginald Carlson was once a good friend of Silson, but their families have been feuding over the town and ethical standards for two decades. 3. Barrelhouse: Owned by the Brewery, the barrelhouse makes a slight surplus from time to time, and sells to other local businesses. 4. Granary: Storage facility for wheat, oats, hops, and barley is owned by the town of Tax. The Brewery is the prime client. 5. Vordern Kiln: Makes the ceramic seals for the wine, and also makes long-term storage containers for grain. Vordern is a sour, unambitious little man. 6. Sea Breeze Inn: Two stories, capacity for twenty-five (private), thirty (public) rooms. Tavern downstairs can serve forty at once. Has a dozen or so semi-permanent residents. 7. Sophie's Counseling Service: A low priced marriage counselor. 8. Ralph's Outfitters: Any supplies needed for roughing it. Also the last place to resupply before Nisi. 9. Village Market: Live hogs, chicken, sheep, goats, etc., as well as grain products and vegetables. 10. Regional Tax Offices: Responsible for collection and computation of taxes for Bith, Marmana, Tax, and points east. Tax collected is not always monetary. 11. Elysian Baths: A favorite spot for the traveling wealthy. Has accommodations for a dozen. 12. Public Storehouse: Citizens may store items here for a nominal fee. Of course, the tax people do not have to pay, and they usually store nonmonetary tax collections here. 13. Temple of Light: Religion blossoms with prosperity, and thus we have one of the largest temples outside Aracho and the Pyramid of Osiris. The temple practically runs the day-to-day decisions of the town. 14. Craddock Bottler: Serving the winery and the brewery. Old Craddock is dead, and young Craddock is trying to buy out Vordern's kiln. 15. Plaster 'N' Brick: Shoestring operation that handles the building and repairs in town and outlying areas. 16. Boscoe's Bread: Breads and pastries, and specialty meats as well. Boscoe is a jolly fellow (and wealthy) with three lovely, unmarried daughters. 17. Joe's Barber Shop: Joe and his barbers are diversified, being part-time sheep shearers as well. 18. Seventh Heaven Beds: Hay and wool bedding. Frames as well. Proprietor doubles as town carpenter. 19. Maps Galore - Cartographer: Sells, copies, and makes maps

are stored.

24. Affordable Art: Open-air exhibitor and seller of all kinds of art. Ceramics, wood carvings, sculptures, paintings, etc. 25. Edarl Silson, elf, lives in this house that is quite richly appointed. He is perhaps the most influential and least hated member of his race in the region.

26. Reginald Carlson, human, and family live in this modest house. The Carlsons and their employees are the only ones in town holding a grudge against Silson, and that lowers them in the eyes of the other townspeople. 27. Eastern Baubles: Trinkets and other cheap items supposedly manufactured in Nisi, or the Eastern Territory. 28. Joe's Secondhand Goods: Junkyard run by the barber's son. Most items are absolutely worthless, but there are some hidden treasures cast off by those unaware of their value.

29. Turin Mill: for grinding grain. The only place in town where ores are not beaten or otherwise degraded. 30. The Splattered Brains: A gruesome little tavern frequented by thugs and mercenaries. A good place to get information about the dirty dealings in town. 31. Pelana Griggs, human, lives here with her two grown sons and their families. Pelana is the inn keeper.

32. Constabulary: This is where Constable Mack refuses to do any reasonable work whatsoever. His deputy son, Little Mack, also slacks off. 33. Stables: for the inn. Run by a goblin indentured servant; the sta-

bles are clean and well kept, but usually empty. Some horses disappear mysteriously while at the same time Boscoe's receives a large order of rare meats. 34. Bounty Hunter: "Pops" Thorseu has been tracking down runaway ores and other criminals for fifteen years in this area. 35. Guide's Professional Guards: Bodyguards, but mostly used by Al's Loans and the Tax Offices as strong-arm men.

YRIA Population: 1680

CODE KEY 1. Moran Tackle Shop: Charlie Moran sells heavy-duty tackle and live bait. He lives next to his shop. 2. Bernie's Boats and Repairs: Sells and repairs two and four-man fishing boats. Most respected of the boat shops on the bay. 3. Nets for Sale: Commercial fishing nets and ropes. The nets are made in the shop, but some better quality nets from Aracho are also on sale. 4. Gary's Cooper Shop: Barrels for fish and eels. Also does gunwales for boats. 5. Live Shrimp Market: Shrimp and eels, most live. Does a bang-



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Based on Designs by Peter Schermerhorn


30. Foreign Jewelry Exchange: Clearing house for foreign jewelry. Trades accepted. Some exchanges seem uneven in terms of quality, but

up local business. 6. Mesmer, Arcane: Mesmer tells fortunes by slipping people into trances and asking about their past and present. Then when he foretells a person's future, he can interpret more correctly. Mostly respected, but some fear that his visions are too dark, dismal, and accurate. 7. Lou's Art Supply: Everything from clay to pencils to tempera to canvas to brushes. Lou has limited but loyal clientele. 8. Lady's Linen: Lingerie and fine dresses, as well as better material in raw form, undyed and uncut. 9. Bolina China Shop: Fine china and porcelain imported from the

the quality of being foreign compensates. 31. Tapestries of the East: Tapestries and mosaics both large and small. The latter do a brisker business, and some of the larger tapestries have gone unsold for years. Rugs as well. 32. Porters: Ore porters and their human keepers. Nothing gets hauled outside city limits, however. 33. Yria Inn and Tavern: Accommodations for sixty. Tavern is quite popular with locals. 34. Thousand Songs Instrument Shop: Mostly woodwinds and strings. Several harmonicas, ocarinas, etc. 35. Gaileau's Florist Shop: Decorative flowers grown in protected lot in back. Wards protect the flowers, which are somewhat uncommon. 36. Temple of Light: Local chapter of the Gods of Light. Well at-

East and elsewhere. 10. Imported Wines and Liquers: Silson wine is sold here, but emphasis is on rare wine and exotic liqueurs. Chartreuse is a house favorite.

11. B. Martins, Goldsmith: Brenda Martins is the only female goldsmith in this part of the country, but her quality is excellent and her reputation widespread. The walls are reinforced, as she keeps quite a lot of raw stock about. Her specialty is selling fine stones in floral patterns. 12. Fine Crystal: As the name indicates, fine crystal and beautiful

tended. 37. Stables, for Yria Inn: Places for horses, mules, dogs. 38. Nation's Express, Courier: Branch of Aracho firm, mostly doing runs to that city. 39. Stables, for the Abrean Coast. 40. The Abrean Coast Inn: Accommodations for ninety. This is one of the best inns in this half of the kingdom outside of Aracho. It is especially known for its fine seafood restaurant. 41. Hagelstein's Bake Shop: Specializing in pastries and a local bread with crab meat cooked in. 42. Yria Slave Market: Main market outside of Aracho. Does a trade mostly in laborers and farm hands. 43. William Blither, Rumor monger: Blither to spread - or not to spread - rumors or make formal announcements. He loves his work. 44. Steele's Leather Shop: Tanning shop, also sells fairly intricate and good quality leather goods. 45. Lorenzo Lucas, Tanner: Tanning leather only, no retail. He sells wholesale to buyers from Aracho. 46. Sudsy Soap Factory: The ever-popular Sudsy Soap is made here and sold here and in Aracho.

glassware are sold here, but made in another part of the kingdom. 13. Warren Remington, Portrait Artist: Mostly just the artist's house and studio, as he is wealthy enough to remain idle. He has performed commissions for most of the nobility in this part of the kingdom. 14. Ezmirelda's, Perfumer: Real name, Maxie Schruber. His brother-in-law runs a whaling house in Nibis, and gets him his whale oil cheap. The markup on these cheap perfumes is horrendous. Neighbor-

ing merchants look down on this little man and his products, but the populace still buys. 15. Albert Theodore, Surgeon: Good man with saw or needle and

thread. Also has a knack for treating minor diseases derived from drinking the local water. 16. Felt Shop: Felter custom works felt and velvet onto just about anything. 17. Lude Goodfriend, Matchmaker: Gnarled but kindly old

woman who knows people better than they do themselves. 18. Carnival and Curiosity Shop: Noisemakers, party hats, toys, dolls, etc. Proprietor is a female dwarf named Sippie Mackle.

47. Banion's Gelatins: Using bone meal, Banlon makes gelatin and sells it in bulk. 48. Melville Musedorte, Vellum Maker: Uses lambskin to make

19. Yria Lapidary Shop: Tumbles and polishes stones of no great value that come out of the mines. 20. Grey Harbor Import House: Spices, wicker, sculpture, paintings, oils, dyes, pets, gift items from all over the continent. Some of the

fine vellum, and sells it from the shop. 49. Lanny's Hats and Shoes: Lanny is a goblin, and isn't bad at

making hats and shoes. However, his ore salesman scares a lot of customers off. 50. Yria Area, Town Criers: Local announcements for royal decrees, but mostly used by area businesses for sales and attracting holiday business.

material is second-hand, but still valuable. Set up with booths. 21. Custom Tailoring by Marquis: This effeminate man and his homely female assistant are a laugh a minute (not that they mean to be).

22. Tobacconist: Pipes, tobacco, and cheap booze all sold here. Proprietor is a half-ore, but seems to be just an ugly human. 23. Miller's Barber Shop: Two elderly men and an ore apprentice do a conservative business. 24. Moodstone Clothes: Latest fashions from Aracho, and some imports as well. Popular with the younger crowd, but considered tacky

51. Mordred Yew, Falconer: Yew and his son teach falconry and are personal employees of several wealthy families. 52. White's Meatery: Retail meat market, on a large scale. 53. Shady Lane Inn: Quaint, homey, accommodations for twenty-

five. 54. Stables, for Shady Lane: Also deals in horses.

by those more conservative. 25. Yria Town Office: Officers of the city jail, and courtroom. 26. District Road Authority: Accommodations for more than

55. The Chicken Ranch, Brothel: Eight down-home girls to serve any man's pleasure. 56. Ada's Vegetable Market: Wide variety. Ada works across the

thirty ores, and offices as well. Ores clean and repair roads in work crews on all four roads for over thirty miles.

road at times for extra money. 57. Yria Coach Stop: Clean area with benches and concessions. 58. Charles Hermit, Lanternmaker: Makes lanterns for the fish-

27. Sam's Pawn: Sam is an honest dealer, and a trifle too generous.

Most people come to him to pawn things if they ever want them back. 28. Phil's Silver Wares: Silverware, pewter, and platinumware, all

ing boats. Word of mouth has it that he also reads Tarot cards. 59. Candoth Valley Resale Shop: A pawn shop that does a high turnover. 60. Allies River Hutch, Brothel: Elven professionals.

of high quality but definitely warranted prices. 29. Incense and Herbs, Ltd.: Imported incenses for religious or pleasurable uses, and herbs that can be used in spells or food dishes.



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Based on Designs by Peter Schermerhorn

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61. Tapper's Boat Repair: Tapper takes his time and does it right. 62. Bait and Tackle: Dead bait, tackle for commercial or leisure. 63. Gruber's Fish Market: Cod and tuna are the common fish. Shellfish are also sold, and occasionally there will be some shark meat. Once a sea dragon was cut up, but it didn't sell very well. 64. Gruber's Refined Fish Oil: Cod oil, etc. for lanterns and lubricants. 65. Neal's Used Boats: Seedy boat dealer of extraordinary sliminess. Uses paint instead of glue and nails. 66. Walter Johnson, Pitch Shop: Supplies pitch wholesale and retail. 67. Sail Shop: Sailmakers, mostly fishermens' wives. 68. The Soaring Eagle Tattoo Shop: Specializes in birds of prey and sea monsters. 69. Nets and Cages: Provides fishing nets and lobster, crab, and shark cages. 70. Board and Oar Shop: Raw materials for boat building and repair. 71. Cod Oil Refinery: Only cod is processed here, unlike Gruber's. 72. Black Mare Coaches: Fine coaches made here, the slow, careful way. The workshop owners and builders are hob-goblins. The ore "slaves" are really paid employees. 73. Hack's, Cobbler: The finest shoes in town, bar none, are produced here. 74. Designs by Sydney: The only clothes designer to have clothes sold in Aracho that does not live in Aracho or outside the area. 75. Eb Uknezer, Farming Consultant: Eb and his staff are troubleshooters for all kinds of farming problems - from poor crops to market pricing to farming hands. 76. Arvin Border, Plaster and Cement: Renegade mason, not in the Guild. His prices are ridiculously low. 77. Shylock and Cutler, Moneylenders: Shylock negotiates the contract and Cutler enforces it, sometimes brutally. 78. Payne & Mutton, Financial Consultants: Advise on investments, steer people away from Shylock & Cutler. 79. Bob's Bakery: High volume business, providing local markets

and quick work for the Army, but also has good quality weapons for public sale. 94. Robert Jongleur, Tumbling and Polishing: A lapidary that rivals the Yria Lapidary Shop. 95. Discount Books and Paper: Used books, most in poor condition. Also sells paper that has obviously been soaked and repressed, a

poor grade of pulp. 96. Brendlin, Blacksmith: Mostly a horseshoer and tool maker. 97. Drilson Waxman, Surgeon: Not the best by far as surgeons go, but eager to prove his worth. He has been known to remove teeth and

limbs and organs that may have been healed or otherwise dealt with. 98. Waxman's Apothecary: Waxman of course charges exceptionally high prices. 99. Harold Morant, Horse breeder: Better known as "Breaker," Harry is the finest horse breeder and trainer in this half of the kingdom. 100. Henry James, Mason: A local mason that specializes in re-

pairs. 101. Surplus and Secondhand: Resale shop of awesome proportions - there seems to be about two of anything you can think of. 102. Herschel Strider, Tailor: The poor man's tailor. He specializes in uniforms for ores and domestics. 103. Cape and Blade, Money lenders: Their clientele is growing,

as any money they lend for business investments always seems to be a boon. The business always turns out thriving. Of course, Mr. Cape and Mr. Blade are rather fond of their money, and do everything they can to

protect it. 104. Darryl Marks, Weaver: Weaves horse, sheep, goat, and human hair into bizarre patterns. 105. Little Shop of Honors: Pawn shop that has rather intriguing

but flawed items of all sorts that seem to have been there a long time. 106. Dye Shop: Mostly for leather items and creations by Darryl Marks. 107. Marvel Wilk, Candlemaker: Marvel is a female dwarf. She

employs two humans and makes such bizarrely shaped and formed candles that her work is considered art. 108. Lordsen Barber Shop: Four barbers and two coiffures to serve

anyone's needs. 109. Harvey Sand, Glassmaker: Makes dinner glasses, windows,

with bread, biscuits, cookies, etc. 80. Petra Bergen Herbalist: A local legend. She believes in the healing properties of her herbs, but when they fail, she uses her learned

bottles, and mirrors. 110. Frank Cannon Gravel Yard: Mostly a penal establishment

healing skill. 81. Bertha's Brothel: Crudest brothel in town. Patronized by army

for difficult ore slaves. The gravel is used in making cement and plaster. 111. Apcoe Hardware Mart: A branch of an Aracho firm, it provides tools and supplies for urban and rural dwellers. 112. Graves General Store: One of the oldest buildings in town, it is a country store that has nearly been swallowed into the town. 113. Bosson's Dairy Market: An outlet for the dairy house, sells all

men. 82. Roger Mason, Masonry: Foremost guild member in the area. He has all of the major building contracts in town. 83. Yria General School; Upper Class: For those who are preparing for further study in Aracho. 84. Yria General School; Lower Class: Preparatory for the Upper Class, but mostly trade school. 85. Robert Charles, Wainwight: Rough wagons for sturdy all-purpose use. 86. Opportunity Knocks, Employment Agency: Strictly for the town itself. Not too many clients. A branch of the Aracho firm. 87. Barracks A: Fifth battalion. 88. Barracks Supply Shack: And mess hall. 89. Barracks B: Fifth battalion. 90. Barracks C: Accommodations for 40 enlisted men and 2 officers. 91. Headquarters, Army: Fifth battalion, southeast sector, Timiro Royal Forces. 92. Yria General Armorer: Repairs and order for the Army. 93. Red Heron Weapon smithy: Worked by a kobold. Does cheap

kinds of dairy and poultry items.


FORT TYPE ONE: Underground Dwarven Stronghold Code Key 1. Main entrance above surface. 2. Vestibule; always guarded, 28 men. 3. Stairs to main room; often booby-trapped. 4. Main room and Dining hall. 5. Water Cistern. 6. Secret passage. 7. Guest rooms. 8. Guest quarters. 9. Officer's quarters. 10. Kitchen. 11. Barracks. 12. Armory. 13. Barracks. 14. Prayer room. 15. Livestock (goats, pigs, chickens). 16. Stables and smith. 17. Granary, supplies and tools. 18. Tunnel to a secret exit approximately 400 ft. from surface entrance.

FORT TYPE TWO: Traditional with Moat CODE KEY 1. Wheelwright and carpenter. 2. Blacksmith. 3. Stables. 4. Rear Gate Tower. 5. Front Gate Tower. 6. Dining Hall and kitchen. 7. Granary silo. 8. Main barracks. 9. Officer's barracks. 10. Armory. 11. Storage/supplies. 12. Guest quarters. 13. Shrine/chapel.


Fort Type Two Underground forts are occasionally built by dwarves for human use against the common foe, ogres. These small strongholds always have an easily found main entrance, a secret tunnel entrance and once in a while, a roof trap door. Usually burrowed into hillsides and manned by about 50 soldiers, these forts are important links in the valiant human chain holding fast against the sweeping attacks made by ogre bands from the mountains.

The moat is usually a trench 30ft. across and 20ft. deep. It may be water filled (though not likely) or rimmed with wood spikes (palisade). Front Gate Tower with drawbridge and portcullis (iron gate). Manned by 2 to 8 watch-men/gate-keepers at all times. When under siege, archers or spear men man the tower roof and arrow slits. Rear Gate Tower is identical to front.

Similar dwarven size strongholds are found scattered throughout the Old Kingdom particularly near and in the mountains. Abandoned by dwarves long ago, they are often used by goblins, ore's and occasionally ogres. As is common with most dwarven design, secret doors are used liberally. Layout, room size and the number of rooms may vary slightly from fort to fort.

Most of the forts along the Eastern and Northern borders are wood, while those along the mountain range are often stone. A walkway rims the walls so that warriors can defend them. The walls stand 16 to 24 feet tall. The buildings within the fort are usually constructed of wood or clay with, perhaps, one stone building as a final defensive stronghold.

The walls (and gate tower) can be constructed from wood or stone.


Cut Away Side View Showing the 3 Levels __




Based on Concepts by Paula Leasure

Type Three Forts: Scale in Feet 20


Castle Keep Style


The courtyard is used for drills, exercise, and training and can be used to house refugees (tents are pitched). A fence often rings the fort as additional fortification. The wooden or clay guard posts outside the

These castle keep type strongholds are always at least two stories tall, of stone construction and often have a moat around it. The interior rooms may vary in design, use and placement depending on individual needs. This is especially true of cavalry forts. The size may also vary and a few even have a third floor. The entire fort is designed to withstand heavy siege with walls never thinner than 8 feet thick and averag-

fort are manned by 1 to 4 soldiers to survey the outer perimeter and enforce order in the neighboring fort towns.

ing 15 to 20 feet thick. Type three forts are generally found in major areas of hostility or strategic locations. The largest of all these forts is Fort Indo near the city of Old Timiro.

Fort towns are an assembly of tents and shabby wood or clay structures that are built and inhabited by refugees or fearful local farmers/peasants. These crude shanty towns rarely exceed a population of more than a few hundred. Although the majority are poor peasants,

CODE KEY Ground Level

pawnbrokers, merchants, and gypsies often set up shop, especially if near a heavily traveled route.

2. Inner gate; portcullis (iron grill) or two foot thick logs bound in iron.

1. Outer gate; one foot thick logs bound with rope or steel gate.

3. Inner courtyard. 4. Kitchen 5. Well

Layout varies from fort to fort to satisfy each ones individual needs. Some may include additional lodging for travelers/guests, supply store,

shrines, stockade, larger stables, etc. A typical fort will be manned by 64 to 148 soldiers/mere's, but not all may employ men of magic or priests.

6. Secret spiral stairs to upper level. 7. Spiral staircase


Bird's Eye View No Scale Provided

Scale in Feet 0





Basic Floor Plan



Scale in Feet

8. Spiral staircase 9. Guard's common room (lounge)




10. Gate tower - round room for weapon storage. 11. Barracks

12. Barracks 13. Secret passage 14. Captain's room

15. Secret passage to courtyard 16. Privy 17. Receiving room

18. Captain's office 19. Privy 20. Soldier's mess 21. Secret passage 22. Servant's or workmen's quarters 23. Servant's or worker's quarters 24. Servant's or worker's quarters

25. Craftsmen's room (carpenter, blacksmith, weaponsmith, etcv 26. Food storage 27. Wine and beer storage

28. Stables, or chapel or barracks 29. Prison cells

30. Stable yard 31. Stables for horses and/or livestock.

32. Secret passage that leads to outside the walls. Known only to the fort commander and his trusted officers.

33. Reinforced prison area for especially dangerous or important prisoners.

34. Prison guards and torture chamber 35. Dog kennel

36. Storage for livestock, grains and equipment. 37. Weapons storage or storage area. 38. Secret storage room, extra or special weapons. 39. Gate tower, guarded, weapon or food storage. 40. Storage room or stables.

Upper Level 1. Secret stairs to lower level accessed by secret door. 2. Great Dining Hall

3. Spiral stairway 4. Spiral stairway

5. Six foot wide walkways, overlooks the courtyard as a defensive device. Archers and spear men have an easy shot at any invaders who may penetrate the gate.

6. Open air space above court 7. Gate tower with arrow slits; always guarded. 8. Fort Commanders' chamber 9. Guard lounge or storage. 10. Commander's sitting room 11. Priest's or healer's room 12. Secret room for special supplies or religious items.

3. Open Air Looks

Down at the Courtyard

13. Commander's bedroom 14. Priest's receiving room, or study or chapel. 15. Privy 16. Sick room; infirmary and medical supplies. 17. Vestibule 18. Side terrace, with arrow slits, always guarded with lookouts. 19. Music room or game hall


20. Open chamber; can be used as a chapel, or ward for the sick and injured, or quarters for guests or refugees.


21. Guest chamber

Type Three Fort, with moat, stone construction.

22. Guest chamber 23. Large guest lounge, richly furnished, or soldiers quarters. 24. Storage room 25. A secret passage usually known to the commander and his top officers. 26. Rear terrace with arrow slits, always guarded with lookouts.

The fort is quite large and stands as the safeguard of the Aberla Mountain Pass. It is an extremely sturdy edifice designed to withstand a prolonged siege. In addition to the standard layout, it contains additional courtyard stables for both horses and livestock, a vast grain reserve, additional quarters for refugees and an extra large courtyard also to accommodate refugees. Built 500 years ago, Fort Aberla has fallen

27. Soldier's quarters 28. Soldier's quarters

on four occasions.

224 soldiers man the fort: 24 elven longbowmen (all 3rd level), 68 cavalry men (2nd to 4th level), the remaining men are foot soldiers (1st to 3rd level; standard equipment: spear, short sword, knife, small shield and soft leather armor). NOTE: Wizards are brought in if laid to siege. The men are all soldiers in the Royal Timiro Kingdom Army. With a few exceptions they are well trained, conscientious, polite, spit and polish fighting men. Assignment to Fort Aberla is an honor bestowed to

29. Soldier's quarters 30. Soldier's quarters

31. Soldiers' quarters 32. Side terrace with arrow slits, always guarded with lookout.

33. Soldiers' lounge 34. Privy

the cream of the Timiro military. Thus all are exceptionally skilled, tal-

35. Vestibule

ented, proven valiant in combat or nobility. Generally attributes are higher than average. Mercenaries are never assigned to Aberla. The fort town is small but varies in size depending upon the sea-

36. Guest room

37. Guest room 38. Library or storage 39. Large open chamber, may be used as schoolroom, game hall,

sons and circumstance. It is usually composed of travelers, gypsies, and

wandering merchants. The handful of large, permanent wood buildings include lodgings, stables and taverns. The neighboring area is primarily uninhabited lowlands (short

dance, or divided as additional guest rooms or master's chamber. 40. Soldiers' quarters 41. Gate tower with arrow slits always guarded. 42. Armorer; repair and store arms and armor.

grass and shrubs; no trees) Horses used by the fort include 18 ponies (approx. value 1000 gold each), 26 riding horses (approx. value 1200 gold each), 4 race horses used for special communiques (approx. value 6500 each), 2 war horses (the captain's and the lieutenant's; approx. value 20,000 gold each), and 12 work horses (approx. value 600 gold each). A dozen milk goats, a few cows and poultry are also kept. Captain Sir Lawrence the Red (true name is Lawrence Partha) is the son of a very rich, very old noble family. It is said that his father bought him his p6st here at Fort Aberla (true). Many of the men feel that the Captain is a sissy nobleman who is likely to sell them out to save his own skin. This is unfortunate because it is not true. Sir Lawrence is loyal to his post and to his men and would rather die than sacrifice either. He is a competent fighter as well as a gentleman. 4th level Knight, Human Age: 29 Alignment: Unprincipled

43. Front terrace with arrow slits always guarded with lookouts. It slightly overhangs the gate and has holes in the floor along the wall so that boiling water or oil can be spilled upon attackers of the gate.


Hit Points: 27 S.D.C.: 12

Fort Aberla Fort Ac Fort Alandia

Armor: Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160 Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 12, P.E. 14, P.P. 14, all others average. Skills of Note: Horsemanship (knight), Read/write Southern 58%, Speaks Southern 98%, Elven, Western, Eastern 80%, W.P. Lance,

Fort Areal Fort Bext Fort Brandt

W.P. Blunt, W.P. Sword. Dance 60%, Heraldry 50/55%, Land Navi-

gation 52%, Military etiquette 65%, Hand to Hand: Expert. Personality: Capable, clever, honorable, but lonely and insecure.

Fort Calda Fort Clay


Lieutenant Fuunt Proteela Elf Age: 78

Fort Hilde Fort Ibera Fortlbi Fort Indo Fort Isib Fort Kafi Fort Mirr

6th level Longbowman

Alignment: Anarchist. Hit Points: 43 S.D.C.: 17

Fort Pont

Armor: Scale mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.A. 7, P.S. 12, P.P. 20, P.E. 11, P.B. 26, all others average.

Fort Saka Fort Seb

Skills of Note: W.P. Archery, Horsemanship (general), Forgery 45%, Prowl 50%, wilderness survival 65%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Speaks

Fort Tanda

Elven, Southern, Dwarven, Western 98%, Gobblely 55%. Personality: Extremely arrogant, tough, impudent, self-reliant, confi-

Fort Tirr

dent, dislikes dwarves and nobility. Resents the Captain because the


Attributes: I.Q. 7, M.E. 5, P.S. 21 (+6 to damage), Spd 12, all others average. Magic Abilities: Spells — Dust storm, chameleon, track, dowsing, grow plants, hopping stones, dig, locate minerals, wall of stone, encase object in stone, mend stone, quicksand, repel animals, animate object. Summon lesser elemental 20%. P.P.E.: 77 Skills of Note: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Targeting, Speaks Gobblely, Elven, Dwarven 98%, Ogre 60%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Can't read/write. Personality: Despite disrespect and foul treatment by most of the human soldiers, Rocky is easy going, laid back, and gregarious. He and the elves are all on the best of terms which aggravates the humans even more. Everybody knows that the elves will avenge any foul play that may befall him. Ironically "Rocky" is unaware of this. He is loyal to the fort, Kingdom, and the Captain.

feels that he is not experienced enough for this position (a position he believes should be his). The other soldiers usually look to the Lieutenant for guidance and support. The Thunderer, Sgt. Mike Beeg Human Age: ?4 4th level Air Warlock Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 4 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 10, P.E. 12, all others average. Magic Abilities: Spells — Clap of thunder, cloud of slumber, cloud of steam, change wind direction, howling wind, northwind, wind rush, call lightning, 15ft. air bubble, protection from lightning, invisibility, leaf rustler. Summon lesser elemental 20%. P.P.E.: 102 Skills of Note: W.P. Knives, W.P. Sword, Speaks Southern, Gobblely 98%, Elven and Dwarven 60%, Hand to Hand: Basic. Personality: Schemer, gambler, takes chances, always looking for the best deal. Dislikes all non-humans except elves.

2-8 Priests of Ra (and the pantheon of light) are always present at the fort (2nd level). They are headed by High Priestess Zeetana who rarely leaves the fort (for her own safety as well as the fort's, for she is wanted for the murder of a noble in the Western Empire and hunted by bounty-hunters. The price on her head is 50,000 in Western gold).

Zeetana Human Age: 30

Staff Sgt. "Rocky" Gra, Ore, Age: 26 4th level Earth Warlock Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 29 S.D.C.: 4 Armor: Chain mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44

5th level priestess of Ra Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 4 Alignment: Unprincipled Magic Abilities: Spells—Tongues, Cloud of smoke, extinguish fires, Ignite fire and clerical abilities ... P.P.E.: 60 Skills of Note: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Knives, Horsemanship (general), Speaks Western, Southern 98%, Gobblely and Elf 65%, Hand to Hand: Basic. Personality: Independent, aloof, distant, suspicious, mildly paranoid. Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.B. 12, Spd. 14, all others average.

FORT AC Type Two Fort without moat, stone and wood construction. The fort is relatively new and protects the Eastern tip of the Timiro

Kingdom. Being so far from the heart of the Kingdom and required to maintain order among the multitude of ore and goblin slaves in this region, a full battalion is stationed there. A total of 300 soldiers occupy the fort. 72 sentinels (the elite cavalry - 2nd to 4th level, nobles, horsemanship: knight), 172 light cavalry (1st to 3rd level; horsemanship: general), the remainder are foot soldiers (1st and 2nd level). The men are fairly well trained, loyal to their captain and kingdom but the weeds of corruption and boredom are beginning to take root. The sentinels are the cream of the military, all are humans or elves of noble birth. They are superior fighters on horseback and tend to be cocky and arrogant. It is their responsibility to patrol the coast and trails running from Fort Ac to the pyramid of Osiris. NOTE: Because of the fine reputation of Sir Arin and his mercenaries, they seldom stop at the town of Tanith. Equipment: Standard, see Fort Areal. The light cavalry patrol the farm lands of the surrounding region alert for any signs of insurrection among the ore/goblin slave population. The fort town is surprisingly large and even calls itself the town of Ac. It is frequented by caravans from the East and is likely to become a true town within the next decade. Current population is approximately 300 plus another 100 to 400 transients (meres, merchants, travelers). Horses are of quality: 160 ponies (approx. value 1500 each), 100 riding horses (approx. value 2500 gold each), 24 work horses (approx. value 500 gold each).


The Commander is Captain Jersi Braws, an honest and dutyminded officer who will brook no funny business from his men. Unfortunately he is often away from the fort, personally investigating trouble in the area (he hates being cooped up at the fort; phobia of enclosures). 7th level soldier (light cavalry) Alignment: Principled Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 10 Armor: Double mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 54 Attributes: I.Q. 14, P.S. 14, P.P. 9, P.E. 16, (+1 vs magic/poison), all others average.

hard leather armor, jade statue of Isis (800 gold), clothes, riding gear, leather and chain barding, misc. personal items, 900 gold, pint of Western brandy, War horse: name; Silver, worth 20,000 gold, 41 hit points. Skills of Note: Horsemanship (knight), Climb/Scale Walls 70/65%, Recognize Weapon Quality 65%, W.P. Shield, W.P. Lance, W.P. Sword, W.P. Blunt, Speaks Southern 98%, Elven, Gobblely and Eastern 80%, Read/write Southern 80%, Dance 75%, Heraldry 65/70%, Land Navigation 64%, Military etiquette 80%, Hand to Hand: Expert. Attributes: I.Q. 10, M. E. 7, M.A. 11, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, P.B. 16,Spd. 8 Personality: Quiet, battle-weary, gentle, caring man, fair and honest. NOTE: Best friend is Lieutenant K'm Nisto, elf, 5th level longbowman, age: 36, extremely loyal to the captain, Hit Points: 44, S.D.C.: 10; alignment: unprincipled, I.Q. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 15, P.B. 18, Spd. 11, other attributes average.

Lieutenant Camphar Moss (2nd in Command) Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 10 Armor: Double mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44 Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 12, P.E. 12, all others average. Personality: Corrupt, schemer, con-man, cheater, selfish and cunning. Uses his position and his men for his own gain, has actually struck a deal with the thieves guild in the town of Ac, selling information about patrols and caravan schedules and routes. NOTE: Lieutenant Moss is often left in command while the Captain is gone.

FORT AREAL Type Two Fort with moat, stone construction.

FORT ALANDIA ———— Type II Fort with moat, wood construction. The fort is located near the Northern tip of the Timiro border. It has fallen under siege three times in 44 years, the last time being 13 years ago. A total of 72 mercenaries man the fort. 24 cavalry (all 5th level

meres), 14 longbowmen (3rd level), the remainder are mere, foot soldiers (2nd to 5th level). 88% are human. Seasoned veterans, most of these men are left-overs from the Ogre (and Ore) border wars of 12 years ago. A short bloody skirmish, lasting three years ending with the humans securing the Timiro Kingdoms' Northern borders. Most are natives of the Eastern territory and extremely loyal to the Captain. The general attitude toward strangers will be a guarded friendli-

ness. They will treat travelers coolly but kindly providing common information and basic supplies/food. They may provide an escort of 2 to 8 soldiers if circumstances dictate, but only to Fort Ibera or Baca. This service may be free or require a token payment. There is no fort town, but travelers and merchants often spend the night safe behind the forts

walls. Horses are kept in one large stable and include: 18 ponies (approx. value 1500 gold each), 6 riding horses (approx. value 2000 gold each), 6 work horses (900 gold each) and 3 war horses (approx. value 14,000 each). Horse thieves are promptly executed. Healers: two 4th level healers are employed by the fort. Captain Lee Carter (true name) Human Age: 47 7th level Knight (Native of Timiro)

Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 63 S.D.C.: 16 Armor: Splint, A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82

Attacks Per Melee: 3 attacks hand to hand. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, kick attack, critical strike on 1820, (W.P. bonuses not included). Weapons: Lance does 2D6+2 damage, Bastard sword 2D6+2 damage, Horseman hammer 2D6 damage, Throwing axe 2D4 damage, and two knives 1D6 damage, Large shield. Additional Equipment: Book of poems, Book on the history and legends of the gods of light and dark (both written in southern), Suit of

The fort is several centuries old but has been modified to accommodate a cavalry. This is the site of a border patrol unit. A total of 144 soldiers occupy the fort. They include: 48 sentinels (the elite cavalry, 2nd to 4th level, nobles, horsemanship: knight) 48 light cavalry (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship: general), 28 foot soldiers (1st to 2nd level) and 20 laborers and caretakers for the horses. The men are well disciplined, loyal, courteous, and well trained spit and polish soldiers. The majority are wealthy or of noble birth. Although assignment to Fort Areal is not as prestigious as Fort Aberla or Fort Tirr, it is a distinguished assignment and could lead to reassignment to the more illustrious forts. The Sentinels are the cream of the military but must be human or elven and of undisputable noble lineage. They are the elite cavalry, excellent fighters on horseback and tend to be arrogant and cocky. Their responsibility is to patrol the area between Fort Pont and the city of Smia, as well as the trails in that vicinity. The entire run takes about one week. The sentinels are divided into two units of 24 men each operating on a rotating basis. Equipment: Riding horse, riding gear, lance or military fork, saber, horseman hammer, and chain mail armor (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44). The light cavalry patrol the area between their fort, Fort Clay and the city of Erat. Equipment: pony, riding gear, long spear, cutlass, mace and studded leather armor. The fort town is small, occupied by peasant fanners in shabby huts. The neighboring area is farmland and lowlands. Horses are high quality: 50 ponies (approx. value 1800 gold each), 60 riding horses (approx. value 3500 gold each) and 12 work horses (approx. 600 gold each). Horse thieves are executed or sent to work camps/prison for 6-24 years. The fort Commander is Sir Leonard Balasco (the officer in charge). 7th level Knight, Elven, age: 50 Alignment: Principled Hit Points: 41 S.D.C.: 13 Armor: Scale mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attributes: I.Q. 12, P.S. 14, P.P. 21, (+3 to strike, parry and dodge), P.E. 12, P.B. 19, all others average. Personality: Courteous, hospitable, fair. Sir Rapheal Renko; Captain of the elite Sentinels. 4th level Palladin, Human, age: 27 Alignment: Aberrant Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 10 Armor: Black plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 150 Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 13, P.E. 20, (+3 vs. magic/poison), all others average.


Personality: Fanatical about honor and discipline, tough, independent, fearless in combat. He demands unwavering loyalty from his men and gets it. He never has his men do anything he himself would not do.

Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.P. 15, M.E. 15, P.E. 4, M.A. 9, P. B. 6, P.S. 15, Spd. 6 Personality: Cool, calm, strong leader, extremely protective of his men and position. Loyal to King, country and self. Tall, thin and dark with sparkling eyes that see everything. Loved by his men.


P'dar the Troll (true name), Corporal, 4th level mercenary fighter, 11 ft. tall, 28 yrs. old Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 37 S.D.C.: 46 Armor: Chain mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand. Bonuses: +11 to damage, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +3 vs. magic/poison (W.P. bonuses not included) Weapons (giant sized): Hippe does 4D6 damage, flamberge 4D6 damage, short sword 3D4 damage Additional Equipment: 3 knives 1D8 damage, sling 2D6 damage. 3 spears, broad sword, another suit of armor: studded leather, large shield, clothing, lOlbs. of rock candy, 200 gold, an emerald (1000 gold) and 24 skulls of various races.

Type Three Fort without moat, stone construction. The fort is quite old and guards the ancient Ibera's Mountain Pass. It has been the sight of countless ore and ogre assaults and has fallen

many times. Currently the fort is operated by a band of mercenaries who are quickly gaining recognition as incredible men of arms. Since their six years of occupation, the fort has never fallen and the Ibera Pass held open for the longest time in Timiro history. In addition, they have been largely responsible for routing the local ores and goblins pushing them back to Ogre Pass. A mere 72 meres' are responsible for these feats; 6 rangers (3rd and

4th level), 12 longbowmen (6th level), 20 cavalry men, and the remainder are mercenary foot soldiers (3rd-5th level). Various races: 60% human, 10% elf, 15% ore, and 15% other. Seasoned veterans, these men are a wild, carefree band of freebooters with an amazing zest for life. They are a rough, tough, crude, bawdy, brazen, cocky, high spirited lot, loyal to their fellow meres and ideals. The commraderie between them all has been cemented by countless battles. They are on their way to becoming legends . . . and they know it.

The Whip (true name: Grunn Mitt) Sergeant, 3rd level thief Ore Age: 20

Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 16 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: 2 hand to hand Bonuses: +5 to damage, +2 to strike, parry and dodge. (W.P. bonuses not included). Weapons: Bull whip IDS damage, Cat-o-nine tails 16 damage, Hand pick 1D4 damage, 4 daggers 1D6 damage, and Mace & chain 3D6 damage. Additional Equipment: another bull whip, rope, clothes, rum (4 gallons), lock picking tools, 430 gold, 2 potions of healing. Skills of Note: Climb/Scale walls 50/45%, Disguise 35%, Pick pockets 50%, Prowl 35%, Pick locks 55%, Use & Recognize Poison 42/34%, Speaks Gobblely 98%, Southern 70%, Hand to Hand: Expert. Attributes: I.Q. 8, P.P. 19, M.E. 10, P.E. 12, M.A. 9, P.B. 8, P.S. 20, Spd. 14

General attitude toward strangers is friendly though their manner is rough. They dislike the wealthy and nobility in particular. They tend to size up a person by his/her fighting skills and/or by his/her heart. Soldiers are teased mercilessly until they have proven their worth in combat. Magic is acknowledged as a powerful element in any campaign. This is one of the few places where all races, even wolfen and ogres are accepted as potential equals. The men of Fort Bext cannot be bought or bribed to do anything that will jeopardize the fort or their fellow soldiers. There is no fort town. Horses are kept in the courtyard and include: 12 war horses (worth approx. 10,000 gold each), 10 fine riding horses (worth approx. 3000 gold each), 2-8 work horses used as pack animals (worth approx. 800 gold each). Horse thieves will be hung. Clergy: Two 2nd and one 3rd level priest of the gods of Light and Dark; essential for medical treatment. Captain Shadow Stalker (true name: Kryle Latry) 6th level Assassin Appears to be a human of about 36 years of age, but is really a changeling, 56 years old.

Personality: Cheerful but cruel, mean, tough, enjoys being in authority. Braggart, show-off, enjoys torturing (but is usually forbidden by the captain). He is not particularly popular, but is an excellent warrior

Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 31 S.D.C.: 16 Armor: Double mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 55 Attacks Per Melee: 4 hand to hand. Bonuses: +2 to damage, critical strikes: See Assassin combat. (W.P. bonuses not included). Weapons: Saber halberd does 3D6 damage, five knives do 1D6 damage, goupillon flail 3D6 damage, nunchaku 2D4 damage, and cutlass 2D4 damage. Additional Equipment: Several sets of clothing, boots, riding gear, saddle, and miscellaneous personal belongings. 853 gold is hidden in his personal quarters along with a silver cross and pearl handled throwing knife. Scroll of strength of Utgard-Loki.

(merciless) and loyal to the captain. P'dar the troll hates him, and keeps him in line.

FORT BRANDT Type Two Fort without moat, wood construction. The fort is newish, only 12 years old, and built in response to the expansion of the Eastern Territory. It has NEVER been under siege. A total of 64 mercenaries man the fort. 8 rangers, 2 longbowmen,

Skills of Note: Horsemanship (general), W.P. Pole arm, W. P. Chain,

all others are foot soldiers; range from first through third level. 80% are humans, the other 20% are ore and goblins. Rough, crude, bigoted, rowdy and corrupt, they view travelers as a nuisance and/or an easy mark. They rarely follow military procedure

W.P. Knives, W.P. Sword, Climb/Scale walls 75/70%, Use & Recognize Poison 54/46%, Prowl 60%, Pick Pockets 50%, Imitate

unless it suits them, blatantly abusing authority and condone crime. The meres will try to swindle, cheat, rob and irritate travelers. The wealthy

Voices 66/46%, Gemology 50%, Speaks Elven 98%, Eastern and Southern 95%, Giantese 75%, can read and write Elven 60%, Hand

and soldiers of the royal army are met with extreme resentment and hostility. The fort town around Fort Brandt is composed of a handful of boarding houses, taverns, and a variety of traveling merchants (low

to Hand: Assassin.


Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge (plus W.P. bonuses). Weapons: Short bow 1D6 damage, 24 arrows, 3 daggers, small axe 2D4 damage each. Additional Equipment: eight small animal snares, two metal traps (fox), l/2 gal. of wine, water skin, 50ft of cord, hand made cloth, chewing tobacco, 60 gold. Skills of Note: Prowl 35%, Pick pockets 50%, Track Humanoids 50%, Track & Trap animals 60/70%, Speaks Southern & Eastern 98%, Gobblely and Dwarven 85%, Hand to Hand: Basic Personality: Loud, crude, extremely friendly, jolly con man and thief. Avoids gambling, heavy drinker. Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 9, M.A. 10, P.S. 11, P.P. 14, P.E. 14, P.B. 7, Spd. 12

quality items, general supplies; nothing exotic, no magic items). The people are generally transient, composed of trappers on route to or from the Timiro Kingdom. Approximate population: 100. The ferry: Fort Brandt sets on the very edge of the Timiro Kingdom just across the Old Kingdom River. Four boats are kept at the fort, two large flatbed types moored at the dock and two smaller rowboats locked away in the fort. The two flatbeds are used to ferry travelers across the river. Cost is supposed to be a one gold travel tax, but the meres at the

fort have upped the ante to 10 gold per head or even more. They will insist there is no other ferry within 100 miles, which is a lie. An independent operates one just a few miles west of the fort (cost 2 gold per person).

The docks; in addition to the flatbeds, there is likely to be 1-6 canoes moored there (belong to trappers). Five second level foot soldiers (mere. O.C.C. armed with pole arms and short sword and one fourth level short bowman (mere. O.C.C. always guard the dock. All are corrupt.

FORT CALDA Type Three Fort without moat, stone construction As the player characters approach the fort they will see billowing


clouds of smoke as far as 15 miles (it's all lowlands) away. Upon reach-

When the characters need to cross the river, an old trapper named Templeton C. Badoon will approach them, telling of another less expensive ferry nearby. Templeton, though grubby and crude, will be extremely friendly and gregarious. He appears to be around 60 with silver hair, stubby white beard and sparse yellow teeth (smells like a goat too). He will inform them that he knows of a guy who has a ferry just a few miles west of the fort (true). However," the stinkin' thieven meres ain't too fond of folks a using that one." If they want, he'll have to lead them there in a slightly round about way. "Per appearances sake, o'course." (this is also fairly true)., His fee as a guide is a mere 5 gold pieces. Unfortunately, this is a subterfuge on Templeton's part, as his real intentions are to rob (not hurt/kill) the group. His favorite ploy is to lead them away from the fort and river bank into the forest. At a predetermined place, he will point to (fake) Ogre tracks and suggest extreme caution while he sneaks ahead to look around (he will not go unless he is allowed to scout alone). Moments later the air is rent by a blood curdling scream, Templeton's. All good characters will feel compelled to help/rescue him. Across a small clearing they will hear Templeton's weak voice crying for help. The entire clearing is a trap with several well placed pits. Each pit is lift deep and 5ft wide. Players roll percentile dice for each character crossing the clearing. 1-56 indicates he/she has fallen into a pit; no damage, but 60% chance of being stunned/dazed/helpless 1-6 melees. Immediately after, a voice speaking goblin proclaims that they are surrounded by archers, they are told not to move, and must surrender all valuables. Two widely placed arrows from opposite edges of the clearing add emphasis to the demands. If the characters surrender their gold, jewelry and any weapons requested, they will be allowed to leave unharmed. If they choose to fight they must enter the forest. Templeton, a retired trapper turned bandit, and three fellow thieves are positioned strategically around the clearing. If attacked, they will kill, but first attempt to subdue. If they are losing, they will flee into the forest. Templeton is always the last to be encountered. If he flees into the forest, he will not be found. If confronted, the old trapper will surrender without a fight. He has a standing agreement with the fort commander and will be set free shortly after being imprisoned. The three other bandits will all fight until severely wounded or hopelessly outnumbered. They will always attempt to escape. Templeton C. Badoon Trapper/3rd level Thief with tracking and trapping skills equal to a 5th level ranger. Human Age: 50 Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 12

ing the fort, they will find it has been completely destroyed. The bodies of 172 soldiers (all mid-level) and 57 civilians are in the smoldering ruins. The incredible amount of destruction smacks of magic. Clearly the siege was short and very recent (within the last 48 hours). Tracks indicate an alarming number of ogres and ores on horseback, foot and wagon were responsible for the mayhem. The tracks move off southwesterly toward Fort Clay. A ranger or someone skilled in tracking, will be able to estimate the following: 1. Raiders approx. 300 strong. 2. At least half are ore. 3. Many wagons heavily laden. 4.

Many foot soldiers, only a handful of individual mounts. 5. Speed of travel about 20 miles a day, unless pressing hard and fast, which is unlikely. This means they will reach Fort Clay within three days. 6. Tracks moving south are only one day old. NOTE: Fort Clay is approximately 70 miles away. Survivors: 1-4 survivors, critically wounded, will confirm that it was an attack by ogres and ores that caused the destruction. They were merciless in their assault and took no prisoners. Apparently, somehow some of their minions secretly penetrated the

fort earlier that day. In the evening, the horses were found poisoned (72 cavalry men were stationed here) and the Captain and his mistress decapitated in his own quarters. The gates and walls were assailed by lightning bolts, enabling the invading hordes to overrun the fort. No

alarm was sounded, the attack was a complete surprise. Approx. 50 slain ores are also among the ruins. The one survivor (or one of the dying survivors) is a priest of Ra who will beseech the group to warn Fort Clay. Furthermore, he overheard that they plan on first destroying Fort Clay and then attacking the City of Smia (this is incorrect, they intend on attacking Erat). Before he dies he will give the group two scrolls to aid them in this mission of mercy. The scrolls are: Fly (equal to a 12th level spell) and 10ft Wheel

of fire (equal to a 6th level spell). NOTE: See The Ogre Invasion and Fort Clay.

FORT CLAY Type Three Fort without moat, stone construction. The fort is centuries old and stands as a fortress against the wander-

ing bands of ores, goblins and ogres that dominate the area. 172 soldiers occupy the fort: 48 light cavalry soldiers (2nd to 3rd level, horsemanship: general), 48 archers (1st to 3rd level soldiers, short bowmen), 76 are mercenaries (1st to 4th level). The soldiers are extremely well trained, slick, spit and polish soldiers; cheerful, cocky, proud and bold. However, none have any combat experience.

Armor: Soft leather/animal skins, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20

Attacks per Melee: 2 hand to hand or 4 with short bow.


The meres are also a tough, proud, bold group of warriors. At least half are combat veterans. There is no fort town, but wealthy travelers and merchants often

Attracted by the rich caravans, bandits composed of humans, ores, goblins and kobolds (ogres are not very common in this region) are a constant problem. Fortunately for the Timiro Kingdom, most assaults

spend the night in the safety of the forts walls. Not so wealthy travelers

occur in the Old Kingdom which is acknowledged by everyone as a

are allowed to pitch camp outside the fort. The neighboring area is lowlands and some peasant farms. Horses include: 40 riding horses (approx. value 2500 gold each), 20 ponies (ap-

lawless no-man's land. Horses are of good to excellent quality: 200 ponies (approx. value 1200 gold each), 100 riding horses (approx. value 3500 gold each), 25 work horses (approx. value 400 gold each). Horse thieves are executed

prox. value 1200 gold each) 124 and a dozen work horses (approx.

or sent to prison/work camps for 6-24 years. The fort Commander is Luisius Tandar (officer in charge) Human, age: 44 7th level Soldier (light cavalry) Alignment: Diabolic Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 24 Armor: Chain & plate, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 100

value 400 gold each). The Captain is a young nobleman, confident and exuberant. He treats travelers graciously and often dines with the wealthy. Capt. Torry Aberdaal Human, age: 29 6th level Soldier Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 31 S.D.C.: 19

Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 24 (+9 to damage), P.E. 13, all others average.

Skills of Note: Climb/Scale walls 75/70%, Prowl 55%, Track Humanoids 60%, Speaks Southern, Eastern, Gobblely 98%, Hand to Hand: Basic.

Armor: Scale mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attributes: I.Q. 11, P.S. 16 (+1 to damage), P.E. 15, P.B. 11, all others average. Personality: Pleasant, gregarious, tough, impudent, self-reliant, overconfident. His only combat experiences have been minor border skirmishes where he showed daring and leadership. His father, a wealthy nobleman, pulled strings to get his son this illustrious position. NOTE: The Captain is not likely to believe any warning that his fort is in jeopardy of an ogre assault. "Why that's ludicrous. Those cretins would never be so bold. And even if they did, they could never fell this fort." He will thank them for their concern, but assures them that there is no danger. If pressed, he may send out a scouting party of 2-8 men just to make certain. He is not a careless man. Unfortunately the scouting party will fall prey to the changelings. SEE the Ogre Invasion and Fort Calda.

Personality: Corrupt, self serving, has no regard for his men's lives or

anyone elses (although he convincingly pretends to be sympathetic and caring). Sir Brenn Marteek

Captain of the Sentinels Elf, age: 40 5th level Knight

2nd level Wizard Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 36 S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Scale mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 15, P.E. 15, P.P. 12, P.B. 18, all others average. Skills of Note: W.P. Lance, W.P. Sword, W.P. Shield, Read/write Elven 98%, Dwarven 56%, Speaks Elven, Dwarven 98%, Southern, Eastern, Gobblely 80%, Dance 65%, Heraldry 55/60%, Land Navigation 56%, Military etiquette 70%, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Magic Abilities: Spells — Decipher Magic, Sense Magic, Cloud of Slumber, Globe of Daylight, Tongues, Charm, Charismatic aura, Sense Evil, Invisibility (+1 Spell strength) P.P.E.: 86 Personality: Braggart, cocky, exaggerates, usually cheerful but annoying. He's an honorable man who seems beyond corruption. He is always there for his men and has earned their respect and loyalty.

FORT GARR Type Two Fort with moat, stone construction. The fort is a sturdy ancient edifice dating back almost 900 years. It

lays right on the tip of the western border off the coast. Two 60ft towers stand on opposite ends of the fort, one faces the north (Old Kingdom

and lowlands) and the second faces seaward (also a lighthouse). Both are manned by 2-8 soldiers at all times. This pivotal fort guards both the land and sea. An entire garrison of 300 soldiers are stationed at the fort. 96 Sentinels (the elite cavalry, 3rd to 4th, nobles, horsemanship: knight), 148 light cavalry (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship: general), 48 archers (2nd level, short bow), the remainder are foot soldiers (lst-3rd level). An additional 72 laborers are also kept at the fort.


The men are well trained, loyal and courageous, spit and polish soldiers. However, the daily monotony of fort life has taken its toll, dulling

Type Three Fort with moat; stone construction. The fort is in the Old Kingdom, approximately 150 miles west of

their reflexes and alertness. Many spend their time drinking, wenching and gambling. An alarming number (20%) have resorted to outside activities, many corrupt and illegal, to support their habits. The Sentinels, the elite cavalry, have not yet fallen prey to corruption and keep their combat skills sharp. They regularly patrol the coast-

Fort Brandt and the border. It is the last stronghold of man in this hostile land. 62 Royal Cavalry soldiers, 24 archers (not longbowmen) and 62 foot soldiers (mere's) man the fort. Total men: 148. All but a handful are human. Seasoned veterans, these men are a well trained fighting machine, extremely well disciplined and loyal to the crown. Cavalry men are all 5th level (general Horsemanship) soldiers; the archers are 2nd

line between Fort Garr and Rankin, as well as the western perimeters of

the Old Kingdom/Timiro border. The Sentinels are comprised of humans and elves of noble lineage. See Fort Tirr or Fort Areal. The light cavalry patrols the mountain trails and lowlands between the fort and Basst. The fort town is fairly large, located about 5 miles east of the fort. The town includes several large stables, inns, lodgings, and caravan rest stops/animal pens. Many caravans pass along the coast

through 4th level soldiers and the remaining men are 2nd through 4th level mercenary fighters. Many have some level of tracking or wilderness skills, most are very familiar with the area, especially the cavalry. The general attitude toward strangers is a cautious cordialness. They rarely lose sight that their purpose is to serve king and country and all its people. The soldiers are usually fairly honest and helpful but

traveling to and from the Lands of the South-Winds. Fort Garr is a ma-

jor stop/watering hole for anyone traveling along the coastal trails. As a result, many merchants and con-men alike have set up shop to take advantage of the trade flow.

view wolfen, trolls, ogres, ores and goblins with great suspicion and bitter prejudice.


Changelings are executed immediately without trial. There is no fort town. Although there is no official ferry, the fort has one large flatbed, a handful of large rowboats and several canoes. Only the flatbed and a few rowboats are actually moored at the dock. NOTE: it takes about two days by boat to get to Fort Brandt (by horse 3 to 4 days or 1 1/2

Captain Grint Pantlok Human, age: 29 5th level Soldier of noble birth Alignment: Unprincipled Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 22 Armor: Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 120 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand Bonuses: +2 to damage, + 3 to parry & dodge (W.P. bonuses not included). Weapons: Spear 2D6 damage, saber 2D4 damage, morning star 2D6 damage, knife 1D6 damage. Additional Equipment: Riding gear, bastard sword, fine wine, 600 gold, clothiers, etc. Skills of Note: Horsemanship (general), W.P. Blunt, W.P. Spear, W.P. Sword. Speaks Southern 98%, Eastern, Western & Elven 70%, Read/write Southern 44%, Hand to Hand: Expert. Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 15 P.B. 14, all others average. Personality: Honest, responsible, ambitious, courteous, well versed in etiquette. He has seen two years of action on the border patrol. The meres at Fort Bext call him the soldier prince.

days if the horse is pushed to its limits without rest and ridden along the river). The dock is guarded by 6 2nd level meres. Travelers may be ferried

across the river at a cost of five gold per person and per item that can't be carried. Travelers must first get a written document of passage from the Captain. Passage across the river is often declined because of the

many dangers in this hostile land. Horses are kept in two stables on opposite ends of the fort. Approximately 72 riding horses and 4 war horses. Captain Josh Tankan 4th level Knight (cavalry) Human, age: 32 Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 33 S.D.C.: 11 Armor: Plate and chain, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 100 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand and/or psionic


Bonuses: +3 to damage, +3 parry & dodge.

