Combat Mechanics - Lilith's Throne (2024)

Combat is nigh-impossible to avoid in the world of Lilith's throne. Be it due to criminal lurking in the alleyway, an obstacle get in your way of finishing a quest, or because of the fate of entire world in your hand; unless you want to submitted to everyone in your way, you should learn how to defend yourself at the very least. This page will grants you all the basic information on how to do so.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Stats
    • 2.1 Core Attributes
      • 2.1.1 Physique
      • 2.1.2 Arcane
      • 2.1.3 Corruption
      • 2.1.4 Health
      • 2.1.5 Aura
      • 2.1.6 Lust
    • 2.2 Combat Attributes
      • 2.2.1 Critical power
      • 2.2.2 Spell efficiency
      • 2.2.3 Spell damage
      • 2.2.4 Technique damages
      • 2.2.5 Elemental damage and Shielding
      • 2.2.6 Racial damage attribute
  • 3 Level, Experience, and Progression
    • 3.1 Leveling
  • 4 Status Effects
  • 5 Combat Moves
    • 5.1 AP Cost
    • 5.2 Cooldown
    • 5.3 Critical Requirement
    • 5.4 Type
      • 5.4.1 Basic Moves
      • 5.4.2 Special Moves
      • 5.4.3 Spells
  • 6 Ally Commanding


In Lilith's Throne, combat is non-lethal and turn-based, meaning time will effectively freeze as you, the player, consider what actions the player character should perform.

This is the 'planning' phase of the battle. If one decides they want to reconsider their plan, they can press the 'Reset' button to un-select their actions.

There are various factors parameter that can influent the outcome of the battle.


There are various stats that constitute a character. For combat, the group of stats we care the most are call the "Core Attributes" and "Combat Attributes". Although, other stats MAY affect the battle in some scenario.

Core Attributes

Core attributes are stats that you may need to pay attention the most as they reflect the overall state of your characters.


A measure of how physically healthy you are, physique passively increases your maximum health among other stats.

It's one of the major 3 parameters of your character, which will grant you unique buff depending on how much of it your character have ranging from tier 1 to 6. And have a hard cap of 100.

Frail0 - 10-15% Physical damage

-15 Physical Shielding

Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of Physique

You are incredibly weak.

You struggle to do much damage with your wimpy little arms,

and your fragile body is particularly vulnerable to physical attack.

Average10 - 30Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of PhysiqueYou have an average level of physical fitness for your body size.
Fit30 - 50+5% Physical damage

+10% Critical power

Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of Physique

You are stronger and fitter than your body size would suggest,

and you are able to inflict more physical damage as a result.

Powerful50 - 70+10% Physical damage

+20% Critical power

Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of Physique

You are considerably stronger and fitter than your body size would suggest,

and you are able to inflict a significant amount of physical damage as a result.

Mighty70 - 90+15% Physical damage

+30% Critical power

Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of Physique

You have an exceptional level of fitness,

and there are few who could ever hope to rival your raw physical power.

Herculean90 - 100+20% Physical damage

+50% Critical power

Base unarmed damage equals to 20% of Physique

Your body is the stuff of legend; mere mortals look upon you in fear and awe!


A measure of your affinity with the arcane, This passively increases your maximum aura among other stats.

It's one of the major 3 parameters of your character, which will grant you unique buff depending on how much of it your character have ranging from tier 1 to 6. And have a hard cap of 100.

Arcane impotence0 - 10-75% Spell damage

-75% Spell efficiency

Surrender in combat at maximum lust

Maximum aura limited to 5

Vulnerable to arcane storms

You are unable to harness the arcane in any significant manner.

This is a typical level of the arcane affinity in all the common races of this world.

Arcane potential10 - 30+10% Spell damage

+10% Spell efficiency

Immune to arcane storms

You have an exceptional natural ability to harness the arcane, and as a result,

you're far more powerful than the vast majority of Dominion's population.

Arcane proficiency30 - 50+10% Spell damage

+10% Spell efficiency

Immune to arcane storms

You are proficient at harnessing the arcane, and your spell are not only easier to cast,

but also do more damage.

Arcane prowess50 - 70+15% Spell damage

+15% Spell efficiency

+5% Fire damage

+5% Cold damage

+5% Poison damage

Immune to arcane storms

You are highly proficient with the arcane.