Major Psionic: Has bio-regeneration (self), death trance, mind block, see the invisible, nightvision, telepathy. 28 (I.S.P. Inner Strength Points.

Type Two Fort without moat, stone construction. The fort is a small stone structure, built nearly 400 years ago. It is

Weapons: Awl pike 2D6 damage, Falchion 2D6, Bastard sword 2D6+2, 2 knives, small shield. Additional Equipment: Misc. items, knives, 240 gold, his horse: Titan,

surrounded by a large wood wall which encloses the fort town. 134 mercenaries man the fort: 36 human archers (3rd level, short bow), 12 elven longbowmen (the best, 4th level), 6 troll foot soldiers, 56 ore foot

and riding gear. Titan is a good riding horse worth about 3000 gold. Hit Points: 31, Max. spd. SOmph. Has leather & chain barding, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 60. Personality: Fair, strong, confident, forceful. Is liked by his men. Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.P. 15, M.E. 8, P.E. 12, M.A. 10, P. B. 9, Spd. 6,

soldiers, 24 human foot soldiers (all 2nd to 3rd level meres; foot soldiers are armed with spear, short sword, knife, small shield and one personal weapon). Seasoned veterans, they grow increasingly bored with the daily monotony of peace. They are quick to respond to any ogre/ore insurrection

P.S. 14

or bandit threats. Most are native to Timiro and conduct themselves with dignity and fairness. They treat travelers in a gruff but courteous manner. Large groups (10 or more) are regarded with great suspicion (particularly if they are composed of many non-humans) and will not be

FORTIBERA Type One Underground Fort.

allowed into the fort itself. One representative from the group will be allowed to hold audience with the Captain. The group, as with all travel-

The fort is small and cramped, originally a dwarven stronghold, built at least a thousand years ago. Its entrance is built into a very small low hill surrounded by a fortified wood wall similar to those built around Type II forts. Within the walls are several simple boarding houses, a wheelwright, blacksmith, tavern, two stables, a well, and a half dozen modest shrines to a variety of gods. Most of this is for the convenience of travelers and merchant caravans. The fort and walled facilities are operated and maintained by the Royal Timiro Army. A total of 156 soldiers and another 30 craftsmen/laborers man it. Cavalry: 36 2nd level horsemen, 48 archers (short bow 2nd to 3rd level); the remaining are foot soldiers (1st to 2nd level). Forty percent have no actual battle experience. Generally they are spit and polished men of arms, well disciplined and courteous. They will treat travelers well, especially the wealthy. Important people, nobility and the wealthy may be escorted to a neighboring fort or town (2 to 8 horsemen). The soldiers are extremely wary of men of magic, Westerners and Wolfen. Ogres, ores, goblins, and trolls are NOT allowed within the walls.

ers, must seek lodging outside the fort. Only nobility with proper identification may be granted sanctuary within the stone walls of the fort. The meres may escort travelers, especially nobility and dignitaries, to the next town or fort (2-8 foot soldiers).

The fort town consists of several large wood buildings including many boarding houses, inns, taverns, stables, smiths, and traveling merchants. The neighboring community is composed of scattered farms. Most are peasant farmers that live in shabby wood or clay huts near the fort. 70% are human while 30% are ores or goblins loyal to the Timiro Kingdom.

Horses are kept inside the stone fort as well as in the fort town. Military stables include eight ponies (approx. value 800 gold each), four work horses (approx. value 400 gold each). Within the fort town 4-12 work horses, 4-24 ponies, 1-4 riding horses (all are average value, nothing special). Captain Elliot Barodo 6th level Mercenary fighter Alignment: Scrupulous Human, age: 36

Military horses are kept in the largest of the two stables. 30 ponies

(worth approx. 1200 gold each), 10 riding horses (worth 1500 gold each), 12 work/pack horses (worth 600 gold each), 2 war horses (worth 10,000 gold each). Horse thieves are imprisoned and sent to Old Timiro

Hit Points: 32S.D.C.: 16 Armor: splint, A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82 (battered)

for imprisonment or sent to work in a labor camp (2-8 years). Healer, named Karl Pitz, 5th level, services both the soldiers and travelers. Very wealthy.

Attributes: I.Q. 11, P.S. 12, P.P. 12, all others average. Speaks Southern 98%, Elf, Gobblely, Western 80%. Personality: Tall, heavy, robust man full of melancholy; drinks too much.

Priests of various regional religions are usually present at the fort. 1-4 priest(s); lst-4th level.


Sgt. Bull Tull

Elven, Southern, Western, Eastern, Dwarven 98%. Speaks all languages, Hand to Hand: Basic. Magic Abilities: Spells — Decipher Magic, Sense Magic, Cloud of

4th level Merc, fighter Ore, age: 34 Alignment: Unprincipled

Slumber, Tongues, Water to Wine, Ventriloquism, Carpet of Adhesion, Sense Traps, Call Lightning, Fire Ball, Control the Beasts, Size of the Behemoth, Blind, Heal Self, Dispel Magic Barrier, Doppleganger, Stone to Flesh, Resurrection, and the Crimson Wall of Lictalon (a spell of legend).P.P.E.: 234 Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.A. 12, P.S. 8, P.P. 15, P.B. 23, all others aver-

Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 13 Armor: Double mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 55

Attributes: I.Q. 6, P.S. 20, P.E. 18, P.B. 4, Spd. 4, all others average. Bonuses: +5 to damage, +2 vs. magic. Speaks Gobblely 98%, Southern & Troll 75%, Horsemanship (general), uses battle axe and Hercules club. Personality: Looks extremely tough, battle scarred, and mean. Gruff but gentle natured. 6ft 2501bs white hair, not too bright, but not stupid either.

age. Personality: Very wise, patient and understanding, tends to be a little paranoid, trusting no one with his true name or secrets (including his wife and children). Extremely wealthy with 10,000 to 40,000 gold hidden in the fort along with various magic potions, powders, and scrolls (2-8).



Type Three Fort with moat, stone construction, the largest of the forts.

Type Two Fort with moat, wood construction.

The fort is located near Old Timiro and the city Kwia along the bay.

Its construction dates back over a thousand years. Originally it was built

The fort is located on the eastern border as a haven for travelers and

to protect the city of Timiro and its neighboring towns. Today its responsibilities have been expanded to include the ranches of Smia and the entire bay coastline from Smia to Barbera. The cavalry polices the

area preventing slave uprisings, civil unrest, and marauders from the mountains. Should the neighboring towns fall under siege, the fort can squeeze

a warning to insurrection. It is newly built atop the highest of three hills. It is not a prestigious assignment. 172 soldiers occupy the fort: 48 light cavalry soldiers (2nd to 3rd level, horsemanship: general), 48 archers (1st to 3rd level soldiers, short bowmen), the remaining 76 men are mercenaries (1st to 4th level). The soldiers are generally discontented about this post out in the

in up to 500 refugees, with preference given to nobility and the wealthy. Fort Indo has fallen in battle only once in a thousand years. 300 cavalry

middle of nothing. They are well trained and loyal to the kingdom. The meres don't particularly give a hoot one way or another. This is just

soldiers man the fort. A position of distinction, it is one of most coveted assignments for the military social climbers. 96 Sentinels (the elite cavalry, 2nd to 5th level, horsemanship: knight), 148 light cavalry soldiers (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship: general), the remainder are foot soldiers (1st to 2nd level). The light cavalry and foot soldiers are generally of noble or wealthy families. Although well trained; disciplined and conscientious,

easy money for them. Half are corrupt and unloyal, the other half are lazy but loyal. There is no fort town. The neighboring area is entirely forest. The nearest towns/cities are Gedro, 80 miles South, Acoroc 145 miles West, and Parp 100 miles North through dense forest. Horses include: 30 ponies (approx. value 800 gold each), 10 riding horses (approx. value 2000 gold each), and 20 work horses (approx. value 500 gold each). Sir Samuel Ibi (a.k.a. "The Old Man") 9th level Knight Human, age: 62 Alignment: Unprincipled Hit Points: 47 S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160 Attributes: I.Q. 8, P.S. average. Personality: Easy going, laid back, trusts almost anyone until they are

half have no combat experience.

The Sentinels have all experienced some combat and many are veterans of the constant border skirmishes against the ogres. They are the best the Royal Cavalry has to offer, courageous fighting machines, fiercely proud and arrogant. There is no fort town.

Horses are of the finest quality from the Smia ranches. They include: 110 riding horses (for the Sentinels; approx. value 3000 gold each), 170 ponies (approx. value 2000 gold each), two dozen work horses (approx. value 700 gold each). The fort commander is Sir Lintalt Grimheart, the honorary title of Knight of the Realm, bestowed for valiant conduct far above the call of duty. Legend reports that Grimheart single handedly prevented Old Timiro from falling to invaders and saved King Jephon the First. Since those days, nearly 600 years ago, he has been content to live out his days at the fort patrolling the bay with his six sons (3 daughters too) and soldiers. He still looks youthful even though he is 800 years old, obviously the workings of magic. True name (known to no one): Lintalt Whitesalt Elf, Title of Knight 15th level Scholar 10th level Wizard 6th level Summoner Alignment: Unprincipled Hit Points: 153 S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Cloak of armor, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 212 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses: +3 spell strength, +2 save vs. spell magic, +1 save vs. circles/symbols, plus various W.P. bonuses. Weapons: Bo staff, scimitar, knives Skills of Note: W.P. Staves, W.P. Sword, W.P. Knives, Read/write

proven unworthy of trust. Walks with a noticeable limp.

FORT KAFI Type One Underground Fort The fort is ancient, originally built by dwarves as a fort during the dwarf/elf wars. The entrance is in the base of a rock hill. Atop the hill is a 60ft stone tower (built a mere two centuries ago as a lookout tower; 28 soldiers man the tower). Around the tower are half a dozen smaller stone pillars ranging from 15 to 30 feet tall, apparently the work of a spriggan. To the unknowledgeable, the rock formations look rather ominous. 96 soldiers occupy this border post keeping eyes open to invaders and rampaging wooly dragons. Daily monotony has severely dulled their fighting edge, most having grown careless and nonchalant in their duties. The men are loyal to the kingdom and their captain. 12 horsemen (2nd level), 24 archers (2nd level, short bow), and 60 foot soldiers (1st through 3rd level). They treat travelers with indifference and greet nonhumans, other than elves or dwarves, with suspicion and hostility.


The men are regular army with no outstanding traits other than their gusto and loyalty to the kingdom. They treat travelers courteously. Distrust non-humans especially ogres, OTCs, and wolfen. There is no fort

There is no fort town. The neighboring area is entirely lowlands with few inhabitants. Horses include a dozen ponies and four work horses (all are worth approx. 800 gold each). The Captain is called the Dragon True name: Gilbert Green Human, age: 39 4th level Soldier 3rd level Wizard Alignment: Unprincipled HitPoints:51S.D.C.:22 Armor: Scale mail, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attributes: I.Q. 14, P.S. 13, P.E. 13, Spd. 11, all others average. Magic Abilities: Spells — Decipher Magic, Sense Magic, Globe of Daylight, Tongues, Cloud of Slumber, Ventriloquism, Magic Net, Magic Pigeon, and See the Invisible (+1 spell strength) P.P.E.: 124 Skills of Note: W.P. Sword, W.P. Pole arm, W.P. Knives, Horsemanship (general), Speaks Southern and Dwarven 98%, Hand to Hand:


The neighboring area is largely farm land with scattered peasant farmers. Horses are limited to a dozen ponies and 1-6 riding horses (approx. value of ponies and horses: 800 gold each).

The Captain is a gruff old veteran by the name of Fredrick Milton. Human, age: 52 8th level Soldier. Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 43 S.D.C.: 21 Armor: Splint, A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82 Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 15, Spd. 12, all others average. Skills of Note: Horsemanship (general), W.P. Spear, W.P. Sword, W.P. Pole arms, W.P. Shield, Pick Pockets 50%, Climb/Scale walls 80%, Speaks Southern, Elven, Gobblely 98%, Western and Eastern 78%, Hand to Hand: Expert, Can't read or write. Personality: Tough, but kind and understanding; enjoys this post and delights in his responsibility in molding his men (many new to soldiering) into fine respectable soldiers. He is loved by all.


Personality: Paternal, over-bearing, over-protective of his men. Hates dwarves.



Type Two Fort without moat, stone and wood construction.

Type Two Fort, without moat, wood construction. This fort is a seedy little establishment occupied by mercenary sol-

The fort is a century old and safeguards the mountain trails and Mirr forest.

diers to protect Sino and secure the northern border. 96 meres occupy this border post keeping eyes open to invaders and bandits. 16 longbowmen (3rd level, both elf and human). 24 archers (2nd to 3rd level short bow), 24 horsemen (2nd to 4th level meres), and the remainder are foot soldiers (1st to 3rd level meres). The meres are a motley crew of fighters from around the world and the whole spectrum of races. Quarreling, name calling, brawls, drinking and gambling appear to be constant, but they are generally a loyal, well trained fighting machine that performs with amazing skill and commeraderie during a crisis. A tiny fort town with two boarding houses, three taverns, occasional merchants and a handful of peasant farmers. Travelers and an occasional merchant caravan from the east may spend the night on route to one of the larger towns or cities. The town is dirty and unkept. The neighboring area is largely forest, the sight of numerous ore bandit camps and hide-aways. Horses: 26 ponies (approx. value 1000 gold each), 6 riding horses (approx. value 2500 gold each), and 28 work horses (approx. value 300 gold each). Captain Randhall Carpenter Human, age: 30 5th level Ranger Alignment: Unprincipled Hit Points: 32 S.D.C.: 8 Armor: Chain mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44 Attributes: I.Q. 16, P.S. 13, P.E. 13, all others average. Skills of Note: W.P. Archery, Track Humanoids 60%, Speaks Eastern,

150 soldiers man the fort: 72 light cavalry (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship; general), 12 rangers (2nd to 5th level), and the remainder are foot soldiers (1st and 2nd level). They are regular army with no outstanding traits. The light cavalry soldiers are the best trained while the rangers are key in reconnaissance

and hunting outlaws. They are generally loyal to their post and kingdom. Boredom is their greatest enemy. Distrust non-humans, especially ogres, ores, trolls and wolfen.

There is no fort town. The neighboring area is largely forest and lowlands. The light cavalry patrols the mountain trails between Fort Kafi, Fort Garr and the Mirr Forest.

Horses: 42 riding horses (approx. value 2000 gold each), and 40 ponies (approx. value 1000 each). Captain Thomas Yri Human, age: 40 7th level Ranger Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 55 S.D.C.: 9 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38. Skills of Note: Track Humanoids 70%, Identify plants/fruit 70%, Horsemanship (general), W.P. Archery, W.P. Battle axe, Speaks, Elven, Gobblely, Southern and Eastern 98%, Hand to Hand: Basic. Personality: Friendly, talkative, but selfish and conniving.


Gobblely 98%, Ogre, Elven 85%, Hand to Hand: Basic.

Personality: Shy, timid, reserved, not sure of himself, but is an excellent commander with a head for details, management and leadership.

Type One Underground fort The fort exists to support Fort Aberla and guard the road and trails to central Timiro. Like Fort Aberla, it is quite old, having been con-

Lt. Brok the Butcher (true name: Brok Tindel) Ogre, age: 25 Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 34 4th level Merc. Attributes: I.Q. 11, P.S. 17, P.E. 19, all others average. Personality: Quick tempered, easily aggravated. Loyal to the captain

structed about 500 years ago. The entrance is built into a small hill. Atop the hill is a 50ft tall wooden look out tower. 1-4 soldiers man the tower at all times (all archers). A mere 72 soldiers man this fort. 24 archers (all 2nd level short bowmen), 12 horsemen (1st and 2nd level) and the remainder are foot soldiers (1st to 2nd level). All are humans in the Royal Timiro Kingdom Army.


and kingdom, although always looking for a good deal. Buys and sells information, cheats travelers, cheats at gambling, a very bad sport.

Heraldry 55/60%, Land Navigation 56%, Military etiquette 70%, Hand to Hand: Expert Attributes: I.Q. 8, P.S. 14, P.E. 11, P.B. 8, all others average. Personality: Crude, angry, grumpy, easily aggravated. Longs to be ac-

Sgt. Petre Grinbo

knowledged as a true knight of noble birth. War horse: Named Mad-Cap, 5 years old (approx. value 15,000), Hit

Wolfen, age: 20 Alignment: Scrupulous

Points: 50, Spd. 20mph., Barding: A.R. 14, S.D.C. 70.

Hit Points: 28 S.D.C.: 26


3rd level Ranger Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 23 (+8 to damage), P.E. 19, Spd. 9, all others average. Personality: Friendly, talkative. Dislikes Brok. Came to Fort Saka when he got stranded far from home while adventuring.

Type Two Fort without moat, wood construction. The fort is only a few decades old, established to maintain order among the vast population of ore and goblin slaves that work the land.

The fort is larger than most with many stables and corrals. This is a

The Dark-man

prestigious assignment reserved for the light cavalry. The rich and nobility often "buy" a position here.

Elf (really changeling), age: 40 5th level Wizard Alignment: Anarchist HitPoints:31S.D.C.:14 Attributes: I.Q. 13, P.P. 12, P.E. 11, Spd. 7, all others average. Personality: Selfish, bold, arrogant, seeks power and fortune. Rumor

A full garrison of 300 light cavalry soldiers man the fort. Three patrols of 72 soldiers (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship: general) patrol the farmlands from Tanis to Aracho on a rotating basis. The remaining men

stay at the fort to patrol the forest and to handle any sudden crisis that may arise. About once every four months, a patrol is dispatched to the city of Acoroc and Fort Seb.

says that he is here hiding out from some foe who hunts him.


The soldiers are generally well trained and disciplined, although

most have seen little combat. The men have a lot of heart and are fairly loyal to the Captain and Kingdom, however, they may be incapable of

Type Two Fort with moat, wood and clay construction.

handling a major siege or insurrection due to lack of experience. 80% are human, 10% dwarven, 10% others.

The dwarven warriors are an elite squad answerable only to the Captain. They constitute the bulk of the combat veterans. All are 3rd to 5th level soldiers and surprisingly excellent horsemen (on ponies). The fort town is very small with one inn, tavern, and boarding house for travelers in addition to a handful of peasant farmers. Mercenaries and transients are run out of town by the cavalry if they linger for more than a few days. Horses include: 240 ponies (approx. value 1200 gold each), 80 riding horses (approx. value 2500 gold each), and 40 work horses (approx. value 300 gold each). Sir Lan Erath: Commander of Fort Tanada Dwarf, age: 60 6th level Knight 4th level Mind Mage Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points: 53 S.D.C.: 15 Armor: Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160 Attributes: I.Q. 24, P.S. 18 (+3 to damage), P.P. 11, P.E. 14, P.B. 3,

The fort is a shabby wood, clay and stone edifice. Originally established a few centuries ago, it has many obvious additions and modifications with little of its original design intact. It is a rotten assignment, a post given to malcontents and those who have invoked the ire of their superiors. The fort's purpose is to support and protect the city of Aco-

rac. The soldiers, however, view their assignment as baby-sitting the wild, cantankerous dwarves of Acorac. To compound matters, the soldiers of Fort Seb are forbidden to interfere with dwarven rule. This makes policing Acorac extremely difficult. 96 mercenaries man the fort: 24 horsemen (2nd level mere., 36 archers (short bow; 2nd-3rd level), 36 footsoldiers (lst-3rd level). 70% human, 15% ore, 15% others. The meres are fairly loyal to the Timiro Kingdom, though the brunt of ridicule, and looked upon as the scum of the military. They tend to treat travelers nonchalantly, may cheat them, and tend to be easily irritated. They especially dislike nobility, "arrogant" knights and military officers. Although not likely to escort travelers anywhere, they will provide information about the area and its safest routes. There is no fort town. The neighboring community is the dwarven mining city of Acorac

Spd. 6, M.A. 6, M.E. 13. Psionics: I.S.P. 159. See Palladium R.P.G., pgs. 161-162 for Mind

and scattered peasant farms.

Mage description.

Horses include 20 ponies (approx. value 800 gold each), 8 work horses (approx. value 300 gold each), 2 race horses (approx. value 2000 gold each). Commander: Sir Bartholemul Lington, a knight with a very financially poor background and questionable noble lineage. Fair and honest

Sir Erath's Psi-abilities are primarily geared for combat and tactical use. NOTE: I.Q. bonus adds 10% to all skills. Personality: genius, quick tempered, grumpy, easily aggravated. Excellent tactician/strategist. Treats all of his men fairly and does not give his dwarves preferential treatment; if anything he expects more from them.

but gruff, crude and angry at the injustice of a knight being stationed

"here." Sir Bart dislikes the wealthy and arrogant. 5th level Knight Human, age: 49 Alignment: Unprincipled Hit Points: 31 S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 150 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand Weapons: Lance, mace and chain, battle axe. Skills of Note: Horsemanship (knight), Read/write Southern 64%, Speaks Southern 98%, Elven, Gobblely, Eastern 90%. Dance 65%,

FORT TIRR Type Three Fort without moat, stone construction. The fort, like most of the forts in this area, was originally constructed several centuries ago. In recent decades it has been modified to serve as headquarters of the Timiro Royal Border Patrol. A total of 192 soldiers occupy the fort. Predominately cavalry soldiers, they include: 96 Sentinels (the elite cavalry, 3rd to 5th level, no-


bles, horsemanship: knight), 48 light cavalry (1st to 3rd level, horsemanship: general) 48 foot soldiers (1st to 2nd level) and 24 laborers and caretakers for the horses. The men are well trained, loyal, courageous, and courteous spit and polish soldiers. Most are wealthy or of noble birth. Being assigned to Fort Tirr is an honor bestowed to the cream of the military and the wealthy. The Sentinels are the cream of the cream, only humans and elves of noble birth are even considered. They are the elite cavalry, excellent fighters on horseback and tend to be arrogant and cocky. Their responsibility is to patrol the area from their base at Fort Tirr to Fort Kafi and the city of Rankin, including the mountain trails and Mirr Forest. The entire run, to and back, takes about one week. The Sentinels are divided into two units of 48 men each, operating on an alternating basis. Equipment: Riding horse, riding gear, lance or military fork, saber, horseman hammer, and chain mail armor (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44). The Light Cavalry patrol the interior, including the farmlands between Credia and Fort Aberla they rarely travel more than a day's ride from the fort. Equipment: Long spear, cutlass, mace, pony, riding gear, and studded leather armor. The fort town is very small, composed of peasant fanners and occasional second rate merchants. The neighboring area is largely farmlands and the Mirr forest. Horses are of excellent quality: 50 ponies (approx. value 1800 gold each), 104 riding horses (approx. value 4500 gold each), 4 race horses (approx. value 30,000 gold each), 12 work horses (approx. value 1000 gold each). Horse thieves are executed or sent to a work camp/prison for 6-24 years. The Fort Commander is Sir Bo Tinkerton (The officer in charge) Human, age: 35 6th level Palladin Alignment: Scrupulous Hit Points: 38 S.D.C.: 13 Armor: Golden plate, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160 Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 12, P.P. 14, P.E. 12, all others average Personality: Quiet, loner, an excellent manager, tactician and mathematician. He has a phobia about cats and will not allow them in the fort. Sir Bo is generally well liked although the Sentinels look upon him as being unworthy of his post. They would prefer to see their captain, Sir Benedict, as commander.

Adventures This campaign book provides a number of specific adventures. Each one is different and designed in such a way that they can be mixed and played in any order. I suggest that small groups and groups consisting of low level (first or second level) characters start off playing the short scenarios. This will allow the characters (and players) to gain experience and raise up another level or so before taking on the heavier, longer scenarios. Don't misunderstand me, the short scenarios are no piece of cake. An inside tip: Although action packed, I tend to design adventures that require thought, consideration, and cleverness. (Tricks don't hurt either). Plots develop, take sharp twists and fall into mystery. Players should be aware that not all of your antagonists/monsters are homicidal maniacs, power-crazed, unhonorable, cruel or suicidal. Many will be intelligent, open to negotiation/deals, honorable (under the right conditions), extremely skilled and flexible. Warning: Most are clever,

deceitful, and treacherous schemers who will secretly use you to achieve their own goals. Evil is often silent and attractive until it strikes.

Where to Begin In play-tests, I found that starting off at the Northern most edge of the Timiro Kingdom was very effective. This will place the characters in a rough environment where they will have to stay alert and pool their resources. At the same time it provides a fair amount of alternatives, directions and adventure. Forts, border towns and wilderness encounters are also easier to play because everything is much more straight forward. Cities and large towns are restricted by laws, rulers, soldiers and a vast array of elements that new players (and especially new game masters) may have trouble keeping in mind. My original play-tests began at Fort Brandt, a corrupt border outpost that viewed most travelers as a nuisance and/or an easy mark. Abuse of authority and crime are common here because of the great distance between them and real authority. See Fort Brandt Description. The players' first problem will be getting across the Old Kingdom River. It is here, at Fort Brandt, that I introduced the first scenario about the Mystic Parcels.

Sir Benedict the Lion True name: Benedict Aria the 111 Captain of the Elite Sentinels Human, age: 48 10th level Knight Alignment: anarchist Hit Points: 59 S.D.C.: 13 Armor: Splint armor, A.R. 16, S.D.C. 82 Attributes: I.Q. 16, P.S. 14, P.P. 18, P.B. all others average. Personality: Seasoned warrior, merciless in battle, loyal to his men (the Sentinels) and kingdom. Cocky, arrogant, feels superior to everybody and shows it. Unfortunately. Sir Benedict is a better fighter and smarter than most. He resents Sir Bo for holding the position of fort commander; a position he believes should be his.

The Adventure of the Mystic Parcels G.M. NOTE: Although this adventure was originally set at Fort Brandt, it could be staged at any of the forts or small towns along the Northern border of Timiro. The characters are hired by a wealthy merchant to deliver some packages. The characters can be hired as a group or individually to work as a group. This can be an excellent way to introduce the characters to one another.

The Adventure A wealthy merchant named Bernard Blim will hire the group to deliver five 50 Ib. parcels to the town of Arian. The people who were to pick up the parcels have apparently fallen upon some misfortune for


they have not yet come for them. Blim's problem is that the parcels must be delivered to Tabor Samila at the town of Arian. He will pay each character 50 gold up front, in advance, with another 50 gold each upon their return. He will also provide one pack mule (28 hit points) and passage across the river if starting at Fort Brandt. However, if they can deliver the packages within four days he

Blim has also misled the characters about the use of the two people's "true names". They will not be harmed if anything happens to the parcels. This will be apparent if something should befall the packages. In reality, only the two people whose names are incribed can handle both the parcel and the medallion without activating the wards. Tabor Samila knows this. The power of the medallion is protection from spells, circles and ward magic (+4 to save) and creates an Armour of Ithan two times per

will give them a bonus of 200 gold each. Of course a signed statement from Tabor Samila stating the date of delivery is required (players are wise to dismiss any thought of forgery).

day (duration one hour). It was created by an alchemist who was a fanatical worshiper of an unusual cult dedicated to Thoth. The medallion was originally created for the high priest, but was stolen when the priest had an unfortunate encounter with an angry sphinx. How Blim came to possess it is unknown. Bernard Blim will apologize for the subterfuge and wish the party well. As a final gesture he will suggest the safest route, warn them of any known bandit activity and provide them with two powerful scrolls. One is a tenth level Fly As An Eagle spell and the other is an eighth level Call Lightning. Both are written in a language familiar to more than one party member. Blim will warn the group that the scrolls are extremely potent and should only be used if absolutely necessary. He

would prefer it if the scrolls were returned. His final words will be: "Now I would hurry along if I were you. After all, you are only about

The Packages

one day ahead of him." He disappears via psionic invisibility.

Blim will refuse to reveal or discuss the contents of the parcels. "You need not know the contents to deliver them. They are simply goods to be delivered to Tabor Samila at the Arian Town Council

The Journey to Arian Pressing fast and hard on foot, with no more than seven hours rest per day, will get the group to Arian by late evening of the fourth day. A slower pace will take five to seven days. Travel by horseback will take about two days to reach Arian. By river it will take approximately two

Building." However, he will gladly show the group the five parcels which look typical and unassuming. Each is identical. One will register

magic if any of the characters can sense or detect such things. Blim will refuse to comment. He will be pleasant and friendly, offering the characters good wine and discussion about themselves. The latter is not simple pleasantries but Blim's way of feeling out what type of people/alignments these characters are. He will also use subtle psionics to carefully extract the information he needs. During the conversation he will try to learn the "true names" of as many characters as possible. He will use telepathy, if he must, to extract the true names of the most honorable/good characters and most evil or selfish characters. After the pleasantries, he will dismiss the group, asking them to return within two hours; for he has some final arrangements to make before they can leave. Upon the groups' return, he will reveal that he is a master of mystic symbols (Diabolist) and to insure the packages safety, he has covered them with wards. Indeed, all five parcels are covered with wards and secured on the pack mule's back. He will also point out that the true names of two of the characters are inscribed upon the packages and that should any of the parcels be damaged or tampered with, the two people will die. This is to "insure a reasonable sense of responsibility." If the group should protest he will ignore them saying that they have already accepted the assignment and are quite literally bound to them (or at least two of them are). Tabor Samila is said to be the only

and a half days but is a dangerous bandit area. G.M.'s, be certain to consider the time lost in battle or foolish side adventures. Encounters: Roll on the Random Encounter Table, for the appropriate area, once for every eight hours of travel. During the first night's

rest or encampment, the character on last watch will realize that a tiger is circling the camp. The tiger is stalking the pack mule (or one of the other horses, if any). It continually disappears into the darkness and foliage as it prowls ever closer to its prey. If the animal(s) seem too well protected, the tiger will eventually leave. Likewise, shouting and stone throwing near it (not directly at it) will also send it off looking for an easier meal. However, a direct attack startling the tiger or worse yet,

wounding it will cause the powerful cat to attack and fight to the death. The target of its attack will be in the following preference according to accessibility: the pack mule, another horse (if any), the smallest member of the group, or the one who wounded it. On the second day, the group will sight three ominous looking knights on horse back. Each knight is dressed in full plate and chain armor (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 100, average 35 hit points each) bearing the insignia of a red bear. They are in an obvious rush and will pay the group no heed or aid. If the knights are stopped or threatened by the group, they

person who can open them without activating the wards of protection.

G.M. NOTE: In reality this is a clever ploy to instill a sense of dread and urgency in the characters, as well as to disguise the packages. Each parcel bears one ward of burning pain that will inflict only 1D6 points of damage to anyone who tampers with it as a warning. However, only the one parcel which registered magic is covered in addi-

will fight only to escape and ride on. Ironically, the three knights are on their way to Bernard Blim to pick up the packages. The first, less heavily armed couriers fell prey to bandits on route to Blim. The knights will never be of any use to the group;

tional real wards. The other four parcels are covered in impressive but

G.M.'s may want to have the knights arrive right after the group's confrontation with the sphinx or fall prey to the sphinx and have the group discover their dead or dying bodies as an element of foreboding.

always passing them by, going one way or another, without a word.

false and/or unactivated wards. Even another diabolist may not be certain that the deadly wards are not activated. The magic parcel has active, true wards which are triggered in the following sequence: burning pain (the warning; 1-6 damage), silent alarm, blind, fear, blind, and agony. Each time the parcel is tampered with one will go off. NONE are area affect. The parcel itself is heavily padded and contains a few bronze statues of Isis and a medallion that appears to be a gold disc of the sun. The medallion itself bears a ward of burning pain doing 8D6 damage for 48 melees, unless the character saves vs. wards, and death (doing 8D6x2 points of damage).

The Sphinx If the characters reach Arian within four days, they themselves are not likely to encounter the sphinx, since it will be Tabor Samila who

has the packages. However, if they are delayed, the sphinx will encounter them on the fifth or sixth day of travel. Remember, the players don't know who or what is pursuing them (heck, their pursuer could be the


A.R.: (natural) 10 Horror Factor: 17 Attacks per Melee: Four hand to hand or by magic Bonuses: +6 to damage, +3 to strike, parry, & dodge, +2 on all saving throws, +4 save vs. spell magic. Claw attack does 3D6 damage, bite does 1D6. Magic Abilities: 6th level Wizard, +2 spell strength (victims need to roll 14 or higher to save). P.P.E.: 158 Spells Known: Charm, decipher magic, blinding flash, cloud of smoke, sleep, invisibility, levitate, tongues, fear, call lightning, fireball, negate magic, heal self, metamorphosis: human, and magic pigeon. Skills of Note: History 68%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 75%, Lore: Faerie Folk 75%, Lore: Religion 73%, Imitate Voices 56%, and speaks all languages at 95%. Natural Abilities: See Palladium Book of Monsters and Animals NOTE: This is a very clever, cunning creature. He will NEVER fight to the death, but will escape or retreat to extract retribution at a later date.

The Giant Fire Brand and His Raiders The Location This adventure should take place in the forests of Northeastern Timiro. The forests near Baca, Fort Isib, Fort Alandia or Arian or Sino are ideal locations because they are far from the heart of civilized Timiro and military intervention. The location chosen should be predominately forest where the giant and his bandits can hide if pursued. It should also be near one of the well traveled trails to provide ample opportunities to waylay travelers. While the area is generally undeveloped, it is populated with scattered farms, by trappers and small outpost-type towns. Calling any of these outposts a one horse town is being generous as there are seldom more than a dozen buildings populated by less than a hundred people.

three knights as far as they know); so you might want to have this large shadow pass over them once or twice, but when they look up, it's gone. The sphinx covets the magic medallion which he truthfully claims was stolen from him. Of course he stole it from the priest of Thoth, who he killed. He knows that the two people whose names are inscribed on the package are the only ones who can handle it and will demand them to bring him the medallion (he is not aware of the wards on the medallion itself). First, however, he will chase away all the other party members with gruff talk and threats. This sphinx will usually use intimidation and manipulation to get his way. He rarely kills on a whim and will always warn/threaten the person(s) before taking action. If attacked or defied he will first destroy the weapon with a well placed magic fireball or lightning bolt and repeat the command or threat. If defied or attacked a second time, he will counter with a vicious attack that will usually render that person severely hurt or destroyed. He will then give a final warning to anyone who may be considering similar folly. Any attacks after that will be met with deadly force. Although the sphinx is not evil per se, he has little regard for lesser creatures such as humans and the other humanoid races (with the exception of elves who he views with great suspicion). And while he is not intentionally cruel, he is extremely selfish and arrogant and will not hesitate to torture, maim or even kill anyone who would dare to inter-

The Scenario This area (about a 70 mile/112 km radius) has recently been claimed as the domain of self-proclaimed Lord Fire Brand; a Nimiro giant from the Old Kingdom. He has usurped control of the land through force and intimidation. Terrorized, the local inhabitants are subject to frequent raids, vandalism, molesting and other indignities. The few local champions have all fallen to the might of Fire Brand or the treachery of his raiders (particularly the goblins, Mik and Gark). Fire Brand has made it painfully clear that if the authorities (soldiers) are notified of his activities he will slaughter the people and torch the land. Consequently, the townspeople will implore any potential champions to fight on their behalf to free them from the tyranny of the evil giant. (NOTE: Characters of a good alignment will not be able to refuse their plea). Any person or people who can slay or chase away the

fere, betray, defy or thwart him. NOTE: If the group successfully tricks or combats him, preventing him from getting the medallion, there is a 50% chance that he will track them down and kill them or cause terrible trouble.

giant and his raiders will receive the undying gratitude of the people, countless blessings, the giant's possessions and free food and lodging. In addition, they will offer a special gift of two trained ponies (value 500 gold each), three of their finest milking goats (value 100 gold each), and 93 eastern gold pieces. This gift represents all of their greatest possessions and is actually a hardship for them to give away. This is a very tiny, poor community of people living off the land in the outback of Timiro. They have no magic, gems, additional gold, armor or alcohol. (G.M. NOTE: If the players are gracious and leave the community

THE SPHINX True Name: Rahl Pattu Alignment: Anarchist Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 18, M.A. 9, P.S. 27, P.P. 19, P.E. 24, P.B. 23,

Spd. 18 Hit Points: 61; S.D.C.: 135


some or all of the giant's possessions, it will be a great boon to the people, and should get the players some bonus experience points. However, these are proud people and they will not accept charity, thus the wealth must be given to them in a clever way without offending them. This adventure will not provide the characters with much material gain, but emotional and experience gain).

Weapons (giant size): Beaked axe, 3D6 damage; scimitar 3D6, bull whip 3D6, dagger 1D8 damage. Equipment/Possessions: Wears large emerald ring (2000 gold), bronze arm and wrist bands (200 gold total), bronze chest plate (400 gold, 601bs), and bronze helmet (70 gold). Various clothing (no real value), one potion of invisibility and one wizard scroll of heal self (2D6 hit points; the giant cannot use this scroll, but guards it jealously). Magical Abilities: None. Skills of Note: W.P. Sword, W. P. Forked Weapons, Speaks giantese 98%, gobblely and southern at 80% proficiency, climb/scale walls 70/65%, wilderness survival 60%, Hand to Hand: Assassin. Personality: Like most Nimro (fire) giants, he is extremely aggressive and hostile. He loves combat and will always accept any one on one challenges, but is cunning and merciless; one who fights to win at any cost (he cheats). He is a terrible bully with an appetite for torture and all manner of human suffering (as long as he isn't on the receiving end).

The Raiders Fire Brand and his Raiders plunder and abuse travelers as well as the local people. Generally the raiders are bandits outlaws and brigands, who have joined the giant to attain money and power (over the helpless

people). They are loyal to Fire Brand as long as he is in control and can provide them with at least some degree of luxury. If he is slain or captured, they will abandon him without a second thought. Although a rather penniless lot of rogues, they are the lords of the communities they terrorize.

The Giant, Fire Brand (Quick Stats) True Name: Tyr

Melbrik Sgt. at Arms Ore

5th level Mercenary Warrior Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 19, P.P. 19, P.E. 25, P.B. 11, Spd. 8 Hit Points: 48; S.D.C.: 124 Armor: Bronze l/i plate, A.R. 9, S.D.C. 30 Attacks Per Melee: Three hand to hand plus one fire breath attack; 30 feet, range (does 4D6 damage). Bonuses: +8 to damage, +2 to parry and dodge, 44 to strike, 44 to disarm, +3 to roll/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch, +5 vs. magic and poison, impervious to fire.

6th level Mercenary Warrior Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 20, all others average.

Hit Points: 28; S.D.C.: 25 Second in Command Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 33 Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses: +5 to damage, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, 42 to roll/fall/impact, 42 to pull punch.


Weapons: Battle axe, 3D6 damage; broad sword, 2D4+1 damage; two knives, 1D6 damage each. Additional Equipment: Pint of good wine, 100 ft. of rope, 42 silver pieces, 56 gold pieces, ragged clothing. Skills of Note: W.P. Battle Axe, W.P. Sword, W.P. Knife, Horsemanship (general), First aid 40%, Speaks gobblely 98%, giantese and eastern 60%, Climb/scale walls 60/55%, wilderness survival 50%, Hand to Hand: Expert. Personality: Very clever, watches everything. Self-confident and very tough.

Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.E. 13, P.S. 11, P.P. 19, all others average. Hit Points: 26; S.D.C.: 13 Armor: Soft leather, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20 Attacks Per Melee: Two Bonuses: 44 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge (these include P.P. bonus), +2 to roll/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch. Weapons: Morning star, 2D6 damage; short sword, throwing axe, 2D4 damage each; and 3 knives, 1D6 damage. Additional Equipment: 2 small animal snares, 1 Ib. (0.45 kg) jerked beef, pint of poor rum, 67 gold coins, 21 silver (he's a better gambler than his brother). Skills of Note: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Throwing Axe, W.P. Knives, Hand to Hand: Expert, Track humanoids 50%, Track & Trap Animals 50/60%, Prowl 35%, Land navigation 58%, wilderness survival 60%, skin & prepare animal hides 55%, identify plants & fruits 50%, speaks the same languages as Mik. Personality: Easy going but cunning, a dirty fighter.

The Goblin Rangers: Mik and Gark (brothers) Mik (Quick Stats) 3rd level Ranger Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.E. 14, P.S. 10, all others average. Hit Points: 27; S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Soft leather, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20.

The Raiders

Attacks per Melee: Two Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, Kick attack. Weapons: Short sword, 2D4 damage; short bow (23 arrows), 3 daggers; all do 1D6 damage each. Additional Equipment: 3 small animal snares, 2 Ibs. jerked beef, 4 gold coins, 12 silver (lost most of his money gambling). Skills of Note: W.P. Archery, W.P. Knives, Hand to Hand: Basic, Track humanoids 50%, Track & Trap Animals 50/60%, Land navigation 58%, wilderness survival 60%, skin & prepare animal hides 55%, identify plants & fruits 50%, Prowl 35%, Speaks gobblely 98%, eastern, southern and elven 65%. Personality: Grumpy, quarrelsome, habitual gambler, cruel and vindictive.

Unless otherwise noted all attributes are average, armor is soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20) and all are 1st level mercenaries or thieves with one attack per melee; speak gobblely and southern. Race Hit S.D.C. Weapons Gold

Gark (Quick Stats) 3rd level Ranger Alignment: Anarchist





spear, short sword


Human Human

16 18

7 10

military fork 15 short sword, dagger 20

Human Ore Ore Ore Ore Ore Ore Goblin

12 20 8 10 9 14 16 17

6 23 21 17 18 22 19 16

spear, broadsword spear, battle axe spear, short sword spear, short sword spear, short sword knives, flamberge spear, battle axe mace, short sword

19 14 6 8 19 30 24 14

+1 str. +2 dam. +1 dam. +2 dam. +3 dam. +4 dam. +2 dam. +1 str/p/d




morning star, knives 53

+2 str/p/d




knife, short sword

+1 str/p/d


Ogre Invasion —— FOR THE GAME MASTER'S EYES ONLY!!! lem: which one does the group warn? Split up and warn both? Or do they try to chew away at the invaders via guerrilla warfare, with hit and

This is not a specific adventure per se, but an element to interject

into a campaign or to be turned into an adventure. The ogre invasion is

run tactics? Of course things are complicated in that it's very difficult to hide in flat lowlands. Several other adventures are possible at this point, problems at

a handy vehicle to direct the players into a specific area or action. It can easily be splintered into a multi-part theme with several individual adventures with the same basic antagonist/problem, which builds into a final conflict/ resolution. Example: Adventure one: The discovery of the massacre at Fort Calda. The characters must make the decision to

Smia and at Erat, preparation for battle, sneak attacks, scouting parties, capture by the ogres, and revenge. On the other hand, there may be nothing the group feels they can do. So they continue on their own sojourn with sadness in their hearts, ducking an occasional ogre scouting party (this would be almost impossible for characters of good alignment to agree to). Or the Game Master

ignore what they have discovered or change their current plans and attempt to warn Fort Clay that they are next on the ogres' schedule of destruction. The problem is that they must reach Fort Clay before the ogres (who have a head start), without being seen. Both time and ore/ogre scouting parties are the enemy to be defeated.

may wish to use the ogre invasion as a subplot of events occurring in the Timiro Kingdom without ever directly involving the players but influencing other events and situations that do. A Note to Both G.M. and Players: Even characters of a good

Adventure two: Fort Clay: If they beat the ogres to Fort Clay they will discover that the Captain is an overconfident military brat who will not believe them. The player characters know the fort is in mortal dan-

ger but no one else will do anything to protect themselves because they think the group is mistaken. The problem; how to save the fort and/or themselves or how to stop the attack by themselves. Adventure three: If the fort falls (which is most likely) or the group

alignment are not going to directly confront the ogre invaders if it's a deadly no-win situation. Remember, these are good characters, not crazy people looking to commit suicide.

Details for the Ogre Invasion

arrives too late, what do they do next? Their information indicates the

G.M.'s, use this information as you see fit; alter the events and characters to best satisfy your players' needs. You may have these events happen early in the campaign or after the Place of Magic. It's up to you. See Fort Calda. See Fort Clay.

ogres' ultimate goal is to attack the city of Smia, but the trail seems to be a little more eastemly than southeast. This could mean that they plan on attacking the town of Erat instead. Both are likely targets. The prob-


After Erat has fallen, the ogres will loot what they can, weapons, armor, horses and gold being the preferred items, and set the town

100 Ogre soldiers, 1st and 2nd level mercenary fighters. Studded leather armor: A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Average Stats: I.Q. 9, M.A. 5, P.S. 20, P.E. 16, Spd. 9 Common attribute bonuses: (P.S.) +5 to damage, (P.E.) +1 vs. magic and poison. Average Hit Points: 26; Average S.D.C.: 35 Weapons Large sword 3D6 damage, short sword 3D4, spear 3D6, or battleaxe 4D6, and large shield (+2 to parry); all weapons are giantsized. The ogres are the leaders of this insurrection and the real danger as they are mean, merciless, and filled with hate toward humans. 15

ablaze. They will not linger here, but amass the slaves and take them back with them as they flee back to the mountains. Their domain is the area along the Ogre Pass. They will try to avoid Fort Ibi, giving it a wide berth. The two warlocks and changelings will hang back to protect the flank and rear of the fleeing invaders. They will do their best to disperse any pursuit from the mercenaries at Fort Ibi. NOTE: The forces at Forts Ibera and Bext are too small and too far to give pursuit without leaving their own forts

open to attack. Future plans include building an army and getting a firm hold on the north and northeast portions of Timiro. Ultimately they plan on

ogres are on horseback. The Ore cavalry: 50 ores, all are 2nd and 3rd level meres Hard Leather armor, A.R. 11, S.D.C. 39 Average Stats: I.Q. 7, M.E. 5, P.S. 18, P.E. 9, Spd. 9. Common attribute bonuses: (P.S.) +3 to damage. Average Hit Points: 18; Average S.D.C.: 20 Attacks Per Melee: Two Weapons: Spear 1D6 damage, short sword 2D4, mace or war club 2D6 or 2D4 damage respectively, and small shield (+2 to parry). These ores are the elite among their kind, and are tough, capable fighters.

plunging through the inadequately protected cities in the northwest, adding the huge slave populations to the ranks as they go. Specific prime targets include Media, Tanis, Beeg, Partha, Aracho, Tax, and eventually, Gedro, Sino, Parp, Baca and the neighboring smaller forts. They will avoid the large cavalry forts, making the soldiers come to them. Acoroc will also be avoided because of the fabled might of the dwarves that rule there.

150 Ore foot soldiers, all are 1st level meres Soft Leather armor, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20 Average Stats: I.Q. 5, M.E. 5, P.S. 18, P.E. 10, Spd. 9. Average Hit Points: 15; Average S.D.C.: 17 Common Attribute Bonuses: (P.S.) +3 to damage. Attacks Per Melee: Two Weapons: Spear 1D6 damage, short sword 2D4, small wood shield (+1 to parry). Although new to combat, they are mean, merciless fighters. The ogres among them keep them in line and bolster their confidence. Their morale is low and any severe blow to their ranks, especially to the ogres or leaders, will cause them to falter, becoming reckless and unorganized (becoming -1 to strike, parry and dodge). If the battle continues to go badly and all four leaders are slain or captured, they are likely to flee as fast as their stubby little legs can carry them (89% chance of fleeing, 36% chance of surrender without a fight). Horses and equipment: 20 empty wagons for booty and perhaps transport of the foot soldiers. 15 supply wagons with meat (60% human flesh), grain, water, and miscellaneous supplies. 50 cavalry ponies (approx. value 1000 gold each), 15 riding horses (approx. value 2000 gold each), 70 work horses/ponies (approx. value 300 gold each), 10 extra ponies (approx. value 1000 gold each) and 18 extra work horses/ponies. Ore laborers prepare meals, drive wagons, fix wagons, load and perform similar chores. Total: 80 ores, same stats as foot soldiers, no armor.

Among the upper chain of command are the changelings. Fifteen in all, these evil shape changers have allied themselves with the ogres to

The Leaders (Quick Stats) extract revenge for the centuries of persecution their race has suffered at the hands of human beings. Crafty and cunning, they are always disguised as ogres, ores or humans, depending on circumstances. They NEVER show their true form! It is through these fiends that the ogres are able to penetrate the humans' line of defense undetected. 15 changelings, 3rd to 4th level thieves Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Average Stats: I.Q. 9, M.E. 20, M.A. 16, P.E. 5, P.P. 11, Spd. 5 Common Attribute Bonuses: (M.E.) +3 vs. psionics, (M.A.) trust 40% Average Hit Points: 21; Average S.D.C.: 12 Weapons: Large sword 2D6 damage, mace 2D6 damage, knives 1D6 damage. The changelings are excellent, tricky fighters and often employ deception and back-stabbing techniques. They despise humans but not to the point of recklessness. The changelings' group leader is Pohl Andee; he answers only to the ogre leaders Master Slayer and The Shadow. 6th level Thief Changeling, age: 23 Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 22, M.A. 18, P.E. 6, P.P. 14, all others average. Hit Points: 31; S.D.C.: 10 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Personality: Schemer, cruel, enjoys torture and death. Strong leader, ruthless in combat; obsessed with revenge. Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, kick attack, critical strike on 19-20, +4 vs. psionics, 50% trust/intimidate Skills of Note: Prowl 50%, climb/scale walls 65/55%, Pick Pocket 65%, Locate secret doors 55%, W.P. Knives, W.P. Blunt, Speaks giantese, elven, Gobblely, 98%, Southern 90%, Hand to Hand: Basic. Additional Equipment: Scroll (written in elven) cloud of smoke, one potion of healing (restores 2D6 hit points), black jack, pipe and smoking tobacco, clothes, riding gear, an Old Kingdom 500 gold piece coin, sapphire (worth 2000 gold), a ruby ring (worth 1800 gold).

The Ogres' Strategy The ogres will first hit Fort Calda. Next target.. . Fort Clay. Although evidence seems to indicate Smia is the next target, the ogres actually plan on attacking the town of Erat. They will avoid the known trail, opting to travel in a direct line from Fort Clay to Erat. This approach will also imply that Smia is indeed the true target (which is incorrect). If the military is alerted they will send most of their numbers to the wealthy city of Smia.

Erat is to fall as an example of the ogres' might. It is a reasonable selection with little chance of warding off the invaders. Erat's size, importance as the northern trade center for the border towns, and sizable ore slave population makes it an ideal target. Word will spread quickly that the ogres will liberate slaves and unite them against mankind. This will plant the seeds of unrest throughout the non-human slaves that represent 35% of the Timiro Kingdom's population. This could be the beginning of Timiro's fall if the ogres are not stopped.


Weapons: Trident 3D6+2 damage, Short sword 3D4 damage, Hercules club 4D6 damage, and two daggers 2D6 damage each; all are giantsized.

The Changelings are a key part of the ogres' evil. When a fort is approached (or a human scouting party ambushed) the changelings are always sent ahead. They assume the shape of human or elven soldiers or travelers to gain easy entry into the fort. Once inside they study the

Additional Equipment: Riding gear, clothes, extra dagger and trident, two healing potions (restores IDS hit points each), jade ring (approx. value 300 gold), simple gold band ring (magic-turn invisible 3x daily, equal to a 6th level spell), gallon of wine, two emeralds (ap-

fort's layout, strengths and weaknesses. Two will return with this information; the others stay behind to sabotage from within. The main goal of those inside the fort is to cause as much confusion as possible without exposing themselves.

prox. value 2000 gold each), and 1300 in gold coins. The rings are always worn while the potions and gold are kept in his personal

NOTE: 1.) All attacks occur under the cover of night. 2.) The warlocks strike strategic areas with lightning, clouds, and snow storms. 3.) No more than eight changelings enter the fort. 4.) The changelings often

wagon/tent. Two loyal ores guard the wagon/tent at all times. Both have an I.Q. 6, P.S. 22, Spd. 12, 22 hit points, 20 S.D.C. and studded

leather armor. Master Slayer also possesses a 2 year old horse, Kea-la, approx. value 20,000 gold, Spd. 20mph, Hit points: 57; Leather barding (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 40). Skills of Note: Prowl 47%, Identify tracks 47/30%, Track 48/9%, Scale

disguise themselves as women.

walls 60%, Horsemanship: general, Speaks Giantese, Gobblely,

Southern 98%, Elven 80%, Hand to hand: Expert. Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 27, P.P. 20, P.E. 18, all others average. Personality: Arrogant, snobbish, feels superior. A cunning tactician

who will gladly sacrifice his men to attain his goals. The warriors all fear him.

Shadow (true name: Ril Labot) Appears to be an Ogre, age: 40 Special Multi-Class Character 2nd level Assassin 3rd level Mind Mage Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 20, M.A. 20, P.E. 3, P.P. 14, all others average. Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Studded Leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or psionic. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to save vs. psionics, 60% trust/intimidate, and +2 on initiative. Psionic Abilities: 60 I.S.P., mind block, see aura, alter aura (self), meditation, detect psionics, bio-regeneration (self), deaden pain, impervious to poison/toxin, death trance, resist thirst, empathy, telepathy, presence sense, cause insanity, insert memory, induce nightmare, mind block auto-defense. Weapons: Short bow does 1D6 damage, bo staff 2D6 damage, broad sword 2D4+1 damage, four knives 1D6 damage each. Skills of Note: Prowl 40%, Hand to Hand Assassin, Horsemanship: general, Speaks Elven, Giantese, Gobblely 98%, Southern, and Eastern 90%, Read/write Elven 63%. Personality: Deceptively easy-going, laid back, but maniacal, evil through and through. Superb liar, butter could melt on his silver tongue. Enjoys manipulating people to achieve his goals. Calling him treacherous is an understatement. He is particularly dangerous as a master of disguise because he can telepathically probe the person he's disguised as to create a fool proof "new" identity.

The Four Ogre Leaders Master Slayer Shadow

Cyclone Brother Wind

Cylone (true name: Bu Tiib) 6th level Air Warlock Ogre, age: 30 Alignment: Diabolic Hit Points: 36 S.D.C.: 25 Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 15, P.S. 18, P.P. 10, P.E. 13, Spd. 12, all others average. Armor: Studded Leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses: +3 to damage, +2 spell strength, +1 save vs. magic and possession, +2 vs. horror factor (+6 vs. elemental beings). Magic Abilities: Spells — Breathe without air, Cloud of Slumber, Create Light, Howling wind, Mesmerism, Silence (15ft radius), Call

Master Slayer (true name: Butte Crii) 5th level Mercenary Warrior

Ogre, age: 24 Alignment: Miscreant Hit Points: 37; S.D.C.: 35 Armor: Splint, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75 Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses: +12 to damage (with combat bonuses), +5 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch, +2 save vs. magic and poison. (W.P. skill bonuses not included).


Lightning, Wind Rush, Resist Cold, Calm Storms, Dissipate Gases, Invisibility, Breath of Life, Invisible Wall, Phantom, Electric field/Wall, Snow Storm, Vacuum. 30% chance to summon an elemental. P.P.E.: 155 Weapons: Wood throwing spikes that do 1D4 damage normal or 2D4

damage when thrown in a wind rush (has a dozen spikes), wood war club 2D6 damage. Additional Equipment: Another 24 wood spikes, 2 daggers, clothes, 2

gallons of rum, 350 in gold coins, looted jewelry (approx. value 1200 gold). Skills of Note: Dowsing 50%, Gemology 55%, W.P. Knives (throwing" spikes), W.P. Blunt, Hand to hand: Basic, Speaks Giantese and Gobblely 98%, Can't read/write or ride a horse. Personality: Nervous, agitated, always moving, vicious, deadly, shows no mercy. Always looks grim or mean.