Your spells are easier to cast and do more damage,

and you also have a very small amount of elemental damage affinity.

Arcane mastery70 - 90+20% Spell damage

+20% Spell efficiency

+10% Fire damage

+10% Cold damage

+10% Poison damage

Immune to arcane storms

You are extremely proficient with the arcane.

Your spells are easier to cast and do more damage,

and you also have a considerable amount of elemental damage affinity.

Arcane brillance90 - 100+25% Spell damage

+25% Spell efficiency

+15% Fire damage

+15% Cold damage

+15% Poison damage

Immune to arcane storms

Your ability to harness the arcane is rivalled only by Lilith herself.

Casting spells comes naturally to you as does breathing.


Corruption is a measure of your perversion and depravity, and affects which sex actions you are comfortable performing.

It's one of the major 3 parameters of your character, which will modify your lust related stats according to which tier you are in on the scale of 1 to 6. And have a hard cap of 100.

Pure0 - 10+25 Lust ShieldingYou are completely uncorrupted, and aside from performing the most conservation of sexual acts with the person you love,

you're really not interested in sex at all.

Vanilla10 - 30+15 Lust Shielding

+5% Lust damage

You're open to the idea of having casual sex, but are still unwilling to perform any extreme sexual acts.
Horny30 - 50+5 Lust Shielding

+15% Lust damage

Sexual acts that may have once made you feel uncomfortable are now the focus of your fantasies,

and you can't wait to try them out with a willing partner...

Dirty50 - 70-5 Lust Shielding

+30% Lust damage

+25% Fertility

+25% Virility

Given power by the fantasies that constantly run through your mind, the arcane is starting to have a physical effect on your body,

and you feel as though it's going to be far easier to impregnate your sexual partners from now on...

Lustful70 - 90-15 Lust Shielding

+40% Lust damage

+50% Fertility

+50% Virility

Given a huge amount of power by the lewd fantasies that constantly run through your mind,

the arcane is starting to have a physical effect on your body,

and you feel as though it's going to be far easier to impregnate your sexual partners from now on...

Corrupt90 - 100-25 Lust Shielding

+50% Lust damage

+75% Fertility

+75% Virility

Demonic mindset

You are completely and utterly corrupted, and desperately wish that you were a demon.

The lewd thoughts and fantasies that continuously run through your mind have unlocked the full power of the arcane,making your body hyper-fertile and virile.


The amount of stamina and determination you have. You will be defeated in combat if this reaches 0.

Extra health is added to the 'bonus' value from: 10 + (5 × Level) + (2 × Physique) + Bonus Energy

This stats have a hard cap of 1000.

Do be mindful of how much health you have before venturing into anywhere dangerous.

Though, if you and enemy health 0 at the same time, the will count as victory for you.


A measure of the amount of arcane energy you have in your aura.

Extra aura is added to the 'bonus' value from: 5 + (2 × Level) + (5 × Arcane) + Bonus Aura

This stats have a hard cap of 1000 and is a resource usually used for casting spell.

For the most part, you'll only be concern about this stats if are reply on spell damage built, using teleporting spell, or wanting to summon an elemental.


How desperate for sexual contract you are. Your lust will move towards your resting lust value over time.

Resting rest = ( Corruption / 2) + Bonus

This stats have a hard cap of 100 and will be increase when a character taken any lust damage, be it from teasing or arcane magic.

For character which have less than 10 arcane, they will instantly be defeated upon hitting max lust.

Otherwise, they will gain a debuff call "Desperate for sex" which will convert any lust damage taken into twice a health damage and also reduce their aura by the same amount instead.

Note that the converted damage from lust damage cannot be mitigate by any shielding

Combat Attributes

Combat attributes are, as the name implied, stats that are entirely combat-related and have little to no effect on any other part of the game.

Critical power

Critical power determine how much damage critical damage do more than normal attack power.

Normally, without any modification, critical attack deal 150% more damage than normal attack.

This stats have a hard cap of 500%.

Spell efficiency

Reduce the amount of aura require to cast spell by percentage.

This stats have a hard cap of 80%.

Spell damage

A multiplier for any combat move damage that have its origin in magic.

This stats have a hard cap of 100%.