Brother Wind (true name: Rig-Ko) Ogre, age: 32 4th level Air Warlock Alignment: Anarchist Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, P.S. 19, P.P. 9, P.E. 14, Spd. 5, all others average. Hit Points: 28; S.D.C.: 25 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses: +4 to damage, +1 spell strength, +1 save vs. magic and possession, +2 vs. horror factor (+6 vs. elemental beings). Magic Abilities: Spells — Cloud of Steam, Breathe Without Air, Stop wind, Mesmerism, Levitate, Silence, Call Lightning, Darkness, Walk the Wind, Calm Storm, Freeze water, Protection from lightning. 20% chance to summon an elemental. P.P.E.: 129 Weapons: Iron staff 3D6+2 damage, 2 daggers 2D6 damage; all are giant-sized. Additional Equipment: Personal effects, gallon of good wine, dried herbs and mushrooms, 400 gold in coins. Skills of Note: First aid 45%, W.P. Staves, Speaks Giantese and Gobblely 98%, Eastern and Elven 60%, Hand to hand: Basic. Personality: Mean, suspicious, vengeful.

Eight years ago a secret pact was made between Father Tarka and the ogre leader Master Slayer. An agreement that insured a regular and

steady flow of supplies for trade and a promise to exempt the town of Baca from ore and ogre raids. Since then, Baca has prospered, Father

Tarka and his fellow co-conspirators have grown rich and the ogres strong. Approximately every five months, a band of 30 ores with pack animals and 4-12 ogres make their rendezvous at Baca to trade loot and furs for much needed essentials, like grains, flour, rope, fabric, alcohol, cattle, tools, and weapons. The weapons are especially important even if they are generally of poor quality. After the exchange is made under the cloak of darkness and secluded away from the unsuspecting town folk, the caravan carefully makes its way through the Arian forest and past

Fort Bext to their stronghold at the Ogre Pass. Three times now the mercenaries of Fort Bext have discovered and routed their caravans in the last two years. However, the soldiers believe the contraband is being

supplied outside the Timiro Kingdom across the river between Forts Brandt and Hilde.

The Ores 1st level mercenary fighters or thieves Weapons: Spear, short sword or battleaxe and dagger. Armor: Padded, A.R. 9, S.D.C. 15 Bonuses: One attack per melee, +4 to damage, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Hit Points: 16; S.D.C.: 16 Attacks Per Melee: Two

Spear (true name: Timbok Crii), the brother of the leader, Master Slayer Ogre, age: 18 3rd level Assassin Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.S. 19, P.P. 14, P.E. 11, Spd. 15. Hit Points: 26; S.D.C.: 30 Armor: Chain mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44. Attacks Per Melee: 3 hand to hand. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to damage, +3 to roll/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch, (with hand to hand bonus). Weapons Awl pike does 3D6 damage, short spear 2D6 damage, javelin 3D4 damage, sword 3D6 damage, 3 knives 1D6 damage (normal size); all are giant-sized. Additional Equipment: 2 extra javelins, 3 extra knives, suit of soft leather armor, 250 in gold coins, jewel studded chalice (10 gems worth 100 gold each, total 1000 gold). Skills of Note: Prowl 45%, Climb/Scale Walls 60/55%, Track humanoids 45%, Use & Recog. Poison 32/24%, Pick locks 55%, concealment 42%, Speaks Giantese and Gobblely 98%, W.P. Pole arm, W.P. Spear, W.P. sword, W.P. Knives. Can't read/write or ride a horse. Personality: Cocky, wild, over-confident, angry.

The Ogres 2nd and 3rd level mercenary fighters Weapons: Bastard or long sword, ball and chain, large spear and dagger. Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38. Bonuses: Two attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge. Hit Points: 24; S.D.C.: 30 Attacks Per Melee: Two Notes: Half will be on horseback. Often accompanied by 2-8 trained coyotes.

Two Goblin Scouts They will always act as reconnaissance, scouting ahead and carrying messages to and from Baca.

2nd to 4th level rangers or mercenary fighters. Weapons: short bow, throwing axe, and short sword. Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38. Hit Points: 20; S.D.C.: 15 Attacks Per Melee: Two or Three

The pack animals are captured ponies or stolen work horses.


In addition to the small caravan, once a year a large caravan also pays a visit to Baca. The time of year is intentionally varied and often reflects troop movements and the severity of their needs. Twenty to thirty covered wagons pulled by horse and oxen and another 20 pack animals loaded up with the usual staples. A total of 60 ores man the wagons and no less than 20 ogres supervise the operation. Often one or two of the ogres is a second or third level wizard, witch or warlock to supplement their firepower. Thus far, their pilgrimage to Baca has remained a secret. A secret that has cost the lives of many a good man, either at the hands of the ogres or Father Tarka and the Baca town council. The stakes are far too high to take chances and witnesses or the nosey are quickly hunted down and liquidated.

The Adventure of the Hidden Temple The Legend of the Death-Song Tome It is said that the god, Thoth — the Seeker of Knowledge, is the true author of the silver rune legacy of magic that men call the Death-Song Tome. The original book predates the Elf-Dwarf War, and some say it predates the birth of man; probably originating sometime during or around the Time of a Thousand Magicks. It is a treasure coveted by men and gods alike, for within its timeless pages are the secrets of spell magic, including spells of legend, all circles, symbols, power words, and wards. All explained and diagramed like a baker's recipe book. Just waiting to be used by anyone bold enough to claim it. The history of the Death-Song Tome is long and bloody. The stories vary greatly from storyteller to storyteller, but most versions concur with the proceeding saga. The era of dwarven and elven dominion over the planet was at an end. The last of the dwarven guerrillas were being routed from their stronghold and put to the sword or on the slave block; the 2000 year war was nearing its conclusion. It was during that melancholy time that the dwarves found the silver rune tome, giving them hope that the war was not yet lost. But fate is cruel and with a treacherous twist, the book was stolen by a young human ally from the west. It is said that the thief was a prince from the fledgling Western Kingdom of Man, who, like the dwarves he betrayed, fell prey to the false friendship and the lust for power of his court vizier. Within the next decade, the vizier would rise to become the greatest human wizard in history. His name was Kree-Thoth (not his true name), and with his newfound power, he would lead the Western Kingdom to become an Empire. Then one day Kree-Thoth vanished and the Death-Song Tome with him. Without his great vision and incredible power, the mighty wheels of the Western Empire ground to a halt and slowly rolled back on themselves. Yet the Empire that Kree-Thoth had built would recover, grow and remain a power to be reckoned with for thousands of years. Five thousand glorious years would pass for the Western Empire. As it slipped in and out of decadence other kingdoms would rise to power. The once great nation had become a gutter filled with corruption, bizarre cults and lost souls. Its lands plagued by invaders and pestilence, the core of the Western Empire shrunk to nearly the size of Lopan today. It was at this time that the usurper emperor, a knight from Timiro, miraculously breathed new life into the corpse of the Western Empire. He purged the decadence, reclaimed two thirds of its lost lands and restored its position as an Empire. Emperor Andro el-Poltau (not his true name) was a brilliant tactician, but it was his incredible luck on both the field of politics and field of battle that started rumors circulating. Long-time enemies agreed to sign nonaggression pacts and trade agreements. Enemies leagues away would suddenly fall ill or disappear. Some rumors whispered that entire armies would disappear with a passing fog. The very elements of nature seemed to fight at his side, besieging the enemy with unnatural weather and all manner of disaster. Eventually it was learned that Emperor Andro possessed a copy of the original Death-Song Tome. The copy was incomplete, but it still gave him the power to rebuild the Western Empire. The new Death-Song Tome certainly played a major roll in the pact between Emperor Andro and the giant Cyclops. A pact in which the Cyclops agreed to provide only his armies with their fabled lightning bolt weapons. Many historians believe it was this pact and the unmatched power of the magic lightning weapons that assured the second golden age of the Western Empire (also known as the Age of Andro).

Ogre Pass The ogre stronghold is in the northern mountains near the Ogre Pass. There they plot and train and grow ever stronger. Despite attempts by the Royal Timiro military, the ogres have resisted attacks by using guerilla fighting tactics of hit and run. The mountains themselves work against the soldiers, who are no match for the ores and ogres who grew up in them. Ogre Pass is an unofficial no-man's-land that has been held under ogre occupation for nearly eight centuries. It is here and in the surrounding mountains that the greatest number of ogre tribes wander freely. The most organized and dangerous of the ogre tribes is the one led by the Master Slayer and his cohorts. Unbeknownst to the humans of the Timiro Kingdom, he has successfully amassed an army of a few ogres and about 600 ores. If his plans to wipe out Fort Calda, Fort Clay and most importantly, Erat succeed, his ride to power is most assured and will at least triple the size of his forces.

Froud Grasslands Stretching out from the mountains and Ogre Pass is the vast Froud Grassland. This has been the home of thousands of ores and goblins for thousands of years. The grassland is dotted by shabby little encampments of nomadic ore and goblin tribes. The smallest of these tribes are often the targets for human slavers who capture and sell them in the Timiro Kingdom and elsewhere as cheap laborers and farmers. It is these scattered nomads that the Master Slayer hopes to unite into an army to destroy Timiro. Another large community of ogres and ores exists northwest of Ogre Pass near the edge of the Froud Grassland. These brigands rarely enter the border of the Timiro Kingdom and prey upon their own kind, trappers and travelers along the Old Kingdom River. Thus far they have refused to join the Master Slayer in his crusade against the Kingdom, however, a decisive victory could sway them. The tribes' population: 100 ogres, 200 ores and 400 goblins, but this is a loose knit community with weak leadership.

Aberla Pass The ogres of Aberla Pass represent the southernmost edge of ogre dominance in the Old Kingdom mountains. Unlike their brothers to the North, they have not fared well against the continuing onslaught of the Timiro cavalry. Should the Master Slayer be successful in his assault against Erat, it is these ogres who will most likely feel the sting of the Kingdom's vengeful sword. A strong campaign could wipe them out completely. The pass itself is an ancient road connecting the Old Kingdom and the Timiro Kingdom, both of which were once ruled by the Elven Lords.

Belgerphon Pass Belgerphon Pass is another ancient road connecting the Old Kingdom with Timiro. While occasional bands of brigands, ogres and ores dwell there, it has never been a threat to the Kingdom.


On a moonless night, Emperor Andro's 62 year reign came to an end. His young-looking body, kept unnaturally youthful through his secret magic, was found dead on the bed where he slept. There were no

They explain that they have been sent to retrieve an ancient book of magic allegedly hidden in an abandoned temple of the god, Amon, the Hidden One. They admit that their information is sketchy and that the

signs of combat or forced entry. The only hint of foul play was the conspicuous absence of the Death-Song Tome. A jungle cult soon claimed

temple may not actually be abandoned. On a similar note, its general location is in an area crawling with hostile nonhumans (ores, goblins, ogres) and they may have taken it over as their own secret outpost. The bottom line is that the dangers are likely to be many and are unknown; the worst should be anticipated. To cast a shadow over the quest, the northern travelers don't know if the book is even there. Thus, everyone may be risking their lives for nothing. Unfortunately, it is a risk the elf and wolfen are obligated to take.

responsibility for the Emperor's death and claimed to possess the tome. Shortly thereafter, the book was said to have been seen in the hands of a priest of Set, and lastly, in the possession of a fanatical cult pledged to Amon, the Hidden One. Legend says that the cultists hid the tome in a secret sanctuary while they worked on a conspiracy to overthrow the Timiro Kingdom with the power of Amon. The cult priests fell prey to a preemptive strike, disease and misfortune. The location of the sanctuary was never found, and the (copy) of the Death-Song Tome is said to lay dormant in some secret place, waiting as it has waited for over 300 years. Most stories say that the book is located in one of the many secret temples of Amon, the Hidden One, common to the Yin-Sloth Jungles and places in the south, but nobody knows for certain.

The deal is this: The northern travelers will pay the group a total of

1200 gold (six northern gold pieces worth 200 gold each), and split any treasure found during the expedition equally, with the exception of the

ancient book. It must be agreed, sworn on the group's leader's word of honor, that the book will automatically be given to them. Once the two have the book, they will return with it to their northern homeland. Important Note: The ancient book is never identified by name, but it is the Death-Song Tome (or at least the copy).

The Adventure Scenario

The Two Northern Travelers

The player group encounters a rather badly mauled group of adventurers from the north. This encounter can take place almost anywhere in the Timiro Kingdom, but it is best suited for a secluded location away from the large towns and cities. Like the other adventures, the northern or northwestern boundaries of Timiro are ideal. The adventurers from the north were members of an elite team of a dozen warriors who have been decimated by a large band of ogre warriors; part of the encroaching ogre invasion. Among the dead travelers are six Wolfen soldiers, one Wolfen Diabolist, two Wolfen wizards and an elf ranger. All look to have been seasoned veterans who made a good accounting of themselves before they fell — nine ogres and 17 ore warriors met their end at their hands. The only survivors of the battle are a Wolfen and an Elf. Both are near exhaustion and badly beaten, although ready to take on any new threats if they must. The Wolfen is a husky brute with broad shoulders. He's clad in chain armor and armed with a sword and shield. From his appearance, it's safe to assume he is a soldier. The occupation of the elf is considerably more dubious. He's clad in what was once an expensive cape and suit of chain and leather armor. He could be anything from a merchant or a thief to a sorcerer. His manner and speech smacks of nobility. Both the wolfen and elf will regard the group with the great caution, sheathing their weapons only after all the characters have sheathed theirs. Either the elf or wolfen, whichever can speak the language understood by the greatest number of characters, will explain that they were ambushed by the ogres and their henchmen. They will also warn that a few of the brigands got away and may return with reinforcements, so it is best to leave the dead and move on. The two northerners will accept any kindness offered them, particularly medical attention. Spoils among the dead ores and ogres: Three small iron shields, four spears (all others broken), 19 longbow arrows (longbow is broken), 12 short swords, 9 knives, miscellaneous clothing (nothing special or valuable). All else, including leather armor, is damaged beyond repair. Total silver pieces: 57, total gold: 35.

Lin the Elf Lin is a handsome elf who, by human standards, appears to be about 35 or 40 years old. He has shoulder-length black hair with unusual (for an elf) grey streaks at the temples. If questioned about it, he will explain that for a brief time he was the apprentice to a Summoner and they are

the result of the experience. An episode in his life that has also caused him to forsake magic (even spell magic). Although he says he is a wiz-

ard (which he is) he no longer has any desire to pursue a career in the mystic arts. These days, he says he is a simple adventurer driven by wanderlust. (Not entirely true, for he craves power and position, something a career as an assassin and troubleshooter has helped to provide. Lin has not decided whether or not he will use the Death-Song Tome for his own purposes or take it to the Wolfen king who has hired him.) It is obvious that Lin is a son of nobility and accustomed to giving

orders. It is a fair assumption that he was the leader of the Wolfen group, although he will deny it. In many ways, Lin typifies the elves of old: arrogant, pushy, clever, cunning, quiet but alert, and absorbed with his own self-importance. He is the master of his fate ... or so he would


Lin the Elf (Quick Stats)

The Deal If the player characters are kind, offer to help, or appear to need money, the elf or wolfen will explain that they are on a special mission to secure an ancient artifact and return it to the North. Obviously they have just suffered a severe setback in this quest, as two men are not enough for the job. If the group is interested, they would like to hire them to aid them on their quest. Both the characters are up-front about the nature of the quest, the possible dangers, and the splitting up of any

spoils. An aura of truth, or equivalent spell or power, will reveal that both speak the truth and are in desperate need of aid.


True name: Lindeer Robolin O.C.C. (multi-class): Second level wizard, 5th level assassin. Alignment: Aberrant Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 9, M.A. 11, P.S. 12, P.P. 20, P.E. 12, P.B. 24, Spd. 10. Hit Points: 39; S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Chain & leather (magic: noiseless), A.R. 14, S.D.C. 60 Attacks Per Melee: Four by hand to hand or two by magic. Bonuses: +5 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, 44 to damage and disarm, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch; +1 on all savings throws, 70% likelihood to impress and charm (P.B. bonus). Weapons: Small iron shield (+4 to parry with it), two knives (1D6 damage), mace (2D6 damage), glaive (2D6 damage) and a rune dagger. The Rune Dagger, Darkling: Indestructible, blue grey blade; I.Q. 11; alignment: Diabolic. It inflicts 4D6 damage per strike. Special rune abilities include: Healing touch (2D6 points, 6x per day), remove curse 56% (Ix per day; others), turn 4D6 dead 55%, animate/command 2D6 dead 64% (2x per day). Spells: 6th level strength: Cloud of smoke, fire ball, and circle of flame. See the Palladium RPG, page 250, for details about rune weapons.

Grizzle-Bok the Wolfen (Quick Stats) Grizzle-Bok is an imposing figure made of muscle and teeth, towering nearly nine feet (2.6 m) tall. He will identify himself as a ranger un-

der the employ of the Wolfen Imperial Army on special assignment. Among his own people, he is a respected fighter and huntsman. He is suspicious of all non-Wolfen, having been the target of ignorance and prejudice throughout this assignment. This has made him extremely bitter and intolerant toward humans in particular. G.M. Note: Remember, Wolfen are extremely rare in these parts and honestly believed to be cruel monsters who partake in the torturing of children and eating of human flesh. Consequently, Grizzle-Bok has been attacked on sight and treated with disgust, cruelty and treachery just because of his race. Like Lin, he is a man of his word and will not betray, attack or desert the group unless they betray him first. However, he has little respect for humans or those who ally themselves with them. Thus, Grizzle-Bok aggravatingly points out their every blunder, mumbles loudly to himself about their stupidity, and is likely to cheat and steal

from the group until they have won his respect (as intelligent, compassionate people, not as fighters). Note: After the adventure, Grizzle-Bok is likely to leave the group (01-86% chance), returning home to the Great Northern Wilderness.

Grizzle-Bok the Wolfen (this is his true name) Age: 24 O.C.C.: 4th level ranger. Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 10, M.A. 8, P.S. 17, P.P. 13, P.E. 13, P.B. 11, Spd.23. Hit Points: 28; S.D.C.: 29 Armor: Chain mail: A.R. 14, S.D.C. 42

Attacks Per Melee: Three; hand to hand: expert. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to damage, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch (hand to hand and attribute bonuses included). Weapons: Large throwing axe (3D4 damage), large spear (3D6 damage), broadsword (3D4+1 damage), 3 knives (2D4 damage each), and a small iron shield (large by human standards). Additional Equipment: Back pack, 2 torches, bedroll, 8 Ibs (3.6 kg) of jerked beef, 100 feet (30.5 m) of rope, 6 iron spikes, leather boots and gloves, two sticks of chalk, and a prayer book to Hiem the Huntress and Algor the giant God (written in wolfen). Skills of Note: Track humanoids 55%, identify plants/fruits 55%, prowl 40%, track & trap animals 55/65%, recognize poison 40%, W.P. throwing weapons, W.P. sword, and W.P. shield. Speaks Wolfen and Eastern 98%, but Gobblely and Southern at only 75%. Personality: The son of a soldier, he is fairly well disciplined though a bit of a headstrong, tough guy — impudent, self-reliant, self-confident and extremely bitter toward humans. Can be a loyal and trustworthy friend.

Cursed: The dagger continually begs Lin to use it. There is a 01-

61% likelihood of his using the blade when angry, seriously injured, or in extreme danger. There is a 01-31% chance of Lin going into a berserker rage, committing atrocities and acts of cruelty (controlled by the dagger) each time it is drawn. The rage lasts for 304 melee rounds or until Lin is rendered unconscious or slain. Additional Equipment: Dark (tattered) cape, bloodstained leather gloves, boots, backpack, 3 small sacks, blank notebook, chalk, pen and ink. In a pouch, with mystic symbols inscribed, are the 1200 in northern gold (6 coins). In a secret pocket in his right pant leg is another 400 gold (four gold pieces worth 100 each). Skills of Note: Climb/scale walls 70/65%, prowl 55%, pick pockets 45%, use & recognize poison 40/32%, recognize weapon quality 45%, disguise 45%, swim 60%, W.P. knives, W.P. pole arms, W.P. blunt, W.P. shield. Speaks and reads Elven 98%, Speaks Southern, Wolfen, and Gobblely at 85% proficiency. Hand to hand: assassin. Magic Abilities: Spells: Decipher magic, globe of daylight, tongues, sense magic, sleep, fly, chameleon and carpet of adhesion (in addition to those of the rune dagger). P.P.E.: 121.

The Hidden Temple Scenario ———— Lin has an old map which shows the location of the Temple of Amon. The general location is whatever area the Game Master selects. The specific location must be out in the wilderness. A small, door-size

opening, half buried by dirt and grass in the side of a small hill, is the

Personality: Melancholy, quiet but forceful, arrogant, feels superior to all other races, trusts no one, ruthless (but not cruel), very alert, he sees everything. All of this is reflected in his dark, ominous eyes and cool manner.

only entrance. A cracked, but firmly buried stone slab covers the entrance. One hour of digging will uncover it enough to be opened. Note:

Goblin-sized characters can squeeze through the crack that is already there. A dark, damp, narrow stairway carved from earth and clay descends approximately 25 feet (7.6 m), opening into a... 1.15x10 foot (4.6x3 m) Chamber: It is empty except for dirt, moss and bugs. The only tracks are those of a pair of weasels who have adopted this place as their home and several pair of goblin prints. Note: This chamber and ALL the following rooms and halls are pitch black. Humans need torches to see.

Although he is an assassin, Lin is a man of honor and will not back-stab, betray, or desert the group unless they betray him first. He will destroy anyone who tries to prevent his acquisition of the

Death-Song Tome. If the book should be destroyed, Lin will have no reason to return to the north and may join the group as a regular member (G.M.'s choice).


cursed room. Note: Anyone who dies in this room has his spirit forever trapped in it. If our heroes linger inside the room for more than a minute or two, a chorus of sobs and moans will fill the air. "We are the shadows of men lost to greed and slain by ambition. Lost, lost are we. Help us. Free us of our torment. You must help us, for we are not all evil men" (true, some are of good alignment). At this point the statues will begin to tremble and small objects will rise into the air. The plea for help is again repeated. The ghosts will ignore any questions and only repeat their cry for help (Note: There is no way to help these poor spirits). Then the voices will become louder and clearly agitated, as the shadows dart about at a much quicker pace. Suddenly, there will be silence, broken by these words of anger; "You are the living. You have no cares for the dead. Your thoughts are of life and the dreaded tome! Your very presence offends us, begone! BEGONE!!!" With this, all the small objects (dirt, rags, sticks, rocks, bones, etc.) floating in the air will be hurled at anyone in the room or doorway and a terrible din of shrieks fills the air. The objects do one point of damage per each hit. Variation: If a priest of light is present, especially a priest of Isis, Thoth or Osiris, the assault is much more violent and deadly for the priest(s). "Oh priest of light," the ghosts will bellow, "scourge of darkness and the Hidden One, it is because of your god(s) that we are damned! Your refusal to free us (the priest can't, even if he wished to) has sealed your doom! DIE! and become one of us!!" As described previously, all manner of debris are hurled, but this time the priest is the main target and the attack much more intense, doing 1D4 points of damage for each strike (heavier objects are hurled, such as old rusty daggers, pots, pans, etc.). It is important to note that the ghosts cannot leave the room, so to escape their wrath, all one must do is flee the chamber of shadows. The attack itself is the result of a limited telekinetic assault in which objects weighing under 3 pounds (1.4 kg) are thrown about. Unfortunately, the ghosts' caterwauling will alert any other creatures within a 120 foot (36 5 m) radius that intruders are in the area. 8. The Pool of Blood: The 10x15x6 foot (3x4.6x1.8 m) pool seems to be filled with real blood, presumably elven, dwarven or human. An inscription written in both Elven and Dwarven reads: "The blood of my enemies I shall spill. I drink their blood and laugh." If a character drinks even a few sips of the blood, it will completely heal all his/her wounds instantly (does not cure insanity or curses) but also temporarily changes his/her alignment; roll on the following tables: Good or Selfish Alignments change to 01-60 Miscreant 61-85 Diabolic 86-00 Aberrant

2. Pit trap: An open pit, 5 feet (1.5 m) wide, 15 feet (4.6 m) long, 30 feet (9 m) deep; there is no ledge. Unless characters have nightvision or torches, someone is likely to tumble into the pit. The fall does 2D6 damage with a 01-50% chance of being knocked out for 1D6 minutes.

On the bottom of the pit lay several old and recent skeletons (mostly goblin, a few dwarf), along with a few small arrows. (G.M. Note: Goblins live just beyond the pit and their favorite ploy is to force people into it and shoot them with arrows). On the opposite end of the pit are

two sturdy, 20 feet (6 m) long by one foot (0.3 m) wide planks (used by the goblins to cross the pit). Characters can cross the pit by climbing down, then up, but need rope. Or one individual can span the pit and

place the planks across for the others, or a variety of other methods. Note: Grizzle-Bok can probably leap the 15 foot (4.6 m) chasm with a 01-62% chance of success. Once across the pit, the hallway continues for five feet (1.5 m) and opens up to reveal a larger area with two 15x10 foot (4.6x3 m) rooms.

3. The Goblins' Lair. 15x10 foot (4.6x3 m) room littered with rags and straw. Goblins live here. Three females with 12 hit points and 8 S.D.C. each, attack with clubs and a dagger. Two males: Kra, 16 hit points, 13 S.D.C., no armor, short sword (1D6 damage, +2 to strike and parry) and Tilu, 14 hit points, 12 S.D.C., no armor, knife and club (1D6

damage each) will shriek something about attacking the invaders. All are evil and have two attacks per melee round. Booty: 13 in gold, 37 silver pieces, one smoked rabbit, 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of flour, 11 pounds (5 kg) of grain, one gallon (3.8 liters) of poor quality wine and two gallons (7.6 liters) of water. 4. 15x10 foot (4.6x3 m) room, cleaner, with a small wood table, six

wooden stools, and eight bedrolls. Four male goblins are present. Tra: 18 hit points, 13 S.D.C., short sword and short bow do 1D6 damage each; +2 to strike/parry/dodge. Srint: 16 hit points, 13 S.D.C., short sword and short bow; +1 to strike/parry/dodge.

Miil: 12 hit points, 9 S.D.C., mace IDS damage, short bow; +3 to strike/parry/dodge.

Larr: 15 hit points, 11 S.D.C., saber and short bow; +2 to strike/parry/dodge. All are evil, have two hand to hand attacks or 3 attacks per melee

round with the short bow. Each have 20 gold pieces on them. Note: None of the goblins will attack if the group outnumbers them or looks too powerful; in such an instance, the goblins will lock themselves in

their rooms. They rarely venture much deeper into the temple. Booty: One bastard sword, one suit of chain mail (wolfen), 10 gallon (38 liter) keg of beer, and two pints of good wine, 5. Southern Passageway (Nl is Northern Passages): The passage runs southeasterly. The walls are painted in bright luminous reds, yel-

low, and black, depicting scenes of hell, torture, torment, crucifixion and all sorts of pain and ugliness. These grotesque scenes are sporadically interrupted by large, painted mystic symbols of death, hate and suffering. 6. Annex of the Gods: The walls of this section depict the gods of

Evil Alignments change to 01-60 Scrupulous 61-75 Unprincipled 76-00 Principled

light and darkness engaged in battle. 7. Chamber of Shadows: 35x15 foot (10.7x4.6 m) room with two iron doors in the west wall, one in the east wall. A sense magic will indicate great magic. All doors are unlocked.

The effects are usually temporary, lasting 24 hours (if an exceptionally large amount of blood was drank, the effects last 72 hours), and takes place instantly. There is also a 01-07% chance that the change is permanent. Those who drink will no longer feel any camaraderie toward their teammates and may steal, cheat, betray or even kill them. 9. The Three Statues: Near the pool of blood are three large statues. Each is extremely lifelike, weighs over a ton and are not magic or worth anything other than as religious icons. Anubis: 12 feet (3.6 m) tall, carved from ebony. Anhur: 12 feet (3.6 m) tall, carved from marble. Bes (the dwarf): 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, carved from stone.

Inside, the room is dimly lit by an unknown source. The walls and ceilings are painted in gold, red, black and ocher, depicting an array of

twisted silhouetted figures. Seven featureless statues writhe, stretching to the ceiling. Each is smooth, carved from marble, ebony, or cast from iron, and stand 12 feet (3.6 m) high (the ceiling is 15 ft/4.6 m high). The room is littered with rags, debris, and the skeletal remains of at least

five individuals (all died long ago). No valuables are present. On closer inspection, the characters will notice odd shadows of humanoid figures moving as if they had a life of their own. These are the tormented spirits of nearly two dozen ghosts forever trapped in this ac-


The Hidden Temple

0 ^ 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0


the decay. The floor will automatically close in six melee rounds (90 seconds); only someone from above can open it again! The hall really

10. Shrine of Anhur: An iron, double door opens to reveal a 20x15 foot (6x4.6 m) room with walls painted in silver and gold. In the north corner are four circles, all but one are missing components and inactive.

does stop five feet (1.5 m) beyond the pit trap. 15. The corridor again turns north, ending at an iron door. Opening the door will reveal a 15 foot (4.6 m) long extension of the hallway, ending in yet another iron door. Near the second door are two, three foot (0.9 m) tall mounds of rags. Each is encircled by five skulls. Close inspection of the floor will reveal some splattering of dried blood, especially around the skulls. A jug of stale water is hidden behind one mound and a five gallon (19 liter) jug of wine (nearly depleted) protrudes from behind the other. A quick scan of the area will reveal two large, three inch, spiders roosting on the ceiling above the second door. Probing the first pile of rags will unearth a ruby worth 500 gold, 200 gold coins, and a vial

Summon (lesser) Demons Summon Faeries Protection from Demons Protection from Faeries (still active; open so anyone can use it).

A five foot (1.5 m) long, marble altar rests against the east wall. Atop the altar is a gold statue of Set (10 inches tall, 10 lbs/4.5 kg, worth 3000 gold or 10,000 gold as a religious relic). The statue is in a circle of

protection from good, which means no one of a good alignment can penetrate the circle to touch the statue. On the statue's base is a ward of permanence and blind. This means every time anyone touches the statue, they must roll to save vs ward magic or become temporarily

wrapped in rags (potion of flight) under one. The second offers up 73 gold coins, 72 silver, a clerical scroll of turn self to mist, a wizard scroll

blinded. Saving Throw: 15 or higher; Duration: 1D4 hours. Behind the altar is a secret door that opens to a maze-like passage

of sense traps (both equal to a 4th level spell) and an unopened pint of good ale. Defiling the two mounds will invoke the wrath of the two bogies

(which eventually leads to the Death-Song Tome). An inscription on the floor, written in elven, southern and western, reads: "Enter the place of

your death." 11. The Secret Passage runs east with passages branching off to the

disguised as spiders. Summoned 300 years ago as guards (remember the

north and south. The walls are plain, the floor dusty and damp.

circles in room 10), they have made their home in this wonderfully dreadful catacomb. The mounds and the items contained inside them are

Three Giant Cave Spiders roam these passages (G.M.'s use your discretion as to when one is encountered). The spiders are extremely hostile as they are half starved. Spider one has 20 hit points; number two,

their homes and possessions. They will first attack with spells but will not fight to the death. If the battle goes against them or the group is too large, the bogies will flee, hunting them down later and attacking them one by one from behind. The only way to avoid their revenge is to put everything back and leave a heap of gold coins (50 or more each) and/or liquor as a peace offering.

20 hit points; and number three: 23 hit points. See the Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals for description.

12. Cave Spider's Nest: This southwesterly passage ends in a large spider web which covers the south end and an iron door in the east wall. Three skeletons, one human and two goblin, dangle from the web. A gi-

Beyond the second iron door, the hall continues, turns back west and

ant cave spider roosts near the ceiling, waiting to drop upon anyone who gets caught in her web (it has 26 hit points and 12 S.D.C.). A cocoon of 20 eggs are attached to the wall near the door. The spider must

branches off to the north.

The Bogies (Quick Stats) Trreeberr: 26 hit points, 16 S.D.C.; Natural A.R. 10 Cahblee: 41 hit points, 10 S.D.C.; Natural A.R. 10 Both are miscreant, cruel and vindictive. Both have average attributes for their race (I.Q. 6, P.S. 3, P.P. 12, Spd. 14). Bogies are tiny, malignant forces of mayhem standing 8 inches tall, with spindly, black insect-like bodies. Ugly and ill tempered, they enjoy tricking travelers by leading them into traps and danger. Bogies collect gold, gems, spoiled food and good ale, beer, or wine (able to drink a full gallon before passing out). Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 ft (27.4 m), see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water 40%, sense the location of ley lines 55%, and metamorphosis into a large, tarantula size spider, scorpion, or centipede. Magic Spells (Faerie magic): Wind rush, fear, wisps of confusion, purple mist, befuddle, repel animals, ventriloquism, globe of daylight and animate objects. Combat: Four hand to hand attacks per melee or three using magic. Additional Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to dodge (automatic like a parry), +2 on initiative, +4 to save vs horror factor, and +2 to save vs magic and poison.

be slain to get to the door. Although the clothes and leather armor on the skeletons are deteriorated beyond use, the following are still good: 3 daggers, one broad sword, and 9 gold pieces.

13. Inside this dead-end room: A pouch of 50 gold, two short swords, a rusty battle axe head, rags, and crushed and splintered bones are scattered across the floor. Blood stains (old and new) are smeared over the entire floor, parts of the wall, and if one is observant, the ceiling. This 5x10 foot (1.5x3 m) room is a dwarven trap. Fifty pounds

(22.6 kg) of weight or more triggers the pressure sensitive floor, causing the heavy stone ceiling to suddenly smash down to the floor, pummeling everyone in the room. Characters in plate or splint armor are somewhat protected; their armor taking half of the total damage, all others take the full !D6xlO damage! Saving Throw: All characters get one chance to dodge, leap, or scramble out of the room; a roll of 12 or higher is successful. Men of arms get to roll a second time if their first roll is unsuccessful. There is no saving throw for any inanimate objects

that may have been dropped and no time to retrieve them; they're crushed! 14. The hall branches off to the north and seems to dead-end about

Skills of Note: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 98%, identify plants & fruit 75%, land navigation 80%, track animals 60%, faerie lore 85%, prowl 77%, climb 90%/80%, acrobatics 65%, swim 80%, pilot/horsemanship: large crawling insects 80%, and W.P. dagger,

25 feet (7.6 m) down. This is another trap activated by the weight of 50 Ibs (22.6 kg) or more. This trap causes a 5x5 foot (1.5x1.5 m) section of

the floor to drop open, dumping its victims into a 20 foot (6 m) deep pit whose floor is lined with old, rust corroded spikes. Falling on the spikes

spear and bow (all faerie size). See the Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals for an exact description and powers.

does 4D6+10 damage with a 01-40% chance of serious infection without the healing touch of the clergy or a psi-healer. Note: Rangers, thieves, and assassins automatically have a 01-37% chance of spotting

16. A small section of this corridor has its walls marked with wards. Four dwarven and two kobold skeletons lay on the floor as mute testimony to the wards' effectiveness. The wards have been triggered years

the trap — a discerning eye will notice that this section of the floor has

sunken slightly over the years. Characters using their locate secret compartments skill may also make the discovery if they roll successfully. In the pit are the dozen or so skeletons of the less fortunate, along with rotted clothes, rusted, worthless weapons and 67 gold scattered in

ago and are nothing more than harmless symbols. The bogies have looted the bodies. There is a 01-40% chance of encountering a giant

cave spider in search of dinner.


17. The corridor turns east and then south, ending in an iron door that can be bolted from the outside. Beyond the door the carved walls stop, opening into a large natural cave of some kind; the walls are rough

and the ceiling tall. If the players do not leave someone to guard the door there is a 01-30% chance that the mischievous (or vengeful) bogies will bolt the door behind them. They will definitely try to lock the group in if they have dared to cross them. The door has 300 S.D.C. (hinges are on the outside)!

Inside, the cave stretches to the southeast and channels out into a long, narrow, natural tunnel. Fragments of bones litter the cave, especially near the mouth of the tunnel. Noise and/or the rush of air from the

opening of the door when entering the area, will alert its occupant. 18. The tunnel: The stench of decay and bile fills the 9 foot (2.7 m) wide and 8 foot (2.4 m) tall tunnel. This is the lair of a Serpent Beast, a strange, hideous monster with the body of a serpent, four stubby legs

and an ugly, human head and measuring a full 24 feet (7.3 m) long from head to tail. A rare and loathsome creature from another age, it is an evil animal predator near starvation. It will attack, slay and devour everyone it can.

The Serpent Beast (Quick Stats) Alignment: Evil animal predator; extremely hostile. A.R. (natural): 10; Horror Factor: 16 Hit Points: 110; S.D.C.: 30 Attacks Per Melee: Two; the bite does IDS damage each time, while injecting a poison that does an additional 2D6 damage and causes high fever almost immediately (within 1D6 melees). Victims of the

poison are -3 to strike, parry and dodge for the next 16 hours. Saving Throw: 16 or higher to save vs poison; roll for each bite. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to save vs magic. See the Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals for an exact description

21. The room of bones is a T-like, shaped chamber with eight stone coffins at its cross section. The floor is covered with the bones (one foot/0.3 m deep) of those who have died here, both human and nonhuman. The crunch and clatter when walking on them makes prowling impossible. Anyone running through this chamber has a 01-50% chance of slipping on them; roll twice.

and powers.

Booty: The serpent's treasure hoard is composed of items dragged here by the bogies because they thought they would be safest here. 500 in gold coins, a silver cross, four short swords, eight daggers, one mace, one throwing axe, wizard scrolls of tongue, swim as a fish,

The Coffins

fire ball (all 3rd level strength), and exorcism (8th level).

A. The lid lays at the side of the coffin, its insides charred and black from fire, with ashes that are all that remains of its contents.

19. Backtracking to the west and down another northern corridor ... the hall ends in a single iron door. Behind the door is a 15x10 foot (4.6x3 m) room with another door connecting back with the northern corridor. Three lifelike statues of gurgoyles line the wall facing the

B. The lid is on tight and requires a combined strength of 19 to lift it off. Inside is a mummy that will only attack if its sleep is disturbed (like by removing its lid). It will first rise from the coffin and begin to remove the lids from the other coffins to awaken the other mummies in-

doors. Closer inspection will reveal that the last one is not stone at all,

side them. While he is doing this, he will ignore all attacks. The other mummies, however, will attack immediately. The first mummy shows signs of some damage but still has 66 hit points, 25 S.D.C., P.S. 20 (+5 to damage), +2 on all saving throws vs magic; only magic and fire can stop or destroy them. See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 210-211, for details about mummies. C. Lid is on tight, but appears to have been previously removed and replaced. The mummy has 40 hit points and 14 S.D.C. D. Lid is loose and blood splattered. This mummy has 47 hit points. E. Lid is on tight. This mummy has 61 hit points and 11 S.D.C. F. Lid is on tight, but this mummy has only 28 hit points. G. Lid is on tight. This mummy has 70 hit points and 40 S.D.C.! Note: None of the mummies have any valuables on them, nor are there any valuables hidden in their coffins. H. This coffin is identical to the others but it is sealed with a thick crust of wax, two to four inches thick (it is not a sorcerer's seal), and bound with spikes and chains to hold the lid tight. Atop the lid is a ward of mystic drain and permanence, both carved from bone. The wards affect only the coffin and its occupant (a spectre). The wards and chains hold him prisoner, but he can still telepathically plead to be released. The monster will lie, promising gold, magic or information to the peo-

but the genuine article. It will attack any small group without hesitation,

typically from behind as the last member exits the door. The gurgoyle is continually victimized by the bogies, so its only valuable is its spear.

The Gurgoyle (Quick Stats) Alignment: Diabolic Natural A.R.: 13; Horror Factor: 14 Hit Points: 55; S.D.C.: 40 Attacks Per Melee: Four; see sub-demons in the Palladium RPG 2nd Edition, page 314. 20. The northbound corridor turns west and then north again. At each junction is a closed metal door. The last door opens into a 20 foot (6 m) tall, 20x50 foot (6x15.2 m) chamber. The construction of this and the subsequent chambers are different, better sculpted than the human

sections. It also appears to be much older than the previous rooms. Eight extremely lifelike stone statues of giant warriors, weapons drawn and battle ready, line the chamber. What appears to be dried blood stains their weapons and the floor near their feet. Fortunately, these are harmless statues of eight titans, the blood is the result of the bogies' mischief, to scare the unsuspecting. The chamber ends in two, huge bronze plated doors corroded to worthlessness.


pie who free him. If he is released, there is a 01-50% chance that he will slay his benefactors; otherwise he will simply run out the way that they

map) must make a saving throw vs circle magic. A failed roll means that the character will suffer 5D4 damage each melee he is in the cir-

came in, shouting his thanks behind him. Anyone who tries to stop the creature will be incapacitated and probably slain. There are no valuables in the coffin or on the spectre, nor does he know of the location of any.

cle's area of affect. A character must roll a saving throw each time he enters the area. Those who make successful saving throws are not affected and can move around freely without damage. Saving Throw: 15 or higher (the circle was drawn by a 5th level summoner). Note: Even

The Spectre

the golems and skeletons will take damage from the circle unless they

Alignment: Miscreant Natural A.R.: 14; Horror Factor: 16 Hit Points: 31; S.D.C.: 28 Attacks Per Melee: Two psionic attacks per melee. 90 I.S.P.; considered to be a major psionic. Psi-abilities: Commune with spirits, empathy, mind block, presence sense, see aura, telepathy, ectoplasm. See the Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals for a complete

save vs magic. The circle can't be erased or destroyed because of the

permanence ward. The area affect nature of the circle means that even characters flying into its radius will take damage. When it feels a sufficient number of people have been lured into the room, the Skeleton-Thing's empty eye sockets will suddenly glow red with an eerie life. Its head will turn toward the intruders with a smile spreading across its face, revealing a toothy smile of fangs. Then and only then will it speak, having ignored any previous questions directed to it. "Why have you invaded my home?" Ignoring any response, truthful or otherwise, it will say, "Now you must suffer for your crimes. Lay down your weapons and all of your possessions, and you may leave with your lives." Any argument or pleas will fall upon deaf ears. If they do strip down, leaving everything but their clothes, they will be allowed to leave unharmed. Should any one character refuse, attack, or run away, he will doom them all and initiate combat. Immediately, the two golems will be commanded to "destroy the intruders," and the nine skeletons will suddenly spring to life with murderous intent. If the skeletons' swords have been removed before their activation, they will use a bone as a club (does 1D6 damage). Once battle has begun, it will continue until one side or the other is destroyed (or escapes).


22. These are large double doors spanning 10 feet (3 m) across and 12 feet (3.6 m) tall. They are sheeted in bronze that has been damaged beyond repair by the ravages of time. Even so, a thickly carved relief of night devouring day can still be seen etched in both doors. The symbol is often associated with Amon the Hidden One. The doors are locked,

rusted tight and cannot be picked. The player characters must use force to gain entry. If the lock is the target of the assault, it will give way after

taking 120 points of damage. The doors themselves are thick and strong, able to sustain 600 points of damage before they yield. 23. The chamber is terribly musty, dust covered and filled with cobwebs. The chamber's dimensions are 140 feet (42.6 m) by 40 feet

(12.2 m) and the ceiling is 24 feet (7.3 m) high. Standing in the doorway, looking right and left, will reveal three ominous, 18 foot (5.5 m) tall, stone statues on either side (that's six in all). Each is extremely crude and oddly carved, looking more like they were molded from clay or wax rather than made by the chisel of a sculptor. All of them are

Animated Skeletons (Quick Stats) S.D.C.: 80 each, one attack per melee round, weapons vary: broadsword or club. Slow: Spd. 6, See Palladium RPG Second Edition, animate/control dead (spell), page 200. Note: If the golems are incapacitated, the Skeleton-Thing will begin to create more skeletons from the bones on the floor at a rate of one every four melee rounds (one minute).

smooth and featureless except for two eyes of onyx (worth 150 gold

each) and a faded spot on the forehead. All were originally intended to be stone golems; fortunately for the player characters, only the two middle ones are real "live" golems! The two will remain motionless until commanded into action by the Skeleton-Thing.

The Skeleton-Thing (Quick Stats)

The Stone Golems (Quick Stats) Natural A.R.: 14; Horror Factor: 14 Attacks per melee: Four. Punch, stomp or kick damage is 3D6+10, or by weapon. They are +2 to strike and parry. See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, pages 213-214, for additional information.

Alignment: Anarchist Hit Points/S.D.C.: 170 Natural A.R.: 12; Horror Factor: 15 Size: 16 feet (4.8 m) tall. Natural Abilities: Understands and speaks all languages, is impervious to all magic; even lightning and elemental magic is dispelled. Regenerates 25 hit points/S.D.C. every 20 hours. Able to create new

Directly across from the double doors, near the east wall, is a large stone altar, 25 feet (7.6 m) long, with definite signs of human sacrifice. Scattered between the door and the altar are hundreds of bones littering the floor. Atop these are the skeletal remains of nine humans, bones whole, and wearing tattered rags or what might have been leather armor. A closer look (within six feet/1.8 m) will reveal a broadsword lay-

skeletons at a rate of one per minute (every four melee rounds). Can also animate dead comrades of the group to fight against them. Only physical blows can do damage to it. Fire, cold, magic, and psionics are all totally ineffective! Note: The Skeleton-Thing is immobile, unable to lift even a finger in its own defense. The power of this creature is to control and animate

ing at the side of each. Near the middle of the south wall is an inactive circle of summon

the dead/skeletons and command the two stone golems. Only its head and mouth can move, thus it can do nothing more than threaten any at-

demons. However, the weirdest sight is the giant Skeleton-Thing in the northeast corner, a huge humanoid creature that sits upon a giant throne

tackers while they pound it into rubble. When the Thing has been completely destroyed, the skeletons will fall lifeless and the golems freeze in their tracks. Of course the circle of death (not to mention the animated skeletons and pair of golems) provides awesome protection.

Attributes of Note: I.Q. 6, P.S. 25, Spd 8 Hit Points/S.D.C.: 250 each.

carved from the very walls. The creature's skin is dried and much of it has cracked and crumbled away. Even still, it is clearly reptilian and not of this world. It is dressed in red silks faded to pink. A large circle of death is inscribed in front of the beast and his throne. A permanence ward is affixed in its center and any type of sense

The Throne of Power The throne is huge, 13 feet (3.9 m) wide by 16 feet (.8 m) high; its 6 feet (1.8 m) to the top of the armrests. It appears to be carved straight

magic will confirm that it is still active. Laying in the circle are dozens of dead insects that have fallen victim to it. One must assume many of

out of the natural rock and protrudes from the walls and is covered in runic symbols of silver. If anyone in the group can read runes there is an inscription that reads, "So sits a disciple of darkness and protector of its secrets. None shall defile the temple of Amon, nor learn her secrets. Those who defy he who sits upon the Throne of Power shall be layed in

the bones are also victims of the circle (and the Skeleton-Thing). The circle has a radius of 40 feet (12.2 m) which means that the creature upon the throne is within its protective confines. Every living creature that steps within its area of affect (indicated by the dotted line on the


turning to life only when all of its 170 hit points are restored, unless

Anubis' hands (the god of death). Be warned, that if destroyed, another will take his place." The inscription is followed by the symbols of eternity, darkness, and magic forces, as well as several ancient, unknown rune symbols. It is very likely that the throne is a relic from the Time of a Thousand Magicksl The Powers of the Throne: Once the Skeleton-Thing is destroyed, anyone sitting or climbing onto the throne will become enslaved by it, unless forcibly removed within 24 hours. Otherwise, the character will

every last bit of it is burnt to a cinder or a new "protector" takes its place. Note: When under the throne's influence, the character loses his entire identity and cannot use any of his natural abilities or powers. 24. There are no valuables in the large chamber other than the nine broad swords used by the skeletons. However, a thorough inspection of the east wall will reveal a secret door. The door opens to a short corridor that's 10 feet (3 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) long. It connects to a larger room that's 20x30 feet (6x9 m). This room is the true temple shrine of Amon the Hidden One. The room is dust laden and filled with cobwebs. Against the far wall is a small altar. Wiping the dust away will show it to be carved from jade (150 pounds/67.5 kg and worth 4000 gold). Atop the altar is a dusty

become a permanent part of the throne and the new protector until he is destroyed. The enchanted person will instantly take his place as the protector (NO saving throw!). Old friends and allies are automatically enemies to be destroyed. Again, the golems and skeletons rise to life to continue the battle. The person is the life essence that sparks the chair's magic and even if killed, his body will remain until it is destroyed, like the Skeleton-Thing before him (170 hit points/S.D.C.). If the person is left to sit on the throne, he will not eat or drink and will die within 60

bronze tabernacle that has been corroded badly with age. Opening the tabernacle (which splits down the center) will reveal the Death-Song Tome. The tome is opened to a section on magic. Blowing the light film

days, but his corpse will remain to command his legion of the dead, even if there are no valuables to protect. The abilities bestowed to the throne's occupant includes: • Invulnerability to magic; all magic is negated so even a fireball or lightning bolt can't be used against the person. • Invulnerability to fire and cold. • Impervious to psionics.

of dust away will enable the characters to read the spell incantations for blind and create bread and milk. G.M. Note: If the character(s) takes the time to write down the incantations they can be studied (if a wizard,

these are perfect spells) and used as a spell, or sold repeatedly for as much as 10,000 gold for blind and 5000 for the bread and milk. However, if the book is touched, closed or picked up, it crumbles to dust, for the Death-Song Tome has been sitting here for thousands of years and

• Hit Points/S.D.C.: 170 • Affected only by physical attacks. • Animate and control up to 12 dead (when one is destroyed, another

has deteriorated beyond repair. Thus, the moment it is disturbed, its brittle and decaying pages crumble. Booty: So ends a difficult and deadly quest for that illusive knowledge called magic. However, the quest has not been entirely in vain, for

takes its place). • Re-form bones into skeletons at a rate of one per every four melees. • Commands the two golems, unless they are permanently destroyed. • The body on the throne will regenerate at a rate of 25 hit points/S.D.C. per day. If completely destroyed it will regenerate, re-

under the dust and rags in another corner of the shrine room are other, better preserved treasures:


• 1200 in gold coins and 350 in silver. • 2 dwarven battle axes, each +2 to damage.

room. There is another secret door in the room's south wall which opens into the main corridor of N-4.

• One silver sacrificial knife.

N-9. Two doors open from the corridor N-4 to an area with several rooms. This was originally the priests' studies, but it is now occupied

• 6 wizard scrolls preserved from deterioration by the silver rune symbol of magic forces which will forever preserve the paper. Fly as an eagle, weightlessness, sense magic, magic net, call lightning, and swim as a fish. Each is the equivalent to a fifth level spell.

by a band of goblins who, by coincidence, worship the gods of Taut. All the rooms are modestly furnished with crude, handmade furniture. N-10. Clean, simple furnishings, otherwise empty, nothing of value.

N-ll. Four goblins live here. All are diabolic and armed with daggers and a short sword. Valuables consist of a total of 33 gold in coins

The Northern Corridor Before the maze area and all the rest of the places accessible from

and a pint of goblin moonshine.

the southern corridor, there was also a door that led to an S-like corridor running to the north. This was once the priests' living area. The whole

Gak: Hit points: 18, S.D.C.: 12, 2nd level thief. Blint: Hit points: 22, S.D.C.: 14, 2nd level thief.

area appears to be less dusty than the other section and free of cobwebs,

Credii: Hit points: 13, S.D.C.: 14,1st level mere. Meltar: Hit points: 16, S.D.C.: 12,2nd level mere.

suggesting it is inhabited. N-l. The snaking S-corridor that leads to a T-shaped intersection. At either end of the "T" is an iron door. Both lead into the next room. N-2. This is an odd shaped vestibule with three doors in the north wall. The first is a silver plated door with the symbol of evil, the middle door is iron with the symbol of duality, and the third is a decaying

wooden door painted red with the symbol of the scorpion (betrayal) on it. Each is a symbol of Amon, the Hidden One. Each opens into the same hallway. N-3. The center door also faces a 30 foot (9 m) corridor that ends at a rotten wood door. Inside is a 25x35 foot (7.6x10.7 m) room with an array of torn and moth-eaten old tapestries falling from the walls. There are three 15 foot (4.6 m) long tables, one of which has been knocked over. A marble statue of a beautiful woman stands in the Northeast cor-

ner (Amon before her disfigurement). A dozen candles are lit on the table in front of the statue, obviously recently attended. There are no

valuables. Note: A secret door can be found in the north wall, which opens to a hallway running west and east (N-8). N-4. A corridor that circles the priests' and acolytes' rooms. 01-79% chance of encountering the goblin named Krilo. Krilo has a pair of keys that will open all the doors in the northern section. He is a 3rd level

N-12. This room is furnished nicer than the others, with a small, battered couch, padded stool, rugs, table, three chairs and a lantern. This is

thief with 22 hit points, 15 S.D.C. and armed with only a dagger (1D6

damage). He is dressed in grey robes and is a priest of the gods of darkness, of which Amon is one. He will tell the group nothing, even under torture. Attributes: I.Q. 9, P.P. 20 (+3 to strike/parry/dodge), P.S. 18 (+3 to damage), all others average.

the abode of the goblin's leader, Liber the Cobbler.

Liber, the Cobbler is a 4th level thief of miscreant alignment with 32 hit points, 13 S.D.C. and a magic battle axe that returns when thrown (does 2D6 damage). He also has two silver daggers and wears studded leather armor (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38). Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 15, P.P. 17

N-5. Six rooms, all locked, clean, but empty other than with two or three simple cots, stools, and tables; all goblin-size. N-6. Large iron double door, locked, with 120 S.D.C. This is the

(+1 to strike/parry/dodge), Spd. 3, all others average. Possessions are limited to 88 gold and one potion of healing (2D6). As a cobbler he can naturally polymorph into a frog, toad, rat, mouse or weasel. See the Palladium RPG Second Edition, page 300.

kitchen. A large wood-burning stove with exhaust vents rests in the west corner while shelves line the east wall. A variety of badly preserved meats, flour, grains, stale water, and other miscellaneous foods

N-13. This is the room of a 1st level priest of darkness; her god is

and cooking utensils can also be found. A small pot of cold stew is on

the stove. 01-50% chance of meeting Krilo if he hasn't been encountered yet.

Amon. Grindle-Nose is diabolic, has 11 hit points, four S.D.C. and

N-7. Twin double doors with silver inlay designs are locked but can

round, but is +3 to strike, parry, and dodge; all other attributes average. She has 30 gold, a short sword and dagger. N-14. This is the room of a 2nd level priest of darkness and his acolyte.

wears soft leather armor (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20). Her only outstanding attribute is a P.P. 20. She has no spells and only two attacks per melee

be opened with one of Krilo's keys, or by force (250 S.D.C.; or lock picking). Inside is a small shrine to Amon. The floor is covered with old tattered carpeting and the walls are covered with faded tapestries from the Western Empire. Along the west wall is a small gold shrine (weighs 200 lbs/90 kg and is worth 40,000 gold!). A twelve inch (0.3 m) tall

Mintuu (priest): Miscreant, hit points: 17, S.D.C.: 5, no spells, two attacks per melee round. Attributes are average. Has 21 gold and a pint of goblin moonshine.

statue of Amon with flowing cape and hooded head stands on top of it and is worth 100 gold as a work of art. The statue is magic and will

Tilla (acolyte): Miscreant, hit points: 9, S.D.C.: 4, no spells, two attacks per melee round, but is +4 to strike/parry/dodge. Attributes: P.P. 23, all others average. N-1S. Empty except for a cot and an empty jug of goblin moonshine.

cause trouble for any follower of the gods of light: -1 on all saving

throws and -1 on initiative. However, a follower of the gods of Taut will enjoy +1 on all saving throws. Note: Characters of a good alignment or devoted followers of the gods of light are likely to vandalize the shrine but not take the statue or the gold. G.M.'s, remember to include the high

N-16. Large room with six goblins in an alcohol induced slumber. A

encumbrance factor of the altar if it is taken. A secret door in the East

still to make moonshine is in the west end of the room. Total valuables

wall can be opened up to a long, narrow corridor (N-8).

include three small spears, two short swords, four knives, 27 gold coins, and four pint bottles of moonshine. Note: The goblins are far too drunk to stand up, let alone engage in combat.

N-8. This corridor branches off to a secret door in the large statue room (N-3 and N-7), or can be taken further east, ending in a small


Forest of Enchantment

erie fun. Consequently, there are no wild ponies, horses or even deer anywhere near this place of enchantment. However, the place is filled with smaller, less sensitive (or bolder) animals including toads, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs, foxes, wolves, the occasional mountain lion or lynx, bears, and all manner of birds.