Technique damages

Technique damages encompassing 3 stats that would boost your damage depending on what weapon you use:

⠀⠀⠀⠀Unarmed damage

⠀⠀⠀⠀Unarmed damage boost your combat moves' damage that are your normal attack if you don't have any weapon equips,

⠀⠀⠀⠀using specific weapon like knuckle dusters or demonstone, or special move that make use of your own body part.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Melee weapon damage

⠀⠀⠀⠀Melee damage boost your combat moves' damage that are your normal attack if it involve using any melee weapon such as sword or club.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Range weapon damage

⠀⠀⠀⠀Range damage boost your combat moves' damage that are your normal attack if it involve using any long-range weapon such as bow or gun.

All technique damages have a hard cap of 100%

Note: Technique damages is a fan-made term.

Elemental damage and Shielding

There are different damage element in Lilith's throne. There are elemental damage and shielding stats for each elements.

Elemental damage will amplify the damage of combat moves with the corresponding element while Elemental Shielding reduce the damage taken with that element by flat amount.

Here's the list of all elements in the game:

  • Physical - The most common damage element in the game. It's also act as a stand in for "earth" element for magic.
  • Fire - No need for explanation.
  • Cold - Highly associated with water be it in liquid or solid form.
  • Poison - Highly associated with wind magic but some wind spell deal physical damage instead. Otherwise, there are plenty of animal known to use poison or venom.
  • Lust - Teasing is a valid combat technique in this world. But also associated with electricity.

Additionally, there's also Health shielding stats but no Health damage stats.

Health shielding will reduce ANY damage taken by flat amount no matter the element, unless stated overwise such as damage from "Desperate for sex" debuff.

All elemental damage cap at 100%

Shielding, meanwhile, cap at 500. However, when a character have 500 shielding, they will became immune to that element of damage entirely.

Racial damage attribute

Lastly, while not technically counted as a combat attributes, there are multitude of Racial damage stats which will amplify any damage done to a specific race of character.

Usually, you will gain a perk from reading a book on the race which grants you 10% damage buff to the corresponding race.

Some race may have innate racial damage buff to other race, such as dog race having bonus cat damage.

There is also a certain perk which will grant you massive racial damage stats to a certain race after you recreate a certain videogame reference...but we will not spoil you of that.

Level, Experience, and Progression

Now that you know all the common relevant stats for combats, you may asked "How to have more of it?".

There are several ways to improve your character stats and customize it to your liking.


The simplest and the most common way to get stronger in any videogame.

When you defeated enemies in battle, completing a quest, or some other mean, you will gain experience or "xp" for short. And when you accrue enough xp, you will level up.

  • Defeating enemy in combat grant you xp equal to the enemy level × 2.
  • The amount of xp you gain from completing a quest depends on its difficulty.
  • There are also a perk and a fetish that can grant you xp.

The amount of xp you need to level up is your level × 10.

Upon leveling up, you will gain 1 perk point and 1 enchantment capacity. At every 5 level, however, you will gain 3 perk points and 5 enchantment capacity instead.

Perks & Traits

Perks and Traits are passive benefits you can acquire the while you are playing the game. It can be anything from simple stats upgrade to a major change in how you do combat.

All player start of with "Abnormal Aura" trait and one occupational trait chosen at the start of the run.

The main way to gain them is via Perk tree where you can exchange the perk points from leveling for a set path of perk you can choose

But there are also many "secret" perk you may gain from complete a quest as a reward or when you do it in a certain way.

Equipment & Enchantment

The other major way to customize and improve your character stats is via equipment and enchantment.

Weapon is an obvious way to make your characters hit harder but it's your choice if you want to beat everyone with a feather duster.

Your attire, meanwhile, are usually just for cosmetics but there are some clothing that will increase your natural physical shielding which will not eat up your enchantment capacity.

If you wear a certain combination of equipment, you will also gain a set bonus which will bump up your stats even more.

In the end, it's a trade off. Whether you want your character to look absolutely dapper or slap every pieces of armors on to your character is entirely you choice.

But something that does not have any tradeoff is Enchantments.

Unlocked after your character discover the existent of Arcane Essences from beating someone in combat or sex, every piece of equipment can be enchanted with Arcane Essences to modify just about any stats of the wearer. There is a limit to this however. With every stats increase by the enchantment, the more the fill up the enchantment capacity. You should not wear too many enchanted gears to the point that it exceed the enchantment capacity as the more your exceed it, the nastier the debuff you will receive to the point that it make the game unplayable.