Along the Old Kingdom mountains, west of the Froud Grasslands, is a narrow sparkling river that snakes its way through a beautiful lush forest. At the river's end, the forest thins, opening into a sea of wild flowers and fruit bearing plants. It is a place of natural beauty where the wind runs wild and butterflies dance from blossom to blossom. Man and his humanoid cousins are conspicuously absent from these woods and fields. There are no trails, forts or villages. Not even a shabby hut, for few mortal creatures traverse the Forest of Enchantment. Long before the Elven Kingdoms rose to power, this land has belonged to the faerie folk. Countless are the tales of faerie mischief, weird noises, menacing toad stools, and murderous trees. So vast is the population of faeries and sprites in these woods that it is said their numbers could blot out the sun if they all took wing at once. Exactly why they have chosen this place for their home is a mystery, but it is a home they guard jealously from the destructive hands of man. So strong are the emanations of magic that the entire forest and grassland registers as magic. Two dozen ley lines and six nexus points weave through this region. Horses and other animals can sense the incredible magic present here and will refuse to enter unless forcibly led by the reins and walked all the way through the region. The horse will continually whine and balk, bolting away if given the opportunity. Anyone foolish enough to attempt to ride the animal will be thrown to the ground and, in a daze, watch his mount vanish in a cloud of dust. Any animal that runs off will keep running until it is far from the Forest of Enchantment. This fear of the area is not unfounded as horses are sensitive to magic and psychic energy as well as being a favorite target of fa-

This is a heavily wooded area that runs along the little river. Hidden in its lacy weave of leaf and vine are a host of faeries, sprites and wandering satyrs, all of which will find any interlopers quite fascinating. After all, they get to play with big people oh so rarely. Note: See the Palladium Book of Monsters & Animals for complete details on all the faerie folk and their kin. Wing tips (uncommon for this region but attracted by its isolation, the magic and the faeries) and the occasional drakin and waternix can also be found in these woods. The region also attracts such predators as the devil digger, floater, goron, gruunor, land squid, tree eel, and the occasional loogaroo and minotaur; all described in Monsters & Animals. Roll once for every five miles (8 km) of travel (or as often as desired). 01-08 1D4 Common faeries or wing tips playing in the trees. 09-14 1D6 Nightelves faeries; potentially hostile. 15-20 One hostile toad stool or kinnie ger. 21-25 1D4 Kelpie or one Will-O-The-Wisp. 26-33 Two Satyrs; timid but curious. 34-38 1D4 Bogies or toad stools looking for trouble. 39-46 2D6 Tree sprites. 47-55 One wandering puck; a thief and a brigand. 56-60 2D6 Common faeries; playful. 61-69 1D4 Water sprites. 70-81 2D4 Satyrs, will steal supplies to eat and play with. 82-90 2D4 Greenwood faeries; mischievous.

Deep Woods Encounters


stumble onto secret passages, and unintentionally get the group into all kinds of trouble. On the other hand, he is well meaning, innocent, and completely loyal to his new humanoid friends.

91-95 One nymph who will not tolerate the mistreating of her forest or forest friends. 96-98 One Unicorn or Ki-lin. 99-00-One slightly intoxicated, thieving leprechaun.

Tyrod the Pixie (Quick Stats)

High Grass & Froud Grassland Encounters

Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 5, M.A. 6, P.S. 1, P.P. 17, P.E. 4. P.B. 14. Spd. 13. Hit Points: 30; S.D.C.: 18 Horror Factor: 8

Wind-puff sprites frolic among the wild flowers while brownies abound in the tall grass, usually near or amid a berry patch. An occasional pixie can also be found among the tangle of woods, grass and flowers. Roll once for every five miles (8 km) of travel (or as often as desired). ,01-05 A pair of unicorn or pegasus playing in the grass. 06-15 3D6 Brownies; very shy but friendly. 16-20 A hostile bogie or toad stool. 21-30 2D6 Common faeries looking for some fun. 31-35 A lone kinnie ger prowling through the tall grass. 36-40 1D6 Greenwood faeries. 41-49 1D4 Pixies bold; cocky and looking for a handout in the way of sweets (honey, jam, candy, etc.) 50-60 2D6 Silverbell faeries or wing tips. 61-70 4D6 Wind-puff sprites on the rampage; let's party! 71-80 A pair of Brownies; shy but very curious. 81-85 One mischievous pixie looking for trouble, she has gifts of faerie food. 86-90 A leprechaun who has been dry far too long; alcohol is the first target of his thieving, silver and gold is his next. 91-95 1D6 Wandering satyr. 96-00 A grumpy spriggan just passing through.

Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet (27.4 m; can see in total darkness), keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, and sense the location of ley lines 50%. Magic Spells: Charm, sleep, wind rush, globe of daylight, mend wood & clay, tongues, chameleon, and circle of rain. Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or three using magic. Additional Bonuses: +1 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge in flight, and +1 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs horror factor. R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can

learn two additional languages at the base skill +20% skill bonus, identify plants & fruit 60%, land navigation 62%, wilderness survival 70%, preserve food 60%, track animals 50%, faerie lore 90%, sing 50%, dance 64%, gymnastics 64%, pick pockets 50%, pick locks 40%, prowl 60%, climb 70%/60%, and three ancient W.P.s of choice. Skills do not increase. Personality: Frisky, exuberant, and cheerful. He is also a compulsive story teller, exaggerates everything (especially his own exploits) and

is addicted to honey and sweets.

Encounters at the Plum Trees Roll once for every hour one lingers. 01-10 1D6 Greenwood faeries. 11-30 3D4 Common faeries. 31-60 2D6 Tree sprites 61-75 3D6 Greenwood faeries; let's dance and have a parade, everybody^. 76-84 2D4 Silver-Bell faeries, also in a partying mood. 85-00 3D4 Bogies who don't appreciate trespassers.

Encounters at the Mulberry Trees A patch of woodlands filled with scattered mulberry and oak trees (acorns). Roll once for every half hour one lingers. 01-10 1D4 Brownies 11-20 3D4 Greenwood faeries; pelt big folk with acorns and twigs. 21-30 2D4 Pixies chowing down on fruit and nuts. 31-40 3D6 Common faeries. 41-50 2D4 Satyrs. 51-60 3D4 Tree Sprites. 61-70 1D4 Bogies; hostile. 71-80 2D6 Night-elves faeries 81-86 1D6 Common faeries 87-94 One Nymph; wary of strangers. 95-00 One Will-O-The-Wisp. Note: There is a 01 -51 % chance of a particularly bold and exuberant young pixie named Tyrod, joining the group of adventurers, whether they want him to or not. No line of logic will dissuade him once his mind is set. If they malign pixies as being ill-suited for the rigors of adventure, he will tag along to prove otherwise. If they try psychology, agreeing that pixies are great warriors and that they are unworthy of his heroic companionship, he will join them anyway to provide them with his vast expertise. In reality, Tyrod has never been on any adventure nor has he ever left the Forest of Enchantment. Like a cocky little kid, he will shoot his mouth off at the wrong time, panic underfire, wander off by himself,

Encounters at the Raspberry Patch Wild raspberries cover a huge area of this field. Speed is reduced by 33% when walking through this tangle of vines. Roll once for every half hour one lingers in the area or when one tries to walk through or near the patch. 01-15 2D6 Silverbell faeries. 16-30 3D6 Common faeries; playful and silly. 31-45 1D6 Greenwood faeries. 46-55 2D4 Sprites (any kind).


21-30 3D4 Toad stools waiting to strike. 31-40 1D4+1 Kinnie ger with murderous intent. 41-45 Two bogies and a puck looking for a plaything to torment.

56-65 1D6 Night-Elves faeries; potentially hostile. 66-80 1D4 Brownies. 81-90 Bogies spoiling for a fight. 91-00 A slumbering leprechaun or spriggan (or non-faerie folk: devil

46-50 Faerie Folk Bandits: 2D4 Goblins, 1D4 toad stools and a bogie

(the leader) looking for trouble; may take victims to the Devil Tree. 51-60 1D4 Kelpies and 1D4 pucks out for blood. 61-65 Two pucks transformed into wild boars, they are out thieving and

digger, goron, or gruunor) who doesn't like being disturbed.

The Strawberry Patch Wild strawberries flourish around a small hill ringed with wild daisies and mushrooms. This is much more than a favorite haunt of faeries — it's an actual faerie mound. Any travelers who molest faerie folk, the strawberry patch, the mushrooms (which are edible), or the hill will invoke the immediate wrath of two hundred angry common faeries! Should characters linger at or near the strawberry patch (within 300 feet/91.5 m) without invoking the faeries' ire, they will quickly find themselves hip deep with the little buggers. The faeries are friendly and will try to entice the characters to join them in eating (faerie) food, song and dance — the faeries' dance. If words fail, the faeries will offer a number of special treats, all of which will magically intoxicate anyone who partakes of the morsels. The faeries may also decide to use magic charms to motivate the characters. The adventurers can avoid eating the food and being enchanted by playing along, usually by singing and dancing. Actually, hopping around like a fool, somersaults, back flips, standing on one's head, caterwauling and all manner of boisterous silliness will satisfy the faeries. Regardless of what unfolds, the faeries will let the adventurers leave in peace after an hour (preferably several hours) of song, dance and merriment. Faerie Food: A list of faerie food can be found in the Palladium Fantasy RPG, Second Edition, pages 260 and 261. These faeries also have a local favorite, Mushroom Tonic. The drink makes a new man out of you! Gets the drinker drunk on a thimble-sized portion, magically shrinks the drinker to 6 inches tall (0.15 m) and makes the character's hair "poof out in a mushroom-like shape. Duration: 1D6 hours and leaves the person with a terrible hangover.

frightening "Big Folk."

6.6-7Q A foul spirited sgriggan and his murderous leprechaun partner. Both are thieves and bushwhackers. 71-75 1D4+1 Night-Elves who get a kick out of frightening "Big Folk"

traveling through the region. If angered, they will lure characters into a nest of bogies, toad stools or kelpie. 76-80 Two bogies using their powers to trick the character toward the Devil Tree.

81-90 2D4 Pucks or kinnie ger or non-faerie predators (minotaurs, loogaroo, goron, etc.) stalk travelers with murderous intent. 91-94 1D4 ghosts/haunting entities or a spectre! 95-00 1D4+1 Faeries or pixies who will warn the group about the villains that infest the forest and point to the nearest way out.

The Night-Elves' Grove Arching around the Devil Tree is the domain of the Night-elves faeries. Like the rest of the Haunted Forest, it is a dark eerie place alive with shadows and strange noises. The Night-elves are the least blood-thirsty of all those who live here. They love to scare people with strange noises (growls, screams, howls, moans, twigs snapping, leaves rustling, etc.).

A favorite ploy is to create the illusion of ghosts by combining spheres of light, purple mist, fog of fear, ventriloquism and animate objects, all of which creates a most convincing and terrifying effect (horror factor 14). The bogies are so skilled at this deception, that a mere three of them can create effects that would equal anything Industrial Light & Magic® might throw together. In a small clearing about 600 feet (183 m) south of the Devil Tree, is the dreaded faerie ring of the Night-elves. Another 800 feet (244 m) south of the ring is their faerie mound, with over 500 Night-elves always ready for mischief.

The Haunted Forest This area of the Forest of Enchantment is dominated by the more mischievous and meaner faerie folk, as well as non-faerie predators like

The Monument of Stone

the devil digger, floater, goron, gruunor, land squid, tree eel, and the occasional entity, loogaroo, dragon-wolf and minotaur. The overall atmosphere of the forest is one of gloom and doom. In the center of the haunted forest is a grove where the Devil Tree is

Beyond the Forest of Enchantment and its flower filled grassland is

a mysterious monument of stone. The structure is a huge Stonehenge like circle of standing stones that spans a five mile (8 km) diameter. Within the outer circle of stone pillars is a second smaller circle, and within it, another, not yet completed circle one and a half miles (2.2 km) in diameter. The standing stones are 30 feet (9 m) tall with arches across the tops of the outer circle. It is a mysterious, foreboding structure which falsely appears to have mystic significance. Despite its appearance, this is the handiwork of an ambitious Spriggan by the name of Malt. He is a tough, cantankerous fellow absorbed in the completion of his 63 years of labor. If encountered (01-40% chance), he will be toting a large stone slab, and dragging a sack of tools behind him. Both a large hand pick and a heavy iron mallet hang at his side. He will quickly survey any traveler he may encounter and

found. A massive dead hulk with twisted, gnarled branches barren of leaves. This is an evil tempered Will-O-The-Wisp who delights in terrifying and tormenting any poor soul who wanders into "his" grove. The shrubs and other trees within a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius have been twisted by the Wisp to appear oddly misshapened to instill yet more dread. Around him he has gathered a legion of black-hearted creatures to prey upon the innocent. Pucks, toad stools, bogies, kelpies, kinnie ger,

goblins, and night-elves lurk in the shadows, plotting their evil. It is wise to avoid this area entirely. If a person should be captured by the Willow-0-the Wisp's minions, he/she will be taken to the Devil Tree for interrogation and torture. Typically, the person is subjected to beatings,

ask for some general opinions about the stone monument without revealing that it's his work. He will be delighted with all comments of

praise and wonder, and will solicit comments if none are offered. However, he will never show his pleasure from this praise, keeping his grumpy facade. He will accept any booze and sweets, but will also cast aspersions about their quality. If treated kindly, he may answer general questions about the area but doesn't honestly know much; he's too absorbed in his work.

threats, harassment, mental torture, and a variety of degradations but is rarely slain. Most victims (85%) are allowed to crawl away after the evil faerie folk have had their fun. Captives are generally held for 2D4 days. A handful of pucks and toad stools are always near the devil tree.

Encounters in the Haunted Forest

Conversely, anyone who maligns the stone structure is liable to get

Roll once for every hour one lingers in the forest. 01-10 1D6+1 Night-Elves faeries looking to punish intruders. 11-20 1D4 Pucks with evil intent.

bopped on the head by his mallet and get a verbal lashing of equal impact. Should anyone so much as scratch his pillars, he will go berserk, beating that person(s) within an inch of his life.




Southern Edg of the Forest of Enchantment

Forest of Enchantment

Timiro Kingdom

Note: The X in the Haunted Forest is the Devil Tree.


The Trail up to The Place of Magic

r 165

Malt the Spriggan (Quick Stats)

Basil and his band of merchants are all masters of the hard-sell. Their main pitch is always that "this is your last opportunity to purchase any items before you begin your ascent to the barren Place of Magic." They will insist characters stock up now, because there are no shops or amenities at the Place. "Why even the mightiest of wizards find they must return to us for the acquisition of provisions," is another stock line. This is not true, but most of Basil's pitch-men and merchants have

Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 5, M.E. 6, M.A. 3, P.S. 28, P.P. 12, P.E. 20, P.B. 7, Spd.4. Hit Points: 60; S.D.C.: 30; Natural A.R.: 10 Attacks Per Melee: Four hand to hand or two by magic. Weapons: Mallet does 2D6 damage, pick axe does 2D4. Size: 3 feet tall (about 0.9 m) and weighs 60 pounds (about 24 kg).

never been to the Place of Magic and only know what Uncle Basil tells

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 ft (12.2 m), keen normal vision, sense the presence of earth elementals 65%, and the ability to pass through stone/rock or clay (not dirt/earth) as if it were air!

them. Consequently, they believe what they're saying, so even an aura of truth or a charm spell will not reveal any deception. The few who have been to the Place of Magic discovered that there is a whole town up there, but their memory of it is mind wiped by Uncle Basil and filled with his standard line of tripe. It so happens that Uncle Basil is a Mind Mage who uses his powers most effectively, so he always has a mind block up whenever he talks about business. G.M.'s Note: There is absolutely no way the players will be able to discern if Basil and his merchants are lying about the Place of Magic and will have no reason to doubt their words. They should play their characters as if this really is their last chance to buy supplies or enjoy the pleasure of civilization.

Magic Spells: Dust storm, hopping stones, mend stone, crumble stone, rock to mud, clay to stone, and stone to flesh.

R.C.C. Skills of Note: Speaks Faerie, Gobblely, Elven and Eastern at 98%, sculpting 75%, carpentry 75%, boat building 75%, land navigation 75%, wilderness survival 75%, preserve food 75%, faerie lore 90%, dance 45%, prowl 45%, climb 60%/50%, swim 75%, and horsemanship 75%, W.P. blunt and W.P. battle axe.

The Village of Tamaran

The Shops and Merchants Most of the merchants are dishonest, corrupt, and greedy in the extreme. Generally all the items sold are of poor quality although the merchants will lie endlessly about their products' quality, usefulness and origin. A detection for lies now will clearly reveal them for the conniving crooks they really are. At least 40% are practicing thieves, 2nd to 5th level, prone to shortchanging customers, picking pockets and stealing from them. You can be sure that any items sold to these men will not be at fair prices, usually about 20% of its real market value.

Population: 204 humans 64 Ores 72 Dwarves In the mountain valley past the Forest of Enchantment is the humble village of Tamaran. Its people are the descendants of an expedition of

western settlers from long ago. After much adversity, some at the hands of the faerie folk, they chanced upon this gently wind-swept valley, and

The Shops

here they stayed. They have been untouched by the passing centuries; son following father in his craft and ethics.

Unless otherwise stated, all common items are 25% to 50% more expensive than standard list price. Exotic, unusual, or rare items will sell for twice their standard price. See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, for an equipment list, pages 268-274. 1. The Bakery: A small clay building that sells freshly baked

A simple peasant people, they have no dreams for adventuring or care about the affairs of the Timiro Kingdom or anywhere else. None of

the people are educated in any formal sense; none can read or write, or practice magic, but most are skilled herdsmen, weavers, craftsmen and

farmers. Among them are their ore and dwarven allies who work and play side by side, without hate or fear. These brawny people are also the village protectors (2nd to 4th level mercenaries). A council of elders,

breads, rolls and pies.

five humans, three ores and three dwarves, keep the village running smoothly. The people are cautious and suspicious of strangers, but polite and fairly helpful. They may allow the characters to sleep on their porch or

she uses effectively to seem to tell the future. 3. Jewelry Store: The only stone building at the marketplace. Its owner is a miscreant dwarf who is a fine jeweler. 4. Leather Shop: A tent that sells new and used items at the same

2. The Tent of Fortune: A fortune-teller by the name of Zelandra. She is a third level merchant/con-lady with major psionic powers which

in a barn, and may trade for food if treated with mutual respect. Roughhousing or abusive actions will get the entire group thrown out of the village.

prices. Riding gear and leather armor are among his goods. 5. Meat Market: A clay and wood building that specializes in

smoked, jerked and salted meats. 12% chance of buying bad meat. 6. The Provision Master: A huge tent that sells flint, ropes, spikes,

There is no military, armory, magic items, boarding houses, shops, inns, or taverns of any kind (though fine home brews are plentiful). However, characters will find many good wool products such as coats,

backpacks, tents and other field equipment, but even his own tent leaks and most items are of only fair quality. 7. Silk Shop: A tent that claims to sell silk goods imported from the

cloth, gloves, hats, etc.; goats and goat dairy products, as well as baked goods and an occasional weapon available for trade. The peasants of Tamaran have little use or desire for silver or gold, so any transactions will have to rely on the old barter system, using articles of clothing,

Western Empire. 8. Smith: A tent and wooden cart operated by a human smith who sharpens tools and makes simple repairs. Horseshoes, nails, spikes and other metal items are available.

jewelry, tools and equipment for trade. Should characters inquire about "buying" equipment, the villagers will direct them to Uncle Basil's Traveling Market, down the gorge.

9. Spice Shop: This tent sells a surprisingly good selection of herbs and spices; nothing poisonous or magical.

Uncle Basil's Traveling Market

10. Stable: This honest man's shabby wood stables are almost always overlooked. Service is good and prices fair. He always has 3D4 stalls available for rent. 11. The Tailor Tent: Three seamstresses and a two-bit tailor. 12. Sam's Traveling Armory: This is the largest tent in the place. Samoan Pletol, a retired dwarven soldier (5th level, 3 attacks, +7 to damage, +3 to parry and dodge; I.Q. 9, P.S. 20), is well groomed, and dressed in a sparkling suit of his finest dwarven chain mail (A.R. 13,

The Traveling Market was a second-rate traveling caravan that had fallen upon hard times until the owner heard about the Place of Magic and discovered the lucrative location at the bottom of the gorge near it. Here the human known only as Uncle Basil, can fully ply his skills as a supreme con-artist. Unsuspecting travelers fall victim to Uncle Basil and his battery of merchants like flies to a spider.


S.D.C. 90.). Sam will always try to sell his crummiest items first, claiming that they are of excellent quality "just a might nicked and dirty, is all." Although he has a large selection of items, including human and giant-sized weapons and armor, his prices are ridiculously high. The

grooming costs 30 per day, 180 per week, or 670 per month. New horseshoes cost 8 gold each. Medical and special care costs an extra 50 gold plus the cost of treatment.

crummiest stuff sells for 10% more than standard items and good quality items sell for 100 to 300% more than usual. Rare and dwarven qual-

ity items sell for 1000 to 2000% more than normal. He rarely buys

unpleasant news that the mountain trails to the Place of Magic are too narrow for a horse. In fact, at some places even a man must carefully step along its edge with back or belly to the wall and tiptoe across (all

items at more than 10% to 20% of the market value. 13. The Magic Shop: A handsome wood building that is owned and

untrue). Being the kind-hearted man that he is, he will gladly stable animals at exorbitant prices, or buy the horse for one third of its true mar-

operated by an elf merchant (really a changeling) named Morley (a 5th

All sell for 25% higher than standard. Potions: Charm (2), chameleon (2), superhuman speed (1), healing (5), impervious to fire (6), and impervious to cold (5). All sell for 25% higher than standard. Shrinking (2), superhuman strength (1), and turn self into mist (3) sell at double their standard price.

ket value. If the person sells, he is targeted by one of Basil's associates, a 5th level thief, who will attempt to pick the character's pocket/purse as soon as possible; the thief gets 60%, Basil gets 40% as a commission. If the person won't sell, but doesn't have enough money to stable the horse, or is about to try the other stable, Basil will make an arrangement to stable the horse for half price until the character returns, or six months have passed, whichever comes first. After the character has been gone for two weeks, Uncle Basil will sell the horse. If the character returns, Uncle Basil will have a sad tale about bandits or disease in

Powders: Sneezing (5), itching (7), and fire dust (3), all sell for dou-

which the horse was stolen or died. Yet, despite his own personal losses

Note: Uncle Basil will take it upon himself to give adventurers the

level wizard). Scrolls: There's a 50% chance that he will have a particular first level spell scroll at third level potency/strength. Sorry, nothing higher.

he will give the character a replacement nag that's worth about one third of the original animal's value. If the character gets violent, Uncle

ble their standard price, but five pound sacks of goblin dust sell for a low, low price of 10 gold each. No fumes.

Basil will flee, turning invisible at the first opportunity and countering

Poisons: He has all types, but at double normal prices; no acid. 14. Uncle Basil's Stables: These are the largest buildings and corrals in the area; made of wood and canvas. Basil stables, cares for, buys and sells horses. Stable Fees: Basic stall, food and grooming (low quality): 20 gold per day, 130 per week, or 450 per month. High quality stall, food and

with a psionic attack. His ogre blacksmith, four ogre, 10 ore, and 16 human stable hands will also come to his aid, though none are ready to die for him. If he can't win the battle, Basil will hide until the trouble blows over. If the character(s) is defeated by Uncle Basil and his men, he will

be beaten, his valuables taken and be dumped in the gutter.

Uncle Basil (Quick Stats) True name: Basil Lehorton Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 15, M.A. 10, P.S. 11, P.P. 11, P.E. 11, P.B. 8, Spd. 8 Hit Points: 59; S.D.C.: 5 O.C.C.: 5th level Mind Mage turned merchant. Armor: Soft leather: A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20 Attacks Per Melee: Three hand to hand or with psionics. Bonuses of Note: +6 save vs mind controlling drugs, potions, and magic charms, +5 vs possession, and +3 vs horror factor. Weapons: Magic silver dagger that shoots fire bolts (4D6 damage), a wooden staff, and cross bow. Psionics: Uncle Basil has chosen many powers that help him "persuade" his clientele as opposed to combat oriented powers. Mind block, meditation, sense magic, speed reading, see aura, alter aura, suppress fear, induce sleep, empathy, telepathy, hypnotic suggestion, insert memory, mind wipe, and electro-kinesis. I.S.P.: 183 Skills of Note: Forgery 55%, pick pockets 60%, math: basic 98%, advanced 80%, horsemanship: general, recognize weapon quality 60%, gemology 60%, speaks all languages at 94%, Hand to hand: basic. Personality: Cheerful, friendly, talkative; very cunning, selfish, and corrupt. Note: Always has 500 in gold and 2000 in jewelry on his person. He keeps 3D6xlOOO gold and jewels in his office at the stables in an iron box bolted to the floor (S.D.C. 350).

Ogre Blacksmith, Tinthermin (Quick Stats) True Name: Tinthermin-Qid O.C.C.: 3rd level Blacksmith and amateur thief. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 8, P.S. 24, +9 to damage, all others average. Hit Points: 35; S.D.C.: 33 Armor: Never wears any, but owns a full suit of double mail. Attacks per Melee: Two Weapons: Giant claymore that does 4D6 damage and large iron hammer that does 3D6 damage.


The Secret Complex of the Old Ones In the original play-test the group was momentarily lured off the

1. The passage branches off into two different directions. The one

main mountain path on their way to the Place of Magic by a deranged and dying dwarf. The dwarf lay only 60 or so feet (18.3 m) off the main trail, moaning and mumbling. Characters of a good alignment are compelled to make sure somebody isn't in trouble and investigate. The

curling around to the left ends in a bottomless pit! Characters crawling carefully, feeling along, will discover it without falling into it. Likewise,

characters with nightvision will see the pit several feet ahead. Anyone who falls into the pit is certain to die unless the person can fly or is secured by a rope.

dwarf is frothing at the mouth and obviously dying (poisoned). He will die before any of the members can attempt to save him, but manages to mutter. "I found it... Held it... ha, ha, ha ... cough ... the Eternity Sword was mine ... cough ... It ... it's still there ... up there in that place of magic (actually it is remotely linked to "the" Place of Magic, although

2. The little passage finally opens into a large, oddly formed corridor. The walls are completely smooth and seamless as if melted from the mountain rocks. To the north, the corridor is blocked by several tons

of rock; the result of a cave-in. This collapsed area is impossible to dig

no one there knows about this place's existence). The ... most powerful rune sword ... ever created! And I held It!"

out (there's nothing of value). To the south, an entire complex of some

sort unfolds. Note: If the characters are tracking the dwarves' footprints, they lead to areas number 3, 4, 5, 7 (but didn't enter the double doors), and

With a cough and a wheeze he is dead. A quick investigation of the area will uncover a small dwarf or kobold-sized opening, half hidden among the rocks. The terrain is far too steep and rocky for the horses (if

then to 6, down and around to the south and west. This is an ancient Old One dwelling that predates elven history. Inside are many strange magicks and other-worldly creatures.

any), so they will have to be secured and left behind. Note: It is not a good idea to leave a player character behind to watch the horses as he is likely to be needed.

The Entrance to the Secret Complex

Mystic Spiders

The opening is about 600 hundred feet (183 m) away from the trail and up the face of the mountain. The opening is so small that even a dwarf will find it a tight fit, but all human-sized characters can squeeze

These odd creatures appear to be perfectly smooth spheres with eight, thin, spider-like legs. The creatures glow with a soft, white light and fire a beam of light at intruders. They are relatively harmless and

are found throughout the complex; particularly in sections 3,6, and 24.

through. Inside is a crude tunnel, possibly of troglodyte construction. It is approximately three feet (0.9 m) wide and three and a half feet (1 m) tall; humans and other tall humanoids will have to crawl on all fours. The passage snakes and twists to the northeast for at least 200 feet (61


The Mystic Spiders feed on magic energies, thus they wander the complex in search of magic to drain; this includes wards, circles and people. The spiders can sense magic and will follow practitioners of


Attacks Per Melee: Typically two or three (claws do 1D6 damage), plus one attack with prehensile tail used as a slashing whip (2D6 damage) or coiled around something to grab or strangle. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +3 to save vs. magic. Natural Abilities: Fly 25 mph (40 km), nightvision 120 ft (36.5 m), prowl 60%, very quick and dexterous, speed running 10, very keen hearing so players are -10% to prowl up on these creatures and -3 on initiative.

magic, priests or characters with high P.P.E. to feed upon. To get the mystic energy, the spider will shoot out a thin beam of light at its intended target. Neither the light nor the draining of P.P.E. causes any pain or' discomfort, but each time the beam strikes, a little more energy is absorbed. Alignment: Supernatural predator; equal to anarchist.

Size: Body: 3 feet (0.9 m) diameter, legs make them about 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. Natural A.R.: 8

3. This is a huge, empty chamber without a door. A dozen symbols are painted on the floor. Anyone well versed in magic, especially a Monk Scholar, Diabolist or Summoner, will recognize them as mystic symbols and an occasional magic circle. However, the symbols are being used in unusual ways. Ways that should not create any magic, yet all of the circles and symbols definitely radiate magic. A Diabolist or Summoner will eventually realize that somehow all the circles and symbols are linked, an impossible feat by current standards. In the center, as one first enters, is the symbol of mystic knowledge

Hit Points: 30; S.D.C.: 12 Attacks Per Melee: One via light beam/drain. 2D6 P.P.E. are drained

with every light attack that strikes. P.P.E. can only be absorbed from living beings, wards and magic circles, although magic items will attract them too. 30 points will feed one spider — there are at least 30 living in the complex. The effect of the P.P.E. drain is not permanent (same as spending it on a spell), but the timing could be lethal. Range: The light beam can be fired up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away.

Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge. Natural Abilities: Sense magic (120 ft/36.5 m radius), nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m), Spd 20, climb even on smooth surfaces like an insect at 90% proficiency.

inscribed in a yellow paint that has not faded over the eons. Underneath it are silver runes that simply read: Lokum. Note: Standing in the circle

of mystic knowledge and saying the power word "Lokum" will activate the entire chamber, possibly changing anyone standing in a particular

symbol. When this happens, each and every symbol glows in a silvery, blue light.

The Monster Toad The creature only vaguely resembles a giant toad because of its huge toad-like mouth, bulging eyes, round flabby body and brown, lumpy flesh. The mouth is filled with menacing, crocodile-like teeth and a slashing, prehensile tongue that can reach out to five feet (1.5 m). Fortunately, the brute has spindly legs, and cannot hop more than a few

Directly in the center of the chamber is a huge, unknown circle. The circle and all of its symbols are drawn in a strange black paint (actually Old Ones' blood!). The symbols are knowledge, dimensions, the runic symbol of magic forces, and directed power. The circle is open so any

can enter. Note: This is the central power circle that summons and directs the flow of mystic energies. Anybody entering it while activated, will be bathed in magic energy. The sensation is indescribably wonderful and, suddenly, the use of this chamber will be known to him. This chamber and the entire area is an entertainment center for Old Ones. One of their decadent pleasures was to change their physical form. This particular network of symbols would convert them into humanoid form,

feet at a time. It is an extremely aggressive and hungry predator that will view any humanoids as prey. The creature is more than mortal and hibernates, for decades if necessary, when food is scarce. Alignment: Animal predator

Size: Five feet (1.5 m) tall; 9 feet (2.7 m) long. Natural A.R.: 8; P.P.E.: 12 (when not drained by spider). Hit Points: 2D4xlO; S.D.C.: 6D6 Attacks Per Melee: Two by bite (3D6 damage) or pawing claw attack (1D6 damage). It can also use its prehensile tongue to shoot out and grab its prey (+2 on initiative, +3 to strike) and pull the prey into its mouth. Prey brought to the mouth is chewed twice (3D6 damage each) and swallowed whole! Stomach acid does 6D6 damage per melee round! A conscious character inside the monster's gullet can cut his way out by inflicting a total of 18 points of damage (A.R. is not applicable from the inside). Bonuses: +2 to strike. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 ft (18.3 m), see the invisible, track by smell 60%, I.Q. 4, Spd 9. Note: Five of these creatures are present (the serpent men use them as watchdogs and stay out of their way).

specifically elves. Once transformed they then step into one of the other symbols which would instill a specific emotion or alignment such as

good, evil, hate, jealousy, etc. They would then go into the chambers across the hall to enjoy the sensations, pains, and pleasures of the mortal body. NOTE: THIS TRANSFORMATION WILL AFFECT ALL CREATURES changing the mind or the body, or both! So be careful!! The circle network can be shut off by stepping back into the symbol of mystic knowledge and repeating "Lokum." To the south of the chamber: Near the symbol of mystic knowledge are the symbols "man" and "woman". These will determine the sex of the transformed creature by stepping into the one desired. If a

character is standing in one when activated he/she will be instantly transformed into a male or female elf. Although the gender can be altered, the change to elf is permanent, because to reverse the process, a drop of an Old One's blood must be placed in the black center of the gi-

Winged Serpent Men

ant power circle.

These tall, sleek creatures are the dominant life form from the world

To the west of the chamber: Five large mystic symbols instill different emotions. Symbol 1: The half moon of hate, instills a burning anger and contempt toward all life. This person will be a very hostile, bitter, vengeful individual. Symbol 2: The half moon of jealousy instills a deep selfishness and loathing toward anyone who has something that the character doesn't (this will include friends, abilities, possessions, etc.). The jealousy will drive that person to hurt, abuse, steal from and possibly kill those whom he/she envies. The person's alignment can NEVER be any better than anarchist after having been corrupted by jealousy. Symbol 3: The inverted triangle of evil will change the person's alignment to miscreant or diabolic. If already evil, no change (aberrant evil alignments are also changed to miscreant or diabolic).

linked by the dimensional rift circle in area #6. The Old Ones' complex is a perfect, spacious environment free of their usual predators, so a tribe of them have turned it into their home. They are not evil, but will

view the humanoid mammals of the Palladium world as prey or invaders. The serpent men are not ignorant, but lack any guile or deceit. Any attempts to communicate will be futile, because they operate on a much more primeval level and almost animal intelligence. Even their language is a series of simple grunts, clicks, and whines. Among their own people they are very gentle, protective and loving. Alignment: Any, but usually selfish. Size: 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) tall standing; 12 feet (3.6 m) including their tail; wing-spread 15 feet (4.6 m). Natural A.R.: 12

Hit Points: 6D6+6; S.D.C.: 4D6


The Old Ones Secret Complex


17. 15x15 foot (4.6x4.6 m) room occupied by two male hunters. They are very aggressive and will stalk and capture any intruder. 18. This is a 15x25 foot room (4.6x7.6 m) with an eight foot (2.4

Symbol 4: The triangle of good changes the person's alignment to scrupulous or principled. This will affect both selfish alignments and all three evil ones. Syrnbol 5: The black and grey circle of duality will convert the character's alignment into anarchist. The anarchist person continually walks the tight rope between good and evil, sometimes swaying to one side or the other. To the east of the chamber: A giant symbol of unbridled power. At each point of the mystic star is a circle of color, each symbolizing an emotional state of mind. White: Peace and happiness. Blue: Trouble,

m) deep pool of clear, fresh water. It is apparently supplied by an underground spring or river.

19. This is a small gladiatorial arena where the Old Ones engaged in games of combat and other less civilized activities while in their elven form. Currently it is the main lair of the serpent men. Three monster toads are chained inside and used by the Winged Serpent Men for sport, hunting and as watchdogs. The creatures are never mistreated, respond like trained dogs, and will attack only mammals. 22 Winged Serpent Men occupy this area.

defeat, and negativity; a forlorn attitude. Black: Ignorance, stupidity, and fear of the unknown. Red: The thrill of challenge, especially combat, flirting with death at every opportunity, and taking chances. Green: Life, vitality, and never giving in to despair. Brown: Strength of conviction and willpower.

20. Originally animal pens, this too has been converted to a living quarters for the reptilian humanoids. 3D6 are present at any time. 21. Originally a weapons room, it is currently the hatchery and heavily guarded. 10 to 40 eggs are present at any given time and are guarded

4. A dead end corridor that has two circles near its end; summon deevils or demons and protection from deevils or demons. Both are inactive. 5. A corridor identical to #4 except that the circles are summon angels and protection from angels. 6. At the end of this somewhat triangular corridor is a large, black oval hanging in midair. A stiff wind (15 mph/24 km) seems to be blowing from it. Midway down the dead-end corridor is a power circle. Characters who understand circles will recognize it as a dimensional rift circle. Apparently the circle maker never returned to close the gateway between the two worlds. Looking inside reveals a barren, twilight world of rocky peaks and jutting mountains. To enter it is to be sent to an alien world. 7. This was originally the Old One's place for experimenting in their

by no less than six females. 22. The living quarters for the two elder leaders and their families. A total of seven live here with at least one of the two leaders and two others present at any given time. Both leaders wield rune swords that they found in the weapons room. The Leader with the blue blade is of unprincipled alignment, has 40 hit points, 20 S.D.C. and average stats.

The blue blade: I.Q. 10, indestructible, does 4D6 damage, adds +1 to all saving throws, and possesses clergy abilities. See rune weapons, page 250, in the Palladium RPG, Second Edition for details. The alignment of the sword is scrupulous and it will protect the serpent peo-

ple and the eggs. The reptilian alien really doesn't understand how to use the sword, but the weapon compensates and the two work together in a strange friendship. The Leader with the red sword: This character is of anarchist alignment; 35 hit points, 18 S.D.C., and average stats. The red blade: I.Q. 14, indestructible, does 6D6 damage, adds +1 to all saving throws and possesses air elemental magic. See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 250, for details. The sword's alignment is

elf bodies. Consequently, the rooms and layout conform to human standards. The walls are smooth like the main corridors. The double doors are made from some unknown metal that is incredibly light and

open with little effort. Five doors made of the same material line both sides of the wall. Each opens to a 5 by 10 foot (1.5x3 m) room thick with dust. The main hall is also thick with dust and impressions of clawed, three-toed footprints. The prints are everywhere and lead in every direction. The great-

miscreant and although it helps the serpent man it also causes mischief and tries to corrupt him. It would enjoy the opportunity to become the

est number leading to the east and west. Whatever these creatures are,

possession of a far less honorable and more adventurous owner. It might even manipulate circumstances to fall into another's hands, even if it means the death of the serpent leader. Note: The serpent people have no need or use for gold or gems, so

they are not from this world and there's a lot of them! Note: These are the prints of the Winged Serpent Men who have made this place their home. If the characters are quiet and leave, the serpent men will never know they were there.

the few baubles they possess are kept because they are pretty and spar-

8. A spacious torture chamber where the Old Ones used to perform terrible experiments on their elf bodies. The Winged Serpent Men have

kle. Maximum value is 1000 gold. 23. A large, permanent teleport circle that is still active. This circle is directly linked to the circle in the deepest recesses of the Place of Magic (M-84)\ If the players get their characters teleported to the last section in the Place of Magic, they can either teleport up to the surface or fight their way up to the surface, past the Old One, and all the other evils. Not

converted this area into a sort of dining hall and animal holding pen. Captives are brought here and placed into one of the adjoining rooms or

cells until they are ready to eat them. 2D4 Winged Serpent Men will be present at all times. 9. 40x15 foot (12x4.6 m) doorless room used by the Serpent Men as a meeting place. 10. Another doorless room with no special purpose. 11. 12 individual cells used as holding pens for captives/food; 0150% chance of 1D4 prisoners, probably kobolds or goblins. 12. Four 5x10 foot (1.5x3 m) solitary confinement cells, now used for storage. 13. Another doorless room with no special purpose.

an easy task.

24. A large oval chamber occupied by a half dozen of the magicdraining spiders. Near the rear of the chamber are two circles. The smallest is a solid black circle that simply registers as magic. The second is a large, simple circle (the symbol of magic with the Eternity sword at the center). When anybody enters the circle with the sword a telepathic link is established with everybody in the chamber. A voice of unknown origin will say something like: "There it is, the most powerful rune sword ever

14. The original dining room, 20x15 feet (6x4.6 m), now occupied

created. The Old Ones crafted this blade, not some second-rate dwarven mage. It can make one of you powerful beyond your dreams. Pick it up,

by a Winged Serpent Man and his family. 1D4 adults will defend the five young and, if necessary, will fight to the death. 15. The original kitchen, it too is occupied by a pair of reptilian families; 1D4 adults, 3D4 children. Extremely defensive. 16. 15x15 foot (4.6x4.6 m) room that is clearly inhabited, but its two inhabitants aren't home.

feel it. Feel the power. Even just holding it you can feel the magic energy coursing through your veins."

The voice sounds excited just talking about the sword, as if it had experienced its power personally. The voice will go on to entice the characters to take the sword (G.M.'s ad lib).


The moment a person picks up the sword he/she will sense the incredible power of its magic; a very tempting and desirable power. It is at this time that the voice will proclaim, "Yes, take it and rule, for it possesses the power to tame a world! Unfortunately, I am compelled to

warn you that the blade is cursed. You are not the first to hold it. Many before you have caressed its power, but all have died and the blade returned. But perhaps you are strong, clever or lucky enough to beat the curse. Perhaps you are destined to have this fabled rune sword. Perhaps,

but as surely as this sword exists, death will make its claim on you. Can you defy death and win? It's a gamble, but isn't it worth the risk?"

The Eternity Sword The sword is inscribed with the rune symbols of eternity, magic forces, darkness, and the ward symbol of power. It is extremely evil (diabolic) and will corrupt its user, encouraging him to do cruel, selfish

and evil acts. It will also convince him that he can trust nobody but the sword. The sword bestows the following upon its wielder: +10 to save vs all types of magic.

+5 to save vs psionic attack. Impervious to fire, cold, and poison. -4 to save vs insanity. The blade itself pulsates with power and possesses the following:

I.Q. 13, indestructible, does 6D6 damage, possesses all clerical abilities, fire elemental magic, drinks souls and has all the basic greater rune weapon features. See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 250, for details on the powers.

The Curse of the Eternity Sword (G.M.'s Only) Death will indeed stalk anyone who should lay claim to the rune sword. The curse is unique and likely to catch the sword wielder completely off guard. Unlike most curses, the sword does not bring bad luck or reduce bonuses, but rather, the taking of the Eternity Sword will summon forth The Hunter to stalk, slay and return the sword — there is no reason the character should suspect he is being stalked until it is too

late. The Hunter was the first being to steal and use the Eternity Sword. He was an ambitious and cocky assassin who is only free to enter the world of flesh and blood when someone else wields the blade. His curse is that he must hunt and slay that person and return the blade as soon as possible; returning him to his limbo. If the person should defeat The Hunter, the cursed spirit will finally find peace in death. However, The Hunter can never throw a fight and lose. In a crazy way, he longs to slay the person so that he can again hold the Eternity Sword, even if it's only

punch, kick attack, body flip/throw, knockout/stun on 17-20, critical strike on 19-20, death blow on a natural 20, +4 to save vs psionics/insanity.

Weapons: Four daggers (1D6 damage), a silver short sword (2D4 damage), Hippe pole arm (3D6 damage), morning star (2D6 damage), goupillon flail (3D6 damage). Dragon's breath poison.

Psionics: Resist fatigue, summon inner strength, telekinesis, telekinetic punch, telekinetic leap, death trance, impervious to fire and nightvision. I.S.P.: 112

to return it to the circle; he is magically compelled to return it as soon as

it's recovered. When stalking his target, he will always wait until the person is

Skills of Note: Disguise 90%, prowl 90%, pick locks 98%, track humanoids 90%, use & recognize poison 98/94%, Hand to hand: Assassin and several W.P. skills to match his use of weapons. Personality: Clever, cunning and cautious. A true professional, he

alone, or with as few people as possible. If the sword-bearer is extremely powerful, especially a man of magic, he will be slain in his

sleep or attacked from behind. G.M.'s Note: The chances of the bearer of the Eternity sword surviving is very unlikely and this is as it should

picks his fights and will not fight to the death, but retreat to recuper-

be. DO NOT ADJUST THESE CONDITIONS OR STATS. The sword is evil and shouldn't be taken in the first place. If the sword is sold, stolen or given away, each owner will die in succession.

ate and strike again. Note: Having used the Eternity Sword for a time longer than anyone else, he is linked to it and can sense its location as well as command it

The Hunter (Quick Stats)

to not use its spells against him!

A Note About the Old Ones

O.C.C.: 12th level Assassin and major psionic. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.A. 19, M.E. 23, P.S. 21, P.P. 24, P.E. 14, P.B. 14, Spd. 20 Hit Points: 70; S.D.C.: 20 Armor: Hard leather, A.R. 11, S.D.C. 39 Attacks Per Melee: Five by hand to hand or psionics. Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +10 to damage, +4 to disarm, +7 to strike, +9 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull

Whatever else may have been connected to this tiny part of a much larger complex is forever lost. The entire mountain literally collapsed in on the rest of it — excavation is impossible. Whether an Old One may slumber somewhere beneath this place is unknown, but unlikely. No other secrets of the Old Ones remain in this complex, but the

player characters should feel privileged, because they are but a tiny handful of people who have ever glimpsed even a fragment of the Old Ones' ancient domains and power.


The Place of Magic

mages came to be known, grew into a town. Strict rules, laws and orders were established and maintained by the members of the expedition who originally discovered the ruins. This included a number of warlocks. They were elected to manage the town and keep the peace because they can remain reasonably unbiased about the Place of Magic. While men of magic, warlocks derive their powers from elemental forces and not ancient knowledge, thus they cannot profit directly from the knowledge unearthed in the ancient ruin. Consequently, they are as fair and impartial as possible, yet command enough magic to control other practitioners of magic looking for trouble. The original members of the expedition team also coordinate the excavations and goings on in and around the site. They were elected because their interest in The Place is entirely scholastic and honorable. So it was that the groundwork for the current community was established. To minimize confrontations, the various classes of researchers have been given their own areas to live and work. Except for invitation or choice, most of these areas are segregated from one another; many conducting independent investigations hidden from even their own colleagues.

The mountain pass to the Place of Magic is long and winding, about a quarter of a day's ride or a full day's walk. Not only does the trail not narrow as proclaimed by Uncle Basil, but it is wide enough to ride two horses abreast. Note: See the Old Ones' Complex for a likely encounter before arriving at the Place of Magic.

Introduction Few people have heard of the Place of Magic, and fewer still really know what's taking place there. Rumors claim that a legion of wizards and other students of magic have assembled there to make plans for global conquest. Others say that an ancient ruin of demonic origin yields unknown magic and ancient secrets that practitioners of magic conspire to keep it all to themselves. Some rumors even suggest that the ancient ruins hold the lost art of Rune Magic. Tall tales of zombies, eternal monsters, crazed dwarves, haunted catacombs, demon worship, magic plagues, conspiracy, glory, and evil of every description are whispered among those who know of "The Place." Still others say that it is all a front for an invading army from the Western Empire, and so it goes. Many have grown suspicious and worried about The Place, including the rulers of the Timiro Kingdom. The heads of State worry about what's becoming the largest gathering of sorcerers and mystics in the world, all come to conduct studies (and the gods only know what else) in the mountains along their border. It is the fear of the unknown that eats away at the ruling body. Despite having dispatched their own mages, scholars and spies, they cannot confirm or deny most of the rumors or wild speculation about The Place. They have confirmed that demonic forces may be at work in the depths of the ruins; there are definitely strange monsters living deep within. Forces that could threaten the security of the Timiro Kingdom. It has also been confirmed that, the enemies of Timiro, especially the Western Empire and the Lands of the South Winds, have sent their own spies and sorcerers to survey the situation — they fear The Place may be some secret military operation on the part of the Timiro Kingdom. Rumors and fears aside, the ultimate purpose of most visitors, students of magic, monks or scholars, is to study and explore the ruins. This all began about a decade ago, when a Monk Scholar and a handful of warlocks and adventurers discovered what at first appeared to be just another of the hundreds of dwarven outposts and towns that honeycomb the Old Kingdom Mountains. Yet even the initial investigations suggested it was much more. The ruins were apparently some sort of special subterranean network of tunnels and chambers, but more than that, there was evidence that it might harbor dwarven magic believed to have disappeared from the planet during the purge known as the Millennium of Purification. One of the first big finds was a vast library of books written in runes (many of which were secreted away by Monk Scholars — there's a small monastery with 48 monks and 24 assistants located in the mountains near The Place, although many of the books have been sent to other monasteries and away from prying eyes). The original expedition sent for colleagues to help decipher the books and explore the ruins. For several years, the Place of Magic was kept a guarded secret; eventually word began to leak out, attracting the curious and the greedy. Practitioners of magic and scholars began to appear with increasing frequency, and with them, mercenaries, merchants, and adventurers. Within a few years the Place of Magic, as the ruins and encampment of


the P L ^ 6 OF


3. The Dead-End Tavern: A spacious tavern and brothel open around the clock and constantly crowded. The food, drinks and services are of fair quality and reasonably priced. Most of the occupants are travelers waiting to be granted entry to the Place of Magic. It is not the saf-

Admittance to The Place of Magic is restricted to monks, scholars, historians, practitioners of magic and their teams/assistants. Generally, men of magic and the members of the founding group are given preference over others. As operations expand, word of The Place increases, and things heat up; mercenaries and adventurers have found employment as assistant explorers, porters, guards and protectors.

est place to frequent. 4. A Stone Stronghold: The mountain pass to the east is blocked by a stone fort that covers the entire width of the pass. It is designed to prevent travelers and troublemakers from unwittingly stumbling onto the

So far a dwarven mining complex, royal palace and four levels of living areas have been completely explored, mapped and studied. There are no dangers or mysteries on these levels, consequently there are no

ogre tribe not far beyond its walls. Four 3rd level mercenaries trained with the crossbow and a 3rd level earth warlock man the stronghold, but up to 48 soldiers can be housed there. The little fort is constructed with arrow slits and slits for boiling water. Its iron portcullis (gate) has an S.D.C. of 800 and can only be raised from inside the fort. The walls of the stronghold have 600 S.D.C. 5. The Ogre Tribe: Approximately 100 ogres and 150 ores live in tents and clay huts beyond the stronghold (#4). They view the warlocks and the Place of Magic as an intrusion into their territory and resent it, but are unable to do anything about it. They grudgingly accept their present situation, but occasionally climb around the stronghold and other

maps or adventures for them. There are some efforts on these levels to dig out a handful of collapsed areas but the work has been slow and uneventful. The truly dangerous and unexplored levels begin with the Ca-

nals. Note: Despite the slow spread of rumors about the Place of Magic, its location and very existence is unknown to most of the world. Only

people who circulate among the most educated and elite circles will have ever heard about it. Those who know about the Place of Magic try to keep it a secret and many who go exploring, especially in off-limit areas, are never seen again.

defenses to waylay travelers. Bands of 2D4 ogres and/or ores can also

be found wandering the area behind and between numbers 4 and 6. The

The Town of Windthrop

ogres should be considered to be 1D4+1 level mercenaries, rangers or

thieves, while the ores are 1D4 level mercenaries and vagabonds. 6. Fortified Wall: A 30 foot (9 m) high and 12 foot (3.6 m) thick wall bars the wide path along the gorge to keep out hostile ogres, ores

This tiny town has grown as a direct result of the activities at the Place of Magic. In all practicality, it is a holding station for the hundreds of people seeking to enter The Place with dreams of striking it big. The town's permanent residents barely number 300, but the number of transients awaiting entry exceed 1000. Most of the food and supplies are imported, another job handled by the warlocks who oversee the

and brigands. The wall has no gate and is patrolled by four 2nd second level mercenaries and a minor air elemental. All are totally loyal to the

authorities at the Place of Magic. 7. A Small Military Fort: This fort-like outpost houses 36 foot soldiers, 24 light cavalry men, and 24 short bowmen; all are 3rd and 4th level mercenaries. Their leader is a 6th level knight, Sir Ivon Taper, H.P.: 42, S.D.C.: 16, scrupulous alignment. 8. Bridge Fort: A simple stone structure manned by four 3rd level mercenaries and a 4th level fire warlock (and a minor fire elemental when necessary). They check the passes of all people entering or leav-

town's operations. The terrible overcrowding and poor conditions that the town suffers from are intentional on the part of the warlocks who control the area. To their thinking, this will dissuade people from staying or trying to enter the dangerous Place of Magic (the "real" researchers are given superior facilities and free access to The Place). Unfortunately, this has also created an environment for criminals. The waiting list is quite lengthy, some people have been waiting for

ing by route of their bridge. 9. The Main Bridge: A type three fort that accommodates 48 foot

soldiers (2nd to 5th level), 36 archers (short bow, levels 2-4) and their families. Krig, a 7th level wizard, is the fort commander. Michael Lean-

almost two years. The player characters will be told that it will be at

crot, a 6th level earth warlock, and Raphael Alfonz, a 6th level water warlock, are his seconds in command. All are of good alignment, honorable, and loyal to the authorities. It is their job to stop any unauthorized personnel from entering the actual archeological site at the Place of

least a year before they can enter. All men of magic are given preference over other O.C.C.'s, but even they will be forced to wait for at least six months. Natural defenses include the winds above the gorge which are

Magic. 10. A Stone Stronghold: Identical to number 4.

treacherous and unnatural, with a storm raging almost constantly, thus preventing individuals from flying over. Anyone penetrating the preliminary defenses will be stopped and gently expelled. Resistance will be greeted with equal force, while extreme violence or deadly force will be subdued, resulting in that person being permanently blacklisted from the Place of Magic. 1. The residential part of town: Only a handful of shops are lo-

11. The Secret Troll Bridge: This is a narrow bridge made of rope and wood that crosses the gorge about a mile (1.6 km) west of the main

entrance and about 300 feet (91.5 m) lower. It is allegedly needed by the local nonhumans for a variety of reasons. However, it is often used

by an unscrupulous handful to sneak people across to the Place of Magic. It is common knowledge that any person who can reach the actual compound across the gorge, even though unauthorized, is allowed to stay. It's some kind of strange code of ethics or law among the warlocks who have established the place.

cated among the residences. Three large boarding houses with a combined total of 450 rooms falls incredibly short of satisfying the needs of all the people. Consequently, a person can pitch a tent or bedroll in the streets or behind the houses for five gold per night or beyond the town's border for free.

The crooks that run the bridge occasionally and carefully approach

travelers with the news that they can provide immediate passage across the gorge — if they can pay the price of passage. Game Master Note: There is a way to get the player characters into the Place of Magic, but the cost will be high. The trolls that run this little operation will take gold, gems, magic items, weapons, armor, or horses as payment. G.M.s

2. Stables: Carbo Felinsci owns and operates the constantly overfilled stables and livestock corrals. He tries to accommodate everyone the best he can, but always falls short of space. Felinsci, his wife, four sons and eight stable hands are good and honorable people, but must charge according to demand. Stable space costs 50 gold per day, food and/or grooming will cost another 20 gold for basic food and more for high quality food or care. Furthermore, Felinsci regrets that he can't guarantee the safety of any animal left in his charge, because of the great many transients in town. There is a 01-32% chance that the animal will be stolen.

will have to use their discretion as to what the group can afford to pay; but remember these are greedy creatures who will try to get as much as possible (typically 1/3 of the character's valuables). Of course, players can try to cheat or trick them, but will have to suffer the consequences (which could be deadly). If the characters don't give them any trouble,


they will be able to cross for the agreed price. If someone should renege, there will be a conflict. However, the trolls will never fight to the

equipment. The average cost is 10-20% below book price, but most of the goods sold are of poor to average quality. B. Farmers' Market: A surprising variety of produce imported specially by the wizards and warlocks via teleportation circles. Prices are

death. As part of the agreement with the warlocks, the frail little bridge is free of turbulent winds which sweep the entire length of the gorge. Even so it is a narrow, rickety rope bridge which should be crossed slowly and with great caution. It is impossible to take a horse across. A little fact that the crooks will fail to mention until the characters reach

only 10-20% higher than book listed prices. C. Latimur's Tavern: Serves "only" the finest liquor and steaks in

town, at prices 25% higher than average. The tavern is an extremely popular and friendly establishment operated by a pudgy little human named Latimur Karlye and his daughter LuCinda. Latimur is a connoisseur of fine wine, liquor and food. He is also addicted to tales of adventure. The cheery little man with a prominent beer belly is always

the bridge. "Oh, I thought you just wanted to ride the horse over to the bridge. Gee, well, you can't take him with you, so why not just give

him to us as payment?" The head of this extortion racket is the biggest, meanest, toughest "looking" troll the group is ever likely to see (makes Mike Tyson look like a wimp). Although the troll is tough, he is not nearly as tough as he looks. His four assistants also appear to be tough trolls, but are actually

soliciting heroic tales of adventure and loves nothing more than to unravel a mystery (which he is quite good at). Latimur has always longed to become an adventurer, but circumstances have always prevented it. Now, 50 years old, he lives vicariously through the adventures of others, speculating and trying to outguess each peril. Note: A good tale will get the teller a free drink. A great story will earn him a free meal and all the booze he can drink. Latimur's fascination with mysteries and adventure has led him to help people who present a challenging mystery, sometimes even if it endangers his life. Extremely clever and inventive, he is an excellent amateur sleuth of growing renown. He is extremely reliable, trustworthy and closemouthed, rarely sharing secrets disclosed to him in confidence even with his daughter. After all, this is as close to a real adventure as he's ever going to get. Do not take Latimur for a fool. He can spot a crook and a con-artist with a mere glimpse and NEVER aids scoundrels. Likewise, he has his ears open to every rumor from the most reliable of sources. His incredible congeniality and sincerity has provided him with many powerful and influential sources (perhaps more than even he realizes), making him privy to information available to few others. These "sources" are also likely to destroy anyone who should harm Latimur, the most loved person in the community. Even Raven Darkhold likes the man and watches his place for troublemakers whenever he visits (see number 33 for more information about Raven Darkhold).

four changeling thieves.