Status Effects

There are various buff and debuff in game that can affect the combat mostly by modifying the owner's stats. You can see more details of it on the status effect page.

But we will highly 3 common status effect that you will likely encounter: Potion Effects, Darkness, and Arcane storm.

Potion Effects is a common status effect that you will gain whenever you consume any consumable which affect your stats, enchanted or not. All stats gain by this buff are cap at 25, however, if you have selected the occupation of character as Chef, the cap are raise to 50 instead.

Darkness is a debuff every party will receive if the combat took place in a dark place such as the unlit underground tunnels of Submission or in the dead of night. It will reduce the affected technique damages and spell damage by 25%. You can negate this debuff in various way, such as a mastery over fire magic, equipping flashlight, or having eyes of nocturnal creature.

Arcane storm is a debuff from the weather with the same name. Every citizen in the city of dominion will get afflicted by it if they are unlucky enough to not having any shelter when it occur, sending them into a lustful state. It is far less disruptive elsewhere but it's likely that anyone you come across would still be a little hornier than usual. Gameplay wise, this debuff reduce Lust Shielding by 5, Enhanced Libido, Double all Essence gains from combat & sex.

Combat Moves

Combat moves are action a character can taken during combat. It is the main method for character to inflict damage to their enemies, heal themselves, gain or inflict status effect, etc.

While you can use any combat move you have, the move that are not chosen as a "core move" will suffer 1 addition AP cost and cooldown. You can think of core moves as combat move which your character prefer to use and you can have up to 8 core moves.

There are several components that constitute a move:

AP Cost

Every turn, each combatant have 3 AP (Action point) to spend. Every move came with AP cost of at least 1, meaning you can use at most 3 combat moves per turn.


Some combat moves, especially the powerful one, came with a cooldown. Move with cooldown cannot be use again for a number of turn equal to how much cooldown it have.

Critical Requirement

Unlike many other RPG game, critical hit are not determine by some random chance. Rather, each move have their own unique condition that we reward you a critical hit when you fulfill it.

The damage the move made will also be increase by the critical power stats and depending on that move, may inflict additional effects.


Combat moves can be separate into 3 type:

Basic Moves

Basic move are moves which is available to everyone. These include:

  • Strike: Attack target with your main hand, the name can be overwrite to other word depending on you equip with your main hand.
  • Off-hand Strike: Attack target with your off-hand, the name can be overwrite to other word depending on you equip with your off-hand.
  • All-out Strike: Attack with every weapon or hands you have.
  • Tease: Basic attack that deal lust damage.
  • Arcane Strike: Deal little lust damage to enemy but recover some of your aura.
  • Block: Gain some Health shielding.
  • Resist: Gain some Lust shielding.
  • Submit: Give up, make you lose the combat instantly.
  • Escape: Try to run away. You have 30% success chance to do so but there are perk and racial bonus that can change that.

Special Moves

Special moves are combat move that you gain from unconventional source, such as Perk, Fetish, Equipment, Body part, etc.


Spells are combat moves that you can learn reading spell books. Unlike other kind of move, you can further upgrade these combat moves via the spell menu in your phone. So now, the spell upgrade point can be gain by using scroll of the respective element which can be brought from your local arcane arts shop.

Ally Commanding

While companion system may have been abandon in version 0.3.9 due to multitude of reasons, summoning elemental to aid you in combat are still very much supported.

The commands tab exist to help player manipulate what moves your allies may use, in most case, this mean your summoned elemental.

To use it, you need to click on your summoned elemental first, then select the main target you want your ally to target. Then you have several buttons to tinker with, all of it does not end the turn and reroll what moves the chosen ally may use.

  • Balanced: Choose moves that AI deem to be the most appropriated.
  • Attack: Prioritize main weapons attack and offensive spells.
  • Defend: Prioritize using move that would prevent incoming damage.
  • Seduce: Prioritize seducing enemy instead of damaging or defensive move.
  • Spells: Prioritize using all the spells they got.
  • Support: Prioritize combat move that would support their allies.
  • Cycle target: Make ally change target.
  • Clear target: Make ally choose to attack whoever they like to.
Combat Mechanics - Lilith's Throne (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.