Prodo the Troll (Quick Stats) O.C.C.: 4th level mercenary. Alignment: Miscreant

Attributes: I.Q. 10, P.S. 23, P.P. 14, P.E. 15,. Spd. 4, all others average. Hit Points: 47; S.D.C.: 40 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38 Attacks Per Melee: Four (three hand to hand and one from boxing). Bonuses of Note: +1 on initiative, +8 to damage, +2 to parry and dodge. Weapons: Giant flamberge (4D6 damage), battle axe (3D6 damage), giant-sized dagger (2D4).

Personality: Arrogant, cocky, and constantly makes wisecracks. Usually has 150 gold on his person.

The Four Changelings (Quick Stats) All appear to be trolls unless some other form is more appropriate under the circumstances. All are 3rd level thieves, with miscreant alignments, have two attacks and are +2 to parry and dodge. Armor: None or chain mail. Typical Weapons: Short sword, battle axe, and spear. Hit Points: 30, 24, 29, 36 and 11,10,12,17 S.D.C. respectively.

Latimur Karlye (Quick Stats) O.C.C.: 12th level Merchant, and amateur detective and scholar. Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.A. 24, M.E. 9, Spd. 4, all others average. Hit Points: 63; S.D.C.: 4

12. The peak of the Guardian: Zax, a 14th level air warlock stands guard over the gorge, the bridges, and Place of Magic. He also maintains and manipulates the atmospheric conditions over the gorge. If necessary, he can summon a number of elemental assistants and defenders. 13. Fortified Wall: This wall is 25 feet (7.6 m) thick and 50 feet (15.2 m) high with a barbican and gate to protect the visitors and secure

Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 13, S.D.C. 48 (rarely wears it). Weapons: Dwarven short sword that is +2 to strike, parry, and damage.

Magic dagger that spits lightning 3x per day and does 3D6+4 damage. Also has a magic talisman: +3 vs circles and wards. Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses: +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +6 to dodge, 80% chance of people trusting him. Skills of Note: Speaks all languages (except wolfen, giantese and faerie) at 98%, read and write southern, western, elven and dwarven 90%, basic math 98%, forgery 75%, streetwise 64%, lore: demon & monsters 98%, faerie 80%, and W.P. knife and sword. Personality: Friendly, helpful, happy, generous, kind. Note: His daughter LuCinda is a 5th level merchant of scrupulous alignment. The bartender is a loyal, ex-4th level mercenary of scrupulous alignment. Latimur always has 200 to 800 gold on his person, and 3000-12,000 gold and a fortune in imported liquor on the premises.

the area. No one is allowed to enter or exit except under emergencies and must use the central pass. Six 2nd level mercenaries and two 3rd

level air warlocks are stationed here. 14. Fortified Wall: 25 feet (7.6 m) thick and 50 feet (15.2 m) high; it is usually left unguarded. 15. The Visitor Area: This is where all the adventurers who are not practitioners of magic or Monk Scholars reside. It is a comfortable collection of tents and the occasional clay or wood buildings (indicated as small circles on the map; the large blocks are stables). Other than saloons, restaurants and street vendors, there are no merchants (see the

Carnival). Any sorcerers and their ilk live here by choice. 16. The Animal Pens and Corrals: A few of the small corrals are used to hold the visiting adventurers' horses, but most of them are used for cattle and other livestock needed for the community. 17. The Carnival: The merchant district is known as The Carnival. Most shops are open 18 to 24 hours a day.

D. The House of Traveler's Haven: A high class brothel. E. The Potter: The highest quality ceramic items, from jugs and jars to dishware and mugs, are available at fair prices. F. Cobbler and Leather Shop: Operated by a grouchy dwarf. G. Percival's Tailor and Fabric Shop: High quality fabrics and

A. The Open Market: A large, circular market plaza where traveling merchants and adventurers alike can set up shop to sell all types of

silks sold by the yard or clothes tailor-made of the finest precision. High prices.

items, from baked goods and clothing to imported goods and used


the D• &yf*

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooo nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Residencei •nnnnn" nnnnm

18- Bedlo's




Dragon Dust, per ounce: 30,000 gold Dragon Bones/Teeth, per ounce: 15,000 gold (not hydra teeth) Dragon Blood, per ounce: 12,000 gold Faerie Wings, per pair: 50,000 gold Lotus Petals: 200 gold each An alleged unicorn's horn: the Mystic will tell any interested buyers that he has been unable to test the authenticity, so he can't sell it anywhere near its true value. Costs 50,000 gold (and is a real unicorn horn). The Mystic will not be talked down on the price because he is fairly

H. Weaver and spinner of wool: Offers a nice variety of wool clothing at list prices. I. House of Statuary: Specializes in portraits and religious depictions. High quality, fair to high prices.

J. Jeweler: Gold and silverware; a wide range of quality jewelry at fair prices. Will also buy precious stones and metals for 50% of their real market value. K. Carpenter and Wagon smith: Good quality; fair prices. L. Candle Shop: All kinds of candles, holders and lanterns at standard list prices. M. The Parchment Shop: Operated by an unprincipled elf who de-

certain it is genuine, but the only way to find out is to use it. The horn does register magic.

Common Items: Papers, parchment, paints, carving tools, powdered

spises dwarves (charges them double). He sells notebooks, paper,

silver and gold, clear wax, bees wax, rabbit skin glue, and other materi-

parchment, scroll cases, inks, pigments, glues, wax, pens, brushes, gold and silver leaf, etching tools, and other related paraphernalia. He can

als commonly used by diabolists, summoners and wizards are also sold. All at standard prices. Shop Notes: The shop is constantly patrolled by The Mystic's familiar, a weasel; 13 hit points, prowl 80%, +6 to dodge. There is also a

also bind books and provides a scrivener service. All items sell at standard prices. N. Counselors and Money Lenders: Accountants and consultants

60% probability that the shop is protected by an invisible guardian or two, usually an air elemental, deevil or demon. If the shop is ripped off,

advise clients on purchases, and investments, assess the value of jewelry and artifacts and also buy and sell information. Loans typically

The Mystic will summon one to hunt the perpetrator down and slay

carry a 10% to 30% interest rate depending on the credibility of the borrower and the purpose for the loan. O. The Alchemist Shop: This cluttered establishment is operated by

him. Special, expensive or exotic items are all under ward, lock and key. Scrolls and potions are especially watched and protected as they are the most common targets of theft. Consequently, the storage area is protected by wards of alarm (sound and silent), and a long sequence of blind and death wards. The shop's protectors often check on it to be certain all is right.

a very frail looking, middle-aged (400 years old) elf, known only as The

Mystic. He is not a particularly friendly or nice person, but his shop is the best in the entire Timiro Kingdom. Unfortunately prices are high. Scrolls and Conversions: Level 1-3 spells, 900 gold plus 100 for each level of strength, plus an extra 100-400 gold for particularly powerful spells such as the Armor of Ithan. Level 4 spells cost 1600 gold

The Mystic

plus 200 gold per level of strength. Level 5 scrolls cost 2000 gold plus 200 gold per level of strength. Level 6 cost 2400 gold plus 200 gold per level of strength plus 500 gold for a powerful or offensive spell. He will never sell scrolls beyond 6th level. Unstable Scrolls: (See Palladium RPG, 2nd Ed., page 247) costs a mere 200 gold per level of the spell up to a level six, with a 5th level

The Mystic is a cantankerous, cruel and greedy elf known for his shrewd business sense, but he is also a reputable merchant who never deceives his clients about the quality or effectiveness of an item. He is

always interested in buying new stock, but never pays more than 25% of the market value for scrolls, component materials, etc. However, for truly unusual and rare items, circles or spells, he will pay as much as 50% of the market value. The Mystic will never shortchange anyone or

spell strength/duration. Less 25% for bulk orders of ten or more.

Wards: Ward Placement is also a service offered, but the person's true name MUST be known. Prices are 25% higher than usual. Note: All wards are placed on an inanimate object. If the person doesn't provide his real "true" name he will take damage or be affected by the ward as soon as he touches the item. Circle Knowledge that he is willing to teach: Protection From: Magic (superior), undead, werebeasts, witches, elementals, elemental forces and angels at a cost of 80,000 gold each. Protection from Old Ones: 150,000 gold.

waylay him in an alley, but one should pay great heed to his words and

their exact meaning.

True name: Ki-rrel O.C.C.: 10th level Alchemist Psionics: Minor psionic; has see the invisible and sense magic. I.S.P.: 43 Alignment: Anarchist Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 12, P.S. 14, P.P. 13, P.B. 18, Spd. 12, all others average. Hit Points: 67; S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Magic Cloak of Armor (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 110, with invisibility) Attacks Per Melee: Four by hand to hand or psionics, or two by magic. Bonuses: +6 to save vs all magic and psionics (includes bonuses from a magic medallion), +3 to strike, parry and dodge with staff or knives. Weapons: Thunder rod, a gnarled wood staff with mystic symbols carved in it, does 3D6 damage, and can teleport 2x daily. He also has a pouch of powders: pixie, sneezing, and fire dust, plus four smoke bombs and one fume of weakness. Plus one dagger in his belt and another in his boot. Spells: All spells from levels 1-5 plus globe of silence, detect poison, xray vision, ventriloquism, tongues, locate, magic pigeon, mystic portal, dispel magic barrier, negate magic, immobilize, fire ball, fire fist, call lightning, metamorphosis: mist, and fly as an eagle. P.P.E.: 221 Additional Equipment: Usually wears his boots of fleet feet, and a medallion of protection from magic, carries 800-1000 worth of gold and gems on his person and has 2D4x 100,000 in gold and gems available whenever he needs it. Skills of Note: Speaks all languages 98%, reads and writes runes, mystic symbols, elven, dwarven, southern and western 98%, gemology

Summoning Circles: Undead, pawn, elementals, elemental forces,

and angels cost 16,000 gold each. The other summoning circles are also available for a mere 9000 gold each. Power Circles: Never for sale, but The Mystic is very interested in

buying them from others. He already knows invisibility and knowledge. Magic Armor: There is a 01-40% chance of having a specific item in stock, although it will cost 15% more than standard. Magic Weapons:There's a 01-32% chance of having a specific weapon in stock, but costs 25% more than standard. No holy or rune weapons: However, he is always in the market to

buy such items. Potions: All are available at 25% above standard prices; double strength potions cost 50% more. All poisons, powders and fumes are also stocked at 20% more than standard. Magic Charms and Talismans: All are available at 30% above standard prices.

Other Articles of Magic: Cloak of Protection (3): 25,000 gold Cloak of Shadows (2): 20,000 gold 178

Hit Points: 63; S.D.C.: 18 Armor: Magic leather, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 180 Weapons: Flail 2D6+4, short sword 1D6+4 (glows), 3 silver coated

fc, use & recognize poison 98%. He's also an authority on history, lore: demons & monsters and religion. Personality: Cunning, clever, extremely selfish; 400 year old elf. He will work with good or evil to get what he wants.

daggers, sling and a ring of impervious to fire. Skills of Note: W.P. short sword, W.P. chain, W.P. knives, W.P. throwing weapons, use & recognize poison 44/36%, disguise 65%, escape artist 60%, track humanoids 60%, prowl 60%, speaks and reads dwarven 98%, speaks gobblely and southern 98%. Personality: Hates elves and refuses to do business with them; he is a tough, fairly friendly entrepreneur who has used his assassin skills to earn enough to start his own business. Although semi-retired, Tanash can be coaxed to do "one last job" again (and again), if the price is right. It helps if the target is an elf. He will buy weapons at only 30% of the true market value. He always has 2000-8000 cash on hand and a fortune in weapons and armor. Note: Three 5th level dwarven soldiers and two 8th level dwarven smiths are among his most notable employees. A A. Tent Shop: Sells a variety of tents in all sizes at 10% less than standard. Visitors can pitch a tent in areas 15 and 19 at a cost of one gold per night; a good way to avoid the cost of room and board. BB. Meat and Poultry: Standard prices for meat goods and dairy products. CC. The Bottle-Neck: This ore and human owned shop makes and sells all types of bottles, jars, and glassware. It also has a small selection of pots and pans. Standard prices. DD. Slave Market: 6-24 ore and goblin slaves are always available. Average price is 600 gold. EE. Rope and Supply Shop: A variety of common field equipment, rope, snares, manacles and so on. Standard prices. FF. Saddle Shop: Quality riding equipment; standard prices. GG. The Stable Hand's Bunk House: Part of Bedlo's livery. HH. Several Warehouses and Granary. II. Merchant Residences. 18. Bedlo's Livery: The largest livestock merchant in town. He always has 2D4 work horses, 4D6 ponies, 3D4 riding horses, 1D4 jumping horses, 1D6 race horses, and 1D4 war horses for sale. All are good quality animals that sell for average prices on the highish side. Bedlo rents his stables at a fee of 5 gold per day, plus food. He is a jolly fat man who stands an imposing six and a half feet (1.9 m) tall. He is a 10th level merchant of noble birth and an excellent rider (horsemanship equal to knight!). He is of anarchist alignment and has 49 hit points. Bedlo will never pay more than 15% of a horse's real value unless it's a war or race horse (pays 40%). 19. This is the area for students of magic. It is a larger, more attractive area than the one for fighters and adventurers (area 15). ALL men of magic, monks and scholars are welcome here; all others are kept out and not even allowed by invitation. It looks similar to area 15 with its many tents and wooden shacks, except that many are larger and some are made from stone and clay. Note: The square depicted on the map is the library which contains several donated books, notes and observations about the Place of Magic as well as dwarven history, architecture, language, etc. 20. The residences of the air warlock administrators. 21. Temple of Air. 22. Housing for Air Warlocks. 23. Guard Post for the upper pass; guarded by two 5th level air warlocks (and their elemental friends).

P. The Wizard's Retreat: An exclusive tavern that caters only to wizards and their guests. Serves high quality food and drink at standard prices. Operated by a retired, 64 year old, human mage (9th level wizard) named Thomas. He is an authority on the history of the Place of Magic since he was one of the first people to explore the ruins. He is unprincipled in alignment, a total snob, and only associates with fellow wizards and honorary mage, Latimur Kyle. Q. The Fallen Star Jeweler: Specializes in high quality gems and high prices, buys at 25-30% of the real market value. R. Ala Banshi's Bakery: Specializes in western pastries; a very popular shop, fair prices. S. The Artist's Plaza: Includes potters, painters, weavers, glass blowers, ceramic makers, basket weavers, silversmiths, and candle makers. All sell then- wares at standard prices. T. Emilia's: This is a huge shop that sells tobacco, snuff, perfumes, spices, herbs, honey, and candy. Fair prices. U. Tailor Shop: Good quality workmanship, standard prices; specializes in silks. V. Fur Shop: Specializes in quality jackets and coats. 25% higher than standard, but is reflected in the superb craftsmanship. W. Silk Shop: Imported western silks available by the yard. Will recommend the tailor shop (U) down the way for custom tailoring. X. Jeweler and Goldsmith: Fair prices; quality work. Y. Boot-Maker and Leather Goods: Specializes in sturdy yet fashionable boots and shoes. Also sells belts, gloves, hats, vests, and other leather goods. Good quality, standard prices, add 50% for custom-made items. Z. Weapons & Armor of the Exotic: This is the establishment of Tanash Lo Quel, a dwarf weaponsmith of impeccable quality. Even his standard, "nothing special" weapons are of uncommon quality. There is a 01-38% chance that he will have any particular weapon of superior quality with bonuses to strike, parry or damage. If he doesn't have it in stock, he can make one to order within 30 days. A 10 day rush order will cost 10 times the normal price. This is as fast as he can make a quality item. Superior dwarven weapons with bonuses are limited to a maximum bonus of +4 and cost the standard rates; see the Palladium RPG, 2nd Edition, pages 271-272. Special Weapon characteristics are also available and include the following: Special color, 600 gold extra. Continual soft glow, 1200 gold extra. Fire resistant (takes 1/2 damage), 2000 gold extra. Impervious to fire, 4000 gold extra. Special items currently in stock: An indestructible saber 1D6+2 to damage for 25,000 gold. Demon slaying broad swords (4) for 11,000 gold each and one deevil slaying broad sword (1) for 10,000 gold. A flaming short sword that inflicts 4D6 damage is his most prized item for sale at 45,000 gold. Special Armor: See the Palladium RPG, 2nd Edition, page 249; all magic features are available, but at 20% higher than list price.

Tanash Lo Quel (Quick Stats) O.C.C.: 6th level assassin; dwarf. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 12, P.E. 18, P.S. 15, P.P. 14, all others average. Attacks Per Melee: Five (includes boxing skill). Bonuses: +3 to parry and dodge, +6 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/impact, +3 to pull punch, +2 to save vs magic and poison, W.P. bonuses not included, but average about +3 to strike and parry.

24. The area of residence for water and fire warlocks. 25. Temple of Water and Temple of Fire 26. Wizard area of residence: These are primarily serious researchers who have been here for awhile. 27. Residence of the elite wizards: A small area occupied by one of the original discoverers of the Place of Magic, Benjamin Hinn, a 12th


missing elf's friends, no evidence could be found to support their claims, allowing Darkhold to continue on with his work. Oddly enough, it was around this time that Darkhold stopped entering the ruins and a

level wizard, and his eight colleagues. Most of these wizards have been here for several years now. Average level of experience, 5th. 28. Community of Earth Warlocks. 29. Kintol-kal's Residence: An ancient elf (15th level) who keeps to himself. He is one of the original discoverers of the Place of Magic. 30. Ancient Temple of the Earth Elementals: An ancient dwarven

new seriousness came over him. Since that day, he appears to be preoccupied with something that weighs heavy on his mind. G.M.'s Note: Raven Darkhold is responsible for his associate's demise, but this time it was not an act of vengeance or self-servitude. Darkhold and his friend discovered the Old One slumbering in the depths nearly four years ago, a bit of knowledge they kept to themselves. Darkhold's personal agenda is to one day rule the world through the Western Empire, but while he is selfish, evil, and driven, he is not

structure that has been completely restored. 31. Ancient Surface Ruins: Completely researched. 32. The Dead-End Tunnel: This unusual tunnel is perfectly smooth and seamless, almost as if it were melted out of the very stone. Yes, this

is an Old One construct similar to the Old Ones' Complex in the previous adventure. In fact, the two may have been part of the same massive complex! The tunnel is 30x30 feet (9 m) and runs approximately

insane and does not want to see "his" world destroyed. Consequently, he and his friend agreed to let sleeping monsters lay and swore never to

attempt to wake it. Somewhere in the ruins, his associate unraveled the

2100 feet (640 m), ending in the solid stone wall of the mountain. There

secrets of several unknown circles, circles he didn't share with Darkhold. Circles that could awaken the Old One. When the Western prince learned that his friend was taking steps to awaken the foul monster, Darkhold slew him with his usual tools of deceit and poison. Unfortunately, while he was successful in slaying the madman, he struck a little too late. The elf Diabolist had set a number of

are no secret doors, traps or passages. At the very end is an old, faded and scarred circle (inactive) of protection from Old Ones which was obviously created long after the tunnel's creation. This area radiates magic and the tunnel runs the entire length of a ley line! A see the invisible with spell or natural ability will

reveal a giant circle of teleportation, 30 feet (9 m) in diameter. The

lethal ward traps designed to slay or prevent access into the ruins by

magic circle is made invisible and indestructible by a ward of invisibility and permanence. It is a one-way ride limited to one location which is inscribed in silver runes. The words are meaningless: "Agultkre-

Darkhold. A number of wards are attuned only to Darkhold (the elf is one of the few people who knew his real name) and are strategically

placed throughout the ruins of the dwarven complex. For example: There are some hidden along the passages leading to the armory, above

Marrst." The circle itself is drawn in some unknown substance (Old One's blood). Burning a pair of faerie wings will instantly activate the circle, teleporting everything inside the circle into the deepest depths of the Old Ones' complex (M-84). 33. The Residence of Raven Darkhold. He is a prince from the Western Empire and rumored to be an heir of one of the oldest families of Western nobility. It is also rumored that he is one of the prime mov-

the teleport circle and similar key locations. Since Darkhold knows not where they are hidden, he cannot safely enter the complex — he was almost killed twice and he will not risk catching the contagion by entering

through the tunnels. He is increasingly concerned by information sent to him by yet another associate, Caliph Alsto Stone, which leads him to believe that the Old One has been awakened!

ers in the political arena who are trying to get the Western Empire to

Raven Darkhold (Quick Stats)

again take up arms and continue its quest for global conquest. Many believe that Darkhold is here to unravel ancient mysteries to aid that

True name: Sharagar Darkhold O.C.C. (special multi-class): 7th level Summoner, 5th level Wizard, and 7th level Pseudo Mind Mage Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.A. 14, M.E. 22, P.S. 20, P.P. 19, P.E. 21, P.B. 13, Spd. 15 Hit Points: 96; S.D.C.: 20 Armor: Cloak of protection, A.R. 12, S.D.C. 50, impervious to fire, or soft leather armor (magic; A.R. 15, S.D.C. 210) even though it looks battered and worthless. He always wears it when adventuring. Attacks Per Melee: Three hand to hand or by psionics or two by magic. Hand to hand: basic. Bonuses of Note: +4 to strike, parry and dodge, +7 to damage, +2 to roll with impact/punch, +2 to pull punch, +5 to save vs all magic, +6 to save vs horror factor, +3 to save vs possession & mind control. Weapons: Twin silver plated daggers (magic, 1D6+3 damage each), falchion 2D6 damage, crossbow 1D6 damage, trident 2D6+2 damage, three daggers 1D6 damage. Additional Equipment: Potions: healing (4), youthful appearance (2), mute (1); Scrolls: immobilize (1), multiple image (2), charm, superhuman strength (2), stone to flesh (1); Money: 1 Old Kingdom Dragon Coin worth 5000 gold, 20 Western 100 gold pieces and 80,000 in coins and gems hidden and guarded in his residence. Other items include a selection of books on dwarven history, personal items, and a pegasus medallion (fly 4x daily). Spells: +2 spell strength. Common knowledge spells plus chameleon, mystic alarm, breathe without air, fool's gold, reduce self, see the invisible, armor of Ithan, metamorphosis: mist, call lightning, fire ball, befuddle, death trance, familiar link and negate magic. P.P.E.: 186 Circles: +1 circle strength. All protection and summoning, power circles: healing, knowledge, pain. Psionics: Major psionic with the powers of detect psionics, object read, resist fatigue, see aura, levitation, and mind block.LS.P.: 66.

movement. A goal of conquest that would surely include the Timiro Kingdom as one of its early targets. His arrogant and elitist disregard for others not of Western heritage or noble birth would seem to support

these rumors. Darkhold is arguably the most infamous individual at the Place of Magic. His name, powers and position have earned him his own private residence secluded from the others (as well as to keep him out of trouble). Here he conducts his own investigations into the Place of

Magic. It was Raven Darkhold who discovered the victims of the contagion and has gone as far as to speculate that it is the result of an improper combination of magic. Most likely a power circle variant gone awry. Of course, no circle has been found to substantiate this outlandish speculation. This and other flamboyant claims and statements, combined with his arrogant attitude, have won him the reputation of being

an eccentric maverick. In many ways this is true, for Raven Darkhold gives in to his many passions. He indulges himself in excess, as is typical of Western Empire nobility, and is rumored to partake in many unusual and sometimes cruel pleasures. He is prone to sudden outbursts and intolerance of anyone who impedes his goals or acts in fear or ignorance. He is an interesting paradox, for while his emotions seethe and swell like a boiling volcano, he always appears calm and cool; even when he lets go with

one of his frequent outbursts of anger, there is an aura of cool detachment. A secretive man, Raven Darkhold rarely shares his knowledge with his fellow researchers, unless it is of no value to him or he is trying to

impress someone. A loner, he consorts only with those beings he summons with his circles. However, when he first arrived at The Place, he was accompanied by another ambitious student of magic, an elven Diabolist from the east. Both were said to have explored regions of the ruins that few other men have ever glimpsed. A year ago, his associate disappeared, as do all of Darkhold's enemies. Accused of murder by the



Ingus and Sucram the Incubus and Succubus: Ingus is miscreant, and has 44 hit points and 40 S.D.C. Sucram is also miscreant and has 39 hit points and 30 S.D.C. See Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 320.

Skills of Note (includes I.Q. bonus): Horsemanship: general, pick locks 83%, forgery 93/49%, prowl 63%, read and write western, elven, dwarven 98%, speaks western, southern, eastern, elven, dwarven, and gobblely 98%, recognize and use poison 98%, streetwise 51%, locate secret compartments 33%, W.P. knife (7th level), W.P. sword and shield (5th level). Personality: The 40 year old prince is born of high Western nobility. He is a handsome 6 foot, 4 inch (1.85 m), human aristocrat who views himself and all Westerners as being superior to all others. He can be extremely mean, ruthless, and vengeful. He is suspicious of everyone and dislikes soldiers and the military in particular (they are pawns to be used and nothing more). He is clever, cunning and the master of deception.

G.M. Note: You may or may not wish to include Darkhold in the game. If you do, he should rarely be directly involved and will never enter the ruins. However, he may assist characters with information, money, or manpower (one of his demons) if he thinks they can stop the Old One. Darkhold will demand the true name of the group leader and anyone who personally seeks his aid. He will never give his true name

for any reason. The G.M. may desire to modify the character to best fit his campaign.

Demon Servants of Prince Darkhold

34. Guards of the upper passage; a 6th level earth warlock and two assistants guard this post.

Darkhold calls upon (summons) three demons in particular to do much of his dirty work and/or aid and assist him. All three have come to know Darkhold well and are surprisingly loyal to him. Poll the Baal-Rog: Anarchist alignment, 125 hit points, 60 S.D.C., has six hand to hand or psionic attacks per melee round or two by magic. See Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 321.

35. Guard Outpost; one 4th level fire and 4th level air warlock guard this point, assisted by six 3rd level mercenaries. Note: The guard outposts are to protect the Place of Magic from brigands, outcasts, and non-human raiders.

In the Heart of the Ruins The Dwarven Ruins

The subterranean complex is many levels deep and linked with tunnels and secret passageways. It is an ancient Dwarven dwelling, but not a city or town. It is a place that has always been submerged in mystery and magic. A place selected for its seclusion and numerous interconnecting ley lines as well as its history for having been a place of power used by the dreaded Old Ones. Its exact purpose remains unclear. Many believe it was a secret base where supernatural forces were summoned and dark magic and rune weapons were developed for the Great War. What mysteries remain hidden below are yet to be discovered. Ancient secrets and forgotten magic, preserved by the mystic energy that remains strong in these mountains. The bones of the greedy and careless lie among the ruins along with those guilty of poor judgement or misfortune. Next to them are the bones of those who simply hesitated a moment too long. Said to be deserted, The Place of Magic is alive with enchantment and danger, and repopulated by the deranged and the damned. There are even tales that some of the ancient inhabitants still live, waiting, patiently to be released into a new and unsuspecting world.

The Upper Levels: Work community, housing, entertainment halls, parks and living chambers. All have been thoroughly ransacked, explored and mapped. The lower levels: The Canals, Tunnels, Armory and the Place of Magic.

Entry to the ruins Outside the canals there is a large open area filled with guards quietly talking, sitting or just watching alertly. Anyone entering this area

from above will be directed over to the table where Ornaly, Captain of the Guard and his Scribe, Thomaska are seated. Captain Ornaly will ask if the group intends to enter the Place of Magic. If the answer is yes, he picks up a piece of parchment and reads the following: "In the name of Belgerphon, ancient King of Timiro, hear this proclamation. The Place of Magic, being an ancient place of dwarven mysteries, is declared to be unclean. Those who leave this unclean place are often possessed of a dread contagion that causes a terrible madness. Enter at your peril. "Furthermore, to avoid the spread of this contagion among the general populace, it is hereby decreed that all who contract the disease will be kept in royal custody. All those so taken will be cared for with royal monies until their death or until a cure is discovered. "By signing this proclamation you are subjecting yourself to immediate arrest and custody should you contract the contagion. All those entering and departing the Place of Magic will allow themselves to be magically checked for signs of the dreaded disease." He then asks each person to sign the papers offered to them by the Scribe. If the character cannot write, then the Scribe will write the name and the character will make his mark. Standing behind the Scribe is a mysterious figure dressed totally in black. His face is cloaked and his piercing green eyes are barely visible. He is Ralta, the Mind Mage. As each person passes he reads their aura and transmits the information to the Scribe with extended telepathy. The Scribe marks it all down in a large ledger along with the character's name. This is important because the contagion is immediately obvious in a person's aura.

Factual Historical Data The Place of Magic is what the modern inhabitants of the Palladium world call it; the original dwarven name is unknown. There is no record of any city, town or habitation at this location. Only the Tristine Chronicles make a vague reference to what might have been The Place of Magic. A passage describing the ancient Elf-Dwarf War, "... and the warrior King of the Titans proclaimed to Kinto-Asalow that no longer could the Titans, Champions of Justice, endure the degradation of the non-elven races. Lo, the Titans did banish themselves from the side of Elvinkind forevermore, as they could not find in their hearts, the will to smite their elven brothers. In passing the warrior king did say, Change thy ways brothers. Change thy ways for unless you do, the dwarves will surely topple thee. Even now the dwarves build their secret instrument of vengeance in the Eastern Mountains." The Place of Magic has extensive facilities for creating rune weapons and many features of the complex suggest the development and

testing of circles, wards and other magic. Since this kind of research was forbidden by the elven overlords, secrecy is understandable and may explain the reason there is no record of The Place in the otherwise

comprehensive records of the elves and dwarves.


Day Four: The character feels tired, accompanied by muscle soreness which lasts two days and reduces speed by 40%. Day Five: Muscle soreness continues. Speed stays reduced. Day Six: Skin itches and burns all day.

Adventurers returning from below are again inspected by the Scribe and Ralta. Any pseudo-demons or contagion affected characters are easily detected and escorted into a side chamber. They are kept there until their comrades who are free of the contamination have left. Although

promised medical treatment and care, they are systematically executed

Day Seven: Skin slowly changes color according to the following chart (roll percentile dice):

as quickly and painlessly as possible! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

Captain Ornaly is a 9th level Knight with full plate armor and a

01-15 Red

dwarven long sword. Under the table he has a loaded crossbow with a silver-tipped bolt. Ralta Dan-Forarin is an llth level Mind Mage with 194 I.S.P. Among his most notable abilities are mind block auto-defense, telepathy, presence sense, see the invisible, sense evil, sense magic, detect psionics, sixth sense, speed reading, psychic diagnosis, psychic purification, psychic surgery, suppress fear, deaden pain, hypnotic suggestion, advanced trance state, catatonic strike, empathic transmission, pyrokinesis, mind bolt, and psi-sword. Thomaska is a 2nd level Mind Mage with 51 I.S.P. He too has a loaded crossbow under the table. The eight Guard Sergeants are all 5th level soldiers clad in dwarven chain mail and armed with short swords and crossbows; each bolt is tipped with silver. 40-50 Guards stand ready for anything. They are mainly 2nd level soldiers clad in studded leather armor and armed with short bows and maces. All their arrows are silver-tipped. 1D4 warlocks (3-6th level) can arrive within 1D4 minutes to lend a hand.

16-36 Extremely Pale White

37-53 Greenish Pallor 54-74 Grey

75-00 Jet Black Day Eight: 01-60% chance that all the victim's head hair will fall out. Day Nine: 01-60% chance that all the victim's body hair will fall out. Double natural P.P.E. Day Ten: 01-80% chance that the victim will crave raw meat and

blood (01-44% chance of becoming a cannibal). Day Eleven: Vision blurs and the eyes bum. Sight reduced 40% and -1 on all rolls to strike, parry or dodge for 24 hours. Afterwards the character develops nightvision (60 ft/18.3 m range). If the victim al-

ready has nightvision, then add 60 feet (18.3 m) to their range. The eyes are now orange, yellow or red and glow in the dark.

Day Twelve: The skin starts to feel as if thousands of spiders were walking on it. By the end of the day the skin will change according to the following table: 01-37 Lumpy with odd bumps and growths. A.R. 10, add 40 S.D.C. and 40 pounds (18 kg). 38-59 Thick leathery skin. A.R. 12, adds 30 S.D.C.

The Contagion

60-88 Fine scales, A.R. 12, adds 20 S.D.C. and 10 pounds. 89-00 Roll for Insanity. Plate-like exoskeleton, A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75, and adds 60 pounds (27.2 kg). Note: All natural armor heals at a rate of 1D6 points a day, except the exoskeleton which heals at a rate of 2D6 per day. Day Thirteen: The victim's teeth fall out. The replacements will

Note: There are rumors about the contagion in the ruins. It is said that it is a strange, mind-crippling disease, but the player characters (and most new arrivals) never hear that it turns people into monsters. The Contagion (also know as the Dwarven Curse) will affect all intelligent creatures except dragons, changelings, creatures of magic and supernatural beings, including angels, deevils, demons and elementals. There is no protection against it, so anyone passing through the room with the Circle of Contagion will be affected. Saving Throw: All life

start growing in immediately. All new teeth will grow in pointy (bite damage 1D4); 01-40% chance of growing a set of fangs (bite attack does 1D6 or 2D4 damage; 50/50 chance).

forms are vulnerable to the debilitating magic, but everybody gets a

Day Fourteen: The victim must roll for phobia.

saving throw against it. Those who roll under their Physical Endurance

Day Fifteen: Fingernails loosen and fall out of hands. Over the next

(P.E.) on percentile dice save. Once someone has saved, they will

24 hours they are replaced by claws (1D6 damage).

NEVER be affected no matter how often they visit the Circle of Contagion. Those who roll above their P.E. number become infected. There is no known cure.

Day Sixteen: Muscles feel extremely heavy and ache continuously. The character is -1 attack per melee, -2 to damage, -2 on parry and

dodge for 24 hours. The next day, victims will have a physical strength

The Symptoms of the Contagion: transformation into a PseudoDemon: The disease defies all convention and is believed to be a magic illness created by the dwarves during the Great War, or during the Time of a Thousand Magicks. A few have suggested it is the creation of the Old Ones.

(P.S.) of 18 with +3 to damage. Those with P.S. of 17 or greater will get +3 to their P.S.

Day Seventeen: From this point on, there is a +2 on all saving throws; not applicable to the contagion itself.

Day Eighteen: A spurt of growth. Roll on Table: 01-05 Add 150 pounds (67.5 kg) to weight and +2 to P.E. 06-10 Add 3 inches (0.07 m) and 10 pounds (4.5 kg).

One of the symptoms is a constant hunger throughout the 31 day gestation period of the disease. The infected individual needs to consume at least three pounds (1.4 kg) of food every day. A character who eats less than two pounds (0,9 kg) will suffer one hit point of damage; less than one pound (0.45 kg) will cause three hit points of damage, and eating nothing at all will cause five hit points of damage (bypasses S.D.C. and goes direct to H.P.). Normal healing, bio-regeneration and healing touch will NOT cure or repair this damage. Each one of these hit points can be recovered by eating one pound of meat. Other symptoms and changes are as follows.

11-15 Add 6 inches (0.15 m) and 20 pounds (9 kg). 16-20 Add 8 inches (0.2 m) and 30 pounds (13.6 kg). 21-25 Add 10 inches (0.27 m) and 40 pounds (18 kg).

26-35 Add a foot (0.3 m) to height and 50 pounds (22.6 kg). 36-45 Add 1 foot, 3 inches (0.33 m) and 60 pounds (27.2 kg).

46-60 Add 1 foot, 6 inches (0.45 m) and 75 pounds (33.7 kg). 61-70 Add 1 foot, 9 inches (0.57 m) and 90 pounds (40.8 kg).

71-75 Add 2 feet (0.6 m) and 100 pounds (45.3 kg); +1 to P.S. 76-80 Add 2 feet, 6 inches (0.75 m) and 120 pounds (54 kg) and +1 to P.S. and +1 to P.E. 81-85 Add 3 feet and 150 pounds. Add 2 to P.S. and 1 to P.E. 86-90 Add 4 feet and 200 pounds. Add 3 to P.S. and 1 to P.E. 91-95 Add 5 feet and 250 pounds. Add 4 to P.S. and 2 to P.E. 96-00 Add 6 feet and 300 pounds. Add 6 to P.S. and 3 to P.E.

Day One: Victim contracts chills and fever. Day Two: Headaches and nausea cause a -2 to any rolls to strike, parry or dodge. Day Three: Headaches and nausea continue with -2 on initiative and -2 on strike, parry and dodge.


01-20 Dwarves 21-30 Old Ones 31-35 Children 36-40 Palladins 41-50 Practitioners of Magic 51-55 Opposite Sex 56-60 Wolfen

61-70 Demons 71-75 Alchemists 76-80 Clergy 81-85 Merchants 86-90 Changelings 91-95 Minotaurs 96-00 The Supernatural (gods, ghosts, demons, etc.)

Day Twenty-Seven: Roll on additional abilities table. Day Twenty-Eight: Roll on the following table: 01-30 Grows small horns on forehead. Do 1D6 damage from head butts, 2D4 from ramming. 31-60 Grows an eight foot (2.4 m) long tail. Provides an extra attack per melee round, inflicting 2D4 damage. 61-80 Grows extra large claws (6 inches); do 2D6 damage. 81-00 Grows pointed ears; keen hearing, +1D4 on initiative. Day Twenty-Nine: 30% chance of growing cloven hoofed feet. Speed will be one half normal for 3 days, but afterwards speed increases +2D6 points. Day Thirty: Roll once on random insanity table. Day Thirty-One: Life span of victim is now 1,000 years without aging, but still vulnerable to normal death from injury or disease. 0150% chance for a third additional ability. Additional Abilities: Rolled on day 23,27, and possibly 31. 01-05 Dimensional Teleport 50%. Can try once per hour. 06-13 Can Metamorph into insect at will. Will change into a large insect (6 inches long). Will always be the same type (roll on the following table). All are non-poisonous. 01-25 Spider 26-40 Centipede 41-60 Scorpion 61-75 Beetle 76-90 Cockroach 91-00 Housefly 14-19 Metamorph into rodent at will. Can choose to change into either a rat (16") or mouse (4"). 20-25 See the invisible. 26-35 Turn invisible at will. 36-45 Impervious to fire. 46-50 Spit Flame. 4D6 damage, Range 25 feet, normal roll to strike. 51-54 Animate and control dead. Up to 12 bodies can be controlled, 01-60% chance of animating each body. 55-60 Turn Undead, 01-60% chance of turning each individual creature. 61-65 Prowl 76% 66-72 Identify Tracks 80% 73-81 Control up to 6 animals (must be non-intelligent), 80% chance each. 82-89 Bio-regeneration, can heal 2D6 hit points every other melee round. 90-95 Flying ability. Can fly at up to 30 miles (48 km) per hour. 96-00 Healing Touch, can heal others: 1D6 hit points every other melee round.

Note: All armor and clothing will have to be modified or replaced. Characters with three feet (0.9 m) or more added to their height will not be able to use normal sized bows or weapons with standard hand grips. Day Nineteen: Victim becomes resistant to fire. Fire attacks will do only half damage. Day Twenty: Victim becomes resistant to cold. Cold attacks do only half damage. Day Twenty-One: Roll insanity as follows: 01-26 None 27-50 Roll a phobia.

51-60 Roll an obsession. 61-70 Roll for a neurosis.

71-80 Roll for a psychosis. 81-90 -1D4 on M.E. and -1 on I.Q. 91-00 Roll for an affective disorder. Day Twenty-Two: Increase speed by 4 points. Day Twenty-Three: Roll on additional abilities table. Day Twenty-Four: Develop repulsion to all religious symbols representing the gods of Light or Goodness. Can't approach symbols and takes one hit point every time hit or touched by it, even through clothes, leather or armor. Physical beauty (P.B.) changes: 1-79 reduce P.B. by two points, 80-00 means add two points to physical beauty. Day Twenty-Five: Roll under M.E. on twenty-sided. Failure results in -1 on I.Q. and reroll for disposition; Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 32. Day Twenty-Six: Roll for personal hatred. Victim will be disgusted with that kind of being and will suddenly believe that he is the victim of

a great conspiracy responsible for all the victim's problems.


Personality: Phobias about reptiles and open spaces. Description: Black Death is 11 feet (3.3 m) tall with scaly black skin and blazing red eyes. He has pointed teeth and fangs (1D6 bite damage), larger claws (2D6 damage) and a prehensile tail (2D4).

Vulnerabilities: Silver and holy weapons inflict double damage. Holy symbols of Light and Good will hold the creature at bay and cause pain. Drinking holy water is like drinking acid. Notes: All changes/abilities are permanent. There is no known cure for the curse of the pseudo-demon. In the outside world, people will flee, scream, throw stones, pray and/or attack or call a priest to drive this strange demon away. Few will accept any explanation or accept these beings as friends or allies. They will believe that the demon is simply trying to lure them into some hell-spawned treachery.

Kyl-Lebash (Quick Stats) Original O.C.C.: 5th level Assassin Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.A. 11, M.E. 13, P.S. 21, P.P. 23, P.E. 14, P.B. 10, Spd. 17 Hit Points: 35; S.D.C.: 33 Armor: Leathery skin, A.R. 12 Attacks Per Melee: Four Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +6 to strike, parry, and dodge, +10 to damage, +3 to roll with impact/punch, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, critical attack from behind, kick attack, cold and fire does half damage, +2 on all saves. Abilities: Turn invisible at will, turn dead, and metamorph into rodent. Spells: None Psionics: None Weapon Proficiencies: Knife: +6 to Strike, +5 to parry/dodge, +6 throw Blunt: +7 to Strike, +5 to parry/dodge, +5 throw Spear/Fork: +6 Strike, +7 to parry/dodge, +6 throw Chain: +7 to Strike, +5 to parry/dodge Paired Weapons Weapons: Mace & Chain (3D6 damage), Mace (2D6), Trident (2D6+2), two knives (1D6) one silver dagger (1D6). Possessions: 500 in gold and various personal items. Personality: Appears friendly and talkative. Has phobias about dogs and worms. Hates wolfen. Description: Former elf, 8 feet (2.4 m) tall, dark red leathery skin, horns and yellow eyes. Has pointed teeth and short claws (1D6 damage).

People treat the victims as evil demons, the pawn of a witch or Summoner, and will accuse them of everything from sprained ankles and spoiled milk to bad crops, pestilence and death. Captured pseudo-demons are likely to be subjected to torture and a painful, slow death with the executioner "making sure" that the demon is exterminated.

Pseudo-Demon Society Alignments: Any, but most are anarchist or evil. Total Current Number: 213; the rest have been captured and slain (an estimated 300+). This is a society of nonhuman misfits living in the Canal regions of the underground complex. Their organization is a finely developed caste system with the strongest and most powerful holding the highest positions. Power is determined by combat. If someone new can beat one of the more powerful figures, then he takes his/her place. The defeated may now be challenged without mercy until he can finally hold a position of status within the group. The core are the undisputed champions and leaders. To them the only serious challenge is one to the death! Generally, most pseudo-demons (87%) hate normal, non-affected people and they despise those who are immune. Most have become mean, bitter, evil and/or insane.

The Order of Rule Individual Pseudo-Demons of note, listed in the order of their social ranking.

Banderdash (Quick Stats)

Black Death — The Undisputed Leader

Original O.C.C.: 3rd level Mercenary

Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.A. 11, M.E. 10, P.S. 22, P.P. 20, P.E. 12, P.B. 8, Spd. 19 Hit Points: 44; S.D.C.: 104 (includes exoskeleton) Armor (natural): Exoskeleton has A.R. 15,75 S.D.C. Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand plus one for prehensile tail. Bonuses: +5 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch/impact, +2 to pull punch, +7 to damage, +3 against magic or poison, damage from cold or fire, +2 on all saves. Abilities: Impervious to fire, fly, and prowl 76%. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: Knife: +1 to strike, +1 throw Sword: +1 to strike, +1 parry/dodge Blunt: +1 to strike, +1 parry/dodge Weapons: Two Invisible magic daggers (2D4 damage) that return when thrown, invisible claymore (3D6 damage), giant-size war hammer (4D4 damage), two normal daggers (1D6 damage). Possessions: Basic mercenary equipment. Personality: Hates anything supernatural, especially gods, demons and powerful entities. Has phobias about females and reptiles. When frustrated or angry there is a 72% chance he will go into a semifunctional berserker rage. Description: An ex-ogre who is an impressive 14 feet (4.2 m) tall, he has a black armored exoskeleton, large fangs (2D4), huge claws (2D6), a tail (2D4), and yellow glowing eyes.

Original O.C.C.: 6th level Mind Mage. Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.A. 7. M.E. 14, P.S. 20, P.P. 15, P.E. 11, P.B. 6, Spd. 14 Hit Points: 38; S.D.C.: 45

Armor: Ogre double mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 52; he also has skin with a natural A.R. of 12. Attacks Per Melee: Four hand to hand or psionic attacks per melee

round, plus one with prehensile tail (2D4 damage); claw attack does 2D6 damage. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +6 to damage, +2 on all saves, +5 to save vs possession, +6 to save vs mind control, cold and fire does half damage. Abilities: Animate/control dead, fly, and turn invisible at will. Spells: None. P.P.E. 17 Psionics: All physical psionic powers plus mind block, meditation, empathy, see the invisible, bio-manipulation, bio-regeneration, and electrokinesis. I.S.P.: 149 Weapon Proficiencies: Knife: +2 to strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 throw

staff: +2 to strike, +3 parry/dodge. Weapons: A metal staff called the thunder rod that does 4D6 damage and unleashes a clap of thunder every time it strikes, plus two knives, a silver plated bastard sword 2D6+2 (double damage to other

pseudo-demons) and a medium-sized shield. Possessions: Pixie dust (2), gem studded Old Kingdom Dragon coin in necklace with wards of sleep, alarm (sound), and death, all at 4th level, plus basic adventurer equipment.


Benilli (Quick Stats)

Magic: All Diabolist abilities. Spells: None

Original O.C.C.: 4th level Mercenary Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 8, M.A. 9, M.E. 8, P.S. 20, P.P. 15, P.E. 11, P.B. 4,

Psionics: None Weapon Proficiencies: Knives: +2 to strike, +1 parry/dodge, +2 thrown Chain: +2 to strike, +1 parry/dodge Weapons: Two giant-sized daggers (2D6 damage), giant-sized ball and chain (3D6 damage), claws (1D6 damage), horns (1D6 damage), cloven hooves (1D6 damage) and tail (2D4 damage). Possessions: See room description, C-21. Personality: Cunning and cruel. Description: He is an 11 foot, six inch (3.4 m) tall ex-human.

Spd.9 Hit Points: 45; S.D.C.: 52 Armor: Lumpy skin, A.R. 11 Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +7 to damage, +2 to roll with punch/impact, +2 to pull punch, cold and fire do half damage, and +2 on all saves. Abilities: See the invisible, fly, and identify tracks 80%. Spells: None Psionics: None Weapon Proficiencies: Sword: +2 to strike, +2 parry/dodge, +1 throw Battle axe: +2 to strike, +1 parry/dodge, +2 throw Archery: +2 to strike — rate of fire is 3. Weapons: Battle axe (3D6), short sword (2D4), crossbow (1D6) and 24 bolts. Possessions: Basic mercenary equipment. Personality: Has phobias about clergy and undead. Is obsessed with cleanliness to an incredible degree. Description: An ex-dwarf who is now 10 feet (3 m) tall, he has pale white, scaly skin, red eyes, pointed teeth (1-6), and large claws (18).

Typical Pseudo-Demon Guardians/Fighters Use the following guidelines as a reference for quick creation of the average pseudo-demon combatant non-player character (NPCs). These pseudo-demons are primarily men of arms and adventurers who are part of the middle and upper caste. They tend to serve as guards, warriors, scouts and bandits. High level characters are often second in command or may lead their own little band. Original O.C.C.: Typically mercenary or soldier, but can be any men of arms. Roughly 20% are of a non-combat O.C.C. Average Level of Experience: 1D4+1 Alignment: Selfish or evil (any). Attributes: P.S. 20, P.P. 12, Spd. 14; all others average.

Hit Points: 3D6+10; S.D.C.: 4D6+20 Armor: A.R. 12 (natural) Attacks Per Melee: Two; those with a tail or spit fire will have an extra attack per round.

Kragg (Quick Stats) Original O.C.C.: 5th level wizard. Alignment: Anarchist Attributes: I.Q. 12, P.P. 14, all others average. Hit Points: 46; S.D.C.: 49 Armor (natural): Lumpy skin has A.R. 11

Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +6 to damage, +2 to save vs magic, and fire and cold do half damage.

Abilities: Extra large claws or fangs, pointed teeth, and roll two additional abilities (only 25% have a third ability). Spells: None

Attacks per Melee: Two hand to hand or by magic.

Psionics: None Weapon Proficiencies: Sword: +2 to strike, +2 parry/dodge, +1 throw Spear: +2 to strike, +3 parry/dodge, +1 throw Knives: +2 to strike, +2 parry/dodge, +1 throw Weapons: One dagger (1-6), roll six-sided for one of the following: 1. Short Sword (2D4) 2. Battle Axe (2D6) 3. Bastard Sword (2D6+2) 4. Long Sword (2D6) 5. Short Spear (1D6) 6. Long Spear (2D6) Possessions: Set of clothes, large sack, bottle of low quality wine, and 2D6 silver pieces. Personality: These guards are mostly sullen and disagreeable. They look forward to fighting as a way of relieving the boredom of their job and their lives. Their idea of a good joke is torturing helpless travelers. Description: Either scaly or leathery skin, blazing yellow or orange eyes, demonic features and from 1D6 feet over the standard height for their race.

Bonuses: Fire and cold do half damage, +2 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs horror factor, +2 spell strength. Abilities: Rodent Metamorph, Animate and Control Dead, and heal. Spells: All first level spells plus sleep, tongues, reduce self, weightless-

ness, swim as a fish, mend cloth, levitation, fear, energy bolt, fireball, and repel animals. Weapon Proficiencies: Knife: +1 to strike, +1 throw Weapons: Four silver daggers (1D6) and a wood staff (2D4 damage).

Possessions: See room descriptions. Personality: Has uncontrollable fear of enclosures, can't even go into a closed room. Also has phobias about cats and dogs. He holds his position simply because he is not interested in ruling anything. He is

the counsel to Black Death and loyal, but he would accept a new leader and serve him just as faithfully. Kragg's only concern is his freedom within the community and his own space. Description: A 10 foot (3 m) tall ex-human with pale white, lumpy

skin, orange eyes, pointy teeth (1D6 from bite), and small horns (1D6 head butt). Will always be well dressed in very clean clothes.

Brabdock Silkplovv (Quick Stats) Original O.C.C.: 4th level Diabolist Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 12, P.P. 14, all others average. Hit Points: 37; S.D.C.: 28 Armor: Scaly skin, A.R. 12 Attacks Per Melee: Two plus one for his tail (2D4 damage). Bonuses: +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +9 to damage, +1 to save vs

Typical Low Caste Pseudo-Demon Use this as a reference for creating lower caste and less skilled pseudo-demon non-player characters (NPCs). Most have few special

skills; former serf, farmer or slave. Alignment: Varies (any), but often anarchist.

magic, +3 to save vs horror factor, +2 against circles, +3 against wards, fire and cold does half damage. Abilities: See the invisible, healing touch, and recognize enchantment 40%.

Attributes: P.S. 18, all others average. Original O.C.C.: Any men of arms (mostly meres and thieves), scholars and vagabonds/peasants, but can be any. Average level of Experience: 1D4


Hit Points: 3D6; S.D.C.: 2D6+20 Armor: A.R. 11 or 12 Attacks Per Melee: 1 or 2

C-4: Water depth is four feet (1.2 m). This is a canal running southwest to northwest. It is 20 feet (6 m) wide and approximately 400 feet (122 m) long. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A continuous roar (from the waterfall) can be heard to the southwest.

Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to damage, +2 on all saving throws.

At the junction of C-2 and C-4 there is an old, rusty metal grille that has been broken down by force. C-5: A large natural chamber 320 x 200 feet (97.5 m) and 80 feet

Abilities: Pointed teeth, small claws, horns, nightvision 60 feet (18.3 ) and two rolls on the extra abilities table. Spells: None Psionics: 01-10% have minor psionics. Weapon Proficiencies: Typically sword or blunt.

(24.4 m) high. At the north end, water pours down from the roof of the

chamber. During the spring, it is a thundering waterfall and the chamber water depth is 20 to 35 feet (6 to 10.7 m). During all other seasons it is a mild sheet of continuously running water with a chamber depth of only

Weapons: Reflective of W.P.

Possessions: Ragged clothing, belt, large empty sack, low quality weapon. Personality: Usually dejected or depressed. They tend to be afraid of just about anything. They will reluctantly follow the orders of anyone powerful enough to threaten them.

five feet (1.5 m). The current has a strong pull to the south. There are four natural tunnels to the south, each leading to the same larger chamber. A fifth is a dwarven-made tunnel heading east to C-37. Far off to the south (down any of the natural canals) it is possible to see 1D4 demonic looking figures. These pseudo-demons will be heading south through the western tunnel. C-6: This is the largest canal leading south. Water depth is 5 1/2 feet (1.65m). C-7: The two narrowest canals connect here. Joenvay, a pseudo-demon, is hiding in a niche 30 feet (9 m) up the east wall. The water depth is 5-6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m). Joerway: 24 hit points, 20 S.D.C., is 5 feet (1.5 m) tall; a former gnome. He can metamorph into a rodent and turn the dead. He has a small barrel that he uses as a drum and starts banging

Description: Blazing yellow, orange or red eyes, no body hair and green or grey scaly or lumpy skin. They tend to be grossly tall or fat versions of their races.

The Canals

on it as soon as intruders have passed him by and fade out of sight. C-l: A large chamber with two raised platforms. The ceiling towers 120 feet (36.5 m) above the floor. The larger raised platform is stone,

C-8: This natural channel opens into a large natural cavern approximately 80x100 feet (24.4x30.5 m) and 35 feet (10.7 m) high. The water

The second platform is 30x20 feet (9x6 m) and 10 feet (3 m) high. It can be used as a dock during the lower water season. In this area, as with all the canals, the water depth rarely exceeds eight feet (2.4 m). During the spring and winter months the water is 3-6 feet (0.9 to 1.8 m) deeper. There are some areas that are 10 feet (3 m) deeper, but these are

depth is 5 feet (1.5 m). There is a niche in the west wall used by the pseudo-demons to spy on and ambush intruders. Gemster is the pseudodemon on duty. Both openings in the south wall lead to the main chamber in the south. The east branch is dwarven construction, the west is natural. Gemster: 18 hit points, 30 S.D.C., spits fire, healing touch, armed with a short sword and spear. 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, former human. C-9: This is the end of a dwarven constructed drain tunnel. The end


is blocked with an 8 feet wide by 8 feet (2.4 m) high grille that is still

160x80 feet (48.7x24.4 m) and 40 feet (12.2 m) high. Iron rail ladders lead down to the water covered floor on the east, west and south edges.

intact. Even though rust corroded, the grille has an S.D.C. of 15.

The Circle of Contagion (see description elsewhere) is 40 feet (12.2 m) in diameter and is buried under several inches of muck and slime in the eastern section of the chamber. This is the cause of the con-

The Giant Central Chamber of the Canal People

tagion. It is a semi-functional experimental circle (summon demonic powers/energy). It cannot be seen and remains undiscovered — an ac-

tive search in the muddy water only clouds the water, making seeing

C-10: There is an expanse of crude rafts and boats strung together

anything impossible. Besides, there is no reason to search the area for

into a floating village. Many huts and makeshift tents have been built by

the pseudo-demons. Yenorio, Wextim, and Oppors are the three pseudo-demons in charge of the sick who have the initial phases of the contagion. There are always 10-20 sick patients undergoing the change.

something like a circle that is still active thousands of years after its creation. Sensing for magic is useless because a ley line runs through C1 in a diagonal line down the canal to C-42 and C37. There are three canal openings along the curved southeast wall.

Yenorio: An ex-human who is a 6th level Psi-Healer; scrupulous.

Wextim: An ex-human who is a 5th level Monk Scholar and who has some knowledge of science and healing; unprincipled alignment. Oppors: An ex-ogre who is a 5th level ranger and who knows first

C-2: This canal is 10 feet (3 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) high. It runs south before angling to the east. The water is three feet (0.9 m) deep, pitch black and covered with slime. C-3: This is an 8x20 foot (2.4x6 m) storage room. Light can be seen

aid; anarchist alignment.

C-ll: The water level is usually 8 feet (2.4 m), but can rise much higher in the spring. There is a raised dock that's 32 feet (9.7 m) above

beneath the rusty iron door. It is not locked or bolted. Inside is an odd looking man with a demonic appearance. He has jet black skin, glowing yellow eyes, two tiny homs growing from his forehead and clawed hands. He is dressed in torn clothes and has obviously been badly

the floor (24 feet/7.3 m above water level). A set of steps leads 16 feet (4.8 m) upward to the houses of the pseudo-demon leaders. There are

15 low caste pseudo-demons living on rafts and boats moored to this dock. Semerin: 14 hit points, 30 S.D.C., I.Q. 8, P.S. 21, P.P. 14, powers include animate dead and bio-regeneration; unscrupulous alignment. He is armed with a battle axe (2D6 damage), stands 11 feet (3.3 m) tall, and is a former human. Semerin is the strongest among the low caste and

beaten. When he speaks he will be scared and timid. With a trembling voice he says, "No you mustn't be here. The others ... the others will hurt you.

Go back before it's too late. Perhaps you can save yourselves. It may not be too late. Yes, you are not yet contaminated, you can still leave this place! They won't stop you. Go before you are discovered!" He will be cryptic about the others, saying only that they are evil,

will warn intruders to stay away. He attacks only if he feels threatened.

twisted creatures who roam through all the canal tunnels. He will refuse any aid and will not help or join the group. His name is Olac and he was

None of the other 14 low caste pseudo-demons will fight unless ordered to do so by the leaders. If the group asks to speak to somebody in

once a human, 3rd level priest of Light. He is now a 7 foot, 6 inch (2.25 m) tall, pseudo-demon.

authority, Semerin will lead them to C-l2 and run to get a leader, while chiding the group as fools.


The Canal Guards



The dresser: Top drawer has eight shirts and a silver dagger. Second drawer has undergarments, male and female nightgowns, a blue snuff box with two ounces of fire dust (4 uses; worth 3000 gold). Third drawer has three pairs of pants and a small wood box filled with pearls and cheap jewelry (worth 200 gold altogether). The bottom drawer has pillow cases, sheets, blankets, a scroll of invisibility, a short sword and a locked metal box (S.D.C. 100) with three gemless Old Kingdom

Note: C-12 through C-17 are all 48 feet (14.6 m) above water level. C-12: This is the 40x40 feet (12.2x12.2 m) waiting area for those wishing an audience with one of the pseudo-demon leaders. There are

Dragon Coins (worth 1000 gold each).

four 4th level pseudo-demon guards in this chamber. Two are always outside the closed, unlocked double doors, the other two are elsewhere

The large table is set with two silver candelabra that hold five candles each (worth 75 gold each). In the southwest corner stands the bed made of stuffed pillows. Hidden between the bed and the west wall are a mace (3D6 damage; giant-sized) and a 3x4x2 feet (0.9x1.2x0.6 m) wood chest. The name Franklin Tobar is inscribed on the lid. The chest is unlocked but the lid has wards on it; alarm (silent), fear, blind, death, death, sleep, and alarm. All these wards are 4th level and are area effect,

in the room. The ceilings are 12 feet (3.6 m) high; two large tables and four stone benches are located in the center. There are often 1D6 low caste pseudo-demons "hanging out" in the waiting room. They scurry away when the double doors open. C-13: This locked, 40x60 feet (12.2x18.3 m) room is the living quarters of Kyl-Lebansh (see his description under Order of Rule, just after the contagion). The room is divided into a 20x40 feet (6x12.2 m) bedroom area and a 40x40 feet (12.2x12.2 m) main room. In the main

so everyone within 40 feet (12.2 m) is affected. All the wards will go off in sequence (not simultaneously) each time the chest is disturbed.

Inside the chest are 48 normal candles, four silver snuff boxes (worth — 30 gold each), two jars of lightly scented yellow and silver powder

room there is a large stone table, six stone chairs with pillows, some floor cushions and a stand-up oil lamp. There is also a small wood table in the southeast corner with two wooden chairs. The bedroom has a bed of stuffed pillows and silk sheets. Plush fur

(this is really sneezing powder: 5 ounces' worth, 1200 gold; 12 uses)

and two candles. The candle is a smoke bomb and the second raises strange shapes (See the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 254, Fumes). Also inside the chest is a small, orange, wood box. The little box is unlocked (S.D.C. 40) and cushioned, it holds 6 vials of liquid: two are a yellow/green fluid (scorpion blood, works as a poison when injected; does 5D6 damage), two of a clear fluid (organic acid that does 4D4 damage per melee round), and two with blue-tinted fluid (metal dissolv-

rugs line the floor. There is also a locked wood trunk (the trunk walls are S.D.C. 100 and the lock has 80 S.D.C.). Inside there are three diamonds (worth 600 gold each), 200 gold, 70 silver, one vial of healing (2D6), and two books of elven racial history.

C-14: The quarters of Banderdash (see his description under Order of Rule, just after the contagion). This 40x80 feet (12.2x24.4 m) room is divided by a wall of 23 large humanoid skulls mounted on poles.

ing acid that does 3D6 damage per melee round to metal or armor and 2D4 damage to flesh). Hidden under the bed, in easy reach, is a smallish (18 inch by 12

There is a large stone table and four large wood chairs in the northern section of the room. Mounted on the wall is a pole arm (3D6 damage) and a large shield. The southern section is the bedroom, with a pile of pillows on the

inch) metal box. It is locked and has two wards of 4th level on it: alarm

(sound) and death (2D6x4). It is difficult to break (S.D.C. 300 and A.R. 10,) and is very heavy (50 pounds). It contains a variety of currency. In Old Kingdom coins, it has 10 Sphinx coins and 5 Lord Krills. Western

floor to form a bed. Hidden under the pile of pillows are bones of humanoids (late-night snacks) and an unlocked metal box. Inside the box are 800 gold coins and a ruby worth 2000 gold. The smell of raw meat

currency includes 100 Quarters (25 gold piece coins), 70 Smalls (5 gold

permeates the area. C-1S: This is a 10 feet (3 m) wide, L-shaped hallway. C-16: These are the quarters of Black Death, supreme leader of the

piece coins), and 11 Small Silvers. Standard Eastern currency includes 50 gold pieces and 30 silvers. There is also one dagger (1D6+1) of dwarven quality hidden under the coins. C-17: This is a 40x50 feet (12.2x15.2 m) kitchen. There are two pseudo-demons present, Krim, the cook and Odbi, the cook's helper.

pseudo-demons (see his description under Order of Rule, just after the

contagion). He has divided the room into two 30x60 foot (9x18.3 m) areas. In the east half there are his five concubines; Kareela, Orna, and

There are several dead bodies in the north storage bin as well as flour,

Wenda are pseudo-demons; Imbena and Hellena are human female

grain, sugar, and jerked meat (60 lbs./27 kg). There is a neat stack of full wine jugs in the northeast corner. Next to them is a heap of empty 10 gallon jugs. Other furnishings include a stove, pots, pans, and cook-

slaves. The room has a carpeted floor and contains lamps, candles, incense, a small wood table, eight bed rolls, many pillows, three wash basins and a cabinet. The cabinet has a compartment with towels, soap, perfume, eating utensils, and 12 scented candles.

ing utensils. There is a 50% chance that some live humanoid is chained to the north wall. The prisoner is fresh meat for any upcoming dinner.

The normal human females are shackled to the wall with 10 foot (3 m) chains. Black Death forces himself upon these slave women and

Krim: 38 hit points, 50 S.D.C., powers include control animals, animate dead, plus horns. He is +5 to strike/throw with a meat cleaver (2D6), has three attacks per melee round, and once made his living as a

abuses them whenever he desires. When they become sick or too ugly from beatings, they are discarded and put to work or eaten by the other

cook (7th level). He is eight feet (2.4 m) tall and formerly human (I.Q.

pseudo-demons. In the case of an assault upon Black Death, the slave women may shout warnings to their potential rescuers or may actually

10). Krim hates clergy. Odbi: 14 hit points, 27 S.D.C., powers include turn invisible, track, and a prehensile tail. Odbi is a dull-witted brute (I.Q. 5.) who was once human. Now he towers seven feet (2.1 m) tall, is covered in pale green

help in the fight if Black Death looks to be losing the battle. The west half of the room is filled with Black Death's personal possessions. There is a trunk, a four drawer dresser, a large bed, a large table with six giant-sized chairs, two lanterns, a large brazier with hot coals, six bed rolls and two spears.

scales, has cloven hooves and a lashing tail. He is Krim's assistant and does all the heavy work and simple labor (P.S. 21, P.E. 15).

C-18: This is the observation platform 40 feet (12.2 m) above the leader's building. There are steps going up and down on both the east and west sides. Four pseudo-demons of high rank live in a 20x20 feet

The trunk is made from hard wood and is locked (A.R. 6, S.D.C. 120). Inside is a suit of human chain mail (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 60), a human cape that's blue with silver underlining, a pair of high quality boots, and soft deer leather gloves. Two human-sized daggers, a wedding band (worth 150 gold) inscribed "to my darling Franklin forever," a knapsack, and a worn sling. These were all Black Death's possessions when he was a human.

(6x6 m) stone hut and keep watch from atop the platform. Inside are pillows, a table, six chairs, four bed rolls, six giant-size spears (3D6

damage), two bastard swords (3D6+2 damage), and a pair of knives (1D6 damage). Hidden in one bed roll is 400 in gold and one healing potion. Two normal female ore slaves serve them. At the bottom of the


stairs on the east side there are two canoes, each capable of holding

Inside the dock house are two bedrolls, pillows, a table, four chairs,

three normal sized people. Down here, the water level is 12 feet (3.6 m) deep. QueYdo: 32 hit points, 29 S.D.C.; powers include bio-regeneration, healing touch, plus a prehensile tail. The creature has two attacks per

eight candles, a half empty gallon of fine brandy, five perfume bottles,

melee plus tail. He is a second level air warlock with the spells: cloud of slumber, cloud of steam, levitate, and wind rush. A former human, now 7 feet (2.1 m) tall. He is cunning (I.Q. 12) and resourceful, and as mean as can be (diabolic alignment). Bordermore: 27 hit points, 37 S.D.C.; powers include metamorphosis into a housefly, bio-regeneration, and see the invisible. He has only two attacks per melee round but is +8 to damage. He is of miscreant

alignment and eight feet (2.4 m) tall; formerly human. Latteri: 24 hit points, 23 S.D.C. with scaly skin; powers are see the invisible and impervious to fire. He was formerly a goblin thief (5th level; P.P. 17), but now stands seven feet (2.1 m) tall. He has three attacks per melee round and is miscreant alignment. Amzor: 32 hit points, 75 S.D.C., A.R. 15 (exoskeleton); powers include spit fire, fly, and see the invisible. He has a long sword (2D6

damage), is 9 feet (2.7 m) tall, a former ogre mercenary (3rd level) and has two attacks per melee round; anarchist alignment. C-19: This raised dock is 40 feet (12.2 m) above the floor and is the residence of Kragg (see his description under Order of Rule, just after the contagion). He rarely leaves this lofty perch in the center of the chamber and never leaves the underground area to enter any of the narrow passages for he suffers from a phobia about enclosures. Even the huge underground chambers seem confining to him, but he can't escape because it means entering tiny, suffocating tunnels. 16 skeletons line the northern edge of the platform — Kragg can control 2D6 dead.

Inside a hut is a large bed roll, a pillow, blankets, a human-size battle axe (3D6 damage), 24 silver tipped crossbow bolts (inflict 2D4 dam-

age each), one silver dagger (1D6 damage), a spear (2D6 damage), two tables, and eight chairs. There is also a locked metal trunk (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 250) that contains three potions of healing (restores 2D6 points), a truth serum, and scrolls of diminishing, call lightning, dispel magic barriers and wall of stone. Hidden at the bottom of the chest are two rubies worth 350 gold each. C-20: This raised dock is 28 feet (8.5 m) above the floor and 16 feet (4.9 m) above the water level. Eight high ranking pseudo-demons live here, but if the player characters don't cause a ruckus, they'll not join in

pots, and a water basin. All other valuables are locked in a wood chest hidden in the southwest corner. The chest is guarded with two sets of wards. The first simultaneously triggers area effects of blind and death, then sleep, confusion, and invisibility in a second wave of magic. Inside there is a human-sized suit of magical leather armor (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 80) that looks worn and patched. The invisibility ward is worked onto a little wood box hidden under the armor. The little wood box holds two scrolls of stone to flesh. An eight inch long (2 lb/0.9 kg) hydra tooth, six sticks of chalk, 10 charcoal sticks, 12

sheets of parchment, black, red and brown ink in small bottles, two pounds of clear wax, one pound (0.45 kg) of rabbit skin glue, four ounces of quicksilver and an even smaller wood box. The smallest box is locked and has an S.D.C. of 40. Inside it there are 2 Old Kingdom Sphinx coins, and a small emerald (worth 200 gold). Sheela: 26 hit points, 28 S.D.C., A.R. 12, scaly skin; powers include identify tracks, see invisible, huge claws (2D6 damage), and horns (1D6 damage). She is a 10 foot (3 m), miscreant, former elf with grey skin and orange eyes. C-22: This area has five stone huts for upper caste pseudo-demons. There are four present at any time. Each hut has tables, chairs, bedrolls, and dishes. One hut has 800 in gold and gems hidden behind a false stone block. Four canoes are stored on the ground near them. The toughest of the four pseudo-demons is a warlock named Morleg. He stands 14 feet (4.3 m) tall, has 40 hit points, 39 S.D.C.; powers include metamorphosis into a rodent, control animals, and prowl 76%. He's a 4th level earth warlock who hates all other magic practitioners.

He has the spells of chameleon, fool's gold, create dirt/clay, grow plants, crumble stone, wall of stone, quicksand, and animate object. He also has 273 gold on his person. C-23: This is a middle caste community of pseudo-demons. The 16

of them (8 male and 8 female) have an average of 22 hit points and 25 S.D.C. each. There will be four individuals present at all times. They will not fight unless threatened and prefer letting the guards and high caste pseudo-demons do their dirty work for them. Inside are bedrolls, candles, tables and cooking tools. Total wealth of the household is 280

gold. C-24: This is an empty family room. C-2S: This is the room of Grandma Uwaylo, an old pseudo-demon.

the battle. Each is armed with a large sword (2D6 damage) and a mace

She and six other elderly, pseudo-demons share the room and she

(2D4 damage). There are four huts built on the dock with various items scattered around. There are bed rolls, tables, utensils, candles, chalk, a

watches it while they are away. 400 gold pieces are hidden among the

suit of human-sized plate armor (A.R. 17, S.D.C. 120), 900 in gold, and three short swords. At the bottom are a few rafts with huts where several lower caste pseudo-demons live; 4D4 are present. They average 14 to 24 hit points and 20 S.D.C. each. They have no armor and only meager wooden clubs for weapons; no valuables. They cringe in fear if the player characters come near them and start to scream (alerting the eight high ranking pseudo-demons) if they are touched or questioned. Note: C-21 through C-25 is a raised platform cut into the rock 40 feet (12.2 m) above the floor. Four boats are tied near the steps.

C-21: This is Brabdock's lair (see his description under Order of

Rule, just after the contagion). The doorway to the new wooden house is locked (S.D.C. 35) and barred with wards of alarm (trigger), despair

(40 ft/12.2 m area effect — four minute duration), cold (40 ft/12.2 area effect - does one point of damage per melee for 24 melees). All these wards will go off at once. There is a 01-40% chance that Brabdock will be home, but Sheela, his pseudo-demon mate, is always home. In the northeast corner there is a Circle of Protection from Good.

shabby furnishings and ragged clothing of these people. Uwaylo: 34 hit points, 36 S.D.C.; powers include metamorphosis into a centipede, turn dead, and horns. She is a 9 foot (2.7 m) tall, mean and bitter ore with an anarchist alignment. C-26: A 120 feet (36.5 m) long iron bar is fixed to the roof of the cavern. Hanging from the bar down to the water are 30 feet (9 m) of chains spaced about 5 feet (1.5 m) apart. These are a safety measure;

they can be grabbed to keep from going over the fall. C-27: This is a huge waterfall where the water drops 900 feet to an underground river. Anyone falling in receives 4-24+20 damage and must roll 2 times for physical damage. Once in the river they must save 12 times against drowning before being swept out of a cliff wall into the gorge 18 miles to the east.

C-28: Large rocky walls hide this secret passage. C-29: Metal portcullis (A.R. 12, S.D.C. 600) runs 28 feet (8.5 m) from ceiling to floor, blocking passage of anything larger than a rat. The

lower foot and a half (0.45 m) of the gate is very old and rusty — 20 S.D.C. per five square feet (1.5 m). The water depth here is 12 feet (3.6 m). C-30: A raised dock and guard outpost 36 feet ( l l m ) above the main chamber floor. Six small row boats and four canoes are on the deck. 26 pseudo-demons reside in this area; C-30 through C-32. At least 3D4 will be present at any time.


C-31: Hallway leads to what was the main guard post in ancient

C-37: This huge central chamber is obviously artificial. The roof is

dwarven times. It is usually vacant. C-32: This was once the central control station for the giant sliding wall that the dwarves used to seal off this entrance to the secret tunnels. The wall mechanism is completely corroded after 6,000 years and cannot be budged. It is permanently open allowing a 10 foot (3 m) wide opening to the secret passage. The controls for the portcullis at C-29 are

30 ft (9 m) up and there is usually 5 ft (1.5 m) of water on the floor. C-38: This is an abandoned dock that is raised 15 feet (4.6 m) off

the floor. It has been submerged many times and the wood is very rotten. Anyone walking on top of it has a 01-20% chance of falling through a weak place. C-39: Broken, rusted metal grille. C-40: Broken, rusted metal grille. C-41: Tunnel runs due north and intersects with the tunnel (C-4) running northeast. The water is four feet (1.2 m) deep. C-42: The two tunnels empty into the central chamber. C-43: This is the home of 48 good pseudo-demons. These pseudodemons have undergone the same physical/magical changes as the others but have vowed not to give in to despair and anger. They elected Soworn as their leader and, together, control the northeast portion of the canals. They try to prevent evil pseudo-demons from entering, but some slip through from time to time, especially those who can metamorph. About half of the residents are devout clergy, a quarter scholars and the rest, a mixture of fighting and magic classes. All these pseudo-demons are repulsed by holy/good symbols. Because of that, some of the clergy have declared that symbols are evil and that only with pure prayer can the gods be reached. Others believe that their inability to use

also in this room.

The room is now used as the living quarters of the resident pseudodemons. Valuables in the room include three torches, six short swords, six large spears, one flamberge, two knives, and 140 gold. Bedrolls,

blankets, clothing and cooking utensils for the pseudo-demons are scattered around the room. At least 1D4 middle caste pseudo-demons will bepresent. C-33: Fifteen small boats and rafts form the homes where 23 lower caste pseudo-demons live. They are all serfs sworn to serve Benilli (see his description under Order of Rule, just after the contagion). The water

depth is 10 feet (3 m). The largest and most handsome wood structure afloat is Benilli's

abode. It is conspicuously clean and its three rooms well maintained. The first is a large 10x15 feet (3x4.6 m) room with a 16 feet (4.8 m)

ceiling. It holds a wood table, four chairs, two lanterns, fur rugs, and a tapestry with a mountain scene on the wall. The second is a small 5x10 foot (1.5x3 m) kitchen where a shelf holds the pots, pans, plates and utensils; a large iron brazier with hot coals is used for cooking. The

symbols is a penance for their sins.

They view strangers with extreme caution, but any good or honorable characters will be welcomed. Evil or selfish characters (Soworn will do a psionic sense good or evil) will have to stay under guard on a

third room is a narrow 5x10 foot (1.5x3 m) bed chamber with a hammock hanging from the ceiling. Five shelves hold blankets, sheets, towels and clothes, all neatly folded and stacked. The 3rd shelf from the

boat. Everyone will be offered food, shelter and medical care. Information is given ority to those\se\ievei trustworthy.

bottom has a short sword hidden under the towels. Hanging on the wall is a large battle axe (giant-size; 4D6 damage) above a small metal

Soworn is willing to talk about the evil pseudo-demons and can describe their leaders and their politics. She will tell healthy individuals that they should go back and leave "while your souls are still untouched!" Those already infected are warned that they must never try to leave the way they came in. "Those at the entrance are so afraid of us that they will kill anybody who is afflicted. You should resign yourselves to making a new home here with us." If pressured she will say, "I've heard that there is another way out, through a waterway, but no one has ever returned to confirm it." The water depth here is only three feet (0.9 m) and a raised dock covers most of it. Broken grills allow for free passage both to the south and east. The homes in this section are well built and have good cloth for bedrolls, well kept clothing and towels.

shield. There is a broom and mop in the southeast corner.

A fresh basin of water, soap and clean towels set atop a desk. The top drawer of the desk holds six bars of scented soap, two towels and a dagger. The second drawer has a large pipe with a pouch of fine western tobacco, two pouches of fair quality, tinder box, flint, small box of snuff, two candles and undergarments. The third drawer is locked

(S.D.C. 32) and contains a half gallon jug of good rum, dwarven-size chain armor (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 60), a war hammer, sandals, blue silk scarf, boots and gloves of fine western leather. There is also an object wrapped in cloth, it is a small gold pendant of Rurga, the warrior goddess (worth 300 gold). The fourth drawer is also locked (S.D.C. 45) and has a fine silk robe, a sack of gold dust (worth 1200 gold), and potions of flying, healing, and negate magic potion (all 6th level). The rest of the community's residents live in poverty. None of the other crude dwellings will have more than bedrolls and cooking tools. Knives, clubs and spears are the only weapons. The people here are not likely to fight unless there is the prospect of getting food or booty easily; ten to one odds will be irresistible. C-34: This natural cavern is being used as a pen for prisoners, slaves, and humans destined for the dinner table. The cavern is 22 feet (6.7 m) high but eight feet (2.4 m) of water covers its floor. A set of huge wooden bars blocks the entire entrance. The bars above water have 60 S.D.C. and the set just below the waterline have 40 S.D.C.

Lady Soworn (Quick Stats) True Name: Laura Soworna Original O.C.C.: 5th level Mind Mage; former human female. Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.A. 14, M.E. 20, P.S. 13, P.P. 11, P.E. 15, P.B. 8, Spd. 12 Hit Points: 42; S.D.C.: 45 Armor: Studded leather and mail, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 43; she also has skin with a natural A.R. of 11. Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand or psionic attacks per melee round; claw attack does 2D6 damage. Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to damage, +2 on all saves, +5 to save vs possession, +6 to save vs mind control, cold does half damage, she's impervious to fire. Abilities: Impervious to fire, rodent metamorphosis, turn invisible at will and extra large claws (2D6 damage). Spells: None. P.P.E. 8 Psionics: All healer psionic powers plus mind block, meditation, telepathy, see the invisible, bio-regeneration, and super telekinesis. I.S.P.: 125 Weapon Proficiencies: Staff: +2 to strike, +3 parry/dodge. Weapons: A wooden staff (2D4 damage) and a silver coated dagger (1D6 damage).

(weakened by the water). As many as three dozen (6D6) very weak prisoners battle constantly to keep their giant makeshift raft from submerging. Two pseudo-demon guards on a rowboat are on watch, armed

with 18 foot (5.4 m) long pikes (2D6 damage). C-35: This is a raised incline that starts in the north, 30 feet (9 m) above the cavern floor. At the top there are unlocked, metal, double doors warded with alarm (sound), confusion, sleep, and blind. C-36: This is a raised dock 30 feet (9 m) above the floor of the cavern and 15 feet (4.6 m) above the floor of the central chamber (C-37). Four pseudo-demons are always on guard on the other side of the double doors. Each is a 3rd level mercenary, pseudo-demon with a natural A.R. of 12, 2D6+12 hit points and 2D6+20 S.D.C.; average two attacks

per melee.


Possessions: A set of clothes, plus basic adventurer equipment. Personality: She has no insanities.

C-46: This small chamber has the mechanism for a floodgate that has rusted over completely. Several harmless spiders have spun huge

Description: 10 feet (3 m) tall with lumpy white skin, large claws (2D6 damage), small pointed teeth (no fangs), and glowing yellow eyes.

webs among the machinery. C-47: This is a closed metal grille (S.D.C. 150).

C-48: This small chamber has the mechanism for a floodgate that has rusted over completely. On a wood platform lives Terelo the Mad. He is a harmless pseudo-demon with a blind hatred of rats. He has thousands of little rat skins made into clothes and blankets. All he talks about is hunting rats with his sling. Terelo: 28 hit points, 20 S.D.C., unprincipled alignment; powers include see the invisible, spit flame, and a prehensile tail. Stands five feet

(1.5 m) tall, formerly a dwarf. Expert with sling, (+7 to strike, 9 shots per melee). He always has 4 slings (1-6) and 36 stones on his person. C-49: This small chamber has the mechanism for a floodgate that

has rusted over completely. Swarming with rats. C-50: This is the home of Org-Maar the Giant. It is divided into two 15 feet (4.6 m) by 40 feet (12.2 m) rooms. The north room is a sleeping

area completely covered with pillows and blankets. Hidden among them are 50 Wolfen Imperial coins, three Old Kingdom Dragon coins, and

140 silver pieces. There are also two giant-sized daggers and a 10 foot (3 m) long sword.

The south room contains only a huge chair surrounded by humanoid bones of varying sizes, including Wolfen. On the walls are giant-sized

weapons, including a battle axe (3D6 damage), a scythe (2D6 damage), a spear, and a flail. A number of broken weapons lay among the bones. Org-Maar will welcome visitors with this speech: "Hail, frail ones! I am Org-Maar the great. Do not worry, I, OrgMaar the Conqueror, pledge not to harm you. But you must pay tribute

to me or face my anger!" He will avoid combat at all costs, threatening and blustering. He will attempt to claim the right to inspect their goods and will take no more than a quarter of their food and coin. He is nothing but a bully who will back down to anyone who threatens him physically, saying, "I'd kill

C-44: Two guards of good alignment keep watch for intruders and evil pseudo-demons. Frajak: A 6th level knight of principled alignment; a former human who now stands eight feet (2.4 m) tall, spits flame, is impervious to fire,

and sports a pair of extra large horns (2D6). Listren: A 3rd level long bowman of scrupulous alignment; a former elf who now stands 9 feet (2.7 m) tall, has hooves for feet and is covered in an insect-like, black exoskeleton (A.R. 15, 75 S.D.C.) and

can bio-regenerate and heal others. C-45: On a niche 20 feet (6 m) up the north wall lives the pseudodemon, Grom-Atal the wizard. He is a little crazy but has decided to help the good pseudo-demons by defending this junction. He will cast

sense evil on any strangers passing by. Those radiating evil will be attacked with paralysis bolt. He will never kill unless his life is threatened. Grom-Atal: A 5th level wizard of anarchist alignment. He's a former human who now stands seven feet (2.1 m) tall, can turn invisible at will, see the invisible, and has nightvision (60 ft/18.3 m). He is +2 to save vs magic and can recognize enchantment 50%, recognize magic items 20%, and cast two spell attacks per melee round — +2 spell strength. Spell knowledge includes all level one spells plus charm, love

charm, paralysis: lesser, magic net, befuddle, swords to snakes, water to wine, sense traps, tongues, fly as the eagle and armor of Ithan.

you where you stand, but Lady Soworn would be angry." He will, how-

C-58: This is a second dock, 26 feet (7.9 m) above the floor level. The ceiling has been enlarged so that it is 20 feet (6 m) above the dock.

ever, fight fiercely and valiantly if actually cornered and attacked. Org-Maar: A 4th level mercenary of anarchist alignment; a former Minotatir who now towers 19 feet (5.9 m) tall, is impervious to fire, can

There are four canoes and two large rafts dragged onto the dock. The dock house is 40 feet by 20 feet (12.2x6 m) and houses 10 middle caste

animate dead, and sports a pair of extra large horns (3D6 damage). He has 38 hit points and 24 S.D.C., +14 to damage, and +1 on all saves.

pseudo-demons. All are second level mercenaries, but only two of them will be on guard duty. Inside there are bedrolls, chairs, tables, food (human body parts) and a half empty 25 gallon (95 liter) barrel of good

C-51: This small chamber has the mechanism for a floodgate that has rusted over completely. Empty.

Eastern mead. The mechanism for raising the portcullis (C-56) is also located in this room. The pseudo-demons open the portcullis once a day

C-52: A ladder reaches from the water level up to a room that is 15

to keep the mechanism from freezing closed with rust.

feet (4.6 m) up the wall. The room is deserted and there are three rotting

The two pseudo-demons on guard duty are bored and lazy. There is

rat bodies creating a horrible stench. Scrawled in dried blood on the back wall is, "Demons are the Angels of Calip Alsto, worship him and be saved."

only a 01-25% chance that they will notice intruders; no chance of noticing interlopers who have made a successful prowl roll. Of course, noisy interruptions to their nap will cause them to call the others out of the dock house to investigate.

C-53: This is the dead end of the canal system. There is a huge

(40x120 ft/12.2x36.5 m) raised dock 18 feet (5.4 m) above the ground

C-59: This secondary raised dock is 18 feet (5.4 m) above the floor

where the canal ends to the east. Tied up to the dock are six canoes and four rafts in six feet (1.8 m) of water. There is a slight current moving southwest. Stairs lead from the dock up to doors on the south and north walls. There is a guard at the top of each stairway (Trery and Forbuck).

and the home to a middle caste family of pseudo-demons, a father, mother and their three teenage sons. They live in relative poverty. They are not overtly aggressive, but they will attempt to extort food and valuables from passersby. If the group looks weak, they may even try to steal what they want. C-60: A huge secret door that stands 10 by 18 feet (3x5.4 m) tall and leads to C-37's central chamber. C-61: An old metal grille that has been recently repaired and rein-

The south door opens to a room with 12 mercenary pseudo-demons. The north door opens to the chambers of Rabdos, a 5th level priest. All of these pseudo-demons guard the secret passage to the tunnel area. Only Rabdos knows exactly where the secret passage is located. He will take adventurers to it if Lady Soworn so decrees, or if the group seems to be predominately good. The Lady will allow characters who she be-

forced (S.D.C. 60 for every 5 square feet/1.5 m). It blocks passage between the two waterways.

lieves are good people with good intentions (find a cure for the contagion, on a holy quest, out to find and destroy forbidden magic, help

C-62: This is an eight foot (2.4 m) wide and 18 foot (5.4 m) tall pas-

somebody, fight evil, etc.) access to the secret passage and the rest of the underground complex. Note: The other guards suspect where it is located but don't know anything other than rumors. Rabdos: 39 hit points, 20 S.D.C., A.R. 12, spit flame, healing touch,

sageway. The water depth is always six feet (1.8 m) and there is a very

slight southwest current. The passage is about a quarter of a mile (0.4 km) long, opening up to the next level, the Tunnels; "T" Entries. C-63: The water starts moving more swiftly and a distant rumbling

and prehensile tail. He stands eight feet (2.4 m) tall and is a former

can be heard to the southeast. Meanwhile, the branch to the southwest has only a slight current. Those following the southwest (C-62) will reach The Tunnels section after traveling 1,220 feet (372 m). C-64: The water current starts getting much heavier and the distant

kobold. He is a 5th level priest of Yin-Sloth and aberrant alignment. His spells include: paralysis bolt, reduce self, cloud of slumber, and charm. He is afraid of elves and will hesitate to kill them for fear of being haunted by their released spirits; he prefers to paralyze them and let another do the actual killing.

rumble gets louder with every step. There is a raised platform eight feet

(2.4 m) above the water on the east wall. C-65: Two separate stairways lead up 10 feet (3 m) from the platform to another stone platform that is carved out of the rock where three

Secret Complex of the Canals

renegade pseudo-demons are hiding. They will not attack unless they

believe that they'll have an easy chance of winning or feel threatened. The ceiling is 10 feet (3 m) high.

C-66: The drainage waterfall. The canal ends with a waterfall of ancient dwarven construction. It drops 900 feet (274.3 m) down to an underground river. Damage from going down the fall is 2D4xlO. Anyone falling in will be swept underwater and carried for 12 miles (19.2 km)

C-54: 5x5 foot (1.5x1.5 m) secret door that is six feet (1.8 m) above

before coming back above ground — most drown. Eventually, characters will find themselves outside in a river that runs through a wooded valley 16 miles (25.6 km) east of the Place of Magic.

the floor. Requires a combined strength of 40 to open. C-55: A metal grille bars entry into the next canal passage. Al-

though replaced in recent years, it is somewhat damaged by rust. It has an A.R. of 9 and an S.D.C. of 100; it will not open easily. There is a 45 degree incline for 40 feet (12.2 m) just beyond the grille. It starts flush with the north wall with water rushing down the incline to the south. The current is fairly strong with water depth of 12-24 feet (3.6 to 7.3 m) in spring, 9-12 feet (2.7 to 3.6 m) in summer and six feet (1.8 m) in the fall and winter. The canal is 25 feet (7.6 m) wide and 25 feet (7.6 m)

The Tunnels

tall. C-56: A 25 by 25 foot (7.6 by 7.6 m) portcullis blocks the passage.

by 40 foot (6x12.2 m) storage room to the northeast. The only door is

T-Entry: The canal (C-62) ends at a raised dock. There is an old 20

an iron grille with a broken lock. Inside are five shabby canoes and three rafts heaped on a pile of wet, rotted wood. Various insects, worms, beetles and spiders live in the decaying heap. There are also 12

It is rusty but strong; A.R. 9 and an S.D.C. of 500 for every five square feet (1.5 m). There is a 2% chance that the portcullis will open while it is being examined. It will close again 5 minutes after being opened.

tomb worms, a leather sack with 50 gold coins, a couple of skeletons, and a dagger and a few tools rusted beyond repair. The southwest tunnel has a ward of alarm (silent-alert Alsto) painted on the ceiling.

C-57: Lower dock is 12 feet above the floor. It is 10 feet (3 m) wide and 50 feet (15.2 m) long. A stairway leads up to the second dock and dock house.


After a lengthy wait, punctuated with distant roars and scratches on

Tomb Worms (one of the demon Worms of Taut): Average 14 hit points, 10 S.D.C., two attacks per melee round, Spd. 8, A.R. 8. These

the bolted doors, Alsto will tell them that the coast is clear. Note: There is no monster, but if they believe it, Alsto will continue to use this ru*;

are two foot (0.6 m) long creatures with the body of a thick worm, a hideous head and a pair of short, stubby arms. The things burrow into

as a threat.

the flesh, doing 2D4 damage per melee round. If they are not killed

T-5: This unlocked iron double door is decorated with square designs and inlaid silver. Inside is a 20 foot (6 m) wide corridor that runs

they'll reach a vital organ in 1D4 minutes. They can smell or sense flesh and will move toward it to feed. See Monsters & Animals, Second Edition for complete details.

70 feet (21.3 m). It then widens to 30 feet (9 m) for a short length of 40 feet (12.2m). T-6: There are two locked oak doors (actually rotten wood, S.D.C. 20), 20 feet (6 m) apart on the north wall. The west door is painted

T-l: This tunnel runs east for 145 feet (44.2 m) before turning south. 10 feet (3 m) down the tunnel, there is a ward of silent alarm that alerts Caliph Alsto Stone of the presence of "visitors." A few moments

black and has a red demon symbol. T-7: It is pitch black in this 30 by 90 foot (6x27.4 m) room and there are no signs of torches or candles. The only furniture is a 10 foot

later, the voice of the Caliph will magically (via crystal ball) sound out from thin air. The Caliph will make his introduction speech in the Western language. If nobody or few of the characters don't speak Western,

(3 m) long, blood-stained iron table. Next to the table there is a bloodstained and unusable circle of summoning (summon angels). Hanging

he'll try something different (he can speak them all).

by ropes near the ceiling is a baby-sized skeleton with wings (cherub). On top of the table is a cat-o-nine tails and an unlit lamp. There are straps built into the table that can be used as restraints. An unlocked chest under the table holds six 10 foot (3 m) lengths of heavy iron chain, six leg manacles, four hand manacles, 100 feet (30.5 m) of rope, 14 six inch (0.15 m) long needles, 10 sharp iron spikes, six thumb screw clamps, three small, sharp knives and two vials of organic acid. Alsto's comment: "It is kind of depressing, isn't it? Do you have any decorating suggestions?"

"Go on." he encourages with a bit of a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Go on down the tunnel. It's just as good as any other. Oh, I do love visitors, we always have such fun. I just hope you enjoy yourselves as I will. I'm Caliph Alsto Stone, your host and guide.

"Please let me know what you think of the architecture. I got a little bored with the same old monotonous dwarven crap, so I made some, ahem ... improvements. Something to keep my guests entertained. It's kind of a hobby of mine. So please let me know what you think of it.

I'll be listening."

T-8: Behind this locked wood door (S.D.C. 30) is the 20 by 30 foot

He will periodically badger the group as they progress down the tunnels. He'll also make suggestions, irritating comments and mock the adventurers during their trek through the maze of tunnels. Game Masters

(6x9 m) living quarters of six pseudo-demons. Treskam and Mad RedEye are usually here. In the room are six sleeping rolls, eight chairs, two tables, two gallon (3.8 liter) jugs of mead and three of water, and two

should feel free to add any snide comments they feel are appropriate.

wood crates (6x4x4 feet/1.8x1.2x1.2 m) containing chopped up body

Note: See T-50 for complete details about this villain. Here are some of Alsto's favorite sayings: "Oh, that was very clever." "Very cleanly executed. Very Good!" "Oops, you'd better be more careful than that!" "Too bad! You'll have better luck next time." "I wouldn't open that door if I were you ..." "You should have listened to me! See if I try to help you next time." "And just how do you think you're going to get out of this one?" "How sad. You're dead meat now." "That sure took long enough!" "Thank you for an enchanting evening of entertainment!" "I'd be extremely careful. This one is a real monster, deadly, and quick too! A heck of a powerhouse and really mean." T-2: A 30x60 feet (9x18.3 m) waiting area with three comfortable couches, eight chairs and an eight foot (2.4 m) table. On the table is a

parts from various, recent victims. Two of the bedrolls have valuables

20 gallon (75.7 liter) barrel of fair quality wine and 12 tin mugs on a

of the door. It has been told (by Caliph Alsto) that it can leave only

metal tray. Time-worn and moth-eaten dwarven tapestries hang on the walls. The door to the east is unlocked. There is a secret door in the

when the door is opened and someone moves PAST the circle of protection. The mystic drain will not only deactivate the circle, but anyone

west comer of the south wall. Alsto comments, "This is my pre-war dwarven decor ... Don't you find it terribly quaint?"

standing inside the protection from demons circle will find all magic items, spells, and potions are also temporarily deactivated by the mystic

sewn into them. One has three wolfen gold pieces, the other has five Western gold coins.

T-9: Right outside the door of room T-9, the Caliph will give a speech. If he's not already watching he'll be notified by the ward of alarm (silent, area affect) on the ceiling in the hall. "I'm very worried about whoever is inside this room. I think that an angel was summoned and that it is now being tortured. Of course, I'm not really sure. You could clear everything up if you managed to get one of the doors open."

The door is 10 feet (3 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) tall and sealed with a cheap, easily picked or broken lock (S.D.C. 10). Opening the door activates a ward of mystic drain. Inside the room is a magot (greater demon). It is trapped by a circle of protection from demons located west


T-3: Empty, 10 foot wide and 20 foot (3x6 m) tall tunnel. T-4: This spiral hallway has a wooden door that can be bolted (S.D.C. 100) from the east side. The hall then seems to dead end. A secret door in the south wall leads to a 10 by 50 foot (3x15.2 m) hiding

Demon Magot: A giant maw mounted on a set of three thick legs with three eyes at the end of short tentacles. 50 hit points, 48 S.D.C., horror factor 14,1.Q. 7, Spd. 90, natural A.R. 14, nightvision 120 feet

place. If someone finds the secret door, Alsto will say, "Ooh! That was

(36.5 m). The hideous creature has six attacks per melee round, is +2 on

sooo clever. Just how do you find these things?" Inside are six very dusty chairs with three human and 2 ore skeletons sitting in them. As soon as someone enters the room, Alsto will say: "Well, that was

At this point there will be a distant roar followed by a far off crash-

initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to dodge, +3 on all saves, impervious to fire, can see the invisible, turn invisible at will, turn into mist, bio-regenerate 6D6 points per minute and knows all languages. A Demon Magot usually attacks with its eye beams. They temporarily turn people to stone for 1D6 minutes. A successful save vs magic means the beam didn't work, this time; roll for each eye blast. It will stay in mist form until someone moves deep into the room,

ing noise. If questioned, Alsto will describe a huge shambling monster. If they ask him for help, he'll answer, saying, "If someone can get to the last door and bolt it, you'll be safe. Better run, now." He waits until someone runs out. "The rest of you should shut the secret door just in case that poor soul is a little slow. Oh, I do think you owe me a favor now."

Once released, it will simply kill everything that moves until it is severely hurt and threatened with destruction, and then will dimensional teleport back to hell. T-10: A 30 by 40 foot (9x12.2 m) room filled with earth and rocks. Nothing larger than a rat could squeeze in here. Alsto has no comment.

pretty foolish. Now you're trapped. The monster is coming and you've got no way out. I'm so disappointed, I thought we were going to have fun together."

then it will change to normal and attack on its way out of the room.


T-15: Hall widens to 20 feet (6 m). Obvious trip wires stretch across the floor. Tripping the wire will release a ton of rocks concealed behind the north wall. The wires can be avoided easily. Alsto will warn them about the trip wires before they even get to the room. A pair of bolted double doors stand at the west end. Although they look like gold they are actually bronze. Opening the door activates the rock slide trap. Boulders will fill the entire 70 foot (21.3 m) length of the hall. Players caught in the hallway must roll a 20 sided die to dodge three times. Successful rolls means no damage, only pinned. Each time a roll is missed, the character takes 2D6+4 points of damage. After the rock slide, it will take 2D6 minutes for everybody to get free of the rocks. Beyond the golden doors is a 20 by 70 foot (6x21.3 m) room. Opening the door activates a ward of darkness (area effect). Because of this magic darkness, nightvision is useless; only by carefully feeling around

can it be determined that there is a drop-off. The floor is a pit 40 feet (21.3 m) below the floor of the hall. Falling does 4D6 damage. The walls are too smooth for climbing. At the bottom are 6 human skeletons, a short sword and a pair of daggers. T-16: A 10 foot (3 m) wide and 20 foot (6 m) tall hallway running north and south. Alsto says: "Somewhere on the east wall of this corridor there is a secret door. I know it's there! You see, there's a wizard I know that comes here all

the time, but he casts some kind of smoke spell so I can't see exactly where it is. Well, as soon as the smoke clears he's gone. Yes, there must

be a secret door here somewhere ..." * T-17: This branch corridor is 10 feet (3 m) wide but the ceiling is only 5 feet (1.5 m) high. The hallway goes 140 feet (42.6 m) south, and the ceiling becomes 20 feet (6 m) high again when it turns to the west. The stairs descend 35 feet (10.7 m). T-18: Painted on the east wall of this 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) alcove are strange runic characters. They are really gibberish but it's hard to tell. Alsto says: "Be very quiet now. Hush! You're entering a very holy place. This is the final resting place of the divine Saint Alsto, my namesake. For the good of your souls you should leave a generous donation. It is said that those who ignore this shrine are somehow cursed." T-19: An unlocked and unwarded metal door that leads to the Temple of Vald Tegor, lord of the undead. It is completely ransacked with no remaining valuables. In the broken west wall there is an open passage. Those with tracking skills can detect tracks leading to the secret door on the south wall and disappearing. T-20: This is a 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) area with a metal door in the east wall. The door is jammed shut and even though corroded it has an S.D.C.of200.

T-ll: Identical to T-10, but this time Alsto says: "You don't want to

waste your time here. Believe me, there is nothing of value here, unless you like dirt and rocks. You can take my word for it." This time, he's

telling the truth. T-12: Just like T-10 and T-ll, this is a room filled with earth and rocks. Alsto says: "Let me tell you a secret. An old, old dwarf told me that this very room is where part of the Dwarven Hoard is buried. He said that the great Battle Axe of Barshnog Amber lies hidden in a chest with King Urlandel's Crown of Wizardry. It's probably an exaggeration, but who knows? Those were his dying words ..." There is nothing of value here. T-13: This is a shoveled out area where the stone and earth that fills T-10, T-ll, and T-12 came from. Unless he is elsewhere, Drosmerl the

T-21: This corridor runs 110 ft (33.5 m) to stairs that go up 25 feet (7.6 m). Only characters with a keen sense of direction will notice that

the stairs do not take them back up to the original level. The northern corridor ends at a 10 foot (3 m) high stairway. A secret door is located in the north wall.

T-22: This is the area where all three corridors come together. There is a jagged hole chopped out between the two east-west corridors. Notice that the southern east-west passage goes UNDER the other corridor. T-23: This is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) animal pen lined with dirty hay and straw. It smells of animal musk and defecation, suggesting it has been used recently. There is a trough of stale water along the north wall. T-24: The hallway ends in a locked oak door reinforced by metal; 130S.D.C. T-25: An unlocked new door can be opened onto this 50 by 50 foot (15.2x15.2 m) room. Three identical new wood doors are spaced 10 feet (3 m) apart on the west wall. The room itself is not furnished but is sparkling clean. Beautiful tapestries hang on the north and south walls showing dancing figures and minstrels. The opening of the door activates a series of time-delayed wards. The first is an alarm which acti-

pseudo-demon is hiding here. He has been chosen to live here by Alsto,

because the beast snores really loud. Alsto tells people that they shouldn't wake the "horrible shambling monster." Some rocks have

been placed in piles that can be knocked over for dramatic effect. T-14: This is a secret room, but the southeast door is slightly ajar and easy to find. The room is empty, but covered with green mold on the floor, walls and ceiling; 01-22% chance of germinating. Roll once for every 10 feet (3 m) a player walks into the room. See Monsters &

Animals, Second Edition for a full description of the mold. Alsto says: "This is much better than regular carpeting. And what a lovely shade of green? You know, a clever person might find another secret door in this room!"



vates several energy wards after a full minute. These ignite the stink (smells of decaying flesh) bombs and red smoke bombs that are hidden

there is a small two pound hammer (0.9 kg), a large five pound (2.3 kg) hammer, two saws, and a tin box with about 100 iron nails.

from view, behind the tapestries. The room will be filled with the stench and smoke within 1D4 melee

T-25G: Inside is a pile of eight foot (2.4 m) oak boards, three rusty shields (useless), six lengths of 50 feet (15.2 m) rope (very weak, holds

rounds. Victims are all -2 initiative, -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and Spd. is reduced by 33%. All visibility is reduced to four feet (1.2 m).

only 80 pounds), and in the northwest corner, there are the broken

Even before this, the victims will start coughing, then their eyes will itch and tear, until finally, they will feel an uncontrollable dizziness.

shards of a mirror. There is a secret door in the west wall. T-2SH: This is Linda Belamche's room. There is a small wood table, four chairs, a small single bed, a night table with an oil lamp, a

There is NO saving throw!

wash basin, and an expensive couch with a plush, blood-red cover.

After a 35 second delay, a second set of wards will be activated. These wards release a huge portcullis of iron bars that drop to block the doorway on the east. This prevents both escape and rescue. Only ratsized or smaller creatures can squeeze through the bars. Anyone standing in the doorway will be hit by the portcullis and take 6D6+20 points

Linda Belamche (quick Stats) O.C.C./R.C.C.: 2nd level priestess and vampire (secondary)! Alignment: Anarchist; Horror Factor: 12 Attributes of Note: I.Q. 9, P.B. 19; all others average. Hit Points: 48; S.D.C.: 30 Natural Armor Rating: A.R. 12; affected only by silver, holy or magic weapons. Attacks Per Melee: Four hand to hand to hand or two by magic.

of damage. If they are dead, then assume they've been cleaved in two! Otherwise they are pinned under the locked, 900 pound (405 kg) portcullis (400 S.D.C.). A combined strength of 65 can lift the portcullis seven inches (0.16 m) per melee round up to about two feet (0.6 m). Objects propping up the portcullis must make a saving throw every

Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +4 on all

melee round to avoid being bent or broken in half. As soon as the portcullis drops, Alsto will begin speaking. "This

saves, +1 to save vs spells, circles and wards. Restrained punch or kick does 1D4 damage, full strength punches and kicks do 2D6+6

amusing little gas is quite lethal. At first it just causes coughing and irritation. But in just a few moments you'll start getting dizzy. Then paralysis sets in, and, finally, death. Your end is only a few minutes away. Of course, you can survive by going through one of the three doors at the end of the room. I hope you're good at choosing, because only one of the doors is safe."

damage, power punch 4D6+6 damage, and killing bite 2D6 hit points. Vampire Abilities: Metamorphosis into a mist (Spd. 8), bat (Spd. flying 30 mph/48 km), or wolf (Spd. 20 mph/32 km) at will, nightvision (1000 feet/305 m), see the invisible, smell blood up to a mile (1.6 km) away, track by blood scent 50%, vampires do not breathe,

The smoke will drift 40 feet (12.2 m) to the east. After 20 minutes

impervious to cold, fire does half damage, hypnotic gaze (for now, use basically the same as hypnotic suggestion), turn dead (84%), summon 3D4xlO bats or mice or rats, or 3D6 wolves. Super regeneration: 2D6 points of damage per melee round, plus can completely

the smoke will clear by itself and Alsto will raise the portcullis.

The north door opens into a room with a 20 foot (6 m) deep pit covered with spikes. Falling causes 6D6+10 damage. If the victim is wearing armor that is A.R. 15 or better, he suffers only half damage. The walls are slick and smooth, so climbing isn't possible. The pit is not visible because of the gas. The center door leads safely into the corridor. Because of the

regenerate an arm or leg in an hour or less and its entire body overnight — unless the head is severed from the slain vampire and either

buried in two separate locations or both are burned in separate fires. Vampire Vulnerabilities: Silver and silver coated weapons do normal damage, fire does half damage, magic fire does full damage, magic of all kinds does full damage, holy weapons double damage, holy water inflicts 2D6 damage from a single vial and holy symbols (and garlic cloves) will hold it at bay and bum (1D4 damage) to the touch. Driving a stake through the heart instantly places the creature into a coma (removing it revives the vampire). Vampire Psionic Powers: Death trance, alter aura (self), empathy, hypnotic suggestion, presence sense, deaden pain and induce sleep. Equal to a 4th level major psionic. I.S.P.: M.E. number +!D6xlO. Spell Knowledge: None.

smoke, this corridor seems identical to the one behind the south door. The south door opens to reveal an empty, ten foot (3 m) wide corri-

dor. The gas obscures the vision, so no one can see more than four feet (1.2 m) down the 20 foot (6 m) corridor. Pressure on the floor will release a volley of javelins from the north wall. The javelins come from all along the wall, from floor to ceiling. Each character will be hit with six javelins for a total of 6D6+2 damage. A character wearing armor with an A.R. of 15 or better takes only 4D6 damage and can apply it to

the S.D.C. of the armor. While entrance from the east is desirable, the trap can work with equal deadliness in the other direction.

Skills of Note: Speaks Southern, Western, Elf and Dwarf at 80%.

Weapon Proficiencies: Knives: +3 strike, +4 to parry, +4 thrown. Weapons: One curved dagger. Possessions: She wears light grey silk robes, a thin bronze belt and a matched set of carved ivory necklaces and earrings (worth 400 gold). Personality: Pleasant and courteous. Linda is a Priestess of Utu, Lord of the Dead. She will be coy, timid, and shy, pretending to be innocent and helpless to lure her prey close to her. Description: She appears to be a very pale skinned human female. She has strawberry blonde hair, red lips and large blue eyes.

The Kingdom of the Walking Dead All the rooms in this complex are sealed with locked wooden doors (S.D.C.100). Note: T-25A through T-25L are all 20 by 10 feet (6x3 m).

T-2SA: Empty room. T-25B: Broken furniture crumbling from centuries of neglect. There is a silver cross under a collapsed table.

T-2SC: No furniture, but tracks indicate that it was recently filled

T-25I: There are three golden candle holders on each wall and two

with furniture.

lit candles in each. Furniture includes a plush easy chair, a small couch,

a trunk covered with a red velvet sheet and a desk with four drawers.

T-25D: Empty and very clean.

The trunk is actually a coffin containing only several inches of dirt. 1st Desk Drawer: contains 30 sheets of fine paper, 3 crow quill pens,

T-25E: This dusty room has two chairs, a table, and a 6x2 1/2x2 1/2 foot crate covered with a moth-eaten blanket. Inside the crate there is nothing but dirt and the melted wax from two candles. T-25F: This clean room has a workbench with tools, two newly constructed crates and a pile of eight foot 92.4 m) oak boards. On the bench

12 pen tips, 2 small bottles of black ink, 1 red ink and 1 blue ink. 2nd Desk Drawer: contains 5 books; a book of faerie lore, a 2 volume elven history (in elvish), a book on the religious rites of Utu, Lord


of the Dead, and a small, 5 inch by 8 inch, book of Utu prayers. None

six glasses, and 30 gold pieces. An elven mother and child are sitting in

are especially interesting, but all would be of interest to a collector or scholar.

the dark room.

3rd Desk Drawer: is locked (S.D.C. 50) and contains 200 gold pieces and a silver dagger. 4th and largest Desk Drawer: has 2 pairs of good quality pants, 3 ruffled shirts, 4 pairs of socks, a pair of silken underpants. All would fit a tall (6 foot) male human. There are 6 western gold coins worth 50 gold each rolled up with a pair of socks. T-25J: Inside is a very old, very thin male human. He sits among

very expensive furniture, three chairs, a small table with a lantern and a covered coffin.

Lardo Panedor (Quick Stats) O.C.C./R.C.C.: 6th level knight and vampire. Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 14 Hit Points: 64; S.D.C.: 50

Natural Armor: A.R. 12; Affected only by silver, holy or magic weapons. Attacks Per Melee: Five Bonuses: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire bonuses. Vampire Abilities: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers.

Vampire Psionics: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: Sword: +6 to strike, +6 to parry, +3 thrown. Knives: +5 to strike, +6 parry, +4 thrown. Weapons: Bastard sword (2D4+2 damage) and 2 daggers (1D6 damage). Possessions: Dressed in rich dark blue and white suit. Wears a ruby ring (worth 1200 gold), a jade ring (worth 200 gold) and a gold dwarven medallion (worth 300 or 1200 gold as an ancient relic). Personality: A cruel and dangerous man. He will avoid combat but will kill without hesitation when hungry, angry or threatened. Description: He is a pale skinned human with long grey/white hair and a beard. His expression is sour.

T-25K: There is a very large, open coffin, along with an oversized chair and table.

Tol-Crac The Smasher (Quick Stats) O.C.C./R.C.C.: Second level vagabond and ogre vampire. Alignment: Diabolic

Llila Alret (Quick Stats)

Attributes of Note: I.Q. 7, P.S. 26, all others average. Hit Points: 60; S.D.C.: 50

O.C.C./R.C.C.: 4th level elf scholar and vampire. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes of Note: I.Q. 17, P.S. 26, P.P. 18, and P.B. 23. Hit Points: 56; S.D.C.: 40 Armor: A.R. 12. Affected only by silver, holy or magic weapons. Attacks Per Melee: Four Bonuses: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire bonuses. Vampire Abilities: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Vampire Psionics: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: None Weapons: None Possessions: Simple, blue cloth dress and gold necklace. Personality: Will act sweet and innocent while she pretends to be scared, and pretends she is not a vampire. She tries to avoid conflicts, but if threatened she is cruel and merciless. Description: Pale, gorgeous elven female. Fine white hair and clear grey eyes.

Armor: A.R. 12. Affected only by silver, holy or magic weapons. Attacks Per Melee: Four Bonuses: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire bonuses. Vampire Abilities: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Vampire Psionics: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: Battle axe: +5 to strike, +3 parry/dodge, +6 thrown. Weapons: Large battle axe (3D6 damage) and short sword (1D6). Possessions: Tan vest and pants, 1000 gold pieces, and a scroll of flying (6th level). Personality: Tol-Crac is a vicious, cruel creature who will be belligerent with intruders. He will attack any group numbering less than five or obviously weakened. Description: A small (6 foot), puny (170 pound) ogre with pale skin, red hair and beard, and small blue eyes. T-25L: Cheerfully decorated room with four chairs, a table, chest and two unlit torches on the walls. All the furniture is covered with white and blue checkered cloth. The chest contains a pint of good wine,


Two small altars to the north and south are actually torture tables. They are fitted with restraining straps and are caked with blood. The large altar in the center of the room has a rack of torture instruments, including knives, whips, pincers and clamps. There is also a pile of 13 humanoid skeletons along the east wall. T-250: This 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) room is the Temple of Vald-Tegor, Lord of the Undead. The west wall is decorated with rune symbols of undead, rebirth and depravity. There are black tapestries with strange designs covering the other walls. The altar is a simple block of black stone. Behind the secret door in the north wall are four empty coffins. This hidden room also holds seven suits of chain mail (human-size), one suit of splint mail (human-size), four large shields, 11 small shields, eight short swords, six maces, four broadswords, 19 spears, and 24 knives. There is also a locked chest (S.D.C. 80) that's warded with alarm and pain (4th level). Inside the chest are three silver short swords, five silver daggers, a silver ball and chain, a silver mace and chain (2D6 damage) and a hand mirror. T-26: This is a large L-shaped hall that connects to T-27 and T-31.

Krela Alret (Quick Stats) O.C.C./R.C.C.: An elf child and vampire. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes of Note: I.Q. 15, P.S. 20, and P.B. 22. Hit Points: 42; S.D.C.: 40 Armor: A.R. 12. Affected only be silver, holy or magic weapons. Attacks Per Melee: Four Bonuses: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire bonuses. Vampire Abilities: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Vampire Psionics: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: None Weapons: None Possessions: Simple, blue cloth dress and gold necklace. Personality: Will act sweet and innocent while she pretends to be scared if threatened. She is actually a vicious predator who loves the taste of mortal blood. Description: Pale and gorgeous elven girl child. She has fine white hair and clear grey eyes.

The secret door in the southwest wall leads to a connecting hallway in

the Kingdom of the Walking Dead (T-25). T-27: A large 40 by 50 foot (12.2x15.2 m) room used as storage by Caliph Alsto's minions. Kulgek, a pseudo-demon, keeps watch on the room. He will not fight if obviously outnumbered. If necessary, he will surrender and wait for a chance to escape or attack. He'll try to lead small groups to the outer guards. The north, south, and east walls are lined with crates, shelves and sacks. These contain a variety of stolen, captured and scavenged foodstuffs, including salted beef, smoked meats, preserved vegetables and fruit (in jars), grains, dried fruit and vegetables, and a basket of fresh apples — fresh vegetables and fruit are rare down here and valued as delicacies. Half the preserved meat and 75% of the sausages are made from humanoids (ick). There is a secret door in the south wall. The 3 doors in the west wall are all side by side. Kulgek, the pseudo-demon: Anarchist alignment, 27 hit points, 39 S.D.C., lumpy skin (A.R. 11); powers include see the invisible and rodent metamorphosis. He is a nine foot (2.7 m) tall, former human armed with a dwarven short sword (1D6 damage +2 to strike and parry).

T-25M: This is the 20 by 40 foot (6x12.2 m) room that serves as the Temple of Utu, Lord of the Dead. On the west wall, there is a symbol of the grim reaper with the magic symbols for death, despair and undead. The symbols surround a 10 foot (3 m) black stone statue of Utu. In the middle of the room is a black stone altar with 50 lit candles on top of it. In a secret compartment of the altar, there is a sacrificial dagger studded with 10 rubies (worth 3,000 gold). Behind the altar is a bronze coffin where Klak is resting. He services all three temples and could (01-50% chance) be in one of the next two rooms.

Klak Bathamee (Quick Stats) O.C.C./R.C.C.: 4th level elf, Priest of Utu and a master vampire. Alignment: Miscreant (selfish evil) Attributes of Note: I.Q. 19, P.S. 28, P.P. 21, and P.B. 12. Hit Points: 70; S.D.C.: 80 Armor: A.R. 12. Affected by silver, holy or magic weapons only. Attacks Per Melee: Six Bonuses: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire bonuses. Vampire Abilities: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers. Vampire Psionics: See Linda Belamche in T-25H for vampire powers.

T-28: The door is wood with metal reinforcement (S.D.C. 250) and barred on the outside. This is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) slave pen. Several chains have been fixed on the wall to hold prisoners. The manacles can hold up to 24 humanoids. Anyone captured by Alsto or his minions will be brought here. T-29: Behind this locked, new wood door (S.D.C. 100) is a 10 by 30 foot (3x9 m) room used for storing fabrics. Clothes, bolts of cloth, rugs, rags, sacks, and large blankets are stored here.

Spells (priest O.C.C.): Paralysis, levitate, slumber, immobilize, and wisps of confusion.

Weapon proficiencies: Sword: +5 to strike, +6 parry/dodge, +3 thrown. Weapons: Kars the Avenger, lesser rune sword (4D6 damage), faintly glows with a white light and can expel deevils and demons (89% for lesser, 49% for greater types), can automatically sense evil, has an I.Q. of 10 and adds +1 to all of the user's saving throws. Selfish alignment. Possessions: Klak is dressed in a black, hooded robe and wears a black pearl ring (worth 1200 gold). Personality: He is a very formal, very devout priest. Although he pretends to be honorable, he honors only his own goals and needs. Description: A tall, slim, dark skinned, brown eyed, male elf. Actually he's a changeling and can appear however he likes.

T-30: A locked door with an S.D.C. of 100 points. Behind the door

is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) room filled with barrels. There are four 50 gallon barrels of beer, two 25 gallon barrels of wine, three 25 gallon

barrels of mead, one 10 gallon barrel of fresh milk (only half full), six empty 25 gallon barrels, and two empty 50 gallon barrels. Near the door

are two giant-sized polearms (each does 4D6 damage) and two small shields. T-31: An 80 foot (24.4 m) long, 20 foot (6 m) wide and 20 foot (6 m) tall hallway guarded by two pseudo-demons. Both are 5th level mercenaries seated at the end of the hall (two other chairs are empty). Next

to them is a battered looking wood table, a five gallon keg of water and a deck of smudged, worn playing cards. There is also the mechanism

Note: See the Palladium Book of Dragons & Gods for complete details about vampires and other supernatural beings.

for raising the portcullis blocking the way to the west. The portcullis

(S.D.C. 600) is always kept closed and requires a combined strength of 44 to open it. T-32: The south entry to this 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) hallway is blocked by another portcullis. Between the portcullis and the double doors to the north is the mechanism for opening the portcullis. While the portcullis works like the one in T-31, it is also locked with a padlock (S.D.C. 45).

T-25N: This 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) room is the Temple of Tolmet the Cruel. The west wall is decorated with the ward symbols of death, cruelty and depravity. Directly under the cruelty symbol is an eight foot (2.4 m) statue of the Goddess Tolmet carved in marble. She is depicted

as a female dwarven warrior with sword held out. The statue's eyes are hollow and should be fitted with gems. The north wall is fitted with four sets of chains and manacles.


T-36: This is a 30 by 80 foot (9x24.4 m) combination kitchen and

Note: T-33 through T-44 are the quarters of the Minotaurs. They are all loyal to Alsto and are interested in defending this section. But if Alsto is.destroyed or, if instructed to, they will let people pass unmolested. They will usually try to capture intruders rather than kill them. The minotaurs are loyal servants but they will not avenge Alsto's death. They are even more loyal to their own kind and worship the Old Ones. See the section on minotaurs earlier in this book for details about

dining room. This makeshift cooking facility features a bed of hot coals on the east end of the room. Hanging by a chain over the coals is a 25

gallon pot of stew. The contents of the stew are vegetables, meat and bones. Generally whatever was available lately. Along the east end of the south wall there are several 25 gallon barrels; two of water, two of wine or other alcohol, and two with food for the cooking pot (meat, bread, cheese, vegetables, or whatever is handy). The rest of the room is filled with rows of tables and chairs. At any time there are 2D6 minotaurs eating or cooking here. T-37: This 30 by 30 foot (9x9 m) room is the home of the four minotaurs from T-34. There are eight chairs, a table, eight bedrolls and pillows, a large iron box and a large chest. The iron box is unlocked but has an alarm ward (sound) on it. Inside there are 350 silver pieces, 100

this monster race.

gold pieces, three healing potions (heal 2D6 points of damage) wrapped in rags, a hand mirror, a pint of brandy, and a box of snuff.

T-38: Main living area is a 30 by 70 foot (9x21.3 m) room with over a dozen giant-sized chairs, a long bench, several bedrolls, pillows, and pair of lanterns. The walls are painted in a bright yellow. 4D4 minotaurs

will be here at any time. Six spears and four broad swords are mounted on one wall. T-39: A minotaur nursery that has two infants and their mothers. Furnishings are limited to two large cribs, a large table, an oil lantern, blankets and diapers. T-40: Family chamber of 2nd in command. Simple furnishings include a table, bedrolls, and a storage box. Inside the box are two healing potions (unmarked), 200 silver and one emerald worth 250 gold. The

following Minotaurs are present: Grint: 40 hit points, 34 S.D.C., anarchist alignment, I.Q. 8, giant

hercules club (4D6 damage); 6th level soldier. Crull: 29 hit points, 52 S.D.C., Glint's wife, anarchist, I.Q. 10, 3 daggers (1D6, +4 strike/throw); 4th level mercenary.

Daso: 30 hit points, 37 S.D.C., Grint's son with an I.Q. 6, battle axe (3D6+2, +3 to strike); 3rd level mercenary. T-41: Storage area for the minotaurs, with 12 spears, six short swords, four large shields, 10 small shields, bolts of cloth, tools, nails,

hammers, extra bedrolls and blankets. T-42: Connecting room that is empty, with doors (S.D.C. 400) that can be bolted from the inside. Secret doors in north wall.

T-43: A 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) room with four spears and two giantsized maces propped up in the comer. The double doors in the east wall can be bolted shut (S.D.C. 200). T-44: 20 foot (6 m) wide corridor that ends in a secret passage in the east wall. Stuff includes two crossbows, 48 bolts, four spears, four large shields, two giant-sized battle axes, three four gallon kegs of lamp oil, a 50 gallon barrel of water, box (unlocked) with 40 normal candles, two torches, and six grey smoke bombs. A secret door has an alarm ward that will go off and silently alert Alsto. T-4S: 80 by 90 foot (24.4x27.4 m) reception and ballroom. Lovely frescos (faded pastel with age) of an underground waterfall and dwarves singing and dancing. The room is lit with candles along the west and east walls. There is no furniture other than Western Empire carpets on the floor. All four doors have protection from good that will repel those of good alignments. There is a heavy, sweet odor that fills the room. Fumes take effect in 2D4 melee rounds to raise strange shapes and cause hallucinations (See Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 254). T-46: A new wood door is locked (S.D.C. 200) and bars the way to this room. Inside are the Minotaur servants of Caliph Alsto. They will try to fight off intruders but will surrender if things go badly (figuring that Caliph Alsto Stone will take care of the unwanted guests). The modest furnishings consist of three beds of pillows, four chairs and a barrel filled with drinking water. The servants are: Sart: A muscular male, 4th level mercenary with 48 hit points, 40 S.D.C. (no armor), an intolerance for intruders and a nasty temper. He is

Minotaur Population: There are 16 adult males, 14 adult females, six young (half adult attributes), and two infants in the minotaur tribe. Typically mercenary warriors at 1D4+1 levels of experience. T-33: This is a 70 feet (21.3 m) long by 20 feet (6 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) tall corridor. It's barred by a portcullis (S.D.C. 600) that's

identical to the ones in T-31 and T-32. It takes a combined strength of 44 to operate the portcullis raising mechanism. The double doors in the west end are locked (S.D.C. 400). Two minotaur guards are watching from the west end.

Moorek: 32 hit points, 30 S.D.C., hercules club; 2nd level. Toomry: 28 hit points, 29 S.D.C., long sword; 3rd level. T-34: Main hall and living room of the minotaurs. Four of the Minotaurs will be here at any time. There are 8 bedrolls on the floor, 3 long wooden tables, 12 large wood chairs, 8 lanterns. The walls are light blue with faded paintings of woodland scenes. A 50 gallon keg of water is in the southwest corner, a small stand next to it holds 24 tin mugs. Behind the keg there is a secret door on the south wall. T-35: This is a sleeping room for the minotaurs. It has 20 sleeping cots, blankets, and rags. There is also a variety of pots, pans, wood, and cutlery.


armed with a giant-sized pole arm (4D6 damage) and a giant morning star (3D6 damage). Attributes of note: I.Q. 8, P.S. 28 (+13 damage),

There is a large bed of cloth and pillows along the east wall. An invisible chest is in the southeast corner. It is locked (S.D.C. 150) and has

P.P. 21 (+3 to strike, parry, dodge) and a P.E. 24 (+5 to save vs magic

a ward of alarm (silent), trigger, permanence (for the invisibility), despair, darkness, (30 foot radius area effect), fire (3D6 area blast), and

and poison). Radree: A female Minotaur who is a 4th level seamstress and cook.

fear (area effect). All these wards will go off simultaneously. Inside the chest are Alsto's books, scrolls and artifacts of magic: 1. Anatomical Study of Angels, Cherub and Tharsis. Complete with diagrams of bones, muscles and other anatomical details. There are also notes on powers, abilities and pain endurance. It was written by Alsto in runes.

She has 36 hit points, 30 S.D.C., and is armed with a giant-sized dagger

(2D6 damage) and a large frying pan (1D6 damage). Attributes of note: I.Q. 7, P.S. 22 (+7 damage), P.P. 18 (+2 to strike, parry, dodge), P.E. 21 (+3 to save vs magic and poison) and Spd. 19. Bruul: A scrawny male (for a Minotaur), 3rd level vagabond/peasant with 28 hit points, 30 S.D.C. (no armor), and a nervous twitch. He is armed with a giant-sized mace (3D6 damage) and a dagger (1D6 damage). Attributes of note: I.Q. 4, P.S. 18, (+3 to damage), P.P. 17 (+1 to

2. History and Legends of the Demons. This is a dwarven book describing a variety of demons. There are true names for a number of specific beings, including a banshee, five Couril, two Labassu, three Shedim, two Incubus, one Baal-Rog, and a Raksasha. Using these names in a summoning will mean that specific demons can be called upon and the magic is at +3 circle strength and +4 in the battle of wills. These bonuses only apply to these specific monsters (if they still live). 3. A book about Creatures of Magic. A dwarven description of lizard mages, unicorns, ki-lin, harpies, spectres, faerie folk, cockatrice and were-beasts, and the application of various physical components to magic (many never before heard of, but there isn't enough to figure out how to use these lost arts). 4. The Minotaur Book. A study on the Minotaur that examines the civilization, society, customs, habits, and biology of the minotaurs. Part of the book is an ancient dwarven diary, but the more recent entries are written in runes by Alsto. The book makes mention of Chaos Priests, the Minotaurs' obsession with the Old Ones and a mention of "their Great Betrayal to all living things" when the Minotaur King and his people tried to awaken an Old One! 5. Book of Tunnels. The complete layout and floor plans of this tunnel level. It shows the location of each (original) trap and secret door, and tells how and why each one was built. There are also notes of interesting encounters by previous unsuspecting visitors written by Alsto. 6. Scroll of Carpet of Adhesion. 7. Scroll of Stone to Flesh. 8. Two Scrolls of Wall of Stone. 9. Fume candles; one raise strange shapes, one divination and two vapors of weakness. 10. Smoke Bomb Candles: 12 red and six yellow.

strike, parry and dodge).

T-47: New, wood locked door that opens into a 40 by 50 foot (12.2x15.2 m) room with a very realistic, life-sized stone statue of a basilisk. Opening the door will activate a silent alarm (to Alsto) and fear (area effect). T-48: Both the doors leading to this area are reinforced wood with

an S.D.C. of 200. They are locked and warded with cold (doesn't affects Minotaurs); the bone chilling cold lasts only six minutes, and does one point of damage every melee round the characters stay in the room. Saving throw standard. This room is lavishly furnished, with red tapestries hanging from each wall. There are 30 books in shelves along the north wall (all are blank notebooks of 100-200 pages each). The area is lit by candles that

release vapors of weakness (see Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 254). Victims are -2 to strike, parry, dodge, and -2 on all saves. Kriff will attack one or two intruders, even three if he thinks he can take them, but will flee from larger parties through a secret door in the east wall that goes to T-49. He will warn his master of intruders and stand by his side

Kriff the Minotaur: This tough fellow has 50 hit points, 67 S.D.C., three attacks per melee round, natural A.R. of 12, horror factor 14. Attributes of Note: I.Q. 9, M.E. 12, M.A. 6, P.S. 27, P.P. 19, P.E. 23, P.B. 10, Spd 18. He is +12 to damage, +4 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to save vs all magic. Kriff has a miscreant alignment, but he will fight to

the death to protect his master, Caliph Alsto Stone. His weapon is a giant flamberge (4D6 damage) and a morning star (3D6 damage). T-49: This locked iron door (S.D.C. 400) is warded with several things that will go off when the door is opened. The first ward is dark,

In the southwest corner there is a table and a large plush chair in the center of a circle of protection from demons. Next to it is a circle of superior protection from magic.

intended as protection by infliction, and area effect, so it fills the entire room and lasts 30 minutes. Even characters with nightvision have their

sight reduced to one third normal. The second ward is cold, protection

A crystal ball on the table enables the owner to survey any "known"

by infliction, and also an area effect that fills the room. It does one point of damage every melee for four melees. Inside is a pleasant looking

area of the Place of Magic or person known to him. There is a 89% likelihood that the ball will be accidentally destroyed/shattered in any con-

study and bed chamber with a secret door in the west wall. In the east a new, reinforced door has 200 S.D.C. T-50: This is Alsto's Sanctum Sanctorum: A 30 by 20 foot (9x6 m) room that is richly decorated. The shelves along the north wall are lined with jars, tools, papers, and weird components. Items include 200

frontation with Caliph Alsto. Fixed under the table (in easy reach) are a couple of other items; a magic, dwarven morning star (2D6 normal damage) that can spit lightning (3D6+4 damage, three times daily). There is also a scroll of multiple images (4th level) and a dwarven silver dagger that glows with red magic (1D6+2 damage). In a crate under the table is a kobold bastard sword (2D4+4 damage) and a heavy, locked metal box (S.D.C. 150). The box is warded with blind and death (6D6) that operate in sequence. Inside the box is a Cloak of Shadows (+25% prowl), a pearl box with 24 lotus petals, two vials of organic acid, 500 in gold, 100 in silver coins, 10 sapphires (worth 400 gold each), a ruby (worth 700 gold), and

sheets of paper in a simple wood box, four blank paper books (100 pages each), two books of blank parchment, two small slate boards, 12 charcoal sticks in a box, 24 sticks of chalk, various powder pigments, two bottles of black ink, one bottle of red and brown ink, a dozen paint

brushes, six etching needles, wood cutting tool set, two ounces of gold leaf (worth 120 gold), six ounces of quicksilver, one vial of demon

blood, eight pounds (3.6 kg) of bee's wax, and a pound (0.45 kg) of clear wax. There are also various mixing bowls, jars, and 14 empty pint bottles of brandy.

a dwarven dagger with gold inlay (+1 to parry/throw).

Caliph Alsto Stone Race: A basilisk dragon

On the bottom shelf there is a locked metal box with an S.D.C. of

50. It has a ward of agony (3D6 damage for six melees) that will affect

O.C.C.: 3rd level Diabolist

the first person opening it. Inside are ten pounds (4.5 kg) of demon bones, a half finished permanence ward (inscribed demon bone), and five pounds (2.3 kg) of angel bones wrapped in silver cloth.

Alignment: Miscreant Attributes: I.Q. 17, P.S. 22, P.P. 12, Spd. 18; all others average. Hit Points: 100; S.D.C.: 120; Horror Factor: 15


Possessions: Carries 300 gold pieces in a small pouch, tobacco pouch and pipe, large pouch with basic ward components, two smoke

Natural Armor: A.R. 10 Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand or magic attacks plus one with its prehensile tail. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to

bombs and chalk on its person. Personality: The serpentine dragon has the accent and personality of a Western noble. Any other language he speaks will have a distinctive Western accent. He delights in confusing intruders by mixing the truth with obvious lies. His favorite joke is to get someone to distrust him so much that they won't believe a genuine warning. Description: Alsto is an eight foot (2.4 m) tong (not counting its tai/) basilisk dragon who usually dresses in silk robes imported from the Western Empire. See the Palladium Book of Dragons & Gods for more details about all dragons. T-51 This 30 by 30 foot (9x9 m) room has large red and black dwarven tapestries with matching carpet. A secret door in the south wall leads to T-47. The secret trap door in the floor opens to the stairway that leads down from the sanctuary to the next level, the Dwarven Armory.

putt punch, +6 to damage, +1 on all saving throws, +2 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs horror factor. Abilities: Turn dead (2D6) 80%, healing touch (2D4), recognize enchantment (40%), see the invisible, turn invisible at will, speaks all languages; daws or bite attack inflict 2D6 damage, lashing tail a/so does 2D6 damage, but its most famous power is the firing of red beams from its eyes that causes permanent petrification of its victims! Roll to save vs magic (standard). Only the magic spell stone to flesh can restore a person turned to stone. Spells: Creates and activates wards equal to a 3rd level Diabolist. Weapon Proficiencies: Knives: +3 to strike, +3 parry, +1 thrown. Weapons: See previous list of items in its lair.

Armory Pre-Level Note about A-l through A-30: All the wooden doors in this area are rotted away with age. Only the metal doors and grilles remain intact. These remaining doors usually have an S.D.C. of 125 and have noisy, rusted hinges. All the corridors are laden with dust, with the occasional,

man, elf, dwarf and gnome flesh. He wields a bastard sword (2D6 damage) and a giant wooden club (2D6 damage). His only valuables are his

large humanoid footprints stamped into it.

29 S.D.C., A.R. 12 (scaly skin) and the power to turn invisible at will and prowl 76%. She also has claws and pointy teeth (both do 1D6 dam-

weapons and 32 gold coins.

Carla: A transformed ore vagabond (2nd level) with 31 hit points,

A-l: This is the main junction room of this level. It is accessible by stairs coming down from the north. The stairs continue down another 25 feet (7.6 m) to the south. There are also stairs going up 15 feet (4.6 m) on both the east and west walls. At the top of these stairs are unlocked iron double doors. A-2: This entrance chamber has an old iron gate with

age) and a prehensile tail (2D4 damage) — three attacks per melee including tail. I.Q. 9, P.S. 18, Spd 15; miscreant alignment. She is armed with a spear (1D6 damage) and a giant club (2D6 damage). Her only

valuables are 50 gold pieces. A-12: An empty hallway except for pseudo-demon tracks in the dust; at least four different sets of prints; one might be a Minotaur's.

a broken lock.

A-3: This is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) empty room. A-4: A 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) room containing only four empty crates and a pile of rags. A secret door in the south wall leads to A-16. A-5: This is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) room that's not as dusty as the others. There is a broken trunk with a pile of junk inside it. Aside from garbage, broken spears and a rusty dagger, there are five gold pieces mingled in among the debris. A-6: This 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) room has a table made from two large stones and four wooden planks. There are also six rag piles. Someone has done a poor job of searching the area, messing up three of the piles but hardly touching the others. Hidden among the junk, dirt,

A-13: This is a 30 by 40 foot (9x12.2 m) room with a battered wood table, two crates used for chairs, a pile of rags, a bed of sweat-stained

pillows, a lamp, a gallon jug of wine, a five gallon jug of water and human bones scattered around. There is a secret door that has never been discovered by the inhabitants of this level. A pair of mated pseudo-demons live here. 01-50% chance of encountering 1D4 of them.

A-14: A 60 foot (18.3 m) long hallway with a secret door connecting to room A-l3. Dead-end wall has a secret door to A-15 that's unknown to the pseudo-demons. A-15: Secret door leading to a 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) chamber (A16).

and rags of one pile along the east wall is a sack of 70 silver coins, two short swords, a cross bow and four silver tipped bolts. In the northeast

A-16: This is a 60 foot (18.3 m) long passage. There is a secret door

comer there are two spears leaning against the wall. A-7: This is a 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m), dust laden, empty room. A-8: There is a broken lock on these large, iron double doors. They open to reveal an oddly shaped room with a hall running to a dead end in the south wall. An iron grille in the west wall also has a broken lock. A-9: This is a large chamber with three skeletons of dwarves laying

into the A-2 area. A-17: The stairs go 25 feet (7.6 m) down and stop at a pair of large iron doors. The lock is broken and symbols of evil and death have been painted on the doors in red, presumably as a warning. The doors open to a 30 by 190 foot (9x57.9 m) hallway. Strange symbols of magic are etched along the inside of the entrance archway. A permanence ward is on the wall near the carvings. The ward has permanently created a mystic illusion of a corridor that continues on forever. Anyone entering

on the floor. A large ogre or troll skeleton hangs suspended from the

ceiling. There are large footprints (hoofed and clawed pseudo-demons) and the smell of rotting flesh coming from the north. A-10: Filled with debris. There are two badly decomposed bodies (hard to determine race) stripped of their possessions. A-ll: A couple of pseudo-demons live here on a bed of rags. There is also a makeshift table and 3 stools. Reggie: 24 hit points, 36 S.D.C., A.R. 11, lumpy flesh; powers include impervious to fire and turn dead. He has an I.Q. 8, P.S. 20, Spd 16, large claws (2D6 damage), cloven hooves, three attacks per melee. Reggie is a diabolic pseudo-demon who stands eight feet (2.4 m) tall, but was formerly a 5th level ore mercenary, and loves the taste of hu-

must make a saving throw against wards of 15 or better on a 20 sided die. Those affected can never find the secret door on the east wall. A-18: A secret door that reveals stairs going down 15 feet (4.6 m) to a dead-end platform. A-19: Secret door in the floor, stairs lead down. A-20: Stairs to the armory, Section B-Entries. This is the long way to the place, A-21 is the direct route. This tunnel was just a secret, back door entrance created by the dwarves. A-21: Main entrance to the armory. The large, iron double doors with a broken lock lead to a 30 by 50 foot (9x15.2 m) corridor. There


The Armory Pre-Level Code Key

Stairs imilllllMlllllllTn S OT

Secret Doors


are 14 arrow slits on both the north and south walls. The corridor ends at a portcullis. There is a pit trap just before the portcullis that is triggered by pressure. The 30 foot (9 m) drop will do 4D6 damage. There

Attacks Per Melee: Three Bonuses of Note: +5 to damage, +4 to strike/parry/dodge. Critical strike on 18-20. The helm makes him impervious to horror factor. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: Battle Axe: +7 strike, +6 parry, +3 thrown Sword: +7 strike, +7 parry, +2 thrown Knives: +7 strike, +6 parry, +4 thrown Weapons: Dwarven battle axe (2-12), +1 strike/parry; eternally sharp, dwarven short sword (1-6+2), 2 silver daggers (1-6). Possessions: Short sword, battle axe, misc. clothing.

are 12 skeletons below with rusted weapons and armor, a thorough

search will yield 25 gold. The portcullis has a few bars bent and broken so that one human-sized person can squeeze through at a time. Giants over eight feet (2.4 m) tall will have problems — break or bend a new bar (S.D.C. 80) for every extra foot (0.3 m) of height above eight (2.4 m) feet. A-22: Huge 70 by 130 foot (21.3x39.6 m) courtyard with two secret doors in the north wall (room T-26, that once held a secret reserve of guards). A-23: The archers' court. This was originally a section that held 14 archers who could fire through the slits into A-21.

A-24: This is another archers' court, identical to A-23. A-25: Guard hut, 10 by 10 feet (3x3 m) with two pairs of arrow slits in the north, west and south walls; the door is in the east wall. Origi-

na\ty held 1D4 guards, bul is now empty. There are Vhe rotting remains of dwarven-sized tables and chairs.

A-26: Large area for a secret guard unit that could house as many as 40 dwarves without overcrowding. They would wait until an attacker had penetrated the courtyard and begun to descend (A-28) into the main Armory area, and attack from behind. Other troops from the Armory

would strike from the front, sandwiching the enemy between two fronts and chopping them to ribbons. The room shows signs of having been discovered, searched and used in the past decade. Dwarven tables, chairs and tapestries are all rotting

and useless. Some old (but not ancient) crates with melted candle wax, various bones (animal), old rags, and broken glass attest to occupancy in the past few years. There are no valuables. The secret doors in the south wall are the only way in or out. A-27: This 30 by 20 foot (9x6 m) room served as a conference room for the dwarven guards and contains only garbage and debris.

A-28: A 50 by 20 foot (15.2x6 m) corridor with stairs in the north wall leading down to the Armory. The east end of the corridor is a wall with 8 arrow slits. A secret door in the south wall is an entrance to A-29 — dwarves were big on secret doors, rooms and passageways. A-29: A 30 by 30 foot (9x9 m) room that was another defensive fortification for the dwarves. It is now covered with dust. Helmet of Rurga: A gold-plated helmet trimmed in bright red and silver, inscribed with arcane dwarven runes of great power. The magic

The Armory

rune helm makes the wearer impervious to horror factor and +2 on all saving throws. It also instills the abilities to heal five times faster than normal, track (humanoids and animals) 70%, identify tracks 79%, prowl 89%, see the invisible, speak all languages, animate and control

The stairs from A-29 lead down 40 feet (12.2 m) to the Armory.

!D6xlO dead (98%), and prevents all psionic attacks and probes as well as magic charms and illusions

The Armory complex, B-l through B-24 and K-l through K-16, is controlled by the Mad Dwarf and his followers. Everywhere there are dwarven skeletons frozen into realistic positions. Since the Mad Dwarf thinks that all the skeletons are alive, and since the Helm he wears automatically animates them, he gives them instructions and they stay in that position until he returns. King Matlock (the Mad Dwarf), Sara and Spaz are the rulers of this place. All others are subservient to them. Once intruders are detected, some of the guards will be sent to get them. If the guards don't return, then Matlock, Sara and Spaz will go to investigate the matter for themselves.

The curse: The wearer cannot remove the helmet once it is put on his head, until he dies. Quickly the wearer goes insane (within 2D6

days). He believes he is a dwarf regardless of his actual race, claims to sees the phantoms of dwarven warriors and hears the voices of the previous owners (all believed to be dwarves) whose mental essences are locked into the helmet.

Whatever the original personality, the wearer will have an unreasoning hatred and distrust of all elves. At the most disturbing times (during combat or other crisis), the wearer will experience a flashback to an-

other time and another life. In this state, anyone around could be identified as a sworn enemy. Roll percentile dice to determine one of following dominant personalities. The G.M. (or player) is welcome to create others. 1-31 Dwarven King Lalando III — An 8th level Knight. He will act completely imperial and spends a great deal of time reviewing his troops (the dwarf skeletons). He is a good strategist and has great respect for his cunning elven enemy. He dislikes elves but is not obsessed

King Matlock Pryetti, The Mad Dwarf Note: The king is really a human who thinks he's a dwarf. O.C.C.: 7th level Soldier Alignment: Unprincipled (depending on the dominant persona) Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 15, M.A. 12, P.S. 17, P.P. 16, P.E. 12, Spd. 7. Hit Points: 47; S.D.C.: 12 Armor: Full dwarven plate armor, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160.


Skills of Note: All Diabolist O.C.C. skills plus forgery (55%), pick pockets 50%, pick locks 65%, streetwise 50% and locate secret compartments/doors 50%. Weapon Proficiencies: Knives: 44 strike, +6 parry, 42 thrown Swords: +4 strike, 46 parry Weapons: Magic dwarven broad sword (2D442 damage, 42 strike and parry, and is indestructible), and two dwarven daggers (1D641 damage). Possessions: Magic ring (metamorph twice daily), four doses of pixie dust, 10 doses of fire dust, silk underdress, black hooded cloak, soft leather boots and a dwarven war mask. She has amassed (and hidden nowhere nearby) a treasure worth 16,500 gold. Personality: Sara is the real power behind the throne of Matlock, the Mad Dwarf, she uses him as a pawn to accumulate wealth and power. She may aid adventurers in exchange for knowledge, cash, or magic, but the price will always be high. She has no regard for any life, including elves. She has convinced all of the Mad King's personalities that she is a loyal dwarven advisor and his personal protector; all but Prince Parnu trust her completely. Description: She remains cloaked, hooded and masked at all times so that nobody realizes she is an elf. Her six foot (1.8 m) height is ignored by the Mad King.

with their death. He is likely to think any elves in the group are his changeling spies and command them as low ranking soldiers. Those who play along are safe from his wrath, for King Lalando III will kill (back-stab or surprise attack) any character "spy" he thinks is insubordinant or a traitor. He dislikes elves, changelings and humans. Aberrant alignment. 32-50 Dwarven Prince Parnu — A 5th level Knight. He is about as paranoid about elves as anyone could be, and he doesn't think much of humans either. He constantly looks around for elven assassins, spies and plots. Anyone suspicious will be questioned and even tortured for information on their involvement with elves. Like King Lalando III, he

is likely to believe any elves in the player group are loyal changeling spies. He has a miscreant alignment and is utterly ruthless and cruel. 51-60 Dwarven Lord Accordo — A 7th level dwarven knight who was a master of combat. He is always interested in visiting the practice field and either participating in or observing practice bouts. He has four attacks per melee round (including boxing) and is merciless in combat. Principled alignment, so he will slay those he believes are elven spies, assassins and their conspirators in a fair duel to the death! Anybody

who bests him in combat and spares his life will be regarded as a man of honor and a potential ally, even elves. 61-70 Philip the Thief — A 7th level, anarchist thief who always tries to pretend to fit in. He'll agree with anyone present and will grab

any treasure that comes his way. He is a sneak and a cheat who will pick pockets (89%) and con the group at any opportunity; elves and gnomes are the preferred targets. 71-80 Thomas the Wizard — A 4th level human (helmet made him think he was a dwarf) wizard who believes he is a dwarf obsessed with (continually talks and plans about) building giant war engines and weapons to destroy the enemy (primarily elves, ores and ogres). If he can, he will go to area B-12 to work. Aberrant alignment. 81-90 Elven Lintoba the Warlock — A female elf who the helmet made believe she was a dwarf. A 5th level Warlock of Fire. She will madly attack the first dwarven skeleton and reduce it to splinters. She hates animated dead (never uses the power), undead and elves (unless they are extremely handsome and submissive to her). Scrupulous alignment. 91-00 Matlock the Soldier — A 7th level human soldier and the real identity of the person wearing the helmet. He is confused as to whether he's a human or a dwarf. He is quiet and soft-spoken and a little in awe of his power over those around him. He likes elves, humans and most of the dominant races, but hates >Yolfen and all canine humanoids, ogres, trolls and pseudo-demons. Unprincipled alignment. Personality: Matlock has gone pretty crazy. He usually wants to know where all his dwarven warriors are, why things look so strange and how the war is going against the elves. In this state, his general

alignment is usually anarchist and he despises elves. Description: A 5 foot, 6 inch tall human (1.65 m) who always wears the Helmet of Rurga.

Sara, High Counsel (Quick Stats) True Name: Sarah Lynnendal O.C.C.: 6th level Diabolist, elf with leanings toward thievery. Alignment: Miscreant Attributes of Note: I.Q. 13, P.S. 10, P.P. 18, P.E. 11, P.B. 18, Spd. 6; all others average. Hit Points: 64; S.D.C.: 14 Armor: Soft leather armor, A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20. Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand or by magic or psionics. Bonuses of Note: +2 to strike, 44 to parry/dodge, +1 save vs magic, and +3 save against horror factor. Basic hand to hand. Magic: All Diabolist powers, knowledge and abilities. P.P.E.: 78 Psionics: Minor psionic with 32 I.S.P.; knows see aura and object read.

Spaz (Quick Stats) True Name: Ralph Broff O.C.C.: 5th level, human assassin Alignment: Diabolic Attributes of Note: I.Q. 11, P.P. 15, P.S. 11, Spd. 11, P.B. 15; all others average. Hit Points: 51; S.D.C.: 23 Armor: Magic Dwarven chain mail (silent and lightweight): A.R. 14, S.D.C. 80


Scale in Feet

The Main Armory









B-11 B-4






B-19 B-15

B-17 B-16





1 <

K-6 | K-7

K-5 @\


K-10 5 KJt


..3 Secret Door Down to Next Level



Attacks Per Melee: Six! Hand to hand assassin and boxing. Bonuses of Note: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +4 to disarm, +4 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/impact, +5 to pull punch, +4 to save vs horror factor, critical strike from behind, and kick attack. Skills of Note: Disguise 45%, prowl 55%, pick pockets 45%, use & recognize poison 40/32%, imitate voice 52/32%, ventriloquism 32%, speaks Elvish, Eastern, Western and Gobblely at 80%. Spells: None Weapon Proficiencies: Knives: +2 strike, +1 parry, +3 thrown Sword: +2 strike, +2 parry, +1 thrown Blunt: +3 strike, +1 parry, +1 thrown Archery: +2 strike Weapons: Four daggers, broad sword, short sword, small cudgel (1-6, hidden), short bow, 30 normal arrows, 12 silver tipped. Possessions: Red sapphire magic ring (half damage from fire), leather and silver wristband (superhuman strength, 3 times daily), poisons (include 20 arrow doses of Basilisk's Eye; 4D6 damage and 10-40 melees of paralysis) and 12 arrow doses of Scorpion Blood (4D8 damage). He has amassed a treasure worth 7,500 gold. Personality: He is a cunning and clever human skilled at his profession. He is Sara's lover and loyal only to her. Spaz will use poison arrows when a situation looks particularly threatening. Both he and Sara know a great deal about the upper levels, but tend to avoid the

They are completely motionless, like statues (actually a couple of the Mad Dwarf's skeletons). The armor is old and corroded, so it provides only half the normal A.R. and S.D.C. protection. B-l: A former office area that has six desks and chairs with a dwarf skeleton seated and posed at each — a macabre sight. B-2: Empty room. B-3: This storage area holds eight dwarven skeletons in a line. They are frozen in the act of moving dozens of empty barrels and boxes from the north end to the south end of the room. B-4: There are 12 dwarven skeletons in decaying leather armor standing at attention in two neat lines, while another frozen skeleton is pointing at them. All this is the handiwork of the Mad King. B-5: Empty room. B-6: Empty room. B-7: Empty room. B-8: Metals room that has 18 barrels of crude iron, eight barrels of copper nuggets, 38 barrels of coal and four dwarven skeletons frozen at guard duty. B-9: A room filled with huge piles of rotting furniture. B-10: This was a jail area and contains eight prison cells barred with sturdy iron bars. Two dwarven skeleton prisoners and three dwarven skeleton guards are frozen in natural positions. B-ll: Armorer's workshop. Many rusted tools are in the hands of dwarven skeletons in decaying leather aprons. They are frozen in the act of beating out armor from useless pieces of rusted metal. B-12: War engine experimentation room. There are huge wooden machines covered with strange runes. These devices groan under the weight of the rotted wood.

tower ones. Both have survived tine magic of the contagion circle

and are now immune. Description: He is a 6 foot (1.8 m) human in full chain armor. B-Entry: The stairs from above end in a 50 by 50 foot (15.2x15.2 m) room. Two dwarves clad in plate mail armor stand on either side.


B-13: Eight dwarven skeletons are frozen as they count thousands of

K-4: An interconnecting hallway that is always guarded during any

pebbles as if coins. Another skeleton is bending over a ledger book with

crisis by two ogre guards; both are 4th level meres. The bronze double doors are 18 feet (5.4 m) tall and 10 feet (3 m) wide. K-5: This room is used by guards for storage. Currently empty. A

a quill in his hand. B-14: Weapon workshop where seven dwarven skeletons are frozen while working on sharpening and repairing hopelessly damaged weapons. B-15: 3 dwarven skeletons are frozen in the act of putting on rusted plate armor. B-16: Shower room with 8 dwarven skeletons frozen in their imaginary baths.

B-17: This practice arena is being used by 12 pairs of dwarven skeletons frozen in the motions of combat. In the bleachers are another six skeletons that are frozen in observation; two are clapping. Also in full dwarven armor are two living dwarves! These are servants of the Mad King and they will stay still and observe any intruders for as long

as possible. Yarnell: 41 hit points, 19 S.D.C., P.S. 16, +1 to damage, A.R. 17, S.D.C. 160, long sword (+3 to strike/parry). Wotoal: 32 hit points, 17 S.D.C., A.R. 17, S.D.C. 154, battle axe (+2 strike/parry). B-18: The Mad King's human followers have chosen this room as their own. Three are present at any time. There are eight bedrolls, a

door in the south wall has a ward of silent alarm that will notify Sara of its being opened.

K-6: This is the King's Chamber. A 5 foot (1.5 m) wide hall leads to the entrance to the chamber in the southwest. The room is covered in beautiful tapestries and large carpets. Some are ancient and faded, others are obviously contemporary, from the Timiro Kingdom. In the southeast corner is a bronze and silver throne, once studded with dozens of gems. A bronze statue of Rurga (6 ft/1.8 m) stands in the opposite corner. Behind the tapestries lining the south wall is the hiding place for the guards. There is always a living dwarven servant staying in the area. K-7: Annex to the King's chamber, hidden behind a wall curtain. K-8: This is a lounge with several couches, tables, stuffed chairs, and two lamps. A tapestry in the north wall covers the bronze door on

the west wall. K-9: The King's main living chamber is fitted with a fancy table, two couches, and four stuffed chairs. Hanging on the west wall with a small shield is a dwarven quality ball and chain (+1 strike and parry, and +2 to damage). The two servants, Gimbo and Kareen, are always present. There are 12 dwarven skeletons in chain mail and armed with axes, standing around as well; all are arranged in very realistic poses. The servants spend a lot of time keeping them dusted. There is a curtain

large table, six chairs, a small fire, cooking pots and a large water bar-

rel. Two are 3rd level dwarven mercenaries. Two are 2nd level human, mercenaries, and three are 3rd level vagabond/peasant pseudo-demons.

in the northeast corner that hides the door.

B-19: In this large mess hall, 14 dwarven skeletons are frozen in front of their empty tin plates and cups.

Gimbo: 31 hit points, 10 S.D.C.; I.Q. 6, P.S. 18, Spd. 12, all others

average; +3 to damage. He is a scrupulous human armed with a mace and two daggers. He is also wearing studded leather (A.R. 12, S.D.C. 35), but has only two attacks per melee round. Kareen: 26 hit points, 12 S.D.C.; I.Q. 7, P.S 21, Spd. 5, all others average; +5 to damage. She is a female dwarf armed with a short sword and a dagger. She wears no armor and has two attacks per melee round.

B-20: Four dwarven skeletons are frozen in positions of cooks in a kitchen.

B-21: Two dwarven skeletons are "sleeping" in bedrolls on the floor. B-22: Two of the Mad King's ore followers are sleeping in bedrolls on the floor. Sam: 18 hit points, 15 S.D.C., A.R. 10, S.D.C. 34, two spears (+3 strike/parry, +5 throw); 2nd level mere. Floppy Ears: 22 hit points, 16 S.D.C., +3 to damage, short sword, 3 daggers; 3rd level thief. B-23: Two dwarven skeletons are "sleeping" in bedrolls on the floor. B-24: Five dwarven skeletons are frozen as they bend over dice on the floor.

K-10: This is the King's bed chamber. It has a couch, table, desk and bed. A suit of dwarven plate armor (A.R. 17, S.D.C. 200) is on a

dummy in the northeast corner. The desk holds paper, quills, ink and a small box. The box is not locked but has a ward of silent alarm (alerts Sara). Inside the box are metal scraps from the Armory smith (the box is there just to alert Sara of intruders snooping around). Hidden behind

a false panel is a magical, silver short sword, it is indestructible and does 3D6 damage (it's there in case Sara or Spaz need it). K-ll: Both doors are secret and warded with silent alarms (to alert Sara), fear and darkness. There are 39 dwarven skeletons posed

"K" Section

throughout the room. There is a circle of summon demons in the center of the room, which, if activated, summons an Alu greater demon. Inside this room is the King's Treasure Hoard. Money includes

K-l: This guard chamber has 32 dwarven skeletons sitting around drinking, playing cards and involved in animated discussion; except that

they're frozen in place. Among the dwarves there are 16 suits of chain mail, 14 short swords, five maces, three battle axes, and nine small

2,050 Eastern gold pieces, 200, 25 gold pieces. There are 6 rubies

shields, while others are garbed in a variety of rags, clothes, and rotting

(worth 500 gold each), 4 diamonds (worth 1000 gold each) and 6 sapphires (worth 400 gold each). Armor stored here includes 14 suits of dwarven-sized plate armor (A.R. 17, S.D.C. 180), 21 suits of dwarven chain (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44), four suits of human-sized chain (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44), and a suit of giant-sized armor (fits creatures from 10-11 ft/3-3.3 m tall, A. R. 13, S.D.C. 80). Weapons include 37 giant-sized dwarven short swords, 23 non-dwarven short swords, 10 battle axes, 14 maces, and 10 ball and chains. Most armor and weapons are dwarven and of excellent quality, but are not superior weapons; this means most have no special bonuses. Sara has yet to figure out how to get this treasure-trove back to the surface without alarming the king. So far, he has refused to move it anywhere and does a weekly inventory to make sure it's all there. K-12: Secret door in the east wall that has a silent alarm ward (to alert Sara). The room is 20 by 40 feet (6x12.2 m) and is now empty, except for two spears and a suit of dwarven chain mail inside a large crate. A curtain covers the west wall.

leather armor. Equipment in the room includes 24 bedrolls, two lamps, six torches, six small tables, five benches, nine chairs, 11 poor quality spears, 12 pitchers, and 22 tin mugs. There is a secret door in the south wall. K-2: Hall of Audience. It is here that the king may speak to visitors and address his troops. There is a throne in the south with statues on

either side of it. The throne is a simple bronze throne (600 pounds of bronze worth 3500 gold). The statues are of 2 dwarven warrior kings. If

the King is here he will be accompanied by six living guards and 10 animated skeletons clad in armor and armed with spears and swords. 01-50% chance of Sara being present. 01-30% chance of Spaz being present. K-3: Interconnecting annex. A wall divides it and the Chamber of Audience. 12 skeletons garbed in full dwarven plate stand at attention. They are all armed with short swords and daggers. The door in the south wall is iron and can be bolted from the other side (S.D.C. 150).


from cold for every melee that they are in contact with the medallion. A 16 or better on a twenty-sided die roll is required to save against blindness. Bonuses: The medallion adds +5% to all skills, +1 against all magic and psionic attacks and enables the character wearing it to automatically sense the presence of supernatural evil and magic within 600 feet (183 m). The bottom desk drawer is warded with confusion, hate, and charm; all in sequence. The drawer is empty except for the symbol of the snake (treachery) drawn in blue (defeat).

K-13: A curtain divides the chamber where four ore guards sit on watch; all are 3rd level mercenaries. This area has 13 dwarven skeletons clad in cheap, damaged chain (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 19). Behind the curtain is a storage area with seven 150 foot (45.7 m) lengths of rope, 200 iron

spikes, 12 hammers (tools), 65 small iron shields, 12 spears, two large tables, four empty crates, a 40 foot (12.2 m) length of chain, six chairs and cots. A secret door in the west wall has a silent alarm ward to alert Sara, and fear (area effect) to confuse intruders. K-14: This 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) room is attractively furnished with pillows, couch, round table, oil lamp, several handmade easy chairs and a rocker. There is a handsome desk with drawers against the west wall.

There is a secret door in the east wall and another in the north wall,

both lead to K-15. Both are warded with silent alarm wards to alert Sara.

The top drawer contains a wooden cross, a silver dagger, a prayer book to Rurga and another to Andras (the Demon Lord), several face cloths, towels, a scented bar of soap and a basin for wash water.

K-15: The living quarters of Sara and Spaz. There is a 01-69% chance of Spaz being here at any given moment. A secret door in the northwest leads down to the next level. There are beautiful handmade

The middle drawer is warded with energy (4D6 damage). Inside is a flat, polished wood case. This case is also warded, with sleep and the colors yellow and blue in sequence (first person to touch it triggers first ward, second person receives second, etc.). All of these wards are area effect. Color wards turn everything (skin, armor, clothes, everything!)

furnishings including a carved 12 foot (3.6 m) table, eight matching

chairs, and a small couch and pillows that line the east and west walls. The room is lit with candles in silver candelabra (2; worth 75 gold each) on either side of the table.

A large, comfortable easy chair is in the northeast, with an end table and oil lamp next to it. The end table has a locked drawer that's warded with despair and silent alarm; both go off simultaneously when disturbed. Inside are two books, both 200 pages long. One is on the prayers and philosophies of the church of Rurga (no mention of the helmet).

that color. Inside this case are two bottles of ink, one blue and one red, 14 sheets of parchment, five crow quill pens and 4 metal pen tips, half pint of brandy, and an ancient Medallion of Thoth.

The other is a very small book with an old and worn leather cover. It is warded with simultaneous mystic drain and color (yellow) which triggers an invisibility ward on the treasure chest in the next room. This is a Book of Symbols which includes all mystic symbols and ward symbols

(nothing new) with descriptions and explanations of each, as well as circles of protection from Old Ones and the simple protection circle. It is written in silver runes and in the dwarfish tongue. Note: It does NOT include the components and power words needed to create wards,

rather, it explains what each symbol represents and means. Persons studying the book and using it as reference, can recognize and read/identify all wards (90%) and recognize runes (50%). They CANNOT create wards.

The bed at the southeast end has a small table with a candle in a silver candle holder. A silver dwarven dagger (1D6+2 damage) is hidden

under the pillow. At the foot of the bed is a large chest filled with linens. Another large chest contains women's clothing (Sara's). A third

chest contains men's clothing (Spaz's). There is a crossbow on the wall with a quiver of 12 bolts. There is a padded rocking chair near the bed.

Under the rocker is a trap door in the floor, with stairs going down to the next level: the last and deadliest level of the known complex, for it is the heart of the Place of Magic. Note: This is the only way down. K-16: This 20 by 30 foot (6x9 m) area is filled with supplies and equipment. There is a secret door in the east wall. A circle of protection

(simple-sealed) surrounds a small, locked metal box (S.D.C. 40) that's warded with fear (area effect), sleep (area effect), death, and energy. It contains Sara's inactivated wards. There are six silent alarm wards on parchment, two confusion wards carved in human bone, a death ward carved in ogre bone, two blind wards carved in ivory, a cold ward etched on a piece of silver, two charm wards on parchment, and a power ward carved in a hydra tooth. There are also two potions of healing. In the east end of the room is a 30 gallon barrel of water, a small table with two basins, towels and a bar of soap. Hidden in a secret compartment is a small, locked metal box with wards of sleep and silent

The Medallion of Thoth This is a golden medallion on a gold neck chain. On one side there is

alarm. It contains gold and gems worth 1000 gold. Along the north wall there are four twenty-five gallon barrels of wine. There is a wooden wine rack with five bottles of Timiro wine, three bottles of Old Kingdom wine, eight bottles of Western Empire

a design showing an eye in the center of a triangle surrounded by a mystic circle, the ancient symbol for Thoth. A runic inscription around

the edge reads, "May wisdom lead to knowledge and knowledge to enlightenment." The other side of the medallion has wards of good, blind, cold, and permanence. This insures that only characters of good alignments can use this artifact. A runic inscription in silver reads, "May the darkness of evil never overshadow the light." Evil and selfish characters must always save against blindness and will take one point of damage

wine, two bottles of sweet wine from the Land of the South Winds and

21 empty bottles. This area also has a complete still for making liquor. A small fire is lit under it and a pipe slowly drips high potency liquor into a twenty-five gallon barrel.


here. They are not likely to attack a group unless the odds are in their favor. Nor are they likely to join any non-goblin or ore group, either. Groggle-Mean: 27 hit points, 14 S.D.C.; I.Q. 7, P.P. 13, Spd. 7, +2 parry/dodge, two attacks per melee, kick (1-6). Weapon proficiencies are knives (+1 to strike/throw), ball and chain (+2 strike), and sling (+1 to strike, 3 attacks per melee). This miscreant goblin is a 3rd level thief wearing chain (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44) and carrying six knives, a ball and chain (1-8) and a sling (1-6). He has collected 80 gold pieces and a ruby worth 270 gold.

A pile of armor along the east wall includes a human-sized suit of plate mail (A.R. 17, S.D.C. 130) and two suits of dwarven scale mail (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75, or can be used as half suits with an A.R. 11 and S.D.C. 35). In the northeast corner there is an invisible chest. It's warded with charm, charm, fear and hate in sequence. It contains 11 onyx (worth 300 gold each), 4 emeralds (worth 500 gold each), 3 small diamonds (1,000 gold each), a blue diamond (3,000 gold), 4 rubies (500 gold each), one gemless dragon coin (worth 1,000 gold), 600 gold, and 200 silver coins. There is also a gold cross (worth 90 gold), a wood scepter with an ornate jade dragon twisted around it as a decoration (worth 600 gold), a pint of quicksilver, two pairs of butterfly wings, 24 lotus petals, 3 ounces of sneezing powder (3 doses), 4 doses of pixie dust, a half pound of rabbit skin glue and a scroll of wall of iron (4th level).

Snide: 33 hit points, 10 S.D.C.; I.Q. 7, P.P. 18, Spd. 9, +2 to damage, +2 to strike, +4 parry/dodge, two attacks per melee round. Weapon proficiencies are sword (+2 to strike/parry) and battle axe (+2 strike/throw, +1 parry). This anarchist goblin is a 4th level mercenary, wears dwarven scale armor (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 75) and carries a battle axe (3D6 damage) and broad sword (2D4+1). He has 110 gold pieces, 40 silver and an emerald ring worth 350 gold. Lop-Ear Grundle (hob-goblin): A ranger with 39 hit points, 1"1 S.D.C.; I.Q. 12, M.E. 17, P.E. 14, P.S. 12, +1 to save vs psionics, track humanoids 56%. Weapon proficiencies are knife (+1 strike/throw), sword (+1 strike, +3 parry/dodge) and archery (+3 strike). Lop-Ear is a hob-goblin with an anarchist alignment. He wears chain mail (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 44) and carries a dwarven quality short sword (2D4 damage), three daggers, a short bow with 18 normal arrows and 4 magic lightning arrows (6D6+10 damage). He also has 70 gold pieces, 50 silver pieces and a large silver cross (worth 100 gold) that he openly wears around his neck.

The Place of Magic The entire mountain valley and underground complex radiates with magic and has become known as the "Place of Magic." However, this section of the dwarven complex is truly, "the" place of magic. This whole area registers with incredible levels of magic. Psionics will also sense evil (supernatural evil). All doors are metal unless otherwise stated. The first section is maze-like to discourage intruders. All rooms and corridors have 20 foot (6 m) high ceilings.

Note: Lop-Ear is not likely to join a group to stop an Old One, but will not oppose them and "may" give up two of his magic arrows to a fellow ranger or bowman.

M-l: This 30 by 30 foot (9x9 M) chamber is completely empty. The walls are brightly painted with red and orange demonic figures dancing and glaring evilly on a field of yellow. There is a secret door in the south corner of the west wall. M-2: L-shaped corridor with all the walls, floor, and ceiling painted in an icy blue. A secret door is located in the west wall, slightly off center. M-3: L-shaped corridor with walls, floor and ceiling painted in a deep, rich black. There is a giant symbol of mystic drain painted on the wall directly across from the secret entrance. It's painted in a luminous substance and is an eerie, but meaningless power symbol. There is a secret door at the end of the south wall. M-4: Identical to the previous two corridors but even larger. Painted in bright red and there is a secret door located in the north wall. A large ward symbol of magic (but not a ward) is painted in a luminous silver substance. M-5: This corridor connected the rooms of the dwarves involved in magic research. M-6: 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) room with a green fuzzy mold that can be seen all around the door's edge, with sparse patches on the door. Behind the door is an entire room, whose walls, floor, ceiling, and furniture are covered in green mold, and it's germination time. No valuables are in the room. M-7: Blood splattered walls and floor indicates that a battle was once fought here. It's impossible to determine the age of the blood. Old, rotted furnishings, smell bad. M-8: 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) room with a barred door (S.D.C. 100) and inhabited by the goblins. Two goblins will always be present, but there is a 01-60% chance that Lop-Ear will be in M-10. There are three beds of rags and a couple of pillows. An oil lamp and two torches keep the room lit. It also contains basic adventurers equipment, including a sack, backpack, food (stale beef jerky) and cheap liquor made by the Mad King in the Armory, above. They were part of a much larger group whose fellows have died or disappeared elsewhere on this level (they don't know how or where). Afraid to explore ahead, and afraid to go back, they have moved in

M-9: 15 by 20 foot (4.6x6 m) room that's been burned to a crisp. Footprints indicate that others have been here; either human or goblin. M-10: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) room. There is a 01-60% chance of encountering Lop-Ear Grundle (if not back in M-8) because this is his personal hideaway. For some reason, he finds it peaceful and relaxing. There is a small pile of rags in the northwest corner that he uses as a chair and bed. An unlit torch is nearby. There are no valuables. The walls are painted in white and green. A large protection from evil circle fills the entire room (unknown to Lop-Ear). The secret door in the west wall is known to Lop-Ear. M-ll: 20 by 15 foot (6x4.6 m) room with a big "X" marked in charcoal across the door. Inside is the dusty, debris-ridden remains of a great study. Formerly inhabited by Trod Negbelto, a dwarf wizard, his ghost still haunts the room. He will chastise the group and insist that they have come to gloat over the fall of the Dwarven Empire. He is of absolutely no help and will bombard the group with sticks, dirt, dust and small rubble. He can hurt only those in the room and for only one point of damage per melee round. M-12: 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) empty study that smells of dust and decay. The room has been examined by the goblins; there are no valuables. M-13: This 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) study has a dead and decaying pseudo-demon sprawled across the floor. He has been dead for at least three weeks and is pretty ripe. M-14: 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m), cold room that is dusty, empty, and constantly freezing, with a bone-chilling wind that does one point of damage every minute to anyone foolish enough to stay in the room. A great noisy wind can be heard in the outside corridor while the door is open. M-15: This 30 by 30 feet (9x9 m) chamber is accessible only by the secret door in hall M-4 or M-35. The floor is blood-stained and has faded markings/scratches indicating many circles have been drawn and eradicated. Skeletons of goblins and dwarves along the north wall are very old. Walls are painted a faded yellow. A secret door in the south wall opens into the main hall. No valuables.


The Zombies of Artimus

M-16: This L-shaped corridor is covered with black paint. Someone has chalked a message onto the door to M-18 that reads (in dwarven), "Filthy elves are everywhere, it's important that we find the Lord before

These zombies will not attack unless specifically told to do so, or if they are themselves attacked. They will ignore other zombies or anyone

they do. We can't let the dwarven king fall into their bloody claws. Trust no one."

in the company of another zombie. Each one gives the same limited

speech in the human Western tongue. When there is more than one zombie, they will give the speech in unison; it's very eerie. They are incapable of any other speech: "You have entered a cursed area. You are in grave danger. If you do

M-17: This area is accessible only from the secret door in M-16. There are two circles in the east end. The first is terribly scarred and

barely discernible, an expert might identify it as something connected with domination or control. The other is also scarred but can be identified as summon gargoy\es.

not come with me, you will be destroyed. Come with me to the Master. Come or be destroyed."

M-18: 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) chamber covered in dust and miscellaneous debris; was once a conference room. M-19: 10 by 20 ft (3x6 m) room containing only debris and cobwebs. The secret door in the south wall leads to the other worker and research rooms. M-20: 25 by 20 foot (7.6x6 m) chamber with a scuffed-up, dusty floor. Marks on the floor are from dragging storage cabinets and shelving. M-21: Dusty and empty.

The zombies will then lead the way back to M-39 whether they are followed or not. Once they get there and report, Artimus Gordon will come looking for the intruders. They fight only upon the command of

their master.

M-22: Dusty and empty. M-23: Dusty and empty. M-24: The metal door hangs from its hinges after being blown open

by some kind of explosion. As further evidence of an explosion, the adjoining walls to M-25 and M-26 have been blown away. The direction of the blast was eastward. Rock from the walls lays everywhere. Three mangled skeletons are among the refuse in M-25 and M-26.

M-25: Debris. M-26: Debris. M-27: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6) room that's fairly clean. The cleanliness and the stool, small table and piled rags suggests recent habitation. Goblins? M-28: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) room with bad smells coming out of the open door. There is a half-eaten ore and the freshly eaten skeleton of an ogre. Both have been eaten within a couple of days. Nobody (thankfully) is home. There are no valuables. M-29: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) empty room with a rickety, loose door that will fall noisily as soon as it is touched. M-30: Iron door is sealed in wax. It will not open because of a sorcerer's seal. Any loud noise or attempts to open the door will encourage scratching from the other side. Listening closely, there is a squeaky voice (gibberish). The room contains six large shedim demons! A dispel magic barriers spell or smashing through the wall will release them to vent their rage by attacking their rescuer and fighting without mercy. No valuables. M-31: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) empty room with missing door. M-32: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) empty room with loose door that will fall noisily as it is moved. M-33: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) empty room with missing door. M-34: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) room that shows signs that it was inhabited two or three years ago.

Zombie Stats Attributes of Note: I.Q. 7, P.S. 20, P.P. 13, P.E. 18, P.B. 2, Spd 10. Horror Factor: 12 Hit Points/S.D.C: 150 points and completely regenerates within 48

hours unless the head and body are buried separately. It can also wear body armor for additional protection. Attacks per melee round: Three Damage: 2D6 damage by hand/punch or by weapon. Bonuses: +2 to strike, parry and dodge; no initiative bonus. Fearless: Impervious to horror factor, phobias, fear magic and most

The Dwarven Complex of Magic Note about M-35 through M-51. This entire area is controlled by Artimus Gordon and his zombies. Corridors will be inhabited by at least 1D4 zombies. They will all act in exactly the same way when they discover intruders.

psionics (including empathy, telepathy, and bio-manipulation). Like the mummy, the zombie is only afraid of fire; small fires/torches have a

horror factor of 6, man-sized fires have a horror factor of 12 and larger fires 15! A typical torch will do 1D6 damage to a zombie when it is used as a flaming club; magic fire does double damage. Skills of Note: Magically understands and reads all languages 96%, knows basic math 80%, land navigation 70%, track humanoids 50%, and climb 50/45%.


Stairs up to the Armory

The Place of Magic (The Dwarven Complex) Scale in Feet 0




Special abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m), supernatural P.S. and endurance (never fatigues), impervious to normal weapons (unless

Attributes of Note: I.Q. 14, M.A. 6, M.E. 11, P.S. 7, P.P. 12; all others average. Hit Points: 84; S.D.C.: 4 Armor: None Attacks Per Melee: Three by hand to hand or two by magic. Bonuses of Note: +5 spell strength (characters need a 17 or higher to save!), +5 to save vs magic, +4 vs horror factor. Spells: All spell magic from levels 1-6, plus circle of concealment, constrain beings, banishment, dispel magic barrier, heal self, wind rush, stone to flesh, age, mute, water to wine, phantom horse, summon & control rodents, and create zombies. P.P.E.: 269 Weapon Proficiencies: Staves: +6 strike, +5 parry, +4 thrown Knives: +5 strike, +5 parry, +8 thrown Weapons: Iron staff (1-8), 3 silver knives (1-6) Possessions of Note: Magic ring (impervious to fire), bronze medallion (protection from witches). Personality: A sad and defeated character who feels condemned to live out his life as the servant of a monster. Description: He is an ancient human wizard, with balding white hair and sad eyes. He dresses in a threadbare robe and sandals. M-35: This huge area is the entry way to the complex controlled by Artimus. There are eight zombies standing around motionless. As soon as they see intruders, they will make their speech and leave. M-36: The horseshoe room (U-shaped). Its purpose is unknown. Many ancient parchment wards hang faded and crumbling from the walls and bone fragments are scattered around the floor. The bones are impossible to identify because they have been crushed into minute fragments. M-37: This 10 by 30 foot (3x9 m) room is painted, from top to bottom, in the blood of elves! Again, the exact purpose for this horrible act is unknown — the blood is somehow preserved by magic and is sticky to the touch. M-38: A Shrine of Rurga with a shattered prayer altar and faded paintings of the warrior goddess on the wall. There is an empty pedestal where a statue once stood. Two zombies are found in this room. M-39: Artimus (see his description earlier) stays in this 10 by 20 foot (3x6 m) room. It is clean and smells with a light, flowery incense. There is a simple table, two stools, an oil lamp and a plush easy chair with matching footrest. A small chest next to the chair is unlocked and holds some jerked beef, a bottle of fine Western brandy, a dozen sticks of incense, a small mirror, a silver cross, 50 gold pieces, and five scented candles. It is a very simple dwelling for Artimus has no need for wealth, magic or power. A secret door in the south wall leads to M40. M-40: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) dusty area with many human-sized foot prints. M-41: 10 by 25 foot area that's a bit less dusty, but occupied by four zombies. M-42: 15 by 15 ft (4.6x4.6 m) room with a 5 foot (1.5 m) long wooden table with two unlit candles on it. Also on the table is a white linen sheet, a lump of chalk, a normal dagger and a box of incense. A plain chalk circle seven feet (2.1 m) in diameter is in the middle of the room. Eight zombies are always present, but unlike the others, these eight will physically throw people out of the room, saying, "Not go here. Leave now," over and over again. These zombies will fight to the death if intruders refuse their command to leave. A secret door leads to the Old One's Complex at the Place of Magic. M-43: 5 by 15 foot (1.5x4.6 m) corridor opens to reveal a 25 by 25 foot (7.6x7.6 m) chamber. It is empty except for two zombies. M-44: 25 by 25 foot (7.6x7.6 m) chamber with four zombies. M-45: 25 by 25 foot (7.6x7.6 m) chamber with four zombies. M-46: 25 by 25 foot (7.6x7.6 m) chamber that has recently been used. There is a circle of protection from evil on the door. Inside are

silver or magic), impervious to poisons, drugs, disease, heat and cold; doesn't'need to eat or drink, and has no emotions, desires, or personality. A Zombie will rise again, even if riddled with silver arrows (or bullets), chopped into pieces, blown to bits, or burnt to a cinder! Unless the head is removed from the body and both are buried separately, or an exorcism is performed on the remains (automatic success), the zombie will completely regenerate all its body parts and S.D.C. at the end of 48 hours, and seek out its master for new instructions.

Artimus Gordon Artimus is very sad and depressed because he is forced to serve the

Old One against his will. He will warn all travelers with the following speech: "You cannot go any further. You must turn back unless you sign your true name in your own blood in an alliance with the Old One. All

who challenge this rule are destroyed. If you are wise, you will surrender and leave this place at once."

If asked about his service to the Old One, he will say: "There is no hope for my soul, I serve the Evil One ... because I have seen his face and am too afraid to oppose him." Artimus will not fight unless his will is defied — he fears the Old One more than any adventurer, or even god, so he will do whatever he feels he must to avoid the wrath of the monster he serves. If he does choose to fight, he will do so without malice. Artimus will never taunt, torture or kill slowly. He will attack swiftly and with utter devastation

until his opponents are either destroyed or surrender — he will allow anyone to surrender at any point in a battle and allow them to leave this place. He hates his bondage to the Old One and will welcome death, if it comes. However, he will NEVER intentionally throw a fight. He has at his command a legion of zombies. True Name: Artimus Gorhldyn

O.C.C.: 15th level Wizard. Alignment: Anarchist; once scrupulous and still leans toward good.


Bonuses: +6 to damage, +3 on all magical saves, +6 on psionic saves, +5 on saves against insanity. Abilities: Same as the standard mummy. Spells: None Psionics: 7th level Mind Mage with 112 I.S.P.; possesses all sensitive powers plus psi-sword, catatonic strike, bio-manipulation and hydrokinesis. Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. sword, battle axe and knife. Weapons: Two throwing axes and the Axe of Dwarven Ken: this is a magical artifact of great power. As a weapon it does 4D6 damage and confers a +3 to strike and +3 to parry to its user. It will glow red along the edge whenever any elves or faerie folk are within 60 feet (18.3 m). The handle will glow green in the presence of any poison gas or fumes. At the butt of the handle, there is a dark orange gem which will glow when touched to any magic item, ward, circle, or true rune.

signs of a very recent battle, broken furniture, burned areas, scorch marks on the walls, dried blood, etc. At least six creatures were involved and killed or severely wounded, but there are no bodies, no zombies, no valuables.

M-47: Large 50 by 20 foot (15.2x6 m) chamber that's empty, except for three zombies. M-48: Another empty, horseshoe shaped room. Four zombies are present. A secret door is located in the east wall. Another secret door

opens to reveal a 20 by 15 foot (6x4.6 m; #M-49) room. At the exact spot of the secret door is a mystic symbol of evil. A psionic or magician will sense an intense evil radiating from inside.

M-49: If the door is opened, it will release a strange black mist that will sweep over everyone present. One after another, it will try to possess someone; standard save vs possession. An exorcism or death will send the being out of the body but it will try to inhabit someone else. The Black Mist has 70 hit points, S.D.C. not applicable nor are skills/abilities while in mist form, other than possession. Only psionic attacks (any kind) can kill it while it is in its mist form; once it possesses someone, the psionic attack will kill the host body.

Possessions: The Armor of Dwarven Ken: This is a full suit of magical plate armor with an A.R. 16, S.D.C. 235. It is weightless and impervious to fire. He also carries a leather sack with 7 complete Old Kingdom Dragon coins worth 5000 gold each. Personality: He will be extremely tired and will only ask, "Is it time

Once it possesses someone it has an I.Q. of 7, acts like a demonic predator and can bio-regenerate its host body at a rate of 2D6 points every five minutes. The creature is tricky and cruel; diabolic alignment. It will know everything that the person knows but only while in that host body. Victims will be fully conscious but totally helpless, unable to talk or execute any action. The character's mannerisms change completely to a bold, slobbering psychopath without morals. It even speaks with a completely different voice. Psionics (telepathy, empathy, etc.)

yet?" He will fight only if there are elves present or if he is attacked. He will not chase anyone (unless they are elves). If someone is particularly respectful, they may be tipped with one of his Dragon coins before being sent on their way. Description: With his armor and weapons glowing, this 3 foot, 4 inch dwarf is an impressive sight. Pinpricks of cold blue light are all that remain of his eyes. He will leave the area with the intent of helping

can be used to communicate with the mortal consciousness trapped inside. An exorcism will send the thing out of the body, but it will only

his people destroy all of elvenkind!

search for a new victim. Victims must roll for an insanity after a possession that lasts for more than 48 hours: 1-40 No Insanity

The Old One

41-60 Roll a Phobia 61-85 Roll a Psychosis 86-00 Roll a Neurosis M-50: In the northeast corner of this corridor there is a pile of

The tunnel from the wizard's room, M-42, is the only access to this

section of the complex. That's why Animus and his legion of zombies have been posted in that area to intercept intruders. However, occasionally the Old One will command him to allow a group of adventurers to

dwarven armor and weapons. Four suits of chain mail (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 44), three suits of studded leather (A.R. 13, S.D.C. 38), six battle axes, and three short swords. M-51: This strange hidden corridor has been undiscovered since

slip by him, either to recruit new members to his legion of evil or for entertainment. After all, playthings are hard to find down here. This eastern complex is the handiwork of the Old Ones. The walls and ceilings are completely smooth as if melted away by some awesome blast of heat and instantly cooled. The corridors are long and wide and apparently extended far to the north but have either been magically sealed off or the mountain dropped on them (packed solid by cave-ins). When the dwarves discovered this complex nearly seven thousand

dwarven times. The doors at both the east and west ends have been

warded with invisibility, mystic drain, and permanence. They cannot be detected by normal means, nor by see the invisible, nor any means of magic detection. In fact, from outside the corridor it's impossible to find any doors. However, it is possible to find the area by carefully trying to

locate secret compartments/doors or mapping. But even then, entry can only be made by forcing through the doors (S.D.C. 210). Inside is a single dwarven body, perfectly preserved as a mummy.

years ago, they deemed it the ideal location for their own mystic experimentation. They first explored the area, extracting what secrets they could, then built a special annex where they would conduct their own, powerful magic experiments. It is in this annex (M-52 through M-66) that the player characters will discover the real meaning of horror as their adventure takes on a dreadful new aspect. For thousands of years an Old One has slept here undisturbed, even the dwarves took special care not to awaken the foul monstrosity (they did however, draw upon its energy to create and summon terrible things). In recent months, a group of foolish, evil beings have disturbed

Lord Gearm-Drath (Quick Stats) O.C.C.: 4th level Mind Mage and ancient mummy created by some unknown magic process. Unlike normal mummies, this being is a previously unknown type of undead that retains a relatively high I.Q., some measure of his memories and a narrow goal or objective; in this case, to destroy elvenkind! The creature tends to be slow and methodical. Lord

Gearm-Drath has little regard for any life forms other than dwarves and seeks the genocide of all elves. Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes of Note: I.Q. 8, M.E. 22, Spd. 7; all others average. Hit Points: 80; S.D.C.: 100 Armor: A.R. 12. A affected by silver, magic and holy weapons only,

its sleep and even now labor to finish their preparations to free it!

The Touch of Evil This entire level radiates with supernatural evil and magic that can be felt in the air like static electricity. Even a minor psionic will sense the terrible evil without consciously using his psychic powers. Note:

see possessions for other armor. Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand or by psionics


Any use of telepathy or empathy will instantly link the character to the Old One!! The Old One is so close and so powerful, even with the mys-

61-88 Roll on the random insanity table; see page 26 of the Palladium RPG, Second Edition. 89-00 Alignment change. Even being touched by pure evil may corrupt or change a character. Whether or not this occurs is up to the player of that character. Basically, if the character has been leaning toward another alignment, this is the opportunity to change it. A good character who has been disenchanted with his place in the world or who has grown bitter, may see his alignment changed to evil or anarchist. An anarchist or evil character (especially aberrant evil) may become more evil than ever or by seeing/feeling ultimate evil, get a new lease on life and become good (any). Whatever the alignment change may be (it can remain the same too), the only requirement is that the player be loyal and true to his character's new outlook on life. Character Note: Characters of selfish or evil alignments will not automatically be attracted to join the Old One. Just because they are basically greedy, self-centered and/or evil does not mean that they are willing to join forces with a creature that will surely doom all of mankind. In fact, an evil character may be even more suspicious of the Old One's promises than others, because they know the value of deceit better than most. Game Master Note: It must be made it clear to the player characters that should the Old One get free, it is likely to reshape the world into a place of misery, death and chaos. This "thing" is the most diabolically evil and powerful creature in the Megaverse, let alone the planet. It makes entire pantheons of gods look weak by comparison! A life form that has as much in common with humans and other mortal creatures as a human has to a rock. It is not a force to play with and it must be stopped. Characters of good alignments should not hesitate to prevent the freeing of the Old One, once they realize what they are up against. To do otherwise will see their alignments dropped to anarchist or even miscreant evil!

tic restraints that imprison it, that the use of telepathy or empathy will act like a wide-band radio signal to home in on. Contact will be instant and devastating, so powerful that the character will be unable to break contact of his own accord. The only way to break contact is for one of his comrades to knock him unconscious with

a physical blow to the head (or via magic or psionics). The character's system is already in such a state of shock that a single blow to the head that does more than five points of damage will knock him out for 1D4

minutes. When he recovers, he is shaken but okay. As okay as one can be realizing that he was just in the clutches of a fabled Old One. His brief union with the monster enables him to know that an Old One is

awake, anxiously anticipating being unleashed on the world and has terrible plans for the world. Once linked, the character will stand transfixed, stiff as a board,

aware only of the Old One, nothing else. It will immediately attempt to get him to join its dark forces, tempting him with promises of glory, power, riches or anything else the character may desire. It will assure

the person that it has no intention of waking the others (true), because it has no desire to share this world with its brothers. Likewise, the Old One will insist that it has no intention of enslaving or destroying mankind, but will help men to reach their true potential and become a power

beyond imagination. A power that will help it enslave the very stars themselves. The foul creature will continue to tempt and seduce the person to its side any way it can. If the person should agree to join its ranks, whether

he's sincere or whether it's a ruse to break free of its control, the creature will bade the person to open himself to it, saying: "Feel my power, my strength, let me caress you, so that we may be as one. Then you will know what power can be yours." If the character refuses, the monster gives him a glimpse of its emotions and thoughts for a second, and releases him. The trauma is so

The Old Ones Complex at the Place of Magic

great that the character will fall into a vegetative mental state for 2D4

M-52: Connecting tunnels that end at a secret door. Beside the door is a 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) room of dwarven construction. The dwarves built this annex for their own blasphemous experiments and in order to syphon some of the mystic energy from the slumbering Old One.

minutes, but will recover completely. If the person willingly submits to the Old One it will first probe his

mind. If the character was not sincere about joining it, the monster will possess his body. There is no save vs possession because the character willingly dropped his mental defenses and open himself to it. As a result of the mind probe, the Old One can easily assume the identity of the character without arousing suspicion. Fortunately, the Old One has at its disposal only the psionic, physical and magic powers of the person he is

A recently slain ore lays upon the center of the floor, his two daggers and a broken spear laying at his side. A secret door in the east wall is partially open to reveal a cluster of small rooms. All the doors are locked from the outside. These rooms were originally used by the dwarves to secure those who had been changed by the contagion, but who were relatively sane. M-53: 10 by 10 foot room with a heavy metal door bolted from the outside. Dry blood on the floor, wall and door indicates a recent skirmish has taken place outside the door. Inside is the skeleton of a clawed, 10 foot (3 m) giant (a pseudo-demon? Or something worse?). The remains of what was once furnishings are smashed and scattered about the room. Human footprints confirm that the room has recently been searched. There are no valuables. M-54: 10 by 15 foot (3x4.6 m) chamber. The metal door is slightly ajar. This room too, has been recently ransacked and is littered with rags and decayed furnishings. In the farthest corner is an unusual circle. Inside it rests the skeleton of a dwarf with twisted, spindly legs. Laying near it is a notebook written in silver runes. On the cover are several wards, all of which have been triggered, making it safe to handle (the wards were fear, fear, sleep, confusion, pain, sleep area effect, and blind; set to be triggered sequentially). A Diabolist or anyone with a decipher magic spell can read the rune inscribed pages. It is the diary of an ancient dwarven diabolist and even though most of the pages have been torn out, there is still an important passage. It reads: "... without hope, (the end of a statement from one of the missing pages). Still we are plagued by the pestilence of our own making. The

possessing and not the monster's own mind-numbing powers.

If the other player characters later discover that their comrade is possessed by an Old One, the creature is likely to fight to the death or cause as much damage as possible without regard to the host body. This piti-

ful little shell is of no concern to it and the death of it or others is enjoyable. Remember, the Old One is evil incarnate and will tease, mock and toy with the player characters, relishing in their torment. Any characters possessed by the Old One will reek of evil and the

aura will register as black, something that can be seen or sensed via magic or psionics. Any type of exorcism will expel the Old One including the spell or scroll equivalents (expel demons/deevils or exorcism), but only because of its weakened and sluggish state of mind. The experience is so harrowing that the person must roll on the following table

(bonuses to save vs insanity apply):

Insanities from Possession by an Old One 01-20 Roll for one phobia, or select something evil or dark (Old Ones is a logical choice). 21-50 No insanity, but shaken and emotionally drained for 72 hours all combat bonuses and skill performance are at half. 51-60 Not an insanity exactly, but the character is changed; roll for a new disposition using the table on page 32 of the Palladium RPG, Second Edition.


The following pages are blank, however, the dwarven skeleton with the shriveled legs attests that Thrax Dehlmark did, at last, regain his humanity, though it cost him his life. Since his body still lays in the circle, the end for the rest of the dwarves (and of the Great War?) must have come soon after. What may have befallen them is not clear. Apparently they never found Dehlmark's Circle. Unfortunately, most of the diary has been stolen, but in the thief's haste, he left Dehlmark's final pages and one other page. Laying off to the side is the key page of Dehlmark's formula: the circle design, symbols, components and power words. Perhaps the warrior goddess Rurga smiles upon others this day.

damnable circle in the canal has made us all prisoners of our own hatred and transform many who step into its confines. Why some are immune is unknown. Just as why it cannot be shut-down or rubbed out is also a mystery. We should have listened to Malakii and found some way to make peace with the elves. Instead, we have destroyed them and ourselves. Worse, I fear many of us have lost our souls. "Morale is low and I fear that a rebellion is swiftly coming, unless King Lalando HI can find a way to alleviate our fears. Our greatest enemy here is the tedium and desperateness of finding some means to destroy the enemy and save the Dwarven Empire. A task I fear is past us all. But even the King is not himself these recent months. He has become obsessed with the preservation ofdwarven kind through the annihilation of the elves at any cost. Yet if the cost be the souls of our own people, is the cause worth the price? I say no. And this is how far we have sunken. After I have written these words, I wonder what King Lalando III would do to me if he could read them. Put to death as a

Dehlmark's Circle — a cure for the contagion Range: Person within the circle Duration: Effects are permanent Saving Throw: None This power circle can only affect one person at a time and may negate the effects of the contagion, returning that individual to his normal, healthy self. The circle is useless against any other curses, magic or illness. Components: The symbols must be drawn with the bone of a demon. At least one ounce of the blood of the person to be transformed must be placed in a small dish or bowl at the top of the circle. The character must then lay down in the circle, spread eagle so that his/her body fits in the center X of the circle. He must then chant the power words over and over in proper order without pause. The circle will activate within 1D4 melee rounds, engulfing the person in a blazing outline of white light. Power Words: Tao-bo Acba Yin Lictalon Chance of Success: Varies depending on how far along the contagion has progressed. Like most diseases, the sooner it is treated, the better. Likelihood of Success: Roll percentile dice. A roll within the range presented means success. Rolling above the highest number means failure. If a failed roll, the character can try again, but the chance of success is reduced by half. If there is no cure the second time, the character is doomed to a life as a pseudo-demon. 7-12 days 01-95% 13-15 days 01-92% 16-20 days 01-86% 21-24 days 01-80% 25-29 days 01-62% 30-31 days 01-52% 32-90 days 01-42% 91-a year 01-32% Over a year 01-10%

traitor 1 suspect.

"I cannot help but feel that the king's mystic helm has in some way, corrupted his thinking, just as this place has corrupted us all. For this is not the good King Lalando who once held the well being of his people above all else. I cannot help but to believe that it is the evil of the great monster slumbering below us. We can all feel its evil. An evil that has permeated all of us and this entire mountain. I wonder if we had not built this place and sought the power of the slumbering Old One, if the war would have come to a peaceful resolve centuries ago. I say yes. "Though I am criticized as a superstitious fool, I must hold on to my conviction that this place is slowly destroying us. Even though the evil one sleeps the magic sleep, his essence, his evil, fills this place, changing all in it to his image. Never have I seen such jealousy, anger and hatred in people I once called friends and patriots. I look in the mirror and hate myself, now more than ever. I can't help but believe it is my just desert that I have accidentally fallen to the circle in the canal and become a monster outside as well as inside. "I fear we have been misusing forces we do not fully comprehend for over 300 years. Forces which twist and corrupt us, yet even now we cling to them for our salvation in vanquishing the elves. I can almost feel the evil, thick and suffocating, all around me, growing, getting stronger with each death. They tell me that I'm hallucinating. Another symptom of my condition. They say I am mad, but I think the change has made me lucid for the first time in centuries. Despite my grissly appearance and unnatural craving for blood, I'm still rational, still in control, though I know not for how much longer. "In retrospect, I must believe the mind mages were correct about the danger of this place. They could sense the incredible evil and warned us to leave. Funny how they were all the first to perish. Strange that none of us noticed that then. Could we have already been so corrupted that we did not realize the significance? Could the evil have taken root so quickly? Rurga protect us! "My queries mean nothing unless I can make the others listen to me, and they will not as long as I am this monster. Thus, today I use my circle. I am certain it can reverse the curse of the demon circle in the canal. Of course, I was certain that circle would function as well. No, this circle will work. Of that I am sure. Just as the first circle summons demonic forces which twists body and mind, this one will restore the body as it was. That is why I remind those who may find my corpse, that I am an old man. The second transformation may be too much for my frail body to withstand, so if I am found dead in a circle of my own making, it is not suicide. Try my circle on a healthier person. All the mystic theories and formulas are explained in these pages (the ones torn out) and they are sound. "Now I go. With luck I will be restored and speak for myself. If not, I welcome death. I cannot stand what I have become. And if Rurga smiles upon me, perhaps my circle will restore my legs, which have been malformed since birth. May the gods be with thee my brothers, and deliver us all from our evil." — Thrax Dehlmark (followed by the rune symbol for love)

Roll for other possible side effects: Insanity 01-30 Retains all insanities developed as a pseudo-demon (if none, roll once on phobia table). 31-80 No insanity 81-00 Reduce insanities developed as a pseudo-demon by half^if none, no insanity). Physical Disfigurement: 01-30 Reduce P.B. by 10%; look slightly older. 31-59 Reduce P.B. by 50%; haggard with blotchy skin or odd texture. 60-86 Reduce speed by 10%; chronic stiffness. 87-00 Reduce P.P. by 10%; minor muscle stiffness. Note: Rooms M-55 through M-65 all have metal doors that bolt from the outside. M-5S: 5 by 10 foot (1.5x3 m) room, empty and dust laden. M-56: 5 by 10 foot (1.5x3 m) room that has been recently burned out. Three charred corpses of zombies lay amongst the ruins of the room. No valuables.


M-57: 5 by 10 ft (1.5x3 m) room; the iron door has been bolted. If a

has somehow slain the gate keeper and has the hall under constant guard. Theoretically, if the hall could be gotten to, an alarm could be

character is quiet and listens at the door, he will hear something moving around inside. The occupant may occasionally pound on the door but never speaks. It is a second level Minotaur mercenary warrior and worshipper of the Old One who has been locked inside. He has 52 hit points and 30 S.D.C. He will attack anyone who opens the door with his battle axe and fight any intruders to the death. Inside the room is the corpse of a human skeleton still clutching his

sent, bringing the angels to save the day. The question is, how? The only other thing the basilisk knows about the Hall is that it lays to the

south. He has never been there.

Pyt the Basilisk (Quick Stats) The basilisk came to the Place of Magic in pursuit of knowledge and adventure with his fellow basilisk Alsto Stone (who has taken up residence in the tunnels and whom the group is likely to have already encountered). The two went their separate ways with this one becoming

broken long bow. The body can't be any more than a week or so old. A dozen silver tipped long bow arrows lay scattered about the room. There is a purse of 70 gold in coins and a scroll of exorcism is stuffed in his shirt.

M-S8: 5 by 10 foot (1.5x3 m) room with a broken, clawed skeleton slumped in one corner. It is very ancient and will break to the touch. The room has been ransacked; no valuables. M-59: 5 by 10 foot (1.5x3 m) room, empty except for dust, debris and a pair of ancient, corroded chains set into the wall.

M-60: 5 by 10 foot (1.5x6 m) room; empty and dust laden. M-61: 15 by 20 foot (4.6x6 m) chamber with much debris and several smashed statues. The faded wall paintings suggest that this was

once a temple of Rurga and her pantheon. There are no valuables. M-62: 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) chamber that has had a portion of its wall blown in. It is otherwise empty. M-63: A chamber with two connecting rooms which has had its east walls blown down. Fragments of ancient skeletons lay under the debris. The walls were apparently blown down from a terrible explosion from the room across the hall, M-64.

the victim of the Old One and the other giving in to his evil machinations. When he uncovered the plot to awaken the Old One, Pyt foolishly tried to stop it single handedly and failed. Since then, he has been a slave to be tortured and tormented by the Old One's minions, the witch in particular. He has been promised that his sight and health would be restored if he would join the Old One, but Pyt has refused and his plight continues. Although he would welcome death, the evil ones will not allow that satisfaction and have brought him back from the jaws of death on three occasions. He has decided that his life must still have some purpose and that purpose is to help bring down the Old One before it can free itself completely. He hopes the player group will be the ones to do so. Note: He will aid anyone the best he can to stop the Old One, but all he can really offer is information. He cannot be convinced to join the group because he knows he is helpless and will only impair their efforts. Besides, one of the minions brings him basilisk food and water once a day and will become suspicious if he is missing. Furthermore, if they

fail, he must wait for others. True Name: Pyt Vyn O.C.C.: 8th level Scholar Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes of Note: I.Q. 14, P.S. 22 (+6 to damage), P.P. 13, P.E. 22, Spd 18, all others are average. Hit Points: 48; S.D.C.: 130 Natural Armor: A.R. 10 Attacks Per Melee: Three by claw or bite. The creature can no longer

Oddly enough, a gentle, blind Basilisk lives among the rubble. It is the tortured plaything of the Old One's evil minions, because he will

never join the legion of evil (the Old One's minions). When he hears someone approaching he cringes behind some of the large wall fragments. If approached, the dragon will plead not to be tortured (he doesn't try to turn invisible because many of his tormentors can see the invisible). When he realizes that these are not his tormentors, he warns the group to flee this evil place before they too are discovered and brutalized. The more kindness shown to the basilisk, the more helpful the character will be. He knows much about the Old One, its plans, and its

petrify people with its gaze because its eyes have been removed, a


cruel and terrible fate (its bio-regeneration does not work on its eyes, its one great strength and weakness). Natural Abilities: All vision related powers are lost, but can still turn

The blind basilisk will first warn the group about the witch, a powerful, evil woman who draws her powers directly from the Old One to whom her pact is pledged. Next, he tells them about the Old One's minions, a misbegotten lot of evil misfits, led by the witch. Many are assas-

invisible at will, track by smell 46%, bio-regenerate 4D6 points of damage per minute (except eyes), and magically knows all languages.

sins, thieves and nonhumans. Then the dragon tells them about dark magic and the monster's plan to escape. According to the basilisk, the

Weapons or Possessions: None

Old One still suffers from the magic slumber and other forces used to keep it imprisoned somewhere in the mountain below their feet. He

M-64: The demolished room; rubble lays everywhere. In the center

of the room is a marred and incomprehensible circle concerning elemental forces, and the likely cause of the explosion.

claims the creature is not completely free of the enchantment and constantly fights the magic slumber to stay awake. Furthermore, other magicks keep it locked beneath the earth, but that may soon change. The minions mold a giant waxen figure of the Old One hidden in one of the giant chambers to the west. Somehow the Old One will transfer its life essence (via another unknown power or type of magic) into one of its minions (the witch), kill that minion before the waxen effigy, and the victim's life's blood will seep into the wax, somehow instilling it with the life essence of the Old One and bringing the wax figure to life as a genuine Old One! Once free of it magic chains, the Old One will be free to ravage the planet and bring about a new age of Chaos. To make mat-

M-65: More debris and dust. The iron double doors open to a huge corridor of Old One design.

ters worse, the basilisk believes that these plans will unfold in the next

wrath." The wall is the spell of legend: Barrier of Thoth, unknown to mortals. It was placed there by Thoth, personally. A permanence ward has made it a permanent fixture. Thus the barrier will stand until its remaining 4,800 S.D.C. points are destroyed. The South leads to another section of the complex and to the Hall of

M-66: A secret door that opens to the same corridor. M-67: A 60 foot (18.3 m) wide corridor. M-68: A corridor that runs north and south. The North is blocked by a mysterious wall of force which seems to be impenetrable as well as impervious to magic (negation and dispel magic will not work against it). Etched on the floor in silver runes is the ancient symbol of Thoth and the words, "Whosoever penetrates this barrier shall suffer my

few weeks. If the waxen sculpture is destroyed, it will, at least weaken

the monster's hold in the waking world and may even cause it to slip back into its magic slumber (or not). Finally, the basilisk tells them about the hall of angels. This is a dimensional gateway that can instantly bridge the gap between the Palladium World and bring forth a legion of angels who can stop the Old One and place him back under the enchanted sleep. However, the witch


M-69: 15 by 10 foot (4.6x3 m) guard post which can be accessed through a secret door in the south wall. 01-25% chance of encountering


a second level, Minotaur assassin.




Scale in Feet



The Old One Complex



_ / —f


The Lair of the Old One

If transferred into an inanimate object, the soul is forever trapped without any means of returning to its original body (which will die in 1D4 hours). However, transferring into a finely cut diamond worth no less than 50,000 gold, will provide a double transfer. The circle maker can transfer his/her life essence into the diamond where it will remain until some unsuspecting person picks up the gem and suddenly has his essence wrenched out of his body and sucked into the gem, while the circle maker's essence is transferred into the new body; standard saving throw vs circle magic/ritual. The circle maker will remain in limbo while inside the diamond until someone fails his saving throw. The time spent in limbo is undiscernible and seems like a fraction of the real

Note: The blind Basilisk will forewarn the group about this place to the best of his recollection.

M-70: The Hall of Wards. A thousand wards, mostly the infliction of pain, death and other debilitating effects, are etched into the floor. Stepping on one will activate it, requiring the person to save vs wards or suffer the consequences. Running through the wards is like running through a mine field, requiring the person to make ten saving throws. Tiptoeing through is difficult and equally dangerous. Roll for ten steps,

time. Typically, only an evil Summoner will use this circle, especially

with a 01-50% chance of activating one. Leaping head long over them is a viable tactic with only a 01-60% chance of hitting and activating one ward. Flying over will not set off any. There is also one five foot wide path near the center that is free of wards to allow the minions en-

the gem ploy. At any rate, the original body is almost always forsaken.

Components: The circle is drawn in the color green and the symbols are drawn with holy water. The wings of a butterfly must be crumbled into a small pot of water and brought to a slow boil. The symbols are the butterfly, force (outward), dimensions, and directed power. Power Words: Xy-Lokum-Yim Note: The circle is one of the secrets the dwarves discovered from the Old One. It came to one of the Mind Mages in a dream before he went insane and was slain.

try into their own lair. All wards are at third level strength. M-71: The Six Circles. These are six circles of protection the evil minions plan to use if attacked in mass. Usually a man of magic or a

bowman will stand in the circles to wage a counterattack in the protective area of a particular circle. On the north side of the hall are: protection from magic, angels, and good. On the other side (south) are protection from deevils, demons, and undead. All are open and active. No guards are present.

M-77: The pit of the Old One! Deep within its fiery bed of lava is the Old One who calls himself Syth. Fifteen permanent, power leech circles rim the great circular pit. It is these circles that help to drain its mystic energies and any foolish sorcerers who may consider using magic to free it. The circles themselves are inscribed with unknown runes which somehow link them in a way different than the Sum-

M-72: This 20 by 20 foot (6x6 m) room is the abode of the witch (see The Minions of Syth, the Old One at the end of this section). Among her possessions are 740 in gold coins, a potion of truth, a potion of shrinking and a human-sized short sword that glows faintly with magic. This is a simple holy sword that she confiscated from one of her recent victims. It has the abilities to expel demons and deevils and inflicts 1D6+6 damage. Other items are merely furnishings, fabric, and articles of clothing, none of which are particularly valuable. There is a 01-50% chance of the witch being present. 01-70% chance of her familiar being present. M-73: This large area is accessible only from secret doors in the west and north walls. Inside, the giant wax figure of the Old One nears completion. 4D4 fanatical followers of the Old One (half are Minotaurs) are present at any time. The wax figure can be destroyed by fire or hacked into pieces (the wax is relatively soft and easy to chop up). It has a total of 100 S.D.C.; of course one must first deal with the monster's worshipers who will all fight to the death to protect the giant wax sculpture or seek revenge against those who have damaged or destroyed it. Most are first and second level vagabonds, thieves and mercenary warriors. In addition to working on the sculpture, the east end also serves as their dwelling, with over two dozen cots and beds made from rags. Miscellaneous items include a handful of knives and short swords and 48 gold coins (most of these villains carry what few valuables they have on their person). M-74: This is a large empty area with several faded, illegible circles drawn upon the floor. Note: M-75 through M-77 are locked behind a long length of wall built by the dwarves. There are four iron double doors, all are locked (the witch has the keys), and each has an S.D.C. of 200. M-75: This large circular pit is alive with molten lava. Falling into the lava will do 3D6xlO per melee round. M-76: The Circle of Soul Transference. A power circle previously unknown to mortals. This circle enables the Summoner to transfer his life essence into any object or another living creature! This is not possession, but an actual transference/switch of the two minds and life essences. If the transfer is into another person or animal, that person or creature must be at the top of the circle. The life essence of that person will be sucked into the body of the circle maker and the circle maker transferred into the new body. If the circle maker's body is destroyed after the transference, he is locked into the new body. Of course, he can transfer into a different body at a later date via the same circle.

moner's power matrix and has made them indestructible, so that even if painted over they would still function. The magic drain is specifically

directed into the lava pit, effectively creating a magic dead zone that the Old One cannot reach out beyond, except through psionics and one

fragmented, possessing fragment of its life essence to bond with the witch. This has helped to prevent the Old One from using its magic powers, and more importantly, from drawing on the ley line energy that permeates these mountains and much of the complex. Many other complex and unknown magicks hold the creature in the lava pit.

The South-end of the complex: M-78 through M-84 M-78: This is another part of the Old One complex modified by the dwarves for their own experimentation. What significance the strange configuration of the wall may have held for the Old Ones remains a mystery. Currently the area is under guard by the minions of evil for it

is here that the Hall of Angels can be found. Although many of the witch's henchmen can be found here, they have grown lazy and careless with their post. So rarely has anyone ever gotten this deep into their lair that they spend most of their time gambling, drinking and sleeping instead of guarding. Consequently, any guards encountered in M-78, M-79 or M-80 will be caught by surprise ... player characters automatically get initiative and first strike. A quick,

devastating assault will prevent them from alerting the others. 1D4+2 guards patrol this area at all times. Half will be lower caste pseudo-demons, one is a Minotaur and the rest ores. All are 2 and 3rd level mercenaries.

M-79: At the edge of a semi-circular wall is another strange circle. This is a rarely seen power circle that many scholars claim has never existed, the Circle of Youth. However, any Monk Scholar, Diabolist or

Summoner in the group will recognize it, but only the Summoner can figure out how to use it. This will require at least six hours of study,

thought and an attempt at invoking the circle on his own — the character must roll under his decipher circles skill to figure it out and on the incorrect circle invocation table if he tries to activate it; see the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 135 and 136. Figuring out how to create and use the Circle of Youth is worth a fortune. The rich and vain seeking to recapture their youthful splendor would pay incredible


amounts of money. The circle knowledge itself could bring several hundred thousands of gold if the person was foolish enough to sell the knowledge. Unfortunately, an unproven circle (a buyer would demand a demonstration) is not worth more than a hundred gold if anything at all.

When Lokum's name is said, the entire room is suddenly transformed into an endless sky, bright and beautiful. The person(s) in the room hovers in the air, watching large, rolling white clouds. After a few moments he/they will realize that the clouds are legions of cherubs clad in flowing white gowns coming toward them. Before another word can be spoken, the character(s) will be scooped up and placed gently outside the golden doors. The boom of thunder echoes all around, shaking the very earth, then ... there is silence. A single cherub will appear before the gold doors, saying: "I am the new gate keeper and watcher over he who sleeps. This is an evil place, not fit for man nor beast. You must leave." This is the player character's chance to tell the angel that the Old One is awake (or at least half awake) and trying to escape. The angel will smile, pause for a moment and, with a wave of his hand, a blur of white clouds rushes past our heroes and through the halls of this complex. The occasional scream can be heard in the distance as the angels dispatch all who once served the Old One on this level. The angel, still smiling, says to them, "The Old One sleeps again. There is nothing to fear. You have done a great service this day, though the world will never know of it. Do not tell any about Syth and go in peace." If any character needs medical assistance the angels will heal them, although they can't do anything about the contagion. Without another word, the area is filled with a blinding radiance and the angel is gone from sight. All minions of the Old One are gone. The doors connecting to the Old One's lair are locked solid and should they be forced, they open to reveal a solid wall of stone (actually stone fills the room, burying the Old One). A moment later, Pyt, the basilisk comes shuffling over, smiling and saying that he thought he recognized their scent. He commends them for stopping the evil and praises them as heroes. He will decline any offer to go with them, saying that he's going to live here and keep the Gate Keeper company. He can also tell them about the teleportation circle in area M-84 and the correct words to activate it. The only valuables that remain are a smattering of weapons, bedrolls, and 50 gold. None are special. M-84: This is a giant, permanent teleport circle that is directly linked to the circle outside (number 32). It can be activated via the speaking of the proper power words, instantly transporting the characters to the circle on the surface. The circle cannot be used to teleport anywhere else. If the group finds this circle earlier, they can teleport out to the surface (provided they know the proper power words; any Summoner or Monk Scholar will). They should also realize that they can return via the same circle. G.M. Note: This is an extremely hostile and deadly environment, full of evil and the unknown. The adventure is not meant to be easy. The scenario is best suited for experienced players with at least four to six mid-level characters (we had nine in the play-test at levels 3-6). However, any group, large or small, should manage if they are clever and careful. Be certain the players get a fair shot at succeeding in this adventure. You may want to adjust villains, clues and information to fit your campaign and players. It may be a good idea to start off with the earlier adventures to build them up, preparing them for what's to come.

The Circle of Youth (Circle of Legend) Range: Radius of the circle. Duration: Permanent effects. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. This incredible circle will rejuvenate anyone within its mystic radius, reducing age by half and regressing any disease or physical deterioration by half. The person retains all of his/her knowledge, abilities and experience; only the physical body is changed. Theoretically, the circle should be able to turn a person into a child or an infant if used repeatedly, but it can't revert any creature beyond the pre-teens years (age 13 for humans). Components: The circle must be drawn in the powder of crushed emeralds. The symbols are created in white paint. The symbols are rain, full moon, unbridled power and directed power. Power Words: Xy-Yin-Agu-Yin-Acbs-Yin-Lokum. Note: A new circle must be made for each invocation; the same circle cannot be reactivated after its initial use, and only one person can be affected at a time. The circle found at M-79 has already been activated and used.

M-80: This area is divided from the other half by a wall that is opened at both ends. Beyond it are three double doors. The east door is at the end of a corridor; the other two are flush with each other and made of iron. Grol-tee the guardian will always be found either in the open area (01-64% chance) before the doors or in M-82 with a handful of the other cultists who worship the Old One. See his description among the Old One's Minions at the end of this adventure. If encountered in M-80, Grol-tee (a Minotaur) will always be in a position to observe the corridor that leads to the golden door (M-83). He is a mighty warrior and overconfident (although not without reason), thus he is likely to take on any two, possibly three, warriors if no men of magic accompany them. He distrusts men of magic and will sound an alarm on his trumpet if he sees one or if the group is too large for him to handle. M-81: This long chamber/corridor was used by the dwarves for experiments with magic circles. Faded, illegible circles can still be seen on the floors along with occasional blood stains. Currently this is the kitchen and dining area for the minions of the Old One. 1D6 of its henchmen will always be found here. M-82: The Hall of Angels! This area is guarded by Mitchell Kindel, a 3rd level diabolist (described among the minions), a 4th level human assassin, a 6th level ogre assassin, a 4th level mercenary pseudo-demon with the powers to turn invisible at will and fly, and a 7th level Minotaur soldier. These brigands, along with Grol-tee, guard the Hall of Angels and will capture or kill any intruders. Captives are taken to the witch for interrogation. Note: If the witch has not been encountered yet, she will also be present. This should be the big climactic battle. Items found in the room include 12 bedrolls, several pair of dice, playing cards, eight short spears, six pints of wine, a gallon of rum and miscellaneous personal articles. M-83: The Hall of Angels. The double doors appear to be gold or gold plated, surprisingly no one has molested them. The doors cannot be locked and open to reveal a ridiculously small area a mere five feet (1.5 m) deep. Upon the wall is what, at first, appears to be giant silver runes, but they suddenly change into a language the characters) can read. If the person can't read he/she will somehow know what the inscription says; "Call my name and you shall be heard." The name is that of the legendary angel Lokum, who symbolizes transition, dimensions and change. This will be obvious to any Monk Scholar, Diabolist or Summoner; its not so obvious to anybody else, even priests. Pyt, the basilisk also knows that Lokum is the word to speak, but is likely to have forgotten to mention it.

Minions of Syth, the Old One The Witch (Quick Stats) True Name: Sharr Cruant O.C.C.: 2nd level witch/Minotaur Disciple of the Old Ones. She is bound to Syth for her power and is willing to sacrifice her life so that he may live! Alignment: Diabolic Attributes of Note: I.Q. 9, P.S. 21, P.P. 15, P.E. 24, Spd 11, all others average.


Scale in Feet

The South End of the Complex


Hit Points: 46 (+20 from familiar); S.D.C.: 140 Armor: None, natural A.R. 12. Attacks Per Melee: Two hand to hand or by magic. Bonuses of Note: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +6 to damage, +7 to save vs horror factor, +1 to save vs all magic, +4 to save vs illusionary magic, and impervious to possession. Weapons: A dagger (1D6 damage); relies on her powers. Possessions (on person): 50 gold and an emerald ring (worth 1200 gold). Skills of Note: Prowl 53%, use & recognize poison 60%, speaks southern and gobblely 98%. Magic: She took the gift of union which means she knows all the spells known to the Old One — levels 1-15 at 10th level power and proficiency! P.P.E.: 108 Special Witchcraft Abilities: Supernatural Healing (self) bio-regenerates 4D6 hit points at will as often as once per melee round! PsiSword: Does 3D6 damage. Natural Abilities (Minotaur): Superior physical strength and endurance, nightvision 60 ft (18.3 m; can see in total darkness), good overall vision and hearing, superior sense of smell, recognize scent 22%, track by blood scent 54%, and fire and cold resistant (does half damage). Personality: Wickedly cruel, mean and cunning. Sharr is a fanatical worshiper of the Old One and looks forward to the day that she will die so it may live and bring forth a new age of evil. She will gladly die to protect the evil creature in the pit. All but Grol-tee fear her. Familiar: Deevilkin in the form of a large grey cat. Hit Points: 39, S.D.C.: 18; diabolic, +2 on all saving throws, knows all fire elemental spells from levels 1-3. 120 P.P.E. See Deevilkin in the Palladium RPG, Second Edition, page 327.

Weapons: A giant-sized two-handed axe (3D6 damage) and giant broadsword (3D4+2 damage). Possessions: 77 in gold coin and a medallion of protection (+1 vs. magic). Personality: A tough, cocky, egotistical brute who loves to fight. He is a tricky, cruel monster who hits hard, low, and without mercy.

Mitchell Kindel (Quick Stats) True Name: Keith Kinboi O.C.C.: 3rd level Diabolist Alignment: Miscreant Attributes of Note: I.Q. 12, all others average. Hit Points: 22; S.D.C.: 3 Armor: Studded leather, A.R. 12, S.D.C. 38. Attacks Per Melee: Two; hand to hand basic. Bonuses of Note: +2 save vs wards, +1 save vs. circles. Weapons: A dagger and short sword, 1-6 damage each. Possessions: 120 gold, and a variety of tools, writing equipment, wax, silver leaf, and diary (nothing of value but good reading). Personality: A prissy, well dressed little man who craves power. He is quite paranoid, and fears everyone.

Syth, The Old One Syth is a lesser Old One, an ancient alien intelligence who, may not be as powerful as the famous Old Ones whose names have become

words power, but is still and incredible force equal of the most powerful gods. Despite its claims of being awake and ready to assume its place in the world as master of all life, the magic slumber and other means of magic imprisonment are still in force and limits its current level of power to about one, one hundredth its normal level. Syth cannot break the bonds that hold him without help. Furthermore, it cannot think clearly and constantly fights to stay awake, knowing that if it gives in to the beckoning sleep, it will fall back into the enchanted slumber for millennium, perhaps all eternity. If it gets loose, it will change the face of the planet. Alignment: Diabolic evil Note: No other specific information is pertinent.

Grol-tee the Protector (Quick Stats) O.C.C.: 5th level Mercenary Fighter Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: I.Q. 7, P.S. 29, P.P. 19, P.E. 20, Spd. 14; all others average. Hit Points: 76; S.D.C.: 56 Natural A.R.: 12; Horror Factor: 14 Armor: A patchwork plate and chain, A.R. 14, S.D.C. 50. Attacks Per Melee: Four (hand to hand expert) Bonuses: +14 to damage, +5 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, +3 to save vs magic and poison (+1 from medallion), +3 to save vs horror factor.


Old Kingdom Old Kingdom Seldom Travelled Trails -


Old Kinadoin

Map of the Timiro Kingdom

... Trails Roads


latitude to customize and develop as is best for the campaign. Through it all, the underlaying subplot involving the Dreaded Old Ones, dark magic, and history. During the original play-test and development stage, the material in this book provided adventure that ran for almost a year, and we only used about half of it! So let that imagination cut loose and have fun.

End Notes for Old Ones By now you've at least skimmed through The Second Edition of Old Ones. You'll note that the Second Edition keeps all the basic information and material of the original book, with old material cleaned-up, system adjustments smoothly integrated, new artwork, and new material added to it. All this makes the Second Edition more exciting, easy to use and compatible with the Second Edition Palladium Fantasy RPG® and the entire Palladium Megaverse®. Game Masters and players should try to take advantage of the vast amount of material presented in this giant adventure book. In addition to the half dozen adventures (the last couple of which can be epic if played right), Old Ones presents the entire Timiro Kingdom with over 50 cities, towns and forts. Each and every one is a potential place for adventure. Characters can find clues, get in trouble with the law, stumble onto the plot of a religious cult or the thieves guild, or get embroiled in political intrigue, a merchant's feud, and so on. Any one of these places could become their temporary (or permanent) home base where the characters are likely to make friends and become attached to the place and many of the residents (as well as earn rivals and make enemies). All of these things are potential elements for adventures and sub-plots, take advantage of them. The communities have been deliberately left vague; enough to give the G.M. and players something to work with, but at the same time leaving a lot of

— Kevin Siembieda —1996

Coming in 1996 Adventures on the High Seas, 2nd Edition will offer a slue of new character sheets, magic items, the necromancer and a handful of other odds and ends, in addition to all the original O.C.C.s and places that has kept this book a fan favorite. $19.95 — over 224 pages. Monsters & Animals, 2nd Edition will include the complete stats for giants, faerie folk and over 100 different monsters and 200 animals. A must have supplement that not only provides dozens of villains and optional racial character classes (R.C.C.s), but little bits of world information, history and adventure ideas. $19.95 — over 224 pages. Dragons & Gods is a new title that will include some old material with tons of new. More details and information about dragons, old and new gods, demon and deevil lords, vampires, elementals, alien intelligences, cults, churches and more. The final page count and price are not yet determined. Fall release. You may want to send 50 cents for postage and handling to get Palladium's complete 32 page catalog of over 100 different products. Send to: Palladium Books, Dept. P, 12455 Universal Drive, Taylor,MI48180.


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